True divination by monthly feng shui. Fortune telling by menstruation: the most proven methods

Some people are very surprised when they first learn about this method of divination. But the process of menstruation may well be endowed with energy power. In the era of antiquity and the Middle Ages, in the cultures of many countries, menstruation was associated with something otherworldly. Thus, many beliefs, signs and traditions were formed, among which fortune-telling also occupied its niche.

This method has many supporters and opponents, both among ordinary girls who want to know more about their future, and among professional fortune-tellers and psychics who are well versed in the topic. In girls with an average cycle length, menstruation occurs only once a month. Monthly fortune-telling allows you to regularly make forecasts for the next four weeks, always being aware of energy affairs. This is the most weighty argument given by the defenders of such procedures.

The opposite camp most often indicates the low reliability of the testimony received. This is especially true for simplified variations of procedures. They also become sources of opinion about the general jocularity of the rituals associated with menstruation.

In order not to have misconceptions about fortune-telling by menstruation, two types of acts should be distinguished:

  1. Divination based on the magic of numbers.
  2. Rituals whose power is based on menstrual blood.

The first type is a more simplified variation, which gives the most unreliable results, but is completely undemanding in terms of time and concentration. The second one provides an almost guaranteed result, but it will require a more serious attitude and increased time.

The Magic of Numbers

There are many different numbers associated with the process of menstruation. Of greater importance is the time of the beginning of critical days. This is the hour relative to the day, and the day relative to the week, and the day relative to the month. All these numbers contain some kind of mystery that can easily be turned into a prediction. True, one should not forget about its possible deceptiveness - these methods rarely give a true result.

About time of day

The earlier menstruation began, the more likely a favorable prognosis. But the countdown is not from midnight, but from 4 o'clock in the morning. There is a generalized interpretation of the five phases:

  1. Early morning speaks of the girl’s good energy potential, which will allow her to maintain warm relations with loved ones. In this case, the girl most often manages to maintain coziness and comfort in the home circle or on the personal front.
  2. The first half of the day also promises prosperity. It is very likely that the next month will be associated with happiness and success.
  3. Afternoon not so bad, but already implies the possibility of trouble. Most likely, the girl will have minor quarrels and minor upsets, but they will not do much harm to emotional health.
  4. Evening wants to suggest that more serious events may occur. They will have a greater impact on the emotional background, but will not affect life in general.
  5. Night This is the worst time to start your period. Most likely, some significant grief awaits the girl. Loss of a loved one or parting with a loved one is possible.

It is important to remember that this divination method is very general and not reliable. You should not trust him too much.

Day of the week

Each day of the week has its own coloring forecast. Among them, there are almost no unambiguously good or bad options. The specific coloring of the expected event can be obtained by combining this item with divination by the time of day.

Monday most often associated with small but annoying chores. Not the most successful day, however, it does not portend any serious threat.

Tuesday is a signal beacon that will lead you to meet someone from an old circle of acquaintances. Perhaps it will be a relative with whom contact has long been lost. This is the most controversial of the days, because it can lead to both positive and negative developments - everything varies from case to case.

Wednesday warns of many small troubles. Although they are more significant than at the beginning of menstruation on Monday, they still remain solvable. To get rid of problems of this kind, it is enough just not to lose heart.

Thursday- this is a day associated with festivities and feasts, or simply visiting someone else's house. At the same time, the nature of the events is not described in any way - they will not be successful for everyone.

Friday portends many bright situations: both good and bad.

Saturday- one of the most successful options. The girl will not be disturbed by serious difficulties. Most problems will be solved without much difficulty. Pleasant events are quite likely that can significantly change life for the better.

Sunday gives the best forecast. It contains all the positive signs of the past day. The main difference is the complete absence of any negative aspects.

Lunar calendar: female version

Another way of positional divination by menstruation for a woman. Every girl hopes for love, but will it be possible to meet her lover this month? The calendar will answer many other questions.

Girls can count on love success if the beginning of their menstruation corresponds to the 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th or 30th. Numbers unpromising in terms of love: 3, 6, 11, 16, 23, 27.

The following days will tell about the influx of positive: 1, 4, 8, 13, 24 or 28. Numbers warn of possible misfortune: 2, 9, 14.

There are ambiguous dates that can be heralds of both great happiness and great grief: 15, 20, 31.

