Ask for permission or permission. Permission. Scientific and cultural purposes

Sometimes when shooting street photography (street photography), we are faced with an almost Shakespearean dilemma: ask someone to take a photo or just take the photo and move on? We risk being rejected and receiving many small humiliations from small-minded people, or we may prefer the safety and anonymity of “snapping and running.”

Unfortunately, there is no one right answer, for street photography or otherwise. As a photographer, you just have to learn to analyze the situation and use the best solution.

Let's look at the world from the surreal side. Our modern world is filled with video cameras and people with cameras. Walk down any street in a big city and you'll see dozens of surveillance cameras towering over you, some owned by private companies and some by the government. But these cameras quietly disappeared from view behind waterproof cases. After a while, people even forget about them.

When these cameras capture a person with a large camera, it sometimes causes an overreaction from the quirky people in front of the monitors and from the bored security guards. Almost every street photographer has at least one story about being confronted by angry security guards or police officers.

Your best defense in such a situation will be a smile, a calm demeanor, and a firm understanding that you know your rights. This is wise to keep in mind because history is full of sad stories where some people have died. You need to be armed with good inner guidance about when to stand your ground and when to just walk away.

When it comes to photographing people in public places, sometimes it's best to take a quick shot and move on. The less time you spend taking a photo, the less suspicious you will appear and the less irritated you will see in people's eyes. If you find a topic that really intrigues you, then just go up and ask the person for permission to take a photo. You'll be surprised how many times people will say yes, or agree to the photo, but with some minor restrictions. If you asked 10 random people on the street, probably 80 percent would not mind taking a photo, and the remaining 20 percent would politely refuse to cooperate.

Abandoning a person is certainly not a personal belief. Some people are in a hurry or are simply late, and some were startled by such a question. The world is full of scammers and suspicions, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. However, despite all this, you will be amazed at how some people will say yes.

Don't be afraid to ask, as this gives you the opportunity to interact with complete strangers. You'll be able to make new friends, expand your social network, and meet people, even if it's just for a while. For many, those positive interactions are worth more than a few missed frames from people who said no, thank you.

We live in a primitive economy that does not require high quality human capital. This contradiction already existed in the USSR, where universities graduated a large number of highly educated people. But only a small part of them was involved in scientific developments and involved in the emergence of some breakthrough technologies.

And in post-Soviet Russia this situation has become completely outrageous. And not only that, there are a lot of smart people with a good education who have nowhere to go. Other newly minted economists, financiers, and lawyers simply cannot be hired. Because, in addition to “educational overproduction,” we are often faced with low-quality production. It is enough to mention the astronomical number of diplomas issued after correspondence courses.

It is not surprising that many people wonder: is higher education really that good?

But, firstly, we must remember that over the past 150 years, Russia has regularly supplied the world with high-quality human capital, educated here. And perhaps we should not limit ourselves solely to the needs of our country and our economy.

And secondly, universities, generally speaking, produce three products: human capital; a set of professions that a nation, a country and, as it turns out, the whole world live by; finally - behavioral values.

The main product of higher education over the past quarter century has been the middle class. After all, belonging to it is largely a matter of self-identification. People who consider themselves to be middle class know that fitness is useful, but they should not drink methylated spirits. They know what deposits and savings instruments are in general, and sometimes they can even be responsible for their finances. They have a fundamentally different attitude to the quality of life, and thus they radically change the nature of demand in the country.

Paradox! The massive spread of universities produced a negative result in terms of economic supply and a positive result in terms of social supply. But ultimately, through demand, it also affects the economy.

By the way, in this regard we are very similar to South Korea. There, too, there is clearly no need for as many specialists as are currently being produced. But they remade the consciousness of the nation, which until recently was mostly peasant.

However, Koreans know what they want to achieve from education. We don’t have such an understanding. Let's take the story of global university rankings. It seems like a good idea to demonstrate our global competitiveness in this area.

For example, the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University shares national leadership with the Higher School of Economics in the basic positions of the QS 2016 world ranking. At the same time, HSE, for example, is ahead in terms of the number of publications, and we are ahead in terms of graduates and academic reputation. And this does not prevent the ministry from reducing the number of budget places for us.

