Professor Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich: negative and positive reviews. Alternative medicine. Awards and titles

Without exaggeration, this is a huge loss not only for Russia, but for all mankind. Found out about it by accident. To be honest, I was shocked and upset to tears: how is it?

How could the mainstream media keep silent about this? Is there nothing human left in them? When an unknown actor dies, it turns out to be a loss that must be trumpeted throughout the country through all the media. But IP Neumyvakin died - does this mean that this is not an event?

For liberals and globalists - Neumyvakin is a criminal who has committed millions of the most serious crimes - he treated people in accessible ways!

Remember the anecdote: A son-doctor comes running to his father-doctor:
- Dad, I cured a person whom you treated for 10 years and could not cure.
- No son. You slaughtered the "cow" that I milked for 10 years.

So, this was not a joke. That's life. This is precisely why the globalists dislike Neumyvakin. Moreover, it was not easy to treat, it would have been okay if he had raked in the loot, but no, Neumyvakin treated people in penny ways. And he taught people to be healthy and not get sick without spending money on it.

I remember in childhood my father, when he took me to the doctors, as if by the way he joked: Well? Will we treat or let him live? Doctors were offended, as if they had been spat in the face. I was terribly uncomfortable after that. And the father, turned on the fool, laughed it off, smoothing the situation, but then everything repeated.

At the time I didn't understand why he was doing this. Some will say disrespect. Yes, I'm not going to argue. Not all doctors should say that, and he didn't tell everyone. You will not believe it - but there were doctors who laughed and answered with something in the same vein. Now I understand why he did it.

And this was still the case with Soviet medicine. What should people say when they visit doctors?

Why didn't the president say anything about Neumyvakin's death? Did Ivan Pavlovich not deserve this?

  • He is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, MAI, doctor and professor of medical sciences, laureate of the State Prize
  • Since 1959, Neumyvakin worked at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine.
  • For 30 years has been inextricably linked with space medicine
  • Since 1964, at the direction of S. P. Korolev, he has been at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health.
  • The result of his professional activity was evidence for 85 inventions, devices and preparations that effectively maintained the stable health of astronauts under conditions of the highest overloads, made it possible to carry out operations directly on board spacecraft, and are still successfully used in the military space field and terrestrial medicine. .
  • Thanks to his methods, not a single astronaut has had an appendicitis attack in space, and in general they do not get sick
  • Wrote over 200 papers and books
  • Since 1989, he taught people to awaken the protective and restorative functions of the body, suppressed and destroyed by the wrong way of life and treatment by traditional medicine.
  • He taught people to maintain health with penny and improvised properties, such as hydrogen peroxide, soda and herbs.

He was 89 years old, a unique person, still of the old school, originally from the USSR - nothing for himself, everything for the people, a rebel and a revolutionary, a gratuitous fighter for people's health, a lover of breaking old foundations, albeit by peaceful means.

There is an opinion that humanity, one way or another, crucified all worthy people.

Ivan Pavlovich proved that there is no such thing as "disease". This is just a situation caused by the wrong way of life and slagging of the body. He perceived a person as an energy system that can work perfectly under certain conditions.

The professor believed that such terrible diseases as cancer and AIDS do not exist, there are only conditions that are the result of problems in the functioning of the body. According to Neumyvakin's methods, many terrible diseases are treated that are not taken by official medicine: multiple sclerosis, fibroids, and so on.

The simplicity, clarity and material availability of the methods developed and promoted by Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin became the reason for his heavy opposition to the entire grandiose mechanism built to maintain the apparatus of traditional medicine.

Certified doctors, heads of health care and departments, to one degree or another dependent on the prosperity of traditional clinics, are doing everything possible to discredit the Neumyvakin system, since it is completely unprofitable for this entire army of healers for the population to be healthy or to be able to rid themselves of acquired diseases.

I already wrote that the system wants you to be dumb and weak.

The life and work of Neumyvakin proves that the system wants you to be sick too

If I just say that being healthy is easy and simple, most people will not believe me. Sometimes I recommend to my friends the treatment methods of Neumyvakin and his colleagues - they look at me like I'm an idiot.

People refuse to believe that such complex diseases as asthma or diabetes, and others too, can be either completely cured or significantly alleviated.

My friend was diagnosed with hepatitis C 2 years ago. She was offered a course of treatment that cost 40-50 thousand euros on the basis of experimental drugs, but she refused - there was no such money.

After reading and watching Neumyvakin, she went to his students in Izhevsk. She was treated there.2 weeksdropper based on a solution of hydrogen peroxide. After that there were long cleanings on herbs. In March of this year, she was finally confirmed that she was completely healthy.

I also have another friend with money. Also hepatitis C. He underwent long-term treatment based on an American drug that greatly increases immunity for several tens of thousands of dollars. Just for information - an increase in immunity above the norm is ten times more dangerous than a decrease in immunity. And it is recommended to use only in cases where nothing can help. Why risk the life of a 30-year-old guy like that and poison him with chemistry? Nothing personal, just business.

If you look at the number of medicines in the pharmacy and the number of diseases in the reference books, the question arises - how did people live until now? How did mankind manage to survive in the Middle Ages?

Yes, very simple. People got along fine with herbs and a healthy lifestyle, like the elites, for example. And so many drugs are not needed - humanity can easily do without most of them, or use them much less.

