Age difference between Anakin Skywalker and Padmé in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Padmé Amidala's costumes (Star Wars) From Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader

Princess Padmé Amidala is a bright, assertive and strong-willed character in the famous saga called “Star Wars”. She had a difficult fate: since childhood, Amidala suffered many trials and she had to devote herself to serving the people of the planet Naboo. With complete dedication, she brilliantly completed her mission, which earned her the trust of her loyal circle.

Who played Princess Amidala in Star Wars?

The character of Padmé Amidala appears in several episodes of the star movie saga:

  • "Episode 1: The Phantom Menace";
  • "Episode 2. Attack of the Clones";
  • "Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith."

The role of Queen Amidala in all three episodes went to the famous actress Natalie Portman. The director himself invited her to play the ruler and Natalie immediately agreed, despite the fact that she was not familiar with any of the episodes. She had to show the importance of the mission that Princess Amidala carried out in the Star Wars film saga. The actress, who played the warlike woman, coped with this task and immediately became a favorite of science fiction fans.

Natalie Portman organically managed to enter the role of such a character as Princess Amidala. The actress stated that this work was an excellent basis for her acting experience.

Childhood years

Padmé Neberry was born in a small village village into an ordinary family. She and her older sister Sola were raised, instilling high moral qualities, preparing them for great achievements. She studied in the best schools on Naboo and from an early age showed talent in working for the benefit of society.

According to the laws of Naboo, all inhabitants of the planet from 12 to 20 years old had to pay off their debt by working on a voluntary basis. At the age of 7, Padme voluntarily joined an organization called the Movement for the Improvement of the Lives of Refugees, where her father Ruvi Neberry was a member. As part of the Movement's activities, she takes part in an operation to resettle people from the planet Shadda-Bi-Boran, which may suffer from the explosion of a nearby star in its system.

A little later, she enters the Legislative Body as a student, where she eventually receives the position of a young legislator. At that time, Padme was 11 years old. During this period, she first meets her wise mentor, Silya Chesson.

Ascension to the throne

Padmé took over as Queen of Naboo when she was 14 years old. By this point, she already had experience ruling the capital city of Theed. According to Naboo tradition, all queens came into their own at a young age. After ascending the throne, Padmé took on the formal name Amidala. The princess immediately began to fulfill her duty.

After becoming queen, Amidala took a course in self-defense and weapons handling at the insistence of Captain Panaka, the head of the security service. Panaka himself was involved in the selection and training of the queen's ladies-in-waiting. The girls went through a strict selection process. An important criterion was external resemblance to the queen, which made it possible to replace her in dangerous times by playing the role of a double. The maids of honor were fluent in martial arts and could protect the queen.

According to the laws of the royal court, the ruler must wear complex outfits, hairstyles and heavy makeup, which Amidala did not avoid. The princess could easily put one of the ladies-in-waiting in her place in her place. Amidala herself at this time served as one of the maids and returned to her own name - Padme, which was known to few.

Political intrigue

After 5 months from the beginning of her reign, Amidala encountered difficulties, which we learn about in the film “Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.” The Galactic Senate decided to establish a tax on ships having trade relations with distant stars. This was unprofitable for the Trade Federation, as it threatened a significant loss of profit. Then the ships of this powerful organization, as a sign of protest, blocked the planet Naboo, which lives mainly on imports (due to the scarcity of its own resources).

Supreme Chancellor Velorum secretly sent envoys to Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray to resolve the conflict. The Viceroy, under the leadership of Darth Sidious, decides to destroy the ambassadors, however, they turn out to be Jedi and fight back. Nute Gunray decides to invade Naboo and capture the queen, forcing her to sign a trade treaty with his Federation, which would make the invasion legal. At this time, the queen is replaced by a double maid, Sabe, who was approved by Amidala. The princess becomes a maid of honor, using the name Padme.

