A solution of garlic from pests. Infusions of garlic to protect plants from pests and diseases. Infusion of garlic pulp

Hello dear friends

Most summer cottages have their own garden, where diligent owners grow organic vegetables and berries. One of the most useful vegetable crops used to protect most plants from pests and diseases is garlic. Let's talk about how to use garlic arrows in the garden for the benefit of plants.

Due to the phytoncides released into the air and strong esters, an invisible barrier is created for harmful insects. Of particular benefit is winter. Its seedlings appear first after the snow melts and the soil warms up to positive temperatures.

Breaking arrows - a way to increase the yield of garlic

And at the beginning of summer, seedlings throw out an arrow twisted into a spiral, at the end of which they ripen. Experienced vegetable growers must carry out the procedure for their removal after the length of the arrow exceeds 10 cm.

This is necessary in order to prevent inefficient consumption of nutrients. juices directed by the bush for the ripening of seeds. After breaking out the arrows, all valuable components are spent by the plant on the heads that form in the ground. Thus, pruning peduncles leads to an increase in the size of the bulbs, which favorably affects the yield.

Plant residues obtained after this event are used for culinary purposes (garlic shoots are fried, pickled, salted), put into compost, which improves the composition of the future fertilizer and sanitizes it, or they are used to prepare biological insecticides and fungicides for processing other crops.

The benefits of garlic for the site

The infusion, which has antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, repellent and antiviral properties, is effective against the following diseases: late blight, blackleg, scab, powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust, leaf spot, brown rot, etc.

Preparation and use of infusions from garlic arrows

To get a solution for spraying plants from diseases and pests, it is enough to fill the bucket with finely chopped arrows or pulp by 1/5, pour warm settled water to the top, cover the container with a lid and let it brew for 48 hours at room temperature. The filtered liquid is poured into any spray bottle and used for plant treatments.

Since garlic infusion is not synthetic pesticides, several treatments (from 3 to 7) are required for the entire growing season of plants. The intervals between them depend on the type of pest or disease and can range from 3 days to 2 weeks. But such irrigation is completely safe for the environment, does not lead to the accumulation of toxic substances, which makes it possible to spray plantations during the period of active fruiting.

Many summer residents treat tomatoes with garlic extract throughout the season for purposes, and such treatments can protect cucumbers and other pumpkin crops from fungal and bacterial diseases.

Don't throw away the garlic cloves once removed from the beds. They can become effective and completely free raw materials for the independent production of safe means of protecting your plantings! See you!

Garlic is a plant of exceptional value. It is useful not only for human health. Seasoned gardeners know that garlic can help protect plants from a range of diseases and insect pests. What is the reason for this property and how to prepare an infusion (recipe) of garlic for processing plants is described in this article.

Biochemical composition of garlic

The better the garlic ripens, the more valuable elements it contains. Biochemical analyzes reveal the presence of seventeen mineral elements in garlic cloves: potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine ( see →), copper, manganese, etc.

In addition, garlic contains the following important components for the grower:

  • Phytoncides. This term refers to substances capable of destroying microorganisms. Phytoncides of garlic have exceptional activity. Laboratory experiments prove that they kill Koch's stick 6 times faster than the popular antiseptic "carbolic" (in 5 minutes versus 30).
  • Diallyl disulfide. This substance is an organosulfur compound that gives garlic its specific smell.

In general, there are more than a hundred different sulfur-containing substances in garlic cloves. All summer residents who have used colloidal sulfur at least once in their plots have an idea about the benefits of sulfur in the fight against plant diseases and pests. Thus, garlic can be considered a natural substitute for this chemical.

The action of garlic on pathogenic microorganisms

The antimicrobial and antifungal action is due to the large amount of phytoncides that garlic releases when cutting teeth. The arrows of this plant can also be used for the preparation of medicinal preparations, however, in terms of effectiveness, such remedies will be inferior to those prepared on the teeth.

The mechanism of action of garlic phytoncides on pathogenic microorganisms includes several processes. First, they destroy the cell wall. Then they penetrate into the cytoplasm and inhibit the enzymatic activity of the pathogen and its respiratory activity.

Not all phytopathogens are equally sensitive to garlic phytoncides. The causative agents of the following infectious diseases most actively react to garlic preparations:

  • late blight;
  • powdery mildew;
  • fruit rot.

Garlic destroys not only spores of microorganisms, but also mycelial cells, inhibiting the reproduction of fungi.

Important! Garlic infusions are not effective against downy mildew. Garlic itself often suffers from downy mildew, so it is not able to protect other plants from it. For the same reason, reports of the effectiveness of garlic remedies against Fusarium are questionable.

