Proposals for improving the socio-psychological testing of students. Analysis of the results obtained in the course of socio-psychological testing of students in general educational and professional organizations of Sverdlovsk. Working with


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"The procedure for conducting socio-psychological testing of persons studying ineducational organizations and professional educational organizations, as well as in educational organizations of higher education "

Long-term studies conducted over the past 30 years have shown that the development of drug addiction is due to numerous internal and "environmental" risk factors. Moreover, evidence suggests that people who are exposed to more than one factor are more likely to develop drug dependence.

Determination of drug addiction risk factors allows reducing or completely eliminating their activity, reducing the level of distribution and the severity of the consequences of drug addiction. The effectiveness of the risk factor approach is supported by research on prevention programs. These studies show that programs aimed at reducing the activity of risk factors and increasing the activity of protective factors have good results in preventing substance use.

The effectiveness of prevention from these positions is determined by the influence of risk and protection factors in four areas: society, school, family and peer group (individual). Examples of risk factors include drug availability (society), family conflict (family), lack of interest in school life (school), early initiation of drug use (peer group). In turn, protective factors are associated with a decrease in the likelihood of exhibiting an "unhealthy" style of behavior (NIDA, 1997). It is believed that by influencing risk and protective factors, it is possible to reduce substance abuse among adolescents.

The model of risk and protection factors is based on the process of determining indicators (factors) that affect the likelihood of a person becoming involved in the sphere of drug use and related problems, and working with these factors identified for a given territory at a given point in time.Of course, in human life there are both risk factors and protective factors. Thus, in the most general terms, all prevention work is based on reducing the activity of risk factors and increasing the effectiveness of protective factors.

Traditionally, risk and protective factors are divided into three groups: "personal", "family" and "social". The latter, in turn, can be divided into friends affecting the environment (the inner circle), general social and “school”, which we single out especially when talking about teenagers. Here is a list of the most important, according to researchers, risk and protection factors.

1. Personal factors. Success in the realization of one's aspirations, awareness of one's life prospects, attitude to the possibility of drug use, attitude to violence, ways of manifesting protest reactions, level of emotional maturity, a formed system of values ​​and attachments, crisis situations, level of claims and self-esteem, the presence of immutable authorities.

2. Family factors.The system of distribution of roles, rights and obligations in the family, the control system, the level of conflict in the family, family traditions and the attitude of family members to the use of drugs and other psychoactive substances, the system of relations and the level of trust between parents and children, the emotional background of the family, parental expectations, competence parents in the context of upbringing and the existence of a unified approach to raising a child.

3. Peer environment.The attitude of the "significant environment" to drug use, the level of social acceptability of behavior and the socio-psychological climate of the adolescent group, the role of the adolescent in the peer group, the breadth of the social circle, the attitude of the adolescent group to adults, the value orientations of the adolescent group.

4. General social factors.Drug norms, policy and legislation, youth policy legislation, availability of drugs, development of the system of social and psychological assistance to youth, level of community disorganization, prevalence of violence, social traditions, attitude of the media, organization of leisure, youth participation in public life.

5. school factors.Progress, frequent transfers from school to school, participation of teachers in the educational process and the system of education adopted at the school, relations with teachers (level of trust), socio-psychological climate, participation of teachers in prevention, communication between family and school, participation in school self-government, desire to learn, regular school attendance.

To study risk factors, it is proposed to use a special research tool that allows you to determine priorities in the implementation of preventive programs (Shipitsyna L.M., 2001, St. Petersburg). It shows which factors in a given area most significantly increase the risk of substance abuse and which ones, that is, to conduct an initial assessment of the situation.

The purpose of the study is to identify the most effective risk and protection factors in the problem of drug abuse in the territory.

Subject of research: identification of a combination of risk factors and protection against drug addiction.

Adolescents are invited to answer the questions of the questionnaire (82 questions). The study is anonymous. Teenagers mark only their age. The instructions emphasize the importance of the personal opinion of each teenager and the need for answers based on their own ideas about this problem. It also notes the need for an independent assessment, without options for joint discussion between study participants.