Jedi Ambassadors - Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi free Queen Amidala along with her retinue, and in a spaceship break through the blockade, heading for Coruscant. There, Queen Amidala planned to address the Senate through Naboo's representative, Palpatine. The ship did not reach its target. Having suffered damage while breaking the blockade, and not having the technical ability to continue the flight, the crew decides to land. For this purpose, the small poor planet Tatooine, free from the Trade Federation, was chosen.

Meet Anakin Skywalker

Arriving on Tatooine, the inhabitants of Naboo faced an obstacle. Their ship needed repairs to resume course. The required part turned out to be expensive, and traders refused to accept payment in the form of Naboo credits. It is here that Padmé Amidala, in the guise of the queen's handmaiden, meets young Anakin Skywalker: a slave boy working in a parts dealer's shop.

Fortunately, their stay on Tatooine coincided with the annual intergalactic race on high-speed cars, where the winner was entitled to a large reward. And young Skywalker offered his free help to strangers by becoming the pilot of a high-speed car of his own assembly. Anakin won the race, despite the dangers that awaited him. The course to Corussan, where Amidala was so eager, was resumed. The princess was able to continue her mission. Now her crew was replenished with young Skywalker - a gifted boy with high sensitivity to the Force.

Liberation of Naboo

Arriving on Coruscant and speaking before the Senate, Queen Amidala realizes that she has become embroiled in Palpatine's political intrigues. Taking advantage of the situation, Palpatine takes the post of Supreme Chancellor instead of Velorum. The Queen decides to return to Naboo.

While on her home planet, Amidala enters into negotiations with the Gungans, a deep-sea race living in the underwater cities of Naboo. It is here that her companions learn about the use of the double. It became clear who was the queen and who was playing. Princess Amidala is listened to carefully. The negotiations are successful, the Gungans agree to side with the Naboo army against the Trade Federation troops.

The Federation, for its part, provides an army of droids and launches an attack on Naboo. The Gungans bravely provide resistance by destroying the droids. But the decisive step in the battle is taken by little Skywalker, who blows up the droid control station. In this battle, Qui-Gon Jinn dies, and Obi-Wan avenges his teacher.

Nute Gunray is defeated, stripped of his powers and arrested. Queen Amidala wins yet another victory, managing to protect the people of her planet with extraordinary courage and exceptional tactical skills.

Senatorial post

Queen Amidala's reign was coming to an end. According to the Naboo constitution, she gave up her post to the next ruler, Jamilia. However, she asked her to take the post of Senator of Naboo, previously held by Palpatine. The film “Episode 2. Attack of the Clones” tells about these events.

At this time, there was a threat of a split in the Republic. Several galactic systems were about to leave, which threatened the world order that had been established by the Jedi for so long. Now Senator Amidala had to visit Coruscant again to vote against the creation of an army to fight the separatists. Here, 10 years later, she will meet her old friends - Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and the matured Anakin Skywalker.

During turbulent times, attempts on the senator's life became more frequent. In one of them, her double, the maid of honor Corday, dies. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin take on the task of ensuring Amidala's safety. Soon a series of events leads to the outbreak of conflict. Thus began the next Star Wars.

Princess Amidala once again showed courage and dedication in the battles for peace and justice.

Personal life

Occupying high positions and working for the benefit of the planet Naboo, Padmé did not find time to start a family. Although throughout her fast-paced career she tried to build relationships more than once. First with a boy named Palo.

But their paths diverged when Padmé became interested in politics. Then with Jan Lago - the son of King Veruna's advisor. The relationship ended on the initiative of Padme herself. At that time she was busy preparing for the elections.

Amidala had the most tender relationship with the young Jedi apprentice Anakin Skywalker. Their sudden meeting after a 10-year separation revived the childhood feelings that had once arisen. They learned about their love while in the Lake District, where the Jedi apprentice was fulfilling his mission to protect the senator of Naboo. Over time, their feelings became stronger, but both understood that social duty would not allow them to be together.

But, despite all the dangers and obstacles, Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker secretly got married in the Lake District. Their union was registered by Maxiron Agolerga, a representative of the Brotherhood of Knowledge. Only two droids witnessed the conclusion of the alliance.

What happened to Princess Amidala?