Recipes for infusions of garlic to combat plant diseases

For the prevention of infectious plant diseases, it is most convenient to prepare a universal concentrate. To do this, two large heads of garlic are twisted in a meat grinder along with the husk and put into a glass jar. Then the garlic gruel is poured with water so that there is as much water in volume as garlic. The jar is closed with a lid and removed for 10 days in a dark, warm place.

After 10 days, the drug is filtered. The resulting concentrate is poured into a dark glass vial and stored in the refrigerator. To treat plants, 25 ml of concentrate is added to 1 liter of water and used for spraying.

There are more specialized garlic-based remedies:

Disease Recipe Application
late blight Twist a large head of garlic in a meat grinder, mix the gruel with a teaspoon of dry mustard. Pour 2 liters of water, close and leave for a day. Filter before use. Dilute the resulting infusion in 8 liters of water. Use for spraying tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes when there is a threat of infection.
powdery mildew Peel 3 cloves of garlic, grate and put overnight in 1 liter of whey. Strain the remedy in the morning. Find out → . Dilute the resulting garlic-serum infusion with 3 liters of water and process the leaves of the plants.
fruit rot Twisted in a meat grinder, pour a full head of garlic overnight with 1 liter of warm water. In the morning, strain the product and pour a vial of greenery into it. Dilute the resulting solution with water 1:10 and spray the plants on the fruits and ovaries.

These funds are not stored. They must be used immediately after preparation.

Tip #1 Phytoncides are volatile substances and quickly go into the air when garlic is twisted in a meat grinder. Therefore, you need to perform all actions quickly and well clog the jars in which the infusions are prepared.

Action of garlic diallyl disulfide on insects

Garlic does indeed do well against many pests, as long as their colonies are not too large. But he does not kill insects, but repels them.

The deterrent effect of garlic is due to the presence of the aforementioned diallyl disulfide in it. Insects in search of food are guided mainly by the sense of smell, which they have fantastically sharp. For example, a cabbage butterfly is able to smell a cabbage leaf a kilometer from the garden.

Diallyl disulfide is a pungent compound. When it comes into contact with the leaves, solutions containing this substance mask the natural aroma of the plant and make it “invisible” to the pest. Thus, garlic infusions help to cope with those insects that come to the garden "by smell":

  • cabbage butterfly;
  • carrot fly;
  • cabbage scoop;
  • cabbage moth;

All pests repelling with garlic +6 (click to expand)

  • whitefly;
  • codling moths;
  • cruciferous flea;
  • weevils;
  • Colorado beetle.

The diallyl disulfide compound is stable, so the protective effect of garlic products lasts for several days in good weather.

Recipes for garlic infusions for pest control

It is better to enrich garlic infusions with some kind of adhesive so that they stick better to the leaves and shoots. Usually laundry soap is used in this capacity, but you can replace it with tar soap:

Recipe Cooking Application
Garlic infusion with dandelion 1 kg of dandelion leaves and roots is crushed and put into a bucket of water. After two days, 5 chopped heads of garlic are added to them along with the husk. After another day, the solution is filtered, half a bar of laundry soap is added to it. Places of accumulation of insects are plentifully irrigated with infusion. You can also spray young shoots to prevent damage.
Garlic infusion with celandine 1.5 kg of celandine greens is chopped with a knife and combined with chopped 6 heads of garlic. Everything is poured with a bucket of water and infused for 5 days. Then it is filtered and combined with a solution of tar or laundry soap. A broom is wetted in a bucket with a solution and irrigation is carried out over potato tops. This procedure effectively protects the plot from the attack of the Colorado potato beetle.
Wormwood-garlic infusion 1 kg of wormwood greens is chopped with a knife and combined with 5 chopped heads of garlic. Everything is poured with a bucket of water and infused for 3 days. Then it is filtered and combined with a soap solution. Plants that need protection from insects are sprayed with infusion.

To maintain the effect of these infusions, it is necessary to process plantings regularly - about 1 time in 5 days. If the weather is rainy, spraying is done after each rain.

Garlic against spider and kidney mites

The great advantage of garlic infusions is that they are effective not only against insects, but also against ticks. Not every chemical has this dual effect.

  • To protect against spider mites, garlic infusion with dandelion is used. Spraying is carried out abundantly, with wetting of the entire ground part of the plants. Since the spider mite breeds most actively in hot, dry weather, spraying can be done more often than usual in the heat - once every 3 days.
  • A universal concentrate is suitable for protection against currant bud mites. In early spring, it is diluted in hot water at the rate of 250 ml per 10 liters of water and currant bushes are poured over until the buds awaken.