The instructions emphasize the importance of the personal opinion of each teenager and the need for answers based on their own ideas about this problem. It also notes the need for an independent assessment, without options for joint discussion between study participants.

For processing results b The following risk and protective factors have been identified:

1. Family:

Relations with parents (questions 36, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79)

Change of residence (questions 60, 65)

Family control system (questions 67, 70, 71, 72, 73)

Conflict in the family (question 69).


Success (questions 10, 15)

Attitudes towards substance use (questions 30, 31, 34, 38, 43, 44, 45, 46)

Attitudes towards violence (questions 26, 27, 37)

Protest reactions (question 28)

Presence of positive life orientations (questions 32, 33, 40, 41, 42)

Substance use experience (questions 47, 48)

Presence of crisis situations (question 66)

The slogan of life (question 82).

3. Relationships with peers:

The influence of the environment. Association with antisocial behavior (questions 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 35)

Socio - psychological climate of the microenvironment (questions 63, 81).

4. Public (social):

Participation in social activities (question 29)

Attitude towards religion (question 39)

Availability of psychoactive substances (questions 49, 50, 51)

Social “closeness” with substance users (questions 52, 53, 54, 68)

Communication with the micro-society (questions 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61)

5. School:

Progress (questions 6, 16)

Attendance (question 7)

Participation in school self-government (questions 8, 9, 17, 18)

Organization of school leisure (question 11)

Relations with teachers (questions 12, 80)

Socio-psychological climate (question 13)

Interest in learning (question 19)

School change (question 62, 64)

Relationship between family and school (question 14).

The questionnaire is easy to fill out.There are no right or wrong answers here.Read the questions carefully and choose the answer that you think is the most accurate. The selected answer (the letter of the chosen answer) should bemark in the answer sheet (see at the end of the questionnaire).If you did not find such an answer, mark the one that is closest to you.

(Please note that the questions of G.V. Latyshev's questionnaire begin with the 6th question!!!)

6. What grades did you usually get at school last year?

A) Generally excellent

B) mostly good

B) Mostly satisfactory;

D) Mostly unsatisfactory.

7. How many lessons have you missed in the last four weeks?

A) None

B) No more than four;

D) more than ten;

C) No more than ten.

8. In my school, students are given the opportunity for self-government.

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

9. Teachers involve me in extracurricular activities.

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

10. My teachers celebrate my good studies and let me know.

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

11. My school has ample opportunities to participate in sports, clubs and other school-wide life

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

12. At my school, students are free to talk one on one with the teacher.

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

13. I feel safe in my school.

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

14. The school informs my parents about my progress.

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

15. Teachers encourage my efforts.

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

16. Are your grades better than most of your classmates?

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

17. I am given opportunities to participate in social class activities.

A) no;

B) Rather not;

B) Rather, yes;

D) Yes.

18. Do you feel the importance and significance of the school work in which you participate?

A) almost always

B) often;

B) sometimes

D) Never.

19. How interested are you in school subjects?

A) Very interesting and developing

B) quite interesting

B) not very interesting

D) uninteresting or not interesting at all

20. How wrong do you think your peers are when they steal

A) are seriously mistaken;

B) are mistaken;

B) slightly mistaken;

D) Don't make mistakes.

21. How wrong do you think peers are when provoking a fight

A) are seriously mistaken;

B) are mistaken;

B) slightly mistaken;

D) Don't make mistakes.

22. How wrong do you think peers are when they skip school when their parents don’t know about it

A) are seriously mistaken;

B) are mistaken;

B) slightly mistaken;

D) Don't make mistakes.

23. How wrong do you think your peers are when drinking alcohol?

A) are seriously mistaken;

B) are mistaken;

B) slightly mistaken;

D) Don't make mistakes.

24. How wrong, in your opinion, are peers who smoke cigarettes

A) are seriously mistaken;

B) are mistaken;

B) slightly mistaken;

D) Don't make mistakes.

25. How wrong do you think peers are when they smoke marijuana or use other drugs?

A) are seriously mistaken;

B) are mistaken;

B) slightly mistaken;

D) Don't make mistakes.

