Spoilage on white bread that feels spoiled. The magic of bread - signs and superstitions. Candles and matches against the evil eye

Hello. They brought bread to my parents (4 moldy rolls) and left it at the gate in the yard. After this, my father fell ill. Can you tell us who did this and how to protect ourselves in the future?

Tatyana, hello. This kind of lining carries more of a psychological load. That is, you saw, fear, doubt, uncertainty crept into you. And you subconsciously begin to expect something negative, thereby attracting this negativity. In order to neutralize the pads, change your attitude towards them. You can say a simple amulet phrase: “From whom it came, to whom it will return.”

Who this lining is from should not matter to you, the main thing is your reaction to this situation. You either accept the message or you mirror it. If you can’t get rid of the thought that someone tried to spoil you and your family, go ahead and sleep peacefully. You can read how this is done -.

Try to treat this lining as a sign. Bread is, on the one hand, an important resource for humans, food. On the other hand, it is a product of hard work. The number “four” in your situation may indicate a person’s creative expression.

So it turns out – obtaining important resources through creativity. So evaluate yourself: how brightly do you allow your own soul to manifest itself in creativity? Are you realizing your own creative potential? After all, the bread is moldy! Maybe it's time to shake off the mold from some moments in life that you still haven't realized?

But signs are signs. Most likely, the father’s illness has nothing to do with the planted bread. The cause of each individual disease of each individual person must be analyzed separately. Diseases are given to us to understand our essence - in order to understand where we were wrong, what mistakes we made in life, how we can change our lives in the future.

The physical body suffers when a person strays from his Path. Therefore, you should not connect moldy bread and your father’s illness together. Better pay him more attention. Talk, find out what worries him, what hurts - not only on the physical level, but also in the soul. He really needs your support and participation.

As protection, you can make a talisman. Read about its production. But this will be work at the investigative level. To remove the cause, and so that such situations are not attracted into your life, you need to understand where you are wrong, and most importantly, what needs to be done so that no one else would think of putting moldy bread or something else on you. Health to you and your family!

Show me a person who could resist the golden, crispy crust of bread! Even the most exquisite salad or royal soup loses its shine and fullness of taste without a piece of freshly baked bread in addition.
Bread is one of the most important human foods, and at the same time it is widely used in medicine and magic.

*The bottom crust of rye bread is wrapped in a damp cloth and heated slightly. The joints are lubricated with vegetable oil, a heated crust is applied and tied with damp linen cloth. The pain quickly disappears. If you use it regularly, you can cleanse the joints of accumulated toxins .

*Mix bread crumb with linden honey in a 2:1 ratio. Steam your feet and apply the prepared mixture to the callus, securing it with a bandage or plaster. After two to three days, remove the crumb and remove the raised callus. If necessary, repeat the course. Usually even from old calluses I manage to get rid of it in three to five courses.

*The combination of bread and salt is a comprehensive symbol : bread expresses the wish for prosperity and wealth, and salt protects against hostile forces and influences. At the beginning and at the end of lunch, it was advised to eat a piece of bread with salt for happiness. Treating the guest with bread and salt established friendship and trust between him and the host.

*Fresh bread potions are used in white magic to reconcile quarreling spouses or lovers . It is believed that if you mix bread crumbs with menstrual blood and feed it to a lustful husband, he will never leave for another woman.
A week before the wedding, the girl is advised to feed the groom a charmed crust of bread every day, and then he will be a reliable support for his young wife.

*A piece of bread with salt cajole the brownie, bannik, goblin and water .

*If an inexperienced magician is going to communicate with otherworldly forces , he just needs to stock up on a warm crust of bread, which will help him smooth out the rough edges in dealing with the undead.
You need to feed the black bread potion to a person who wishes you harm.
When you meet a ghoul, you need to throw him a crust of stale bread, and he will get rid of you.

*If a young man bakes cakes himself, adding a few drops of his blood to the dough, and treats the girl he likes with these cakes for seven days during the waxing moon, then she will very soon fall madly in love with him.

* Place a church candle on the edge of the bread, light it and, floating it down the river, make a wish. If the bread floats away safely from the burning candle, it means that the wish will soon come true. If the candle flame goes out, then the wish will be fulfilled with great difficulty; if the bread from the candles drowns, then the wish will not only not be fulfilled, but will also entail disaster.

*Newlyweds, biting off one loaf on his wedding day, determine who will become the head of the family .

*And, of course, bread dipped in wine is still the most holy christian communion , protecting a person from adversity and sorrow.

*Method of working with bread . For example, when a child is sick, or stutters, or suffers from enuresis, you need to take rye bread, undress the child, and put him in a bowl. Recite “Our Father” 9 times on a 3-liter jar of warm water and wash the child from head to toe with this water, thus removing negative information. After that, put the bread in a bowl with the same water, where it lies for 2 hours, absorbing the water. Crumble the soggy bread and give it to the birds. This is a very effective and affordable technique.

