Disposal rules. New veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, processing and disposal of biological waste. To dispose of a vehicle,

Article 5 of the Law lists the categories of products for which an expiration date is set. These include:

  • Food.
  • Perfumes and cosmetics.
  • Medicines.
  • Household chemicals.

Goods from the listed categories, the expiration date of which has expired, are subject to destruction or disposal (in article 3 of the Federal Law of 02.01.2000 No. 29-ФЗ “On the Quality and Safety of Food Products”).

Recycling and destruction are fundamentally different concepts:

  1. Recycling implies that the expired product can be used in the future, but no longer for its intended purpose. (Article 1 No. 29-FZ "On the quality and safety of food products"). For example, it can be given to animal feed, processed into jam, vinegar, etc.

    To make sure that the product is subject to processing for its subsequent use will only be carried out by the state examination in Rospotrebnadzor.

  2. It is necessary to speak about the destruction of goods in the case when the examination has recognized the impossibility of its disposal.

    If the expired products are unsuitable for further use in any form, it is necessary to destroy them (clause 11 of the Regulations on the examination of low-quality and dangerous food raw materials and food products, their use or destruction, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 29, 1997 No. 1263. Further - Position).

How do you determine what to do with expired items?

To determine the fate of expired goods, you must contact Rospotrebnadzor for an examination.

The specific procedure will depend on the type of product.

  1. For medicinal products, perfumes, tobacco products, expertise is required in all cases. This is regulated by a number of legal acts: paragraph 2 of Art. 31 of the Federal Law of 06/22/98 No. 86-FZ "On Medicines" and clause 18 of the Regulation.
  2. In the case of food products, they can be destroyed or disposed of without expertise. This is allowed by clause 4 of the Regulations under the following conditions:
    • The owner cannot confirm the origin of the products.
    • The goods have obvious signs of poor quality and thus pose a threat to human life.
  3. In all other cases, expired goods are subject to examination. To do this, you must contact the territorial division of Rospotrebnadzor in order to determine the possibility of recycling or destroying illiquid products.

As a result of the procedure, Rospotrebnadzor issues a decision either on the disposal or destruction of expired goods.

Methods and conditions for further processing of products are chosen by their owner independently and must comply with the requirements of regulatory or technical documents. Nevertheless, the chosen method must be agreed with the officials of Rospotrebnadzor. All examination services are paid by the owner of the goods.

If the products are planned to be disposed of for animal feed, the procedure must be agreed with the Commissioner of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor).

How to dispose of goods that have expired?

Working with expired goods begins with determining options for its further use. For this:

  1. The owner applies to Rospotrebnadzor for an examination of products. You can get acquainted with the list of goods that are recognized as unsuitable for use after the expiration date in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1997 No. 720. The evaluation procedure itself is regulated by the following regulations:
    • paragraph 2 of Art. 3, Art. 25 of the Federal Law of 02.01.2000 N 29-FZ;
    • pp. 2, 3 of the Regulations.
  2. Based on the results of the inspection, the authorized body makes a conclusion that the goods can be disposed of.
  3. The specific authorization depends on the further intended use of expired products. For example, for the processing of raw materials for animal feed, an appropriate conclusion is issued with the signature of a representative of veterinary supervision.
  4. Until the moment of disposal, all expired products must be stored in strictly designated areas. Storage containers must fully comply with sanitary requirements: be airtight.
  5. Disposal is carried out by a specialized company. This company must have a license from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities for the disposal of a specific type of waste (Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Wastes” dated 06/24/1998 N 89-FZ). In accordance with the law, the removal of products for disposal must be carried out in a timely manner.
  6. The company exports expired products from the enterprise to the processing site.
  7. Based on the results of the examination, the products are processed either for animal feed or for secondary raw materials.
  8. The owner of the product is obliged to notify the authority that issued the disposal permit that the product has been transferred to the appropriate company for further use. This must be done within 3 days after the transfer of products to the disposal company. Notification is carried out by providing the original document confirming the transfer, or its notarized copy. (clause 16 of the Regulations).

Despite the fact that the law allows the self-destruction of expired goods, it is considered most appropriate to contact a specialized company.

In this case, the owner will not have to worry about the rules for the destruction of certain types of products, their proper storage.