The day of poverty is considered the 17th day, while the day of wealth is the 29th.

All other days indicate that no special changes in life will occur.

Divination for love

Real rituals differ from horoscopes in their seriousness. They will allow you to find out the truth in 90% of cases. But their implementation is possible only with the assistance of an experienced fortune teller. In this case, it is better to look for an adult specialist who has already reached menopause. People of this age give the most accurate predictions. This is the only proven method of divination by menstruation for a woman that can give a true result.

It should be borne in mind that the menstrual cycle is directly related to the reproductive system. This means that these methods are primarily aimed at the love and sexual spheres of life.

There is not only fortune-telling by menstruation for a woman. Love can be strongly influenced by other rituals. For example, a love spell that uses menstrual blood is very strong. A glass of red wine with a few drops of blood will make even the most inaccessible man fall in love with you. The derivative of the female physiological process activates the masculine principle, pours a sea of ​​passion and love into it.

Decided to tell fortunes on menstruation? Folk customs will predict your future!

Attention, only TODAY!

The menstrual cycle in a woman is a period that has long been associated with mystical events. It is known that monthly signs are able to predict incidents in the near future and prevent the occurrence of health problems.

positive omens

Signs can have a positive meaning, because menstruation itself means that the female body functions normally and is capable of procreation.

Beliefs say that a girl during menstruation acquires an unknown power that protects her from the evil eye and affects everyone who is nearby, so for a long time there have been rituals that can be performed during this period:

  • a girl with menstruation should walk around the house 3 times, then natural disasters and fire are not terrible;
  • menstrual secretions smeared the threshold so that evil spirits would not enter the house;
  • having sprinkled livestock with menstrual secretions, you can expect an excellent offspring.

negative omens

Some signs tell that during menstruation, a woman's energy changes for the worse. For this reason, there are beliefs about what not to do during menstruation.

In the old days, a girl was not allowed much during her menstrual cycle. She was not allowed to responsible work, but was engaged in minor household chores. According to Slavic belief, a stream of forces passed through a girl during menstruation that could harm others:

  • you can not harvest from the trees and the field, so that they do not wither;
  • a girl with menstruation was removed from cooking for the whole family - otherwise a salted or unleavened dish would come out;
  • it is unacceptable to roll up conservation during menstruation, it can break banks;
  • a woman should not take up cutting meat, otherwise the bleeding will be within a month;
  • kneading dough and baking bakery products are also contraindicated during the cycle, otherwise it will come out unbaked;
  • you should not be near wine barrels due to the possible souring of the product;
  • in ancient times it was believed that if a woman during menstruation looks at a naked man, he will have a skin rash.

A girl during her menstrual cycle has no right to attend church because of the prohibition to shed blood inside the temple.

Beliefs by day of the week

Determining the value of menstruation by the days of the week is a prediction for the next month. By remembering on what day of the week menstruation began, you can predict the outcome of upcoming affairs or make an important decision.

  1. If menstruation began on Monday, then there will be many worries. A woman will be tormented by anxiety for the unfinished business or troubles at work all the coming week. There is another meaning of the beginning of menstruation on Monday - this is an upcoming discovery that will help you learn something new for yourself.
  2. Bleeding began on Tuesday - this is a reason to act and make important decisions that the girl could not decide on before. It means a change in the image, a change of image or hairstyle is possible.
  3. The beginning of menstruation falls on Wednesday - be prepared for problems and troubles. Perhaps this is a long overdue conflict that will flare up during the period of menstruation or in the next few weeks.
  4. Menstruation, which began on Thursday, portends the arrival of uninvited guests or a long trip.
  5. Friday promises bad news, and also warns of secret conversations behind your back.
  6. Menstruation, which began on Saturday, speaks of a romantic relationship. The girl should expect the appearance of a suitor or an early engagement.
  7. If a woman has her period on Sunday, you should expect sudden fun and good news. In the period of several weeks there will be many meetings with friends or a trip on vacation.

Notes by date

Signs are divided according to the dates of the month and mark its events and mood.