But what about the money, Zin? After all, we live under capitalism, where the indicator is GDP growth, and not the health of people or their life expectancy. The system wants you to be sick so that you can be exploited and milked!

Prevention is ten times more effective than drugs, but it is “not for sale” even for nothing

In order to be healthy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. But 95% of the people are not capable of this. In order for an individual to be engaged in prevention all his life, that is, to monitor his health before illness, and not after, it is necessary to instill such a habit from childhood.

The elites know how to raise their children to be healthy. The people have very little such knowledge, and living conditions do not allow it.

If from childhood there is no habit to monitor health, then in adulthood it will be difficult to change.

Any marketer will tell you - prevention is not for sale. The tablet sells well. In the people it is also called - the thunder will not strike, the peasant will not cross himself.

When it hurts, a person is ready to lay out any money. But no threats to life are able to force 95% of people to make efforts in advance to prevent diseases. Such is the nature of people - successfully monetized under capitalism.

So it turns out that the people of 3 thousand years lived for 35–40 years, and the elites for 80–85

We live in the world described by Orwell. When war is called peace or democracy, when the destruction of health is called cure. Good people are rotten and destroyed, and bandits, raiders and murderers are honored and respected. Actors are idols, and scientists and people like Neumyvakin are destroyed by the system.

You will not find an article about Neumyvakin in the "free" Wikipedia.

There are more "worthy" people like Sergei Mavrodi, assassins, Jack the Ripper, Bonnie and Clyde, and terrorists like Osama bin Laden. Even pornographic actress Elena Berkova is honored with her Wikipedia page. But not Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin.

This is the free encyclopedia. Here are worthy people whose importance is beyond doubt, according to the creators of Wikipedia.

Medicine is a trillion dollar industry. And the trend to destroy people has a history of 3 thousand years at least. It is very, very difficult to fight him. And now, tremendous efforts are being made to return people to the Middle Ages, when they lived up to 40 years.

In this world, the conscious will survive - this is when you start to think and break the programs of self-destruction invested in you. And the biggest rebellion you can make against the system is to be healthy, smart and live by human values. Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved.

The system wants you to be dumb, stupid and sick. And the main asset of capitalism is idiots.

Hello blog readers.

Modern medicine is equipped with a rich arsenal of pharmacological preparations, highly informative methods for diagnosing diseases, and innovative ways to get rid of ailments.

Every year there are new developments designed to increase the effectiveness of disease therapy. However, medical statistics on morbidity and mortality in different countries are disappointing. Despite advances, people are getting sick more and more severely. The incidence of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and musculoskeletal systems is especially growing. In the last decade, malignant tumors are often recorded, including in young people. What's the matter?

Despite all the achievements, conventional medicine has its shortcomings. And the main drawback is the treatment of a specific organ, forgetting about the whole organism as a whole. That is why people turn to alternative medicine, to various health systems, health schools. I created a section where I will talk about such systems. In the same article I will talk about the doctrine, the founder of which is Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich: a health system, tips for a proper lifestyle, simple ways to prevent diseases. His system is worth getting to know and also applying its principles to health.


Neumyvakin I.P. was born in 1828 in a family of workers. From early childhood, he was brought up in an atmosphere of love from parents who instilled in the child the best human qualities. From an early age, the boy learned to be disciplined, responsive, take a responsible attitude to learning, listen carefully and absorb new knowledge and useful experience. This helped him to further achieve heights in professional activities, to be out of competition among his peers. High working capacity, responsibility, thirst for knowledge, respect for the older generation helped to achieve success in all incredible undertakings.

After graduation, Neumyvakin I.P. entered the medical institute, which he successfully graduated and became a surgeon. Despite the fact that he was left-handed, he developed his right hand, he could master it perfectly. This was required by the rules of those years - the doctor must operate with his right hand. The future surgeon was drafted into the army, where he got into aviation. There he studied the behavior of pilots during extreme situations. From that moment on, the first step on the path to space medicine was mastered.

Thanks to his successful work while serving in the army, Neumyvakin was sent to aviation medicine courses. There, the teachers noticed curiosity, a lively mind and perseverance in obtaining new knowledge of the future doctor. After graduating with honors, Ivan Pavlovich received a referral to the Far East as an aviation doctor. There he continued his research and wrote the first scientific articles.

In 1959, the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine was established in Moscow. A promising doctor was selected as one of 14 applicants from the Far East to form a team. The space direction in those years was innovative and the best of the best were taken to the institute. Neumyvakin was ahead of his competitors, was accepted into a research institution to study human space exploration. For many years he dealt with the health problems of astronauts, developed medicines and medical equipment to maintain health in flight. He was the first creator of a hospital on board a space rocket.

Currently, Neumyvakin I.P. known in Russia and around the world as a professor and doctor of medical sciences, the founder of space medicine. In recent years, he has been developing health systems, opening medical centers where patients can restore the body without expensive drugs. The doctor always applied his methods on himself, and then on his patients. All over the world, followers of Neumyvakin's teachings note an improvement in well-being thanks to a simple and affordable health system.

Wellness system

Neumyvakin I.P. for a long time he studied methods of preventing diseases and the influence of environmental conditions on human health. Many scientific articles were written while working at the Institute of Space Medicine. Based on his experience, he identified several important aspects that disrupt the normal functioning of the body. Ivan Pavlovich claims that treating a disease is an erroneous and hopeless exercise. It is necessary to treat a person in each case.

