Diarrhea after pea soup. Pancreatitis and pea soup: limitations and possibilities in use. Increased gas formation: the relationship with pea soup

Pancreatitis is called inflammation of the pancreas, caused by prolonged progression of the disease, alcohol, allergy to any product or phenomenon. The list of primary measures includes a hunger strike, then a sparing diet that excludes many foods.

How useful are peas for pancreatitis? Of course, the composition contains vegetable protein, necessary for the restoration of the pancreas. In the tissues of peas there is a lot of potassium, magnesium and selenium, which has a strong anti-cancer effect. The vegetable is high-calorie and shows a pronounced energy value, which means that the patient will eat little, being sufficiently satiated. The abundance of varieties of peas helps to make an informed choice depending on the taste and according to the chemical composition.

Unfortunately, the matter is complicated by the composition. Fiber is present in peas - a coarse plant substance that is difficult to digest. The substance causes the pancreas to tighten, causes the formation of gases in the body, leading to a deterioration in the condition, the development of an acute attack of pancreatitis. This is followed by diarrhea, severe pain in the abdomen.

Peas for acute pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis

When remission passes, peas remain an undesirable product. Sometimes peas are recommended by the attending physician to help a patient with increased constipation.

It is not necessary to “test” the reaction on pea soup - it is better to look at the reaction of the stomach to pea dishes.

For example, after boiling young green peas, try eating them together with grated potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin and carrots - in the form of vegetable puree. You can wipe the peas and add not to mashed potatoes, but to vegetable soup. If the reaction is positive, unproblematic, prepare the soup.

Before studying the recipe for pea soup suitable for pancreatitis, we recall that the following are important:

  • pre-soaking peas;
  • complete digestion;
  • adding dill to soup.

By following these points with due care, the negative effect of peas on the body is minimized.

lean pea soup recipe

Peas in pancreatitis are used with caution.

We offer a recipe for lean pea soup suitable for a pancreatic diet:

  • 1 cup split peas;
  • 1.2 liters of cold water (filtered or dechlorinated);
  • half a carrot;
  • 1 head of small onion;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt - half a pinch;
  • 5-6 slices of a loaf;
  • dill and parsley.

Dill is washed and poured with cold water, infused for 4-5 hours. The water will have to be drained regularly (preferably 3-4 times), rinse the peas, re-filling with cold, fresh water. If the room temperature is above 21 degrees, do not exceed the specified time, preventing the peas from fermenting. You just need to achieve swelling of the peas.

When the desired result is achieved, we finally wash the peas, pour the water prepared in advance, set to boil. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat to low and continue to cook, slightly covered with a lid. Remove when foam forms.

Cooking time depends on the variety. As a rule, it takes one and a half to two hours to boil peas. When boiling water, it is recommended to add only hot water. When cold is added, the peas will become tough.

In parallel, it does not hurt to do other products: grate pre-peeled carrots on a fine grater, peel the onion (without cutting it). After boiling the peas (after an hour), you can add onions, carrots, salt. At the same time, for more taste, put two potato tubers, pre-cut into cubes, into the pan, add bay seasoning.

When the soup is ready, serve. Finely chopped loaf, parsley and dill are added to the finished portion. Pour in vegetable oil (a teaspoon on a plate) or pour in pieces of beef boiled separately.

Other ways to eat peas in remission

You can just eat young peas. Remember that once a stable remission is achieved, you can give up the constant need to grate peas, but soaking remains mandatory. Never soak peas in warm water, where fermentation will come quickly. Better to use cool water. Soaked peas are recommended to be added to side dishes or salads, vinaigrette.

It is not forbidden to cook stewed or baked peas in the form of pudding, a variety of casseroles and other culinary delights. Peas are put as a filling in rolls, pies. After adding peas, make sure that there are no other prohibited foods in the recipe.

Of course, you need to build on the condition and recommendations of the doctor. If the patient is aware of the negative impact of peas, it is better to get rid of the vegetable. Do not forget to regularly consult with your doctor - he will tell you whether to introduce a new product into the diet.

The risk of a reactive attack of inflammation of the pancreas is very high.

On the topic of whether it is possible to eat peas with pancreatitis, doctors are still arguing. Some argue that legumes should be excluded from the patient's diet without fail, others are sure that in the stage of stable remission, peas can be eaten after preliminary preparation.

The benefits of green peas

Green peas are a storehouse of vitamins and substances useful for the human body. It contains fatty, folic and nicotinic acids, carotenoids, tryptophan, B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin K, A, beta-carotene, etc. Green peas are indispensable for those who are engaged in physical labor. It relieves fatigue and saturates the body with energy, prevents the development of prostatitis, reduces the risk of cancer. Green peas are useful for people suffering from heart failure and hypertension. It promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling.

Fact! One serving of pea porridge contains the daily requirement of potassium.

Green peas have a low calorie content: 248 kcal per 100 g.

How to use green peas for pancreatitis

People with insufficient production of digestive enzymes are not recommended to eat green fresh and canned peas. With pancreatitis, patients have just such problems. Also, green peas are contraindicated in:

Important! In acute pancreatitis, accompanied by diarrhea and bloating, it is strictly forbidden to eat canned green peas.

The calorie content of canned peas is very low, 55 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Most doctors do not recommend that patients with acute pancreatitis eat dry, fresh and canned peas. Fiber in the composition of legumes is poorly digested, overloads the stomach, inflamed pancreas and can provoke intestinal colic, profuse diarrhea and bloating.

During the period of stable remission, very rarely during the period of dietary rehabilitation, green peas for pancreatitis are allowed to be included in the menu as a component of vegetable puree. It is added to pumpkin, potatoes, cauliflower and carrots, boiled and ground. Peas are sometimes served as part of a vegetable soup.

Important! Dried peas for patients with pancreatitis are allowed to eat only after prolonged soaking in cold water.

The benefits of green peas for pancreatitis are much less than the possible harm. Therefore, you need to eat this vegetable wisely.

If a patient with chronic pancreatitis after the introduction of canned green peas into the diet feels good, does not complain of abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhea, then the vegetable can continue to be included in the menu several times a week. However, when eating peas, patients with pancreatitis should be aware that in some cases this product can cause an attack of reactive inflammation of the pancreas. Therefore, a clear answer to the question: “Is it possible to eat canned peas with pancreatitis?” no.

Peas with pancreatitis, is it possible to have pea soup?

Many doctors prohibit peas in pancreatitis, those who allow it to be eaten recommend soaking it in soda beforehand and boiling it in a pressure cooker for a long time (an hour and a half or more). After that, consume no more than one hundred grams at a time. Peas are half carbohydrates, 20% protein, and only 2% fat. He contains:

  • trace elements - Sr, Cs, Al, Ti, Ni, Co, Sn, V, Si, B, Mo, F, Cr, Se, Mn, Cu, I, Zn, Fe, Se, Cl, P, K, Na, Mg, Ca
  • vitamins - choline, H, B9 - B1, beta-carotene, PP, A

Peas in pancreatitis are harmful in their fiber content, which requires intensive processing work, loading the stomach. In mature grains there is starch, which is also harmful in this disease. Useful in this vegetable is nicotinic acid, which regulates cholesterol in the blood, improves appetite, and promotes the growth of a young organism.