*Spikelets of bread, blessed for the Feast of the Savior and placed in the room, are very good draws away negative energy spikelet needles are like astral needles. Mint, wormwood, cornflowers, and poppy also work well.

*Grandma Tekla’s technique, which bread balls completely cleansed the skin and removed skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, blemishes . Roll the bread ball clockwise around the stain or problem area, then soak the ball in sour cream and give it to the dog to eat.

*Method of treating lymph nodes and benign tumors with bread . You need to make 9 bread balls and, while reading “Our Father,” light a candle. Roll clockwise around the lymph nodes, set aside, and repeat 9 times in one place. Then either bury all the balls or feed them to the dog. Dogs get rid of negative energy by barking.

*A woman should not test bread for doneness with a knife or fork, or pass a slice of bread to someone with their help. She must use a small skewer or a match, otherwise she will not be a “happy maiden or wife.”

*It’s bad to accidentally put bread on the table “upside down”, but intentionally it’s even worse. This will make the breadwinner of the family sick. It is equally bad practice to cut both ends of the loaf or grab it while someone else is cutting.

*Bread baked on Good Friday or Christmas was widely considered to have magical and healing powers.. If such bread is stored for a year, it will protect the house from fire, and its inhabitants from troubles and accidents.
Bread baked on Good Friday and Christmas is a good remedy for dysentery, diarrhea and similar ailments. Like cross buns, which were used for the same purpose, this bread was allowed to dry and harden, and when the need came, it was ground into powder and given to the patient with hot water.

*In healing they used not only bread blessed on the day on which it was baked, but also the most ordinary bread. The patient needs to take a piece of white bread, mark it with a cross and read the “Our Father” prayer over it. Then he placed it on the ulcer or on the sore tooth with the side on which the cross was marked.

*BREAD IS A Cure for Whooping Cough
In 1877, a cure for whooping cough was recorded: a slice of bread was wrapped in cloth and buried in the ground for three days. Then they dug it up and gave it to the patient to eat. The earthy taste that bread acquired during this time was considered healing. This type of healing is also mentioned there. A whole loaf of bread was wrapped in cloth and placed in a large hole for one day, then the bread was taken out and given not to the patient, but to members of his family, so that they would not become infected from him.
In the west of England, whooping cough was cured by bread begged from a posthumous (born after the death of the father) child or from a woman whose married name was the same as her maiden name, but only if the bread was taken and eaten without thanking the donor.

*Signs with bread
It is bad luck to take the last sandwich from the dish, unless you are offered one. If an unmarried woman does this, she will never marry for the rest of her life. On the other hand, the last piece offered and accepted brings good luck in love or money.

In many English families, it is customary to prepare so-called “moan bread” for the time of childbirth. This bread was distributed a piece to each person in the house at the moment of new life. This brought good luck to the newborn, as well as to all participants in the meal. “Moan bread” was cut in different ways. If a doctor was present at the birth, this was sometimes entrusted to him, but more often the ritual was performed by the child’s father. He had to be very careful not to cut his finger, otherwise the child would not live another year.
What was not eaten during childbirth was saved and given to guests who came to the house between birth and baptism. One portion was kept separately and then given to the first person of the opposite sex with the baby, met on the way to church for baptism or back. It is not good to refuse the offered slice - then the child will be deprived of personal attraction, or he will be in trouble.

came to us from our great-grandparents, but is still popular and actively used in wedding ceremonies.
The parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt in the house where the wedding is taking place. A loaf of black bread is placed on a beautiful, long towel (nowadays not only black bread is used, the variety of pastries is impressive in beauty). There should be a recess in the middle into which a well-secured salt shaker is placed. The welcoming speech is given by the mother-in-law or mother-in-law:
- “Congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you happiness, health, and a long married life. Taste the bread and salt, and we’ll see who will be the master of the house.”
After these welcoming words, the newlyweds bite or pinch off the bread, dip it in salt and eat it.
It is believed that whoever bites off the largest piece will be the master of the house. After which the young couple is congratulated again and kissed.
The Bread - Salt ritual at a wedding is a symbol of true and sincere harmony and expresses a sign that the husband and wife will from now on be like grains of the same bread.
According to legend, after this ceremony, the “bitten” loaf must be put aside. And they return the bread back to the newlyweds after the wedding celebration. Only newlyweds can eat the loaf, and, as some sources say, the loaf cannot be divided between guests!!! The only people they can break bread with are their parents. It is advisable to eat it at the table, but not necessary. This sign is the embodiment of unity in the family, prosperity in their new family life.
The salt that was on the loaf is poured from a salt shaker into a small rag bag and placed behind the icon with which the parents greeted the newlyweds. A towel-towel is hung on the icon, the same one on which the wedding loaf lay. This means a kind of symbol and amulet for the family.

The bread must be heavily salted, so that there is more salt than the bread itself, so that it is impossible to eat. At the same time they say:
“I salt your life (name)!”
This salted bread is placed on the debtor’s doorstep at sunset and they say:
“As this bread is salty, so will all the food (name of the debtor). You won’t drink water, you won’t forget about your debts, return everything that you took from me. Until then, you won’t sleep at night, and you won’t spend the day during the day , so it will happen according to my word. Exactly!"

