Prince Harry of Wales. Prince Harry (Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor) Charles Harry

Prince Harry, unlike his brother, has never been distinguished by exemplary behavior and the stiffness inherent in royalty. Before marrying a Hollywood beauty, Britain's favorite was “registered” in scandalous chronicles, went to war and stole the hearts of millions of Cinderellas from different parts of the globe.

Childhood and family

Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor, the youngest son of Prince Charles of Wales and Lady Diana, was born on 15 September 1984 at St Mary's Hospital, London, where his brother William was born two years earlier.

It is known that the prince was born a week prematurely, and the difficult birth lasted more than nine hours. The family called the boy Harry for short, and soon he began to introduce himself by that name.

The red-haired, mischievous prince immediately became the object of attention of the paparazzi. And as he grew up, he more than once found himself the hero of scandalous publications and love affairs.

Harry grew up as an artistic and athletic child. Lady Di abandoned the tradition of raising royal offspring at home and sent her sons to Jane Seamores kindergarten, after which both boys became students at Wetherby Primary School, and then at Ludgrove School. Harry was involved in horse riding, but was most interested in military affairs.

The boys took the tragic death of their mother in August 1997 with steadfastness, but the more reserved William was never able to establish a relationship with Lady Camilla, whom their father married a few years later. Prince Harry, on the contrary, fell in love with his stepmother and, with his characteristic spontaneity, stated in an interview that Camilla is not at all like the evil stepmother from fairy tales.

In 1998, the prince entered Eton, where his brother was already studying. In college, the royal earned a reputation as a bully and graduated in 2003 with very modest results. Somewhat later, he admitted to his father that it was in college that he first tried marijuana, learned to smoke and became addicted to alcohol. How much of this is true is unknown, but the prince’s sporting achievements indicate the opposite: he was considered the best player on the college rugby team, played excellent cricket and was a brilliant swimmer. Harry also joined, and voluntarily, the cadet corps, where he underwent basic military training, which weaklings and drug addicts, of course, are not capable of.

Prince Charles was frankly frightened by his son's words; without hesitation, he took his son to the Featherstone Lodge rehabilitation center for drug addicts and alcoholics, so that he, as they say, would learn first-hand about the hellish horrors that await every drug addict.

Adulthood. Britain's favorite

In 2004, the prince became interested in charity work. After graduating from college, he became involved with his mother's campaign against landmines, and in early 2005 he traveled to Lesotho, where he worked at an orphanage. Prince Harry also founded the Sentebale charity foundation and became the author of a documentary about the difficult life of children in many African countries.

Harry's work in the charitable field was noted as outstanding and selfless, and the crowned grandmother became proud of her beloved grandson, whose photos with African children did not leave the front pages of the media. However, in the same year, Harry suddenly appeared at a party in the uniform of the African Wehrmacht troops with a swastika patch, which should have erupted into a huge scandal, but the sincere apology that the prince made was accepted by the offended anti-fascist and Jewish organizations.

In the spring of 2005, the prince was enrolled at Sandhurst Academy, after which he was sent to serve in the Royal Horse Guards. For a year, Harry served in Windsor, but decided to go to Iraq, which all the newspapers trumpeted, and soon intelligence agents received information that an attempt would be made on Harry's life in Iraq. Both his father and brother, and especially his grandmother, who saw in Harry an undeniable resemblance to Consort King Philip in his youth, opposed his departure to Iraq, and then Harry went to Afghanistan, where he served as an aircraft gunner until 2008. When information about his exact location fell into the hands of journalists, Harry was forced to leave the unit and return to Britain.

Two years later, the prince again went to fight in Afghanistan. After completing military piloting courses, he received the rank of captain in the British Air Force and during his second term of service he even eliminated one of the Taliban leaders. A bounty was placed on the prince's head, and the queen personally recalled her beloved grandson from the military base.