From a kidney mite in late spring, during the period of currant budding, you can additionally spray the bushes with an infusion of garlic and dandelion.

Garlic as a deterrent in mixed plantings

Another way to protect plants from pests with garlic is mixed plantings. This term refers to a way of organizing a garden, in which plants are planted not according to the principle of "one crop - one bed", but mixed.

What plants can be planted with garlic (click to expand)

Garlic is a universal culture. It can be planted next to almost any garden plant - beets, radishes, potatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. Even in flower beds, garlic looks quite decorative, while protecting flowers from pests.

Also very popular joint planting of garlic and carrots:

“Planting garlic and carrots together is an effective defense against the carrot fly. This insect is attracted to chlorogenic acid, which is secreted by carrot leaves. At the same time, the juicier and sweeter the variety, the more chlorogenic acid is released by carrot tops. Garlic interrupts this aroma, both above the ground and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root crop, where the carrot fly lays its eggs.

ON THE. Serebryannikova, natural farming expert

The only unwanted neighbors for garlic are legumes. Also, according to some reports, this culture negatively affects the taste of cabbage.

Disinfection of planting material with garlic

With the help of garlic infusions, planting material can be sanitized. Experienced gardeners who grow garden strawberries for sale often practice this method:

  • 150 ml of universal concentrate is diluted in a bucket of water;
  • bushes of garden strawberries are completely immersed in the solution together with the leaves;
  • stand for 20 minutes, slightly dry the planting material under a canopy and plant it in the garden.

Garlic greens have a fairly strong smell, due to the presence of a large amount of active phytoncides, which repels many garden pests. That is why experienced gardeners regularly plant it between perennials.

Dangerous insects sensitive to volatile compounds of garlic include most leaf-eating and leaf-sucking pests, for example, aphids, spider mites, golden tail, ringed silkworm, apple and plum codling moth, strawberry-raspberry weevil, apple moth, brown fruit mite, scale insects, etc. Planted between trees and berry bushes in 2 rows at a distance of about 12-15 cm from each other, garlic significantly reduces the population of garden pests. In order to save planting material, it is advisable to sow the air bulbs of the plant in autumn.

This planting with bulbs has many advantages:- renewal of valuable varieties of garlic; - use of grown cloves as planting material for harvesting garlic for the next season; - protection of the garden from pests in a natural way. The first shoots of winter garlic appear quite early. After the garlic leaves reach a height of 10-15 cm, they should be cut off.

On the cut, garlic juice is released, which has a pungent odor that repels pests. Pruning of young shoots is repeated every 7-10 days by 0.5-1 cm, which is approximately 13-16 times for the entire vegetative season.

Garlic itself quite actively releases phytoncides into the air, and the pruning procedure enhances its effectiveness against insects several times. Treating the garden with copper sulphate solution In addition to protecting fruit trees and bushes with the help of planting garlic, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures to treat them from fungal and other infectious diseases, in particular from scab and anthracnose.

In early spring, before the formation of buds, all trees and shrubs in the garden, including ornamental ones, as well as the vineyard, are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate. The event should be held in dry, clear and calm weather. Blue crystals of copper sulfate should be diluted at the rate of 100 g per bucket of water (standard).

Pour the granules into a three-liter jar, pour hot water and mix until they are completely dissolved. Crystals do not dissolve well in cold water. Let the composition brew, and then pour into a bucket and top up with water.

Before pouring into the sprayer, the solution must be filtered so that the hose and nozzle of the apparatus do not clog. When processing trees, it is more convenient to use an automated sprayer.

Do not forget to protect your hair with a scarf or hood of an oilcloth raincoat, your respiratory organs with a mask, be sure to wear goggles and use rubber gloves. Infusion of garlic against pests and fungal diseases of perennial plants If, however, your trees are attacked by pests, then you can use an infusion of garlic to process them during the growing season.

It is also effective against most fungal diseases. Grind 200 g of peeled cloves with a blender (you can scroll through a meat grinder), transfer the gruel into a glass jar, with a volume of at least 2 liters, pour a liter of water at room temperature, cover the container with gauze and let it brew 36-48 hours. Strain the resulting infusion and dilute in a bucket of water (10 l). The affected plants are sprayed with the composition once every 10-12 days. Experienced gardeners use an infusion of garlic and as a preventive measure throughout the summer period, starting a month after the trees are treated with a solution of copper sulfate. Using these simple tips, you can protect your garden from dangerous pests and pathogens, which guarantees a bountiful harvest of berries and fruits.