Take a small edge of black bread, put a leaf with a talisman there and cover it with bread crumb so that the leaf is not visible. Then dry the bread and store it so that no one will find it.
“Bread and wine, and the Lord who gives life! With this bread I seal my dwelling, with this bread I barricade, with bread I sanctify, with bread I protect. The bread of the Lord is the Body, just as Satan will not approach the Lord Jesus Christ, but will perish, so the enemy will not approach my house, "The thief will perish, the adversary will be crushed, the hater will hang himself, the envious person will go blind, and every evil thought will dissipate before this bread, like dust before the wind. The bread dries up, and my enemy will die. Amen. Amen. Amen." Next you need to speak on the edge of the bread and put it behind the icons.
“I have protected my handwritten amulet, my words are cut down forever. Stay at home, do not approach the enemy. Amen.”
The amulet should be faked once a year. Soak old bread and feed it to the birds.

You will need a piece of round black bread. We write on a small piece of paper
protective words and read them like a spell 9 times. Then we fold the leaf and put it in a piece of bread. The leaf must be properly covered with bread crumb so that it is not visible. Dry the bread and hide it somewhere in the area of ​​the hallway and front door.
"I seal the house with bread,
I protect and block with bread,
I protect my home with bread.
The enemy will not attack through the grain barrier,
the thief will die, the adversary will be swept away,
the hater will hang himself, the envious person will go blind and
every evil thought will be dispelled before the bread,
like dust before the wind.
The bread dries, and my enemy dies."

It doesn't last long - for a week, then it needs to be redone. The conditions are the same. Carry in your purse.
"I spell bread for 7 days,
I talk the slave (...) out of trouble:
from road, from empty,
from windy and shaking,
from church and gnawing,
from land and bed.
from the grave death.
I'll roll it away and bury it,
I'll protect myself with edged armor."

*I draw your attention to the fact that all bread spells are read in a whisper, leaning very close to the bread to touch it with your breath.

This simple but powerful spell for bread is done only for homemade bread, i.e. homemade bread. They slander specifically the seeds that are added to bread before baking. And everyone who eats three pieces of the spoken bread will not know the need.
Take a handful of regular sunflower seeds and peel them. Place in a small bag, add a pinch of salt and shake well. After this, pour the seeds onto a white saucer without golden patterns, take a pinch of salt in your left hand and say a spell on the seeds, which are then placed in the bread:
Behind seven castles, behind seven courtyards,
Bitter grief sits behind seven seals,
Grief is flammable, shedding tears,
In mortal sadness he yearns,
Yes, he wrings his hands,
Yes, it pulls out hair,
Yes, he stabs himself with a knife.
The snake guards the mountain fuel
Yes, it doesn’t let you out,
How will that snake fall asleep?
The grief is flammable,
Opens seven locks with seven keys,
Breaks seven seals
Let it pass through the seven courtyards.
The grief and fuel comes out to the people
Look for a victim and a friend,
So that she bursts into tears
Yes, she poked at herself with a knife.
You can’t count the salt (you need to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder),
And we don’t know grief,
Do not sleep to guard the snake of grief,
And we should mark the sun.
Sunshine, rise from behind the sea,
Fill the house with gold!
Key. Lock. Language.
You need to cast the spell on the seeds for three days in a row, and do not sweep the salt from the floor; you can sweep it only after the spell has been made for the last time. Each time, the seeds should be left in the saucer, covered with a scarf on top. Households should be warned not to touch these seeds. On the fourth day, you should add the seeds to the dough from which you bake bread (it is important that they do not harden in a heap, but are distributed throughout the bread, and there are seeds in every piece, because they are what give the bread special power and help people). Keep in mind that if you simply eat even the entire handful of charmed seeds, there will be no benefit. They only work in bread.

Surely you know housewives whose baked goods are always so fluffy and tasty that you could eat them without stopping. She will give you a recipe at your request, and you seem to do everything exactly the same way, but the bread turns out completely different. And the secret is that the hostess just knows the words to baked goods, and that’s why her baked goods come out delicious. Today I will teach you these words. Previously, they were passed from mother to daughter, kept secret from strangers, so that only the daughter would have delicious and fluffy bread. So that she, my dear, would be famous for being a wonderful housewife and needlewoman. And I sincerely want everything to turn out beautifully and tasty for everyone.
They say it twice. Once when the dough is kneaded, another time when the bread is placed in the oven.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
May my cooking be holy, winged.
Holy Mother of God,
Bake the Lord's gift.
Take care of God. Amen.
Or like this:
God grant me sporins.
Tall bread and yata.
Don’t hesitate, don’t be a lesson, God’s bread. Amen.