26. Do you consider it possible to defend your interests with the use of physical force?

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

27. Do you agree with the statement that the end justifies the means?

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

28. I I often do the opposite of what my parents tell me to make them angry

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

29. Are you a member of any informal social movement or public organization?

A) No

B) yes

30. What are the chances that you will look cool if you smoke a cigarette?

A) none or very little

B) a little

B) quite large

D) very large

31. What are the chances that you will look cool if you drink alcohol?

A) none or very little

B) a little

B) quite large

D) very large

32. What are the chances that you will look cool if you are actively involved in sports?

A) none or very little

B) a little

B) quite large

D) very large

33. What are the chances that you will look cool if you are a good student?

A) none or very little

B) a little

B) quite large

D) very large

34. What are the chances that you will look cool if you smoke marijuana or other drugs?

A) none or very little

B) a little

B) quite large

D) very large

35. You and a friend are looking at CDs in a music store. You notice that he/she has stolen the disc. He/she says, smiling, “What do you want? Come on, take it while no one sees. No one is around, no employees, no other customers. What are you going to do?

A) Pick up the disc and leave the store

B) let it go

C) Tell him/her to return the disk

D) Make it a joke and tell him/her to put the disc back

36. 8 pm and you are about to go to a friend when your mother asks where you are going. You say, "I'm just going to hang out with my friends." She won't let you go. What are you going to do?

a) Go anyway

b) You will argue with her

C) Come up with some reason, say when you will return and ask permission to go

D) Say nothing and stay at home doing your own thing

37. You have visited another part of the city and you don't know anyone your age there. You are walking down the street, and a stranger of your age is walking towards you. He is about your height, and could have passed by, but he deliberately pushes you, so that you almost fall. What will you say or do?

A) push the person yourself

B) Say "I'm sorry" and move on

C) Say "watch where you're going" and move on

D) curse and leave

38. You are at someone's party and one of your friends offers you an alcoholic drink. What will you say or do?

A) have a drink

B) Tell your friend: “No thanks, I don’t drink” and suggest that your friend do something else

C) Say "No thanks" and walk away

D) Politely apologize, say that you still have things to do and leave

39. How often do you attend church services and other religious events?

A) never

B) Rarely

C) 1-2 times a month

D) About once a week or more

40. It is important to think before you do anything.

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

41. Do you consider yourself a “right” person

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

42. I often act without thinking about the consequences.

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

43. What do you think is the likelihood of harm to people if they smoke one or more packs of cigarettes a day?

A) none

B) Little risk

B) moderate risk

D) Big risk

44. What do you think is the likelihood of harm to people if they smoke marijuana

A) none

B) Little risk

B) moderate risk

D) Big risk

45. What do you think is the likelihood of harm to people if they consume energy drinks

A) none

B) Little risk

B) moderate risk

D) Big risk

46. ​​What do you think is the likelihood of harm to people if they drink alcoholic beverages at least once a week

A) none

B) Little risk

B) moderate risk

D) Big risk

47. How often have you smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days?

A) Don't smoke at all

B) Less than one cigarette a day

C) 1 to 10 cigarettes a day

D) More than 10 cigarettes a day

48. Have you ever tried drugs?

A) No

B) yes

49. If one of your close friends of the same age wanted to buy

beer, wine or spirits, is it easy to do?

A) very easy

B) Pretty easy

B) Quite difficult

D) very difficult

50. If someone from your close acquaintances of the same age wanted to buy cigarettes, is it easy to do this?

A) very easy

B) Pretty easy

B) Quite difficult

D) very difficult

51. If one of your close friends of the same age wanted to buy

drugs, is it easy to do?

A) very easy

B) Pretty easy

B) Quite difficult

D) very difficult

52. Do you know adults who have used marijuana or other drugs in the past?

A) yes

B) No

53. Do you know adults who have sold or dealt in drugs in the past?

A) yes

B) No

54. Do you know adults who have done illegal things in the past that could lead to complications with the police

A) yes

B) No

55. If I have to leave, I will miss those people who have surrounded me lately.

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

56. My neighbors notice when I do a good job and let me know.

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

57. I love the area where I live

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

58. There are a lot of adults around me with whom I can talk about important issues.

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

59. People often change in my environment.

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

60. How many times, since kindergarten, have you changed your place of residence.

A) never

B) 1 or 2 times

B) 5 or 6 times

D) 7 or more times

61. Among adults, there are people who are proud of you when you do something well.

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

62. Did you change school last year.

A) yes

B) No

63. You feel safe when you are with your family and friends.

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

  1. How many times in your life have you changed schools?

A) never

B) 1-2 times

C) 3-4 times

D) 5–6 times

D) 7 or more times

65. Have you changed your place of residence in the last year?

A) yes

B) No

66. Are there situations in your life that seem to you

A) constantly

B) Often

B) sometimes

D) almost never

67. There are clear rules in my family.

A) yes

B) Rather yes

B) Rather not

D) No

68. Has anyone in your family ever had an alcohol/drug problem?

A) yes

B) No

69. My family members often offend and yell at each other.

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

70. One of my parents always knows where and with whom I spend time

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

71. My parents want me to call when I'm going to come home late.

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

72. Will your parents notice if you drink beer, wine, or spirits without their permission?

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

73. There is a rule in my family not to use alcohol and drugs.

A) No

B) Rather not

B) Rather yes

D) yes

74. Your parents notice when you do something nice and let you know about it.

A) Never or almost never

B) sometimes

B) often

D) always

75. How often do your parents say that they are proud of your actions

A) Never or almost never

B) sometimes

B) often

D) always

76. Do you share your thoughts and feelings with your dad or mom (or adults who replace them)

A) yes

B) No

B) rarely

D) not always

77. If you have personal problems, you can turn to mom or dad (or an adult who replaces them) for help.

A) yes

B) No

B) rarely

D) not always

78. What do you usually do in difficult life situations?

A) I turn to my parents or relatives for help

b) ask friends for help

C) seek help from experts

D) rely only on myself

79. When solving your problems, do you take into account the opinions of your parents

A) yes

B) sometimes

B) rarely

D) No

80. When solving your problems, do you take into account the opinions of teachers

A) yes

B) sometimes

B) rarely

D) No

81. When solving your problems, do you take into account the opinions of friends

A) yes

B) sometimes

B) rarely

D) No

ANSWER FORM (questionnaire G.V. Latyshev)

Please enter the Letters of the selected answers in the "Answer Form".











  1. Compare answers with key:

Question number


Question number


high risk

Medium Risk

low risk

no risk

high risk

Medium Risk

low risk

no risk

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 point

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 point















































* - if the total number of missed lessons is greater than those missed due to illness.

** - if a public movement or public organization promotes pro-social goals and objectives that develop a person and society.

*** - There is no risk if the slogan reflects the attitude towards the development, preservation and promotion of health, safety, respect for the surrounding people and the environment. There is a high risk if the slogan reflects the lack of meaning and goals in life or the desire to obtain benefits at any cost. Medium risk - no slogan or it reflects the lack of self-determination in life. Low risk - if the slogan reflects instability in self-determination.

2. The overall level of risk is calculated. The answer to each question corresponds to the number of points according to the risk level: high risk - 4 points, medium risk - 3 points, low risk - 2 points, no risk - 1 point. The sum of the scores obtained for each question is the overall level of risk.

High risk - 249 - 308 points

Average risk - 191 - 248 points

Low risk - 120 - 190 points

There is no risk - from 77 - 118 points

3. Risk assessment by factors:

Level of risk


Family, points

Individual, points

Social, in points

Peer environment

Macrosocial environment

school environment

high risk

47 – 60

80 - 92

30 - 36

47 – 60

47 – 60

Medium Risk

34 – 46

57 – 79

23 – 29

34 – 46

34 – 46

low risk

23 – 33

34 – 56

15 – 22

23 – 33

23 – 33

no risk

15 - 22

23 – 33

9 – 14

15 - 22

15 - 22

Lists, questionnaires with students at risk should be sent to the monitoring center of the autonomous institution of the additional professional institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra "Institute for the Development of Education"[email protected] . Phone. 8-3467-92-83-38

Analysis of the socio-psychological testing of students of MBOU secondary school No. 4 in the 2016-2017 academic year:

On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory dated September 9, 2016 No. 4305 “On conducting socio-psychological testing of persons studying in general educational organizations and professional educational organizations, as well as in educational institutions of higher education located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory , in the 2016-2017 academic year", in accordance with the order of the Department of Education of the Municipal Formation of the Krymsky District dated September 14, 2016 No. 654-od "On the conduct of socio-psychological testing of persons studying in educational institutions located on the territory of the municipality of the Krymsky District, in the 2016-2017 academic year ”in MBOU secondary school No. 4, socio-psychological testing was conducted, in which students who reached the age of 13 took part.

Purpose of testing : identification of students prone to the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Based on the results of testing, a “risk group” is determined from the educational organization, which organizes a medical examination.

Drug testing is one of the drug prevention measures aimed at early detection of those who have just tried drugs or psychotropic substances. According to the approved procedure, testing isvoluntary:

    student testing,under the age of fifteen, carried out in the presenceinformed consent of one of the parentsor other legal representative;

    testing of students who have reached the agefifteen years old, is carried out if there areinformedconsent in writingabout participation in testing.

First of all, the school administration held outreach activities for teachers on the issues of testing. 63 students aged 13 to 18 study at MBOU secondary school No. 4, who were informed about the testing procedure. All parents and legal representatives of this category of students were also informed by class teachers about the progress of testing. In the course of outreach work, all consents for testing were collected from students who have reached the age of 15 and all consents from the parents (legal representatives) of students who have not reached the age of 15. As a result, 63 students of MBOU secondary school No. 4 were admitted to testing.

Testing at the school took place on September 22, 2016, the beginning of the testing - 8.30, in accordance with the previously drawn up schedule. The students were divided into 4 groups. An organizer responsible for testing was assigned to each group of students.

First group was tested in the mathematics classroom under the guidance of the class teacher of the 7th grade, Dolmatova N.A. The group included students in grades 6.7. The number of people tested in the first group was 21 people.

Second group was tested in the English room under the guidance of the class teacher of the 8th grade, Mukhina N.A. The group consisted of 8th grade students. The number of people tested in the second group was 19 people.

Third group was tested in the history room under the guidance of the class teacher of the 9th grade, Kudryan A.V. The group consisted of 9th grade students. The number of people tested in the third group was 18 people.

Fourth group passed testing in the informatics office under the guidance of the acting deputy director for VR, Kazova E.N. The group consisted of 11th grade students. The number of people tested in the fourth group is 5 people.

As a result, 63 students of MBOU Secondary School No. 4 passed socio-psychological testing in the 2016-2017 academic year, of which 31 were boys and 32 were girls. Compared to the previous 2015-2016 academic year, the number of test takers has not changed much. So last year, 62 students of MBOU secondary school No. 4 passed social and psychological testing, of which there were 29 boys and 33 girls.

According to the results of socio-psychological testing, according to the order of the Department of Education of the Municipal Formation of the Krymsky District dated November 21, 2016 No. 870 - od "On the results of socio-psychological testing and on the organization of preventive medical examinations of students in educational organizations in the 2016-2017 academic year", in MBOU secondary school No. 4 was not defined students of the "risk group". In the last 2015-2016 academic year, based on the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory dated November 13, 2015 No. 47-17865 / 15-14 "On the results of socio-psychological testing and on the organization of preventive medical examinations of students in 2015" , 56 students of MBOU secondary school No. 4 were sent for a preventive medical examination at the Crimean Central Regional Hospital. As a result of a medical examination, the content of cotinine was detected in 2 adolescents studying in grades 9 and 10.

Based on the results of socio-psychological testing for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 academic years, the Deputy Director for VR and class teachers to continue effective work in accordance with the plan of MBOU Secondary School No. 4 for the prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking.