Returning to his homeland, Harry acted as the initiator and organizer of international sports games for military personnel who received disabilities during their service. In 2015, Harry visited the United States and met with Barack Obama and his wife, who helped bring the Invictus Games to the attention of the American public, and the games took place in the spring of 2016 in Orlando, Florida.

Prince Harry's personal life

Until 2017, the golden-haired prince was the dream of Cinderellas all over the planet, despite his frivolity and the number of failed princesses. Among Harry's lovers were actresses, models, singers and television presenters.

The prince does not hide the fact that his first love was Chelsea Davy, a pretty blonde and the daughter of a media tycoon who made a fortune from the Safari organization. The lovers' relationship lasted from approximately 2004 to 2009, but Chelsea refused to become a princess and initiated the breakup. A year later, Harry and Chelsea attempted to renew their relationship, but they failed.

Harry's series of short-term romances with TV personalities Natalie Pinkham and Caroline Flack, singers Camilla Romstrand, Ellie Goulding and Mollie King, and an actress who belonged to an ancient family of British aristocrats, Crissinda Bonas, was interrupted after the prince met Meghan Markle, an actress who starred in several television projects. Despite her European appearance, the blood of African slaves flows in Megan’s veins, which, however, was not an obstacle to their marriage, which took place at the end of May 2018. Duke and Duchess of Sussex

It is known that the new Windsors entered into a marriage contract, which was an unprecedented case in the history of the royal family, as well as the presence of African-American blood in the veins of the beautiful Meghan, who became the Duchess of Sussex.

The settled hero of scandalous chronicles still often appears on the pages of tabloids, but now as a positive character, continuing the charitable activities begun by his mother, and carrying out representative functions in accordance with the traditions of the parliamentary monarchy.

In March 2019, the couple paid tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack in New Zealand, and before that they paid a visit to the British ambassador in Morocco, staying in the country for several days. The birth of the first child in the family of the Dukes of Sussex took place on May 6, 2019 - a boy was born, who, according to rumors, was to be named Arthur. The godparents will be Jessica Mulroney, Meghan's stylist and friend, and Nicholas Van Cutsem, a close friend of Harry, who, by the way, is already the godfather of Prince Louis, the son of Prince William and

The other day, the entire wrath of the British nation fell on Kensington Palace. No, not in the Cambridges, but in the rooms of Prince Harry, who recently gave a scandalous interview to the British publication Newsweek, saying that he was supposedly burdened by royal life. “Sometimes when I go to the nearest supermarket to buy meat, I worry that someone will click on my phone,” said the 32-year-old prince, “But I want to live a normal life. And if I’m lucky enough to have children, they can live like this too.” The younger Welshman also added that, in his opinion, none of the members of the royal family really wants to become king.

Prince Harry gave a resonant interview to Newsweek at the end of June, for which he paid with the love of the British the very next day.

The lion's share of the interview was also occupied by Harry's revelations regarding how hard he experienced the death of his mother and how much he missed her (the young man did not say a word about his father, Prince Charles).

By the way, Harry gave a similar interview about the prince’s depression after Diana’s death in April of this year. Then Elizabeth’s youngest grandson admitted to reporters that the full awareness of his loss came to him only after he was 30 and that since then it has been very difficult for him to pull himself together.

Farewell to Diana: The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William, Earl Spencer, Prince Harry and Prince Charles follow the funeral procession (6 September 1997).

“What’s wrong with that?” ─ you ask, because for a long time the emotionality of Prince Harry, his spiritual simplicity and grief for his mother touched ordinary British people. Just three years ago, royal biographer Penny Junor described the prince as a person capable of understanding the grief of others and supporting loved ones in the most difficult situations. She compared his character to Lady Di's gentle character, emphasizing that Harry inherited his mother's big heart and passion for charity.