A cooperation agreement is concluded with the recycling company. The company itself picks up the goods and takes them to the place of destruction. The disposal company must be accredited.

In the course of the destruction of expired products, reporting documents are also compiled. They include:

  • primary documentation.
  • Act on the disposal of products.

The exact requirements for the content of documents depend on the type of product. Thus, the destruction of food and perfumery and cosmetic products is formalized by an act on the form No. TORG-16. It is drawn up in several copies (according to the number of members of the commission) and signed by all its members. The composition is approved by the director of the organization. May include company employees, representatives of the recycling company and Rospotrebnadzor (if necessary).

Ways to get rid of products

  • Landfill burial. The most environmentally friendly method. Products are transported to a special place and stored there.
  • Burning. Goods are placed in special furnaces - crematoriums and burned there. The resulting ash can later be used as fertilizer.

Thus, if the goods have an expiration date, the seller must carefully monitor the period of delay. Expired products cannot be sold and must be disposed of or destroyed. These are 2 fundamentally different procedures, the implementation of which allows the owner to legally get rid of illiquid products.

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In the generally accepted concept, recycling is the safe destruction of an object or item for the purpose of its further processing and use of a secondary resource. The same goes for car recycling. If the car cannot be used for its intended purpose, then it must be properly destroyed. This is necessary so that the materials from which it is made do not harm the environment and can be further processed and reused.

For example:

  • the metal parts of vehicles are smelted to obtain metal alloys. Scrap metal is known to be a valuable source for the automotive and steel industries;
  • automobile glasses are turned into glass wool, filtering and abrasive materials, used in the production of reflectors, in road construction;
  • plastic, which makes up about 10 percent of a car's weight, finds its secondary use in the iron and steel industry, the production of building materials and packaging;
  • after processing, automotive rubber is used for the manufacture of rubber asphalt (we see them mainly at railway crossings), sports coatings, floor mats, conveyor belts, as well as for the manufacture of modern roofing and soundproofing materials. In the cement industry, automotive rubber is used to produce fuel that prevents harmful emissions into the atmosphere due to high melting points;
  • technical auto fluids pose the greatest danger to the environment, especially to soil and water. Their technological processing consists in regeneration (purification and production of new materials with similar chemical properties), as well as in their use as an alternative fuel in various industries. Part of automotive fluids is burned in a special way, without harm to humans and nature.

Thus, each scrapped car can bring many benefits and gain many new “lives”.

Reasons for car recycling

How to scrap a car? What should be the reasons for that?

There are the following reasons on the basis of which it is possible and necessary to dispose of a vehicle:

  • your vehicle is badly worn, old or beyond repair after an accident;
  • your vehicle is stolen and there is no hope that it will be found and returned to you. In this case, you will have to set out in writing the details of the hijacking and search actions and declare your desire to get your hands on certificates for the remaining details, documents and numbers (if any);
  • your vehicle after the sale is not re-registered for a new owner in the prescribed time frame. Accordingly, the transport tax and fines continue to come in your name, and the new owner does not make contact.

Step by step recycling procedure

How to dispose of a car in 2020 within the framework of the current legislation of Russia? The vehicle disposal procedure includes physical and legal culling. Moreover, these two constituent elements can be applied to the car both together and separately. For example, if the car is worn out or irretrievably damaged, but as an object physically exists and is in the possession of the car owner, then first he is required to act on legal culling, and then you can think about scrapping it. And if the car is not physically there, for example, it was stolen or is in the possession of another person who is not documented as its owner, then here we are only talking about the fact that disposal will take place only from a legal point of view, on paper.

In either case, the legal procedure would be as follows:

  1. The person who owns the vehicle personally visits the department of the State traffic inspectorate in order to declare in writing his desire to carry out the disposal procedure, explains the reason for his decision. Depending on the reason, it is necessary to submit explanatory notes addressed to the head of the MREO traffic police.
  2. The car owner receives a certificate of the completed legal action - deregistration of the vehicle for the purpose of disposal.