Unfortunately, the fate of the bright and strong-willed character turned out to be tragic. Padmé was in for a great shock after learning that her secret husband had chosen the dark side and joined the Sith. For a long time she did not believe these rumors until she went to Mustafar to see for herself.

She managed to meet her husband and talk to him. But at some point, Anakin Skywalker, an adherent of the dark side, loses control and strikes his wife, after which she rapidly loses her strength.

Obi-Wan, who arrived in time, defeated his former student. Under Kenobi's leadership, Padmé was taken to the medical center. The girl could not be saved, her vitality was leaving her, this process was irreversible. Before her death, she gave birth to twins: Luke and Leia - hope for a bright future for the Republic.

In this article you will learn:

Anakin Skywalker- Jedi of the human race. Anakin's original story is perhaps the most complete, as he appears in most of the Star Wars films and cartoons.

Christensen as Anakin

Birth and childhood

The hero's mother was Shmi Skywalker from the planet Tatooine. He didn’t know his father, but there are rumors that he was a Sith who could control midi-chlorians. Since this has not been confirmed, it is believed that the boy was conceived artificially.

He was born in 42 BBY on the desert planet Tatooine, but Anakin himself assumed that he only grew up on the arid planet, where he arrived at the age of about three years.

Ani grew up as a blue-eyed, kind-hearted, hard-working boy who dreamed of one day becoming a star pilot. But his dreams were not destined to come true, since the Skywalkers were property, slaves of Gardulla the Hutt.

After several years of working for Gardulla, he lost his family in a race to a Toydarian, a parts dealer named Watto, and the Skywalkers found a new owner.

At the age of eight, Anakin first learned about the Sith. An old Republican pilot told him about the great wars of the past, who believed that in those wars not all the Sith died and only one managed to survive.

The hero was a very gifted child. He was very successful in mathematics and technology. At such a young age, Eni could put together anything. So he assembled his own car and robot , Having finished work somewhere around the age of nine.

The Phantom Menace

In the 1999 film The Phantom Menace, we first meet a boy played by actor Jake Lloyd.

In 32 BBY, when the hero was only 10 years old, his life changed dramatically. Knowledge of technology and good nature allowed Ani to meet space travelers: a Jedi, a Gungan, R2-D2 and a girl, whom he mistook for an “angel.”

Anakin invited his new friends to his home to wait out the sandstorm, where he learned their true purpose for arriving on Tatooine - to escape from the Trade Federation to the Senate on Coruscant in order to stop the invasion of Naboo. The travelers' hyperdrive was broken and Eni volunteered to help, revealing a desire to participate in the Bunta Yves Classic race in order to win enough money to buy it. The mother could not refuse her son’s desire to help.

Anakin, Shmi and Amidala

Qui-Gon Jinn saw Skywalker's potential, his lightning-fast reactions, and upon checking, he was surprised to learn that his midichlarian level was higher than that of himself. Anakin, in turn, was very eager to become a Jedi in order to help everyone, which gave Qui-Gon the idea to free the boy.

Before the race, the Genie made a bet with the owner of the Skywalkers. But subject to Anakin's victory, Watto agreed to release only the boy, leaving his mother with him.

The hero won this race. Now he was free. Anakin was faced with a choice: live on Tatooine with his mother or go with the Jinn and become a Jedi. Skywalker left Tatooine, promising that he would return to free his mother.

Jake Lloyd as little Anakin

So Anakin went on his first journey.

With Qui-Gon and Queen Amidala (the girl pretended to be her own servant), to whom Ani became very attached, he arrived on Coruscant, where he appeared before the High Council. The Council refused to train the boy, although Qui-Gon was convinced that Anakin was the Chosen One (the One who would bring balance to the Force).

The boy was experiencing emotions left over from life as a slave, so the masters believed that he would not be able to achieve the state of peace that a true Jedi needs.

Qui-Gon, Anakin, Obi-Wan and R2-D2

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear breeds anger; Anger breeds hatred; Hatred is the key to suffering. I feel strong fear in you.