First half of the month

  • 1 - the beginning of a new one, meaning a favorable month full of joyful events;
  • 2 - a woman will expose a deceiver who has not shown her true face for a long time;
  • 3 - conflict situation in the family;
  • 4 - the realization of a dream;
  • 5 - a strong number that attracts excellent energy, monthly on this day promises an unexpected gain or replenishment of the budget due to additional earnings;
  • 6 - a woman may experience severe pain;
  • 7 is a lucky number, so menstruation on this day will bring good news and positively affect family relationships;
  • 8 - a number that in some way means infinity, menstruation, which began on such a day, may portend an early engagement or a declaration of love;
  • 9 - the number can predict discord in a married couple, and for unmarried people it promises loneliness in the near future;
  • 10 - a boyfriend will appear in the girl's life or she will receive a compliment from an outsider.

middle of the month

Signs associated with "women's" days, which began in the middle of the month, also have their own interpretation:

  • 11 - means obsessive thoughts, difficulties in communicating with loved ones;
  • 12 - the number indicates upcoming difficulties in work;
  • 13 - a mystical date, but foreshadowing joy during the month;
  • 14 - means that the problems that have tormented for a long time will be resolved;
  • 15 - a date that plays the role of the middle of the month and means positive emotions and a state of inner peace and balance;
  • 16 - the number warns of possible gossip and talk about you;
  • 17 - promises parting with a loved one;
  • 18 - the number tells the girl about the upcoming changes, moving or changing jobs;
  • 19 - talks about conflicts around the girl, which are best avoided;
  • 20 is a date that speaks of a romantic mood.

The end of the month

If your critical days fell at the end of the month, then pay attention to the following interpretations:

  • 21 - the number warns of theft or deceit;
  • 22 - the number portends financial profit;
  • 23 - a date that tells about the gloom of the upcoming month;
  • 24 - a favorable period for buying clothes;
  • 25 - the number tells about upcoming acquaintances with interesting people;
  • 26 - warning about troubles and problems;
  • 27 - the emergence of new friends;
  • 28 is a lucky number, so menstruation on this day speaks of upcoming favorable events;
  • 29 - the date during which menstruation began, means resentment and tears;
  • 30 - you should carefully look at your health;
  • 31 - worries and surprises.

Folk signs about menstruation

Signs of menstruation, which are passed down from generation to generation, tell about the time of day when menstruation began. Each case has its own explanation, the signs were very famous and revered among the girls.

  1. The belief says that if menstruation began at dawn, then the day will be successful, and the month will pass quietly. This was explained by the fact that at dawn the sun rises and nature awakens to a new day.
  2. Menstruation began in the afternoon - the next month will pass smoothly and calmly, without incident.
  3. The beginning of the menstrual cycle in the evening speaks of the gloom of the upcoming weekend and the next week. The belief was formed on the basis of the daily routine of the hostess of that time. In the old days, they went to bed early, and the evenings were languid and boring, and therefore the onset of menstruation promised joylessness.
  4. The sign of menstruation, which began at night, did not bode well, because the night in the old days was associated with fear and evil spirits. Belief says that menstruation, which began at night, prophesies an early separation from a loved one or illness.

Other signs

In addition, there are a number of signs that make sense to listen to:

  • to quickly relieve pain during bleeding, the girl should receive a slap in the face - such a belief came from the Slavic people;
  • the main sign of the onset of menstruation is the absence of pregnancy;
  • the early age of the beginning of the cycle speaks of motherhood with many children.

Fortune telling for menstruation

Beliefs and fortune-telling on monthly blood have tremendous power. Fortune-telling and conspiracies are read on the full moon to get the maximum effect. A woman during menstruation is able to perform a magical action to attract love and beauty.

To conduct a ritual to attract love, you will need a candle and a container to collect monthly secretions. Carrying out the ritual:

  • go outside at midnight;
  • light a candle;
  • say the words of the spell:

“I break the cup, I find love, my blood, bring love to me.”

Break the container and, without looking back, go home.

The sign says that menstrual blood excreted from the body can give a girl youth and beauty, therefore, during menstruation, a daily ritual should be performed: take a bath without dressing, stand in front of the mirror and say the words of the ritual:

“I stand in front of the mirror - I see myself young, beautiful, healthy. The blood flows out - it will give me beauty.


Menstruation in a woman is the main sign of her health. The menstrual cycle of a girl has long been shrouded in many beliefs. Women in the period of bleeding have special abilities, and the secreted blood has magical powers.

