Fall through the ice dream book. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Ice, what does it mean to see Ice in a dream. Why do you dream of ice according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

Dream Interpretation online fall through the Ice

A dream in which someone has fallen through the ice is very disturbing. Its interpretation, as a rule, is either warning or negative. It all depends on whether you managed to get out and whether outside help was provided.

If you dream that you are walking on crust and the ice is cracking with a characteristic sound, this is a warning dream. He says that what is planned may end badly, and the idea itself is not just dangerous to health, but can result in serious damage.

Any openings, doors, arches can symbolize the transition to another world in

If you fell through the ice in a dream

dream. And if you walk through the door or look for a way out, this is a natural dream, even from the point of view that the soul at this time can be present in several dimensions at once and this is not at all dangerous. But the ice hole in this case has a slightly different interpretation, because in addition to another open world, water also appears in the dream, which protects life and death.

Water is a symbol of life. Moreover, almost every ancient dream book says that the water border of the worlds is the strongest. And if in a dream you have to fall into water or, conversely, get out of it, you will have to face the mystery of birth or death.

The most problematic for interpretation is the symbol of the ice hole. Sometimes it can be considered as a full-fledged portal to the other world. And if in a dream you had to fall through there, and even feel how the ice quickly closed the exit, and it became impossible to get out, this is a sign of trouble. At this time, it is best not to take any dangerous actions or make long trips.

Different opinions

Almost every dream book believes that falling through the ice in a dream is an unkind sign.

If they helped you get out, you will come out of a difficult situation with honor, which you will be very happy about. In the case when another person fell through the ice, and you saved him, you will become famous.

Ancient Slavic dream book (Velesov) - warning

If you fall through the ice while fishing

This ancient dream book believes that if you dream about a person falling through the ice, the dreamer will be drawn into a risky event. Walking on the crust and hearing crackling sounds are echoes of someone’s glory. If a child fell through the ice, and you managed to get him out, you will be able to move an almost lifeless project forward, which will make your bosses very happy and begin to actively promote you up the career ladder.

  • If you fall through the ice during winter fishing, your method of earning money is quite dangerous. You should not trust people you don’t know and invest money in projects that are too promising.
  • Walking on thin ice means you will be invited to visit for the birth of a child.
  • Slipping and hitting the ice hard is a love relationship.
  • Seeing an ice drift with clean ice means wealth and prosperity, with dirty ice it means illness.
  • She dreams that another person has failed and was covered by an ice floe - misfortune. Finding and getting it is nobility.
  • To dream that a child fell into dirty water with ice is a serious danger for the dreamer.

Miller's Dream Book - frivolity

Miller’s rather restrained and often pessimistic dream book says that if a person dreams of stepping on ice crust, it means he is completely frivolous about his life and career. For a woman, such a vision indicates a frivolous attitude towards men, and as a result, her reputation can be completely ruined.

If you were walking on thin ice?

  • Walking on thin ice or stepping on ice crust are love adventures that will lead to nothing but a headache.
  • If you fall into muddy water - a shock, an unpleasant incident.
  • A child fell into an ice hole - a serious danger to his life and health. If it is someone else's child, be very careful, there is a high probability of car accidents.
  • If you dream that a person you don’t know has fallen into an ice hole during winter fishing, this means a precarious situation at work, which was caused by your inattention. You will have to choose: take the blame entirely on yourself or share it with your colleagues.

Freud's Dream Book - coldness

The dream book of the German psychotherapist Sigmund Freud is based on the prevalence of aggressive and sexual symbols. The main interpretation of ice is coldness, frigidity, dissatisfaction with the sexual partner. An ice hole in the river is a female sexual symbol.

  • You dream of ice that has completely frozen the river in the summer - your efforts to deliver an unforgettable experience to your partner will lead to absolutely nothing. A person is simply not able to perceive hot sensations.
  • If you fall into an ice hole, you will plunge headlong into sensory sensations. You will be too dependent on your partner.
  • If another person is under the ice, and you pulled him out, you take your serious partner very seriously, and under some circumstances you will be ready to take responsibility for him, which he may not be happy about at all.
  • Saving a child from an ice trap means conception.