School Principal E.P. Guiwang

Compiled by: acting Deputy Director for VR E.N. Kazova

Questionnaire for socio-psychological testing

"Attitude to Bad Habits"

1. How do you feel about the presence of bad habits among people around you (at school, at home, on the street, etc.)?

    1. judgmental

    2. I don't like it

    3. don't care

    4. don't know

    5. this is a private matter for everyone

    6. It makes me sad.

2. Which of the bad habits that are found in our society do you consider acceptable, and which are undesirable for society? (in the answer, you must use all the bad habits given in the question)

    1. smoking

    2. foul language

    3. nail biting

    4. drinking alcohol (including beer).

3. If bad habits include foul language, biting nails, smoking, drinking beer, drinking strong alcoholic beverages, then which statement would you agree with (continue the sentence): “A person has the listed habits for his health .....

    1. harmful and unacceptable, based on the interests of our modern society

    2. harmful, but acceptable, because Every person has the freedom to choose

Your life and your health

    3. harmful, but this does not apply to all the habits listed in the question

    4. not so harmful, even if a person has all of the above habits

4. How do you feel about the presence in feature films of scenes of smoking and drinking alcohol by the main positive character?

    1. I don't care

    2. I am judgmental

    3. I don't like it

    4. didn't think about it.

5. If you were the president of the country, would you ban the sale of alcohol and tobacco products as harmful to health?

    1. would have left the sale permitted, because I believe that health is a personal matter

    2. would have kept the sale allowed and lowered the age of sale though

Would be under 16

    3. would have left the sale permitted only through pharmacies for persons in

Extreme addiction

    4. don't know

    5. forbade the sale because convinced that alcohol and smoking are harmful to health

Of people

6. What bad habits do you think can be addictive?

    1. smoking

    2. foul language

    3. nail biting

    4. drinking beer

    5. drinking strong alcoholic beverages

7. Do you think that addiction to bad habits has consequences for a person?

    1. harm to health

    2. no consequences

    3. violation of life plans

    4. don't know

    5. sympathy and empathy from others

    6. condemnation and hostility from others.

8. Why do you think people develop bad habits?

    1. don't know

    2. due to low culture

    3. the experience of my environment shows that this may be due to imitation


9. In your opinion, can a person get rid of bad habits?

    1. I am sure that a person can get rid of bad habits on his own

    2. I am sure that a person can not get rid of all harmful


    3. I think that a person in such a situation needs the help of loved ones

    4. I think that a person in such a situation needs the help of relatives and doctors

    5. I believe that a person is not able to get rid of bad habits.

10. Why do you think it is difficult for people to get rid of bad habits?

    1. due to lack of willpower

    2. due to the high prevalence in society

    3. in my experience - because of the desire "not to look like a black sheep" in a company where these

Habits are the norm

    4. don't know

11. Choose the statement that best describes your close relatives?

    1. my close relatives have practically no bad habits

    2. some of my close relatives have separate habits that

    3. some of my close relatives have bad habits

    4. most of my close relatives have bad habits

12. Do you have habits that can be considered harmful?

    1. absent

    2. single and manifest

    3. some, but appear regularly

    4. a significant amount, appear regularly.

13. What is the reason why you could show actions that are classified as “bad habits”:

    1. for the company

    2. out of interest

    3. randomly

    4. to seem like an adult.

14. In what situation could you have manifested actions classified as “bad habits”?

    1. by accident

    2. at home, at the festive table

    3. at home, alone

    4. during or after the conflict

    5. in the company.

15. Do you have a desire to get rid of your bad habits?

    1. I have a desire and I am ready to achieve it

    2. I have a desire, but I’m not ready to achieve it (I don’t believe that I will succeed)

    3. I have no desire, because I don't believe that I can do it

    4. I have no desire, because I don't want to get rid of my habits

    5. I think that I have no bad habits, and I will try to continue to increase the level

Your healthy lifestyle

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1 INFORMATION on the results of socio-psychological testing conducted in the academic year Social-psychological testing of students (hereinafter referred to as testing) is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. testing of persons studying in general educational organizations and vocational educational organizations, as well as in educational institutions of higher education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory dated SED "On conducting socio-psychological testing of students 9, 11 classes of educational organizations and 1st year students of professional educational organizations located on the territory of the Perm Territory, in the academic year ", Order of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Osinsky Municipal District 523 of the year 605 "On the conduct and socio-psychological testing of students in grades 9, 11 of educational institutions of the Osinsky municipal district "The purpose of testing is to determine the risks of developing drug-addicted behavior, to identify students who are in the" risk group ", subject to medical diagnostic examination. As a methodological tool for conducting socio-psychological testing of students, the methodology "Psychodiagnostic questionnaire" Narkorisk "was used, developed by a group of scientists from the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute" consisting of Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Syrkin L.D., Candidate of Psychological Sciences Zuykova A. .A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Lyapin A.S. and candidate of pedagogical sciences Safronov A.A.