List of required documents

If the car can no longer be used for its intended purpose due to physical disrepair, was stolen or is in the possession of a third party who, after buying (or donating) this vehicle, did not re-register it in his name, then the owner of the vehicle must submit the following documents to the traffic police:

  • personal passport, as a document confirming the identity of the owner of the vehicle;
  • a written application for deregistration of the vehicle (mandatory indicating the reason for its decision);
  • an explanatory note addressed to the head of the territorial department of the State traffic inspectorate on the reasons for disposal;
  • auto documents (STS, PTS, vehicle alienation agreement, state registration numbers) if available. If there are no documents on hand, for example, a car was stolen along with papers for it, then this fact must be described in an explanatory note. And also you need to write that if you find them, you undertake to return them to the traffic police. If the contracts under which the car was sold are lost, then you can order an extract from the register in the same department of the traffic police, which will indicate the data of the contract.

Inspection of vehicles during disposal for the above reasons is not performed!

What if the owner of the car decided that his "iron friend" can no longer drive on the roads, but can bring some income from selling it in parts? This question quite often arises among car owners who have lost a car as a result of an accident, do not see the point of restoring it, but at the same time have the opportunity to earn money on whole and working parts of the car.

To remove such a car from the register, the owner of the vehicle, in addition to the generally accepted package of documents, will have to submit mandatory documents for the car: his passport, certificate and two state documents. sign, pay the state duty, and ensure the delivery of the released units (engine, body, etc.) for inspection by the traffic police. At the same time, in the application and the explanatory note, you must list all the parts that are planned to be sold and be sure to declare your desire to obtain certificates for all parts of the car. In practice, it is necessary to obtain certificates only for those parts that have personal identification numbers. As a rule, vehicle owners receive documents only for the engine, since registration papers are required when selling or buying it. As a result of such actions, the car owner must receive an extract from the register and certificates for the released units.

If there are no documents for the car, license plate or the car itself

How to hand over the car for recycling if you don’t have any documents for it on hand, and the car itself doesn’t exist either? This usually occurs as a result of the theft, physical destruction (for example, the car burned down or drowned) of the car along with the documents that were inside it. And also this situation happens after its alienation (sale or donation), and the refusal of the new owner to re-register the transport for himself. Rejection of a car and legal actions to deregister it can be carried out without presenting the original documents for the car and its inspection. To carry out legal measures for its documentary destruction, a personal passport of the owner, an application and a written explanation of the reason are sufficient.

However, if there are documents, it is better to present them (even if there are not all documents available or they are damaged). This will save the applicant from a lot of contentious issues on the part of employees in uniform, and ensure the smooth implementation of the intended goal.

Disposal cost

The state service for deregistration of a car is free of charge. The state duty is taken only for the issuance of a certificate for released units (for the sale of vehicles in parts). It is 200 rubles per document.

From the moment the car is deregistered, it does not have the right to move under its own power on the roads. Therefore, if you decide to scrap it at a special collection point or use the state recycling program, then its delivery to the final station can only be carried out by tow truck. Its cost is paid according to the rates in your city.

It should also be noted that there is such a thing as. For all cars purchased before 2012 in the Russian Federation, it is considered automatically paid. And when you hand over the car to a specialized point for the disposal of the vehicle, no fee will be charged. Owners of all other cars must pay this fee on their own and according to the price list of the selected company.

Can I return a car from scrap?

Some car enthusiasts want to know: is it possible to restore their registration rights to a car after it has been deregistered due to disposal? The answer to this question is regulated by paragraph 13 of the Rules of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on registration actions with vehicles:

  • in the event that the car is deregistered with the traffic police due to disposal, but has not yet been physically disposed of, then it is possible to restore registration rights to it;
  • and if the car is deregistered and physically scrapped, then it is impossible to restore its registration.

State recycling program

Almost 8 years ago, a functioning model for supporting the domestic auto industry appeared in our country - a vehicle recycling program. Also, this program is designed to improve the overall state of the environment and reduce the number of old, dangerous cars on our roads.

Any car owner can enter the program if he owns a car weighing up to 3.5 tons, for a period of more than 1 year, and its age is more than 10 years. For many people, scrapping an old car and getting a discount on a new car has been a dream come true for a new car. The current list of cars that can be purchased under this state program is constantly updated and is located on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Initially, the program was planned for a period of 1 year (calendar year 2010), then it was extended until the end of 2011. However, the rapidly declining demand in the automotive market in Russia predetermined the resumption of the program from 2014 to the present.