Emotional state after waking up

Experiencing a heavy feeling immediately after sleep and being glad that the nightmare is over is a good sign. The subconscious has shown the danger of the choice - and after a while you will understand what a risky undertaking can lead to.

Accepting an incident in a dream with a cool, calm head and submission to fate means you are a very reasonable person, and this dream showed you that emotions should be shown precisely at the moment when they can mobilize strength and be ready to act under any circumstances.

To be frightened, to flicker and rush about in a dream, and immediately after waking up to not find a place for yourself for a long time is a bad sign. You already have to make a decision, but since you are not able to take a decisive step, fate will send you a more serious test.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Ice and what does it mean:

Seeing ice in a dream and crossing it is a sign that everything will be fine, but if it breaks, it means trouble. This dream primarily indicates a state of health. If you are walking on thin ice, this is a harbinger that you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, causing trouble with a rash act.

Walking on slippery ice in a dream, afraid of slipping, means in reality being surrounded by people who do not inspire confidence. Such a dream can be a warning: if you don’t take care of your reputation, you can lose much more than it seems at first glance. If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by huge ice floes, it means that you will encounter obstacles that require energetic measures. Seeing ice in the house means trouble.

Seeing an ice hole means danger. Falling into an ice hole means that your life is in danger, your outburst of feelings will be incomprehensible, and you will encounter deception and resentment.

If you dream that you are walking on ice, but it is summer, there will be a change in life.

Seeing an iceberg in a dream is a sign of a sudden, albeit minor, digestive disorder that may happen to you in the coming days.

Seeing frozen ground in a dream is an omen that you are wasting your strength and energy in vain; now you are stagnating.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Ice in a dream?

Ice in a dream portends many disasters. Ill-wishers will look for an opportunity to harm you in the matter that is most dear to you.

Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be to blame for the envy of others.

Walking on ice means that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys.

For a young woman to walk on ice in a dream means that in reality only a thin veil hides her from shame.

Icicles on the roofs of houses foreshadow poverty and a life devoid of comfort. This dream also promises deterioration in health.

Seeing icicles on the fence means physical and mental suffering.

Icicles on evergreen trees mean that your bright future will be overshadowed by undeserved rewards.

Making ice in a dream means failure in business caused by your irrepressible egoism.

Eating ice means illness. If in a dream you drink ice water, then in reality your frivolity will cause illness.

Swimming in icy water means that some unforeseen circumstance will prevent you from enjoying something you have long desired.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Ice?

Ice in a dream foreshadows many disasters due to ill-wishers. Seeing ice floating in a stream of clean water means the end of a quiet life, which will be blamed on the envy of others. Walking on ice in a dream means that you risk losing the respect of other people due to fleeting joys. Gnaw or suck ice (icicle) in a dream, or drink water with ice - may portend illness.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about ice?

Ice - For good // failure, loss, death, troubles, difficulties; ahead of time - loss, change in weather or in life; in the house - misfortune; walking on ice - to one’s homeland // to death; falling on ice - devoted love // ​​danger; cross the ice - everything will be fine, good health; breaks off under you - bad, to failure; to break - benefit; melts - you will die soon; clean – health; dirty - disease; ice floe - danger, hard work.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Ice

Ice - In winter it means nothing, but at unusual times it marks a change in weather.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Ice - Trouble; a lot of difficulties.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream about Ice, what does it symbolize?

Ice – A symbol of oblivion, rigidity and frigidity.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about ice?

“Walking on thin ice” is a delicate, dangerous situation; “cold as ice” - an impassive, aloof person, “cold” relationships; “ice in relationships”; “freeze negotiations” - slow down, postpone.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

Why do you dream about Ice in Indian culture?

Seeing ice in a dream means that information about what kind of world this is is still frozen for you.

Ancient French dream book

What does ice mean in dreams, interpretation:

Ice is a good sign, promising a happy meeting.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Ice: interpretation of the image

Ice – Empty Hopes

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Ice - Cooling. There is a cool down. You will stop worrying; hatred and jealousy will let you go. Ice field, tranquility, mental relaxation. Someone holds ice, someone you are interested in eats, will become cold towards you, will become indifferent.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Ice - Damage, loss

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Ice from your dream

Ice - Coldness in relationships; inaccessibility of a loved one.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Ice?