But it seems that William's younger brother inherited something else from Diana, namely, her love of giving scandalous interviews. Back in 1995, in a conversation with BBC journalists, Diana seemed to open everyone’s eyes to the ossification and cruelty of the British monarchy, causing a real sensation. And now, 22 years later, her youngest son shamelessly echoes his mother and publicly declares how hard royal life is, and that none of the members of the royal family wants to become a monarch. But if then Diana’s words became a world sensation, a real revelation, a confession, then the words of Prince Harry, alas, have long ceased to evoke any emotions in the British except irritation. Now anger has also joined him.

Diana Spencer gives an interview to the BBC (1995).

“Don't you want to be king? Go to work!"

Prince Harry's statement about the frailty of the royal title, coupled with complaints of prolonged depression and a thirst for a normal life, seriously angered many Britons. On the one hand, of course, Harry does not lay claim to the throne, but on the other... Taking into account how close he is with his brother, it may well turn out that the prince voiced the opinion of the Duke of Cambridge himself, the future king. And this is already serious.

Royal biographer Penny Junor also notes: William and Harry are polar opposites. If Harry always grew up cheerful and emotional, then William was rather withdrawn and unsociable.

After Prince Philip was suddenly hospitalized at the end of June, the British were once again thinking that no one is forever, including Her Majesty, which means that the reins of power will soon pass to a younger generation. And then it turns out that no one needs it. It turns out that the Windsors enjoy all the benefits of the royal court, but they do not want to fulfill their main duties and are burdened by their status.

Why then does Great Britain need a monarchy at all?

As for Harry himself and his grief over Diana, British publicist Max Hastings completely advised the prince to “stop whining,” “find a normal job,” or renounce his title and live as he wants. Indeed, after so many years of incessant mourning for the “people's princess,” the British seem to be tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. Yes, losing his mother is painful, but that's no excuse for a 32-year-old man to do nothing and just complain about life, Hastings said.

Harry admits that serving in Afghanistan was a real outlet for him, but after the press found out his whereabouts, the prince had to leave his military base.

Now Harry’s responsibilities as a full-time royal include mandatory attendance at protocol events and running charitable projects, but many believe that this is not a completely suitable job for a 32-year-old man.

Trend to complain

The British royal family has always been famous for its ability to maintain an aura of mystery and inaccessibility around itself, perhaps even to the point of stiffness. This was the case for many centuries, and this tradition was passed down among English monarchs from generation to generation. And ordinary British people, I must say, were quite happy with everything.

But, alas, this was before Prince Charles of Wales married Diana Spencer. At first she was perceived as a “breath of fresh air,” but it soon became clear that the new princess was nothing more than an “ocean of tears.” It was the Princess of Wales who first decided to make the skeletons in the royal closet a real public property. She willingly told about her experiences and secrets to the press, personal biographers, servants, lovers and all those whom she wanted to trust. In a word, I was washing dirty linen in public.

Princess Diana poses for a photograph with her sons at Kensington Palace (October 4, 1985).

However, after her death, the trend of constant complaints was picked up by Prince Charles, who, after the funeral of his ex-wife, even allowed himself to lose control of himself and began to break the family dishes with the words: “Only I can understand how painful it is to be the Prince of Wales.”

Judging by the latest interviews, Prince Harry has also adopted the family habit, which today causes a flurry of discontent among the British and comments in the spirit of “you have forgotten what it means to be monarchs” and “Prince Harry behaves like a reality TV star.”

In short, it seems that British subjects are serious about reminding the royal family that being a monarch means suffering in your heart and smiling in public. And although in general the British are not averse to monarchs being closer to the people, it is obviously better for royal offspring to keep their personal experiences to themselves.

Rumor has it that Harry's grandmother, who previously approved of her grandson's choice, is now strongly against his engagement to Markle.