Peas in pancreatitis must be boiled to a puree state, thiamine improves brain function, nicotinic acid stops the formation of cancer cells. Connective tissues from poultry and animals and coarse fiber from legumes (including peas), swedes, cabbages, radishes and turnips are fraught with exacerbation of the disease, as it increases the excitability of the pancreas.

Is it possible to have pea soup with pancreatitis?

Despite the fact that pea soup is one of the nutritious and healthy dishes, its presence in the diet of people suffering from pancreatitis is highly undesirable. This is especially true in the acute phase of the process, when it is recommended to adhere to strict dietary restrictions. In the stage of stable remission, some indulgences are allowed in relation to this dish, but only sporadically and in small quantities.

Pea soup with pancreatitis fell into such a "disgrace" for its ability to cause increased gas formation. And if in healthy people this circumstance is only an excuse for a variety of jokes, then for patients with pancreatitis it threatens to exacerbate the disease and a lot of unpleasant sensations:

  • pain syndrome of varying intensity;
  • prolonged heartburn;
  • nausea and bloating;
  • chair break.

The high content of coarse fiber and the special enzyme composition of peas cause unpleasant fermentation processes in the intestines, which provokes excessive excitability and stress on the pancreas. Experts recommend a soup made from pre-soaked and grated peas, only outside the stage of exacerbation and in small portions. In the event that unpleasant symptoms appear that indicate intolerance to the product, it is better to completely exclude it from the diet.

Canned green peas for pancreatitis

Canned peas, unlike their fresh and dried counterparts, are even included in the therapeutic diet No. 5, indicated for the development of acute pancreatitis or during its exacerbation. Of course, this does not mean that it can be absorbed in whole cans, but the use of a small amount of the product as an additive to a particular dish is quite acceptable.

And yet, canned green peas for pancreatitis should be used with great care, since undesirable properties that cause bloating are also present in the product. So it’s better to start with very small portions and focus on well-being. If the body does not respond with any adverse reactions, then this dish should not be neglected.

Canned green peas retain a large amount of useful ingredients, including minerals and vitamins. In addition, like other legumes, it contains easily digestible vegetable protein and saturates well, which is very useful for a weakened body of a sick person.

Pea soup for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is called inflammation of the pancreas, caused by prolonged progression of the disease, alcohol, allergy to any product or phenomenon. The list of primary measures includes a hunger strike, then a sparing diet that excludes many foods.

The benefits and harms of peas

How useful are peas for pancreatitis? Of course, the composition contains vegetable protein, necessary for the restoration of the pancreas. In the tissues of peas there is a lot of potassium, magnesium and selenium, which has a strong anti-cancer effect. The vegetable is high-calorie and shows a pronounced energy value, which means that the patient will eat little, being sufficiently satiated. The abundance of varieties of peas helps to make an informed choice depending on the taste and according to the chemical composition.

Unfortunately, the matter is complicated by the composition. Fiber is present in peas - a coarse plant substance that is difficult to digest. The substance causes the pancreas to tighten, causes the formation of gases in the body, leading to a deterioration in the condition, the development of an acute attack of pancreatitis. This is followed by diarrhea, severe pain in the abdomen.

Peas for acute pancreatitis

Pea soup for acute pancreatitis is not a good idea. The reason is the fiber contained in peas, which strains the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, causing gas-forming processes and burdening the stomach.

The pancreas should be in a relaxed state, peas break relaxation and therefore are strictly prohibited. If the prohibition is violated, the patient is faced with:

  • profuse diarrhea (due to the acceleration of the processes of digestion and the strengthening of the present diarrhea);
  • bloating (with insufficient boiling of peas);
  • unnecessary cleansing of the body (useful minerals are removed);
  • intestinal colic.

Peas are able to cause a new attack and further deterioration of the situation. It is better to wait for the onset of a stable remission of chronic pancreatitis.

Chronic pancreatitis

When remission passes, peas remain an undesirable product. Sometimes peas are recommended by the attending physician to help a patient with increased constipation.

It is not necessary to “test” the reaction on pea soup - it is better to look at the reaction of the stomach to pea dishes.

For example, after boiling young green peas, try eating them together with grated potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin and carrots - in the form of vegetable puree. You can wipe the peas and add not to mashed potatoes, but to vegetable soup. If the reaction is positive, unproblematic, prepare the soup.

Before studying the recipe for pea soup suitable for pancreatitis, we recall that the following are important:

By following these points with due care, the negative effect of peas on the body is minimized.

lean pea soup recipe

Peas in pancreatitis are used with caution.

We offer a recipe for lean pea soup suitable for a pancreatic diet:

  • 1 cup split peas;
  • 1.2 liters of cold water (filtered or dechlorinated);
  • half a carrot;
  • 1 head of small onion;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt - half a pinch;
  • 5-6 slices of a loaf;
  • dill and parsley.

Dill is washed and poured with cold water, infused for 4-5 hours. The water will have to be drained regularly (preferably 3-4 times), rinse the peas, re-filling with cold, fresh water. If the room temperature is above 21 degrees, do not exceed the specified time, preventing the peas from fermenting. You just need to achieve swelling of the peas.

When the desired result is achieved, we finally wash the peas, pour the water prepared in advance, set to boil. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat to low and continue to cook, slightly covered with a lid. Remove when foam forms.

Cooking time depends on the variety. As a rule, it takes one and a half to two hours to boil peas. When boiling water, it is recommended to add only hot water. When cold is added, the peas will become tough.

In parallel, it does not hurt to do other products: grate pre-peeled carrots on a fine grater, peel the onion (without cutting it). After boiling the peas (after an hour), you can add onions, carrots, salt. At the same time, for more taste, put two potato tubers, pre-cut into cubes, into the pan, add bay seasoning.

When the soup is ready, serve. Finely chopped loaf, parsley and dill are added to the finished portion. Pour in vegetable oil (a teaspoon on a plate) or pour in pieces of beef boiled separately.

Other ways to eat peas in remission

You can just eat young peas. Remember that once a stable remission is achieved, you can give up the constant need to grate peas, but soaking remains mandatory. Never soak peas in warm water, where fermentation will come quickly. Better to use cool water. Soaked peas are recommended to be added to side dishes or salads, vinaigrette.

It is not forbidden to cook stewed or baked peas in the form of pudding, a variety of casseroles and other culinary delights. Peas are put as a filling in rolls, pies. After adding peas, make sure that there are no other prohibited foods in the recipe.

Of course, you need to build on the condition and recommendations of the doctor. If the patient is aware of the negative impact of peas, it is better to get rid of the vegetable. Do not forget to regularly consult with your doctor - he will tell you whether to introduce a new product into the diet.

Peas for pancreatitis

Belonging to legumes, peas are quite popular in many national cuisines. It is eaten in natural fresh or canned form, adding to side dishes, salads, meat dishes. Dried peas are used to make wonderful soups or make delicious mashed potatoes. It has a high nutritional value, which is why it is so loved by adherents of vegetarianism. But this wonderful product for patients with pancreatitis should be used wisely.

Peas in the acute phase of pancreatitis

So, peas cannot be included in the diet of patients with the acute phase of pancreatitis. Its cell membranes contain a lot of coarse ballast substances (11.2 g of fiber per 100 g). These substances can provoke:

  • profuse diarrhea (due to the acceleration of intestinal transit and aggravation of the diarrhea that is caused by pancreatitis itself);
  • bloating (especially with insufficient boiling of peas);
  • removal of important minerals from the body weakened by the disease;
  • intestinal colic.