What to do with garlic arrows

Garlic propagated by seeds. They ripen in a peduncle that looks like an arrow and is formed in the center of the bulb. The garlic arrow is empty inside, initially it is twisted into rings, but straightens as it grows.

The top of the peduncle is crowned with a spherical inflorescence. It consists of small bulbs wrapped in a thin shell resembling parchment. When ripe, the bulbs dry out and crack, and the seeds spill out onto the ground.

Garlic arrows: to cut off or not to cut off?

Experienced gardeners remove such buds as soon as an arrow appears above the gray-green leaves of garlic. And they do it for a reason. The fact is that a bud with seeds takes away from the plant all the forces intended for the growth of cloves, for the sake of which garlic is cultivated.

The sooner the arrows are cut off, the more strength the plant will give to the development of cloves. Although it is advisable to leave inflorescences on several plants. They will become a kind of indicator of maturity.

If the inflorescences with seeds begin to crack, it means it's time to dig out the garlic, otherwise the bulb will fall apart into individual cloves. You can, of course, navigate by the calendar, but the weather conditions every year make their own adjustments to the timing of the ripening of various crops.

Grapes for beginners Gounod variety. Site "Garden World"

Although, it should be noted that in terms of its vitality, garlic surpasses many crops. To stay completely without a crop, you need to make an effort. It is better to direct energy for productive purposes.

To throw away or not to throw away?

Garlic arrows need to be cut off, but you should not throw them away, they can do a good job. First of all, they can be eaten both raw and as pickles.

Garlic arrows are fried, marinated, frozen to be added to various dishes in winter, even jam is made from them. This is a godsend for the cook. In addition, garlic arrows help in pest control. They can completely replace pesticides.

After all, the essential oil of garlic arrows contains phytoncides that repel pests and kill pathogens of various diseases. By the way, it is the content of phytoncides that determines the peculiar smell and sharpness of garlic. To make a pesticide, you can use both the tops of garlic and its cloves, but the arrows ripen earlier, and the effect is no worse.

How to use garlic against plant pests and diseases

To combat pests and fungal diseases of garlic plants, it is necessary to prepare an infusion

Many people have heard that garlic can be used instead of pesticides against pests and plant diseases in your garden. Heard, but do not know or do not remember how to do it. To do this, you need to prepare an infusion from garlic. How to do this, read on. I offer two ways to prepare an infusion of garlic. So, the first way. To prepare an infusion of garlic against pests such as cabbage moths, earwigs, fleas, mosquitoes, aphids, whiteflies, bedbugs, horned caterpillars, the following is required: 1. Finely chop or crush a large number of garlic cloves and place them in purified vegetable oil for a day ; 2. Strain; 3. Mix two teaspoons of the resulting solution with half a liter of water, add a little (several grams) of liquid soap; 4. Mix well and filter again. For spraying plants in the garden, we use this concentration, because. a higher concentration can damage the plant itself. Substances contained in the received garlic solution able to deal with brown rot, leaf spot, scab, rust and many other fungal plant diseases. For pest control, you can also use uterine infusion of garlic. 1. To do this, garlic is passed through a meat grinder. 2. Add water at the rate of one to one. 3. The container is tightly closed and placed in a warm, dark place for 1 - 1.5 weeks. The resulting garlic solution can be stored for a very long time. For spraying, 20-70 ml is taken. to a bucket of water. For better adhesion of the solution to the leaves of plants, you can add a few grams of soap or washing powder to it.

What plants can be treated with garlic tincture

Yes, perhaps, all the plants that grow in the garden, which someone gnaws, and which suffer from fungal diseases. These are, first of all, tomatoes (in the greenhouse and in the open field), cucumbers, sorrel, spinach, radishes, etc. From this infusion all living things scatter. There is only one drawback. A solution of garlic is valid until the first rain. The rain has passed, washed it away, and it is necessary to spray again. But it is an environmentally friendly preparation for combating pests and plant diseases.

An alternative to pesticides and garden chemicals, decoction recipes

The first information about the use of herbal preparations for combating agricultural pests appeared in 1838, when the merchant Yumtikov, not without success, used pyrethrum powder (Persian chamomile flowers) against a number of harmful insects. Currently, plant poisons are widely used. There are many decoction recipes and infusions of various plants, but not all of them are acceptable for two reasons.

First reason- this is the presence in some plants of very strong poisons that kill beneficial insects and are harmful to the health of animals and humans. A. Zlatanova calls for the same, proving that the decoction of wormwood is effective, but it is not recommended to use it.

The test showed that for quite a long time it is destructive for entomophages and, moreover, leaves a bitter taste on the fruits of treated plants for a long time. The second reason- the possibility of a sharp reduction in plants occupying small areas, if all gardeners begin to use them. Therefore, we can recommend the use of those plants that grow in large areas and their poisons cannot cause significant harm.

