Stretching patent leather shoes. How to stretch patent leather shoes: homemade methods. Goose fat or lard

In a situation where the purchased shoes, which seemed to be chosen without haste and fit perfectly on the leg, turn out to be cramped and uncomfortable to wear, probably everyone turned out to be. Even if you know the rule that it is better to buy new shoes in the afternoon, when the feet are already slightly swollen, there are cases when the model itself is too narrow or you have a non-standard foot.

In a word, there can be many reasons, but it is not necessary to endure unbearable flour, pain and rub blisters until new shoes stretch when worn.

Stretching is necessary in the following cases:

  • the shoes turned out to be small, because the store did not find a suitable size;
  • too tight in width, although it suits the length;
  • fits perfectly in width, but presses in length;
  • became smaller after rain (for example, suede);
  • becomes tight towards the end of the day.

How to quickly break in new tight shoes

When a callus appears in the heel area, in most cases it helps to wear a conventional bactericidal patch glued to the site of redness for two or three days. During this time, the front part of the shoe is slightly worn out, and the load on the heel is noticeably reduced.

Prolonged wearing of the patch can also help when there is discomfort in one of the toes. The bactericidal patch has an additional thick layer, which contributes to greater stretching of the shoe in a certain place.

In the case when the callus is already a fait accompli, the use of a patch is doubly justified.

Way #1

First of all, you can seek help from a shoemaker. Workshops almost always have special devices for stretching. If you think you need it, you can purchase a shoe stretcher and make it yourself at home.

Method number 2

Also on sale there is a special tool for stretching shoes. It is suitable for all types of materials except patent leather. This is perhaps the most efficient way.

You can find it in any department specializing in shoe care products.

As a rule, this is a special liquid composition. You can ask the seller or read on the package how to apply the solution, but most often it is enough to moisten a cotton swab and apply the product to the place that rubs the leg.

Wearing thin cotton socks, walk around in treated shoes for about 40 minutes.

If your stretcher is a spray, you can use it on the inside of your shoes. Again, after treatment, you need to wear shoes for 40 minutes, putting socks on your feet.

come in the form of foam; the principle of use is similar to the previous one. After processing the inside of a suede product, you stuff it tightly with newspapers or wear it around the house, after putting on socks.

The basis of all products is alcohol and special chemical softeners that have a pleasant smell due to the fragrances that are also included in the composition.

Method number 3

How to break small shoes with vodka, cologne or alcohol diluted with water?

To make new shoes or boots fit you, moisten them from the inside with vodka and put them on your feet with a tight toe. You will have to wear them around the house until they are completely dry.

Method number 4

Freezing in the freezer
- the most unusual way to stretch new shoes in length and width (one size larger). You will need a sealed plastic bag, your new shoes, a refrigerator, and plain tap water.


  • put the bag in your shoes and fill it with water. It is important to ensure that the water bag fills the entire surface - from heel to toe;
  • place the bag of shoes in the freezer for at least eight hours;
  • when water turns into ice, it needs more space, therefore - the shoes will stretch;
  • after a while, remove the ice pack and let it thaw a bit. Do not try to immediately remove the ice from the shoes, otherwise you will tear or scratch it from the inside.

If after this procedure the leg is still tight or presses, repeat the procedure again.

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How to quickly break in new leather shoes

Genuine leather shoes can be stretched faster than any other. If you don’t want to resort to special purchased products, or if there are simply no such products in your locality, try effective folk recipes.

How to break in tight leatherette shoes

It can be almost impossible to stretch tight faux leather shoes, but we know how to do it.

Try these recipes:

  1. Soak thick socks in any cologne and, putting them on your feet, walk in tight shoes for about 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily at least 10 times until a suitable result. The pungent smell of cologne is eliminated by soapy water and ventilation.
  2. The wet newspaper is very finely shredded, filled with water until it swells, and the entire volume of tight shoes is filled with this mass. Dry the shoes for two days in natural drying conditions away from any heating devices.

How to break in new suede shoes

If nubuck or suede shoes turned out to be tight, it's time to look in the freezer of the refrigerator in search of free space. This method has already been described in detail in the subheading with four universal tips.

But there is another way especially for suede, because this material requires a delicate approach.

This is the quality of ordinary beer. The technology is very simple: you should thoroughly wet the shoes from the inside with beer, put them on thick socks, wear them for a couple of hours, and then ventilate them well in the open air.

Experience shows that often the size becomes larger than you planned so be careful.

How to break in patent leather shoes

For patent leather shoes, it is better to use the classic method. What do we call classic? Correctly - vodka. If you're going to use alcohol, it's best to dilute it with water. Percentage: 2/3 water and 1/3 alcohol.