*BEFORE MOVING (in an old apartment) knead the dough from four glasses of wheat flour, two eggs, two tablespoons of sugar, butter and salt. Take this dough to your new apartment. Take with you an icon, salt, rye bread and a cat. Already in a new place (still in an empty house or apartment), bake bread from the dough and note whether the bread cracks or is smooth. If the bread cracks, it means that life in the new place will not work out. To chastise yourself from misfortune, light three candles and say:
"In the name of the Father, everything will be fine.
In the name of the Son, everything will be fine.
In the name of the Spirit, everything will be fine."
Leave the freshly baked bread and rye bread you brought with you in an empty house or apartment. Pour a glass of wine and leave it next to the bread. When leaving, say: -
"Help yourself, the spirit of the house, and we will come tomorrow."



If a woman eats bread in a dream, it means that grief awaits her.

To dream that you are sharing bread with others speaks of your solid security for life.

Seeing a lot of dried bread promises need and suffering. Troubles will befall the one who has this dream. If the bread is good and you want to take it, then this is a favorable dream.

In a dream, eating rye bread is a dream that promises you a friendly and hospitable home.

If you hold a crust of bread in your hand in a dream, the dream warns you of your inability to cope with the impending disaster due to your neglect of responsibilities.


Eating bread in a dream means you are hungry for normal, healthy human relationships, while Fate with enviable regularity feeds you delicacies in the form of stormy, but short and non-binding meetings and fleeting hobbies. All this, of course, adds to the emotions, but sometimes you want something painfully simple, like, for example, riding public transport or... a relationship with a single, but loving partner.

Cutting a loaf of bread into pieces - when making love, you are afraid to spend too much effort, but you cannot treat sex this way - this “economy” makes it flawed and joyless. Try at least once to fully satisfy your sexual needs - both yours and your partner's - and you will see that what you receive will not be enough!

The stale bread you saw in a dream symbolizes some very old connection, which, if it was once interesting, was a very long time ago. Isn't it better to refuse unnecessary cargo?

If you dreamed of fresh, even hot bread, it means that soon you will meet a person on your way who will literally “infect” you with his energy and easy attitude to life.


If a woman dreams that she is eating bread, such a dream warns her of the possible death of a loved one. If in a dream you share bread with others, it means that your prosperous love is not in danger. Stale bread is a harbinger of an unhappy marriage and suffering. Bread crusts are a warning that you risk losing the love of a worthy person.


-Throwing away bread is a big sin . He who throws away half-eaten pieces rather than feed them to the birds will become poor. - The belief is very ancient, and its meaning is clear: bread must be protected, it grew with the help of Dazhbog (the Sun), a lot of labor was spent on its cultivation and processing. Whoever is not thrifty with bread will be punished by the heavenly forces. This is also true in an everyday sense: whoever is not thrifty is doomed to be poor. As for birds, people have had a caring attitude towards them since ancient times, since birds symbolized the souls of the dead. It is better to give the bread to them and thereby perform a good deed than to throw away a piece without any meaning.

A large grain harvest means imminent famine. The belief is based on the observation of the cyclical nature of harvests and crop failures. Usually, due to the small plot of land, peasants sowed cereals in the same place, without being able to alternate crops. As a result, the land could not constantly bear fruit, it required “rest,” and a harvest year was often followed by a lean year. The belief encouraged economy and prudence.

He who eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of thunderstorms. Modern doctors also talk about the benefits of dried, “yesterday’s” (but not stale or moldy) bread. Maybe that’s why crackers have been so popular for centuries. But I think it’s better to agree with V.I. Let us say that the basis is the usual pedagogical “scam”: they say, eat, children, don’t be picky about what they give you. And since everyone wants to swim well, this skill also promises. The connection between swimming and thunderstorms is interesting here. The fact is that in the old days it was considered very useful to swim during a thunderstorm: people who lived in unity with nature could not help but notice the energy saturation of water during a thunderstorm. They went and communicate with the god of thunder and lightning - Perun.

At the beginning and at the end of lunch, eating a piece of bread with salt is good luck. Bread and salt is not only a symbol of hospitality, but also a magical amulet. It was believed that salt protects against evil spirits and is useful to eat along with another holy product - bread. The very origin of the word salt is connected with the Sun: the ancient Slavic name for the Sun is Solon (that, by the way, was the name of the Macedonian city - now the Greek port of Thessaloniki); “to walk with salt” (an ancient expression still in use in some places) means: “to walk along the Sun.” “Bread and salt!” - traditional wishes for goodness, prosperity, good appetite. And hospitality is close in meaning to hospitality. Finally, one more explanation for this sign: if you can eat bread and salt before lunch, it means you are hungry; and if you can do it after lunch, it means you didn’t overeat. A good omen.

After cutting off a slice, do not stick the knife into the loaf - this will lead to hunger. The sign reflects a special attitude towards bread, which we have already discussed more than once. Folk art researcher A.L. Toporkov notes and a number of other signs: “It was not allowed for one person to finish eating bread after another: you will take away his happiness and strength. You can’t eat behind another person’s back - you’ll also eat his power. Poverty awaits the one who gives bread from the table to the dogs during a meal,” etc. And a knife stuck into bread without use is blasphemy. Bread may be offended and deprive the house of its protection.