In the case of mild and well-responsive forms of chronic pancreatitis, sometimes during the period of dietary rehabilitation, patients are allowed to eat peas. After all, it contains a well-digestible protein necessary for the restoration of the pancreas and is quite high in calories. Boiled green peas are served as a component of vegetable purees (mixed with mashed potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and pumpkin) or pureed and added to vegetable soups. Often it is included in the diet to combat constipation.

Peas in remission

After confirmation (clinical, laboratory, ultrasound) of remission, peas can not be wiped. Before cooking, dried peas are recommended to be soaked in cool water (lactic acid fermentation of legumes will quickly occur in warm water). Then soups or side dishes are prepared from it. In addition, peas can be added to vinaigrettes, salads, stews and baked in the form of puddings, casseroles or roll fillings.

In addition to a large amount of protein, peas are distinguished by a high content of potassium (873 mg per 100 g), vitamins B2, PP and selenium. The latter has anticancer activity.

The chemical composition of peas depends on its type.

In 100 g of shelled peas (dried):

In 100 g of green peas:


The maximum daily portion of peas for chronic pancreatitis:

  • exacerbation phase - peas are not very desirable, although in mild forms it is possible to use it at the end of the rehabilitation phase.
  • phase of stable remission - peas.

In acute pancreatitis - peas are not very desirable.

Is it possible to green peas with pancreatitis?

Peas are one of the most famous representatives of the group of legumes. It is popular in many national cuisines. It is not surprising that they eat it, both in natural and in canned form. It can be an integral element of meat dishes, salads, side dishes. Yes, and dried peas make delicious mashed potatoes and soup. So, is it possible to have green peas with pancreatitis? After all, a diet for inflammation of the pancreas involves a lot of restrictions.

Is green peas acceptable for pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis can be chronic with periodic exacerbations. So, in the acute phase, peas, including green peas, are categorically contraindicated in pancreatitis. The fact is that in the composition of its cell membranes there are too many coarse ballast substances, the use of which in this state is not permissible.

Only after the exacerbation subsides, some patients are allowed to include green peas in the menu: much depends on the individual reaction of the body to this product.

At the moment, some doctors continue to prohibit green peas for pancreatitis. But modern experts are increasingly lifting this ban. But before use, it is recommended to soak it. Yes, and it is best to cook it in the future in a pressure cooker.

At one time, you can use no more than 100 grams of peas. This is partly due to its composition. So, 20% is protein, about half is carbohydrates. The fat content in green peas does not exceed 2%. But this vegetable contains vitamins, including A, PP, B vitamins, as well as microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, such as iron, zinc, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine and many others.

The main harm of green peas in pancreatitis is due to the fiber content in it. Indeed, for its processing in the digestive system, very intensive work is required. This, in turn, creates a load, not only on the stomach, but also on the pancreas. Mature grains also contain starch.

But in the composition of green peas there is also nicotinic acid, which not only regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, but also regulates the process of the possible formation of cancer cells, which is also important. Among other things, it simply improves appetite.

One way or another, green peas with pancreatitis can only be eaten in the form of mashed potatoes, during the preparation of which it is thoroughly boiled. But with proper preparation, such a dish will be very useful. The main thing is to exclude it during periods of exacerbation, since the coarse fiber contained in green peas significantly increases the excitability of the pancreas, which is not desirable for it.

In other words, you can eat green peas with pancreatitis, but only during periods of remission and only in pure form. Before cooking, it is soaked in cold water, but not in warm. Then you can make a side dish or soup from it. Also, peas can be an integral element of salads, vinaigrettes, casseroles, puddings and other dishes.

Is it possible to eat green peas with pancreatitis?

Green peas are an incredibly popular dish that is used in almost all national cuisines. It is used both raw and dried, in pickled form. It is well suited as a side dish for meat dishes, as a component of salads, mashed potatoes and soups from peas are also tasty and nutritious. A logical question arises, is it possible to eat green peas with pancreatitis?

Is it permissible to eat peas with pancreatitis?

Have you been unsuccessfully treating PANCREATITIS for many years?

The chief gastroenterologist of the Russian Federation: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to get rid of pancreatitis simply by cleaning the pancreas of toxins.

Those people who are sick with inflammation of the pancreas know that the disease passes in 2 phases - the remission phase and the exacerbation phase. So, when it comes to the phase of exacerbation, peas are strictly prohibited for eating. Even despite the fact that this product itself is quite light and is of plant origin, its shells contain coarse substances that will be beyond the power of an inflamed pancreas.

Peas can be included in food only when a period of remission begins. But in addition to the remission itself, one must take into account the fact that the patient must have an adequate reaction of the body to this food product.

Attention! some doctors are against patients with pancreatitis eating peas, however, now such a ban is most often lifted, only here doctors warn that it is best to soak peas for several hours before cooking, and it is better to cook it in a pressure cooker, so it will become as soft as possible and not so difficult to digest.

As for the dose of green peas, it should not exceed 100g per day. This is due to the fact that in this legume only 20% of the protein, and the rest is carbohydrates. In addition, this product contains a lot of fiber. This is a useful element, but not for those people who have an inflamed pancreas. Due to the fiber in the composition, it is very difficult to digest.

Today, on the shelves of almost any store or supermarket, you can find canned green peas in tins. The question arises, is it possible for patients to eat such peas? With pancreatitis, peas in this form are categorically contraindicated, since when such a product is canned, many chemical elements are added to it, which are not at all useful for the patient's body. It is not allowed to eat peas and home preservation, because even when the product is pickled at home, vinegar and other spices are added to it, which it is undesirable for the patient to use.

Why is peas considered a healthy dish?

Despite the high calorie content, peas contain many vitamins and minerals that are simply necessary for the normal functioning of any healthy organism. These include vitamins PP, B, A, as well as such trace elements as magnesium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, iron and some others. This product also contains nicotinic acid. This element helps to control appetite, reduces the risk of cancer, and regulates cholesterol levels in the blood.

Why can't peas be eaten in the acute phase of pancreatitis?

Many of our readers are happy with the changes after the victory over pancreatitis! Here is what Galina Savina says: “The only effective remedy against pancreatitis was a natural remedy: I ​​brewed 2 spoons at night ...”

Not only because of the high fiber content and high calorie content, peas are contraindicated in the acute phase of pancreatitis. Its use in the acute phase can provoke the following problems:

  1. Profuse diarrhea. In most cases, pancreatitis already implies the presence of diarrhea, but eating peas will only worsen the patient's condition.
  2. It will not be digested well and this can cause severe bloating.
  3. Due to profuse diarrhea, not only harmful substances will be removed from the body, but also useful ones, including vitamins and minerals.
  4. The presence of intestinal colic.

Attention! If the patient suffers from pancreatitis in a mild form, and the disease responds well to treatment, then in small quantities, with pancreatitis, he can eat mashed potatoes from this legume and add peas to vegetable soups.

How to cook pea dishes for a patient with pancreatitis?

In order for the prepared dish not to harm the patient, it must be prepared in a special way. There are a number of rules that you need to follow, regardless of what dish you are going to cook:

  1. If a person is sick with inflammation of the pancreas, then he should not eat anything fried and fatty. That is, none of the ingredients of the dish should be fried in oil.
  2. Even during the period of remission, dishes for a sick person are not recommended to be heavily salted, not to mention allowing oversalting.
  3. No seasonings, especially spicy ones, can be added to food. In the list of allowed seasonings, only greens such as dill or parsley, both fresh and dried. By the way, it is strictly forbidden to eat garlic with pancreatitis.
  4. All products from which food is prepared for the patient should be as natural and fresh as possible.