How do you know if a car has been scrapped?

If you know the VIN number of any car (not even necessarily your own, for example, before buying) and have Internet access, then using the official website of the traffic police, you can find out the entire history of registration actions with it for free. At the same time, for the purposes of security and confidentiality of citizens, the report will indicate the periods of ownership of the vehicle without indicating names and surnames.

A similar check can be made by residents of the capital and its environs on the website “Autocode. RU". This specialized service reflects data on theft, disposal, arrests, bails, as well as work in a taxi of those cars that are registered in the Moscow region. You can buy and receive a detailed report in electronic form.

You can also check the car directly by requesting information from the State Traffic Inspectorate. This is possible only on behalf of the owner of the vehicle and in writing.


Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on the recycling of vehicles. This concept became widespread in 2010, when the state car recycling program was introduced.

This article will discuss what is the disposal of a vehicle, how to produce it and register it with the traffic police. Let's get started.

What is car recycling?

Recycling a car is its safe destruction. In the manufacture of a car, various materials are used: metals, plastics, glass, technical fluids. If the car is simply "thrown in the trash", then over time, harmful substances will enter the soil and atmosphere.

Disposal of a vehicle provides for its safe recycling. Employees of a special organization disassemble the car, sort the materials and send them for further processing.

Car recycling cost?

Renting a car for recycling costs several thousand rubles. However, for all vehicles put into circulation after September 1, 2012, the payment has already been made. A note about this is put in the vehicle passport (PTS). You don't need to pay extra for the disposal of such cars.

Deregistration for disposal

Pay attention to the fact that in 2020 a car deregistered for recycling can be re-registered. Item 18 :

18. Registration of a vehicle after its termination is carried out:

  • in relation to a vehicle that has not actually been disposed of, the registration of which has been terminated due to disposal, on the basis of confirmation of the credentials at the place of the last registration of the vehicle (if there is information about a previously issued vehicle passport, an electronic passport);

I note that this paragraph refers specifically to recycling, and not to deregistration for recycling. Those. if the owner removed the car from the register for disposal, and then changed his mind, then the registration with the traffic police can be restored. However, if the matter has gone further, and the car has already been handed over to the recycling point, then it will not be possible to register it again.

Car recycling program in 2019 and 2020

The recycling program was first launched in Russia in 2010 and re-introduced in 2014. Its essence was that when handing over an old car for recycling, the car owner received a discount of 50,000 rubles for the purchase of a new car. At the same time, the discount was compensated by the state.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find a regulatory legal document that regulates the rules for the recycling program in 2019 and 2020, so I cannot give more detailed information about the current conditions for participation. If you know a document regulating this issue, please write its details in the comments to this article.

How to get rid of an old car on a budget?

The recycling procedure was discussed above, but in practice it requires certain costs. The cost of disposal is 3,000 - 4,000 rubles.

However, there are ways to get rid of the car more budget:

  • Sell ​​your car for scrap. This method implies that you yourself will disassemble the car and sort the parts according to the materials from which they are made. This method is rather laborious.
  • Sell ​​car. In practice, almost any car can be sold. If the car is not running, then it can be sold for parts. There will always be buyers, the main thing is to set the right price. If the car is in very poor condition, make an announcement for the amount of 5,000 rubles. Even if the car is sold for a fraction of that amount, it's still more profitable than scrapping it.

In conclusion, I want to note that many drivers decide to dispose of the vehicle due to the fact that they do not want to pay for an unused car. Well, sometimes you just need to make room in the garage.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello. Can you please tell me if the general power of attorney is a sufficient condition for the recycling program or the car must be registered to the new owner? The fact is that there is a car - as if on the move, but not in a presentable condition (it rotted in some places, there was an accident), but it is not in use. I would like to use it to get a discount on a new vehicle. But I would like to avoid all these difficulties with registration and related expenses (technical inspection, insurance, duty, possibly a tow truck to the inspection site).

Nikita, Hello.

Unfortunately, I am not aware of the regulatory document that establishes the current rules for the recycling program.