They say that you are economists, and therefore you can easily replace a state employee with a contract employee. But this logic is deeply flawed, because then we will not be able to produce a good world-class specialist.

Russia is a country with Latin American social gaps. And the budget space allows us to overcome them, at least in education. It leaves a chance for a gifted young man from the outback and from a low-income family, having gained the necessary points on the Unified State Exam, to come to us and become a star. One that will be in demand not only here, but also at Princeton or Stanford, as often happened with graduates of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.

The ministry operates on the principle of “every sister’s earrings” - so that governors don’t get too offended and don’t think that only their universities are being closed, merged or deprived of state funding.

Although even at the quota level it is clear how different federal and regional approaches to the value of education are. When we tried to bring the enrollment for certain specialties in line with requests from the localities, it turned out that we had to graduate only 200 “budget” philosophers. Because no region says it needs philosophers.

In the same way, no department of economics - and not just the regional one - will ever pay for the training of young people to become structural linguists. They are not mentioned in the layouts of demand from the personnel departments of enterprises and firms. But structural linguists from Moscow State University became the pride of many new companies created in the 90s.

The ability to teach a wide variety of professions, regardless of their apparent applied value, is perhaps the best indicator of a country’s positioning in the global education market, its competitive feature. And in order to preserve it and at the same time satisfy the current needs of employers, it is enough to introduce a ranking of diplomas and universities. When it will be seen that this person has received a world-class education. This one is national. And this one learned a little and expanded his horizons.

If such a difference is clearly formalized and made visible, there will be no need to close universities en masse. It is enough to abolish the correspondence form of education as trading for little money in diplomas that are not formally different from ordinary ones - with a colossal actual difference. And from 2017 this will most likely be done.

Distance courses from leading universities should take their place, and although it is very difficult to do them, it must be done. Otherwise, we will again build a closed elitist system, deliberately depriving children from poor families living on the periphery of the opportunity to improve their educational level.

Of course, some problems related to the accessibility and effectiveness of education are solved with the help of the Unified State Exam. And some, on the contrary, are being created. I never thought there would be two types of applicants. Some people know what Newton's binomial is, but they don't know who Sir Isaac Newton is. And others know who Newton is, but do not know what a binomial is. Because in high school, every student now decides this way: “I’m taking this Unified State Exam, other subjects aside.” And as a result, he loses orientation in space. He masters formulas, but does not feel that he is running headlong into the wall with them, or he sees this world, but does not know how to express it, how to arrange it.

The breadth of horizons is lost. And, as a result, we get people who are not able and not ready to apply the acquired knowledge to their own business, and not to someone else’s. At best, they will choose between a large and a medium-sized company, between the employer that pays more and the one that gives more freedom. Who will become an entrepreneur? Not the ones that sell at the metro, but the ones that actually create an innovative economy?

Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin told me a wonderful phrase 7-8 years ago: “Sasha, you can do a lot in Russia if you don’t ask permission.”

This is, perhaps, the main applied task of the national education system - to “produce” smart and knowledgeable people who will not ask permission.



noun, With., used compare often

Morphology: (no) what? permissions, what? permission, (see) what? permission, how? permission, about what? about permission; pl. What? permissions, (no) what? permits, what? permits, (see) what? permissions, how? permits, about what? about permits

1. Permission is called someone's consent, permission to do something.

Prior permission. | Obtain parental permission for marriage. | Ask permission to call. | To do something without permission or with someone else's permission.

2. Permission is an official document that gives someone the right to do something.

Grant permission to sell something. | Written permission. | Temporary, permanent permit. | Permission to enter the country. | Work permit.

3. If someone prefaces their actions with the phrase With your permission, then this means that this person is politely warning someone of his intention to do something.

4. Permission is called the found answer to something, the final favorable solution to a problem, etc.

Resolution of contradictions, dilemmas. | Find a solution to all doubts. | Wait for your fate to be resolved. | The issue requires immediate resolution.