Pea soup

It will be very useful to prepare a light vegetable soup with the addition of peas for a patient with pancreatitis. To do this, soak the peas overnight and boil them in a pressure cooker. There are other possible recipes for cooking peas, but they all require much more effort and time.

For the soup itself, put a pot of water on the fire, let the water boil and add chopped potatoes, carrots, greens to taste, and any other vegetables to it. Season with a little salt and bring to a boil. After the soup boils, you can add peas there and let it boil again. The soup is served with sprigs of parsley and dill.

It will be good to grind the contents of the soup with a blender or just a pusher if there is no such device at hand.

Pea mash

To prepare the dish, you must first soak the peas. The most optimal time for soaking is 4 hours. If there is no desire to soak the legume, then it will take much longer to cook it.


For the prevention and treatment of pancreatic diseases, our readers recommend Monastic tea. A unique composition, which includes 9 medicinal plants that are useful for the pancreas, each of which not only complements, but also enhances the actions of each other. By applying it, you will not only eliminate all the symptoms of inflammation of the gland, but also get rid of the cause of its occurrence forever.

After the time allotted for soaking has passed, the peas will need to be boiled in a pressure cooker for about an hour.

After the peas become soft, they can be mashed using the same blender or pusher. If desired, other vegetables can be added to the peas in boiled or stewed form.

If you are not sure that you will be full of puree alone, then you can boil lean chicken breast for it and eat mashed potatoes with it, as such a dish goes well with meat products.

To add additional taste and aroma, the dish can be decorated with dill.


Thus, it is not difficult to guess that pancreatitis is a serious disease in which you need to adhere to a certain menu. You don’t have to give up peas at all, especially if you like this culture, however, when eating it, you still have to observe some restrictions, which, by the way, are quite insignificant.

Ignoring or improperly treating pancreatitis can lead to dire consequences:

  • diabetes;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • oncology, which threatens with partial or complete removal of the pancreas.

Not to mention, strict diets, constant intake of enzymes and periods of exacerbation, when there is no strength to live. “But it is possible to forget about pancreatitis forever,” says the chief gastroenterologist of the Russian Federation.

Green peas and other types of peas for pancreatitis: hidden properties of the product and the original recipe

Peas for pancreatitis are far from the most useful product. It belongs to the leguminous family. In cooking, it is used fresh, canned, dried for the preparation of snacks, first and second courses, side dishes. In each case, the properties and composition of peas change.

Peas are a nutritious food rich in vitamins and minerals. It is appreciated by vegetarians, but it is better to avoid it in case of pancreatitis.

In order not to harm the inflamed pancreas, it is worth figuring out in more detail which product should be included in the menu and whether it is allowed to do so.

Types and properties

Four types of peas are available for sale for cooking a variety of dishes:

  • fresh peas in pods - usually eaten raw, added to salads;
  • dried shelled and crushed - used to make soups, mashed potatoes, puddings, casseroles, pie fillings;
  • canned - served as an independent side dish, as part of salads;
  • fresh-frozen - prepared in any way, it is convenient to add a loose product to soup, stew, risotto.

The main property of peas in any form is known. Fresh, from the pod, dried and boiled for soup or puree, peas provoke flatulence. This is due to the high content of ballast substances, in 100 g of the product - up to 11% of vegetable fiber.

But it is appreciated by nutritionists: peas are nutritious, but do not contain fat, dishes from it quickly and for a long time saturate.

Composition of dry, shelled peas:

Peas are rich in vitamins A, C, B2, B6, B9, B12, H, PP, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, selenium, fluorine, iodine, iron. Calorie content - 332 kcal per 100 g. The composition of fresh green peas is significantly different. It contains 75 calories per 100 g.

This is how the rest of the substances are distributed:

If it is important to get a nutritious meal, you should use a dry pulse product. For a light side dish, soup, fresh and frozen peas are more suitable.

Remember: peas are popular in vegetarianism. It is nutritious, in terms of calories it is equal to meat. Pea porridge may well replace a portion of roast meat or a cutlet. Peas are credited with the ability to neutralize free radicals and thereby prevent the growth of cancerous tumors. This must be taken into account when compiling a therapeutic dietary menu.

Fresh green peas are not so high in calories compared to dried ones, but they have less protein and are less nutritious. But there are more vitamins in such a product

Which legumes are allowed

In the acute stage and in the next 3-4 weeks after it, peas are categorically contraindicated.

A modest portion can provoke:

  • diarrhea that is difficult to stop;
  • development of deficiency of essential minerals;
  • severe flatulence;
  • intestinal colic.

In the remission stage, you can eat green peas as part of stews, salads, soups no more than once every 7-14 days. Split peas are a valuable source of protein necessary for the restoration of tissues of the affected pancreas. If you feel worse, you should abandon it: enough vegetables and cereals are available in stores that are safe and useful for pancreatitis.

Canned peas contain a lot of salt, which already puts it on the list of products harmful to pancreatitis. In addition, you cannot be completely sure of the quality, even if the expiration dates are not violated and the bank is not opened. Therefore, if a patient suffering from inflammation of the pancreas loves peas, and it is impossible to refuse it, it is better to choose frozen or fresh. The allowable serving is 100 g at a time for chronic pancreatitis, and 150 g for long-term, stable remission.

Important: before cooking, dry peas should be soaked in clean, cool water for 5-6 hours. Then it will cook faster and will not aggressively affect the intestines. During the soaking process, the water must be changed periodically. In a warm room or in the hot season, soaking is reduced to 2-3 hours, otherwise the peas will begin to ferment. For the same reason, legumes are not soaked in warm water.

Healthy Recipes

At any stage of pancreatitis, pea soup is allowed only in the lean version, boiled in water, without meat, smoked meats and frying. But if desired, it is allowed to add potatoes, onions, carrots, parsley or dill

The recipe for lean pea soup for diet food is simple and common. But a dish that diversifies the patient's table and provides the necessary nutrients - pea soufflé.

For cooking you will need:

  • dried chopped peas - 250 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs - 1 piece.

In season, dried peas can be replaced with fresh ones - they cook faster. Instead of sour cream, it is allowed to take a couple of tablespoons of cream.

  1. Rinse the peas, soak in cold water.
  2. Boil until cooked, periodically removing the foam.
  3. Separate the protein from the yolk, beat the protein into a foam.
  4. Transfer the pea mass to a blender, add a piece of butter and sour cream, beat.
  5. Add whipped protein, mix gently.
  6. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out the mass, level it. Place on a tray with cold water.
  7. Bake in the oven at a medium temperature for 20 minutes, covered with a sheet of foil. Serve hot or cold as a side dish or on its own.

This basic recipe can be varied: reduce the amount of peas and add boiled potatoes and carrots each. Soufflé is also baked with pieces of boiled chicken breast, boiled egg, and hard grated cheese. The main thing is not to use smoked meats, spicy seasonings, fatty sauces.

Tip: in order for the peas to boil well and quickly, they should be placed in cold water, boiled for the first hour without salt. If during the cooking process the water boils away, add heated boiled water - from the cold it will become hard.