At all times, women were interested in divination. Such a desire is hidden in the depths of female nature, which is due not only to curiosity, but also to the desire to know your future. Well, it's hard for them to say no.

A special place is given to fortune-telling unusual. For example, monthly. But not just for menstruation, but for the menstrual cycle according to Feng Shui. Such fortune-telling is able to give very accurate predictions, which are based on three parameters: the time of day of the onset of menstruation, the day of the week and the day of the month.

It should be noted right away that fortune-telling by menstruation is valid for one menstrual cycle, that is, before the start of a new one.

What does the time of day of the beginning of menstruation say?

If menstruation began in the early morning, then according to Feng Shui, this will predict pleasant love experiences and the romantic nature of the approaching period. Any business will go well, not just amorous ones. The state of health this month will be stable, but not the best.

Did your period come just before noon? This means that throughout the month the girl will expect certain difficulties that are associated with working moments, as well as with relationships with superiors. At home everything will be fine, but not perfect. There may be small, but very unpleasant conflicts that greatly spoil the mood. Part of this can be avoided through loyalty and restraint. You should not enter into any contradictions, because this will not make it easier for anyone.

The onset of bleeding in the afternoon or at lunchtime is an indicator that a large number of events await the woman ahead, most of which will be positive. But from without a fly in the ointment still will not do. The thing is that ill-wishers may appear on the horizon, who will try in every possible way to disturb the peace. It is possible that these may be envious friends hiding under the guise of goodwill.

A good period awaits those whose menstruation began in the period from the afternoon to the evening. Will be lucky for everything, especially for money. Large financial receipts are expected, which will be a pleasant surprise. Although it's well-deserved money.

Evening (late evening) and nightly periods will not bring anything bad in the near future, but nothing good either. This is a kind of calm period that happens in the life of every person. Therefore, do not do anything drastic! Better to just enjoy a nice and quiet time. This will help to find peace of mind and harmony. These qualities have been lost in recent times. And what will tell the day of the week on which menstruation began according to Feng Shui?

Fortune telling by menstruation: what does the day of the week mean?

Monday is a hard day, but not in the case of divination by menstruation. Such an event will paint the entire upcoming period in bright colors. There will be a place for new and interesting acquaintances, for love confessions and for everything else that so pleasantly disturbs the heart of every person.

The beginning of menstruation on Tuesday, according to Feng Shui, portends minor difficulties in the financial sector. However, everything will be resolved quite quickly with the help of close relatives who will certainly provide assistance. On the love front, everything will be fine and calm, which suggests thoughts of a family idyll.

If the cycle began on Wednesday, it will lead to the fact that in the near future it will be necessary to open your eyes to something. What could it be? For example, it is possible to revise a long-standing friendship in which two people have long gone their separate ways, but have not yet fully understood this. A discussion of the situation will be required, after which it will be possible to make a verdict on whether there is a need to continue the relationship.

Thursday and Friday have the same influence on a woman's life: positive. Especially in terms of love.

The start of menstruation on Saturday is joy and sorrow at the same time. Joy will come from warm and sincere communication with friends, and grief will be delivered by work questions.

If menstruation began on Sunday, then this is a sign that some unknown force will bring good luck all month.

The value of the day of the month

  1. with full confidence you can expect a declaration of love!
  2. everything is fine in the family, but some problems may arise at work.
  3. period brings joy and happiness in every day.
  4. those around you may start to gossip.
  5. you need to take care of your health.
  6. spend money (especially large amounts) with caution.
  7. everything is going well and according to plan.
  8. old mistakes can make themselves felt quite unexpectedly.
  9. the best time to start a diet.
  10. love affairs will make you worry.
  11. manifestations of envy from females are possible.
  12. barriers to achieving goals.
  13. poor health will overshadow the entire coming period.
  14. strong unrest will haunt the whole month.
  15. great time to learn something new.
  16. the implementation of ideas must begin at this time if success is to be achieved.
  17. a pleasant month without troubles and negativity.
  18. period portends travel to distant countries.
  19. New acquaintances are coming in unusual places.
  20. today it is impossible to borrow and borrow.
  21. physical exercises will help throw out all the accumulated aggression.
  22. anger towards other people will turn into bad health.
  23. It's time to take care of your health in order to lead a full-fledged lifestyle.
  24. delight children and younger relatives.
  25. good news from afar.
  26. promising and very tempting offers are possible.
  27. idyll in the love sphere is guaranteed!
  28. love and care will be required by older relatives during this period.
  29. great time for creativity and creation.
  30. fate favors kind and merciful people, repaying with prosperity and harmony.
  31. pleasantly pleased with the second half.

