The last 10 nights in Ramadan islam. The last ten days of Ramadan. O Allah! Save us, our fathers and mothers from the fire of Hell

It's hard to believe, but Ramadan is about to end. There are only a few days left, and for a believer, such an opportunity for Savab will come no earlier than in a year. The last 10 days of Ramadan are the most blessed, so the believer should increase his worship and commitment to the faith, as he holds in his hands a gem called Laylat al-Qadr, which is better than 1000 nights. The believer should strive to reach this night, which is hidden in the last 10 days of the holy month. This is our chance to get closer to the Almighty, to achieve his mercy and forgiveness of past and present sins.

1. Performing I'tikaf

Itikaf - staying in the mosque in worship with the intention to become closer to the Almighty, to perform constant dhikr, praising the Almighty. Itikaf is a sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). If a believer is not able to perform itikaf for 10 days, he should try to perform itikaf for as many days as he can - nafl itikaf. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) devoted himself to itikaf (solitude for worship in the mosque) during the last ten nights of Ramadan, until he left the world, his wives followed this practice. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

2. Make a daily worship list.

Plan and make a list of acts of worship that you must perform during the day and stick to it. Manage your time in the most efficient way.

3. Increasing worship in the last days of Ramadan.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) especially increased his worship in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: When the last ten nights (Ramadan) began, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stayed awake at night (for prayer and worship), woke up his family and prepared himself to be more diligent in worship. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

4. Continuously read the Quran.

The Qur'an was sent down on the blessed night of Predestination, it should be read a lot on this night. After all, the reward for reading one letter of the Qur'an in Ramadan is 700 hasan. It is important to read Sura Yasin daily after Fajr. Surah "Mulk" before going to bed, Surah "Kahf" every Friday.

5. We make voluntary prayers.

The reward for reading fard prayers outside of Ramadan is the highest that a Muslim can achieve, but in Ramadan we can get the same reward for doing voluntary prayers. We must strive to make as many voluntary prayers as we can in order to become closer to the Almighty.

6. We remember the Almighty.

Increase the remembrance of Allah in the last days of Ramadan by praising Him. The hadith says: “On the Day of Judgment, a person will be shown the time that he spent in his life. And he will greatly regret every hour he has spent without the remembrance of Allah.” This was narrated by Ibn Rajab in Jami‘ al-‘ulum wa-l-hikam (p. 135).

7. Making dua

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: “If My slaves ask you about Me, then I am close and answer the call of the prayer when he calls to Me. Let them answer Me and believe in Me, so that they may follow the right path” (2:186).

Dua is of great importance in front of the Almighty. Allah loves those who repent and those who turn to him in sincere repentance: “Verily, Allah loves the repentant…” (2:222).

8. In the last days of Ramadan, increase the sunnah by using miswak, sunnahs of going to bed, eating, drinking, etc.

9. We make repentance about the past and the present.

The last ten days of Ramadan are the days of God's forgiveness, which we can earn only through worship and sincere petition.

10. Strive for the Night of Predestination

“We sent it down on a blessed night, and We warn. All wise deeds are decided in it by command from Us. We send prophets and scriptures” (44:2-5).

The first condition for receiving rewards on this night is to be awake. As for what exactly a person should do during this night, in this case the choice is up to the person himself. He can: perform nafil or kaza prayers, read the Qur'an, make as much dua as possible or indulge in meditation. All this is Sunnah. And there is no doubt that if you spend in worship every night of the last ten days of Ramadan, you will certainly reach the night of Destiny and gain permanent blessings, as if you had worshiped for 83 years.

07.06.2018 Mignonette 11 378 2

Reseda Asiatullina

The long-awaited last 10 days of Ramadan in 2017. Why long awaited? The answer to this question lies only in one night, which must be sought ...

Usually Muslims spend the last 10 days in Itikaf. This is due to the fact that itikaf is the most beloved for Allah Almighty of the good deeds in the month of Ramadan. The word "itikaf" in Arabic means "stay". From the point of view of Sharia, this means staying in the mosque in order to get closer to Allah.

It is reported that the Prophet did not leave the mosque on the days of I'tikaf, except for natural needs. When the last ten days of the month of Ramadan approached, he and his companions were zealous in worship, for these days are Laylat al-Qadr - the Night of Predestination.