We soak our socks in vodka, put them on almost without wringing, and put on our tight patent leather shoes. In this form, we walk around the house until the socks become dry. This may take two to three hours. Alcohol solution is safe for lacquer coating and if everything is done carefully, its appearance will be preserved.

How best to break in textile shoes

Towards the end, we present another exotic method that has already been mentioned. It is suitable for most natural shoe materials, as well as for textiles. Shoes should be rinsed abundantly and quickly from the inside with boiling water or very hot water. After waiting a few seconds, we put them on socks and dry them right on our feet.

Another option is to stuff the shoes very tightly with white paper soaked in warm water and dry them at room temperature. It is better not to use newspapers, as stains from printing ink may appear.

We will especially stipulate that shoes can be stretched only up to a certain limit. Even increasing by one size is a very difficult task, which in many cases is simply impossible. Synthetic materials have very little chance of stretching. Carefulness when buying is the only reliable way to avoid problems.

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Many are familiar with the unpleasant situation: shoes that fit perfectly on the foot in the store turn out to be completely uncomfortable when worn. The product strongly rubs the heel or squeezes the fingers.

Children's shoes, bought by the beginning of the school year, can become small in a couple of months. Young mothers are often faced with the fact that their favorite "boats" have become narrow, because after the birth of a child, the bones may expand slightly. Sometimes a favorite pair shrinks a little during long-term storage.

Do not be upset - the trouble can be corrected. There are many ways to stretch shoes at home.

When does it make sense to stretch your shoes?

It happens that when you put on the shoes for the first time, they seem quite comfortable. But by the end of the day, the block begins to strongly compress the foot on the sides, creating discomfort. The reason is protruding bones or swelling. Do not rush to part with narrow shoes - it is not difficult to stretch them wide.

Usually new shoes or boots, even if they rub a little, subsequently sit on the foot normally. There are ways to speed up this process, avoiding the formation of painful calluses.

Sometimes the buyer picks up the last pair from the store, arguing: it's not scary if it's too tight, it spreads over time. You can really stretch the shoes in length. But you need to take this event with great care: there is a high probability of simply spoiling the product. Most materials lose their properties from intense exposure, become dry, and become covered with cracks. If there is a desire to stretch the shoes more than one size, then it is better to sell them or give them to someone.

Attention! Stretch damage is not covered under warranty. If new shoes come apart at the seam, become cracked or deformed when trying to expand, they will not be accepted in the store. Think carefully before using all sorts of methods. Perhaps the best solution would be to return the shoes and buy new ones.

Ways for all materials

There are ways to help break in tight shoes, no matter what material they are made of. Stock up on a band-aid and silicone liners in advance so as not to rub your legs.


One of the methods is quite tough, but effective. It is used by military personnel. Hence the name - "army way":

  1. Put on thick socks, wet them with hot water.
  2. Put on a pair that needs to be broken in, walk around the house until the socks are completely dry.
  3. Gently dry your shoes by placing crumpled paper in them.

The second option is to wet the boot itself directly, put it on a dry sock and also dry it on yourself. Moisture and steam attack the material. It will gradually stretch out, taking the shape of a leg.

Grain or paper

If you don’t want to torment your foot, you can stretch rubbing shoes with ordinary cereals:

  1. Pour oat, barley or wheat grains into a bag.
  2. Place the bulk product bag inside the boot.
  3. Add some water to make the cereal swell.
  4. Leave overnight.

Crumpled newspapers work on the same principle, which must be tightly stuffed into narrow shoes. Paper will help increase volume, avoid deformation during storage. Perhaps this is the most economical and gentle technique.


For stretching, you can use the influence of cold. True, this method only works for winter shoes, which were originally designed for low temperatures. Otherwise, the coating may crack:

  1. Put thick plastic bags filled with water inside the boots.
  2. Put the shoes in the freezer until completely frozen.
  3. Then take out a couple, wait for the ice to melt a little, take out the bags.

Such methods are suitable for almost any material. They stretch problematic shoes quite effectively.


Breaking in shoes made of genuine leather is quite simple, this material is very plastic. The smooth coating is easily damaged by careless handling. Treat the shoes with care, because it would be a pity to spoil an expensive pair.

Simple methods will help stretch leather shoes. They will not require a lot of your time and effort:

  1. Alcohol. Treat the inside of the shoes with rubbing alcohol and put them on for a couple of hours.
  2. Vodka or cologne. It is popularly believed that these two liquids work more efficiently than regular alcohol.
  3. Hydration. Soak a towel in hot water, wrap your shoes around it and leave it for 5-6 hours. To slightly expand the block, you can put a solid object inside.
  4. Warming up. Pour a little boiling water inside the product and immediately throw it out. Repeat several times and start breaking in.
  5. Steam processing. Hold the product over a boiling kettle or steam the boots. Hot air effectively softens the skin.