Or it is worth using the waste of crops grown in the garden. Orange. 1 kg of dry crusts is poured into 10 liters of warm water and placed for 3 days in a warm, dark place.

The infusion is used, without diluting, for spraying plants against aphids and mealybugs. Marigold. Used against gall nematodes. 15 g of crushed dry plants are applied to the soil per 1 m2. Birch tar. 80-90 g of tar is diluted in 1 liter of water.

Spray potato plants against the Colorado potato beetle. potato tops- an excellent remedy against fruit mites and aphids.

To prepare the infusion, take 1.2 kg of green or 600-800 g of dry tops and pour 1 liter of water for 3-4 hours, after which it is filtered through cheesecloth and used for spraying. Within 12 hours after treatment, up to 50% of mites and aphids are destroyed, but at a higher concentration this infusion causes leaf burns.

tops of tomatoes can be used in the fight against caterpillars of codling moth, cabbage scoop, larvae of other pests. For this, tops are usually harvested in the fall, and stepchildren are harvested in the summer.

A decoction of raw plants is prepared as follows: 4 kg of tops, cut into pieces, pour 1 liter of water, let it brew for 3-4 hours, and then boil over low heat for 30 minutes. After squeezing the boiled tops, the liquid is poured into tightly closed bottles.

In such dishes, the broth will not lose its properties during the year. Before drinking 3 liters of decoction, dilute 10 liters of water and add 20-30 g of soap. The process of boiling the tops is associated with the appearance of an unpleasant odor, so it is better not to do it at home. Mustard.

Dissolve 50-70 g of powder in 10 liters of water. Spraying with such a solution is especially effective against scab and other fungal diseases. 30-40 g of powder is brewed with 1 liter of water and infused for 2-3 days in a tightly closed container, then filtered.

Before spraying, dilute with water 1:4. Use without dilution against mites and aphids. Ash-soap infusion. For 1 liter of water, take 1 kg of wood ash, boil for 30 minutes, insist 1 day, add 50 g of laundry soap.

It is used against powdery mildew, as well as against damage by leaf-eating and sucking pests: gooseberry moth, currant bud moth, aphids, mites, hawthorn caterpillars, apple and plum codling moths and other pests. Ants hurriedly leave their dwellings after pollinating their habitats with ashes. Calendula.

Apply against aphids and small caterpillars, spraying plants with a decoction of ground mass (1 kg per 10 liters of water). Mullein. Used against powdery mildew. 1 kg of mullein is diluted with 3 liters of water, allowed to ferment for 3 days, filtered and diluted with water 3 times.

Sprayed in the evenings in the phase of bud opening, after flowering and before leaf fall. It is especially important to spray in mid-June, when a secondary infection appears, creating a "reserve" of the disease for the next year. buttercup caustic.

Spray plants against aphids with a daily infusion of fresh plants (1 kg per 10 liters of water). Dandelion. An infusion of it well destroys aphids, suckers and mites.

To do this, 200-300 g of crushed roots or 400 g of fresh dandelion leaves are poured into 10 liters of warm water (not higher than 40 ° C) and infused for 1-2 hours. You can take 1 glass of onion and dandelion leaves, pass through a meat grinder and leave for 1-2 hours in 10 liters of water. Alder.

They are used against the Colorado potato beetle and the bear, sticking branches every 1.5 m. As they dry, they are replaced. Pepper bitter capsicum.

100 g of finely chopped fresh or 50 g of dry fruits are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for one hour in a closed enameled bowl, then infused for 2 days. After that, the pepper is ground, squeezed, and the infusion is filtered.

The resulting concentrate is bottled, corked and stored in a dark place. Before bud break, plants are treated with a strong solution (500 ml per 10 liters of water). During the growing season - 100 ml per 10 liters of water. For strawberries, 50 ml per 10 liters of water is enough.

The decoction is used to combat aphids, small caterpillars and larvae, slugs, cabbage scoop caterpillars and moths. Tansy ordinary. Grown in the aisles of potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle and near fruit crops against the codling moth.

From aphids sprayed with a decoction of dry mass (1 kg per 10 liters of water). Rowan. Rowan phytoncides are more effective against late blight than garlic phytoncides. Use infusion of berries or leaves.

Pine and spruce. 200 g of annual growth needles are poured with 3 glasses of river or rain water, insisted for 1 week in a dark place, stirring daily. Before spraying, 100 ml of infusion is mixed in 1 liter of water.