Fortune telling by menstruation is one of the possible ways to find out your near future. The prediction is calculated for the next month and is valid until the onset of bleeding. Exceptions are fortune-telling for the betrothed, but you can only predict fate with their help once. The interpretation will depend on the time, day of the week, day of the month, as well as the lunar day. It is recommended to combine several prophecies for a more complete picture.

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    General points

    In order for fortune-telling during menstruation to be as true as possible, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Apply information that relates only to the first day of bleeding and its onset, if it is a question of time.
    • Use several techniques to get the most truthful prophecy.
    • Remember that the information received is relevant only until the start of the next menstrual cycle.
    • The results of fortune-telling cannot be reported to anyone, even to the inner circle.

    You should remember or write down the prediction, so that later you can check whether it came true or not.

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    Description of divination

    Fortune telling by menstruation does not apply to traditional magical rites. These interpretations were obtained as a result of centuries of observation. The basis is to draw a parallel between physiological changes in the body and the events that are associated with them.

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    Fortune telling by menstruation does not require preparation. To predict your fate, there is no need to be a fortuneteller or have any additional skills. It is simple but accurate enough.

    There are a large number of varieties of divination by the menstrual cycle. The most famous are:

    • by the time of onset of bleeding;
    • by day of the month;
    • day of the week;
    • periods of the day.

    The following methods are equally popular:

    • divination on lunar days;
    • divination by feng shui;
    • folk signs.

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    By time of day

    This method is based on the exact time of the appearance of the first discharge:

    • Until 11:00. Menstruation that has begun at this time promises the interest of the opposite sex, conflict resolution, harmony with the immediate environment.
    • 11:00-13:00. The girl is waiting for positive and luck, unexpected happiness
    • 14:00-17:00. Failures and troubles are likely, it is necessary to exercise caution in any endeavors.
    • 18:00-21:00. A woman will be accompanied by a feeling of loneliness and despondency.
    • 22:00-06:00. Parting with loved ones, dishonesty or deceit.

    There is another version of the interpretation:

    • The morning hours speak of good luck that will accompany you everywhere. Menstruation, which began during this period, predicts that the most suitable period is coming for falling in love and renewing past relationships. The strength of a woman is the ability to create comfort for others and build harmonious communication. It will not be difficult for her to persuade the environment to her own opinion, she will enjoy being in the circle of friends, relatives, in the work team. This divination extends to the entire first half of the day.
    • Menstruation, which began in the afternoon, serves as a warning. In this situation, it is better not to trust anyone for the next month. The time for bold undertakings and revelations has not yet come, as there is a high probability of possible troubles.
    • Evening menstruation predicts significant changes, the nature of which cannot be predicted. The mood can be spoiled due to inexplicable despondency and confusion.
    • Night is the most unpredictable part of the day. If menstruation began at this time, you can expect dirty tricks from the closest people. It is not recommended to marry and succumb to temptations in the coming month.

    love prediction

    This fortune-telling predicts events that will take place on the love front next month:

    • 0:00 -8:00. Secret passion, the inability to confess their emotions.
    • 8 :00-12:00. Unforgettable initial period of relationship, bright and memorable events.
    • 12:00-15:00. Relationships will be perfect.
    • 15:00-18:00. It is worth preparing for unexpected surprises, romantic actions.
    • 18:00-00:00. Relationships will collapse due to omissions and lies.

    There is no need to be sad if the result is not quite pleasant. You can’t change it, but you can prepare and go through a difficult stage as calmly as possible.