In addition, it seems that soon the anger of the British regarding the behavior of their royalties may only intensify. The British royal court will not be shaken by yet another “soap opera”: the other day the British tabloid OK Magazine learned that Queen Elizabeth sharply opposed her youngest grandson marrying his girlfriend, Canadian actress Meghan Markle. The reason for the royal “veto” was the fact that Markle was already married, and, according to Elizabeth, members of the royal house are not allowed to marry divorced women. In this case, it is unknown whether the “Charles-Diana-Camilla” scenario will repeat itself, but Harry has an absolute trump card up his sleeve - he has no claim to the throne, which means, theoretically, he can marry anyone and leave the royal court that he hates. Then the world will know whether the red-haired prince’s love for Megan is so strong and whether he is really so burdened by his current status.

Harry and Meghan Markle have been dating since November last year, and, according to insiders, the prince is seriously considering taking the Canadian actress as his wife.

What do we know about Prince Harry? The youngest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, the late Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, and brother of Prince William. Harry is young, rich and famous, but he is famous not only because of his origin, he is also famous for his active charitable activities. Today you will learn 15 interesting and little-known facts about the Prince of Wales.

Harry hates Twitter

Prince Harry has repeatedly stated that he hates Twitter and other social networks for their invasion of privacy. Still, the prince was forced to write his first tweet, not for fun, but in support of the Invictus Games sports event, organized for disabled soldiers.

The prince has a nickname

In his service, Harry is called "Captain of Wales". The red-haired prince has been serving in the army for more than 10 years under the name Harry of Wales.

He was at the South Pole

In 2013, Prince Harry became the first member of the British royal family to visit the South Pole. Despite the difficult weather conditions, Harry covered 15-20 kilometers every day. The purpose of the expedition, which was organized by charitable foundations, was to attract public attention to the problems of military veterans and raise funds to help them.

Harry loves children

The prince founded the charity Sentebale, which deals with children with HIV/AIDS in Lesotho. While 31-year-old Harry does not have children of his own, he spends a lot of time with his nephew George and niece Charlotte.

Dad still gives Harry money

Charles, Prince of Wales, still transfers money into his son's account every month. And Harry not only spends this money on himself, he also donates hundreds of thousands of pounds to charities. And the prince himself makes good money in the British army. And according to Diana's will, Harry received $450 thousand annually from the ages of 21 to 29.

Real military man

Harry successfully completed a 44-week training course and was sent to the Royal Horse Guards with the rank of second lieutenant. He has several medals, including for his participation in the military campaign in Afghanistan, where he was regularly involved in combat operations.

Talented broker

In 2011, at the annual charity auction in the London office of the brokerage firm BGC Partners, Harry set a world record by completing a deal worth 18 billion euros between the British bank Barclays and a European partner. The action was timed to coincide with the tragedy of September 11, 2001, in which 658 company employees died. The proceeds were transferred to various children's centers and relief funds.

Harry grew up in the shadow of his older brother

Until the age of 17, Harry quietly lived his own life while the paparazzi were hunting for his brother. And then he somehow suddenly turned into an attractive young man, a heartthrob and the most eligible bachelor on the planet.

Personal coat of arms

One of the main gifts that Prince Harry received for his 18th birthday was his personal coat of arms. The design of the coat of arms was personally approved by Elizabeth II. The emblem includes elements from the family coat of arms of the House of Spencer, to which Harry's mother, Princess Diana, once belonged. The coat of arms features a lion, unicorn, shield and crown.

Role in Invictus Games

The Invictus Games or “Games of the Invictus” are competitions for disabled veterans of the British and allied armies. The idea of ​​these games belonged to Prince Harry, and he managed to implement his idea in just 10 months! This year the games were held in Orlando, USA, and in 2017 they will be held in Toronto, Canada.


Prince Harry truly is a jack of all trades. During a visit to Chile, he visited a local woman and saw that the TV was noisy. The Briton examined the device and began to tinker with the cable, after which, according to the owner, the TV began to work better. He also personally helped build a school in Lesotho.