With pancreatitis, pea soup with smoked meats and roasts will have to be forgotten forever. A small feast can land a patient in a hospital bed with a severe aggravation. In the stage of persistent remission, lean pea soup, pea porridge, soufflé may appear on the table. Green peas are allowed in small quantities in soups, risotto, salads. It is a valuable source of protein and, with good health, is quite acceptable in dietary nutrition.

Description of the disease

A healthy pancreas produces enzymes that enter the duodenum and are already mixed with bile there. In the case of one or more provoking factors, for example, a stone has formed in the bile duct, the pancreas still produces enzymes, but they cannot exit it.

What happens? The fact that enzymes in the gland gradually accumulate and digest not food (as it should be in a healthy person), but pancreatic tissue. This process is followed by inflammation.

If the inflammatory process proceeds in a sluggish chronic form, then gradually the tissues of the pancreas are replaced by scars. The work of the organ is disrupted, hormones are not produced, symptoms of the disease appear.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, a sick person feels:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen, under the ribs (such pain does not go away after taking No-shpa and other painkillers);
  • Vomit;
  • Flatulence, diarrhea, constipation;
  • Weakness;
  • severe dizziness;
  • From the blood test - the level of alpha-amylase is increased by 10 or more times;
  • From the results of ultrasound - the pancreas has uneven edges, there are cysts.

Important! Pancreatitis is a very serious illness. The consequences are death.

Healthy Recipes

The recipe for lean pea soup for diet food is simple and common. But a dish that diversifies the patient's table and provides the necessary nutrients - pea soufflé.

For cooking you will need:

  • dried chopped peas - 250 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs - 1 piece.

In season, dried peas can be replaced with fresh ones - they cook faster. Instead of sour cream, it is allowed to take a couple of tablespoons of cream.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Rinse the peas, soak in cold water.
  2. Boil until cooked, periodically removing the foam.
  3. Separate the protein from the yolk, beat the protein into a foam.
  4. Transfer the pea mass to a blender, add a piece of butter and sour cream, beat.
  5. Add whipped protein, mix gently.
  6. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out the mass, level it. Place on a tray with cold water.
  7. Bake in the oven at a medium temperature for 20 minutes, covered with a sheet of foil. Serve hot or cold as a side dish or on its own.

This basic recipe can be varied: reduce the amount of peas and add boiled potatoes and carrots each. Soufflé is also baked with pieces of boiled chicken breast, boiled egg, and hard grated cheese. The main thing is not to use smoked meats, spicy seasonings, fatty sauces.

In order to keep the pancreas in a calm state, it is necessary to apply the simplest and easiest recipes for the dish. There is a recipe that is safe for patients with inflammation of the gland. You can implement it step by step:

  • Rinse a glass of split peas and pour cold water for 4-5 hours, replacing the liquid every hour.
  • Drain the dirty water, pour 1.2 liters of clean water and put on the stove.
  • After the mixture boils, reduce the heat to the minimum temperature and continue to cook, periodically removing the foam. As a rule, it takes one and a half to two hours to boil the cereal.
  • After the peas reach the desired condition, it is necessary to add hot water, as well as chopped carrots, onions and potatoes.

To taste in the soup, you can add bay leaf, dill and parsley, a spoonful of vegetable oil. Patients usually eat such a dish no more than once a day.

Important: The speed of cooking and the possibility of using peas in recipes largely depend on the variety and type of product chosen. Green tends to take less time.

Peas can be used in different forms, especially in medicinal recipes. Pea flour, mashed peas, just raw peas and even pea tops are used.

If you are tormented by heartburn, take some peas and steam it for two hours with boiling water. Softened peas just need to be chewed.

From a spleen cyst

Doctors recommend a folk recipe to get rid of the cyst. In the evening at 11 o'clock, soak 6-8 tablespoons of peas in cold water. At 6 am, drain the water and rinse the peas. Fill the peas with water by 2 - 3 cm and cook for 20 minutes. You can not add salt, but you can put parsley root. You need to eat half the serving before 7 am and the second half in the evening 3 hours before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

For constipation

Even our ancestors used peas for prolonged constipation. Peas should be ground into a powder using a coffee grinder and taken 1 teaspoon daily.

For a headache

Headaches are relieved by flour from sprouted pea seeds.

Soak the grains in a damp cloth and leave them to germinate. Make sure the cloth is damp all the time. After the sprouts appear, dry and grind the grains. Take two teaspoons for pain.

With obesity and urolithiasis

After flowering, collect the shoots, leaves and pods of peas, chop them and put them in boiling water (1 tablespoon of raw materials will need a glass of water). Let the broth boil for 10 minutes, strain and cool. Take 1/3 cup daily for 2 to 3 weeks.

With furunculosis

Make a dough out of water and pea flour and knead it into a cake. It must be applied to the affected area. This remedy will relieve pain and draw out the contents of the boil.

After applying the masks, acne disappears, and fine wrinkles disappear.

fresh pea mask

Mash fresh milk-ripe peas well with a fork. Before applying it to the face, the skin should be cleansed and slightly steamed. This mask should be kept for 10-15 minutes. Apply 2-3 times a week with a course of up to 10 masks.

black dot mask

This mask is an excellent first aid if you urgently need to get rid of small pimples, redness and blackheads. Take 2.5 tablespoons of pea flour and 2 tablespoons of whey.

Whip the ingredients until creamy and apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Then just rinse with warm water and you won't recognize yourself!

Nourishing mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of flour with full fat (preferably country) milk to make a creamy mass. Apply to the skin and keep it until completely dry. This mask is good for dry skin.

Contraindications and possible harm

Peas are a nutritious and healthy product with a rich taste and aroma. It contains a large amount of vegetable protein, as well as strong, magnesium and potassium, which are necessary for the maintenance and normal functioning of the muscles of the skeleton and internal organs.

In addition, this product is very satisfying, but at the same time suitable for use in weight loss programs. It is often pickled and preserved so that it retains most of its beneficial properties.

Peas are one of the favorite legumes around the world. Soups and cereals are cooked from it, pies are baked with it, it is canned. Do we often think about how useful it is and to whom it is contraindicated? Peas are in many ways superior in some properties to their counterparts - beans and soy. It is used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking. What is hidden in a pod with peas? And in what form will peas bring the maximum benefit?

Forbidden foods

Pancreatitis is a disease in which the pancreas becomes inflamed. Pancreatitis can be of two forms - in the form of acute (the inflammatory process is very painful, fast), in the form of chronic (there is inflammation, but it does not bother a person much).

Functions of the pancreas in the body:

  • Ensuring the process of digestion (without this organ, food would not be digested, but rot in the body);
  • Active participation in energy exchange;
  • Promotes digestion of food without fermentation residue in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Regulates the level of glucose in the blood due to the hormones secreted by it - insulin and glucagon.

The diet for pancreatitis is called - table number 5p.

The patient's diet should contain a lot of protein, little fat and carbohydrates, a limited amount of sugar. This is necessary to prevent diabetes mellitus, fatty hepatosis, acute inflammation of the gland and a general deterioration in well-being.

You need to drink 2 liters of liquid per day, eat no more than 350 grams of carbohydrates, 120 grams of protein, 100 grams of fat, it is advisable not to put salt in dishes at all.

The basic principles of the diet:

  • Food crushed, boiled - as for infants (consistency of complementary foods);
  • Food temperature - no more than 50 degrees;
  • "No" to overeating;
  • 6 meals a day - eat in small portions, but often;
  • No to bad habits.

