Presentation "Desert Inhabitants", NOD "Desert". presentation for a lesson on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "desert" Instead of leaves they have sharp spines

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Prepared by students of grade 9 "A" Gudkova Ekaterina, Gavrilov Artyom scientific supervisor of the project: geography teacher Artemenko S.A. MBOU Secondary School No. 8 Geography project on the topic: “The most amazing deserts of the world.” Yartsevo 2017

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Introduction Many people believe that there can be nothing interesting in deserts. And what should we look for there - just sand? Heat, kilometers of sand, stones - we associate all these scenes with the desert. But our world is amazingly diverse and not all deserts are the same. The very word “desert” evokes associations of emptiness and absence of life, but for the people who live on these lands, it seems beautiful and unique.

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Hypothesis: all deserts are diverse and different from each other, it is not only heat, sand and lifeless spaces. Goal: to prove that deserts are one of the most amazing places on the planet. Objectives: study literature about deserts; tell what the word desert really means; choose the most amazing deserts in the world; creating a multimedia presentation on a selected topic; familiarizing students of grade 9 “A” with the results of the work;

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General characteristics Desert is a natural zone characterized by a flat surface, sparseness or absence of flora and fauna. The most famous sand desert is the Sahara. In total, deserts occupy about 11% of the land surface, and taking into account Antarctica, more than 20%. Vegetation cover is sparse and usually covers less than 50% of the soil surface. Sandy deserts are inhabited mainly by reptiles and small steppe animals. In sandy deserts there are oases - “islands” with dense vegetation and ponds.

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Formation and distribution of deserts The emergence, formation, development and geographic distribution of deserts is determined by the following factors: uneven distribution of heat and moisture; geographic zonality of the planet; high values ​​of solar radiation and radiation; small amount of precipitation; latitude of the area; general circulation of the atmosphere; features of the orographic structure of the land; continental or oceanic position of the area;

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Climate Climate type: warm, dry. Temperature conditions depend on geographic location. Desert air, having extremely low humidity, practically does not protect the surface from solar radiation. The usual temperature is + 50 °C, and at night it is much lower. One of the characteristic features of all deserts is constantly blowing winds, sometimes reaching speeds of 15 - 20 m/s.

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Flora and fauna Sclerophyllous plant species, leafless shrubs, subshrubs, perennial herbs and succulents are typical for deserts. The desert fauna is characterized by a relatively large number of species of mammals, reptiles, insects and arachnids. They are also fast-moving animals; some have highly developed adaptations for digging in the sand. It has a protective coloring - yellow, light brown and gray tones.

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Desert with Lagoons - Lencois Maranhenses, Brazil A very interesting desert is located in Brazil, in the Lencois Maranhenses National Park. Lagoons are formed as a result of rain. You can only see them after winter and before the beginning of summer; the lagoons are home to some species of fish, turtles and shellfish.

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The most colorful desert - the Painted Desert, USA The Painted Desert (Arizona) is an expanse of flat-topped mesas and hills. The name Painted Desert comes from the rainbow of colorful sedimentary layers found in such a harsh landscape. The landforms in the Painted Desert look like a colorful layer cake.

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Smallest Desert in the World - Carcross Desert, Canada The Carcross Desert (located outside the village of Carcross, Yukon) is known as the smallest desert in the world. The dry climate and wind conditions created the dunes and forced all vegetation to adapt to the habitat. The Carcoss Desert covers approximately 1 square mile.

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The World's Largest Gypsum Desert - White Sands, USA The brilliant white sands of New Mexico, located in the heart of the Tularosa Basin, are one of the world's greatest natural wonders. Here, dunes spanning 275 square miles have created the largest gypsum desert in the world. Unlike other deserts, the sand here is cool to the touch.

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World's Largest Salt Desert - Salar de Juyuni, Bolivia This desert located in Bolivia could change the concept of the idea of ​​a desert completely. This is the largest salt flat at 10,582 square meters. km., the beauty of this place is exceptional. The desert is completely flat and very large, and the crystals in its salty base create a giant mirror. Salar de Juyuni contains large amounts of sodium, potassium, lithium and magnesium.