5. Permission is called a peaceful, successful ending to any complex matter or conflict.

Dispute resolution before trial. | Direct efforts to resolve the conflict.

6. In optics, in information technology resolution is the ability of a technical device to distinguish, capture, reproduce any image.

Change monitor resolution. | The photo lens has high resolution.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what “resolution” is in other dictionaries:

    Permission: Permission to do something is the antonym of the word “prohibition.” Permission to do something requested, including a document confirming it; Work permit; Temporary residence permit; Settlement permit; Resolution... Wikipedia

    PERMISSION, permissions, cf. 1. units only Action under Ch. allow allow. Resolve a difficult technical issue. Resolution of all doubts. Conflict resolution. Contact someone to resolve the issue. Permission… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See agreement... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. permission permission, admission, sanction; solution; authorization, power of attorney, license, approval; clarity,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    permission- The spatial frequency of the location of the dot elements of the image of a discrete structure, embedded in the subsystems of digital printing equipment, which is usually determined: a) FOR THE PRINTING MECHANISM (mechanical resolution) b) FOR THE SOFTWARE... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    The smallest change in an analog signal that is detected by a device performing analog-to-discrete conversion. See also: Analog discrete conversions Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

    permission- (Resolution) The most important characteristic of any discrete output device (monitor, printer, phototypesetting machine, etc.) is the size of the raster element [a two-dimensional array of pixels]. Usually expressed in dots per inch and... ... Font terminology

    permission- PERMISSION, permission, book. sanction, obsolete permission, obsolete permission, colloquial, joking. blessing, colloquial reduction permission ALLOW/ALLOW, give/give, allow/permit, book., nonsense. and owls authorize, obsolete... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    PERMISSION, I, Wed. 1. see allow, xia. 2. The right to do anything, as well as a document certifying such a right. Get r. to work in archives. Ask for permission (to be allowed). R. for shooting wild boars. 3. Degree of distinctiveness... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    An act of consent issued in written or oral form by the subject of management, a state licensing authority that has the appropriate right. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    PERMISSION- a document granting the right to commit a crime. actions, for example, to drive a vehicle through the territory of a foreign state. R. can be one-time, multiple, special, multilateral... Legal encyclopedia

    Permission- * advanced * resolution degree of determination (description) of molecular details on the physical map of DNA, which is ranked from low to high... Genetics. Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Resolving problems of national relations in line with the Concept of Public Security, Internal Predictor of the USSR. Resolving problems of national relations in line with the Concept of Public Security. On the elimination of the system of exploitation of “man by man” in a multinational society. Neither...

The basic principle of using works protected by copyright is that it should only be done with the permission of the owner of the exclusive rights. This principle is enshrined in Article 1229 of the Civil Code, common to all “intellectual property”.

However, in the field of copyright there are a number of situations when the permission of the copyright holder may still not be asked. Today we will talk about just such situations, which are called “free use”. Unlike “collective management”, which we discussed in one of the previous columns, “free use” is not accompanied by any payments.

Personal needs

The first large type of “free use” is use for personal purposes, the right to which is enshrined in Article 1273 of the Civil Code:

Article 1273. Free reproduction of a work for personal purposes

1) reproduction of works of architecture in the form of buildings and similar structures;
2) reproduction of databases or significant parts thereof;
3) reproduction of computer programs, except for the cases provided for in Article 1280 of this Code;
4) reproduction (clause 2 of Article 1275 ()) of books (in full) and musical texts;
5) video recording of an audiovisual work during its public performance in a place open to the public, or in a place where a significant number of people outside the usual family circle are present;
6) playing an audiovisual work using professional equipment not intended for home use.

Let me remind you that by “reproduction” the law () does not mean listening or viewing a work, but creating a copy of it. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that “by default” it is permitted to copy almost all types of works for personal use, with the exception of computer programs and databases. According to the authors of the old law “On Copyright...”, permission to copy them would lead to unjustified damage to copyright holders: it can be done too easily.

