The story of aquatic dangerous fish in the world. The most dangerous fish in the world (4 photos). Dangerous fish of the world

Moreover, these are not poisonous fish that inject their toxins into the body of the victim, but mainly those that attack and infect living beings with physical force and a powerful bite. So what are the most dangerous fish in the world?


Candiru penetrates a person and extends the short spikes on the gills to gain a foothold inside the organs and suck up blood. This leads to inflammation, hemorrhage and even death of the victim. Fish is difficult to remove from the body, even with surgery.

tiger fish

The tiger fish is the most dangerous fish in Africa; it is a predator with large sharp 5 cm teeth and dark vertical stripes on the body. They hunt in packs for large animals, destroy prey in a couple of seconds. The two largest species of this fish are the common tiger fish, which reaches a mass of up to 15 kg and lives in the rivers of Africa: Lualaba and Zambezi; Tiger goliath fish, which reaches up to 2 meters in length, more than 50 kg in weight and lives in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River;

Tiger goliath fish - extremely fast in pursuit of prey, her speed is 100 km/h. She has good long-range vision and excellent hearing, which makes it easy to find prey from several kilometers.

The largest predatory fish in the world

The great white shark is the largest predatory fish in the world, which lives in cool coastal ocean waters. Adults grow up to 4.5-6.4 m in length and weigh 700-1100 kg. They have massive jaws, gray bodies and a white underbelly (hence the name), powerful tails that help them reach speeds in excess of 40 km/h. The white shark has an extremely precise sense of smell and a special organ for detecting electromagnetic radiation from animals. They are able to detect even the smallest amount of blood from a distance of up to 5 km..

The great white shark has more than 300 sharp teeth 8 cm long, which are aligned in several rows and combine to form a scissor bite.

These ferocious carnivorous fish eat sea lions, seals, whales, and sea turtles. The unprovoked and often fatal attacks of the white shark on people are known, which is the reason for its other names - “man-eating shark”, “white death”. Of the more than 100 shark attacks that occur each year, between one third and half are great white shark attacks. The great white shark inflicts one bite on its prey and then retreats.

The electric eel is a long, flattened-headed predatory fish that lives in the Amazon, Orinoco, and other freshwater rivers in South America. It grows up to 3 meters in length, weighs up to 22 kg, has a gray-brown color and yellow on the underside. The electric eel lives in murky, stagnant water, coming to the surface every few minutes to breathe through its mouth.

This fish is very dangerous because it produces an electric current (hence the name of the fish) up to 600 volts to protect against predators or to stun food. This charge of electric current is sufficient to kill a person or other living creature (horse, crocodile, etc.).

Prey on invertebrates, fish and small mammals. Electric shock in humans causes temporary paralysis, respiratory or heart attack, which can lead to drowning.

The most dangerous fish in the world

Piranha is the most dangerous fish in South America and the whole world due to strong sharp triangular teeth, powerful jaws and group hunting. Piranha is found in the Amazon basin, and is also common in the Orinoco and other South American freshwater rivers. There are more than 60 types of piranha, most of which grow up to 50 cm in length, weigh an average of up to 1 kg and vary in color from silver with an orange underbelly to black.

Piranhas attack crustaceans and other fish; dangerous to people. These predators go hunting in schools of about 100 fish to catch large prey. A flock of piranhas destroys an animal weighing 50 kg in a couple of minutes. These ferocious aggressive predators are also capable of killing deadly fish and even whales. The bite force of a piranha is 25-30 times its body weight. Piranha stings cause severe bleeding and pain.

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Electric eel is a fish from the hymniform order, the only species of the genus Electrophorus. Despite the resemblance, it is not related to real eels. They inhabit the rivers of the northeastern part of South America and the tributaries of the middle and lower reaches of the Amazon.

Interesting in the structure of electric eels are the electric organs, which occupy about 4/5 of the length of the body. The eel generates a discharge with a voltage of up to 1300 V and a current of up to 1 A. The positive charge is in the front of the body, the negative one is in the back. Electric organs are used by eels to protect themselves from enemies and to paralyze their prey, which are mainly small fish. There is also an additional electric organ that plays the role of a locator. An electric shock from an adult electric eel can stun a horse.