With these tips, you will be able to break in leather shoes at home.

Attention! Do not allow alcohol, cologne or other odorous liquids to come into contact with the outer surface of the products. Unsightly stains may remain, which will not be easy to get rid of.


It is a little more difficult to break in leatherette shoes, such material does not stretch well, it is prone to cracking and scratching. The pluses include cost-effectiveness - it’s not so a pity to part with a budget pair.

The heating

To stretch faux leather shoes, heat them up with a hair dryer or steam generator:

  1. Blow hot air into the product.
  2. Heat up evenly.
  3. Put the shoe on your foot.


Abundant lubrication will act gently and delicately. You can take castor, sunflower or any other oil, as well as petroleum jelly or baby cream. The applied oily texture will help spread leatherette shoes and prevent chafing.

Spread grease on the inside of the shoes, then try on the shoes and walk around the apartment. There will be slipping, and wearing out from torture will turn into a regular walk.

If the inner material of the pair is elastic genuine leather, then there are chances to improve the situation. To stretch a lacquered pair, use the most gentle methods:

  1. Grate a piece of hard soap or a paraffin candle on a fine grater.
  2. Apply the resulting slurry to the shoes from the inside.
  3. Leave for 10-12 hours: let the substance be absorbed.
  4. Remove residue with a damp sponge.
  5. Put your shoes on socks and walk in them until completely dry.

Soap or paraffin will be absorbed into the soft lining and make it more pliable.

An antiperspirant is useful to soften hard shoes. Treat the leg and the inside of the shoes.

Attention! No chemicals should come into contact with the varnished surface. They can damage the coating and completely ruin an elegant pair.

Suede or nubuck

When trying to stretch suede shoes, you need to remember that a wet fleecy surface instantly loses its decent appearance. Exclude options with exposure to moisture and sudden changes in temperature.

When caring for suede and nubuck, oils and creams should not be used - they leave greasy stains that cannot be removed. Mechanical action is the best.

Massage your boots well with your hands. Walk in them for a few hours. Most often, this is enough to stretch suede or nubuck, because the natural material is quite elastic.

If it doesn't work, try making a steam bath:

  1. Pour silent water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Place a colander on top. It must not come into contact with liquid.
  3. Wrap the inside of suede shoes with a thin towel or cloth.
  4. Put the pair in a colander, soles up.
  5. Wait 2-3 minutes. Overheating is not desirable.
  6. Take out your shoes and put them on.
  7. You can stretch the narrow bootleg of suede boots with a damp cloth and an iron. Lay the fabric inside and iron at low temperature. After delicate processing, the boots fit perfectly on your calf.

It is impossible to stretch the usual durable rubber. But polyvinyl chloride, aka PVC, is easily deformed. You can make your shoes more comfortable. But be sure to check what exactly your boots are made of.

Heat a metal needle over a match and gently touch the material. Choose an inconspicuous area. If the surface begins to “float”, then it will be possible to stretch the rubber shoes with the help of a temperature difference.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Pour boiling water into boots.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes and drain.
  4. At this time, fill the bath with cold water.
  5. Put on thick socks and shoes, get in the bath and wait 10 minutes.

Boiling water will make the rubber malleable, while cold water will help it harden and take the shape of your foot.

In this way, it will be possible to stretch both rubber boots and silicone slippers for the pool.

Most often, shoes for sports and outdoor activities are made of textiles, which should be as comfortable as possible. Stretching fabric sneakers to a full size, most likely, will not work. But you can make them softer and more comfortable with hot steam.

Boil a pot of water and hold the sneakers over it for a few minutes. The fabric will heat up, slightly moisten. Then stuff the toe tightly with paper.

Attention! It is not recommended to use a newspaper here - printing ink can leave prints. Take blank white sheets.

Use the same method to stretch denim shoes. Be careful when drying - with excessive heat, textiles can “sit down”, decrease in size. Store fabric items in a well-ventilated area.

Special stretchers

Shoe stores stock a wide range of stretchers. They are more versatile and safer than home remedies.

Spray or gel is applied to the shoes from the inside. After the shoes are put on the foot until completely dry.

You can stuff the shoes with paper, just put it in a plastic bag: the product should be completely absorbed into the material.

If you have problem feet, it makes sense to purchase a special wooden block used by shoemakers to stretch and store shoes. With it, you can increase the boots by a whole size in length.

How to stretch individual parts?