Not knowing where to go now, Anakin tagged along with Jinn, with whom he flew to Naboo, with a mission to liberate the planet from occupation by the Trade Federation.

By chance, Anakin took a direct part in the Battle of Naboo in space. He single-handedly managed to destroy an entire orbital station that controlled droids on the planet, ending the invasion.

Although Skywalker emerged victorious, sad news awaited him on earth. In a battle with, Kawai-Gon died. The dying Jinn made Obi-Wan Kenobi, his student, promise to train the boy and the Council accepted that Anakin would learn the Force.

After the victory on Naboo, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic himself, promised to monitor Skywalker's progress.

Obi-Wan's Apprentice

Eni’s innate abilities instantly placed him above his peers, which began to feed his pride. He often showed off, spoke out against the opinions of his elders, and did not show much respect for Obi-Wan, whom he looked down on somewhat.

Obi-Wan became more than just a teacher to Anakin, he was like a father to him. Secretly, Skywalker believed that his strength was many times greater than that of his teacher and Kenobi was holding him back. This fact made their relationship confusing and contradictory.

When Anakin didn’t get along with Kenobi, he went to his “friend” Palpatine, who stroked the Jedi’s pride with praise.

In 28 BBY, Anakin created his first lightsaber in the caves of Ilum..

Attack of the Clones

“Attack of the Clones” is the second film in which we see Anakin. Its events take place 10 years after the end of the plot of the first part. In this film, the grown-up Anakin is played by actor Hayden Christensen.

Skywalker and Kenobi

In 22 BBY, Padmé Amidala, who was now a senator from the Chommell sector, was assassinated. Anakin, who had not seen Padmé for ten years, was appointed her personal protector. For ten years, Skywalker did not stop thinking about Amidala, and now that he was with her, his attraction grew into love.

On Naboo, where Padmé was hiding with her protector, she agreed to him, kissing him for the first time. Amidala was more prudent than Skywalker because she thought about the consequences. Anakin, on the other hand, was focused on feelings, breaking the tradition of the Order to be attached only to the Force.

For a long time, Anakin suffered from nightmares in which he saw his mother. A new nightmare he saw on Naboo forced him to violate his orders to protect Amidala, taking her with him to Tatooine to find Shmi. On Tatooine, the hero learned that his mother was freed by the farmer Cligg Lars, who married her. At the Lars farm, Ani was told that Shmi had been kidnapped by Tusken raiders, so the hero immediately rushed to find her.

Skywalker mural

Using his instincts, Anakin found Shmi, but it was already too late. His mother died in his arms. This death caused such anger that the Jedi massacred the entire raider tribe, including women and children. Even Yoda felt Skywalker's pain and anger.

With the death of his mother, the Jedi had a terrible desire to gain such power with which he could save people from death.

Padmé: « There are things that cannot be fixed, you are not omnipotent, Anakin.»

Anakin: « There should be! One day I will... I will become the most powerful Jedi! I promise you. I will learn to make sure people don't die!»

Arriving on Tatooine, Anakin learned that his teacher had been captured by the Confederacy on Geonosis. Skywalker's goal was to protect Amidala, but she persuaded the Jedi to go to rescue Kenobi. Ani left Tatooine taking his droid C-3PO with him.

Arriving at Geonosis, the couple was captured and exhibited, along with the previously captured Obi-Wan, in the gladiator arena. Faced with the threat of death, Anakin and Padmé confessed their love to each other. The trio was saved from certain death by the arrival of the Jedi and the clone army.

Leaving Amidala, Ani and his teacher began to pursue the leader of the Confederation and a former Jedi (note: Qui-Gon Jinn's teacher). Skywalker lost his arm in the battle with him and almost died if Yoda didn’t come to the rescue.

Dooku cuts off Anakin's hand

Anakin was implanted with a mechanical arm and while he was in the Temple for treatment, Yoda and Kenobi tried to convince Amidala to end their relationship with him. Padmé lied and she and Skywalker soon married. The secret wedding ceremony took place in Varikino on Naboo. The only witnesses were the droids C-3PO and R2-D2.