If you want to be healthy and prolong your life, follow these rules.

It is forbidden to eat foods with pancreatitis that additionally stimulate the production of gastric juice. To reduce the inflammatory process of the pancreas will help:

  • Refusal of soups on meat, fish and mushroom broths, as well as borscht;
  • A ban on okroshka and other cold soups;
  • You can not bread in any form;
  • "No" to pork, lamb, duck, canned meat, sausages;
  • "No" to salted and smoked fish;
  • Prohibited cereals from wheat, pearl barley, corn;
  • "No" to chicken eggs;
  • From vegetables, radishes, peppers, cabbage and eggplants are not allowed;
  • Dried fruits are impossible, you need to give up ice cream, chocolate;
  • Fruit cannot be grapes, bananas;
  • It is not recommended to add spices to food;
  • Ban on coffee, tea, soda, grape juice;
  • Refusal of products containing fats.

For breakfast: oatmeal, beetroot salad, tea without sugar with crackers;

For the second breakfast: apple and carrot salad;

For lunch - vegetable soup, steamed fish, crackers, compote, fruit jelly;

Belonging to legumes, peas are quite popular in many national cuisines. It is eaten in natural fresh or canned form, adding to side dishes, salads, meat dishes. Dried peas are used to make wonderful soups or make delicious mashed potatoes. It has a high nutritional value, which is why it is so loved by adherents of vegetarianism. But this wonderful product for patients with pancreatitis should be used wisely.

Peas in the acute phase of pancreatitis

So, peas cannot be included in the diet of patients with the acute phase of pancreatitis. Its cell membranes contain a lot of coarse ballast substances (11.2 g of fiber per 100 g). These substances can provoke:

  • profuse diarrhea (due to the acceleration of intestinal transit and aggravation of the diarrhea that is caused by pancreatitis itself);
  • bloating (especially with insufficient boiling of peas);
  • removal of important minerals from the body weakened by the disease;
  • intestinal colic.

In the case of mild and well-responsive forms of chronic pancreatitis, sometimes during the period of dietary rehabilitation, patients are allowed to eat peas. After all, it contains a well-digestible protein necessary for the restoration of the pancreas and is quite high in calories. Boiled green peas are served as a component of vegetable purees (mixed with mashed potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and pumpkin) or pureed and added to vegetable soups. Often it is included in the diet to combat constipation.

Peas in remission

After confirmation (clinical, laboratory, ultrasound) of remission, peas can not be wiped. Before cooking, dried peas are recommended to be soaked in cool water (lactic acid fermentation of legumes will quickly occur in warm water). Then soups or side dishes are prepared from it. In addition, peas can be added to vinaigrettes, salads, stews and baked in the form of puddings, casseroles or roll fillings.

In addition to a large amount of protein, peas are distinguished by a high content of potassium (873 mg per 100 g), vitamins B2, PP and selenium. The latter has anticancer activity.

The chemical composition of peas depends on its type.

In 100 g of shelled peas (dried):

  • proteins - 23.0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 57.7 g;
  • fats - 1.6 g;
  • energy value - 332.6 kcal.

In 100 g of green peas:

  • proteins - 5.0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 13.3 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • energy value - 75.0 kcal.


The maximum daily portion of peas for chronic pancreatitis:

  • exacerbation phase - peas are not very desirable, although in mild forms it is possible to use it at the end of the rehabilitation phase.
  • phase of stable remission - peas.

In acute pancreatitis - peas are not very desirable.

Diet compliance score for chronic pancreatitis: 3.0

Food suitability score during acute pancreatitis: -4.0

vitamins in peas

C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, A, B4, H, beta-carotene, PP

Minerals in peas

zirconium, strontium, titanium, tin, vanadium, silicon, molybdenum, nickel, aluminum, fluorine, cobalt, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, selenium, boron, iodine, zinc, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, chromium

In recent years, the world has seen a trend towards a healthy lifestyle. People began to pay attention to their health, revised their diet.

Many have become vegan. All this led to the fact that legumes are popular, in fact, as well as dishes from them.

But is it useful for everyone to eat such treats, because in cases with malfunctions of the digestive tract, there are certain nuances.

In this article, it will be proposed to figure out whether it is possible to eat pea soup with pancreatitis and, in general, peas themselves.

This dish is delicious and flavorful. In our country, it is very often prepared as the first.

Only, despite this fact, peas in pancreatitis is a rather difficult to digest product.

For this reason, it is worthwhile to first find out if it is allowed to be included in the diet for inflammation of the pancreas, or whether it should be abandoned altogether.

Despite the fact that peas include a large amount of fiber, which is incredibly useful for the proper functioning of the digestive tract, it is not always indicated for people with inflammation of the pancreas.

Pea soup for pancreatitis is useful, but at the same time it can cause increased flatulence, worsen the patient's condition and exacerbate the pathology.

Plus, do not forget that the legume contains selenium and potassium, magnesium. A similar set of trace elements provides support to the organs of the cardiovascular system and helps to eliminate the development of cancerous degeneration.

Peas contain vegetable protein. This substance is highly valued by vegetarians who have given up eating meat.

Vegetable protein helps the tissues of an organ that has experienced inflammation to recover. Those. green peas with pancreatitis are beneficial to a person. Moreover, due to the presence of nicotinic acid in the composition, the patient will again fully eat, his appetite will return. Yes, and this substance is able to regulate the presence of cholesterol in the blood.

Green peas for pancreatitis can be used as an ingredient for a delicious soup.

This product has a high energy value, and therefore will saturate the body for a long time.

This property is indispensable in the case of people suffering from obesity.

Many people love peas also because they like its peculiar taste. This is due to the type of bean grown.

In view of this feature, the same soup recipe will each time have a special taste and aroma.

This dish can be included in the diet for pancreatitis, but do not forget about the sense of proportion.

Given the beneficial qualities of legumes, nutritionists allow the inclusion of pea soup, but only at the stage of remission of the pathology.

With an exacerbation of a chronic pathology or an acute form of pancreatitis, you should not eat soup with peas. This will lead to increased pain and associated symptoms of an attack.

Increased gas formation: the relationship with pea soup

Even without suffering from inflammation of the pancreas, many people, after eating pea soup, experience increased flatulence.

This dish really has a similar effect, and therefore it was not without reason that it became the third reason why people have gas formation.

This is explained by the fact that the legume nutrient is not fully digested in the case of pancreatitis, and therefore the bacteria penetrate into the large intestine.

Peas, like other representatives of the legume group, grow from seedlings. This type is appropriate in their use in salads prepared in accordance with the recipes of Korean cuisine.

The seeds themselves contain protein, which nourishes the shoot in the spring. Spare proteins should not be digested ahead of time, and therefore a decent amount of enzyme blockers is left in the seeds for processing.

These proteases, reacting with the digestive enzymes of the human body, begin to block the digestion process, and therefore the processing of the protein becomes more complicated.

All this leads to the fact that bacteria appear in the large intestine, which emit toxic gases in the form of methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide.

Decaying protein in the colon does just that. Gases are formed in large quantities, and this effect is called flatulence.

Curious is the fact that similar protein digestion blockers are found in plant seeds, but the most resistant of them are present in the case of legumes.

Even after cooking, proteases retain their qualities, as well as during frying.

If we analyze this situation with the proteases of sunflower seeds or cereal grains, then the substance is destroyed as soon as heat treatment affects them. It turns out that they do not provoke flatulence.