The standard treatment regimens used by modern medicine cannot help get rid of the disease. Moreover, taking medications is often not for the benefit of the patient, but for the enrichment of pharmacological companies. The professor claims that medicine is not interested in increasing the number of healthy people. The more patients, the greater the enrichment of the medical and pharmacological industries. As sad as it is to realize, there is still a great deal of truth in this.

Neumyvakin I.P. developed a simple health system, which consists of simple rules that support human health. In addition, he recommends a course intake of soda and hydrogen peroxide to normalize the internal environment of the body in the conditions of modern reality. His teaching is supported by many domestic and foreign luminaries of medical science. Among the followers of Neumyvakin's health system, Doctor of Medical Sciences Kuzmin V.D. and American scientist Douglas W.

Ivan Pavlovich argues that there are no diseases, but there are health conditions that occur under certain conditions. To eliminate shifts in the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to get rid of adverse factors. In his opinion, this can be achieved by a proper lifestyle, rational nutrition and the intake of special supplements (rather than drugs), which include a solution of soda and hydrogen peroxide. An important point in maintaining good health is a positive consciousness, designed to harmonize the work of the body and mobilize internal forces to combat deviations from the physiological level.

According to the professor, only the activation of the internal hidden forces of the body and a correct understanding of the problem can fully restore health, and not mask its violations. It is the basis of longevity and well-being. Medicines cannot provide a solid basis for health, they must be taken constantly or periodically, which aggravates the imbalance in the body.

Neumyvakin I.P. claims that being healthy is not so difficult. The main thing to understand is that the health given to us from birth must be protected from an early age and strengthened every year. Modern children are often born with diseases or low internal resources. Therefore, the task of maintaining health becomes more complicated and becomes even more relevant in the realities of our reality. A healthy lifestyle should be inculcated in the family, then the chances of having a strong baby and strengthening in his mind the correct behavior throughout his life increase.

Simple but effective advice from Professor Neumyvakin:

  1. Do not overeat. The body should receive exactly as many calories as it spends on the work of organs and systems, physical activity during the day. Human physiology responds correctly to these processes. If there is enough food for the needs of the body, then there is no appetite, and vice versa. With regular overeating, physiological mechanisms fail, which leads to obesity and other health problems. Excess food, according to Ivan Pavlovich, becomes the cause of illness. The balance of products according to Neumyvakin: proteins (lean meat or fish, soybeans, legumes) - 20%, vegetable products (greens, fruits, vegetables, mostly raw) - 60%, cereals and bread (rye, bran), vegetable oil - 20 %. Proteins should be consumed separately from carbohydrates.
  2. Chew your food well. Eating should be a special ritual. Not on the run and in a hurry, but in a calm environment. Each piece should be thoroughly chewed until semi-liquid, when the taste of the product becomes neutral. After that, the food can be swallowed. Such nutrition will never lead to overeating, and the products are absorbed as much as possible without high energy costs. At the same time, undigested food will not accumulate in the intestines, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and slagging of the body.
  3. Dine no later than 19 hours. Late eating impairs the digestion of foods, disrupts sleep, and contributes to weight gain. After each meal, you should rest for 20 minutes. This time is quite enough for the correct adjustment of the body to the process of digestion.
  4. Before eating, drink water. Before eating, you need to drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before eating, which prevents overeating and prepares the digestive tract for digestion. After a meal and during meals, you should not drink liquids in order to maintain a normal concentration of digestive juices and optimize the digestion process. After eating, you can drink water after 1.5-2 hours. Do not take hot or too cold food and drinks. The temperature regime of the diet is of no small importance.
  5. Do not forget about fasting days. To maintain health, you need to resort to fasting days once a week. This helps to cleanse the body and normalize the functional activity of internal organs. During the fasting day, you can eat fruits, vegetables or dairy products, depending on personal preferences. Regular exercise is no less important than proper nutrition. Hiking, jogging, physical education, swimming must be included in the daily routine without exception. Moderate exercise is good for health.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

To maintain good health in the modern world, Professor Neumyvakin recommends taking food supplements in the form of a solution of soda and hydrogen peroxide. These simple methods will help to avoid the occurrence of diseases from the digestive organs, the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, and the musculoskeletal system. Proper course intake of soda and peroxide prevents the appearance of malignant neoplasms.

The acidity of the internal environment, says the professor, should be in the range of pH = 7-8. Such indicators of acidity have a beneficial effect on the functioning of cells and prevent atypical (tumor) tissue degeneration. If the pH level exceeds the indicated values, then alkalization of the internal environment occurs, and a decrease in the acidity level causes acidification of the body. Acid-base balance is an important value that must be constant to maintain health.

Improper nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable environmental conditions, taking medicinal substances of chemical origin cause a violation of homeostasis in the body. First of all, the acid-base balance suffers, which leads to the appearance of diseases. To prevent pathological processes in the body associated with acidification (acidosis) or alkalization (alcolosis), Ivan Pavlovich recommends taking a solution of soda in warm water or milk, gradually increasing the dosage of the substance.

Another health problem associated with a high risk of disease, according to Neumyvakin, is a violation of cellular respiration and redox processes in the body. Sufficient oxygen is necessary for the normal functioning of tissues. Otherwise, hypoxia phenomena occur, which negatively affects the work of all organs and systems.