As far as I remember, earlier it was required that the car was in the ownership of the buyer for a certain period (for example, at least 6 months). Whether this condition is currently in effect, I do not know.

Good luck on the roads!

Please tell me, we bought a car in Krasnodar, before reaching Sevastopol, the motor broke down, it was made for a year, of course, without re-registering the car, the previous owner removed it from the register due to disposal. Did he have the right to do this (could be deregistered due to the purchase and sale) on the basis of the disposal regulations? How to solve this problem?

For example, write a statement to the police against the previous owner under the article fraud. He knew that he had sold the car and had no rights to dispose of it. There are no big timeframes.

Any waste is potentially hazardous, since in a normal or decomposing state it can harm the natural environment and living organisms. Waste from medical institutions is a particular hazard. Improper handling of them can cause the spread of terrible infections and the death of a large number of people. Disposal of medical waste is a mandatory measure, since in the epidemiological understanding this category of waste contains toxic and radioactive substances, chemical elements and pathogenic microorganisms.

What to do with medical waste?

The first thing that is required from employees of medical institutions in terms of handling honey waste is to classify the waste and act in accordance with the belonging of the garbage to a certain classification group.

Important: In the regulations and legislation of the Russian Federation there is no clear definition of what constitutes "medical waste".

What does the law say?

The basic document that is directly related to the handling of different classes of medical waste is SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the handling of medical waste." It is in this regulatory act that everything that is thrown out by medical institutions is divided into hazard classes.

Other documents that will be useful to healthcare workers:

  • Federal Law No. 323, dated 11/21/2011, affecting the fundamentals of protecting the health of Russians;
  • Government Decree No. 681, dated 07/04/2012, approving the criteria for separating medical waste into classes according to various degrees of danger and negative impact on the environment;
  • Federal Law No. 49 of the Russian Federation, which speaks about the basics of saving the health of citizens in the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law No. 89, dated 06/24/98 "On production and consumption waste", etc.

The law requires the management of medical departments to independently develop internal instructions with the requirements for handling the waste of the organization, which determine the circle of persons responsible for the disposal of medical waste.

Alleged danger

Not everything that is thrown away in medicine poses a threat to nature and people. The degree of danger presented depends on which class the waste belongs to. Medical workers are required to handle it carefully and correctly classify garbage as a hazard class. What belongs to group A can be disposed of as ordinary garbage. Other types of waste must be recycled according to the threat they pose.

Important: Even if the waste is not hazardous, but there is a possibility of a minor or major hazard, it must be classified as a waste class disposed of as hazardous.

Requirements for institutions

According to SanPiN, the following requirements are imposed on medical institutions in terms of handling waste:

  1. The management issues instructions, which prescribe the rules for the disposal of hazardous waste, as well as appoint persons responsible for the process.
  2. Mixing of wastes of different classes is not allowed.
  3. Waste is transported to the waste disinfecting plants by specialized vehicles.
  4. The procedure for transporting dangerous goods from a medical facility to a disposal site must be mechanized.
  5. First-aid kits should be available at the workplace to provide emergency assistance.

Rules for the collection, sorting, transportation and disposal of medical waste

When collecting waste from medical institutions, employees must strictly observe the following disposal rules:

  1. The collection is allowed only in the presence of overalls, special shoes and protective equipment provided by the administration of the institution. Overalls are washed centrally. It is strictly forbidden to take work clothes home.
  2. It is forbidden to leave the territory of the medical institution in overalls for waste disposal.
  3. Employees' personal and professional clothing should be stored in separate lockers.
  4. When hiring new employees, admission to work is carried out only after a briefing on the handling of medical waste. Further, such briefings are held with employees at least once a year.
  5. Only adults should be allowed to collect medical waste.
  6. For waste disposal, starting with group B, employees who are 21 years old are allowed.

Important: SanPiN provides for several ways to dispose of waste from medical institutions.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • work without special sanitary clothing and personal protective equipment;
  • press packages intended for classes C and B;
  • open bags with waste types C and B manually.

Health workers must clearly distinguish between the hazard classes of medical waste.

Class A

Everything in this group is not dangerous. These are related products of medical institutions:

  • food waste;
  • construction garbage;
  • inventory that is not infected;
  • furniture, etc.