The main nuances of cooking soup with peas for pancreatitis

Since you can eat pea soup during remission of pathology, you should find out the recipe for the correct preparation of the dish.

A person diagnosed with pancreatitis has to be cautious about all changes in their diet. This rule also applies to the introduction of pea soup.

You need to listen to all the signals of the body to the introduced product. First, you can make vegetable puree from potatoes, pumpkin and cauliflower with carrots and green peas.

There will be few legumes, but if something goes wrong, the pancreas will definitely let you know in the form of unpleasant symptoms.

Otherwise, you can favorably introduce pea soup into the diet.

But know that if an unpleasant symptom was after taking easily digestible food, you should not risk your health, it is better to refuse pea treats altogether.

Recipe for healthy soup with peas for pancreatitis

To begin with, it is worth soaking the peas for 2 hours in water. It’s no longer worth it, since the water needs to be constantly changed, otherwise there is a possibility of starting fermentation, which will negatively affect the further stage of digestion of the product by the digestive tract.

While cooking the soup, you need to boil the peas as well as possible. You can supplement the dish with chopped dill.

You can not be greedy with greens, it will bring only benefits to the body.

After pouring a pot of water, and bringing it to a boil, you can add peas. It cooks for an average of 1.5 hours.

If during this time the water boils away, it is worth supplementing it. Just be sure to boil the water first. If it is cold water, then the legumes will immediately become hard.

30 minutes before the end of cooking, the peas must be removed and rubbed through a sieve. Grated carrots and potatoes must be added to the soup. The root crop can be cut into cubes. 2 pieces will be enough. potatoes.

In order to improve the taste of the dish, you can add onions. Put it in 5 minutes before the end of cooking. You don't have to cut the onion. Put it in its entirety. After that, the vegetable must be removed and discarded.

Here it is worth considering one nuance related to the fact that with pancreatitis it is impossible to put chopped onions in soup with peas. This product can cause inflammation of the affected organ.

The soup is complemented with salt and bay leaf. Here it is worth relying on personal taste preferences.

soup consumption

Pea soup should be eaten warm, in the amount of 150 gr. Before eating a dish, it must be supplemented with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and finely chopped dill.

If you want to make the soup more satisfying, you can add beef, chopping it into small pieces. The meat should be cooked in a separate saucepan beforehand.

And remember that you can’t eat pea soup every day with a diagnosis of pancreatitis. As a rule, it is recommended to take a break of 3 days between meals of the bean dish.

Useful video

The diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is not just abstract principles of nutrition; this is part of the treatment, without following the rules of which the medications taken will be money thrown away. This is explained simply: both the pancreas and the gallbladder take the main part in the digestion of food (it is these organs that break down foods to their main structural elements that are “understandable” by the intestines).

Low-fat dairy products - the basis of the diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis

Depending on the nature of the inflammatory process (it can be acute or chronic), you need to either give the organs rest for a while, or gently stimulate their work. In the first case, they will be able to recover, in the second, they will not atrophy.

Diet in the acute stage of the process

Nutrition for pancreatitis and cholecystitis in the acute stage or during an exacerbation of a chronic process should provide the organs with complete rest, giving them the opportunity to recover. For this:

  1. in the first three days you can’t eat, you can only drink non-carbonated boiled water and sometimes - 100-200 ml per day of Borjomi or Kvass Polyana, from which all gases were previously removed;
  2. by 3 days, if the pain in the abdomen has passed, you can expand the diet. Warm unsweetened tea, grated vegetable soup without frying, oatmeal or rice porridge cooked in milk and water (1: 1), crackers, chicken protein steam omelet are introduced into it;
  3. after another week, low-fat cottage cheese, stewed vegetables (except cabbage) can be allowed;
  4. if the above products do not increase abdominal pain, do not provoke diarrhea and vomiting, boiled low-fat fish, soufflé or steam cutlets from white chicken or turkey meat, semolina and buckwheat porridge are added;
  5. only after 1-2 months they go to the table 5p, recommended for compliance with a long - about a year - time.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

It is called "table 5p", and is characterized as "sparing, with a reduced amount of carbohydrates (mainly sugar) and an extremely low fat content":

  • daily calorie content at the same time - 2,600 - 2,800 kcal;
  • proteins about 120 g / day (no more than 60% of animal proteins);
  • vegetable fats - about 15 g / day, animals - 65 g / day;
  • carbohydrates - no more than 400 g;
  • sugar - only 1 tablespoon / day;
  • instead of sucrose - 20-30 g of sorbitol or xylitol per day;
  • salt - no more than 10 g;
  • liquids - 2.5 liters, without gas;
  • white bread (yesterday's) - no more than 250 g / day.

Table principles 5p

To improve digestion in diseased organs, the following nutritional principles must be observed:

  1. food - 5-6 times a day, in small portions;
  2. the temperature of the food taken is about 40 degrees;
  3. the total weight of food per day should not exceed 3 kg;
  4. the basis of the diet is protein food;
  5. fried, salted and pickled foods should be excluded;
  6. vegetables should be boiled or steamed;
  7. soups - either on vegetable or 3 meat broth;
  8. drink drinks based on chicory flowers;
  9. chicken eggs (and better - only protein) eat 2-3 times a week in the form of omelettes and boiled eggs.

Advice! Your diet should include enough fiber-rich foods. In addition, you need to consume at least 1 glass of kefir and a few pears daily.

What is possible and what is not

Dishes for pancreatitis and cholecystitis should not be fried

What foods for pancreatitis and cholecystitis are allowed and which are not allowed, see the table:


It is forbidden

Rusks and yesterday's white bread


Vegetarian soups

Rye bread

Puff pastry

fresh bread

Lean meat and fish in boiled form (you need to cook without skin)

Steam protein omelets

Broths: meat, fish

Kashi: buckwheat, semolina, rice, oatmeal



Green pea

Milk soups

Pumpkin with cholecystitis and pancreatitis

smoked products

boiled vermicelli

Fatty dairy products

Ripe non-acid fruits that need to be ground

Kashi: millet, wheat, corn

Baked apples

Sugar-free juices from non-acid fruits and berries

fried foods

Jelly with xylitol or sorbitol

Low-fat dairy products

Vegetable oil - refined, up to 15 g / day

Onion and garlic

Tea with milk and lemon


Rosehip decoction

Butter - only for cooked food (per day - no more than 30 g)

Unsavory pies with cottage cheese

Bell pepper

oatmeal jelly

Animal fats


Sometimes - high-quality boiled sausage without fat

raw fruits

Sauerkraut, if it's not sour


Mushrooms and mushroom broths

Mustard, horseradish

Ice cream

Products with confectionery cream

Coffee, cocoa

Consider some individual "controversial" products:

  1. Bananas for pancreatitis and cholecystitis are allowed, but in small quantities (no more than 1 per day), as they contain. It is desirable to use them to add additional flavor to low-fat yogurt, casserole, low-fat yogurt cake and dry cookies. You can also drink banana juice, but also in small quantities.
  2. Sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, with cholecystitis and pancreatitis are allowed if the disease is in the chronic stage. This product is good for snacking. It stops the inflammation of the pancreatic tissue, protects the tissue from destruction. But nuts are fatty foods, so you should eat them no more than 15 grams (any) and only if you are not allergic to them.
  3. Honey for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is allowed only if the inflammation has not affected the endocrine apparatus of the pancreas, and diabetes mellitus has not developed. In this case, the product is useful - it helps to "expel" bile that has stagnated in the gallbladder.