The modern lifestyle leads to improper breathing, which impairs the process of gas exchange in the lungs. In addition, air pollution in industrial cities and environmental pollution further exacerbate the conditions for normal breathing. The peculiarities of nutrition of modern man contribute to the development of chronic hypoxia. Predominantly boiled food, preservatives, marinades, boiled water, a small amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet cause oxygen starvation at the cellular level.

Thanks to many years of observation and experimental research, the professor found a simple and effective solution to this problem. In his opinion, the missing oxygen can be replenished by internal intake and intravenous administration of a hydrogen peroxide solution. In the process of metabolism, peroxide releases the missing oxygen and saturates the tissues with it. Course use of the substance throughout life can prevent the violation of cellular respiration and the development of diseases associated with it. I will tell you more about healing with soda and hydrogen peroxide in the following articles. Read about hydrogen peroxide.

What is the secret of the success of the Neumyvakin system? Of course, in that it really helps people to gain health. Ivan Pavlovich believes in the natural reserve forces of the body, and they are actually capable of miracles of healing. A person can do without medicines, everything that is needed to gain health is already there both inside the body and in the public domain in the form of gifts of nature, as well as in such cheap products as baking soda.

When I will talk in this section about any health system, I will be objective, and I will not forget to note also the shortcomings of someone's school, teaching or health methodology. We are all adults, and we need to take a sober look at things, understand that in addition to pluses, there are always minuses. Before applying any method for gaining health and curing diseases, we must be aware of all the pitfalls that will be encountered on our way. Mistakes are not allowed here, because. Our health and, in many cases, our lives are at stake. Unfortunately, many modern healing systems have many shortcomings, especially those that are not based on the true teaching about a person, but invented by the creators to lure money, attract people to sects. Often, instead of health, people, on the contrary, make even more problems.

I see no such shortcomings in Professor Neumyvakin's system. It is based on correct knowledge, acquired by sweat and blood. But there is one point worth mentioning. People, due to their naivety, stupidity and ignorance, are able to pervert any system, distort it through the mask of their emotions, which usually leads to disastrous consequences.

Here too such a human sin as fanaticism comes into play. All this, in relation to the Neumyvakin system, turns into such an unpleasant incident. After reading about hydrogen peroxide and soda, people begin to think that a universal remedy for all diseases has finally been found. Use peroxide and soda and you will be happy. You will get rid of all diseases, and you do not have to do anything else. Of course it is not. People have always been looking for a sacred drink that bestows youth and health. It's easier to drink something quickly, rather than do work on yourself. Remember, any remedy has both an indication and a contraindication. And increasing the dose or excessive long-term use turns the medicine into poison. And with peroxide and soda in this case, you need to be especially careful. And most importantly, remember that no miracle cure will make you healthy if you do not follow general recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, drink alcohol, smoke or eat junk food. No peroxide will save you.

And so, if you correctly apply Neumyvakin's health system, then it has no drawbacks. She found many positive reviews among the adherents of his teachings in our country and abroad. The method of maintaining health, created by Professor Neumyvakin, is easy to use and does not require financial investments, scientifically substantiated and effective.

There are many videos on the Internet where Ivan Pavlovich talks about his healing system.

Be sure to check it out, you won't regret it. Here is one of them.

It's nice to see that a person is already in years, and many young people will envy the amount of vivacity and energy. Ivan Pavlovich also has an excellent sense of humor, which also speaks of the high energy of the body. All this once again confirms the effectiveness of his health system. As they say, if you want to know about the results of any system or teaching, look at its teacher.

See you soon on the blog pages.

Be happy and healthy.

Are you familiar with the system developed by Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich? Reviews negative and positive are received by his technique, which seems to many a real miracle. Let's try to understand and get better acquainted with this system related to alternative medicine.

History of creation

Ivan Neumyvakin's system allows every person to become healthy. And this is contrary to environmental pollution and many other negative factors. Using this system, you can restore and maintain health without drugs, operations and large financial investments.

Dr. Ivan Neumyvakin began his career when he reached the position of head of the department responsible for the development of a system for providing medical care to astronauts during flights of various durations. The best doctors and scientists of the Soviet Union were involved in the work to implement the program of improving the health of people in such an unusual profession.

Professor Ivan Neumyvakin, USSR, supplemented the power of Soviet medicine with his own inventions. Under his leadership, a unique healing system was created, using which our astronauts are protected from all kinds of diseases.

The essence of the method

What is the main meaning of the idea of ​​Ivan Neumyvakin, the founder of space medicine? There is nothing complicated in his system. It requires the right lifestyle and the implementation of a few very simple rules, consisting of:

Taking 1.5 liters of water daily;
- regular physical activity;
- performing simple health procedures.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. This is pushing some ignorant people to leave about the method that Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich developed, the reviews are negative. However, the famous doctor assures that taking care of your own health should not be too difficult at all. It just needs to be done systematically.

Ivan Pavlovich is in constant search for more and more new and improved methods of treatment, as well as preventive measures aimed at preventing various kinds of pathologies. At the same time, he uses non-specific methods of influencing the body. The professor believes that this approach is the basis of the medicine of the future. It will combine the invaluable experience that has been accumulated by both folk and official medicine, and connect it with the spiritual and physical worlds of man.