Wedding Anakin and Amidala Skywalker and Amidala

Clone War

This war made Anakin a legend. He became renowned as a top fighter pilot, earning the rare title of Thane.

During the war, Skywalker was not concerned about his own life, as he was concerned about the health of his teacher, Palpatine, the soldiers who acted under his leadership, and even the astro droid R2-D2. The Jedi broke more and more rules. He increasingly feared for Padmé's life.

Anakin vs Ventress

On a mission on the planet Naboo, Skywalker met Asajj Ventress, a Dark Jedi who became a fierce enemy of both Anakin and Kenobi.

During the war, Obi-Wan took in Padawan Halaged Ventor for training, with whom Anakin became very close friends.

The Clone War was a terrible event in the life of a Jedi. During the battles on the planet Jabiim, Skywalker received a message about the alleged death of his teacher. This made the hero more reckless. He rushed into the thick of things along with clones, padawans and Jedi. When Palpatine wanted to evacuate Anakin from the planet, he agreed, soon learning that everyone he fought with had died.

For his heroic actions in the war, Anakin was declared a Jedi Knight. Skywalker sent the Padawan's cut off braid to his wife as a sign of love.

Arriving on Coruscant, Anakin wanted to meet his wife, but fell into the trap of Asajj Ventress. The Dark Jedi promised to kill Amidala, which once again sent Skywalker into a rage. In this duel, the hero received his famous scar above his right eye. He emerged victorious, but Ventress managed to survive.

Anakin continued to participate in battles for the Republic. While fighting on the planet Christophis, his first student was assigned to the Jedi. After the victory on Christophis, Anakin, although reluctantly, accepted the Padawan.

Anakin and Ahsoka

Together with Ahsoka, Ani completed quite a few missions. Together, they saved Jabba's son, participated in the mission to liberate the planet Kyros, saved the Jedi Master Plo Koon,

Although Anakin and Ahsoka became friends, Tano left the Jedi.

In the Battle of Coruscant, when the Confederacy invaded, the Republic managed to win, but Chancellor Palpatine was captured.

Revenge of the Sith

Skywalker and Kenobi went to save the chancellor. After finding Palpatine, the Jedi engaged Count Dooku in battle. The Count was still strong, so he quickly knocked out Kenobi, crossing swords with Anakin. War-hardened Skywalker suddenly won, cutting off both of the Sith's hands.

After Palpatine ordered Dooku to be killed, the Jedi beheaded him, taking another step towards darkness. When the Chancellor tried to persuade him to leave Kenobi, Anakin refused.

Returning to Coruscant, the hero learned the news that his wife was pregnant. After this, Anakin increasingly began to be tormented by visions where he saw the death of Amidala. Because of them, the Jedi wanted to gain access to the forbidden holocrons of the masters of the past. This was facilitated by Palpatine, who appointed Skywalker as his representative on the Jedi Council. This meant that Eni was supposed to become a master, but his rank was still not raised.

The final point in the distrust of the Council was when the Jedi asked Anakin to keep an eye on his friend Palpatine.

The Jedi turned to Yoda for help. He spoke of his prophetic visions of someone close to him dying, but did not reveal his identity. Yoda advised him to learn to let go of everything he was afraid of losing. Skywalker was not satisfied with this answer.

Despite the Council's warnings, Anakin continued to spend time with Palpatine, who began to develop a dark side within him. The Chancellor told the story of Darth Plagueis (his teacher) who had the power over death. This story made Anakin think that the dark side could save Padmé's life.

When Palpatine revealed his identity - Darth Sidious, Lord of the Sith, offering Skywalker the path of the dark side to save his beloved, Anakin refused, reporting everything.

Windu, along with Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto, were supposed to arrest the Sith when Anakin was supposed to remain in the Temple. But, naturally, he did not listen. Tormented by thoughts of Amidala's death, Skywalker followed the Jedi. Arriving at the chancellor, the hero discovered Windu, who was about to kill Palpatine. The fear of losing Padme overpowered Anakin when he cut off the master's hand and allowed Palpatine to win.