    By day of the week

    This divination is also accurate. Depending on what day menstruation began, you can get the following values:

    Day of the week Meaning
    MondayIn the future, a woman will have troubles, both joyful and not very. Another interpretation is receiving a gift from a loved one
    TuesdayThere is a high probability of meeting a friend whom you have not seen for a long time. Another meaning is getting to know a person who will become an important part of his personal life.
    WednesdayA warning that an unfavorable period is coming. Probably need the help of friends to get through the difficulties
    ThursdayPredicts celebrations, entertainment in the house. There is a high probability of meeting a familiar person, but the outcome of such a meeting is unknown
    FridayA woman will soon hear news that will completely change her life. Another meaning is potential troubles that can be overcome with effort.
    SaturdayLucky day. Fortune telling portends the solution of all issues, favorable events. You can wait for recognition of sympathy or fulfillment of desires
    SundayA woman is waiting for luck, victories, pleasant events

    Divination for a loved one

    This fortune-telling will help the girl determine how a young man treats her:

    • if menstruation begins on an even number, it means that she sincerely loves;
    • if odd - no.

    Another version of fortune-telling will help you find out when the girl will meet her betrothed and what kind of character he will be. You can guess only once, otherwise the interpretation will be inaccurate.

    Before starting the process, you need to ask the appropriate question. The answer will depend on the day of the week:

    Day of the week Interpretation
    MondayBeloved will soon be met. This is a person who is pleasant in communication, who knows how to choose the right words. He will behave this way not only with the chosen one, but also with all other women. It will not work to change him: you need to either accept the man as he is, or leave
    TuesdayFuture love will meet this week, but this does not mean that the girl will immediately see him. This will be a person of strict rules, preferring to first study a partner before trusting him, so the relationship will progress slowly. If a woman intends to wait, he will become her ideal match. If she is naturally impatient, their relationship will not last long.
    WednesdayThe beginning of bleeding on this day suggests that true love will be met in six months, but will not be immediately recognized. A man will be unfriendly, but this only applies to strangers. After a closer acquaintance, the woman will understand that he is ready for anything for the sake of his other half.
    ThursdayThe beginning of menstruation on this day suggests that love is very close and goes unnoticed. It could be a close friend or neighbor. It all depends on how quickly a woman sees him.
    FridayA woman will not meet her love soon. But when this happens, she realizes that it was not in vain that she waited so long. A man will be romantic, ready for crazy deeds. With him, she will feel protected. This relationship can last a lifetime
    SaturdayA loved one will meet by chance and no one knows when - tomorrow or in a few years. But the woman will immediately understand that this is her betrothed. She will like everything about him - appearance, demeanor, smell. But you should not build castles in the air, because ideal people do not exist. This man also has flaws.
    SundayA meeting with a loved one will happen soon enough. But it is not a fact that the relationship will last for a long time - he will be rude and aggressive. A woman is unlikely to appreciate such behavior, especially in relation to herself.

    By decade of the month

    According to the numbers, this prophecy should be the most accurate.

    Interpretations by decade:

    Decade Characteristic
    FirstMenstruation, which began in this part of the month, marks a favorable period. The girl is waiting for good luck in all endeavors, receiving a gift, a declaration of love. Difficulties, conflicts, misunderstandings are possible in relationships. Gossip behind the back, which will come from an unexpected person, is not excluded.
    SecondDuring this period, it is possible to improve the material condition, the fulfillment of desires. The most unfavorable day is the 18th. On this day, menstruation warns against betrayal by relatives. There are various annoying situations that can completely change your life. But you should not worry too much, as the future brings not only negative, but also positive moments.
    ThirdIf menstruation began in the third decade, it can predict a collision with minor problems. Things may not go as planned. In personal life, betrayal by both partners is possible. You need to be more careful with finances. All events ultimately have a positive result. People around will admire the wisdom and faithful deeds of a woman, success will accompany any business.

    Chinese divination (feng shui)

    According to Chinese beliefs, it is believed that a woman during her period is freed from negativity. In this, the Universe comes to the rescue. It is the energy of the Universe that decides when the time for cleansing begins. It connects with the element, which affects the further development of the process.

    The element depends on the month of birth:

    • Water: Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios.
    • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
    • Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.
    • Air: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra.

