Spotted eublefar morph. Eublefar in the home terrarium. What does eublefar eat

Novice hobbyists often ask: "What are eublefar morphs"? In this article, we will get acquainted with this concept, and also tell you about the amazing variety of these cute creatures - leopard geckos.

So what are eublefar morphs?

A morph (from other Greek μορφή - form) is a group of animals of the same species (population) that differ from other groups in this population by some specific external features (phenotype). Such a difference can be not only in body color, spots, body shape, etc., but also in the behavior of animals.

Eublefar morphs are distinct in appearance and inherited certain signs or a set of signs of leopard geckos. For example, different colors, the presence or absence of spots, and so on. These morphs are maintained within certain animal breeding lines. Those. in order for you to get babies of the same morph when breeding, you need to have parents from one such line that has the genes responsible for ensuring that the offspring get a certain color.
You can learn more about how different morphs of eublefars are displayed

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Currently, there are already hundreds of different breeding lines of eublefars. Some of them are more famous, some are not. Each breeder can try to develop their own morph. Although this is not a very simple, but interesting and useful activity for the entire community of animal lovers.

Description of the main lines of eublefars, see our

The most common morphs of eublefars in our country

Normal (Normal) - the ancestor (ca) of all morphs (what it all started with). Normals are eublefares with natural coloration, an abundance of black spots on a yellow background, the tail is most often white with spots, juvenile (children's) coloration is black and yellow transverse stripes.

HighYellow (High Yellow) - very similar to Normal, but their body has a rich yellow color and fewer black dots on the body. This is a derived morph. Juvenile coloring is no different from Normal babies, teenagers become brighter and gain their main color by the year.

Ideal black phenotype

Black Night is a line of Hyper Melanistic leopard geckos that has been developed for a long time by Ferry Zuurmond from Nedelade. Judging by various English-language sites, the work has been going on for 15-20 years.
Selection is carried out by the method of polygenesis, which subsequently made it possible to obtain this color.

Currently, they are in some collections of foreign breeders, such as Sunsetgeckos and LM leopardgeckos, Steve Sykes of geckosetc, and Ferry Zuurmond themselves.

Today, one of the most expensive eublefar morphs on the European market - the price for one dark individual ranges from 2000 euros. Completely black individuals can cost significantly more.

Lighter ones can be found much cheaper from less famous breeders, but such animals are usually sorted out rather quickly.

In Russia, at the end of 2018, there was only one individual (female) that lives in my collection. She is just a light phenotype and she is small. I will not be fully working on the project soon, as she needs to grow up. You can see photos and videos that will certainly be in my group.

Also, from the middle of 2019 they can be bought in Russia, but the pleasure is still not cheap, besides me I know 5 more people who have them. So there will be breedings in the future, especially since in May 2019 I also bought myself a male of this morph, but from a different breeder.

Our Baby Black Night morphs

Ferry Zuurmond periodically brings them to foreign exhibitions such as the one that takes place in the city of Hamm (Germany). Also, they can be seen already in many other breeders.

In Russia, a number of breeders have been working on creating a melanistic line, so far only slightly darker geckos have been produced within their own lines. But so far, no updates on this project have been found, and the breeders themselves recognize the project (removal from scratch) is not particularly profitable.

Ferry Zuurmond himself wrote that Black Night has a polygenic type of inheritance and more successful colors were achieved by crossing darker geckos with geckos of the Patterless line (who would have thought, we just tried to sell Patternless under the guise of Black Night because they have the property of getting dark when cold or in a bad mood).

It is worth recalling that the selection process from the developers of this line took about 15 years. Just by crossing 2 normals you will not get Black Night, even using the so-called tutorials that you can find on the net.

Before Rostislav brought me a baby of this morph, we could meet only dark Normals, Hippo and Patterless, but they will not be Blake Knight for obvious reasons.

Sometimes melanists come across, randomly appearing in different lines. But as I wrote above, it was not possible to fix the black color. No one was particularly involved. It's still hard to say what will happen to me. But a start has been made.

Black Night morph colors

The color of Black Night varies from dark brown with a lot of spots to completely black with a velvety sheen. The eyes of animals of the normal type are gray, sometimes with a blue tint. Babies are born similarly to Normals (Natural color) or black, with some gray flecks.

THOSE. Phenotypically this is a very dark Normal. In fact, the situation here is the same as with tangerines, electricians and other morphs that have a cumulative effect in colors.

Black Night morph geckos tend to darken with age. The photo shows an animal of one of the foreign breeders, at different ages. According to him, even animals of a light phenotype become significantly darker over time.

According to him, when such a baby is born, he has a drawing by 99.9999%.

According to the breeder, they are all the same gecko.

This can be confirmed by other breeders such as Sunsetgeckos. For example, a male named Othello. It also darkened with age.

About a year old

Over 2 years of age

But it also happens the other way around, for example, their breeding is a female named Vesper, who was dark at birth, but became lighter with age.

Vesper juvenile color

Vesper over a year old

The conclusions are quite interesting. It is worth noting that those same super black specimens, the photos of which are full of RuNet, are for the most part the most successful photographs of the same animals with the most successful phenotype or taken in low light.

The morph is certainly very interesting, but you should be aware that this morph is based on the Normal phenotype, and has almost all of its characteristics, and that even a black gecko in a juvenile color can turn into lighter shades with age and vice versa, respectively, from light to dark.

You can follow the Black Night project on Facebook Ferry Zuurmond -.