When wearing new shoes, discomfort often occurs in a certain area, for example, the shoe is tight in the toe or rubs in the heel.

Solving this issue is easy. You need to apply already known methods locally:

  1. Hairdryer or steam generator. Direct a jet of hot air to the problem area. Sometimes warming up is enough.
  2. You can put a large potato in the toe of the shoe. A peeled root vegetable will help stretch the straps of uncomfortable sandals.
  3. Cream. If the shoes rub on the back, you should generously lubricate the heel with oil or a greasy cream. Feel free to put on shoes - corns will not be terrible.
  4. Hot water. In the case of genuine leather, you can pour boiling water over a narrow toe or hard back.
  5. It is better to dry products on the leg.
  6. When shoes rub the heel, you can treat the back of the boot with a 3% vinegar solution. The unpleasant smell of the essence will quickly disappear, and the matter will become soft.
  7. If the heel counter is too hard, gently tap it on the inside with a hammer.

To keep your shoes and feet healthy, follow these simple guidelines:

  1. After stretching, the product needs careful care. Lubricate the surface with a protective cream.
  2. Don't go outside with wet shoes. Firstly, it is fraught with a cold, and secondly, many times more dirt will stick to the shoes. Thirdly, when walking on a rough road, there is a chance of damaging the soaked, pliable material.
  3. Always check what the shoes are made of. With improper care, it is easy to spoil a thing.
  4. If you are using a ready-made stretcher, then follow the instructions. Do not combine the remedy with folk methods, the effect can be unpredictable.

Simple rules will help you avoid unpleasant surprises when buying shoes. Surely you already know them, but it will not be superfluous to repeat:

  1. It is worth coming to the store in the evening. The fact is that during the day the leg swells a little. Shoes that seemed light and comfortable in the morning can turn into a "Spanish boot" in the afternoon.
  2. Full, tall and elderly people should buy shoes with a special arch support. An orthopedic insole will also unload the foot and relieve pain.
  3. Avoid tight shoes, high narrow boots. Of course, such shoes are very beautiful, but dangerous for your health. Bone growths, compressed nerves, veins and joints are an incomplete list of consequences. Take care of your legs and leave uncomfortable fashionable delights for solemn exits.

Choose your shoes and boots wisely, and if you do have to break them in, handle things with care.

Sometimes, in a fit of shopping mania, we delight ourselves with patent leather shoes that are not suitable for us. It may be slightly smaller or just tight. Aesthetic pleasure is replaced by real physical torment. An idea arises stretch patent shoes. And with that thought comes the question of how to do it.

Is it possible to stretch patent shoes

First of all, it should be noted that not all shoes can be stretched from varnish. The skin should be natural and very soft, elastic, thin. You can stretch patent leather shoes only in width. And that is insignificant. After all, it will not be possible to lengthen the sole in any way, so there can be no question of increasing the size. Yes, and with stretching in width you need to be careful, otherwise the lacquered pair will lose its marketable appearance, and it will be possible to wear it only at the exhibition of the most terrible shoes in the world.

How to stretch patent leather shoes at home

First of all, most people tend to do everything on their own. For them, you can advise several ways. It is not worth hoping for a 100% favorable outcome of such experiments.

1.Stretch patent leather shoes with the help of a friend. Have someone with a large foot size wear the problem pair. Cruel, of course, but it can help. True, the assistant’s foot should not be much larger than yours, otherwise there is a risk of getting something incomprehensible, resembling trampled galoshes.

2. Stretch patent leather shoes with a hair dryer and a fat cream. A questionable method, since hot air can damage the varnish. Therefore, they should not be abused, and during the experiment, extreme caution and accuracy should be exercised.

The essence of the method is to warm up patent shoes well with a hot stream of air, paying special attention to problem areas. Then lubricate the lacquer pair from the inside with cream, and put on shoes. You can put on a tight sock on your foot, so that the effect is more noticeable. Vaseline can be used instead of cream. After walking in worn-in shoes, you should again lubricate it from the inside, and leave it for 10-12 hours.

3.Stretch lacquer shoes with alcohol, vinegar, or cologne. Also an undesirable method, since damage to the coating is possible.

The idea is to lubricate the inside of the problematic shoe with the above agent, put it on a tight cotton, knitted or terry sock, and walk around until it dries completely. Naturally, there should be no wounds and cracks on the feet, otherwise the sensations will not be the most pleasant.

4. Stretch patent leather shoes with boiling water or steam. In order not to damage the coating, the inside of the product should be processed. It is advised to pour boiling water inside the shoes or hold them over boiling water, then put them on a tight sock and walk until the moisture has completely evaporated.