Seeing ice in a dream means trouble, many difficulties.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Ice?

Ice in the house - Misfortune.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Ice and snow - Seeing obstacles of various kinds, walking on them is a successful obstacle; to crash - you will learn a lot of fear; to see in the forest is vain efforts, illusory hopes.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which I dreamed/dreamed/dreamed of.....

Ice (snow) – Rigidity, sexual frigidity is a symbol of death. The greatest burden is the role of this image in a dream, and the action that unfolds around it.

Slavic dream book

Why do you dream about ice?

Ice - to an emotionally cold environment and failure. Moon in Capricorn.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about Ice, how to understand?

Ice – cold emotions. Walking on ice means taking risks; making ice is a failure in business due to selfishness.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about Ice by day of the week?

Crossing the river on ice means a successful and quick completion of a task that at first seemed difficult and risky. Slipping and falling on ice means getting scared and abandoning your plan. Taking ice out of the refrigerator means there will be minor troubles. Sleep on ice. For a woman - to a long delay in fulfilling a desire. For a man - to renounce the desire for revenge.

Great modern dream book

Ice - why does the dreamer dream?

You saw ice in a dream - your business is in danger; you have not shown sufficient resourcefulness, and now your financial situation is very unstable; If you do not take urgent, skillful action, then financial collapse and all the resulting disasters await you. You see ice floes floating in the water - someone who is very jealous of you will do everything to destroy your happiness; there is a high probability that he will succeed. It’s as if you are walking on ice - because of little you will risk a lot; you take risks too lightly.

It's like you're swimming near ice floes - you'll find pleasure where you didn't expect to find it. You see ice on the roof of the house (icicles) - this is an unfavorable sign for your house; poverty will settle in him, and there will be no place for love; you will get sick.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Ice?

What is ice and snow for? - To cool relationships with friends. Imagine that the bright sun is shining, the ice and snow are melting before your eyes.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see... in a dream

  • When we dream about ice, we pay attention to our emotions. We know that we act colder than we should, do not express warmth and compassion, and therefore put ourselves in a situation from which it will be extremely difficult to free ourselves later.
  • Ice is the personification of rigidity, fragility, which comes from a misunderstanding of what is happening around us, and from creating situations in which people cannot communicate with us. Depending on how exactly ice manifests itself, it signifies impermanence.
  • From a spiritual point of view, ice symbolizes a part of ourselves that has frozen, but which must be melted in order to develop further.

Mythological dream book

Ice - how to understand the symbolism

Do not forget that ice consists of water, and dreams about water are often directly related to the emotional component of a person’s life. The transformation of water into ice means the “hardening” of feelings towards a loved one. Accordingly, melting ice in a dream means the end of a hostile relationship. Dreams about melting ice also speak of the removal of barriers to creative energy and new opportunities, predicting that inspiration will visit you at home or at work.

Positive value

Dreams about ice not in winter traditionally symbolize a good harvest. This dream also means an abundance of fruitful ideas, so think carefully about which “plantings” will need your attention.

Negative implications

If ice appears in a dream, it is a warning that it is time to put aside a project that is being kept “on thin ice.” Perhaps the dream calls for immediate action.

Burning cold in a dream usually symbolizes emotional extremes. For example, the appearance of a freezer or refrigerator in a dream is a reflection of the emotional “dumbness” that you are currently suffering from.

You are sitting on ice, predicts comfort in life. Walking on ice is a risk of financial loss if you are not careful when distributing funds.

Strong or thin ice. Be sure to try to remember what the ice was like in your dream. Thin ice - perhaps dangers await you, and thick ice floes can mean that you feel protected even in the face of the difficulties and problems of real life.

Skating on ice implies satisfaction with the work done. Riding with a partner means caring about personal relationships.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Why do women and men dream about Ice?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for women and men, therefore Ice in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Become ill with an incurably serious illness.

How to interpret the dream “Falling into a hole in a dream”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

People often ask: why such a dream, where a person managed to fall into a hole in a dream? Most often, in a dream, people fall into a hole with water, into an empty hole, into a hole with slop, and, sometimes, this hole is filled with water, and...