The tiger fish is the most dangerous fish in Africa. This is a predator with large sharp 5 cm teeth and dark vertical stripes on the body. They hunt in packs for large animals, destroy prey in a couple of seconds. The two largest species of this fish are the common tiger fish, which reaches a mass of up to 15 kg and lives in the rivers of Africa: Lualaba and Zambezi; Tiger goliath fish, which reaches up to 2 meters in length, more than 50 kg in weight and lives in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River

Piranha is the most dangerous fish in South America and the whole world due to strong sharp triangular teeth, powerful jaws and group hunting. Piranha is found in the Amazon basin, and is also common in the Orinoco and other South American freshwater rivers. There are more than 60 species of piranha, most of which grow up to 50 cm in length, weighing an average of up to 1 kg. Piranhas attack crustaceans and other fish and are dangerous to humans. These predators go hunting in schools of about 100 fish to catch large prey. A flock of piranhas destroys an animal weighing 50 kg in a couple of minutes. These ferocious aggressive predators are also capable of killing deadly fish and even whales. The bite force of a piranha is 25-30 times its body weight. Piranha stings cause severe bleeding and pain.

Candiru penetrates a person and extends the short spikes on the gills to gain a foothold inside the organs and suck up blood. This leads to inflammation, hemorrhage and even death of the victim. Fish is difficult to remove from the body, even with surgery.

27.04.2016 at 22:34 · pavlofox · 13 180

The most dangerous fish in the world



It ranks ninth among the most dangerous fish in the world. Small fish from Brazil and South America are able to cope with even the largest prey in a short time, leaving only a skeleton of it. They are very voracious, so they choose water bodies that abound with fish and other living creatures. Otherwise, the predator is called as "toothy devil." An individual reaches no more than 30 centimeters in length and 1 kilogram in weight. It has very sharp teeth and well-developed jaws that allow it to deal with any flesh. The danger for humans lies in the fact that they are able to attack in huge flocks, and it becomes impossible to deal with them alone.


It occupies the eighth line in the list of the most dangerous fish in the world. An inhabitant of water expanses, reaching a length of 7 meters and armed with a 3-meter nose, does not intentionally harm a person. But due to poor eyesight and the protection of their territory, attacks are known. The sawfish is very nimble with its tool, turning the flesh of any creature into a bloody mess. The animal is very well camouflaged in the water and sometimes it is difficult to immediately notice it. The species is on the verge of extinction, therefore they are under protection.


It occupies the seventh position among the most dangerous fish in the world. Adults can reach a length of 180 centimeters, and weight can be 30 kilograms. They have a diamond shape. This species lives at a sufficiently large depth, so that scuba divers and researchers of the underwater world can most often meet them. Pintail rays are peaceful creatures. However, if you stumble upon this fish by carelessness, it can bite into the poisonous sting that is on the tail. In this case, a person experiences a very strong pain shock.

6. Brown puffer

The most dangerous in the world is puffer fish, used in national Japanese cuisine. Belongs to the pufferfish family. The potential danger to humans lies in the consumption of this fish. Fugu has a tender and tasty fillet. But organs such as skin, liver or caviar are unsuitable for food, as they contain the lion's share of toxins, which, if ingested, lead to paralysis and death. An improperly prepared puffer dish can be fatal to a person's life.


One of the five most dangerous fish in the world. The body of a predator can reach 2 meters in length, and in weight the barracuda can gain up to 50 kilograms. The fish has a torpedo-shaped body with a greenish tinge. The jaws are equipped with powerful teeth that grow up to 7 centimeters. With their help, a large barracuda easily tears off pieces of flesh from prey. Young animals prefer to hunt in packs, but adults attack mainly one by one. Predators are very attracted to metallic shiny objects. Therefore, there is a potential risk of an attack on a person if the fish notices a sparkling decoration on the body. You can meet barracuda near the Caribbean, in the Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea. Rarely found in the Indian Ocean, Malaysia and Indonesia.


Included in the top ten most dangerous species. It is also considered the most poisonous in the world. It got its name because of the similarity with the stone. It is very difficult to notice it among other pitfalls and coral reefs, as it merges with them. She has 12 very sharp spikes on her back that can even pierce a scuba diver's shoes. If you step on a fish, it instantly injects its poison into the wound formed by the thorns. The pain shock is so strong that a person can die immediately, choking in the water. If medical assistance is not provided to the victim within the first two hours, he will die.