Such scrap can be collected both in disposable bags and in containers designed for reusable use. Dispose of class A according to the standard scheme applicable to ordinary household waste - stored in landfills, incinerated, recycled or buried.

Class B salvage disposal

Everything that is classified as category B refers to potentially dangerous objects and substances. These are potentially or actually infected waste, for which special disposable packaging is provided. Such waste can only be transported in closed form. The thermal method is used for disinfection.

Actions with class B

This group includes substances that pose an extreme epidemiological hazard to medical waste. This includes everything that came into contact with patients suffering from dangerous infectious diseases. This:

  • expendable materials;
  • cleaning tools.

This type of waste is packed in containers with special markings. As in the previous case, thermal methods are used for neutralization.

Class G

  • anything that contains mercury;
  • medicinal preparations;
  • expired disinfectants;
  • remnants of medicines.

Closed containers are provided for the collection and transportation of this type of waste. Disposal is carried out according to the scheme developed for industrial waste.

Handling Class D

Disposal of medical waste: basic methods

There are a number of methods for the disposal of medical waste. All of them are divided into 2 groups:

  • thermal;
  • alternative.

Thermal disinfection

The thermal types of disposal of hazardous waste from medical institutions include:

  • incineration;
  • pyrolysis;
  • plasma technology.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Features of incineration

The purpose of this type of disposal is the complete incineration of materials. This happens with the help of a special device - an incinerator. Burning temperature 400-1200°C.

The method is recognized as effective, therefore it is widely used. Ecologists do not welcome him for the following reasons:

  • gas or diesel fuel is used;
  • toxic substances are released into the air.

Application of pyrolysis

The essence of this method is that medical waste is burned in an environment without air. The method is promising, since it does not involve the release of hazardous elements into the environment.

Application of Plasma Technology

This method is used when it is required to dispose of especially hazardous medical waste. The utilizer was called the plasma torch. A temperature of 4,000°C is reached inside the unit. Electricity is used. During the application of plasma technology, toxic waste is completely decomposed. This method is not fully understood, therefore it is used extremely rarely.

Alternative methods of disposal

Scientists and physicians have long been looking for ways to dispose of medical waste as safely as possible. To date, in addition to those already mentioned, there are more than 40 ways to neutralize hazardous waste, which are successfully used by medical organizations. About 70 different recycling plants have been created.

The most used alternative methods are:

  1. Sterilization. Hazardous waste is subjected to preliminary grinding using special equipment, then sent to steam plants - autoclaves, where it is neutralized.
  2. Thermochemical recycling. It is most applicable for class B and B waste. In the process, the garbage is crushed, heated, and then disinfected.
  3. Chemical disposal. Acids and alkalis are used. In the process, water is obtained, which after purification becomes absolutely safe.

Speaking about the methods of disposal of medical waste, it is worth mentioning the old-timers of the segment - incineration and burial. Both methods are still in use today. Their advantages are simplicity and low cost. They are used for the disposal of class A safe scrap. The main disadvantage is harm to the environment. He crosses out all the advantages.

More about personal safety requirements for personnel

Only work with class A medical waste does not require special training of people involved in the process. Only those employees who have been instructed in advance about the dangers of medical waste and how to properly handle it can neutralize medical waste of other classes.

Employees participating in the neutralization are provided with the following institutions:

  • gloves
  • mask;
  • suit.

Important: Those who work with radioactive devices and consumables are given a lead apron.

Employees involved in the disposal and destruction of medical waste must understand that they are responsible for the safety of other staff of the institution and patients, as well as other people who are not clients of the clinic and do not work in it.

Is a license required to process medical waste?

According to the law of the Russian Federation, without a license, you can transport and dispose of waste of classes A, B and C.

If the neutralization of classes D and D is carried out, it is mandatory. Class D disposal requires a separate document giving the right to work with especially hazardous substances.

Prices for transportation and disinfection of medical waste

Organizations involved in the disposal of medical waste work on a paid basis. The cost of services depends on:

  • regional binding;
  • the degree of danger of garbage;
  • monthly volume of waste.