    Advice! It is necessary to use honey for these diseases not when you want, but in the morning, on an empty stomach, dissolving a tablespoon of the product in 100 ml of water.

  4. Persimmon with cholecystitis and pancreatitis is not recommended for use. If you really want to eat it, then this can only be done without exacerbation, and only if there is no diabetes mellitus.

You can get additional information about nutrition in the pathologies under consideration from the article: 100 allowed foods for pancreatitis.

Recipes for delicious dishes

So that life with inflammatory diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder does not seem so gray and boring, it is necessary to diversify it somewhat. We offer the following recipes for pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

First courses take pride of place in the culinary traditions of different countries. Many people cannot imagine a dinner table without a plate of fragrant borscht or pea soup with an appetizing smell of smoked ribs.

What if you have gastritis? Is it possible to eat borscht with gastritis? After all, to cook this dish according to the original Ukrainian recipe means using rich broth, lard, beans, cabbage.

How will a sick stomach react to these ingredients? Is it possible to eat pea soup with gastritis? Will smoked meats bring harm, because without them the soup will not have a characteristic taste and smell.

First courses for gastritis

“Is it possible to have borscht with gastritis?” - most likely, this question will be the first one that the gastroenterologist will hear from the majority of Ukrainians, voicing their diagnosis.

This is not surprising, because this country is the birthplace of such a wonderful dish. How to cook borscht for gastritis and what soups will be useful for people with this disease?

Cooked on meat and vegetable broths, with mushrooms, cereals, potatoes, seafood, first courses perfectly satisfy hunger, stimulate digestion.

It seems that there can be no contraindications for first courses, especially when they are made from natural ingredients. This is true if the person's health is normal.

And when there are diseases of the digestive system, for example, gastritis, the use of even such a healthy dish is called into question.

With gastritis, regardless of the level of acidity, the process of food processing is disrupted, the absorption of substances necessary for the body, the mucous membrane of the organ becomes inflamed.

In this condition, a significant place in the treatment of the disease is occupied by a diet aimed at reducing the load on the diseased organ and helping it perform its functions.

From the diet it is necessary to remove all foods that provoke exacerbations of chronic gastritis and aggravate its manifestations:

  • pork, lard, lamb, geese and ducks, oily fish;
  • peas, beans, lentils, beans;
  • cabbage - white, red, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts;
  • eggplant, cucumbers, turnips, radishes, radishes, celery root;
  • with gastritis with high acidity - acidic varieties of fruits and berries;
  • onion, garlic, chili pepper;
  • smoked meats, sausages, canned food;
  • baking, sweets, cocoa, chocolate.

The list of foods that are tabooed includes most of the ingredients for making borscht - pork, beans, white cabbage, garlic, black and hot peppers.

Fatty pork meat is poorly digested by the stomach, cabbage and beans cause flatulence and bloating in the stomach, and hot spices provoke heartburn and irritate the mucous membranes.

It turns out that with gastritis, especially with a high level of acidity, borscht is not the best choice for the dinner table.

How to cook borsch with gastritis

What to do when you can’t eat, and the body is used to getting a portion of the usual food for lunch? You can try the diet option and cook borscht, slightly changing the classic recipe.

Instead of fatty pork, put chicken or veal in borscht, replace white cabbage with a small amount of Peking cabbage, and do not use beans, garlic, lard and pepper at all.

The recipe will also have to be slightly modified:

  1. 200 - 250gr. Pour cold water over chicken, turkey or veal meat, bring to a boil. Drain the first broth, add water, onion, carrots again, reduce the heat to medium and cook until the meat is ready.
  2. Remove the vegetables from the prepared broth, discard the onion, mash the carrots or cut into small cubes, return to the borscht.
  3. Grate the beets, put in the broth along with chopped potatoes, add a little salt and sugar, cook until tender.
  4. At the end of cooking, put chopped tomato without skin, parsley and dill. Serve with sour cream and oven-dried white bread.

Diet borscht can be prepared in a different way. In the previous recipe, cabbage was not used, in another version, a little Beijing variety was added and the cooking process was slightly changed:

  1. Boil the broth, as in the first recipe, but without adding vegetables. Finely chop the onion, put in the broth, add the potatoes in cubes, salt.
  2. Pour a little water into a saucepan or pan, send carrots grated on a fine grater, parsley root, you can also add a spoonful of cream, stew until the vegetables soften.
  3. Introduce sautéed vegetables, boiled beets, chopped into strips, chopped tomatoes with skin removed into the broth.
  4. Put the borscht on the fire, cook until the beets and potatoes are ready, put Chinese cabbage, dill, parsley. If desired, you can season it with Provence herbs. There, adding low-fat sour cream.

The taste of such borscht may differ from the usual, but the dish will be nutritious and will not have a negative effect on the body.

Soup in nutrition with gastritis

There are signature recipes for soups in the national cuisine of almost every country. French onion soup, Italian minestrone, Russian cabbage soup, smoked pea soup from Germany - the list goes on.

One of the most popular soups is made from dried peas and smoked ribs, with dried croutons and sweet cream. Is it possible to eat such soup with gastritis?

If you go back to the list of foods prohibited for gastritis, you can find peas and smoked delicacies in it.

Both products are too hard to digest in the stomach, and peas, moreover, provoke excessive gas formation in the intestines.

Dried peas contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which the stomach will not be able to cope with gastritis.

Pea soup is excluded from the menu both for gastritis with high acidity and with low acidity. But all of the above applies to ripe dried peas.

Young green peas do not yet contain such an amount of protein and substances that cause flatulence as dry ones.

Therefore, a small amount of green peas can be recommended as an ingredient for soup with gastritis. This soup has its own characteristics of preparation.

Here are some recipes

First recipe:

  • Boil 1 cup of milk ripeness peas until tender, drain the broth, chop the peas with a blender;
  • put potatoes in slices, carrots, a small zucchini, half a tomato, cook vegetables in a saucepan with meat or vegetable broth;
  • add pea puree to the soup, a little cream or sour cream, greens if desired, bring to a boil, remove from heat;
  • beat the slightly cooled soup with a blender, serve with homemade wheat croutons.

Second recipe:

  • cook broth from chicken, chicken offal or veal (drain the first broth);
  • boil green peas separately, make mashed potatoes from it;
  • in a saucepan, stew finely chopped onions, carrots, parsley root in water with the addition of a piece of butter;
  • put pieces of meat, washed rice, stewed vegetables, mashed peas into the broth, cook until the potatoes are ready;
  • at the end of cooking, add cilantro, dill, parsley.

Such pea soup not only will not harm gastritis, but will also enrich the body with nutrients and vitamins, which are abundant in vegetables and herbs, and protein.

Soups can be filled with vegetable oils (olive, sesame, corn, pumpkin), sour cream or cream, kefir.

If the patient is in remission, olives, pasta, and some favorite spices are added to the soup if desired.

With gastritis with low acidity, green borscht with sorrel and green onions, pickle with pickles, cabbage soup with sauerkraut are acceptable in the diet.

If you eat these first courses, the level of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice will increase, the process of digestion of food will improve.

Compliance with these simple rules will help diversify your menu for gastritis, so as not to deny yourself familiar and favorite dishes.

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