Unlocks the top three most dangerous fish in the world. It is a relative of catfish. Its danger to humans and any other living creature lies in the fact that the eel's body has a discharge of 550 volts, which is fatal. Death from contact with the body of a fish occurs instantly. An electric shock to an animal can stun even an adult horse. You can't take a fish like that with bare hands. These predators do not have to use their jaws to capture prey. It is enough to strike with the body so that the victim is killed. Electric eels can be up to 3 meters long and weigh up to 40 kilograms. A dangerous creature lives in the Amazon and South America.


It ranks second in the ranking of the most dangerous fish in the world. The predator can live both at great depths and in shallow water. The shark has a torpedo-shaped body, painted in gray or blue. She has very developed jaws. Up to 3 thousand teeth are placed in the oral cavity of a living hulk. Olfactory receptors are so well developed in a predator that he is able to smell a drop of blood diluted in a hundred liters of water. It is not uncommon for this shark to attack humans. Currently, the species is on the verge of extinction, therefore it is protected by the defenders of the ecosystem.

1 Bull shark

Leads the ranking of the most dangerous fish in the world. It belongs to the most aggressive species of sharks. The animal attacks many marine life, including dolphins. The predator has very powerful and developed jaws, which are superior in bite force to any predator. The shark reaches gigantic sizes in growth: the body length ranges from 2-4 meters, and the weight is up to 250 kg. It can live in both fresh and salt waters. Therefore, these fish often penetrate into rivers and reach lakes. Bull sharks have been recorded in the Missouri, Kentucky and Illionis rivers.

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This little fish managed to acquire several myths. It feeds on blood from the gills of larger fish. To do this, the candiru penetrates inside, holding in place with the help of spikes and damaging the blood vessels. Some sources claim that the fish finds its prey by the smell of ammonia. Others are sure that the candiru is looking for victims with the help of vision. The saying that this fish can jump out of the water and get into the human genitals is a myth.

It is also controversial that fish can get inside a person when he is in the water. This is stated by the scientist Stephen Spot in the book "Kandiru: about the life and legends of blood-sucking catfish." But this does not mean that in the waters of the Amazon you can relax and visit the river without underwear and safety precautions. There are plenty of other animals that can cause a lot of trouble, and one of them is presented below. Be that as it may, Wandellia is included in the ranking - top 10 most dangerous fish in the world.


Despite their small size and kinship with carps, piranhas keep almost all the inhabitants of the Amazon at bay. They can even eat a crocodile, the most experienced of which retreat from this fish, turning over and exposing the most protected part. They choose reservoirs with a rich content of living creatures, because they are very voracious. A drop of blood in the water attracts their attention from miles away. Not many deaths from piranha teeth have been officially recorded, but the number of people they have turned into invalids is very large. But piranhas also have their own predator. Locals catch them with fishing rods, caimans hunt them in the river. Yes, and getting on the tooth of their fellow tribesmen is easy for them.


This fish specifically does not prey on humans. She lacks other inhabitants of the sea. Her saw performs the function of a kind of locator, is used for loosening the soil and shows itself well in defense and attack. Yes, and these fish are predominantly nocturnal. But if it seems to the sawfish that a person is trying to attack her or she confuses him with an animal, he will not be in trouble. The rostrum is covered with mutated scales, which inflicts horrific lacerations. The fish is on the red list of endangered species and trade is prohibited.


These fish can harm a person only if he himself forces them. This usually happens if they are stepped on by negligence. They lead a bottom lifestyle and are well camouflaged. If their sting hurts a leg or arm, they can get off relatively easily. But if it hits the body or head, the risk of death increases significantly. This is how famed host Steve Irwin died when he was stabbed in the chest by a pintail.

6. Brown puffer or Fugu fish

A person consciously runs the risk of death in the case of this fish. It is a signature dish in many Japanese restaurants. Its use causes mild euphoria in people. Moreover, almost all parts of the fish are poisonous. Some of them are thrown away, others require special handling. A person not only needs to be trained and have the appropriate license, but also be able to provide first aid in order to cook fugu in a restaurant.

