Presentation of the formation of professional competencies of a teacher. Presentation "Professional competence of teachers". participation in various competitions

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The introduction of a competency-based approach is an important condition for improving the quality of education. The concept of "competence-based approach" means the focus of the learning process on the formation and development of key (basic, basic) and subject competencies of the individual. The result of this process will be the formation of a person's general competence, which is a set of key competencies, an integrated personality characteristic. Such a characteristic should be formed in learning process and contain knowledge, skills, relationship experience, activity experience.

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Competence - 1) the range of issues in which someone is well aware; 2) the circle of someone's powers, rights. Competent - 1) knowledgeable, knowledgeable; authoritative in a particular industry; 2) a specialist with competence. The concept of "competence" is traditionally used in the sense of "terms of reference". "Competence" is associated with awareness, authority, qualifications. Therefore, in the pedagogical sense, it is advisable to use the term "competence". Scientists propose to use these concepts in parallel, but investing in them different content: Competence is a set of interdependent qualities of a person (knowledge, skills, habits, methods of activity), which are given for the corresponding range of objects and processes necessary for productive action in relation to them. Competence is a person's possession of the relevant competence, containing his personal attitude to the subject of activity.

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What are its main components? Firstly, knowledge, but not just information, but that which is rapidly changing, dynamic, diverse, which must be able to find, weed out from unnecessary, translate into the experience of one's own activity. Secondly, the ability to use this knowledge in a particular situation; understanding how to get this knowledge. Thirdly, an adequate assessment of oneself, the world, one's place in the world, specific knowledge, whether it is necessary or unnecessary for one's activity, as well as the method of obtaining or using it. This formula can logically be expressed in this way: Competence = knowledge mobility + method flexibility + critical thinking

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Social (characterize the ability of a person to fully live in society) - take responsibility, make decisions, make choices, get out of life situations without conflict. Multicultural - not only mastering the achievements of culture, but also understanding and respect for people of other nationalities, religions, cultures, languages, races. Communicative - the ability to communicate orally and in writing in native and foreign languages. Informational - the ability to receive, comprehend, process and use information from different sources. Self-development and self-education - the need and willingness to constantly learn throughout life. Productive creative activity.

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Methodological competence: Philological science, pedagogy, educational psychology, philosophy of education Professional knowledge of the teacher in the field of politics and strategies for the development of education and the educational field. Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the educational concept. task objectives

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philosophical and educational knowledge and its basic principles (humanization, humanitarization, individualization, differentiation, integration, democratization, etc.); the main directions of domestic and foreign educational psychology (L.S. Vygotsky, J. Piaget, A.N. Leontiev); general and particular pedagogical theories of learning in modern pedagogy (D.B. Elkonin, L.I. Bozhovich, etc.); semiotic approach to language in domestic and foreign philological science; aesthetic theory of the Russian formal school in philology; theory and methods of structural analysis of a literary text (Yu. Lotman); decoding technique in modern concepts of philological analysis of a literary text.

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goals and objectives of the modern school of development; competence principle of training; profiling: individualization, differentiation of learning; standardization (multilevel); activity approach to learning; work with dynamic language model (text); attention to the functioning of language units and their stylistic resources; the inclusion of new areas of linguistic knowledge in school practice (stylistics, text theory, culture of speech, literature, etc.); the use of speech, linguistic, linguo-stylistic and philological analysis as the basis of language teaching and a system-forming factor in the lessons of the Russian language and literature; the use of ICT in the formation of competencies and tracking the level of their formation.

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Language as the fundamental principle of the art of the word and the form of the existence of consciousness. Speech activity as a determinant of mental development (consciousness) and an indirect speech form of the existence of thinking that turns language into a means of self-knowledge, self-development and self-expression of the individual. The result of education in a logical sequence: Functional literacy education Competence culture mentality.

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Slide text: Professional competence and competence of a modern teacher Intelligence lies not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice. Aristotle.