Avid traveler

Harry lived in Australia for a year, where he worked on a ranch. He then went to Lesotho, Africa, where he worked in an orphanage. Personally, he and the younger brother of the King of Lesotho, Letsie III, Prince Seeiso, founded a charitable organization in 2006 to help the country’s children and teenagers. A little later, the prince was accepted into the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, after which he went to Afghanistan.

What did Diana name her son?

Princess Diana called her youngest son “my little Spencer” because Harry’s hair color matched her relatives. Harry really has a lot in common with his mother: a similar sense of humor, modesty and kindness, a desire to help people.

Show “I want to marry Harry”

In 2014, the reality show “I Want to Marry Harry” was released on the FOX channel. The organizers gathered 12 young American women at an estate located in Berkshire in the south of England, and presented them with the main “prize” - a handsome, handsome red-haired man. The girls did not know until the end of the project that in front of them was only an actor who looked like the Prince of Wales.

He inherited a large fortune

When Prince Harry turned 30, he received a £10 million inheritance from his late mother, Princess Diana. Prince William received the same amount on his 30th birthday. But Harry's inheritance is larger than William's due to bank interest that has accumulated over two years. Princess Diana's $40 million inheritance included stocks, bonds, jewelry, savings, dresses and other personal items.

Red-haired Prince Harry is the unconditional favorite of all residents of the United Kingdom. He is loved for his disarming smile and respected for his active charity work. But what we don’t know about Harry - the ZagraNitsa portal has collected 15 little-known facts about the Prince of Wales and is sharing it with you


The prince's full name is Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor. As a child, his family began to call him Harry, and now this name is used even in official sources.

Princess Diana called her youngest son “my little Spencer” because Harry’s hair color matched her relatives.

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Prince Harry was very good-natured from an early age. As a child, he had a lop-eared rabbit who lived in a stable. He also loved to play with the sheep on the family estate.

In 1998, Prince Harry entered the prestigious Eton College, where 20 British prime ministers studied. There, the heir to the throne studied geography and art history. And if the latter was easy for the prince, then Harry received a C in geography upon graduation. Fortunately, the points were enough to enter the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.

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In 2007-2008, the prince served in Afghanistan for 77 days. He had to stop serving after the information was published in an Australian magazine. He returned to Afghanistan again in 2012-2013 for a 20-week deployment with Army Aviation.

Harry was a big fan of the Spice Girls. In 1994, during a visit to Africa, the prince managed to meet and communicate with members of the group. He later said that it was one of the brightest moments of his life.

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At the age of 19, during a trip to Lesotho, Prince Harry made a documentary film “The Forgotten Kingdom”, which talked about the problem of AIDS in African countries.

Harry has his own crest and monogram.

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The prince's former lover, Cressida Bonas, is a distant relative of him. According to rumors, Charles II is their common relative in the ninth generation.

Despite his royal title, Harry is a jack of all trades. Once, during a visit to Chile, the prince noticed that cable television was not working in the house of one of the local families. Then Harry easily repaired it himself.

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Prince Harry became the first member of the royal family to visit the North Pole.

When Harry carried his wedding rings at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, they were in the cuff of his uniform, since the dress military uniform does not have pockets.

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Harry's secret nickname is Spike. That's what his close friends call him. Under the pseudonym Spike Wells, the prince even registered on Facebook, but in 2012 he deleted the page after he found himself at the center of a scandal with the publication of nude photographs of him taken at a party in Las Vegas.

Today marks the birthday of probably the most smiling monarch in the world - Prince Harry, he turns 31 years old. We have already talked about the best jokes and the funniest actions of the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, but over the three decades of his life he distinguished himself not only with this. HELLO.RU wishes Harry a happy birthday and recalls 20 interesting facts from his life that will help you get to know him better. the red-haired heir to the British throne.

1. Prince Harry's real name is Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor. They began to call him Harry in early childhood, the name has become so familiar to the boy that it is now used even in official sources.

2. According to the British press, the Prince has another nickname - Spike. That's what his friends and security at Scotland Yard call him. In addition, under this name, Harry allegedly registered on the social network Facebook many years ago, but then deleted the account.