Time passed, and with the spread of digital technology and the Internet, it became just as easy to copy all other “intellectual property,” but the old restrictions migrated from the law to the Civil Code. However, at the same time, Article 1245 of the Civil Code provides for a mechanism for compensating lost profits by copyright holders:

Article 1245. Remuneration for the free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual works for personal purposes

1. Authors, performers, producers of phonograms and audiovisual works have the right to remuneration for the free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual works exclusively for personal purposes. Such remuneration is of a compensatory nature and is paid to copyright holders from funds that are payable by manufacturers and importers of equipment and material media used for such reproduction.

In fact, we all pay for personal reproduction (or, as it is also called, “home copying”) when we buy a “blank” or other recording medium: royalties to copyright holders are already included in the price of this medium.

As for other restrictions established in Article 1273 (), we can dwell in more detail on the “reproduction” of books and music, which most often means photocopying or scanning followed by printing. If books are prohibited from being reproduced in full, then sheet music texts are prohibited from being reproduced in any volume. This is also a “relic”, preserved in legislation “from old times”; one of its tasks is to protect the interests of sheet music publishers, who, in fact, were the first “fighters against piracy”.

It is also important to remember that the definition of “reproduction” from Article 1275 of the Civil Code includes only the production of a “paper copy”; electronic documents are not included in it:

Reproduction (reprographic reproduction) means facsimile reproduction of a work using any technical means, carried out not for the purpose of publication. Reproduction does not include reproducing a work or storing copies of it in electronic (including digital), optical or other machine-readable form, except in cases of creating temporary copies using technical means intended for reproduction.

That is, even if you scan the entire book for yourself, you will not violate copyright until you print it out, also in its entirety. Even a printout of recognized text is not a reproduction, since the reproduction must be “facsimile,” that is, photographically replicating the original work.

One of the innovations in the provisions of the law on “home copying” is paragraphs. 5 paragraph 1 of Article 1273, which prohibits video recording of an “audiovisual work during its public performance” for personal purposes. We are talking here about the production of so-called “screen copies” of films, or “screens”. Most often they are intended for “piracy” distribution, however, the law prohibits making them for yourself.

Scientific and cultural purposes

The next one is entitled “Free use of the work for informational, scientific, educational or cultural purposes.” It describes situations where works can be used not only for oneself, but also when creating other works, compilations, and in other ways.

At the beginning of the list of permissions we are talking about quoting:

1) citation in the original and in translation for scientific, polemical, critical or informational purposes of lawfully published works to the extent justified by the purpose of citation, including the reproduction of excerpts from newspaper and magazine articles in the form of press reviews;

It would seem that everything should be clear, but, nevertheless, several common misconceptions are associated with quoting.

The first is regarding its volume: there is an opinion that one can quote “only up to thirty percent of a work” (“only N percent”, “up to one third”, etc.). This is incorrect: the law speaks of “the volume justified by the purpose,” for small works this can be the entire text, the law does not completely prohibit quotation. The opinion about a strictly established volume of citations originates from foreign law enforcement practice, as well as the Civil Code of 1964, in which this volume was limited to one author's page. There are no such restrictions in modern legislation.

The second is the opinion that quotation is the inclusion of an excerpt from someone else’s work into one’s own, and the quoted passage should not occupy a significant part of the entire text. The law does not require this either; on the contrary: “press reviews” are allowed, which may consist of excerpts from other materials, mostly or even entirely.

And finally, there is a widespread belief that only texts can be quoted. This is also not true: the law does not establish any restrictions on the type of work cited, that is, it can be an image or a video fragment. Quoting exclusively textual information is another archaism that arose in the “pre-computer” period, when it was simply impossible to quote anything else.

The next basis for “free use” is the so-called “educational purposes”:

“2) the use of lawfully published works and excerpts from them as illustrations in publications, radio and television broadcasts, sound and video recordings of an educational nature to the extent justified by the stated purpose;”

This passage refers to textbooks and other educational materials. It should be noted that collections of excerpts from various works (readers) do not fall under this permission: the concept of “illustration” assumes that this is an excerpt from a work that serves as an example to support any provisions. The illustration must be included in another work, so the law does not allow compiling a collection of “illustrations”.