Itikaf, stay in the mosque

Itikaf has a deep religious meaning when a person retires in order to remain in the worship and remembrance of Allah Almighty. Since the sayings say that the Night of Predestination falls on the last 10 days, it is therefore preferable to spend them in dialogue with the Lord, with your Creator. Indeed, at this time, a person’s deeds for the next year are determined, and with his prayers he asks for grace for himself.

It is necessary that during itikaf, not only the body of a person be present in the mosque, but also his thoughts, heart, soul. With all the fibers of his soul, he must ask for forgiveness, repent, remember the Lord and pray fervently. Particular attention should be paid to reading the Qur'an.

But the main reason why it is necessary to be more diligent in the last 10 days of Ramadan is to find the “Night of Power”, or “The Night of Destiny”.

The Night of Destiny and the Last Days of Ramadan

It is the last days of Ramadan that mark the coming Nights of Doom- Laylat al-Qadr.

Read also:

  • The value of the last days of Ramadan - the Night of Destiny

Reported by Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, he said: Seek, Night of Destiny. This is the last night of the month of Ramadan” - reported by ibn Khuzayma.

Also the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Look for the Night of Destiny among the odd numbered nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan”- also transmitted by al-Bukhari from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her.

Interestingly, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, taught his Ummah a prayer that must be said in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

According to Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her in a hadith, she asked the prophet: “O Messenger of Allah, tell me, if I find out (about the onset) of the night of predestination, what should I say?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Say: “Allahumma innakya gafuwun tuhibbul gafwa faqfu gannii”, that is: “O Allah, verily, You are Forgiving, You love to forgive, so forgive me!”.

Praise be to Allah Who has made Ramadan the best month of the year. Allah multiplies their reward for the believers this month.

Peace and blessings be upon the best of all prophets and messengers - our prophet Muhammad, his family and all the companions.

The great days have come - the last ten days of Ramadan. This is the last decade of the great month. These days are different from all other days of the month of Ramadan.

To the distinctive features of these days:

1. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) showed more diligence during these days of Ramadan than on other days.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) showed more diligence in the last ten days of Ramadan than on any other days.”

2. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood all these nights in prayer.

It is reported that ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “When the last ten days of Ramadan came, the Prophet tightened his Izar, engaged in worship at night and woke up his family members.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) showed zeal these days so much that, as it is said in the hadith "tightened his izar". This means that he did not approach his wives and was only engaged in worship, devoting all his time to this.

So follow, dear brother, the example of your Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Try not to miss any of these few days and nights, because, indeed, they are a great reward. Look forward to this blessed night, being in the worship of Allah. Ask your Greatest and Most Generous Lord with humility and humility.

Every nation or community keeps the history of those days that they are proud of. Our community is also proud of the great events that have taken place in its history. She is proud of the special days and nights for her. Of those mercies with which Allah (Holy and Great is He) has favored this community, is the Night of Predestination. Allah called her blessed because of the many blessings that accompany her.

Goods that are associated with this night:

- Revealing the Holy Qur'an.

- Allah (Holy and Great is He) said that on this night all wise deeds are decided. On this Night, the fate of all creatures is predetermined for the whole year. The names of those who are ordained to live and who are to die, who will be great and who will be humiliated, who will be happy and who are unfortunate, who will perish and who will be saved, and also there will be fertility or drought, are written down. Everything that Allah (Holy and Great is He) wills for this year is recorded.

Allah Almighty said: “We sent it down on a blessed night, and We warn. In it all wise deeds are decided by command from Us. We send prophets and Scriptures by the grace of your Lord, the Hearing, the Knowing” (Smoke 1-6).

The Almighty also said about this great night: “Indeed, We sent down it (the Qur'an) on the Night of Predestination (or Majesty). How could you know what the Night of Predestination (or Majesty) is? The Night of Predestination (or Majesty) is better than a thousand months. On this night, the angels and the Spirit (Jibril) descend with the permission of their Lord, according to all His commands. She is prosperous until dawn ”(Power 1-5).

Let's list the advantages of this night:

1. The revelation by Allah on this night of the Holy Quran, which is a guide for people and the cause of their happiness in both worlds.

2. Allah (Holy and Great is He) drew our attention to this night, saying: “ How could you know what the Night of Predestination (or Majesty) is? This is the question that gives it importance and significance.

3. Angels descend on this night, and their arrival is always accompanied by mercy and good.

4. This night is better than a thousand months, that is, better than eighty-three years.

5. On this night, Allah frees many of his slaves from punishment and torment. Only His obedient servants deserve it.

6. Allah sent down on this night a whole sura, which will be read until the Day of Judgment.

The virtues of the Night of Predestination are mentioned in a reliable hadith. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever prays at night during Ramadan with faith and hope for the reward of Allah, his former sins will be forgiven.”

O Muslim! This is a great and blessed night, which is preferably expected in the last decade of the month of Ramadan, and especially on odd numbers.

In an authentic hadith from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Look for her in the odd numbers of the last ten days."

Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Look for the Night of Qadr in the last ten nights of Ramadan, when there are nine or seven or five nights left before the end of the month.”

It is highly probable that the Night of Destiny is one of the last seven nights.

It is narrated from the words of Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with both of them) that once several people from among the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were revealed in a dream that one of the last seven nights of Ramadan would be on the Night of Destiny, and then the messenger Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “I see that your dreams converge on the last seven nights, so let those who are waiting for the Night of Predestination expect it to come during the last seven nights of Ramadan”.

Some believe that this is the twenty-seventh night.

It was narrated from the words of Ubayy bin Kab and Muawiyah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Night of Destiny - the twenty-seventh night."

Regarding the Night of Destiny, scholars disagreed. The most correct opinion is that this is one of the odd nights of the last decade of Ramadan, and it may come earlier one year than the next, and vice versa. Al-Khuzaimah said: “This night moves, that is, in one year it falls on one number, and in another year it falls on another. This opinion makes it possible to harmonize all transmitted hadiths on this subject.

Allah (Holy and Great is He), out of mercy to His servants, hid from them the knowledge of this night, so that they would be more zealous and worship more these days. The number of odd days of the last decade is counted, but the reward in them is huge. Therefore, dear brother, remember Allah more often and make dua these days. Especially the dua that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her).

She said: “I asked the Messenger of Allah: “If I recognize this night, then what should I say then?” He replied: “Say: “O Allah! Truly You are Forgiving and You love forgiveness, forgive me!”

O Muslim! Spend more time these days in worship, humility and obedience to Allah (He is Holy and Great) and do not waste a minute or a second. Beware of committing innovations on these days, which are not clearly indicated in the Shari'ah from Allah or from His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). For example, such as a collective dua, or the performance of any types of worship associated directly with these days, or holding solemn meetings and sermons. All this is forbidden to do, since there is no instruction for this either from Allah or from His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Do what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did and his Companions follow their example. Do not deviate from their path to the side, so as not to get lost.

O Allah! Grant us your mercy and forgiveness.

O Allah! Forgive our sins and mistakes. Strengthen us on Your straight path until the day we meet You.

O Allah! Bless our deeds and our time. Give us strength to obey and worship you.

O Allah! Save us, our fathers and mothers from the fire of Hell.

O Allah! Forgive us, our parents and all Muslims.

And may Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his companions.

Abdul-Malik al-Qasim
“40 lessons for those who caught Ramadan”
Translated by Why Islam?

We are entering the last ten days of Ramadan. Usually at this time, fewer friends invite each other to iftars, fewer people come to mosques for tarawih prayers, and more and more people go shopping and return to their usual activities.

I remember when I was a child, my parents used to tell us in the middle of Ramadan - do not worry, you have reached the top of the hill, now it will be easier to move, because we will go downhill. This belief has become entrenched in us, in connection with this we carelessly treat the last days of Ramadan, therefore we miss the most important days of this month.

However, it is at this time that Allah calls us to work towards Paradise. Instead, we think about what to cook for dinner on Eid al-Fitr and what purchases to make for this in the store. In connection with this attitude, it becomes a really difficult task to spend the last days of Ramadan, strong faith is required here.

When the month comes to an end, we enter a period in which the important and fertile night of Leylatul-Qadr is located. This night of huge rewards is the perfect time to spend alone reading the Qur'an or spend it in the mosque. Even at home, you can spend this time with small children, explaining to them the importance of this night.

During fasting, we imitate angels who do not need food or drink. Because we are human, we are made of earth, but when we fast, we suppress our material desires and awaken our angelic nature. May this month make us and we will continue to imitate the angels in their obedience and service to the Almighty.

The last ten days of Ramadan are considered its best time. It has a night about which it is said that it is better than a thousand months. Surah Al-Qadr says:

"one. Verily, We [Allah] sent it down [the entire Quran] (with the Protected Tablet to the nearest heaven) on the night of doom!

2. And what let you know[at least you know] (Oh Prophet)what is the night of doom[on this night, Allah Almighty determines the affairs for the next year]?

3. Night of Destiny[deeds done during it] better than a thousand months.

4. Angels descend (from heaven) and the spirit [of the angel Jibril] into her [that night] with the permission of their Lord for (performations)any orders.

5. She [this night] is peace [goodness and tranquility] before dawn!"(Sura 97).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Ramadan, a blessed month, has come to you, during which Allah prescribed fasting for you, at this time the doors of Paradise are opened and the doors of Hell are closed, and the rebellious devils are chained. It has a night that is better than a thousand months, and whoever is deprived of its blessings is truly deprived of everything. (An-Nasai, 2106, Ahmad, Sahih at-Targhib, 999).

Here is the list some things we can do in these ten days:

1) Don't waste your time these days!

These days, every moment matters. Read the Quran more, dhikr, dua, additional prayers, help other people - the rewards for all this increase many times over. No one knew about the importance of these days more than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), about whom they say that “he was zealous in those ten days in worship as he had never been before” (Sahih Muslim).

If we lose this opportunity, we will have to wait a whole year, hoping that we will live to see him in good health. Even if we live to see the next Ramadan, it is possible that we will have some problems and worldly affairs that will not allow us to use it to the fullest. So there is no better time than to turn to Allah right now.

2) If you have the opportunity, read the Quran.

We can talk for a long time about the dignity and value of reading the Qur'an. It is narrated in an authentic hadith that the Qur'an itself will ask for those who recite it at night. It was narrated from Abdullah ibn Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Fasting and the Quran will testify for a person on the day of resurrection. Fasting will say: “O Allah, I deprived him of food and other desires during the day, so let me intercede for him.” The Qur'an will say: "O Lord, I deprived him of sleep at night, so let me intercede for him" (Ahmad, 3882).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: “The best of you is the one who recites the Quran and teaches it to others” (Sahih al-Bukhari).

3) Make dua and ask for forgiveness for your sins

It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) warned:

“A person is deprived of his food (rizka) because of his sins” (Ibn Maja, 4022).

However, it is known that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said:

“Whoever spends Laylat al-Qadr in prayer with faith and in the hope of a reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.”

One of the best dua that can be said at this time is the dua that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her).

Aisha narrates:I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, if I catch the night of Laylat al-Qadr, what should I say?”

He said:

"Tell: Allahumma innaka ‘afuvvun tuhibbul-‘afwa fa`fu anni”

“O Allah, You are the All-Forgiving and You love to forgive, so forgive me” (Tirmizi).

Remember all you have to ask Allah and ask Him now.

And finally, when you are in the state of ibadat (prayer and worship), please remember in your prayers your brothers and sisters who are in difficult situations around the world. Remember that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“A prayer that receives a quick answer is one that is performed by one Muslim for another in his absence” (Narrated by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi).

Ramadan is called Kareem, generous. This month is truly bountiful with all its blessings and treasures. During this month we can achieve forgiveness of sins. May you all benefit from this generosity. May Allah have mercy on us, forgive us and guide us to the straight path. Amine.

The mercy of the Almighty is boundless in relation to man. One of the manifestations of this mercy is that Allah has determined special time intervals, laying in them the opportunity to significantly increase your baggage of eternity in a short time.

Ramadan himself is singled out as "master of the months" among the remaining eleven. At the same time, the last ten days are marked among the days of Ramadan. It is authentically known from the words of ‘Aisha (may the Creator be pleased with her) that these days the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) devoted to worship and service to the Lord of the worlds. He, in indescribable beauty and fullness, personified the servant of the Most High. As 'Aisha narrates:

“In these ten days, he made as much effort as he did not make in others” /1/.

And among these ten, one night is singled out - the Night of Power. The Qur'an says (meaning): The Night of Power is better than a thousand months» /2/

That is, the reward for any good deed performed on this night is equated to the same as if it were performed within eighty-three years and four months.

Allah throughout our life endows us with an unlimited number of blessings. The Qur'an says (meaning): "And if you try to count the blessings of the Almighty, you will not be able to do this, you will not be able to cover them with your limited knowledge and earthly numbers" /3/.

The benefits that surround us are countless, but, unfortunately, a person often cannot use and dispose of them correctly. And the worst thing is that he forgets about their true source. It is not for nothing that further in the verse it says (meaning): “Indeed, man is oppressive, unjust and ungrateful, denying God’s blessings»

The last ten days of this month and the Night of Power are also an invaluable boon and gift of the Lord. And if the awareness of this does not translate into our deeds, then we are among those who deny good things and oppress that part of our nature that is turned into eternity.

May the Almighty help fill these blessed days with charitable deeds that will slightly open the gates to the beautiful gardens of faith for us.

In these last ten days, one should not forget the valuable instruction of the Messenger of the Most High: “May four qualities be inherent in this month. Think about them often. Two of them will serve as a reason for achieving the contentment of the Almighty. The other two are necessary for you. The first of these four qualities is evidence of Monotheism ... "That is, the frequent repetition of the words" la ilaha illa llah "with the realization of the deep meaning that lies in them. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The best of what was said by me and the prophets before me are the words:“ la ilaha illa llah" /four/.

Second: “Appeal to the Almighty with “istigfar” [that is, a prayer for forgiveness and pronouncing the words “astaghfirullah” (“O Allah, forgive my sins and show Your mercy”)]”.

It is known that even the Prophet daily addressed the Almighty with these words seventy times, and in some narrations it is mentioned that even a hundred times. And this despite the fact that he was protected from sin.

“As for the remaining two qualities, this is an appeal to the Almighty with a request for entry into Paradise and removal from Hell” / 6 /.

How amazing is the praise that is collectively uttered in the intervals between the performance of the Tarawih prayers! .. Along with the fact that it includes what is mentioned in the hadith, it also contains other most beautiful lines: “Subhaana zil-mulki wal-malyakuut. Subhaana zil-‘izzati wal-‘azamati wal-kudrati wal-kibriyayi wal-jabarut. Subhaanal-malikil-hayil-lyazii laya yamuut ”(“ Holy, beyond any shortcomings, He Who has earthly and heavenly dominion. Holy is He Who has inherent power; greatness; boundless power; power over everything and boundless power. Holy is He, Who is the Lord of all, Who is eternal, He will never be overtaken by death.")

These words are so beautiful that when they are uttered, especially by those who, despite their daily worries and problems, came to the mosque, it seems as if at these moments the heavenly curtain opens slightly and high society admires these people.

Then the words follow: “Subbuhun kuddusun rabbul-malayaikati var-ruh” /7/. When you say these words and remember their background, goosebumps run through your body. Some sources say that the angel Jabrail (peace be upon him) turned to Allah: “O Almighty! Why is the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) so singled out that he is considered “halilul-lah” (your friend)?” In response, Allah sent him to Abraham, saying: “Greet him and say the words: “Subbuhun kuddusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-ruh.”

As you know, the prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) was very rich. The dogs alone that guarded his herds numbered in the thousands. But he was also spiritually rich. So, when Gabriel appeared before Abraham in the guise of a man and uttered these words, the prophet, feeling their Divine essence, exclaimed: “Say them again and half of my wealth is yours!” Angel Gabriel (Gabriel) said them again. Abraham said again: "Repeat them, and all my wealth is yours!" When Abraham once again heard these words, it finally left his lips: “Say them again, and I am your slave.”

There are things whose magnificence, beauty and value can only be comprehended by specialists. For example, a diamond. Not everyone will distinguish a fossil diamond from other, less valuable stones. For a specialist, this is a valuable stone that can turn into an exquisite jewel if it is cut. Moreover, only a connoisseur will determine the value of that diamond, which, as a result of cutting, can be obtained from a diamond. Also the words “Subbuhun kuddusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-ruh”. Abraham, having felt their beauty and splendor, could not satiate his ears and each time asked to repeat them again.

And this delightful, magical remembrance of the Almighty, the Lord of the worlds, ends with a penetrating prayer: “Laya ilyayahe illa llahu nastagfirulla, nas’elukel-jannata wa na’uuzu bikya minan-naar” (“There is no god but the One and Only Allah. O Almighty, forgive have mercy on us! We ask You for Paradise and resort to You, praying for removal from Hell").

One of the hadiths says that in Paradise there is a special gate for those who fast, which are called al-Rayyan. On the Day of Judgment it will be said:

« Where are those who kept the fast? Enter Paradise through the gate al-Rayyan" /eight/.

When you pronounce the last part of the praise “we ask you for Paradise”, you are filled with such sensations as if these heavenly gates are opening a little, and it seems impossible that Allah would leave this sincere prayer of a person unanswered.

Oh Lord! Include us among those who on the Day of Judgment will be singled out in front of all other creatures due to fasting and will enter Paradise through the gates of al-Rayyan. Amine.