Previously, there was a custom according to which the cook had to eat it or make hara-kiri in case of poisoning a visitor. There is no antidote for the toxins of this fish; help is to maintain cardiac and respiratory activity. Since fish get poison with food, they recently learned how to grow an absolutely harmless puffer. But it has not been widely adopted. Gourmets want to tickle your nerves, and restaurants sell a dangerous dish at a higher price. Because of its venom, the brown puffer deservedly ranks among the 10 most dangerous fish in the world.


She attacks any living creature that is smaller than her size. Considering that its length reaches 2 meters, and its weight is 50 kg, the diet of the barracuda is varied. A person can also become a target for an attack, although this happens quite rarely. But it is for this reason that the barracuda is included in the list of the most dangerous fish on the planet. Even smaller relatives may be in her diet. The fish leads a solitary lifestyle, only young animals stray in flocks. It lives only in areas with clear water, as it relies heavily on sight during the hunt. On rare occasions, large barracudas may co-hunt schools of fish. They do not specifically attack people, in most cases divers provoke them themselves.


The wart leads a sedentary lifestyle and is very well camouflaged. You can also step on it on land, where it gets during the tides. The spikes that she raises in any danger easily pierce a person's shoes. She has been given a title, and the pain upon contact with her is such that some people want to cut off their stung limb. Pain shock can lead to the fact that a person simply chokes under water. If he gets out on land, applying a tourniquet and heating the bite site will help him a little, as this destroys the poison. But this can only slightly alleviate the situation, without timely medical care a person will die, and recovery can take months.


These fish are practically not afraid of other predators. Only young caimans sometimes, out of inexperience, attack them with disastrous consequences for themselves. The organs that produce electricity occupy 4/5 of the length of the body and allow them to strike at the right moment with a discharge of 300 to 1300 volts at a current strength of 1 ampere. Electrocution of an adult electric eel can stun a horse. Such a blow to a person can be fatal. Therefore, the electric eel is on the third line in the ranking of the most dangerous fish in the world. They also use their electrical organs as a locator. Electric eels can reach a length of up to 3 meters and a weight of up to 40 kg. The Indians got the hang of catching them, first launching a herd of cattle into their habitat. This fish is extremely unpretentious and survives in swamps with stagnant water, constantly swallowing air from the surface. They are often bred in large aquariums.


The most famous and largest member of the list. The size of an adult shark ranges from 4 to 5 meters. The largest of the reliably measured individuals was 6.1 meters long. The bite force of this fish loses to the crocodile, but the structure of the jaw and the sharpness of the teeth allow the white shark to literally tear off pieces even from larger animals. A common tactic when hunting a large animal is to surprise attack and bite, after which the shark waits for the prey to weaken. They also attack people. There is a theory that they do not do this on purpose, since they have a habit of biting everything incomprehensible. In addition, a shark can confuse a person in fins with the usual prey. Cases have been recorded when these fish attacked small vessels. But the man more than repaid them for 139 attacks recorded over 21 years. Today, the number of sharks has decreased significantly, in some countries they are protected by law.

1. Bull shark or gray bull shark

The most dangerous fish in the world The bull shark, also known as the bull shark. Official statistics are unable to reflect the real number of predator attacks on people. This is especially true of the bull shark. The halo of its habitat includes third world countries, where accounting is poorly set. Plus, it is often confused with other types of sharks. The combination of a number of factors makes it very dangerous for humans. Firstly, the body length reaches 4 meters and weight up to 400 kg. Secondly, she lives quietly in fresh water and often lives in reservoirs, near densely populated areas. A person can be deceived by her slowness and even some clumsiness, but if necessary, she develops great speed. She has the largest bite force among sharks and reaches 6000 Newtons, and before using her jaws, she can stun prey with a blow to her head. To this can be added absolutely unpredictable behavior and increased aggressiveness. Unlike other sharks, which may retreat when hit or rebuffed, active resistance from the prey can further anger the bull shark. Cases have been recorded when a gutted bull shark began to eat its own insides.

The most dangerous fish on the planet - Gray bull shark (bull shark or blunt shark) | Video

Widely distributed in central Africa. Tiger fish are the most dangerous freshwater fish in the world. The predator has large, razor-sharp teeth. Considered to be a larger and deadlier version of the piranha

They often hunt in packs and sometimes attack large animals. Attacks on humans are rare. The largest two species of fish are the Big Tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath) and the African Tigerfish (Hydrocyon vittatus). Large tigerfish can reach 110 pounds (50 kg) and are found in the Congo River and Lake Tanganyika. African tigerfish can weigh up to 33 pounds (15 kg) and are found in the Zambezi River system.