The following two subparagraphs of the article are related to the work of the media:

3) reproduction in the press, broadcast or cable communication of articles lawfully published in newspapers or magazines on current economic, political, social and religious issues or broadcast works of the same nature in cases where such reproduction or communication was not specifically prohibited by the author or other copyright holder;
4) reproduction in the press, broadcast or cable broadcast of publicly delivered political speeches, addresses, reports and other similar works to the extent justified by the information purpose. At the same time, the authors of such works retain the right to publish them in collections;

Subparagraphs 3 and 4 allow the media to reprint other people's articles and speeches related to politics. True, the publication in which such articles are published may prohibit their reprinting or require prior permission. As for political materials, they can be used in much the same way as quotes: to the extent “justified by the stated purpose.”

The fifth subparagraph is formulated rather poorly, so you will have to decipher what it means:

5) reproduction or communication to the public in reviews of current events by means of photography, cinematography, by broadcasting or by cable of works that become seen or heard during such events, to the extent justified by the informational purpose;

It allows you to include in photographic or video materials images of those works that were captured during photography or video filming. There is no need to obtain the consent of the copyright holder or pay him. True, this only applies to “reviews of current events”; to be shown, for example, in a film, you will have to ask permission (or negotiate “product placement”).

The sixth subparagraph allows the republishing of works in so-called “Braille”, intended for reading by the blind. No profit should be made in this case.

The second paragraph of the article allows libraries to provide copies of a work for temporary use, and this should be done free of charge. Libraries are also prohibited from handing out copies of works in digital form: readers can work with them only on the library premises and only if it is not possible to copy them.

The third paragraph of the article is an innovation; it was not previously included in the legislation. It allows the use of works to create parodies or caricatures without the consent of the copyright holder, and this applies not only to processing, but also to the use of the work itself.

The next article 1275 talks about the reproduction of a work, the definition of which we have already discussed:

1. It is allowed to reproduce (subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 1273) in a single copy without making a profit without the consent of the author or other copyright holder and without payment of remuneration, but with the obligatory indication of the name of the author whose work is used and the source of borrowing:

1) a legally published work - by libraries and archives for the restoration, replacement of lost or damaged copies of the work and for providing copies of the work to other libraries that have lost them for any reason from their collections;

2) individual articles and small-volume works lawfully published in collections, newspapers and other periodicals, short excerpts from lawfully published written works (with or without illustrations) - by libraries and archives at the request of citizens for use for educational or scientific purposes, as well as educational institutions for classroom training.

Unfortunately, many libraries interpret this prohibition broadly and prohibit readers from making copies of books in the reading rooms using cameras they bring with them. A variety of justifications are come up for this, up to the point that “the flash will disturb those around you.” True, if the illumination is sufficient for reading, then in most cases you can take pictures without a flash, but for some reason the prohibitors do not take this into account. References are also often made to “the fourth part of the Civil Code, which prohibited copying,” and, of course, the interpretation of this fourth part has little in common with reality.

The main purpose of such prohibitions is to force the reader to use the library copier, which, of course, is not free. From the point of view of the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” such actions are a typical “imposed service.” The visitor may well make a copy for himself, as mentioned above, such a right is granted to him by Article 1273 of the Civil Code.

It is called “Free use of a work permanently located in a place open to the public”:

It is permitted, without the consent of the author or other copyright holder and without payment of remuneration, to reproduce, broadcast or broadcast a photographic work, a work of architecture or a work of fine art that is permanently located in a place open to the public, except for cases where the image of the work in this way is the main object of this reproduction, broadcast or cable communication, or when the image of the work is used for commercial purposes.

It is very similar to subparagraph 5 of the first paragraph of Article 1273, which allows the display of works accidentally included in the frame in photographs and videos. Only in this article we are talking about works of architecture or fine art, that is, we are talking about buildings that are accessible to anyone, and paintings, as well as other works of art that are located in places with free access. Likewise, the image of the work should not dominate the frame, but may be shown “in the background.” Similar norms of foreign legislation are called “freedom of panorama”.