I had a dream “Ice”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Crossing the ice is a sign that everything will be fine. Ice breaking means trouble. This dream primarily indicates a state of health. Walking on thin ice is a harbinger that you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, get yourself into trouble by thoughtlessly...

Dreaming of Ice - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An icy plane, ice on a river, ice, black ice on the road is a sign of misfortune, difficulties, as well as anger and betrayal. They will try to harm you in everything that is dear to you. Walking on ice and failing means damaging your reputation. Ice in the house, do...

Why does Ice appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing ice portends material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love. Ice on the river means a delay in business due to the machinations of enemies seeking to harm you in any way. Walking on snow-covered ice means you will start an enterprise that will bring the desired income. Skate on ice on...

Dream - Ice - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Portends material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love. Ice on the river means a delay in business due to the machinations of enemies seeking to harm you in any way. Walking on snow-covered ice means you will start an enterprise that will bring the desired income. Ice skating -...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Ice?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Portends possible material damage, loss of a friend or failure in love. Ice on the river is an obstacle to business due to the machinations of enemies. Spring ice drift - your luck may run out and a streak of bad luck will begin. Walking on snow-covered ice is an enterprise that will generate income. ...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Ice?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing ice means worries about the family, trouble in business, a bad adviser. Having it in the house is a disaster. Walking on thin ice and being afraid means life, fate or soul is on the verge of something dark and unclear. The ice cracked under you, but you...

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Falling into a hole means major trouble is inevitable. Take courage and wait. Subsequently, life will turn out for the better if you fall through the ice - the person you were counting on is unreliable. Refer to other people to fail exams, certifications - a favorable period awaits you. Take advantage...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Failure?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Fall into a hole. Tip of the day: major trouble is inevitable. Take courage and wait. Subsequently, life will turn out for the better. Fall through the ice. Tip of the day: the person you were counting on is unreliable. Reach out to other people. Fail exams, certifications. Tip of the day: awaiting you...

How to interpret the dream “Rich”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Den - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a den - you will have bad consequences after visiting. To fall into the den is to disgrace yourself in front of the guests. Sleeping in a den means your enemy will celebrate his victory over you, and you will not be able to say a word against him.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Road?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You crossed the road, and it’s uncomfortable, somehow chilly, you don’t know what awaits you. You have stepped out of your comfort zone in reality. This means that you have decided, are ready, or are forced to do something unusual. Stereotypes are broken miserably or seriously questioned. ...

Seeing Rich in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you see yourself rich predicts that you will soon fall ill with a serious illness. If in a dream a poor man sees that he has become rich, then many misfortunes and humiliations await him. However, the dream also predicts for the poor that their hard work will help...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Belly?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your belly in a dream predicts that in reality great prospects await you, but you must moderate your ardor and get to work with renewed energy, since entertainment and tranquility will bring you harm. Seeing your stomach wrinkled portends...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Ice hole, ice hole

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a hole in the ice of a river, pond or sea means learning about some danger that awaits you, but is not immediately noticeable. Falling into the wormwood and trying to get out means an unusual accident or material damage. Getting out on the ice means things will improve. Catch...

If you dream about the Belly, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an Exam?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is a reflection of your deepest doubts. The dream foretells you some kind of life test and suggests that deep down you are not sure whether you have enough strength and abilities to implement some plan or overcome future difficulties. Fail an exam or...

Author of the article: website

Always a bad omen, which in some cases is a warning of danger.

Especially if you dreamed of this nightmare plot before a walk on the sea in the cold season or a risky undertaking.

A dream in which you yourself fail, but do not drown, means the failure of your plans. Miller writes that after such a dream you can lose in a risky game.

If you want to understand the meaning of a dream, pay attention to the time of year when you had such a vision, what happened next and how likely a similar situation is in real life.

Dream - warning of danger

E If you dreamed that you or another person fell under the ice while riding a snowmobile or car on a frozen river or pond in winter, then this could be a warning sign. Don't take risks, otherwise the risk will cost you or a loved one your life.

Try to warn anyone who may fall under the ice so that they avoid risky actions.

Otherwise, the consequences can be sad. The dreamer should carefully plan dangerous actions, otherwise he will lose.