    Feng Shui divination is as follows:

    Day of the week Element
    WaterFireEarth and Air
    MondaySignificant newsNew acquaintance, changes in lifePleasant acquaintance
    TuesdayImplementation of plansSuccess in work, improvement of financial situation
    WednesdayLuckromance adventurePositive assessment of others
    ThursdayPlans will not work, it will not be possible to establish exactly why
    FridayScandalsYou need to calm down and leave disappointments in the past.
    Saturdaygood luck in everythingEnergy and moving forwardMajor changes on the romance front
    SundayYou need to take a break, gain strength, believe in tomorrow and wait for a new menstruationEverything will go as planned


    Fortune telling on critical days is a simple and harmless way to find out the future. Previously, certain restrictions were imposed on the period of menstruation:

    • Women were not allowed to swim in the river reservoirs and visit temples.
    • It was forbidden to cook and do household chores.
    • It was also not allowed to plant plants, as they could die.

    If menstruation began on the day of the wedding, it was believed that the children would have a difficult life. To protect yourself from this, it was necessary to read the plot.

    Women whose bleeding time coincided with the full moon were considered witches. They were forbidden to look at people and cattle, so as not to jinx it.

    Menstrual blood was revered as a charm. If a fire broke out in the village, the girl ran around the burning hut three times during her menstruation so that the fire would not spread to others. Such secretions were sprinkled with their own housing to protect them from the evil eye. The most experienced fortune-tellers in the settlements predicted the future according to the female lunar calendar.

    Lunar days

    Lunar days have a certain effect on the condition of a woman. This method of prophecy refers to divination that has existed since ancient times:

    • If menstruation came to the growing moon, they promise success in business. Life will be filled with happy moments throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
    • On a full moon you can expect true female happiness, the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
    • Waning moon brings disappointment and trouble. A black streak began in life.

    You can’t guess on the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 29th lunar days, as the information will not be true.


    There is a variant of divination by the menstrual cycle, where the interpretation depends on the date on which the bleeding began:

    Day of the month Meaning
    1 Good luck and happiness that will bring euphoria. But it will not blind, but will give an incentive for improvement.
    2 A loved one will disappoint or even cause contempt. Possibly negative attitude
    3 It is recommended to refrain from conflicts. At this point, you need to take care of your health.
    4 Joy caused by the fulfillment of desire. This month you need to stop worrying about trifles and enjoy life.
    5 Beloved will give a gift. If there is no man, menstruation predicts a profitable investment
    6 Intrigues behind the back or intrigues of enemies. You must try not to slander
    7 A harbinger of mutual love. It is necessary to look at all the men who are close. Perhaps among them there is a betrothed. If there is a loved one, the relationship will strengthen
    8 Possible outbreaks of partner jealousy. No need to give a man a reason to worry and do rash acts
    9 Backbiting, gossip, attempts to disrupt plans. You need to act calmly and not succumb to emotions
    10 The love of another person. If there is a partner, the union will be strengthened. If a relationship with a man has ended, it may happen that they will resume
    11 It must be remembered that a loved one should be trusted. Outbursts of jealousy can lead to negative consequences
    12 Probable appearance of a fan. He should be treated with caution, as a serious relationship with him will not work.
    13 Unlucky number. A woman is in trouble
    14 Happy news on the doorstep
    15 Problems will be brought by a loved one or close friend (or they themselves will experience trouble), but this is temporary
    16 You should refrain from gossip. There is a risk of being harmed by them. It is also worth refraining from remarks that can upset loved ones.
    17 Separation from a loved one, long or short. You should refrain from strife, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for reconciliation
    18 New serious phase. For unmarried girls, she will bring a marriage proposal, for married girls - a new round in family relationships
    19 It is necessary to beware of a man who tries to charm a woman. He acts out of selfish motives
    20 Unrequited love for the unmarried. This number promises a quarrel with an indifferent person, there may be deception from loved ones
    21 It is necessary to be careful in everything: keep an eye on things and people around you who can deceive. Don't make deals. You need to devote more time to the family, otherwise it may collapse
    22 The beginning of the menstrual cycle on this day promises material well-being (a big win in the lottery, earnings, an unexpected bonus). There is a high chance of getting a job in the next month
    23 Lucky number. The month that is coming will bring a lot of joy and happy important events. Many of them have a chance to become life-changing
    24 It is necessary to start preparing for the reception of guests. They will be numerous and on a joyful occasion
    25 Perhaps the appearance of a man with whom an affair will begin. Travel excluded
    26 This number means finding a true friend and a month under the sign of constancy.