5. Stretch patent shoes with ice. A risky method, since low temperatures do not have the most favorable effect on the varnish. The bottom line is to fill plastic bags with water, put them in shoes, and place this design in the freezer. When freezing, the liquid will expand and be able to stretch the problem pair.

We recommend that if you decide to use this method, put two bags in each shoe. One should be placed in the toe, and the other in the heel. The ends of the second should be left untied and peeking out, then the ice can take on a natural shoe shape.

6. Stretch patent leather shoes with a warm terry towel. The idea is to put the problem couple in a plastic bag along with a terry cloth soaked in warm water. Alternatively, you can wrap your shoes in this towel. Leave overnight, and in the morning put on shoes and walk around until the product being worn is completely dry.

7. Stretch patent leather shoes with special stretchers. Many well-known manufacturers offer special tools to help solve this difficult problem. The instructions on the packaging of these stretchers should be followed exactly to get the desired result.

After all these methods, you should take care of your shoes. Lubricate with special creams, balms, lotions. Make sure that after all the experiments, the shoes are completely dry. Naturally, at room temperature, and not near direct heat sources.

How to stretch patent leather shoes professionally

Here you will need the help of a specialist. For patent leather shoe stretch marks use special devices that are available in the respective workshops. Contact the shoemaker with your problem pair, he knows better how to put it in order.

Stretching patent shoes- the process is difficult, but possible. You should just not overdo it and take care of the problematic acquisition. If independent attempts do not work, it is better to turn to professionals. And, in principle, such a thing should be trusted to specialists.

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09/05/2013 How to break in new shoes
Sometimes you have to wonder how to break in your shoes. After all, a new pair of "clothes" for the legs is not always the joy of a new thing, but also a possible problem with discomfort during operation.

04/09/2013 How to stretch leather shoes
No one is immune from the fact that leather shoes need stretching. Therefore, now we will figure out how this can be done at home and with the help of professionals.

Patent leather shoes are made from natural or artificial leather treated with special chemicals that give the material a special mirror shine. For the first time, women's shoes with a glossy sheen were seen in the 40s of the 19th century, and since then the technology for processing the upper coating has changed and improved significantly. However, it happens that the shoes need to be stretched. To do this, there are professional methods and those that can be applied at home.

Is it possible to stretch patent leather shoes?

The fact remains unchanged: patent leather is vulnerable and capricious. Unlike ordinary leather, lacquer coating:

  • "Afraid" of sub-zero and too hot air temperatures;
  • easily scratched;
  • cracks quickly in places of creases;
  • can “peel off”, become cloudy, change its shade;
  • loses elasticity after contact with street dirt and dust;
  • ceases to shine from dampness;
  • difficult to stretch.

Taking into account the last of the above points, we can conclude that stretching patent leather shoes is real, however, this must be done very carefully and delicately.

It is important to remember that only natural material can be stretched. Shoes made of artificial (albeit the highest quality) materials are likely to fall into disrepair after trying to make them comfortable to wear.

In addition, you should take into account that:

  • shoes can only be stretched in width by 2-3 mm;
  • exclusive and expensive models are best left as they are, due to the impossibility of reanimating them if something goes wrong;
  • if the stretching procedure is successful, the shoes will have to be constantly treated with special care products that prevent shrinkage.

Common Mistakes When Stretching Patent Shoes

As already mentioned, patent leather does not respond well to too cold and hot temperatures. Among the many tips on how to stretch unsuitable boots or “boats”, freezing and dousing with boiling water are considered the most effective.

Attention! Putting the shoes in the freezer and bathing them in boiling water will not solve the problem. By such actions, you can get rid of the problem as a whole, but there will be nothing to wear after them, since the shoes can be completely damaged.

The second most popular bad advice is to beat off rubbing places with a hammer. Most often they can be found in old magazines, or heard from the older generation. Perhaps, earlier, such operations gave positive results, today they will only lead to the fact that shoes can be thrown away.

Another mistake when stretching lacquer shoes is hoping that harsh chemicals applied to the leather from above can soften and stretch it. It is important to remember: the varnish cannot be processed with gasoline, alcohol-containing liquids and silicone. Special stretching products sold in shoe stores are allowed to be applied to the inside of the shoe, but not to the front.

Popular Stretch Methods

The first thing you can do, after discovering that brand new and insanely beautiful shoes are only suitable for sitting at the table, is to ask a family member who has a foot size larger to break them in. This method will give positive results in three out of ten options, it all depends on the model of the shoe and the density of the material from which it is sewn.