The Nile crocodile is distributed throughout much of Africa. This large reptile has earned a reputation as the most ferocious and deadly animal on the planet.
The male crocodile is usually 11.5 to 16 feet (3.5 to 5 meters) long, but specimens are known to exceed 18 feet (5.5 m) in length. Single crocodiles attack all living things that are smaller or equal in size to it. Sometimes Nile crocodiles hunt in a pack, then they can shoot down large animals such as hippos and rhinos. People die from the sharp teeth of the Nile crocodile, according to some estimates, the death rate reaches from several hundred to several thousand a year.
The ancient Egyptians feared and revered the crocodile, endowing it with mystical properties. Currently, large animals are hunted by poachers for their skin, although the measures taken to protect the reptiles have helped to stabilize their numbers.

Snakeheads are rare in the West, where there are fairly large populations of invasive fish species that have taken root there. After a random fisherman found a Northern snakehead in a Maryland pond in the US, it caused quite a media sensation. But biologists warn that this freshwater fish could easily establish itself in North America and cause irreparable damage to the ecosystem.

These predators are quite voracious and can reach a length of up to one meter. The objects of their hunting are usually all kinds of invertebrates, frogs and small fish.

Snakeheads can breathe outdoors and stay out of water for up to four days. These fish are able to survive much longer periods of drought while in the mud.

Article by Elisabeth Shogren, Los Angeles Times

On Tuesday, Secretary of the Interior Gail Gorton said the US government intends to exterminate the population of the snakehead, a fish with sharp teeth, a wolfish appetite and the ability to move on land.

Gale has proposed formally recognizing snakeheads (which have a variety of nicknames, including "Frankenfish", by analogy with Frankenstein) as "bad animals". In this case, they cannot be brought from abroad or transported from one state to another.

"These fish are like an animal from a horror movie," Norton said at a press conference. "These fish are one of the most feared predators. They devour almost everything that comes their way." If these fish continue to breed, she said, they will pose a threat to freshwater animals and destroy the ecological balance in the country's ponds, streams and rivers. Currently, 13 states have banned the keeping of this torpedo-shaped fish, which got its name from its huge head, at home.

The usual habitat of the snakehead is some areas of Africa and Asia. In seven US states, including California, scientists have found four species of this fish. In recent years, about 17,000 snakeheads have been officially imported into the country. Many Americans keep them at home as aquarium fish. Experts believe that someone released snakeheads into American waters, perhaps just to get rid of them, perhaps so that the snakehead would naturally reproduce and be caught.

In 1997, one snakehead was discovered in Silverwood Lake in the San Bernandino Mountains east of Los Angeles. According to Marshall Jones, Deputy Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, this is the only snakehead found in the state.

So far, large populations of snakeheads have been found only in Maryland and Florida.

Last year, an actively breeding population of oxeye snakehead was discovered in Broward County, Florida. This is the largest subspecies of the snakehead, reaching 120 cm in length and weighing up to 20 kg.

In June, an angler caught a snakehead in a Maryland pond and showed a photo of it to state officials. So far, two adult fish and about 100 fry have been found in the same pond. Maryland authorities are worried that the fish can multiply rapidly. According to Zhrik Schwaab, head of Maryend's Department of Natural Resources, the authorities are going to venom the snakeheads in the pond.

Schwaab said that if the snakehead population is allowed to roam outside the pond, it will be very difficult to exterminate them. This is a very tenacious fish that breeds very quickly.

Currently, the snakehead is freely available in the markets and in some restaurants in Boston and New York. Snakeheads can live without water, so they are easy to transport on planes. Apparently this is one of the reasons why so many of these fish have recently appeared in the USA.

This amazing fish can go without water for three days because it can breathe air. It devours other fish, marine animals, birds, and some mammals.

It is believed that snakeheads are monogamous and diligently guard fry. According to Norton, there have even been reports from Asia that snakeheads can attack people if their offspring are in danger.