Professor Neumyvakin is convinced that a polluted organism cannot be healthy. Moreover, it is necessary to free it from slags constantly. This requires, according to Neumyvakin, cleansing of the liver and kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract and all systems, which will allow them to maintain their internal state at the proper level. The main principles of the system of the founder of space medicine are the firm belief that:

Man is a bioenergetic system with rigid internal relationships capable of self-reproduction and self-regulation, and the margin of safety of this living mechanism always exceeds the force of negative environmental factors;
- the presence of toxins in the body disrupts the functioning of the immune system and shifts the bioenergy balance, which causes various pathologies, the elimination of all this without the use of chemical drugs allows you to get rid of the disease.

Health Center

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin opened his "space" hospital on Earth, which has no analogues in the whole world. It is located in the Kirov region, in the village of Borovitsa.

The famous doctor's wellness center is quite small. However, its staff consists of experienced and qualified professionals. Despite its small scale, this "space" hospital is able to get 30 people on their feet in three weeks. Only twenty-one days - and patients practically stop taking their medicines. They leave the center, realizing that they must regularly follow the recommendations received. Otherwise, they will again be forced to take chemical drugs.

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich Health Center periodically controls. He observes the processes taking place there.

Methods used in the I. P. Neumyvakin Rehabilitation Center

Upon admission to the "space" hospital, the patient undergoes computer iridology, which assesses the state of his body. Such studies are carried out on the iris of the eye. At the initial stage, the dowsing method is also used, based on reading the information contained in the biofield shell of a person (his aura).

Next, the process of cleansing the body of toxins accumulated in it takes place. In this case, hydrocolonotherapy is used. This technique is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient and using a variety of physiological methods. One of them is the use of one of the most powerful antioxidants capable of destroying pathogenic microflora, namely atomic oxygen. At the same time, oxygen starvation of the body, which underlies any pathology, including oncological ones, is eliminated.

The Neumyvakin Health Center uses original techniques to strengthen the immune system and activate bioenergetic processes. Moreover, these methods of restoring health have no analogues in the whole world.

The patient undergoes spine correction by means of shock wave massage. This original procedure is also the author's technique. Only one or two sessions of such a massage can restore the broken interconnections of the vertebrae, thereby restoring the health of the whole organism.

After hydrocolonotherapy, patients undergo lymphatic drainage. Purification of this interstitial fluid, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body, contributes to the overall cleansing of the body.

Another technique used in the I.P. Neumyvakin, - correction of the biofield structure. The medical staff of the clinic will help the patient to understand the situation that has developed at work, in the family, they will suggest solutions to eliminate the problem. In addition, they will teach you how to independently resist negative psychological influences in the future.

In addition, the Center uses special products called magnetotrons, which have no analogues in the whole world. These are such biocorrectors as funnels and bracelets, the structure of which exactly corresponds to the Earth's magnetic field. These products feed a person with the missing energy, restoring his biofield structure.

In addition to the methods described above, Professor Neumyvakin's Health Center conducts:
- treatment with hydrogen peroxide;
- ultraviolet irradiation of blood using the device "Helios-1";
- treatment with such healing natural deposits as sapropel.

What is important to know for those who have used the services of the Wellness Center

At the end of the course, the patient is given recommendations that take into account his individual characteristics and the nature of the existing diseases. Further, everything will depend on the person himself, who visited the Health Center, which was opened by Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. Feedback negative or positive will the client leave about this unique method? Everything will depend on the choice of the person. Will he follow the path of health or will he turn onto the path of vegetation in diseases and ailments? Of course, you will need constant work on yourself. But health is worth it.

Secrets from Professor Neumyvakin

The recommendations that the founder of space medicine gives to his patients are surprisingly simple and accessible. Nevertheless, the advice of Ivan Neumyvakin will allow a person to improve the emotional background, health and well-being, while getting rid of chronic diseases that torment him.

The professor is of the opinion that diseases are only the malfunctioning of biochemical processes in our body. Aligning them, you can get rid of ailments. Ivan Neumyvakin proposes to eliminate such formidable diseases as stroke, heart attack, gangrene, atherosclerosis, etc. with the help of ordinary hydrogen peroxide. When split, this substance releases atomic oxygen, which kills all pathogenic microflora in the body, including cancer cells. Also, hydrogen peroxide is able to protect a person from many viruses, which will allow him not to get sick during an influenza epidemic.

Another valuable advice from the famous professor is the observance of proper breathing. This will save our body from many problems. For example, inhaling carbon dioxide from a plastic bag will eliminate pain.

Neumyvakin attaches special importance to water. It is food No. 1 for our body and a powerful energy-information system. It is necessary to drink water daily in a volume of up to one and a half liters. Moreover, coffee, tea or compote cannot be considered water. These products are modified energy fluid.

The professor's next piece of advice concerns the food we eat. In his opinion, the products must be chewed very carefully, bringing them almost to a liquid state. But the scientist does not recommend drinking before and immediately after eating. The liquid will reduce the concentration of gastric juice and reduce the body's strength needed to process food.

An important factor for the health of the body is maintaining the acid-base balance. It is impossible to allow acidification of the body. As a result, human health suffers. And in order to increase the level of alkali, Neumyvakin advises drinking soda dissolved in warm water on an empty stomach. This product is good for brushing your teeth.

The author of numerous works is Ivan Neumyvakin. Books written by a well-known professor ("Diabetes. Myths and Reality", "Reserve Capabilities of the Body. Breathing. Consciousness" and others) give recommendations on the method of recovery developed by him. Anyone who is interested in such an alternative way to eliminate diseases will find extensive and very useful information in these publications.