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The driest desert in the world - Atacama, Chile According to NASA, the Atacama Desert in Chile is the driest desert in the world. The Atacama Desert is 50 times drier than Death Valley in California. The desert covers more than 105,000 km. The average rainfall is one millimeter per year. The weather is so dry that even mountain peaks that reach more than 6,500 meters in height do not have glaciers.

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Desert covered with snow - Taklamakan, China Taklamakan covers an area of ​​270,000 square kilometers. It crosses two branches of the Great Silk Road at its northern and southern edges; many travelers sought to avoid its arid wastelands. In 2008, China's largest desert experienced heavy snowfalls and low temperatures, with snow falling on its territory for 11 days in a row.

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Red Sand Desert - Simpson Desert, Australia Located in Australia. The Simpson Desert is amazing because of its red dunes. The desert contains the longest parallel dunes on the planet. The most famous dune is Big Red, its height is 40 meters. Although the Simpson Desert has very harsh environmental conditions, it is native to thorny grasses and provides habitat for more than 180 species of birds, lizards and marsupials.

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The largest desert in the world is the Sahara Desert. The Sahara Desert is one of the largest deserts in the world. The Sahara covers 9 million square kilometers. In fact, the Sahara Desert covers 30% of the entire African continent. It is the hottest and hottest place in the world with summer temperatures. The desert experiences annual rainfall and very powerful sandstorms.

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But not all deserts are sandy. There are also rocky deserts.

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A desert is any place where it is very, very dry and there is no or almost no land. Death Valley in the western United States is one of the driest and hottest places on Earth.

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Deserts are the driest areas of the Earth. In summer in these areas, daytime temperatures reach 50 °C in the shade, and at night they drop sharply (sometimes below zero).

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Plants growing in deserts must make do with little water. Some plants in deserts bloom after rain, live very briefly, and persist until the next rain in the form of seeds. Other plants have long roots.

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Cacti survive in deserts because they store water in their stems. Instead of leaves they have sharp spines! Some cacti have very beautiful flowers. The fruits of prickly pear and some other cacti are edible.

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Cacti come in different shapes and sometimes grow very tall.

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Camels, sheep and goats can live in some deserts.

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Arabian camels - dromedaries - have one hump. The Central Asians - Bactrians - have two.

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In the deserts of Asia and Africa, nomads travel and transport their belongings on camels - one-humped and two-humped. Therefore, camels are often called “ships of the desert.” Camels can easily survive for several days without water or food. They store food in the form of fat in their humps.

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Nomadic shepherds move across the deserts with their herds and yurt houses. They are nomads living in the Gobi Desert in China.

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Nomads in eastern Asia and northern Africa wear long clothes that cover their heads - burnouses. The burnus covers almost the entire body and sits loosely. It protects from the hot sun and sand flying with the wind.

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Snakes, mice, birds and some other animals are also found in deserts.

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And also scorpions, relatives of spiders.

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Paik karakurt is the original inhabitant of desert lands. It's truly poisonous. Its venom is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. Karakarta bites often led to the death of people.

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A galloping jerboa reaches speeds of up to 50 km per hour. The incisors of jerboas, in addition to chewing food, serve to loosen the soil when digging holes, while the limbs are used by them mainly for raking loosened soil.

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Diurnal animals are active in the early hours, when the air is not yet hot, for example, many lizards. The largest of them is the monitor lizard, its body length reaches a meter or more, and it itself is very reminiscent of a fairy-tale dragon. The largest modern lizard is the monitor lizard that lives on Komodo Island. Its length reaches more than 3 meters, and this animal weighs up to 150 kg.

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In sandy deserts, the wind sometimes raises sandstorms - the air is filled with flying sand. At this time, it is better for people and animals to find shelter.

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The largest desert in the world is the Sahara. It is located in northwest Africa. Once there were meadows, grass grew and it rained often. But the climate became drier, and gradually the Sahara turned into a sandy desert. Now you won’t find a single plant there for hundreds of kilometers.