The approximate cost of disposal of a kilogram of medical waste is as follows:

  • A - 15.00 rubles;
  • B, C, D - 20.00 rubles;
  • needles and syringes - 15.00 rubles;
  • vaccines - 7.00 rubles;
  • pharmaceutical waste - 20.00 rubles.


Waste handlers in healthcare facilities and clinic managers should be aware that the safety of people depends on their actions. Not only those who are in the clinic, but also those who never visit it. Wrong actions of personnel involved in the disposal of medical waste can lead to dire consequences that can break many destinies.

If you hand over an old car for recycling, you can not only get rid of the old car, but also purchase a new one under the program.

Consider how to dispose of a car, how to do it correctly, what is the algorithm of action. Let's get acquainted with all the necessary information.

Utilization of the vehicle - its safe destruction. Machines are made of metal, plastic, glass, technical fluids. If you leave it and forget about it, over time, harmful substances will begin to enter the soil and atmosphere.

Utilization provides for the safe processing of the vehicle. The car is disassembled by employees of a special organization, the materials are sorted and sent for further processing.

To dispose of a car, you must:

  1. Remove the vehicle from the register with the traffic police. Most points of collection of a vehicle for scrap require a certificate of deregistration of the car.
  2. Drop off the car at the pickup point. It is necessary to conclude a contract for disposal with the organization.

There are a lot of recycling companies out there. The service is provided free of charge. But sometimes a fee is charged for accepting a vehicle with a low mass (less than 800 kg).

To deregister a car, the following documents are required:

  • Russian passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate, vehicle passport, license plates;
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • Vehicles are not provided for inspection.

Disposal conditions:

  • aging and wear of the car;
  • The vehicle was sold under a general power of attorney, but the new owner is not in the traffic police to re-register the car for himself (in order not to pay further transport tax, the seller of his car has to deal with an extreme measure - the disposal procedure);
  • car theft;
  • removal of accidents on the roads due to the difficult movement of an old car along them.

Remember: if your car was deregistered by the traffic police, you no longer have the right to drive it. Transport the car only on a tow truck.

Conditions for removing a car from state registration:

  • disposal under the state program;
  • illegal actions in relation to the car, theft;
  • if the car buyer has not registered the car for himself and is not going to do so;
  • leaving the country for a long time (then the owner registers the car in the country of residence).

  • contact the traffic police in person, get in the electronic queue;
  • there is no need to deliver the old car to the traffic police for inspection;
  • submit the completed application, documents;
  • the car owner is issued the necessary certificate.

The conditions and cost of the service are specified in each company separately. Representatives will be asked to provide them with a certificate from the traffic police.

Sample Application

Consider a sample of filling out an application for the disposal of a car in the traffic police:

  • indicate the exact name of the traffic police department where you are going to submit documents;
  • underline the appropriate wording of the reason for terminating the registration of the vehicle (due to disposal);
  • enter information about the brand, model of car, VIN number, state marks, year of manufacture into the form from the vehicle passport;
  • enter the passport data of the car owner, fill in information about the owner;
  • rewrite the information about the vehicle in the required lines.

A power of attorney is a necessary document to deregister a car if the car owner cannot visit the traffic police department himself. The document must be correct.

The power of attorney from a legal entity indicates:

A car owner who wants to scrap a vehicle can only submit a passport and an application for recycling. But if for some reason he cannot deal with the procedure himself, he writes out a power of attorney for his representative. Then the document is certified by a notary.

The power of attorney from an individual shall indicate:

  • place, date of compilation;
  • Full name, passport details, address of the principal and authorized representative;
  • registration department of the traffic police;
  • vehicle data;
  • car passport number and registration certificate;
  • validity period of the power of attorney;
  • signatures of the parties.

Consider how to hand over the car for recycling under a special program, what documents are needed.

This special program was launched in 2010 but is still active. The purpose of the state program is to increase the growth in sales of domestic cars by providing subsidies for the purchase of new vehicles to replace old ones.

The main condition for participation in the program: you can spend the funds that you receive from the delivery of the vehicle for processing only to buy a new car.

Other conditions in 2020:

  • you must have owned the car for at least six months;
  • Individuals and legal entities can participate in the program;
  • new cars are not scrapped;
  • the participant must have a Russian passport;
  • the car is not handed over for processing without a specially hired dealer (services can cost about 10,000 rubles).