Joint treatment

According to Neumyvakin, arthrosis, like other ailments, occurs when metabolic processes in the body are disturbed. At the same time, the scientist claims that it is possible to get rid of this formidable pathology without drugs.

How does Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich treat joints? To eliminate the disease, he uses hydrogen peroxide. This drug can be found in almost every home first aid kit, but most of us simply do not know about its miraculous properties. Dr. Neumyvakin uses this tool in his practice, achieving excellent results. Explaining the miraculous properties of ordinary hydrogen peroxide, the professor points out that this substance is involved in many metabolic processes in the human body. In particular, it helps transport sugar in the blood. Hydrogen peroxide saturates every cell of the body, helps to strengthen the immune system and destroys foci of infections and inflammations.

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich offers to treat joints in one of two ways:

Using hydrogen peroxide by mouth (by injection or orally);
- using the drug externally in the form of compresses, which are especially useful for pain.

What are the dosages of hydrogen peroxide? Reception begins with one drop, previously dissolved in 30-50 milliliters of water. This amount is taken three times a day thirty minutes before meals. Gradually, the number of drops of hydrogen peroxide is increased to ten. After a short break (2-3 days), the reception is resumed. Further, the course of treatment is continued. The same volume (10 drops dissolved in water) is consumed three times a day for two to three months.
Solution for injection is prepared from 2 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml of pharmaceutical solution. For a compress, mix 2 tsp. preparation with 50 ml of water.

The scheme that Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin developed for the treatment of joints can only receive negative reviews from people suffering from certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They should use hydrogen peroxide with caution.

Cancer treatment

"Space" technique allows you to cure even cancer. Ivan Neumyvakin is firmly convinced of this. Cancer, according to him, is treated with the same hydrogen peroxide. Of course, such a statement does not find support among oncologists. However, in the early twentieth century, hydrogen peroxide was widely used in the treatment of diseases such as asthma and tuberculosis, typhoid and cholera.

Neumyvakin considers the use of this drug to rid patients of cancer quite justified. His conviction is based on the conclusions drawn from the results of numerous studies.

According to the method of a well-known professor, for the treatment of cancer, you need to prepare a solution consisting of one drop of 3% peroxide diluted in 50 ml of water. On the first day of the course, such a remedy is taken three times. Further, the dosage is gradually increased. Every day, one drop more is added to the peroxide solution. On the tenth day of the course of treatment in one dose, the patient should use a solution with 10 drops of a medicinal preparation. Next comes a break. After five days, the treatment continues.

For many years, Professor Neumyvakin has been curing his patients of cancer in a way he has developed. At the same time, he advises not to interrupt the course of treatment even if side effects appear. For such patients, the scientist recommends reducing the dosage of the drug.

soda treatment

We all know this white powder, indispensable in everyday life and cooking. However, not everyone knows about its amazing healing properties. What does Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich say about this? Soda, according to his beliefs, is a miraculous powder that can help us out in almost all life situations. The natural substance will bring invaluable benefits in acute respiratory infections and poisoning, as well as restore immunity. Soda is the best medicine for seasickness. In addition, it neutralizes the effect of any poisons in the human body.

Neumyvakin in his lectures and speeches tells the audience that soda helps to thin the blood. Already 15 minutes after taking the white powder, the balance of the acid-base environment sets in, the imbalance of which is the main cause of formidable diseases and ailments. In addition, soda helps cleanse the body and restore the normal functioning of its environments and systems.

Regular intake of healing powder cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, dissolves stones in various organs, rejuvenates tissue cells and strengthens immune forces. Under the influence of soda, even oncological diseases recede.


Baking soda is the strongest natural laxative. But do not rush to get the result and exceed the permissible initial dosage. The result of such rash actions will be diarrhea, as the body will seek to get rid of a foreign substance for it.

Ivan Neumyvakin recommends starting treatment with soda with a minimum dose, taking it on the tip of a spoon. And only after the body gets used to it (after a couple of days), the amount of healing powder can be slightly increased. Gradually, the dosage should be brought to the desired level, that is, equal to half or one teaspoon of soda dissolved in a glass of warm water. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach three times a day.

The video says that Neumyvakin's stepdaughter (more precisely, the adopted daughter from another marriage) sued his only apartment and evicted the professor from it. The fact is that Neumyvakin's wife, Irina Pavlovna, wrote a will before her death, in which she wrote off the existing apartment of her daughter.

His stepdaughter, Pappas Elena Alekseevna, who manages all his affairs, registered all open medical centers in her name. In the end, she announced to Neumyvakin that she was the owner of everything, and that the professor himself did not own anything.

At the same time, Ivan Pavlovich's wife suddenly falls ill and soon dies under strange circumstances. Immediately after her death (literally on the second day), she was cremated, the ashes were scattered. This was done at the direction of the same stepdaughter. Allegedly, this was also the last will of the deceased.

Dr. Neumyvakin himself suffered severe stress, as a result of which he lost his sight (before that he had 1 group of visual impairment). And no wonder: the death of his wife was announced to him a few weeks after the tragic incident!

In addition, he suffered a hip fracture due to an accident, and underwent two surgeries to repair a broken bone.

As a result, immediately after his recovery, Neumyvakin was given the condition that he must vacate the apartment that did not belong to him.

Currently, Ivan Pavlovich lives in an apartment, issued by acquaintances of entrepreneurs on credit to him. The loan is interest-free, but Neumyvakin himself must repay it. At least for voluntary donations. The professor lives on the funds raised by volunteers. Despite the suffering, he continues to work, write books and scientific articles, believes in the best.