Slide text: PROFESSIONALISM OF A TEACHER IS CONSIDERED TODAY AS A CONDITION FOR ACHIEVING THE MODERN QUALITY OF EDUCATION "Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren and everything new, teachers are a key feature of the modern school" National educational strategy-initiative "Our new school"

Slide text: Modernization of education Formation of a new school model Qualitative increase in the level of professionalism of a teacher (teacher)

Slide text: Competence Competence

Slide text: Professional competence of a teacher Basic concepts: Competence - awareness, authority, possession of competence, knowledge that allows one to judge something, the quality of a person with comprehensive knowledge; this is a systematic manifestation of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities that allow you to successfully solve functional problems that make up the essence of professional activity Competence is a range of issues in which someone is well aware; the circle of someone's powers, rights.

Slide text: Brevity is the sister of talent Competencies are requirements Competence is a manifestation of these requirements

Slide text: The structure of key competencies in education Learning competencies 1. Organize the learning process and choose your own educational trajectory. 2. Solve educational and self-educational problems. 3. Link together and use separate parts of knowledge. 4. Benefit (benefit) from the educational experience. 5. Take responsibility for the education you receive

Slide text: Research competencies: 1. Receiving and processing information. 2. Access to various data sources and their use. 3. Organization of a consultation with an expert. 4. Presentation and discussion of various types of materials in various audiences. 5. Use of documents and their systematization in independently organized activities.

Slide text: Socio-personal competencies: 1. Critically consider one or another aspect of the development of our society. 2. See connections between present and past events. 3. Recognize the importance of the political and economic contexts of educational and professional situations. 4. Assess social patterns related to health, consumption and the environment. 5. Understand works of art and literature

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Slide text: Communication competencies 1. Listen and consider the views of others 2. Understand and speak, read and write in multiple languages ​​3. Speak in public. 4. Discuss and defend your point of view. 5. Read graphs, charts and data tables

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Slide text: Collaboration 1. Make decisions. 2. Establish and maintain contacts. 3. Deal with diversity of opinion and conflict. 4. Negotiate. 5. Collaborate and work as a team

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Slide text: Organizational activities: 1. Organize your work 2. Take responsibility. 3. Master modeling tools 4. Be included in and contribute to a group or community. 5. Join the project.

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Slide text: Personally adaptive competencies. 1. Use new information and communication technologies. 2. Come up with new solutions. 3. Be flexible in the face of rapid change. 4. Be persistent and persistent in the face of difficulties. 5. Be prepared for self-education and self-organization

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Slide text: The professional competence of a teacher includes: subject competence (knowledge in the field of specialty); oversubject competence; professional culture.

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Slide text: The following professional competencies act as conditions for rethinking teachers' own professional activities: methodological competence; research competence; managerial competence; communicative competence; educational competence.

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Slide text: Teacher's professionalism 5 Humanist 10 Teacher. cooperation 8 Researcher 2 Teacher by vocation 6 Self-diagnostician 1 trainee 7 Creator innovator 9 Conscious individuality 3 From erudite to master 4 Master diagnostician 11 Professional expert

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Slide text: What mechanisms can be used to organize the activities of teachers aimed at developing professional competence?

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Slide text: Stage 1 Identification of the level of professional competence of a teacher - diagnosing, testing - determining ways to improve professional competence

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Slide text: Stage 2 Mechanisms for the development of a teacher's professional competence. Self-education plan Creation of creative groups Advanced training Active participation in teachers' councils, seminars, conferences Participation in research work, creation of own publications Development of a system to stimulate the teacher's activity

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Slide text: Analysis of the teacher's activities Generalization of experience Development of recommendations for further improvement of the professional competence of teachers Self-analysis of activities

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Slide text: PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A TEACHER Interest and love for children Enthusiasm for pedagogical activity Discipline Psychological and pedagogical maturity and observation Pedagogical tact Pedagogical optimism Pedagogical imagination Organizational abilities

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Slide text: What is the role of self-education in the development of teacher's professional competence?

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Slide text: Self-education is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the personality itself; acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science.