Allows the free performance of musical works during various ceremonies. Official and religious ceremonies, as well as funerals, are exempt from fees. As a rule, discrepancies arise when determining which ceremony can be classified as “official”: the law does not contain an exhaustive list of them. As a rule, these include ceremonies organized by government authorities and associated with any public holidays. The wedding ceremony can also be classified as “official”.

Article 1278 contains an exemption from payments for the creation of copies of works in proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, as well as during preliminary investigation, inquiry and legal proceedings. At the same time, the usual limitation in such cases on the scope of use is established: it must be “justified by this purpose.”

Allows broadcasting organizations to record those works for which they have the right to transmit. This record is temporary and must be destroyed within six months from the date of production.

Programs and databases

And finally, the last article describing “free use” is 1280. It talks about computer programs and databases:

1. A person who lawfully owns a copy of a computer program or a copy of a database (user) has the right, without the permission of the author or other copyright holder and without paying additional remuneration:

1) make changes to a computer program or database solely for the purpose of their functioning on the user’s technical means and carry out actions necessary for the operation of such a program or database in accordance with their purpose, including recording and storage in the computer memory (one computer) or one network user), as well as correct obvious errors, unless otherwise provided by the agreement with the copyright holder;

This paragraph deals with the so-called “adaptation” of a computer program, which is allowed to be carried out for its correct operation. An agreement with the copyright holder may prohibit the correction of errors, however, all other actions can be performed without hindrance, since they are actually related to the use of the program for its intended purpose.

In addition, the owner of the copy has the right to make a so-called “archival copy”:

2) make a copy of a computer program or database, provided that this copy is intended only for archival purposes or to replace a legally acquired copy in cases where such a copy is lost, destroyed or becomes unusable. In this case, a copy of a computer program or database cannot be used for purposes other than those specified in subclause 1 of this clause, and must be destroyed if ownership of a copy of such a program or database is no longer legal.

As we can see, the archived copy serves as a replacement for the original purchased copy of the program; it must be used for the same purposes as the original, and if the user has lost the right to use the program, this copy must be destroyed. Of course, if the program is transferred to another user, an archived copy can be transferred along with it.

Another group of powers of the program owner is the right to study its operation, as well as decompile if necessary:

2. A person who lawfully owns a copy of a computer program has the right, without the consent of the copyright holder and without paying additional remuneration, to study, research or test the functioning of such a program in order to determine the ideas and principles underlying any element of the computer program, by carrying out the actions provided for in subparagraph 1 paragraph 1 of this article.

3. A person who legally owns a copy of a computer program has the right, without the consent of the copyright holder and without paying additional remuneration, to reproduce and convert the object code into source text (decompile the computer program) or instruct other persons to carry out these actions if they are necessary to achieve interoperability a computer program independently developed by this person with other programs that can interact with the decompiled program, subject to the following conditions:

1) the information necessary to achieve the ability to interact was not previously available to this person from other sources;

2) these actions are carried out in relation to only those parts of the decompiled computer program that are necessary to achieve interoperability;

3) information obtained as a result of decompiling can only be used to achieve the ability to interact with an independently developed computer program with other programs, and cannot be transferred to other persons, except in cases where this is necessary to achieve the ability to interact with an independently developed computer program with other programs, and also cannot be used to develop a computer program that is substantially similar in appearance to the decompiled computer program, or to carry out other actions that violate the exclusive right to a computer program.

The right to study the functioning of a program is an innovation of the Civil Code; previously it was not separately allocated in domestic legislation, unlike the right to disassemble. However, in fact it was recognized before this. The right to disassemble existed before, however, due to the complexity of modern programs, few people used it.

Section 1280 also prohibits causing “unjustifiable harm” to the use of a computer program as a result of the application of the remaining provisions of the section. In fact, this is a ban on the abuse of "free use". It is similar to the general prohibition contained in Article 1229 of the Civil Code (clause 5, paragraph 2).

Thus, the law provides for a fairly large number of situations when copyrighted works can be used completely free of charge and without the permission of the copyright holder. Of course, the so-called “personal non-property rights” of the author must be respected, which include the right to a name, protection of the work from distortion, and others. These rights are protected indefinitely.