2 In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, testing was carried out on the basis of voluntary informed consent (in writing) of students or their parents (legal representatives). Before testing, a seminar was held with social educators and psychologists of educational organizations: - “Organization of socio-psychological testing of persons studying in educational institutions, aimed at early detection of non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. 400 students of educational institutions took part in testing at the age of years, of which: students in grade 9, - 29 students in grade 10, - 92 students in grade 11. As a result of testing, it was revealed: 1. Riskometric neutral was shown by 298 students, 2. Abulistic 43 students, 3. Conformal was revealed in 10 students, 4. Hedonistic was shown by 9 students, 5. Cognitive-destructive was revealed by 5 students, 6. Asocial was revealed by 4 students. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that 80.76% of students of educational institutions of the Osinsky municipal district are characterized by the absence of pronounced peak values ​​in the personal areas presented in the questionnaire, which indicates the diagnostic stability of psychosocial development and reduced risks of propensity for drug addictive behavior in this period of ontogenesis .

3 Annex 1 District Institution Osinsky district Schedule Riskometric Total number of profiles: 298 Neutral Hedonistic Total number of profiles: 9 Abulistic Total number of profiles: 43 Asocial Total number of profiles: 4 Conformal Total number of profiles: 10 Cognitive-destructive Total number of profiles: 5 Total records 400 (passed testing) Valid 369 Invalid Hedonistic personality (motivational-need sphere). The main need for this category of people is the desire for pleasure. Such people are purposefully looking for new impressions and sensations. Obtaining pleasant sensations and emotions without special psycho-emotional costs becomes the main motive for activity. It is important that, having once experienced the pleasure of something, such people tend to experience similar sensations in the same conditions and in connection with the same object. Addictive activity in this category can take the form of stereotyping actions aimed at obtaining pleasure. At the same time, they exhibit infantile traits associated with the inability to enjoy the successful completion of socially significant activities. Infantilism is expressed in the desire to avoid

4 situations involving some kind of volitional effort. This is especially evident in the leading activities. This category of adolescents has difficulties in the formation of socially approved reactions 2. Abulistic personality (emotional-volitional sphere). This personality profile is characterized by lack of will and spinelessness, lack of desires and motivations for activity, inability to perform an action, the need for which is realized; inability to make a voluntary decision. Unable to organize free time independently. He takes on many cases, but rarely brings them to the end. Emotional instability predominates in behavioral reactions, due to the desire to compensate for the inability to achieve goals, both in life and in interpersonal relationships. Also, in this personality profile, the weakness of self-control mechanisms is manifested. Addictive behavior is formed against the background of weak external control of the immediate social environment (family, school). In riskometric situations, such adolescents may start taking psychoactive substances, at the same time, they are not aware of the potential threat of developing addictive behavior. 3. Asocial personality (normative-behavioral regulation). Teenagers in this category are characterized by frequent violations of discipline. This is manifested in a disrespectful attitude towards elders, frequent conflicts with classmates and teachers (reactions of emancipation according to A.E. Lichko). Persons of an asocial profile can often offend a person for no reason. In situations of harm to others, they do not tend to feel guilty, and they are not inclined to ask for forgiveness, even if they know that they are to blame. Adolescents belonging to this profile have difficulties in mastering social norms and rules of behavior in society. Addictive behavior is formed against the background of confidence that the psychophysiological and social consequences of the use of psychoactive substances will not affect them. 4. Conformal personality (scale of social risks). Representatives of this profile, a, have an unformed adequate self-concept. Such violations do not allow a teenager to fully feel his autonomy, which contributes to the emergence of the phenomena of codependency, subordination and conformity. Often this category of teenagers has low self-esteem and self-esteem, classmates do not accept them in their group. This circumstance may contribute to the involvement of these adolescents in various subcultures and informal youth associations, which to a certain extent determines the development of addictive behavior. Addictive behavior is formed against the background of the desire to increase