A thin crust over a puddle means failure of a small matter, a cold or trouble. But sometimes the fact that it bursts means that you can melt the ice in the heart of a person you like.

If you dreamed in the summer that you were failing, then the plot has a symbolic meaning. Most often, a dream predicts defeat in a risky or unpleasant business, or the disruption of plans. Especially in adventurous activities.

Sometimes falling through the ice means illness, a cold, or unpleasant news that will cool your romantic impulses. There may be disappointment in love and an annoying surprise.

For some people, such a dream predicts a fall into cold water and an illness, often of a cold nature.

Sometimes a dream about falling through the ice can occur several months or even years before the actual tragedy, but this does not happen often.

Symbolic meaning of sleep

Usually, falling through the ice predicts troubles, illness, deterioration of your health and big troubles. Some people dream of drowning in icy water in a dream of mortal danger. And it’s good if in a dream you were able to get out of the pond and not die.

Sometimes such dream scenes occur before accidents, catastrophes, or major troubles. Therefore, in everyday life, try to be careful, especially when driving. If the unpleasant dream does not come true, proceed to the symbolic interpretation of the dream.

Why dream of falling through thin ice in a puddle or small hole and getting your feet wet? This dream means that you may lose in a dangerous business or a cold will prevent you from realizing your plans. Some people dream of a dream to gain insight or sober up.

The dream book writes that you may become disappointed in a person and discover an unpleasant truth. If you feel like there is a frozen river in front of you and you have fallen into it, this is a bad sign.

A shallow hole at the very beginning of the journey means that a minor nuisance will avoid a serious danger to life.

And if you find yourself in cold water in the very middle of the river, then the dream predicts a more serious disaster.

Sailing along it to save a friend or just a stranger is a bad sign. The modern dream book writes that you yourself may find yourself in a risky situation if you do not calculate your own strengths. Sometimes such a plot means addiction, especially alcohol addiction.

Drowning in the sea or river is a mortal danger. But for some people, the dream predicts lung disease. If someone is trying to save you, this is a good sign. Especially when I managed to get out of the water.

Winter pond

A frozen lake, river or sea means a road, a risky business, or an attempt to win the sympathy of a loved one, despite his coldness and suffering. Sometimes the plot suggests that there is a hidden danger or risk in the chosen business.

Falling into cold water means failure in a risky venture, trouble, disappointment. To be saved by swimming in an icy lake or sea is a great success, despite all the difficulties. If you managed to get out of the water unscathed, this is a good sign.

The dream book writes that such a dream means surprise, a favorable combination of circumstances, despite all the difficulties. If you were able to not only dry out, but also warm up by the fire, then in reality you, in addition to passing the black obstacle course, will also achieve unexpected success.

If you tried to cross the ice in a car and see how you fell through with it, this is a bad sign. The dream book writes that you can find yourself in an extremely unpleasant situation. The plot predicts failure in a risky business, journey or trip.

If the car began to become covered with an icy crust, but you managed to get out of it, this is a sign of unexpected luck, even if everything around you is bad. The same thing means a dream if a friend fell through the ice, but was able to get out.

If the snowmobile disappears and begins to sink, beware of danger in the business that was considered safe. Try to give up a risky trip or journey at least for a while. Especially if not only strangers died, but also your husband and child.

If an unknown person drowned, then the plot predicts big troubles and illnesses for you. Some people dream of a vision as a sign of good luck, especially if you recognize your enemy or competitor in the drowned man.

Ice in a dream is a symbol of frozen emotions and relationships. If you dreamed about it out of season, then serious life changes are coming. Why else do you dream about this slippery dream sign? Dream Interpretations will consider various options.

According to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream about ice in general? The dream book believes that it promises the dreamer various disasters. It is possible that malicious people will interfere with the implementation of plans. Have you ever seen ice floating along a clear river in a dream? Because of other people's envy, your own happiness will be destroyed.

Did you dream that you were walking on slippery ice? This means that you risk succumbing to temptation, suffering from your own actions, harmful inclinations. If the indicated plot appeared to a young girl, then the dream book believes that only one wrong step separates her from dishonor and shame.