3. Harry was born at 04:20 on a Saturday morning in 1984.

4. Harry's birth was surrounded by many rumors. Someone stated that the baby’s father is not Prince Charles at all, but Diana’s bodyguard, cavalry officer James Hewitt. Allegedly, the royal court threatened him to keep his mouth shut. However, over the years, not a trace remained of the rumors. And Hewitt himself told reporters that his affair with Diana began when Harry had already learned to walk.

5. According to biographers of the royal court, in childhood the characters of the princes were completely different: the now diligent family man William was a difficult child who could drive everyone, including his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, to a nervous breakdown. The joker and cheerful Harry, on the contrary, was reserved and modest.

6. As a child, Harry loved the crime series Starsky and Hutch about two police officers, but Diana forbade him to watch the show due to the large amount of violence on screen.

7. Harry's first trip was an official trip to Italy with his parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Then the heir was only 8 months old.

8. When Harry and William’s mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident, many subjects brought bouquets of flowers to English palaces. Little Harry placed white freesias and a note with the word "To Mommy".

9. Harry graduated from the famous Eton College. Tuition there costs more than £20,000 a year. At least 18 British prime ministers studied there, as well as writers George Orwell, Henry Fielding, Ian Fleming and others. Prince Harry cannot be called the best student of this prestigious educational institution - he graduated with a low score in geography.

10. As a child, Prince Harry was a big fan of the Spice Girls. In 1997, he even attended a concert of the group during his tour to Africa with Prince Charles. One of the group's members, Emma Bunton, called the meeting "nice" and said it was nice to eat sandwiches with Harry. But the heir himself called this event one of the brightest in his life.

11. Harry has been involved in more than one scandal, the most famous involving the publication of photographs showing the naked prince while partying in Las Vegas in 2012. It turns out that at the party the friends were playing strip billiards, and, apparently, Harry, who is good at polo, football and much more, is not very good at this sport. The prince had to apologize to the public more than once for his unworthy behavior.

12. Prince Harry made a documentary at age 19. The film was called “The Forgotten Kingdom: Prince Harry in Lesotho,” and it was dedicated to the problem of AIDS in Africa. With the help of the painting, the prince then managed to raise two million dollars for the benefit of the Red Cross.

13. Prince Harry, like any Englishman, loves football. He is a fan of the London team Arsenal and often attends their matches.

14. After college, Prince Harry took a gap year to work in different places. He went to Australia and worked for a time on a farm as a trainee and sheep driver.

15. Prince Harry is known in England as a fan of the television music competition Britain's Got Talent. One of the show's judges, Amanda Holden, spoke about his passion in 2011:
He told me he even records our show every week when it's on Sky Plus!

16. Harry's longest romance was with Chelsy Davy - they dated for six years. They met as children when they studied at neighboring schools. The relationship between Chelsea and Harry could not be called stable - the couple separated and got back together several times. The prince invited Chelsea to officially accompany him to the wedding of his brother William and Kate Middleton, but it was this important step that turned out to be decisive. The girl stated that she did not want such a fate and “such a life is not for her.”

17. After several novels by the prince, the English press “brought out” Harry’s favorite type of girl: a slender blonde with long hair who graduated from the University of Leeds.

18. Prince Harry and Prince William are approximately the same height: Harry is 1 meter 89 centimeters, and William is 1 meter 91 centimeters. At the same time, the height of their parents - Diana and Charles - is only 178 centimeters.

19. In 2011, the press wrote many times that Harry is a fan of the Star Trek franchise. In addition, Harry allegedly wants to become the first British monarch to go into space. While the birthday boy has not yet managed to ascend into the stratosphere, he has made an expedition to the South Pole.

20. Prince Harry likes to go to a fast food restaurant near Kensington Palace and eat hamburgers. Once he even invited Cressida Bonas, whom he was dating at the time, there on a date.