5 self-esteem and self-esteem due to belonging to an informal teenage group. 5. Cognitive-destructive personality (value-semantic sphere). This one is characterized by unformed values, meanings and a low level of claims. In addition, there is a violation of socially approved ways of satisfying needs. Persons of this profile easily accept and assimilate the views, positions and opinions of others, due to the lack of critical thinking, superficiality and primitivism of judgments. Superficial attachment to friends and relatives is noted. Such a teenager stands out among his peers in that he likes to wander around idle, he has no interest in educational activities, sports, visiting various sections and circles, etc. The destructive elements of the formation of the cognitive sphere of such adolescents are expressed in the violation of social functions and roles.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Moscow Region State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Social and Humanitarian Institute"

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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1 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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Annotation to the work program "Prevention of antisocial behavior with the basics of legal knowledge" Recently in our country there has been a decrease in the age of minors registered for committed crimes.

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The relevance of the problems of addictive behavior (from the English addiction dependence, addiction, addiction) remains invariably acute in psychological science and practice. Existing research

The work plan of the teacher-psychologist of the MOU "Lyceum 22" for the 2016-2017 academic year Appendix 9 to the order of 201 Types of work: 1) psychoprophylaxis, educational work; 2) psychological counseling;

The plan was drawn up based on the results of testing 8-graders for the use of drugs.

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"Action plan based on the results of socio-psychological testing"

I approve:

Director of GBOU secondary school "OC" p. Yuzhny

Tananaeva V, M.

"____" ___________________ 2017

Action plan

based on the results of socio-psychological testing of students aimed at early detection of illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the Samara region

for 2017-2018 academic year

The prevalence of the use of psychoactive substances (hereinafter referred to as PAS) among minors and young people for many years continues to be one of the leading socially significant problems of society, which determine the need for organizing decisive and active opposition.

Working with students

Name of the event



Lecture and educational work with students

"Criminal liability of minors"



"For a healthy lifestyle"

watching videos (grades 5-11)

February March

Classroom teachers

Issue of wall newspapers, booklets dedicated to the Anti-Smoking Day, the Day of Solidarity in the fight against AIDS

Class teachers, head of the club "Young Journalist"

A series of conversations about the dangers of drugs

- "You're in trouble"

- "Dangerous addiction" (about drug addiction, substance abuse, the dangers of smoking and alcohol)"

- "Healthy children are the future of the nation"

During a year

Class teachers, med. worker

Educational work with students.

    Work on the preventive program "Fresh Wind"

During a year

Classroom teachers

Drawing and poster competition

1-7 cells "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

8-11 cells. Sports Against Drugs.

Participation in the action "We choose life!"

During a year

Deputy School Principal for VR

Speech of the school propaganda team "The new generation chooses life"

October - April

Teacher-psychologist, members of the club

Conduct a week of promoting knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and actions to approve it

Teacher-psychologist, members of the club

Sports and recreational activities

Campaign "Sport - an alternative to bad habits"

Deputy director of the school for VR, teacher of physical education

health day

cool hands, teacher

physical education

The work of sports clubs and sections

During a year

Physical education teacher, assistant director of VR

Working with parents and teachers

Working with parents.

parent meetings:

"Organization of schoolchildren's classes to promote health and promote a healthy lifestyle" (with the invitation of specialists)

According to the work plans of class teachers

Classroom teachers

Parent survey.

during a year

Klruk, educational psychologist

Working with class leaders and teachers.

School of the class teacher “Methods of educational and preventive work in the classroom. Prevention and Prevention of Antisocial Behavior of Students»

Deputy director of the school for VR, teacher-psychologist

Seminars-trainings on the prevention of offenses and crimes, drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism.

During a year

teacher - psychologist