If in ancient times only a witch and a seer could foresee events, today in every woman you can reveal a touch of a sorceress. It is no secret that there are many fortune-telling, the results of which really come true in reality. But few people know how to correctly interpret such mysterious rituals, so it’s worth learning the technology of mastery before starting fortune-telling.

There is in the arsenal of wise women one specific divination by monthly ovulation, which is performed according to the menstrual cycle and the days of menstruation. There is such a belief since the ancient times of witches and sages, according to which future events can be foreseen by the day of the week, time and day of the onset of menstruation.

Therefore, we can say that it is worth trying, perhaps many promising unpleasant moments can be avoided. To do this, you just need to compare the exact time, day of the week and month of the beginning of menstruation for fortune-telling with the data that will be given below to find out what fate has in store for the woman in the near future.

1 divination option

Option one: according to the time of the day of the onset of menstruation.

If the beginning of menstruation falls in the morning period of the day, a woman will soon expect the birth of love, but not exclusively feelings for a man. Love can spread to relatives, children, close friends and people around. Fortune telling only promises a flash of bright and intense love, which the woman herself will soon feel. If there are already feelings, fortune-telling promises a long or completely endless feeling of affection, tenderness and love.

The daytime beginning of menstruation promises an early good and positive mood for the next cycle until its very end. The evening hours of the day of the beginning of menstruation will turn out to be unfavorable, since in such a case a woman may face separation from her loved one, her life may become boring, dull and emotionless.

Second option

Option two: divination by day.

In this case, the onset of menstruation can be interpreted in two directions at once: according to the day of the week and according to the time of day, respectively, as in the first version.

So, let's take a closer look at each day:

  • Did your period start on a Monday? Expect possible anxiety, but don't panic. Worry is not always due to troubles, you can worry for positive and favorable reasons. (The second method promises a brilliant big victory in some serious matter).
  • Did Tuesday start with a period? In this case, a woman should expect an early unexpected meeting with an important person, perhaps still unfamiliar to her. (The second method promises the same events).
  • Wednesday came and menstruation came? In this case, it is worth preparing for events that are not entirely favorable, which will last throughout the entire cycle. (Unforeseen circumstances according to the second method).
  • Menstruation on Thursday - an invitation to visit from someone will soon follow, maybe such that it will be an invitation to gatherings from a stranger. In general, there will be an unexpected change of plans. (The second method promises a feeling of shame for oneself).
  • Friday and period? In this case, you need to prepare yourself for any surprise, whether it is pleasant or not very much. (According to the second method, adverse events will occur).
  • Did your period start on Saturday? Then fortune-telling will prepare the woman to receive a declaration of love, and any secret desire can come true. (The second method treats the day in a similar way.)
  • On critical days on Sunday, you can determine the upcoming pleasant gatherings with friends, there is a chance to get into a fun adventure. (The second method promises replenishment of friends).


You can also predict upcoming events in a woman's life by the day of the month when the critical days began.

1 - the whole cycle will be accompanied by happiness and euphoric mood.

2 - a woman will feel contempt for an event or a specific person.

3 - a quarrel that can be quickly stopped or escalated into a scandal.

4 - a bright unforgettable day, the onset of a feeling of happiness.

5 - a quick good surprise.

6 - gossip and bad words on the side.

7 - there is talk of love for a woman.

8 - jealousy throughout the cycle.

9 - problems due to unpleasant words about a woman.

10 - upcoming love.

11 - the chosen one of a woman will be faithful to her, especially during this cycle.

12 - in relation to a woman, they will resort to seduction or magic in order to capture her attention.

13 - misfortune.

14 - favorable news.

15 - unfavorable news.

16 - excessive talkativeness will come out sideways to a woman.

17 - parting with the chosen one.

18 - the same as for the 10th number.

19 - upcoming love.

20 - a woman's love without an answer.

21 - lies in relation to her.

22 - profit of the material plan.

23 is the same as for the 1st number.

24 - guests coming soon.

25 - quick acquaintance.

26 - a feeling of compassion for a woman.

27 - a previously made wish will come true.

28 - good luck.

29 - grief because of a loved one, long tears and worries.

30 - the emergence of sympathy for a person, which will become mutual.

31 - an unexpected event will happen soon.

By comparing all three methods of divination with each other (time of day, day of the week and day of the month), it is possible to predict upcoming events that may occur during the current cycle.