Authorities have asked the public to help prevent the snakehead from entering the country's rivers and lakes. Anyone who would like to get rid of the snakehead must either contact the authorities or kill the fish by putting it in the freezer.

This is a freshwater turtle that lives in the Amazon and Orinoco basins in South America. These strange animals prefer to live in freshwater areas with shallow, stagnant water so that they can safely stick their heads out of the water to breathe.

The mass of the animal can reach 15 kilograms, which is quite a lot for a turtle. They feed on invertebrates and fish and pose no danger to humans despite their strange appearance.

Mata Mata are quite whimsical about water quality, so environmental pollution for these animals is especially noticeable.

The electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) lives in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, where they hunt prey and protect themselves by generating a powerful blast of electricity.
Electric eels breathe air by rising to the surface of the water and taking a sip. Thanks to specialized internal organs, a positive charge is in the front of the body, a negative one in the back. The electric charge can be over 500 volts, enough to kill a grown man.
Electric eels primarily prey on invertebrates, although adults consume fish and small mammals. They attack a person if only they are disturbed. As a rule, they live in muddy stagnant water.

Such large catfish live in almost all the rivers of the world, performing the role of scavengers there. The largest among the giant catfish is the Mekong catfish. The largest specimen of this species weighed about 300 kg and was 3.2 meters long. The Mekong catfish is now on the verge of extinction due to habitat degradation, but conservation efforts are ongoing.

Despite their impressive size, giant catfish rarely pose a danger to humans. The life span of these giant fish can reach 60 years.

It is the only spider in the world that spends its entire life underwater. Like other insects, the silverfish breathes air, but it is provided not by the surrounding land environment, but by the air bubble that the animal forms around itself. From time to time, the bubble must be replenished with oxygen, for which the spider floats to the surface, but in fact the entire life of the animal passes under water.

Serebryanka is found in Central Europe and Northern Asia. The bite of a spider is quite dangerous, but not fatal, it can only cause a fever.

Anaconda is the largest snake on the planet. These animals live in the swampy regions of South America. It is assumed that the word "anaconda" from Tamil is translated as "killer of elephants", which alludes to the rather impressive reputation of the snake among this people.

Anacondas feed on fish, birds, and small mammals. They can be dangerous to humans, but intentional predation is extremely rare.

Animals live mostly in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, where they can reach enormous sizes (about 5 meters in length and up to 600 kilograms in weight). Little is known about these creatures, including their approximate global population and whether they are found in salt water.

The freshwater stingray is hard to see as it often buries itself in river mud. They prey on shellfish and crabs, hitting them with electrical impulses. There were cases of attacks on large animals, as well as capsizing of boats, but no attacks on people were recorded.

Payara, or vampire fish

You can see this fish in the bazaars in Pevas, Peru and the Amazon. The local population greatly appreciates this creepy-looking fish for its meat.

Vampire fish prey on small fish, including the equally intimidating piranha. Long fangs are used as weapons, which in some individuals reach 6 inches in length.

Moreover, over the past hundred years, there have been reports that these animals have caused significant harm to human health, getting into his urethra while bathing.

These, albeit small, fish have gained quite a lot of fame due to their sharp teeth, gluttony and aggressiveness. Fish live in the basins of large rivers in South America. Cases of attacks on humans are quite rare, but who among us has not heard about how big fans of meat piranhas are?

Theodore Roosevelt, during his visit to Brazil, was amazed by the spectacle that the host arranged for him: piranhas gnawed a cow carcass to the bone in a matter of seconds. However, these toothy creatures are very beneficial to the ecosystem. Being scavengers, they cleanse the water of dead flesh, providing normal living conditions for other species.

Goliath tarantula

It is the second largest spider in the world and belongs to the tarantula family. It got its terrible name from Victorian explorers who saw it eating hummingbirds.

These large spiders are found in northern South America and can grow up to 12 inches in size. Traditionally for spiders, female tarantulas eat their "husbands" after mating. Males live from 3 to 6 years, while females are long-lived: their life expectancy is from 15 to 25 years.

Despite their characteristic name, tarantulas rarely eat birds. Their main prey are invertebrates and some vertebrates. Spiders are not dangerous to humans, but they have their own methods of protection. The insect may sting (the sting resembles that of a wasp), and the hairs with irritating liquid may cause reddening of the skin.