BREAD - in Rus' has always been considered a shrine, so a caring attitude towards it was brought up from childhood. If bread is cut unevenly, a person’s life will be just as uneven and difficult. When placing bread in the oven, you should raise the hem and say: “Rise higher,” so that the bread turns out good. After sunset you cannot start a new loaf - it means poverty. To avoid inviting disaster, never turn a loaf of bread upside down. To avoid hunger and crop failure and, as a result, poverty, eat bread with great care, so that not a single crumb or speck falls on the floor. If during the meal, without finishing your piece of bread, you start eating a new one, it means that one of your loved ones is suffering from poverty and hunger. During lunch, a piece of bread fell - the guest is in a hurry. If you left half-eaten pieces of your slice on the table after dinner, then you are leaving your happiness. To prevent bread from becoming moldy, you should not put a half-eaten piece on the table.

In general, in Rus' it is not customary to throw away bread - this is considered a great sin, and the punishment for sin can be hunger, poverty, and illness. However, sometimes it happens that bread becomes moldy, so what should you do in such a case to avoid sin? It turns out that a person who eats moldy bread will never drown, so don’t be afraid, eat any bread - and luck will always be on your side.

The occurrence of unexpected diseases and troubles is often associated with damage. How to identify it and get rid of black magic? We offer you several ways.

Salt against spoilage

It is known that salt can cause a lot of troubles and misfortunes. But it turns out to be very effective for cleansing damage and identifying it. To do this, a ritual is carried out by frying salt in a frying pan.

Also, with the help of salt you can get rid of the evil eye and even attract wealth. There are at least 5 ways to protect yourself with salt. You can familiarize yourself with them, since salt is a universal amulet. and working with it does not cause problems even for those who are not very strong in esotericism.

Rituals to identify and remove damage using bread.

In order to find out for sure whether you have been damaged, perform the following ritual. Hold a piece of black bread for some time (no more than three minutes) in the most energetically powerful areas of the body. First - near the crown, then move it to the forehead. After this, hold it near your throat. The next step is to carry out such a check in the area of ​​the heart, solar plexus, intestines and, finally, in the genital area.

Place the bread at the head of the bed. The next morning it will be clear whether you have been damaged: if the bread has become stale or spoiled, then you really have negative energy. Get rid of this piece of black bread and repeat this ritual for seven days.

Rolling out damage using an egg

You can also use an egg to cleanse spoilage. You will need someone close to you that you trust. Prepare one candle and a glass of water. Just don't overfill it. It is advisable that the person who helps you get rid of the damage wears some kind of amulet: otherwise black magic can transfer to him

Light the candle and give your assistant the egg. First, the egg must be rolled around the head of the person on whom the damage lies. This must be done more than once. Afterwards the egg can be rolled onto your back. Especially carefully roll in those areas of the body that often hurt. During this entire procedure, it is necessary to read the plot: “Turn away, black eye, don’t look at us! Come out, darkness and evil, fly beyond the porch, beyond the seas and fields, beyond the meadows and forests. Roll, roll, egg. A bird sits there, silent, and as soon as I break an egg, it flies out the window, takes away the evil damage and sends it back.”

After this ritual is over, be sure to say: "Let it be so". Next, carefully break the egg into the prepared glass of water. According to the rules, it is necessary that this is done by the person who was damaged. You can even check whether the damage remains and how strong it is. If the protein rises to the top in threads, then there is damage, and the thicker these threads, the heavier it is. Moreover, if they stretch all the way to the surface and as a result, bubbles form.

Removing damage using water and fire

This ritual must be performed in the evening, in peace and quiet. Take a bowl and matches. More than one package may be required for complete cleansing. Pour water into a bowl. Light matches and throw them into the water while they are burning. As you do this, repeat the following words: “Get off, trouble, like water off a duck's back. Where she came from is where she went. Leave me, I'm sending you away". Say it seven times. The number of matches is not important, but don’t skimp on them. Next, drink this water three times and wash your face with it three times, and drain the rest.

Prayers for corruption

Folk wisdom, of course, does not always have such incomprehensible powers as prayers. Therefore, to get rid of all kinds of troubles and troubles, as well as pain, believers turn to God and go to church. For some, this turns out to be even more effective than conspiracies, since the church recommends getting rid of damage through prayers.

If damage has been sent to you, don’t worry. There is always a way out. The more afraid you are, the tighter she clings to you. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.07.2016 04:12

The psychic spoke about the signs and superstitions associated with photographs. According to the clairvoyant, photographs are an indicator...

Powerful damage to a piece of bread can be done in any way. The energy of bread is strong, so even an evil wish can cause damage. If it was heard and accepted by those for whom it was intended, then black damage can easily stick, everything will go wrong for a person, fate will limp, life will change for the worse.

Severe damage to a person on bread from a cemetery

Having made black spoil the bread from the grave, you can destroy the enemy. Done on the waning moon. Taking the bread, they say the words of the conspiracy:

“As the living is fed with bread, so is the dead. Thirty-three ears of corn, one bread, and one grave for the enemy (name). Amen".