If there were no larger legs, or if attempts did not give a positive result, ordinary medical alcohol will come to the rescue. As already mentioned, they need to process the inner surface of the shoe. In this case, alcohol is needed not for stretching, but for softening a hard back or sides. The legs will act as stretchers, on which several pairs of socks will be worn. After the shoes are thoroughly wiped from the inside with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol, they need to be worn for 2 to 3 hours. The procedure can be repeated several times.

Important! In people suffering from mycosis of the feet, the slightest contact with alcohol-containing liquids can cause an exacerbation of the disease. In such cases, warm soapy water is used instead of alcohol.

If the first three methods did not bring the desired result, help will come:

  1. Fen. Those who decide to try this method should stock up on warm socks and a small amount of hand cream or petroleum jelly. The hair dryer must be set to the “coldest” mode. A stream of air is directed exactly inside the shoe and warmed up for 5-7 minutes. After that, the problem area is rubbed with cream or petroleum jelly, and the shoes are immediately put on the leg wearing a sock. Remove boots or shoes after they have completely cooled down. If traces of cream remain on the inner surface, it can be removed with soapy water or sunflower oil;
  2. Goose fat. The method that has survived to this day does not lose its relevance today. When our grandmothers bought any shoes in conditions of shortage, it could often turn out that they did not fit them. In such situations, goose fat was used, which was used to lubricate the inner surface of the boots and wait until it was completely absorbed into the material. The fat softened the chafing backs and socks, and the shoes became much more comfortable.

Attention! This method is suitable not only for natural leather. Goose fat also softens "eco" leather with a glossy lacquer finish.

The most dangerous stretching method, used when none of the above methods have helped, is steaming. Using hot steam and boiling water can not only permanently ruin shoes, but also leave serious burns on a person’s skin, so you need to be extremely careful when handling it:

  • to use steam shoes for stretching, take a large pot of boiling water and hold the shoes over it for 2-3 minutes (sole up);
  • boiling water is poured inside for 2-3 minutes, poured out and the shoes are allowed to dry completely.

In order not to get burned, it is important not to forget to put on gloves on your hands and roll back your sleeves. If you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve the desired result, however, do not forget about caution.

How to stretch patent leather shoes professionally

For people who do not want to risk ruining a brand new pair of boots by trying to stretch them at home, there are two options for solving the problem: contact a shoemaker and purchase a special stretcher.

The first option is the most reliable. In many workshops that repair and tailor shoes, there are special devices that expand shoes in the area of ​​​​the shaft or foot. The equipment of such a plan will help to correct the instep and adjust the insole to the protruding areas of the foot.

They are not taken in workshops only for stretching shoes in length. This is explained by the fact that the length is determined by the fastening seams, which can be damaged during the stretching process. You can only change the width of leather and leather products. substitute, or stretch chafing backs.

If there are no professional workshops nearby, you can try to make the shoes more comfortable on your own, using special sprays or foams for this. The following products are considered the most effective:

  1. German spray "WAMA". For a bottle of a 75 ml product that can stretch any material, you will have to pay about 500 rubles;
  2. French "Oke". Softens natural leather, making it more elastic. A 150 ml bottle of the French Oke product costs about 650 rubles;
  3. German aerosol "Stretch" (manufacturer COLLONIL). Deserved a lot of positive reviews that characterize it as a quality tool for stretching any kind of shoes. The approximate cost of an aerosol is 550 rubles;
  4. Duke Stretch foam. Made in Germany, Duke Stretch foam is more recommended than others for stretching patent leather shoes. The tool gently and delicately affects the capricious material and does not leave any marks when it gets on a glossy surface. A bottle of foam in 100 ml is relatively inexpensive - 400 rubles;
  5. Spanish aerosol "TARRSGO". Recommended for use on various types of materials, however, when working with varnish, it is necessary to use other softeners. The TARRSGO Shoe Stretch aerosol is one of the cheapest imported products, the price for a 100 ml bottle is 300 rubles;
  6. Domestic "COMPLEX COMFORT SALTON Professional". A stretcher made in Russia is very cheap (150 rubles per 100 ml), however, after it the color may change and the shoe coating may deteriorate.

Several effective methods

The problem of chafing shoes is a fairly common problem faced by every third person. You can get rid of discomfort with the help of the following items:

  1. old newspapers. Large newspaper sheets must be cut into small pieces and crushed. Then the paper is thoroughly soaked with water and the resulting newspaper lump is tightly packed inside the shoe. After one or two days have passed and the newspaper has completely dried inside, you can take it out and try on shoes that have become much freer;
  2. Warm towel. A small terry towel is moistened in hot water and wrapped around each of the shoes individually. Then the resulting bundle is placed in a bag and carefully tied up, not forgetting to remove the remaining air for greater tightness. Uncomfortable patent leather shoes should be in the bag for 8 to 10 hours. After the time has elapsed, you need to get it and wear it around the house a little, putting it on thick socks;
  3. Wet socks. Wet socks are put on bare feet and problematic shoes are put on over them. It is important to ensure that the socks are damp and not soaked through, as water escaping from the fabric can damage the insole and the lining. Remove shoes only after the socks are completely dry;
  4. Stretch pads. You can buy such a device in specialized stores. Equipped with a screw mechanism for force stretching, wooden or plastic lasts can slightly expand and stretch the shoe in length.