Appeal to the courts yielded nothing. From a legal point of view, the professor himself agreed to the conduct of all his affairs by his stepdaughter Pappas Elena Alekseevna, and there is no corpus delicti in her actions. No criminal case was opened against her.

Why is Neumyvakin famous?

Professor Ivan Neumyvakin is a doctor of medical sciences, a laureate of the USSR State Prize, the creator of his own unique health improvement system based on health and cleansing procedures, regular physical activity, proper lifestyle and taking a certain amount of water per day.

According to Ivan Pavlovich, taking care of human health should not be difficult. The main thing is to follow his recommendations systematically. The health system was created back in the days of the USSR for the needs of cosmonauts, to provide them with medical care during long flights. The best doctors and scientists of the USSR participated in the creation of the system.

Dr. Neumyvakin also opened his own wellness center, a space hospital in the village of Borovitsa in the Kirov region. The hospital is small, with 30 patients, but the process of their recovery takes three weeks, 21 days. After recovery, patients can continue to live without taking any medications, just following the recommendations of Ivan Pavlovich.

In the space hospital, the most modern methods of diagnosing the body are widely used:

  • computer iridology (study of the iris);
  • dowsing method of reading information from the human aura.
  1. Hydrocolonotherapy is a method of destruction of pathogenic microflora with the help of atomic oxygen.
  2. Correction of the spine through shock wave massage. Just a few sessions of such a massage allow individual vertebrae to restore broken relationships and help improve overall immunity.
  3. Lymphatic drainage - cleaning of interstitial fluid, contributing to the overall cleansing of the body.
  4. Correction of the biofield structure, very similar to psychotherapeutic assistance, training in ways to resist negative psychological influences.
  5. Treatment with magnetrons - funnels and bracelets with magnetic tips, restoring the human biofield structure.

According to all patients of the space hospital, the treatment gives real positive results, the consolidation of which depends only on the systematic implementation of individual recommendations that are given to each discharged patient.

Bad ecology, low-quality (falsified) food and, at times, a sedentary lifestyle often leave an imprint on the health of both the whole organism and individual organs.

If you do not start taking care of your body in time - play sports, take the right approach to compiling a diet, then sooner or later diseases will begin to appear, turning into a chronic form.

The technique developed by Professor Ivan Neumyvakin can help prevent the occurrence of diseases and improve the functioning of all organs. The system of nutrition and cleansing of the body, which is part of this technique, improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and pancreas. These organs are more susceptible to the action of harmful substances than others and accumulate a significant amount of toxic compounds.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin began his career as a doctor in charge of the health of cosmonauts. Subsequently, he headed the Institute of Biomedical Problems.

Made many discoveries during his career. He defended his Ph.D. (1965), and later his doctoral dissertation (1982). His scientific work was devoted to aviation and space medicine. Since 1989, he has directed his knowledge and skills to the development of traditional medicine.

A person with such an impeccable reputation, well versed in medicine, who is a professor, doctor of medical sciences, has developed a lot of methods for healing the body without the use of medicines. He was able to write his works thanks to the rich experience of observing the impact of environmental conditions on the human body.

Risk factors according to Neumyvakin

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, first of all, pursues the goal of purification and general improvement of a person.

The risk factors for the digestive system and the body as a whole, in his opinion, include:

  • untimely consumption of certain foods;
  • high protein content in the diet;
  • drinking food with drinks;
  • insufficient chewing of food before swallowing;
  • consumption of drinks enriched with gas.

Overeating is one of the main bad habits that lead to problems in the body.

Ivan Pavlovich refers to the risk factors affecting the acid balance:

  • medical preparations;
  • various types of electromagnetic radiation;
  • flows of negative information;
  • products containing GMOs.

Detox process

The level of harmful substances in the organs, in particular, in the liver, sometimes exceeds the norm by 2 times or more. For detoxification, or the natural removal of harmful, toxic substances from the human body, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin proposes to normalize the nutrition system, introduce fasting days and carry out other actions aimed at cleansing the body of toxins.

Water is the basis of the fasting days menu

Basic principles of the method

A well-known scientist came to the conclusion that it is not the disease that should be treated, but its cause. Neumyvakin denies the existence of diseases, but believes that there is a “state” of a person caused by an imbalance in metabolic processes.

All problems with the body can have a single source

The source of violations of these processes in the body, which is considered by the professor as a single biosystem, is the accumulation of toxins or acid imbalance. Therefore, it is necessary to treat not the disease, but to eliminate the trigger mechanism that triggers pathological processes.

Healing the body with peroxide

Given the unfavorable environmental situation and sedentary lifestyle, the body often lacks oxygen, it can be replenished with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), writes Professor Ivan Neumyvakin.

The system of nutrition and cleansing of the body should be built taking into account the maintenance of acid-base balance. The acidity of the human internal environment pH = 7.4. Significant deviations from these norms can cause the development of tissues that provoke the formation of tumors.

A few drops of peroxide in a glass of water can help solve problems with a lack of oxygen?

Therefore, when a tumor is detected, the professor recommends using a peroxide solution according to the following scheme: on the first day, one drop of peroxide in a glass of water, on the second - two, on the third three, and so on. Having brought the number of drops to 50, they begin to decrease in the same way, one per day.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be consumed in its pure form.