  • They leave three coins as a ransom.
  • The ritual is done on.
  • Draw a circle with a branch, a cross in the center of the circle, and place a piece of bread from the grave on it.
  • Go around three times clockwise, say the words of the conspiracy to damage a person three times:

“It was left for the dead, but a feast was thrown on the living into nine measures of burial ground. That earth is thrown away for (name), through bread I open the kingdom of the dead (name), I call (name) to the feast, where he can sit. There he will taste thirty-three bodily torments, thirty-three vain deaths, thirty-three fresh graves, thirty-three deep wounds. That (name) was done for destruction. Herod's curse, a strong word. Amen".

Having cast a spell of cemetery damage to bread, they spit on the charmed piece three times and read the words:

“You (name) may taste bodily torment, taste imminent death. Power to the dead, and to you (name) - bread from the graveyard. Amen".

They quickly leave the crossroads without looking back, taking bread with them, which they then place in the enemy’s house or under the threshold. This black damage to bread will have enormous power if the enemy eats even a piece.

How to remove and remove damage to bread

You can try to do this yourself, provided that powerful damage to bread was accurately diagnosed. The ceremony must be done at sunrise. Take a crust from a new loaf, cutting it off with a new knife. Speak to her three times like this: “What is not mine, then, holy bread, take it!” And what is destined for me, so is my gate. Let it be so! Amen".

After the charmed piece of bread, you should crumble it to the birds, go to the temple, light a candle for your health, for the health of the one who did the strongest damage to you on the bread, as well as for the repose of deceased relatives. Ritual of removing magic curses on a piece of bread begin in the first quarter of the new moon and repeat for three days in a row.

A list of some items (even food) that you found in your home that are not yours. And you are absolutely sure of this. You will find out what damage was sent to you. In any case, the found object or food product must be taken not with bare hands, but with gloves and burned with the words:

“Where you came from, go there!”

Apricot - to fire. Alabaster objects - love spells, drying spells. Alcoholic drinks lead to an unbearable life, death and torment. Aluminum (products made from this metal) - to tooth loss. Pineapple - to baldness. Orange - to illness. Watermelon - for difficult childbirth. Dried butterfly - to loneliness. Banana - to the loss of a man. Bank - to trouble. Bow - to difficulties in life. Lamb wool - to noise, swearing. Birch branches or leaves - to cancer. Pancakes mean failure. A dry bun goes to an empty table. Cut or shredded paper means failures and troubles. Paper money means poverty. Beads - to sadness. Bottles - to drunkenness. Felt boots - to leg disease. Vata - to infertility. Broom - for headaches. A wreath means death. Willow - to sadness, loss. The military's belongings are destined for prison. Grapes - to tears. Dried cherries - to eye diseases. Hair is a sign of divorce. A killed or dried crow means illness, sadness. Veil - to sadness. A crumpled newspaper means noise, swearing and scandals in the family. Nut - to your wife’s betrayal. A tie means separation. Rusty nails - to the husband's impotence. Clay - to the death of a loved one. Bird's nest - to the breakdown of the family. Beef - to a serious illness. Mustard - to bitter sadness. A broken stove pot means the loss of a family. Mushrooms - to diseases of the genitourinary system. Pears - to disability. Sponge - to renounce the family. Copper money means tears. Dried melon - to an unsuccessful pregnancy. A killed hedgehog means theft and losses. The Colorado potato beetle is associated with skin diseases. CASTLE - to prison. Earth from the cemetery means death. Animal teeth - to nervous diseases. A needle means a heart attack. A toy means material waste. Stone - to obstacles in your personal life. Potatoes - to poverty. A bird cage means betrayal. The key is to change the apartment. Skin - to burns. Ears of corn - to unfulfilled dreams. An envelope means trouble. Bones - to intrigue. Red ribbon - to loss of love. The cross means death. Groats - to quarrels. Bast shoes - to the collapse of family relationships. Ice - to coldness in relationships. Flatbread means a loss in everything. Bat (dead) - to death. Lemon - to melancholy. Onion - to tears. Frogs - for weight loss and dryness. Copper - to unrequited love. Chalk - to failures in business. Fur means noise. Flour means losses. Garbage leads to scandals. Dried flies mean death. Soap - to losses. Meat means illness. Thimble - to disappointed hopes. Nails - to loss, loss of a friend. Knife - to quarrels. Scissors - for divorce. Cucumber - to melancholy, loneliness. Blanket - to illness. Necklace - to tears. Nuts - to tears and squabbles. Glasses mean loneliness. The package means trouble. Gloves mean illness. Feathers - for divorce. Sand - to a painful illness. Loop - to death. A scarf means temporary separation. A towel means death. A button means dirty poverty. River cancer is an incurable disease. Radish - to tears. Chamomile - for loneliness. Fish - to illness. Soot - to illness. Lard - a long-term illness. Herring - to failure. Hay - to quarrels in the family. Straw - to scandals. Matches - to the fire. Glass is a sign of divorce. Cheese - to poverty. Plate - to loneliness. Grass - headaches. Already - to impotence. Iron - to prison. Dry bread means back disease. Flowers mean death. Chain - to arrest. Tea (scattered at the doorstep) means quarrels in the family. A broken watch means unexpected death. Cup - bad news. Worms mean illness. Black ribbon - for mourning. Hat - to infertility. Tongs - for divorce. A dried apple means illness. Berries - to tears. Egg - to impotence.