Used against leaf-eating insects. Real tobacco and shag tobacco used to kill aphids, suckers, thrips, young caterpillars of leafworms, gooseberry moth, cabbage moth, sawfly caterpillars, earthen fleas on vegetable crops, larvae of secret proboscis on onions.

Insist for two days 400 g of leaf powder in 1 liter of water, filter. Store the infusion in a dark cool place. Before spraying, dilute 2 times with water and add 40 g of soap for every 10 liters.

Sprayed 2-3 times in 5-8 days. Yarrow usually grows in meadows, fields and forests. Flowers pink, purple. Collect all of its aerial part and dry well.

When needed, 800 g of this herb is scalded with boiling water, topped up with water to 10 liters and allowed to infuse for two days. A decoction is also prepared, only in this case the grass is not insisted, but boiled over low heat for 30 minutes.

As soon as aphids or suckers, mites and caterpillars appear on fruit and berry plants, 20-40 g of soap is added for every 1 liter of infusion or decoction, and trees and bushes are sprayed without diluting with water. Coniferous concentrate It is used to protect gooseberries and currants from moth in the period from the beginning to the end of flowering, when mass oviposition occurs.

Bushes are sprayed with 0.5-0.7% coniferous concentrate (4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) every 7 days. Horseradish. An infusion of leaves and rhizomes can be used against nematodes. Garlic.

An infusion of it is effective against sucking pests, late blight and cladosporiosis. 200-300 g of heads, arrows or leaves of garlic are passed through a meat grinder and diluted with 10 liters of water, washed well in this amount of water, filtered and sprayed on the plants after 15-20 minutes.

If this infusion is kept in bottles for a month, then it acquires a rather unpleasant smell, which the codling moth cannot tolerate. If there is not enough garlic, they take only 50 g, grind it, pour 1 liter of water, insist for a day, stirring occasionally. After filtering, they are used against pests. It is very convenient to use a concentrated solution, for which crushed garlic is insisted in a tightly closed jar or bottle for 8-10 days, pouring it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

To prepare a working solution, take 20-25 ml of the concentrate and dissolve in 10 liters of water. Celandine. 3-4 kg of fresh stems cut during flowering, or 1 kg of dry ones are crushed, pour 10 liters of water and leave for a day.

Apply against aphids, caterpillars, sawfly larvae, weevils. onion peel used in the fight against spider mites and aphids. 200 g of husks are kept in 10 liters of water, filtered and plants and trees are sprayed with this infusion three times with an interval of 5 days.

The death of ticks up to 95%. The second option: pour 10 liters of hot water into a bucket filled with onion peel to half, insist for a day, filter.

For spraying against aphids and other sucking pests, the infusion is diluted with water 2 times. Before preparing infusions and decoctions, the plants should be crushed. After infusion and boiling, it is necessary to strain through a double layer of gauze and squeeze.

Shelter raspberries for the winter. Site "Garden World"

When boiling water, as it evaporates, it should be added to the initial level. Preparing decoctions and infusions of herbs at home is unsafe, because there may be cases of allergies and other toxicosis.

For example, pyrolizidin from coltsfoot, comfrey, borage, willow-herb causes serious liver damage. Not only infusions and decoctions of plants can be used in the fight against pests and diseases, but also the growing plants themselves.

In 1928, Professor B.P. Tokin discovered that almost all of them contain substances (usually easily volatile) in themselves or on their surface that kill microbes or suppress their vital activity. He called such substances phytoncides. Subsequently, it turned out that each plant kills or repels different types of microorganisms and insects, but acts selectively, selectively.

So, bird cherry, releasing strongly odorous essential substances that repel and kill microbes, is itself attacked by various caterpillars. Garlic phytoncides repel most pests from neighboring plants and destroy many pathogens on them.

But garlic itself is exposed to a number of diseases. Phytoncides of plants can be used in horticulture and horticulture. It has long been known that black root, kanufer and elderberry scare away mice.

Potatoes planted near elderberry bushes are not damaged by the Colorado potato beetle. He is also repelled by calendula, which in turn disinfects the soil from pathogenic microbes.

It has been noticed that gladioli growing next to marigolds are very rarely affected by diseases. Nematodes are repelled by mustard, calendula, tagetes and chicory planted on the site.

As repellants (repellents) naphthalene, tobacco or coniferous dust, birch bark tar are widely used. Naked slugs do not like mulch from oak leaves and dry nettle stalks. Potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 l of water) is used against streak, powdery mildew of pumpkin, anthracnose and bacteriosis. This solution repels the raspberry-strawberry weevil and helps to preserve strawberries from gray rot.

Urea (urea) can be used not only as a fertilizer. With a 5% solution, it is sprayed with apple and pear trees 2 weeks before leaf fall to eliminate scab spores.

Zaitsev scare off old tin foil Christmas decorations hanging from the branches. with moles can be fought with calcium carbide or a mixture of engine oil and kerosene in equal proportions.

Old weeds soaked in the solution are pushed into the mole passages. Once every 10-15 days, the passages left in the ground bears pour soapy water (1 g of laundry soap or 3 tablespoons of washing powder per 1 liter of water). Insects appear on the soil surface very quickly - literally in 1-2 minutes. Here they are easy to collect and destroy. You can use an infusion of ash 300 g per 10 liters of water as a remedy for gooseberry sawfly powdery mildew on currants and gooseberries. Material prepared on the basis of the book:

Cooking an infusion of garlic from pests and diseases

It should be noted that garlic infusion is not a new remedy. Its action has been scientifically proven and practically tested: its effectiveness in the fight against fungal diseases and pests, especially aphids and ants, has been confirmed. Dallyl sulfide, which is contained in the spice, has a toxic effect on insects.

Tincture of garlic against pests is used as an insecticide for all garden crops, spraying is carried out in dry calm weather in the early morning or evening after sunset. The procedure is performed 3 days in a row, after a week break, the result is evaluated and, if necessary, the treatment is repeated.

Garlic infusion from aphids and bedbugs

Garlic cloves (200 gr.) Finely cut and crushed into gruel, after which it is placed in vegetable oil for 24 hours. After a day, filter through cheesecloth. The resulting solution is diluted with water (2 tsp per 500 ml of water) and grated soap is added. Mix thoroughly and strain again.

Getting rid of mosquitoes and cabbage moths

Tobacco dust and onion peel (50 g of each ingredient) are boiled for 2 hours in 2.5 liters of water. The resulting mixture insist hour and add 50 gr. minced garlic. Then add 5 liters of water.

Cooking tincture on garlic heads from ants, aphids and mites

Chopped 600 gr. garlic heads pour 10 liters of hot water and boil with a covered lid for 3 hours. After cooling, filter and diluted in half with water. Ready infusion is poured over the soil at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 sq. m.

Infusion of garlic peel

Garlic husks also contain dallyl sulfide, but in lesser amounts than garlic cloves. Therefore, it is used to create weak protective equipment. It is mainly used for the prevention and repelling of insects. 150 gr. crushed husks and dry garlic plants are poured into 10 liters of warm water and infused in a warm place in the dark. After straining, the solution is ready for use.

Arrows of garlic as an insect repellent

Experienced gardeners do not throw away arrows from garlic, but use them to prepare natural remedies that are used to protect against pests. In addition, they are rubbed or tied around the trunks of young trees (like bundles), thereby scaring away ants.

Infusion of arrows of garlic from pests

A pound of garlic arrows pounded to a pulp is poured into 3 liters of water at room temperature. Let it brew in a dark place for 5 days. After that, the mixture is filtered through cheesecloth and diluted in 10 liters of water. A few hours before use add 60 gr. grated soap and 50 gr. tobacco dust, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Remedy on the arrows of garlic from carrot and onion flies

Garlic infusion for brown rot, leaf spot, scab and rust

Heads of garlic are ground in a meat grinder, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, put in a dark, warm place for 10 days. For spraying use 20 ml of solution per 10 liters of water.

As an additive, you can use washing powder or grated soap so that the infusion adheres better to the leaf plate. When spraying, special attention should be paid to spinach, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers and cabbage, which are highly susceptible to fungal diseases.

The husks and arrows of garlic will raise the immunity of other plants

Regular spraying of garden crops is recommended for preventive purposes, and to raise the natural immunity of plants. Therefore, arrows and husks, which are often simply thrown away, should be used to prepare simple and effective folk remedies.


All of the above remedies using garlic have proven themselves in the fight against pests and diseases. At the same time, they are completely environmentally friendly, and do not harm health.

Experienced gardeners know that the less chemicals in the garden, the healthier the crop and the environment. However, the issue of pest control is extremely acute, folk remedies for prevention do not always help, but somehow it is necessary to save the plants. And here an undeservedly forgotten natural remedy comes to the rescue - garlic tincture.

Garlic is a crop that household farming rarely does without. This vegetable of the onion family is widely used in cooking as a spice.


Fresh garlic on the table is an excellent prevention of colds and viral human diseases. But few people think that in the same way garlic is able to cope with plant bacteria. That is, in fact, garlic is a natural insecticide - a drug for the destruction of pests.

This spicy vegetable contains:

  • phytoncides and diallyl sulfide- substances that have a toxic effect on microbes;
  • essential oils, enveloping and disinfecting the treated surface.

Burning garlic tincture is used against various types of insects and pathogenic bacteria. Such a garden natural insecticide effectively fights against the invasion of ants and slugs, cabbage butterflies, tree sawfly larvae. Garlic shows especially high results in the fight against aphids. The surfaces of the stem and leaves are treated with garlic, poured under the root, garlic cloves are planted among other crops.

Advantages and disadvantages

We list the main advantages of this tool.

  • Environmental friendliness. Garlic tinctures are natural raw materials and are safe for humans, pets and plants themselves. There is no need to keep the deadlines after processing the fruits so that the chemicals have time to evaporate.
  • Profitability. Chemical preparations require investment of funds and sometimes considerable ones. Garlic culture grows in almost every area, and if not, then buying a head of garlic for planting will cost quite inexpensively.

  • Ease of preparation. This factor is especially good for beginner gardeners and summer residents who come from the city for the weekend. The technology of preparation consists in collecting raw materials, infusion in water and filtering.
  • Lack of adaptation of pests. You can often hear criticism of a particular drug that it is not very effective. The fact is that insects and bacteria are able to adapt to chemical toxins. Herbal solutions do not cause such addiction, and therefore they work safely all season.

Among the shortcomings of a natural insecticide, several rather noticeable factors can be distinguished.

  • Garlic is effective in the early stages of crop damage. The neglected areas will have to be fought with more toxic chemicals.
  • Garlic film against flying and crawling pests is effective only before rain. Then the plants should be sprayed again.
  • The simplicity of garlic tinctures concerns only the method of preparation, but you should be extremely careful with the dosage. Exceeding the norm and concentration can easily destroy the landing.

Proven Recipes

  • Solanaceae and Phytophthora. The main enemy of growing tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplants in regions with a cool climate is late blight. Spraying the entire planting area with garlic tincture will prevent the development of spores of the pathogenic fungus. To prepare the infusion, 200 g of chopped garlic sprouts are poured into 10 liters of water (the water temperature should be warm, but not exceed 40 degrees). It is better to prepare the solution in the evening, by the morning processing it will be ready. Water is filtered through gauze and poured into a spray bottle.
  • Shrubs and aphids. From pests that affect fruit bushes, an infusion of garlic cloves helps well. 200 g of crushed slices are placed in a liter jar with warm water, closed with a lid and left in a dark place for 5 days. After settling and filtering, the concentrate is ready for use. It is diluted at the rate of 100 ml per 5 liters of pure water and the damaged plants are sprayed.
  • Cabbage and caterpillars, spider mite. The result is achieved in 2-3 treatments with an interval of 3 days. Dandelion leaves and stems are poured with water at the rate of 2 kg per bucket of water. Withstand a couple of days and a few hours before processing add a glass of grated garlic cloves to the bucket. Strain and spray plants.

  • Potato and Colorado potato beetle. Potato pests very quickly adapt to all chemicals, so garlic is indispensable in the fight against them. The solution is prepared from celandine (1.5 kg) and 5-6 large heads of garlic, crushed with a rolling pin. A bucket of ingredients is poured with hot water and infused for a week. After filtering, the solution is sprayed with potato bushes and the soil around them. The procedure is carried out every week.
  • Ant nests. These seemingly useful insects sometimes have to be disposed of by any means, but you should not destroy them. In the fight against ants, the raw materials left after the infusion of garlic solutions (cake) are perfect. It should be laid out around the base of bushes and fruit trees.

If the ants have settled among vegetable beds, simply put some of the tincture waste on the top of the anthill or in the part where they are most concentrated. Insects will urgently change their place of residence as far as possible from your site.

How to use?

Irrigation of plants from a spray bottle and watering under the root should be carried out in dry, calm weather. The best time is early morning hours, before the sun reaches its zenith, or in the evening, when the sun's rays cannot burn the plants through moisture.

Processing with garlic infusion is carried out regularly for 3 days, after which a week-long break is taken. According to the results, the procedure is repeated or switched to stronger preparations if the year turned out to be fruitful for one or another type of pest.

For the prevention of diseases, it is useful to plant garlic among the beds with strawberries, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes. It is advisable not to neglect garlic in large areas with potatoes. In horticulture, growing garlic bushes will scare away pests from currants, rose bushes, gooseberries and grapes.

And so that the garlic shoots do not spoil the view of the site, they can be planted behind the bushes or among them - in the spring there will be enough light for garlic, it will have time to ascend and scare away uninvited guests.

For information on how to prepare garlic infusion for spraying against pests, see the following video.