Photo of Eublefar morphs Black Night

Juvenile (children's) color Black Night. This is exactly what the babies of this morph look like.

Black night - juvenile color, photo of a breeder from Madrid.

Black Night - juvenile color, photo of a breeder from Madrid.

Normal het Black Night. This is how the "Light form" of Black Night eublefars looks like. The photo is of a male. He reminds us of someone, doesn't he?)

Eublefar female Black Night

Actually, above are some fresh photos of 2018 just from a breeder from Holland. He brings to the exhibition in Hamm for free, and can provide a document that this is exactly the Black Night line that he brought out.

What are polygenics

Since Black Night is a designer morph that has a polygenic type of inheritance, it is worth separately analyzing what it is.

polygenic- this is a type of inheritance that is controlled by several pairs of non-allelic genes, i.e. One trait, multiple genes.

Non-allelic genes are genes that are located in different pairs of chromosomes or in different loci of homologous chromosomes and are responsible for the development of one or more traits.

The lines of leopard geckos with a polygenic type of inheritance include:

Carrot head

Also, I met the theory that when crossing several different lines of albino, albinism is lost, and melanin is strengthened. But it is considered not professional, because. with such crossing, the distinctive features of different morphs are smeared and then again it is difficult to isolate and distinguish them from each other.

My project

In this section, I will write my observations and conclusions regarding this morph. Ferry Zurmond wrote that even from a light pair, dark offspring can be obtained, the only question is the cumulative sign and time.

Briefly, what can be said reliably:

  • This color has a Cumulative character according to the general data on the genetics of these animals.
  • Black Knight has a phenotype of two types:
    Dark (ideal or close to ideal and rare phenotype) - not available to us because of its cosmic cost.
    Normals (natural color with increased melanin) - animals that have the characteristic features of any other Normals, affordable, it is more realistic to bring them, since prices are many times lower, but you need to monitor offers. They are often darker than normal normals, but can also be light. And pure black they get with age not become with a fairly high probability, since it depends on the individual.

So far, only 2 types of coloring are available to us - for well-founded reasons.

Project "Melanistic"

In the freezing stage. While I collect observations and select a male. It's too early to talk about results. (I can’t say at all whether black ones will turn out at all - in 2019 there will definitely be no breedings with this animal.)

So, at the end of 2018 I received this animal, see the photo below. This is a female.

Conditionally, for now the project will be called "Melanistic". Also, if I see strong differences from what I managed to find about the Black Night morph on foreign resources, then I will rewrite the article.

So far, specifically in my animal, I see a tendency to chameleon, depending on mood and satiety. Those. after feeding, she becomes a couple of tones lighter. As it grows, I will add something here.

And this is a photo of her parents sent by the breeder.

Update: May 2019

I bought myself a male morph Black Night. Zhrem and Rostem. Theoretically, it should be ready for the 2020 season. Stay tuned.

Black Night collection update 2019

Black Night collection update 2019

Spotted leopard eublefar (lat. Eublepharis macularius)- insectivorous lizard of the family Eublefaraceae. The homeland of spotted eublefars are the countries of South and Central Asia: India, Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as Iran. This lizard inhabits rocky foothills, dry and semi-dry steppes and woodlands. Currently, the species is massively kept and bred in captivity, being one of the most popular terrarium animals, especially among beginners.

Brief description of the spotted eublefar
Spotted eublefaras are relatively small lizards, the length of their body, together with the tail, reaches 25-30 cm. They got their name due to the characteristic spotted color. In addition to the spots, the resemblance to the formidable predator eublefar is given by its amazing eyes: cat-like elongated and unusually expressive for a reptile.

The natural color of eublefars is dominated by gray and yellow tones. However, with the help of selection, more than a hundred different morphs - color variations of the gecko have been bred to date. It should be remembered that eublefar is one of those lizards that can drop their tail when stressed. After some time, the lizard acquires a replacement for the lost part of the body, but the new tail is always somewhat smaller than the original one.

Spotted eublefars lead a terrestrial lifestyle, however, they happily climb the walls of the terrarium in the presence of decorative backgrounds with ledges and shelves. The peak of their activity falls on twilight and night.

Keeping a spotted eublefar at home
For a comfortable stay, eublefar requires a horizontal or cubic terrarium. One medium-sized lizard will have enough space in the terrarium. When keeping a colony of one male and several females, a larger terrarium with many shelters will be required so that the animals are not forced to compete for them.

In a terrarium with a eublefar, you need to equip a heating zone and a cold corner. This is necessary so that the lizard can regulate its own body temperature. In a warm corner, the temperature should be + 30-32 ° C. Since eublefar is a crepuscular animal, it does not require intense ultraviolet baths.

These semi-desert reptiles also do not need high humidity, however, eublefars should always have access to fresh drinking water. The water bowl should be heavy enough so that the reptile cannot turn it over and cause a flood. Eublefar also needs a wet chamber - a special shelter with moist soil in which the lizard will molt. Without such a shelter, the gecko may have problems with molting.

Large pebbles and artificial grass mats are suitable as soil. Sand can be used with caution: geckos often swallow it with food, which can lead to digestive problems and even death of the lizard. Therefore, when using eublefar sand, it is necessary to feed exclusively with.

Finally, the terrarium should be equipped with various shelters in which the eublefar will hide when he gets tired of everyone's attention. The embossed rear wall in the terrarium will allow the gecko to make better use of the space of its dwelling and stimulate its motor activity.

Feeding spotted eublefars
In the menu of these insectivorous lizards, you can include almost any food insects:, and