According to the program, you can exchange a car, a large car, a jeep, a bus. The maximum discount amount is 50-350 thousand rubles.

Minimum amount for cars, maximum for trucks. Within the framework of this program, about 130,000 cars have already been sold.

Only a limited number of models can be purchased under the program: AvtoVAZ, GAZ, UAZ, several models of Volkswagen, Opel, Nissan, Ford, SsangYong, Renault.

All documents are drawn up by the dealer, he also concludes an agreement with the client for the purchase of a new car.

He issues a discount on the purchase of a vehicle in the form of a certificate or cash. Contact those car dealers who participate in the program and hand over your old car to him.

Action algorithm:

  • draw up a power of attorney for the dealership to transfer the old car to the scrap;
  • conclude an agreement with the dealer, which will stipulate that you transfer the car to the dealer for deregistration and disposal;
  • hand over the power of attorney and the car, get the act of acceptance and transfer of the car.

The recycling program is only suitable for those who own an old car, no one uses it. For it you can get quite an impressive amount.

The state allocated about 10 billion rubles for recycling. The program has a limited duration, so you should apply early.

How to dispose of a car without documents and numbers? If you are the owner of a car, you have the right to write it off only with your passport. Other documents, including license plates, are provided, if any.

How to dispose of a car in the traffic police without a car? The practice of selling vehicles has its drawbacks. Quite often, the new owner to whom you sold your car does not seek to pay the transport tax, and within ten days does not re-register the car for himself.

Then the invoice for payment of the transport tax will come to you, since you will remain the actual owner.

By issuing disposal of a car at the traffic police, you can get rid of unnecessary tax liabilities. Go to the traffic police, write a statement of intent to scrap the car.

After that, the car, which will be driven by a negligent buyer who refused to re-register the car for himself, will be stopped at the traffic police post, punched through the base and sent to a penalty area.

After deregistration of a vehicle for disposal, it is impossible to register it again.

public services

You can dispose of a car using the State Services Portal (https://www.gosuslugi.ru/category). Choose "Vehicle registration", then "Deregistration", "Deregistration due to disposal".

The application is filled out electronically. Enter the following documents into it:

  • Russian passports;
  • notarized power of attorney (for representatives);
  • vehicle passports;
  • certificate of registration or TP of a motor vehicle or trailer;
  • a document certifying the ownership of the vehicle or trailer.

The application should be printed out, taken to the traffic police along with the state registration plates of the car. You need to choose a convenient traffic police unit, date, time, make an appointment.

Don't be late for the appointed time, otherwise you can skip the line. Do not forget to take the original documents, the details of which were indicated in the application.

After the employee checks the documents, the vehicle will be deregistered for subsequent disposal.

Do I need to pay a fee for the procedure? No, this service is provided free of charge.

But you cannot drive a deregistered car. Therefore, you will have to spend money on a tow truck to the car reception area.

According to Law No. 89, the recycling service is provided by licensed reception centers free of charge if a recycling fee has been paid for this vehicle.

But you need to remember that the recycling fee does not pay for vehicles, titles for which were issued before 2012.

If the fee has not been paid, the owner will have to pay for the service at the company's rates.

Used car

Can I buy a used car through the recycling program? New cars are expensive, and discounts for their purchase under the recycling program are small. But used cars do not participate in the program.

The government finances the purchase of only new vehicles, as it supports the main goal of the program: stimulating the sale of domestic manufacturers, which increase the number of cars sold, increasing tax deductions to the budget.

And then the recycling program is financed from it. For this reason, it is impossible to purchase used vehicles under the recycling program.

If you are going to buy a car, do not forget to check it for the fact of recycling..

The deregistration procedure due to disposal is a fairly popular phenomenon among those who want to avoid vehicle tax on a car that is not in use.

You can check the car for recycling:

  • through the website of the traffic police;
  • Autocode;
  • different internet portals.

You may need to check:

  • VIN code;
  • body/chassis number;
  • registration numbers.

Services can fail, because sometimes the data is not entered into the database. Therefore, checking online is not always a reliable way to find out if a car has been scrapped, as sometimes vehicles are returned from scrapping. Then contact the traffic police immediately.