According to a collection of dream books

Why do you dream about very thin ice that you happened to walk on in a dream? In reality, you will find yourself in a dangerous situation or deliberately take risks. Did you dream about sliding on the ice, afraid to fall? The dream book prophesies: in reality you will experience serious uncertainty and instability.

In addition, ice in a dream symbolizes an abundance of difficulties and troubles, marks a period of failures, problems that cannot be resolved, or literally a frozen situation. You can see ice before attacks from evil people. If you dreamed about walking on ice, then the dream book believes that you may lose the respect or favor of an important person.

Why else do you dream about ice? There will be a cooling in a love relationship, which can lead to a complete break. Ice in a dream hints at empty hopes and unfulfilled promises. However, another interpretation of the dream promises a happy meeting, after which life will change for the better.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Why do you dream if you happen to make ice in the refrigerator? Due to excessive conceit or curiosity, you will experience failure. You can simply see ice before material damage, the loss of a good friend, or difficulties in love.

Did you see ice on the river? There has been a serious delay in business. Walking on a body of water covered with ice means that you will become a participant in a risky enterprise that will bring significant profit. Have you had any luck skating on ice in your dream? The dream book predicts the loss of a job or something that you value very much.

Why do you dream of an ice hole? Spend effort to achieve a dream that is obviously impossible to realize. Doing it yourself means great fear. Did you see the ice gradually melting? A very troublesome matter will soon move forward and ultimately turn into wealth and prosperity.

Did you dream about chewing or sucking ice? The dream book promises bad news from distant relatives. If in a dream you were defrosting a refrigerator and a large piece of ice fell, then impatience will cause a major failure.

According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why do you dream about ice? In a dream, it reflects coldness and restraint. If you dreamed of ice shimmering beautifully in the sun, then you will achieve success thanks to patience and concentration. A whole mountain of dirty ice marks a cooling of relationships or a loss of interest in a business or a person. Melting ice, according to the dream book, is a positive sign indicating a noticeable improvement in the situation.

Why do you dream about ice on a river or lake?

Did you dream about very thin ice on a river or lake that you happened to be walking on? You are on the verge of a material and spiritual crisis and only a very thin line separates you from complete destruction. Did you imagine how the ice suddenly began to melt quickly in a dream? In reality, you will be surprised by the too warm and clearly out of place attitude of others.

Seeing a lot of ice blocks on the river means that a whole series of troubles and obstacles are approaching. If you dreamed of a spring ice drift, then the planned enterprise will bring good luck and money. However, another interpretation of the dream promises completely opposite events: after a particularly successful period, get ready for total bad luck and multiple defeats.

What does ice on the road, under your feet symbolize?

Did you dream about very slippery ice on the road? In real life, you will find yourself exactly in the middle between two people who are unfriendly to each other. The same plot reflects the wrong path, the goal. If the ice under your feet suddenly breaks or cracks, but you manage to jump away, you will miraculously avoid trouble. If you fall through the ice, then prepare for the worst.

Why else do you dream about ice on the road? If a woman happens to slip on it, then she will be able to melt the heart of a man who previously fiercely hated the entire female sex. Have you ever seen a car slipping on ice? A difficult period is coming, but after overcoming it, you will no longer become irritated by little things and will live quite happily.

Ice in a dream – a few more meanings

Did you dream that walking on ice kept you in constant tension? Prepare for increased mental or nervous stress. If in a dream you constantly fell on bare ice, then you are afraid of change, are unsure of yourself, or are too self-critical, all of which obviously leads to failure. Besides:

  • eat – cooling strong emotions
  • sucking is cheating
  • break - profit, benefit
  • stabbing - a violent solution to the problem
  • drowning - chores that will bring money
  • making an ice hole is a risky but profitable business
  • getting out of the river onto the ice - improving things
  • walking is danger
  • fall - love, risk
  • cross the ice - life will get better
  • broke under your feet - failure, trouble
  • a lot of ice - peace of mind, relaxation
  • big piece - hard work, danger
  • in the house - misfortune
  • pure – good health, endurance
  • dirty - irritability, illness

Have you seen ice in the ocean that can easily be broken by a modern icebreaker? Get ready: the end of a favorable period has come, only troubles, obstacles and hardships lie ahead.