These are the “things” that people sometimes throw up. Watch, analyze, do not accept unexpected gifts. “Fear the Danaans who bring gifts!” And that's it - into the fire. Greed has no place here.

Where to look for lining?

Places where linings, laying, throwing, throwing are most often found during thorough general cleaning. Recommendations on where to look for lining in an apartment or house:

  • front door, rug: under the front door rug, on the front door rug, near the front door rug;
  • threshold: in the threshold, at the threshold, on the threshold, near the threshold;
  • door: in the door, in the door frame, in the doorway, in the doorway, under the threshold, bedroom door, kitchen door, room door, bathroom door, living room door, children's door, under the door, above the door, behind the door, at the door, near the door;
  • wall, wall: in the wall, on the wall, in the wallpaper of the wall, behind the wall, in the plinth near the wall, in the corner of the wall, on the wall;
  • window: cornice, curtain, window sill, in the window, on the window, under the window, behind the window, in the curtain, in the curtains, on the curtain, stuck in the curtain, stuck in the curtains, on the cornice, under the cornice, behind the cornice, in the window sill, on window sill, under the window sill, near the window sill;
  • work, office office: shelf, workplace, desktop drawer, desktop, flowerpot, flowerpot, shelf, bookshelf, in the shelf, behind the shelf, on the shelf, on the desktop, at the workplace, in the desktop drawer, under desktop, near the desktop, near the desktop (in the table, on the table, under the table, near the table, at the table, in the inner drawer of the table, in the bookshelf, behind the bookshelf, on the bookshelf, in a flower pot, under a flower pot , near the flower pot);
  • chair, stool: on a chair, under a chair, in a chair, in the upholstery of a chair, in a stool, under a stool, on a stool;
  • in the bedroom, in the nursery: bedroom, children's room, toy, wardrobe, ironing board, pillow, blanket, mattress, pillowcase, duvet cover, bed, bed, battery, in bed, in toys, in a toy box, among children's toys, in linen closet, behind the closet, under the closet, near the closet, in the wall of the linen closet, in the linen, between the linen, among the linen, in the radiator, near the radiator, near the radiator, in the ironing board, behind the ironing board, under the ironing board, in the bed, on beds, under the bed, near the bed, on the bed, by the bed, in the pillow, under the pillow, in the pillowcase, in the blanket, under the blanket, in the sheet, under the sheet, on the sheet, in the mattress, under the mattress, on the mattress;
  • in the room, in the living room: room, living room, armchair, carpet, carpet, sofa, in the armchair, behind the armchair, under the armchair, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the sofa, behind the sofa , under the sofa, near the sofa, floor, on the floor, in the cracks of the floor, plinth, behind the plinth, under the plinth, near the plinth, parquet, in the parquet, on the parquet, under the parquet;
  • in the hallway, in the corridor, in clothes: hallway, corridor, mezzanine, clothes, jacket, trousers, dress, coat, jacket, skirt, pants, in the mezzanine, behind the closet, in outerwear, in a pocket, in pockets, in a coat, in a jacket, in a raincoat, in a jacket, in a collar, behind a collar, in the lining of a bag, behind a lining, lining, in the lining of a handbag, in the lining of clothes, in a lining, in trousers, trouser pockets, in a dress, in a sleeve of clothing, in a trouser leg , on the trouser leg, behind the lining, in the skirt, sleeve, pocket, trouser leg, skirt, trousers, trousers, clothing;
  • in the bathroom: bath, sink, under the bath, in the bath, behind the bath, on the sink, under the sink, behind the sink, near the sink, washstand, behind the washstand;
  • in the toilet: behind the toilet, under the toilet, in the toilet cistern, in the closet above the toilet cistern;
  • in the kitchen: kitchen, stove, refrigerator, table for dishes, dishes, in dishes, at the stove, behind the stove, under the stove, at the stove, near the stove, in the stove, in the refrigerator, behind the refrigerator, under the refrigerator, near the refrigerator, bedside table dishes, in the nightstand, behind the nightstand, in the wall of the table for dishes, behind the back wall;
  • in a private house: yard, vegetable garden, barn, garage, summer kitchen, cellar, in the yard, in the vegetable garden, at the entrance gate, near the barn, near the barn, behind the barn, gate, near the cellar, near the cellar, behind the cellar, summer kitchen – temporary shelter, behind the summer kitchen, near the temporary shelter, near the temporary shelter, in the summer kitchen, near the garage, in the garage, behind the garage, near the garage;
  • in the car, in the car: car, car, interior, hood, trunk, seat, in the trunk, in the cabin, in the seat, under the seats, in the seat upholstery, in covers, under the cover, padding, threshold, plastic lining, hood, under hood, wheel nuts, wheel bolts, glove compartments, pockets, under the dashboard, behind the seat back, in the back of the seat, under the car mats in the car.

Signs of damage in humans

If incomprehensible, strange events happen to you or your loved ones and you do not find a reason for what happened, it is quite possible that this is damage, how to identify a damaged person:

A child grinds his teeth at night and does not have worms; a person's pupils run counterclockwise; a person has one eye pupil larger than the other; a woman has pigment spots on her face, and all tests are normal; on the right side, a person has a so-called 13th (or devil's) rib (cartilage) in an apartment something lifts you into the air or lifts you off the ground on the street a young woman does not menstruate or her monthly discharge is very scanty a woman cannot get pregnant, but from a medical point of view everything is fine with her a person is afraid of people or confined spaces a person loses within a short time, a significant weight person, when visiting church, begins to scream, fall and feel ill if a person puts on a cross, but it is pushed away from the body or is lost after a while if a person is tormented by unclean people at night if a person cannot look in the mirror and cannot stand his glance if a person has a red eye inside the eye pupil if a person inside the body hears barking, meowing, croaking, etc. if a person, looking at an icon or cross, begins to swear against his will; if a person dries before his eyes, doctors make many diagnoses, but there is no improvement after treatment; if a person is panicky afraid of the smell of incense and it makes him feel very ill; if for a long time a person has constant loss of strength, no desire to live, move, work, and thoughts of leaving life are stuck in my head. if a person begins to read a prayer, he immediately begins to yawn if a large number of mice, ants, cockroaches, etc. appear in the house if unclean people come to you at night and live with you sexually if you have a constant rumbling from your stomach if in your there is a constant “black streak” in life, that is, complete bad luck in everything if a pretty girl dates guys but can’t get married if you find various suspicious objects near your door or in your yard (earth, water, blood, sand, salt , feathers, needles, buried eggs, animals, birds, etc.). if in your pillows or feather beds you find anything that is not a feather (wheat, corn, millet, ropes or feathers in rosettes, fans, nests, crushed feathers, etc.).

How can damage become attached to a person:

  1. An evil eye or a ghost - maybe from an evil eye, a person with such a look will look at you, envy you, and the job is done.
  2. From a blow or pinch. Never allow strangers, or even acquaintances, to stroke you (especially on the head). Some people have this habit of hitting, pinching or stroking you when talking. Stop it right away, don’t be shy, just say that it’s unpleasant for you or come up with something else. It’s better to immediately let the person know that you don’t like being accidentally touched than to suffer from unknown illnesses later.
  3. From luggage - it can be women's hair, bones, broken chicken eggs, salt, dog droppings, earth taken from a cemetery, needles, three splinters singed at the ends, burnt brands or matches, wolf berries and much more, sewn into bags, pillows, mattresses, feather beds, anywhere (I will write how to get rid of this in a special article “How to get rid of damage” - a very big topic).
  4. From a slander - these can be either bad words spoken to you or good ones when you are praised, but in your heart it’s the other way around.
  5. From the curse - damage is sent down the wind, at a distance. It hits people like a shot from a gun. Acute pain in the lower back, severe stabbing in the chest or severe pain in the abdomen may occur, and the suffering is very severe, people scream and roll on the ground from unbearable pain. In a small village, a woman began to have very severe abdominal pain, and a medical ambulance was called. The doctors examined the patient and, from their own experience, determined that this was not their case. And, since in such sparsely populated areas everyone knows each other, the doctors knew that this patient should be taken to the “grandmother”. The next day the woman was healthy. The damage was sent to her by her husband's mistress.
  6. From the influx - this is almost the same as the evil eye, only it is more difficult to recognize, the signs of this damage are confusing.
  7. On the trail. If on the ground, after you have walked and left a deepened mark, you can carefully cut it off and cause damage. There can be very serious consequences.
  8. On the shadow, when you walk down the street in sunny weather and cast a shadow, the sorcerer can walk next to you and, stepping on your shadow, recite a spell. Children's diseases are well reduced (tolerated) in the shade.
  9. Attitude - this damage is accidentally sent, not out of malice or intentionally. Treated at a crossroads. By the way, about intersections - this is the best place for inducing and removing damage. An intersection where people walk. Never pick up any objects in these places; most often there is charmed money there.
  10. And of course, through food and drink, I talked about this in the previous article. This is the most common and fastest-acting method. In the old days, it was not for nothing that in the house of their enemies or ill-wishers they always refused food under any pretext. And also, if you yourself spoil a person, then you also cannot eat his treats, as there may be a backlash.
  11. Through blood, the most terrible and deadly damage is induced.

Be careful! Do not touch or taste suspicious things that you accidentally find in your purse or somewhere else. If you didn’t put them there yourself, then it’s unlikely that they came to you as a pleasant surprise. If you are young, lucky, attractive, then you probably have many envious people who sleep and dream of ruining your life. This is the truth.