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An oasis is a place in the desert where there is water. It may, for example, flow from an underground source. Palm trees and other trees and plants grow abundantly near the oases.

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There are even farms in deserts. To do this, it is necessary to provide water for irrigation - dig canals or build a water supply system, and deliver water through them from nearby lakes or rivers. People managed to turn some deserts into fertile lands. But most deserts remain dry because water is too far away.

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THIS IS INTERESTING Mirage - an optical illusion - is not uncommon in deserts. About 160 thousand mirages are observed annually in the Sahara. They can be stable and wandering, vertical and horizontal. Even special maps of caravan routes have been compiled, marking the places where mirages are usually observed. These maps indicate where wells, oases, palm groves, and mountain ranges appear.

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Presentation prepared by a primary school teacher

Simferopol, Republic of Crimea

Nikolashina Inna Ivanovna

Topic: Deserts

  • Target: to form in students an idea of ​​the natural desert zone, its features, plants and fauna
  • Formation of UUD : educational – compare different objects, establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies between objects; communicative – participate in the general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior; personal – establish connections between the purpose of educational activity and its motives.

Today we will go there,

Where there is a lot of sun and no water is visible.

The southwest of Russia will reveal its secrets to us,

Let's find out what kind of animals live there,

What plants grow there

And why is the natural area called that?

Deserts are located in the southwest of the country along the shores of the Caspian Sea. This is the southern natural zone, marked in orange on the map

Deserts in Russia occupy a small area to the west and east of the lower reaches of the Volga River

Desert Plants

  • camel thorn

It has a long root, with its help the plant feeds itself with water, the root penetrates to a depth of almost 20m

  • Saxaul

These are low trees, no more than 4-5m, and grow at a great distance from each other. This tree provides almost no shade

  • Juzgun

This is a small shrub. Its leaves are green twigs, the roots are well fixed in the sand and keep it from moving

Oasis is a place in the desert where there is water. It may, for example, flow from an underground source. Trees and plants grow abundantly near the oases.

Saiga antelope

  • Saigas are small antelopes (with a body weight from 20 to 50 kg) of original appearance, covered with sandy-clay-colored hair. Their humped muzzle is swollen and ends with a short trunk hanging over the mouth, at the end of which there is a pair of nostrils pointing downwards. Humped nose depends on the extreme enlargement of the nasal cavities, which act as organs that warm the cold air inhaled by saigas during their fast run in winter.
  • Saigas mostly live in herds and can run fast.

In the deserts of Asia and Africa, nomads travel and transport their belongings by camels- one-humped and two-humped. Therefore, camels are often called “ships of the desert.”

Camels can easily survive for several days without water or food. They store food in the form of fat in their humps.

Arabian camels have dromedaries - one hump. The Central Asians have Bactrians - two.

They move silently along the sand. They hunt insects and small animals. The venom of cobra and viper is especially dangerous.

  • Sand boa

The sand boa can crawl under the sand as easily as a fish can swim in water

  • Varan

The monitor lizard is the largest lizard, its length is 150 cm, which is why it is called the desert crocodile

Rodents live in the desert, and Jumping jerboa reaches speeds of up to 50 km per hour. The incisors of jerboas, in addition to chewing food, serve to loosen the soil when digging holes, while the limbs are used by them mainly for raking loosened soil.

  • and a big-eared hedgehog

They need ears to hear better, because they are nocturnal.

And also scorpios , relatives of spiders.

Payk karakyrt - the original inhabitant of desert lands. It's truly poisonous. Its venom is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. Often bites

karakurta led to death


The development of deserts has led to environmental problems

  • People built canals to irrigate the land, but this led to the accumulation of large amounts of salts in the soil

What do you usually think of when you hear the word “desert”? Probably vast expanses covered with sand?

But not all deserts are sandy. There are more rocky deserts .

Desert Any place where it is very, very dry and there is no or almost no land is called.

Death Valley The western United States is one of the driest and hottest places on Earth.