Breaking in shoes that are a little tight or chafing is a real challenge. If you urgently need to stretch women's shoes for a wedding celebration or party, increase the width or length of shoes for a child, spread men's shoes, then you do not need to immediately contact specialists. Everything can be done at home using available tools or devices.

Is it possible to return shoes if they are too small?

If the shoes pinch or rub your feet, you can return them to the store within 14 days from the date of purchase. Article 25 of the Consumer Protection Law states that this can be done provided that:

  • payment receipt;
  • boxes;
  • the presentation of the product (no scratches, creases, abrasions, accessories are not lost).

Important: it is unlikely that the seller will be able to return the shoes in which they walked along the street. An exception is the return of goods under warranty within 30 days.

In order not to have to return shoes to the store, learn how to choose them correctly:

  • if you have problem legs (wide feet, bones, varicose veins), then it is better to choose shoes from trusted manufacturers and immediately on the leg, otherwise you will experience severe pain until the shoes break and take the shape of the foot;
  • it is better to measure shoes in the evening - at this time, the legs often swell, which means that the chance to buy shoes that are not the right size is small.

Is it possible to stretch women's, men's, children's shoes at home

Almost any shoes made of genuine leather can be broken in. It is easier to do this with suede and nubuck shoes due to the softness of these materials, more difficult with patent leather shoes (there is a risk that the varnish coating will crack). If the shoes are made of artificial lacquered material, then it is almost impossible to stretch them.

It is rather difficult to break shoes made of artificial leather, fabric, velor, because these materials tend to retain their shape in any conditions. Nevertheless, there are ways for them to stretch, but such shoes can only be increased slightly.

You can stretch small shoes no more than one size.

How to break small shoes into one size

With the help of special sprays, which are sold in shoe stores and hypermarkets, shoes made from natural materials are perfectly stretched:

  • spray the shoes from the inside so that they do not get wet;
  • put them on right away;
  • repeat the procedure if necessary.

The method is suitable for any shoes (leather, suede, nubuck), with the exception of artificial and patent leather products. A stretcher is an effective tool if the shoes need to be increased in size.

Is it possible to break shoes made of eco-leather or leatherette

Eco-leather shoes are difficult to break in, as this material is synthetic, not natural. But there is an effective way to expand the shoe so that it clearly fits the foot without squeezing:

  • lubricate the inner surfaces of the shoes with petroleum jelly;
  • wear them around the house on a warm sock for two to three days.

Video: how to stretch suede, leather, dermantin shoes

How to stretch genuine leather, suede, nubuck

The easiest way to slightly expand tight men's, women's or children's shoes made from natural materials is to actually break the shoes in, that is, walk around the house in them for as long as possible. This method is effective, but very tiring for the legs, as calluses and swelling may appear. To quickly break in suede shoes that crush your toes or rub your heel, you can do the following:

  • wet cotton socks, wring them out properly;
  • put on shoes and walk like this around the house until the socks are dry.

The procedure is effective, usually it is carried out 1 or 2 times. Suede shoes can be held over the steam. This will help to increase the volume of the shoes and partially restore its original appearance if there are already scuffs and other defects.

How to break in new leather shoes with rubbing alcohol

Shoes made of nubuck and leather with heels or flat soles can be stretched with alcohol or vodka:

  • moisten shoes from the inside with alcohol;
  • put it on with a thick sock;
  • walk for a few hours.

The method is also suitable for suede products. Before using this method, you should make sure that the material is really natural.

How to quickly expand tight shoes at home: freezer, boiling water, hair dryer

  1. Freezing: insert the bags into the shoes, then fill them with water and put in the freezer until the water is completely frozen, then remove the shoes and wait 20 minutes. This method is suitable for shoes made of very durable and rough leather.
  2. Pour a little boiling water inside the shoes, immediately pour it out. Wait until it cools down, put on your shoes and walk around for a while. This method is good in cases where you need to stretch the shoes quickly. It sounds, of course, intimidating, but for leather shoes the method is safe, since natural materials are resistant to high temperatures.
  3. The way to stretch with a thick sock and a hair dryer: put on thick socks, then shoes and heat it all up with a hair dryer. Shoes should warm up well. to be like. The heat makes the shoes softer and stretches faster.