The author also suggests using hydrogen peroxide solution topically, through the nose, as well as for intravenous infusion, and talks about precautions. You can learn more about the treatment with hydrogen dioxide by reading his work “Hydrogen Peroxide. Myths and Reality.

soda treatment

For deworming the body, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, in addition to rational nutrition and periodic cleansing of the body, recommends using a solution of ordinary baking soda.

Baking soda is the main ingredient in a cleansing enema and medicine for heart problems.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, oral administration of the solution is used. It is recommended to drink soda solution in the morning half an hour before meals.. You need to start taking with a less concentrated solution - 0.5 dessert spoon per glass of hot water or milk.

After three doses, a three-day break is taken. Then increase the concentration by diluting the contents of 1 dessert spoon in a glass of liquid, after 3 days they also take a three-day break. Following this scheme, the reception can be increased to 1 - 3 tsp.

ultraviolet irradiation

To correct the state of the immune system, the author proposes ultraviolet irradiation.

Solarium - one of the options for ultraviolet irradiation

Note! Ultraviolet is divided into:

  • UV A, with a wavelength of 320–380 nm, is weakly active, favorably affects the course of biological processes in the body;
  • UV B, for which the wavelength is 280–320 nm, is more active, can cause mutations in plants;
  • UV C, its wavelength is 200 - 280 nm, is the most active, it can even provoke mutations in living organisms. UV C does not reach the earth, being completely absorbed by the ozone layer.

The lack of ultraviolet radiation can lead to disruption of metabolic processes and weakening of the protective properties of the body, in addition, it has an antibacterial effect.

The best time for sunbathing is morning and evening

The most beneficial rays are more active in the evening and morning.. Therefore, for tanning, you should choose this particular watch. Ultraviolet radiation alerts the immune system to the destruction of pathological cells.

Cleansing the body according to Neumyvakin

Among more than 200 works, the authors of which are Professor Ivan Neumyvakin, the system of nutrition and cleansing of the body is considered one of the most popular topics. The cleansing of the body, which is proposed by the author, includes several stages: first, the intestines are cleansed, then the liver and kidneys, pancreas and joints, and last but not least, vessels and blood.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for cleansing the body begins ten days before the start of the main cleansing procedures, and this stage ends with cleansing the intestines.

Vegetarian menu - one of the conditions for preparing for body cleansing

During the preparatory phase, you should:

  • During the first week, adhere to a vegetarian diet, including only plant-based dishes in your diet, and without protein.
  • After that, drink freshly squeezed apple juice for three days. During these three days, cleansing enemas are done.

In the evening of the last day (preferably before the weekend), they proceed directly to cleansing the organs.

Cleansing the liver and kidneys

The liver and kidneys serve as a kind of filters in the system of our body, as they purify the blood from harmful compounds. Therefore, over time, sometimes even regardless of nutrition, they accumulate various toxins that need to be removed.

To cleanse the liver and kidneys, Ivan Neumyvakin recommends using magnesia and rosehip broth.

For the cleaning process after the preparatory stage, you need:

  • Take magnesia morning and evening (1 sachet diluted in a glass of water and drunk in two divided doses).
  • The next morning, drink a glass of rosehip broth with 2 tbsp. l. sorbitol is a sugar substitute.
  • Immediately after that, lie down in bed for 30 minutes, putting a heating pad on your right side.
  • An hour later, take rose hips with sorbitol again and lie down again with a heating pad on your right side.

After all, again drink a glass of decoction with sorbitol and go to bed. After a while, the liver and kidneys will be cleansed.

Cleansing the liver and pancreas

According to the method developed by Ivan Neumyvakin, the system of nutrition and cleansing of the body is a fundamental factor in the health and longevity of the individual.

Lemon and olive oil - the basis of a liver cleansing system

Proper nutrition must always precede cleansing, and maintained thereafter.

When cleansing the liver and pancreas, having passed the preparatory stage, proceed to the following:

  • In the evening, prepare a glass of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) and lemon juice.
  • They lay down in bed with a heating pad on the right hypochondrium.
  • Take alternately thirty grams (2 large tablespoons) of oil and juice, with breaks between doses of 15 minutes.
  • After cleansing, an enema is given the next day to remove any remaining toxins.

Blood Purification

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin recommends cleansing the blood and blood vessels after normalizing the nutrition system and cleansing other organs of the body - the liver, kidneys, pancreas. The previous steps also have an impact on the cleansing of blood vessels from blood clots..

Ginger tea with honey - blood cleanser

Results, reviews and opinions of doctors

This method has many supporters and opponents. Some argue that it is absolutely impossible to ingest a solution of hydrogen peroxide. But supporters of the system are inclined to believe that the essence of the method is in the complex cleansing of all organs.

Many doctors, like Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, support and promote the benefits of therapeutic fasting and the need for periodic cleansing of the body.

The technique of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin works, but there is always an individual error

To follow this method or not is an individual matter. This technique, like most others, has both supporters and adherents, and opponents. But thousands of people who have tried this system are grateful to Ivan Pavlovich for his recommendations for recovery in accessible ways.

Professor Neumyvakin I.P.: there are no diseases! Learn how to take soda and hydrogen peroxide from a useful video:

Opinion of Professor Neumyvakin I.P. about proper nutrition. Learn valuable tips from the author in the following video:

Cleansing the liver and kidneys: A.P. Neumyvakin. Watch an interesting video: