Birthday greetings in English. Happy birthday greetings in English

A good smile is the key to equanimity and happy life. At the same time, not every person can be proud of good primary teeth, because from birth they can be crooked, darkened and defective. In the end, everyone feels insecure and tries not to show their teeth, so as not to instill hostility in others. With trendy Perfect Smile Veneers, don't be embarrassed about your smile, because your smile will be beautiful. This device is very comfortable to use because it accepts natural look unevenness. There is no need to be embarrassed about your teeth - veneers are completely harmless to the enamel and do not cause discomfort.

A bright smile like a Hollywood star is the goal of most people, which is often fantastic. It is very rare to meet a woman or man who has a correct bite and good teeth. If you go to a doctor, correcting existing defects will be too expensive. Because of this, you have to put up with flaws and feel a lot of problems because of them. Crooked teeth make everyone unattractive, and the defect can inspire hostility in the people around you. Therefore, it is difficult to make friends, achieve success in business and in relationships with a partner. Anyone can withdraw into themselves and be embarrassed to communicate with loved ones because they are dissatisfied with their appearance. At the same time, there are all kinds of dental problems, and each of them is individually ugly.

A beautiful smile will appear in just 2 minutes. Even virtuoso dentists are not able to remove all dental difficulties in men and women in a couple of minutes. The product can be used by owners of both sexes. The product is made for everyone, regardless of the individual characteristics of a man or a woman. Perfect Smile Veneers perfectly show off a snow-white smile. No person would even imagine that an individual has difficulties with his incisors. The product is completely safe and has no contraindications.

I heartily congratulate you
Let life give you family peace,
Let all your desires come true,
Let all roads lead to happiness!

I wish sincerely to reach the best,
Be surrounded by the faithful friends,
Travel in the world from east to west,
Have all pleasures of the life without end!

Have all the pleasures of life!

I sincerely congratulate you
May life give family peace,
May all wishes come true
May all roads lead to happiness!

I sincerely wish to achieve the best,
To be surrounded by true friends,
Travel the world from east to west,
Have all the pleasures of life without end and edge!


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Congrats To You With All My Heart!

Congrats to you with all my heart!
I wish you happiness and smiles,
Let fate of yours be so smart
To implement all your desires!

I wish at least one faithful friend,
Successes in your work affairs,
Love in your family to spend
Your every day in pretty cares!

Congratulations with all my heart!

Congratulations with all my heart!
I wish you happiness and smiles,
May fate be so reasonable
Which will fulfill all wishes!

I wish you at least one true friend,
Good luck at work,
Love in the family to spend
Every day in pleasant worries!


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Nature Blessings

Enjoy your special day,
Be merry and relax today!
I wish you oceans of emotions,
Seas of happiness,
Rivers of givers,
Brooks of books!
And I wish you from my heart
To play always the best part,
I wish mounts of lucky moments,
Fields of faithful friends,
Forests of tourism and interests!

Natural Blessings

Enjoy, it's your special day,
Have fun and relax today!
I wish you oceans of emotions,
Seas of happiness
Rivers of givers,
Streams of books!
I also wish with all my heart -
Always play your best role
I wish you mountains of successful moments,
Fields of true friends,
Forests of tourism and all the interesting things!


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Lead a Merry Life, Enjoy!

Let grief, sadness never come,
Let the sun always shine brightly,
Let all dreams come true and right,
Giving happiness and fun!

Lead a merry life, enjoy!
Take, please, my congratulations
They are full of inspiration,
Tenderness, love, warmth and joy!

Live happily, enjoy!

May sadness and despondency never visit you,
May the sun always shine brightly
May all your dreams come true and in the right way,
Giving happiness and joy!

Live cheerfully, enjoy life!
Please accept my congratulations
They are full of inspiration
Tenderness, love, warmth and joy!


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I won't wish you many things,
I won't waste a lot of words,
I wish simply - happiness,
It includes the whole world:
Nothing troubles, nothing aches,
You have a good mood, lots of force,
It means peace, loved work and breaks,
Family, wealth, so forth…

I won't wish you much,
I won't waste many words
I just wish you happiness,
It includes the whole world:
There will be no trouble, no pain,
Will good mood, a lot of strength,
Happiness is peace, beloved work and rest,
Family, wealth and so on...


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To Honorable Person!

We congratulate on this event
The most honorable person,
We wish for you fate to bent
Before you, giving a lot of peace!
Have fun today without end,
And be merry in your life time,
Laughter prolongs life and
Gives health! Give us your smiles!

Dear person!

We congratulate you on this event
The most respected person
We wish fate to bow
In front of you, giving a lot of fun!
Have fun today without end and edge,
And have fun all your life
Laughter prolongs life and
Gives health! Give us your smiles!


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Enjoy the Fun and Food!

Congrats you with a pure heart
And with a radiant mood,
Let each wish of guests start
To come true as it should!

I wish you all the best today
Enjoy the fun and food,
Let luck of yours not turn away,
Let fate of yours be good!

Enjoy fun and treats!

Congratulations with a pure heart
And with a radiant mood,
Let all the wishes of the guests
Executed as it should!

I wish you the best today,
Enjoy fun and treats,
May your luck not turn away from you,
May your destiny always be good!

Happy birthday greetings in English with translation

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Successful Niche

I congratulate you and I wish
For you to never be sad, dear,
For you to find a successful niche
In private life and in career!

I wish much health and live too long,
Be always young, fresh, joyful, sturdy,
Rich, happy, merry, lucky, strong
In spirit, mind, heart and body!

Successful niche

I congratulate you and wish you
May you never be sad, dear,
So that you find your successful niche
In your personal life and career!

I wish you health and long life,
Be always young, fresh, joyful, strong,
Rich, happy, cheerful, lucky, strong
Spirit, soul, mind, heart and body!


Fall in love, and be the One,
Don’t be sad, let be your troubles
Like the senseless soap bubbles,
They are bursting and unharmful,
Be you prosper, live in comfort,
Be successful with great heart,
Be you always kind, smart!

Be yourself

Dance, frolic and have fun,
Fall in love, be yourself,
And don't be sad, let the troubles
They will be like soap bubbles
They burst and are harmless,
Always prosper, live in comfort,
Be successful with a big heart,
Always be kind and smart!

8 7.04.2016

England is a magnificent country that, over the centuries-old history of its existence, has managed to introduce a lot of interesting things into world culture. This is not only the famous English tea parties and the peculiar “foggy fashion”, but also the English language, which today is considered the main language of international communication. Children study it at school, boys and girls at university, men and women at home or in courses. And if you want to present congratulations to a man on English, then it's not such a bad idea. Moreover, if there are any prerequisites for this.

Just keep in mind that if the birthday person knows English well, then you won’t be able to say just anything. Here you will also need to think carefully, or at least spend a little time searching for a worthy congratulation on the Internet. In the second case, we would recommend that you look for a suitable option on our website. Vlio offers the best ones in English that we managed to collect from all over the Internet.

Take it, practice it, say it in front of the mirror, congratulate it while looking into your eyes. Everyone will be satisfied. We guarantee this to you!

Let's celebrate your birthday, honey,
And let this day be bright and sunny,
I want to wish you greatest thing,
Get, what you want – just anything!
Amazing life will be your way,
Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!

Let's celebrate your birthday
On this sunny day,
I wish you the best -
So that you get everything you want,
He built a path for a wonderful life,
Always, today, don’t forget -
Let the problems disappear
Friends don't leave you!

Happy Birthday my love!
Happy Birthday to you!
I can't stop saying
How much I love you!

My soul is always nearby
I like the way you touch.
Say to bad thoughts “good-bye”.
I want to wish you so much.

I wish you to be strong as the Lion King
Have a happy life and sing!
Only three words I want to say to you:
“My dearest lion, I love you! ”

Happy birthday my love
Happy birthday to you.
I repeat again and again,
How much I love you!

My soul is always next to you,
I love your gentle touches
Throw the nonsense out of your head forever,
My many wishes to you.

I wish you to be strong, like the Lion King.
Sing through life and don’t forget about happiness!
Finally, I just want to say three words:
“I love you, my dear lion!”

It's another year!
I congratulate you, dear!
What a beautiful day!
It will light the way!

You"ll find adventure ahead!
Let everything be sweet!
It's your birthday!
This is your best day!

Another year has passed!
I congratulate you, dear!
How beautiful this day is!
Let him light your path!
Many adventures await you ahead!
Let everything be sweet!
It's your birthday!
This is the best day!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can say with me
that you are a very nice great friend
who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy ending!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!

Happy Birthday to you!
They will agree with me, I know
We can call you a friend,
That he is always ready to understand us.
And I wish you friends,
And in love, so that you don’t know losses,
So that the child is healthy and happy,
And fate took part!

At that sunny and lovely day
I wish you happiness. I can say
You always give a hand of help
And look awesome like Johnny Depp.

I wish you much pleasure and joy.
Love your better-half and enjoy.
At your work be on the peak
As you’re so clever and you’re unique!

On this sunny and wonderful day
I am not too lazy to wish you a lot of happiness.
You always help out of many troubles,
And he looks personable, just like Johnny Depp.

I wish you a lot of joy, fun,
Loving your “other half” brings a lot of pleasure.
And always be on top at work,
Since you are smart and unique, don’t forget about it!

On birthday cards in English, everyone can see the inscription “ happy birthday to you" Here is the answer to the question of how to say happy birthday in English. In Russian-speaking countries, this expression has also gained popularity. The transcription of the congratulations is as follows: . The literal translation is: happy birthday to you. Young people often use slang, so they often say happy birthday in abbreviation: Happy B’Day. A birthday is a great occasion to tell your loved ones and friends how much you appreciate and love them. In this article we will give examples of birthday greetings in English for different people, and also get acquainted with some of the traditions of this holiday.

A little about birthday traditions

The tradition of birthday celebrations goes back a long way when the birthday boy was surrounded by relatives and friends to prevent evil spirits from stealing his soul, which becomes defenseless on his special day.

Many traditions came to us from Ancient Egypt, although at that time only kings and pharaohs could afford such holidays as birthdays, but girls were less fortunate - their dates of birth were not recorded at all. This was the case until Cleopatra herself became queen. And if we talk about the tradition of celebrating birthdays in general, then in the past no one did this, they didn’t count days and years, they didn’t have calendars.

Interestingly, many countries have their own traditions of celebrating birthdays. So, in Jamaica it is customary to sprinkle the birthday person with flour, indicating the dust of time. In Latin American countries, the 15th birthday is a special occasion when girls dress up as brides and boys dress up as gentlemen. In Russia they pull your ears, but in Ireland they hit your head on the floor. It’s good if you’re only 5 years old, but what if you’re 28? It's scary to think if you're slightly in favor.

Probably, nowadays, most of you have a foreign work colleague or friend whom you met, for example, while traveling and continue to correspond on social networks. Therefore, you need to be able to congratulate him on his birthday in English. Or you can simply congratulate your relative or friend in such an original way.

Below we have provided ready-made options for such congratulations, such as saying a few nice words on your birthday in English. Don’t forget, if the birthday person is the hero of the day, then the expression “happy anniversary” is used. This is how it will be an anniversary in English.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman in English

  1. In your birthday and you are as wonderful an charming as many years ago when I met you. I wish you all the best moments in your life. - On your birthday, you are as beautiful and charming as many years ago when I met you. I wish you the best moments in your life.
  2. May your special day bring plenty of excitement, fun, and joy. If I think about anyone who deserving more, it’s you. If I think of anyone who deserves more, it's you.
  3. Every birthday means a fresh start. It’s time when you’re looking back with gratitude at the passing years and looking forward to changes. I wish you true bliss with every new milestone. - Every birthday means a new start. A time when you look back with gratitude for the passing years and look forward to changes. I wish you true happiness with every new milestone.

Congratulations to the man

  1. Wishing my good friend a very happy birthday and a wonderful year ahead full of blessings and achievements. - Wishing my good friend a happy birthday and an amazing year ahead filled with blessings and achievements.
  2. Happy Birthday! Don't count the age and the wrinkles you have. Count the stars and wonderful experiences you’ve had. - Happy birthday! Don't count the years and wrinkles you have. Count the stars and the great experiences you've had.

Congratulations to a friend

  1. My best friend deserves the brightest sun, the freshest wind, the coolest stars and the most amazing birthday party!- My best friend deserves the most bright sun, the freshest wind, the coolest stars and the most amazing party.
  2. You’re my soulmate and I’ve always been your reflection. I love you! I am so excited to share this special day with you. - You are my soul mate, and I have always been your reflection. I love you! I'm so happy to share this special day with you.
  3. There isn’t any word to express how happy I am staying with you here on your birthday. My wish is simple, be always happy and healthy!- There is not a single word to express how happy I am to be with you on your birthday. My wish is simple - always be happy and healthy.
  4. I hope that this special day presents you sunny moments and something your heart desires. I wish you a day full of pleasant surprises. - I hope this special day gives you sunny moments and something your heart desires. I wish you a day full of surprises.
  5. Happy birthday my friend. I’ve never seen the day as bright as the sun and as fresh as the morning breeze but today it is. - Happy birthday, my friend. I have never seen something brighter than the sun and fresher than the morning breeze, but today is it.
  6. I am sure there’re lots of beautiful moments are in your heart. Hold them inside and enjoy this day and many others. Be always happy and smile as you do. - I'm sure there are many wonderful moments in your heart. Keep them inside and enjoy this day and many more to come.

Congratulations to mom

  1. Happy birthday to my mom, who sacrificed lots of moments in her life in order I could have them in mine. - Happy Birthday to my mother, who sacrificed so many moments in her life so that I could have them in mine.
  2. My childhood was awesome. The memories of it has become my shadow, following me wherever I go. I hope it never stops being so. Happy birthday mom. - My childhood was wonderful. His moments became my shadow, following me wherever I went. I hope this never stops. Happy birthday, mom!

Happy birthday greetings to an English teacher

  1. Many people say that teachers are guides but we are sure that the teacher like you are is our second parent and the best friend. Happy birthday. - Many people say that teachers are our guides, but we are sure that such a teacher, like you, is our second parent. Happy birthday.
  2. Something we learn in class everyday is exciting. Something we learn at home can be dull and boring. But anyway our teacher is the most amazing person in the world. Happy birthday. - Something that we teach in class is very exciting. Something we learn at home can be annoying and boring. But in any case, our teacher is the most amazing person in the world. Happy birthday.

Popular wishes in English

  1. Happy B'Day, dear friend! Wish you smiles, luck, and good health!- Happy birthday, dear friend! I wish you smiles, good luck and good health!
  2. Dear Mr. Jonson. We heartily congratulate you with your 50th anniversary and want to wish you well-being and long years. Best regards, your students. - Dear Mr. Johnson. We cordially congratulate you on your 50th anniversary and want to wish you prosperity and long life. All the best, your students.
  3. Happy birthday, congratulations from the whole family!- Happy birthday, congratulations from the whole family!
  4. Warm greetings and more smiles! Glad to know you for one more year, guy! Cheers!- Warm wishes and more smiles. I'm glad I've known you for another year, brother! Hooray!
  5. Wish you that all your dreams that are made when the candles are burning come true. - I wish that all the wishes made by candlelight on the cake come true.
  6. May life’s brightest joys illuminate your path, and everyday journey make your dreams come true. - May life’s brightest joys illuminate our path, and may your daily journey fulfill your dreams.

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