Video: three ways to stretch narrow and hard shoes

Ways to break in faux leather shoes and women's patent leather pumps

It is almost impossible to spread leatherette shoes, but there are ways to slightly expand leatherette shoes. The most effective of them are the expansion methods described above using alcohol, freezing and greasy cream (Vaseline) with pads. You also need to be careful when stretching patent leather shoes. If they rub the heel, you can knead it with your hands, rub it with hard soap, or beat it very carefully with a hammer.

How to Comfort Patent Shoes with Wet Newspaper and Potatoes

Patent leather pumps can be slightly softened, thereby making it more comfortable for the foot. To do this, use potatoes: put the peeled tubers into shoes along with crumpled newspapers and leave until the tubers dry overnight.

It is worth noting that the method is also suitable for shoes made from other natural materials. Wet newspapers can stretch faux leather shoes. To do this, you need to tightly stuff them with shoes and leave to dry (for 4-5 hours). However, given the property of leatherette to keep its shape, it will turn out to stretch such shoes no more than 3-5 millimeters.

Oily cream and pads

To stretch shoes made of genuine patent leather, you can apply a greasy cream or petroleum jelly:

  • lubricate the inside of the shoes with Vaseline;
  • wait until the product is absorbed;
  • put on shoes and walk around in them for 20-30 minutes.

After processing, shoe lasts must be inserted into the shoes - while walking, the shoes are deformed, while using the shoes is less likely that the lacquer coating will burst.

How to make dance shoes and velor shoes bigger

Dance shoes are made of textile, so stretching them is problematic. You can try to put a wet insole in them and walk around. A good solution is to contact a shoe shop. And it is better to treat the choice of such shoes as carefully as possible and not buy small shoes.

Velor shoes are stretched with alcohol, but water cannot be used (stains and stains will remain on the material).

The right way to trample rock shoes

The peculiarity of rock shoes is that they have a curved last, a rubber sole and you need to buy them 2 or 3 sizes smaller. Therefore, the topic of posting is relevant for all climbing lovers.

It is better not to use alcohol and steam for this for a simple reason: the block gradually levels out if you walk on a flat surface. Breaking in climbing shoes is necessary only in the process of climbing on an artificial or natural relief surface. Accordingly, the correct way to wear is to stretch the shoes daily, using shoes for their intended purpose: climbing short distances.

Reviews: how to stretch shoes painlessly and quickly

I recently gave my shoes a stretch (pressed the heel on the heel) - they didn’t help, maybe they stretched a little, but they still pressed. So she suffered, the pain was hellish, because they didn’t rub, but they pressed on the bone. then at work a colleague gave spray foam for stretching, I watered and watered it, then I took it home, poured it, put on two socks and walked around the apartment for half an hour. in the end, they stretched out after all!))) However, now they even fall off sometimes - I overdid it)))))


I bought several stretchers (Salamander, Salton, etc.) I liked Silver the most. Black tube with a picture. Volume = 150 ml. Firstly: there is a lot of it. One tube is enough for me for 2 pairs (I always stretch the tops of my calf boots full). Secondly, quite comfortable. For example: I bought Salton, not only was it not enough, very 90 ml - it was enough for 2 times, I also put it on boots, put it on - I barely left - my skin burned incredibly (through nylon stockings). after I took it off, there was a terrible irritation. Thirdly: inexpensive - in my city (Krasnoyarsk) - about 80 rubles. Against Salton - Salamander - 110-180. PS. By the way, I stretched both leather and suede, as well as their substitutes.

happy wife again

I recently bought a device for stretching shoes \ a wooden block with two screws / stretched all the shoes and sandals, it stretches perfectly, even synthetic sandals, although there were only straps. I couldn’t put it on before - the rise is very high, now I want to buy another stretch, which can be put inside, otherwise this one cannot fit into boots. I first inserted an inlay into the shoe, which is given when buying fins, and then a last, it’s more convenient.


I constantly buy shoes that are like norms in the store, and then small = ((usually you put on - you can endure, reach, but it’s impossible to put on the next day. Once I got it, washed the shoes, climbed into them and spent half a day at home, like in slippers. The next day - normal, they sit as they should. Now I'm again sitting in wet socks in new shoes. Only one warning - cheap shoes stretch calmly, but may not look quite perfect (as if these are not new shoes, but two or three weeks of wearing And the shoes are normal (at least the same “Tervolina”) and get wet worse and stretch worse. But it retains its appearance. The above refers to the topic “stretch in width”. socks. Stretched, but this is a thankless task. It is better to look at the length clearly.