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Slide text: Self-education Carried out voluntarily Carried out consciously Planned, managed and controlled by the person himself Necessary to improve any qualities and skills

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Slide text: Directions of self-education Professional (subject of teaching) Psychological, pedagogical and psychological Methodological Aesthetic In the field of ICT technologies In the field of health protection Political Language

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Slide text: The importance of self-education for the teacher's professional competence Improving the quality of teaching the subject Readiness for pedagogical creativity Professional and career growth Creating the image of a modern teacher - an innovator, teacher-master, teacher-mentor Compliance of the teacher with the requirements of society and the state

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Slide text: Professional self-education, self-education and self-expression are the main conditions for the formation of the competence and authority of a teacher

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Slide text: A teacher is always an active, creative person. Only a person with a developed will, where personal activity is given a decisive place, can arouse interests, lead students. The pedagogical leadership of the children's team obliges the teacher to be inventive, quick-witted, persistent, always ready to independently resolve any situations. The teacher is a role model that encourages students to follow him, to be equal to the model available for imitation.

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Slide text: Every teacher knows that life in the modern world requires gaining the ability to rebuild, to be open to the developing situation. For a teacher, who is called upon to react vividly to social changes, a defensive position, unwillingness to move means a complete or partial loss of the professional field, which deprives him of confidence and reliability. Turning to past experience in difficult situations is productive only in order to extract from it ways of one's own success. Emotional, behavioral, intellectual flexibility give the teacher the opportunity to take into account the diversity of individual characters, opinions, positions. Inertia, simplification, overorganization - a direct threat to his professional health and longevity.

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Slide text: DRAFT DECISION OF THE PEACHERS' COUNCIL The school has an educational and technological space aimed at developing the professional competence of a teacher in the context of a new educational paradigm; Develop a system for monitoring indicators of the level of formation of professional competencies of teachers; Develop a teacher self-development program consisting of 5 stages: Stage 1 - self-diagnosis, problem analysis of one's own activities, fixing problems and their causes. Stage 2 - the formation of a general concept "I am in the future". Stage 3 - the choice of a strategy for self-development; Stage 4 - specification of immediate goals; Stage 5 - drawing up an action plan for self-development, when the main tasks are overgrown with specific mechanisms, methods and means of implementation.

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Slide text: “Just as no one can give to another what he himself does not have, so he cannot develop, educate and educate others who himself is not developed, educated and educated.” A. Diesterweg

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seminarProfessional competencies of a teacher Completed by: teacher of mathematics at SBEI SPO "CHIT" M.V. Matveeva Professional competence of a teacher as a condition for improving the quality of education of students. A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case he acquires the right to teach. 2 Competence - requires constant updating of professional competencies. Competence - a set of interrelated qualities of a person. Competence - possession, possession of an appropriate competence by a person. 3 The most important competencies necessary for a teacher: of personal self-improvement 4 The system of indicators of the innovative potential of the teaching staff (IPPC) susceptibility and attitude of teachers to innovations, readiness of teachers to master innovations, the level of innovation of teachers in the team, the level of creative activity of teachers, the development of communicative relations of teachers The susceptibility of teachers to the new.2. Information readiness of the teaching staff.3. Motivational readiness of the teaching staff to master innovations.4. Anti-innovative barriers of teachers preventing the development of innovations.5. The level of innovation of teachers in the team.6 Ways to improve the IPPK consistently develop the susceptibility of teachers to innovation; to ensure their preparedness for the assimilation of innovations; to increase the level of innovation and creative activity of teachers and masters in the team; to provide psychological-pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical conditions for the development of the IPPK technical school.7 The professional competencies of a teacher are a necessary condition, a resource for quality education. The prospect of work in this area is to solve the following problems: planning methodological work based on diagnosing the level of professional competence of a teacher; studying the level of development of creative competence, i.e. teacher's ability to bring activity to a creative, research level8 increase in the level of formation of managerial competence, that is, possession of managerial technologies - pedagogical analysis of resources, the ability to design goals, plan, organize, correct and analyze results class, issue an article, report9 A teacher who creates his own image not only looks better, but also feels better, is more confident, and, as a result, works more successfully! 10 An evil teacher is not a professional!11 The appearance of a teacher creates a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promotes or hinders mutual understanding, facilitating or hindering pedagogical communication.12 13 14So, try to start working on your image. Remember that a teacher is a Candle that shines for others while burning itself; a person who can make difficult things easy; a person who kindly leads the wanderer on his way. The teacher must understand that: you need to be ready for constant change; it is impossible to build today's and tomorrow's behavior on the basis of yesterday's knowledge and yesterday's experience; the main task is to ensure maximum success and minimum failure in the future life of students; any human activity is beautiful and effective, and this convey the idea to students.15 The teacher should beware of: habitually considering himself the most important and only source of knowledge; passing on his life experience to students and educating them on the basis of how he himself was brought up; adhering to the notion that there are once and for all given ways of correct and incorrect solutions to various problems; follow petty rules and instructions. I am confident that my work is useful to society.