Plants growing in deserts must make do with little water.

Some plants in deserts bloom after rain, live very briefly, and persist until the next rain in the form of seeds.

Other plants have long roots.

Cacti survive in deserts because they store water in their stems.

Instead of leaves they have sharp spines!

Some cacti have very beautiful flowers.

Fruit prickly pear and some other cacti are edible.

In sandy deserts the wind sometimes rises sandstorms – the air is filled with flying sand. At this time, it is better for people and animals to find shelter.

The largest desert in the world is Sahara .

It is located in northwest Africa. Once there were meadows, grass grew and it rained often. But the climate became drier, and gradually the Sahara turned into a sandy desert.

Now you won’t find a single plant there for hundreds of kilometers.


Mirage - optical illusion is not uncommon in deserts. About 160 thousand mirages are observed annually in the Sahara. They can be stable and wandering, vertical and horizontal. Even special maps of caravan routes have been compiled, marking the places where mirages are usually observed. These maps indicate where wells, oases, palm groves, and mountain ranges appear.

Game "Get to know me"

  • What a miracle! What a miracle!

A dish on top, a dish below.

A miracle is walking along the road -

The head sticks out and the legs

  • The rope is twisted,

At the end is the head

  • I am a sandy hill, and my name is...

The show is prepared

student of 4th grade "B"

GOUSOSH No. 2031

Safonova Olga

Tatyana Ivanovna

  • Territorial location
  • Climate
  • Desert Features
  • Vegetation
  • Animal world
  • Population

Territorial location.

Deserts are hot and dry areas of the earth.

The most extensive deserts in the world are the Sahara in Africa, Victoria in Australia, Atacami in South America.

The largest deserts on the Eurasian continent are located in Central Asia. These are the Karakum and Kyzylkum.

  • Plants and animals in deserts have adapted to the lack of moisture, to the scorching sun in a cloudless sky, to life on shifting sand.
  • In the Karakum desert in summer the heat reaches almost 50 º C in the shade. The sand becomes so hot that you can bake an egg.

  • When the wind blows in one direction on the sand for a long time, the sand begins to move and beautiful dunes of a certain shape are formed from it.
  • Dunes– sandy hills in the desert.
  • One side of them is always convex, reminiscent of a stooped back, and always faces the direction from which the wind blows. And long tentacles are stretched in the wind - they are called “horns”.

When the wind changes, the dune immediately begins to turn over to show its back.

Vegetation often appears on the dune. The sand covers it, and it moves and, growing through the dune, captures it with its branches and roots and holds it in place.

  • Plants that grow in hot and dry desert conditions have over a long period of time developed special adaptations that help them adapt to such a climate.
  • Many people store water in their leaves and stems during the rains. These are cacti, aloe. Some plants have spine-shaped leaves, others have a thick, waxy covering, which allows them to save water.

  • Many desert plants live only in the cool season when there is more moisture - early spring and late autumn.
  • During these periods, the depressions between the sandy dune hills turn into flowering lawns. Bright red desert poppies form a motley carpet against a background of green, low-growing sedge. Soon the sun mercilessly burns this green cover. But the plants manage to bloom and produce seeds.

  • Desert inhabitants save themselves from the scorching rays of the sun in different ways. Many of them are nocturnal. During the day they find refuge in deep burrows.
  • Diurnal animals are active only in the early morning hours, while the sand is not yet hot.

  • Large representatives of the animal world also live in arid places. These are camels and antelopes.
  • Antelopes are good runners and run great distances in search of water.
  • And the camel stores fat in the tissues of its body, which, when consumed, releases water.

  • Where there is water, the desert retreats. Under the generous sun and artificial irrigation (watering), the cotton fields turn green, fruits, melons, and watermelons are filled with juice.
  • People have long waged a daily struggle with the desert, laying canals and building reservoirs.


1.What deserts do you know?

2.What temperature does the air reach in deserts?

3.What are the desert sand hills called?

4.Who is the best desert runner?

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There are 7 presentations in total