Yakovchenkova Valentina Mikhailovna-teacher of biology, State Budgetary Educational Institution "Dukhovshchina Boarding School for Students with Disabilities"

Stages of formation of a competency-based approach in education

The first stage (1960-1970) is characterized by the introduction of the category of "competence" into the scientific apparatus, the creation of prerequisites for the differentiation of the concepts of competence / competence.

The second stage (1970-1990) is characterized by the use of the category competence / competence in the theory and practice of teaching professionalism in management .

The third stage of the study of competence as a scientific category in relation to education, which was launched in the 90s of the last century, is characterized by the appearance of works by A.K. Markova (1993, 1996), where in the general context of labor psychology, professional competence becomes the subject of a special comprehensive consideration.

The third stage in the development of the competency-based approach is characterized by the fact that the UNESCO materials outline a range of competencies that should already (!) be considered by everyone as the desired result of education.

Key competencies of a teacher

  • The main goal of vocational education is to prepare a qualified employee of the appropriate level and profile, competitive, fluent in his profession and oriented in related fields of activity, ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility.

Competence and competence

  • Competence is a concept related to work (activity). It reveals the area of ​​professional activity in which a person is competent. This is what employees in specific positions must be able to do in accordance with established standards.
  • Competence is a concept related to a person. Competence includes a system of the teacher's theoretical knowledge and ways of applying it in specific cases.

Key educational competencies

  • value-semantic
  • general cultural
  • Educational and cognitive
  • Informational
  • Communicative
  • Social and labor
  • Competencies of personal self-improvement

Value-semantic competence. This is a competence in the sphere of worldview associated with the teacher's value ideas, his ability to see and understand the world around him, navigate in it, realize his role and purpose, be able to choose target and semantic settings for his actions and deeds, make decisions. This competence provides a mechanism for the teacher's self-determination in situations of educational or other activities.

Educational and cognitive competence. This is a set of teacher competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity, including elements of logical, methodological, general educational activities, correlated with real cognizable objects. This includes the knowledge and skills of goal-setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activity.

Information competence. This competence provides the skills of the teacher's activity with the information contained in the subjects and educational areas, as well as in the surrounding world.

Communicative competence includes knowledge of the necessary languages, ways of interacting with surrounding people and events, group work skills, possession of various social roles in a team.

Social and labor competence means possession of knowledge and experience in civil and social activities, in the social and labor sphere, in the field of family relations and responsibilities, in matters of economics and law, in professional self-determination.

Competence of personal self-improvement is aimed at mastering the ways of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support

General subject (basic) competencies of a teacher

are modeled on the basis of the general subject content of education, which begins with determining its place at each stage - primary, basic, secondary. The goals of education at each stage are determined by the characteristics of the functioning of an educational institution and represent predictable and diagnosable complexes of educational results, general educational skills, generalized methods of educational activities and educational competence, i.e. the level of development of the teacher's personality associated with the qualitative content of education.

Primary school teacher competencies

  • possession of the content of academic disciplines
  • possession of modern theories and technologies of training and education
  • knowledge and real consideration of the factors that ensure the success of pedagogical activity
  • the need to communicate with children, interest in children of primary school age
  • emotional responsiveness, mobility of feedback in communication
  • friendly and constructive communication style
  • personal criterion
  • a culture of speech

Mathematics teacher competencies

  • basic mathematical techniques, measurement algorithms
  • mathematical language
  • independent cognitive activity based on the assimilation of ways to acquire mathematical knowledge from various sources of information
  • mathematical literacy, i.e. the need to develop in schoolchildren the ability to identify and understand the role of mathematics in the world in which they live; make well-founded mathematical judgments
  • to develop in students the ability to apply mathematical knowledge and skills in non-standard situations, skills that will contribute to the success of the graduate in adulthood

Competencies of a teacher of biology, geography, history

  • study and possession of the general theory of being and the interaction of nature and society
  • awareness of the internal ambiguity and inconsistency of modern global problems
  • the realization that the global perception of the world is inextricably linked with an understanding of the uniqueness of cultures, attitudes and customs inherent in different nations
  • awareness of the idea of ​​personal responsibility of each person for everything that happens in the natural and social world of the planet

Competencies of a Physical Education Teacher

  • possession of the basics of the theory of physical education
  • development of cultural and historical foundations of physical culture and sports
  • possession of the basic knowledge of the Olympic movement
  • knowledge of medical and biological foundations of motor activity
  • knowledge of safety regulations

Competencies of a Russian language teacher

  • psychological and pedagogical (psychological, pedagogical, methodical)
  • personal
  • self-educational (psychological, methodical, linguo-communicative, professional-applied components)

Competencies of teachers of labor education and SBO

  • Clear organization of work
  • Setting tasks and problems in the learning process
  • Arming students with self-control methods
  • Consolidation of interest in work and conscious choice of profession through the systematic organization of exhibitions of students' works
  • Encouragement for careful attitude and economical attitude to material and technical means
  • Knowledge of safety regulations
  • Personal example of a teacher


  • I. A. Winter. Key competencies - a new paradigm of the result of modern education.// Internet magazine "Eidos" -2006.5 May.
  • V. A. Adolf Formation of professional competence of the future teacher.//Pedagogy.- No. 1.1998
  • G.L. Abdulgalimov. A model of a modern teacher's readiness for professional activity. //Standards and monitoring in education. №5.2009
  • OA Kozyreva Phenomenology of professional competence of a teacher.//Educational technologies and society 11(2)2008
  • F. T. Shishkin. Competence and Competence as Key Concepts of the Competence-Based Approach in Education // Science and School No. 4.2008
  • The program of a special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type, edited by V.V. Voronkova. M .: Vlados, 2004

Kovylyaeva Elena
Presentation "Professional competence of a teacher as a condition for the development of pedagogical skills"

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Mastery is what what can be achieved and how can be known master turner, master doctor so it can be wonderful master educator. (Words of the beautiful Soviet teacher and writer Anton Semenovich Makarenko)

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creatively working teacher, creates its own system to get a good result in the available conditions. Of course, creativity teacher, is one of the links pedagogical excellence. It turns out that pedagogical skills and professional competence are a condition the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process.

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Professional Competence is primarily theoretical knowledge, professional skills, skills that, of course, should be owned by everyone teacher. In this regard, there is a need to organize methodological work on 3 components of professional competence.

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Epistemological component of professional competence includes knowledge of theoretical, methodological foundations, knowledge of modern technologies, requirements for modern teacher, normative documents. In this direction, in our kindergarten we conduct various Events: pedagogical councils, consultations, seminars.

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The next one is personal. component of professional competence, which includes readiness to show personal initiative, value attitude to professions willingness to work in a team. Joint events are organized in this direction teachers: master classes, showing open educational activities, seminars.

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activity component, which includes gnostic, communicative, creative, organizational skills. In this direction, work is underway with teachers in choosing your topic for self-education, the transition teacher to a higher level professionalism.

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Having formed professional competence can be transferred to pedagogical skill. Pedagogical excellence involves knowledge, skills professionally important personal qualities.

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For the formation pedagogical excellence the system of work is built on three directions:

The first direction is aimed at working with a specific teacher, where the main task is to form an individual system pedagogical activity.

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The second direction is aimed at working with the team. This implies methodical work, it is aimed at identifying and disseminating pedagogical experience.

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The third direction is aimed at the system of continuous education, which implies knowledge of regulatory documents, the introduction of innovative technologies of science and practice. Not every teacher can rise to the pinnacle of innovation. But love for your professions, good ones professional knowledge, developed pedagogical abilities, constant work on your self-development is the condition for a teacher to achieve professional excellence.

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Thus, one of conditions for the development of pedagogical skills and professional competence is a constant striving for improvement, acquiring new knowledge and skills, readiness for continuous professional development, professional development. Not developing educator will never bring up a creative personality. Therefore, it is the increase competence and professionalism of the teacher, his creative approach to work, there is a necessary quality improvement condition, as pedagogical process and the quality of preschool education in general.

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