It was already too late to repent; there was no turning back. Palpatine explained this as the purpose of a Jedi and suggested joining the dark side. The Sith Lord promised to reveal the secret of power over death, so Skywalker agreed to become Darth Sidious's student in order to save Amidala's life.

So, Anakin Skywalker “died”, becoming legendary.

« Now stand up...Darth Vader!”

The brown-eyed beauty, who has the responsibility of ruling the entire planet, is fraught with enormous will. Behind the image of a tender lotus (this is how the name of the heroine is translated), Padmé Amidala hides a calculating mind and cold ingenuity. Queen of the planet Naboo, beloved, mother of opposition twins - the heroine lived a bright and emotional life worthy of a true ruler.

History of creation

Since the release of the first part of the saga, the author of Star Wars has tried to introduce integral female characters into the plot. Feminists and the director himself were not happy that almost all the main roles in the film belonged to men. Pilots, maids and other minor characters - female images did not arouse interest among television viewers.

The situation changed in 1999, when the young queen Padmé Amidala Naberrie appeared in the story. A fragile but determined girl is a suitable type for the saga, not inferior in brightness even to Princess Leia. The role of the Queen of Naboo went to a young actress:

“I was a little older than Padme, and our views on life did not coincide. And then I fell just a little short: she was twenty-two, and I was nineteen. It’s a rare chance to see and experience the development of your heroine, and grow up with her.”

George Lucas stretched the biography of young Padmé Amidala into three films: “Episode I: The Phantom Menace” (1999), “Episode II: Attack of the Clones” (2002) and “Episode III: Revenge of the Sith” (2005).

According to the plot, the Queen of Naboo is periodically replaced by a maid. The role of Padmé's double was played by the actress. Intricate makeup, inspired by the makeup of kabuki actors, made the actresses, who were similar in appearance, almost look like twins.

Image and character

Padmé was born in a mountain village located far from the central city of the planet Naboo. The girl's family was not distinguished by wealth or special position in society. Padmé spent most of her time with her sister Sola.

At the age of 12, the girl left her native village for the first time to visit her grandmother, who lived in Theed, the capital of the planet. City life took over the child, so Padmé decided to move to the city. Already at such a young age, the girl differed from her peers in her perseverance and determination.

Padme's political career began quickly and dizzyingly. Before reaching the age of 13, the girl takes the post of ruler of Theed, and at the age of 14 the heroine receives the title of Queen of Naboo and adds the word “Amidala” to her own name as a throne name.

The responsibilities of the crowned lady fell heavily on the shoulders of the young girl. Padme not only makes important decisions for the planet, but also spends time at receptions, for which she dresses in heavy and uncomfortable suits. To hide her appearance, Amidala wears complex makeup. Such a measure is not a fashion statement at all, but a way to protect the queen. This way no one will know what Padmé really looks like. In addition, the girl is accompanied everywhere by a double - a maid named Sabé.

Amidala's quiet reign does not last long. A conflict soon arises pitting the Queen of Naboo against the Trade Federation. The tense situation escalates into war, and, with the help of the Jedi, Padmé leaves her home planet.

While escaping, the queen's ship is attacked. Padme, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn land on the planet Tatooine. A boy named Anakin Skywalker helps the wanderers repair the ship. Padmé makes an indelible impression on the young mechanic.

The queen still manages to get to the Senate, where the girl makes a speech, quotes from which local politicians do not like. Amidala leaves the council without achieving help for Naboo. But the queen’s character does not allow her to give up. Padmé concludes a profitable agreement with the Gungan race and liberates her home planet by storm.

10 years later, Padmé Amidala continues to move up the career ladder. The Queen of Naboo receives a new assignment - now the purposeful girl takes the place of a senator on the Council, which decides the fate of the Galaxy.

Her high position and bold statements make Padmé dangerous for the senator. The hunt for the heroine begins again. A brave girl turns to the Jedi for help, and old acquaintances - Obi-Wan Kenobi and the matured Anakin - are assigned as bodyguards to the heroine.

Young people spend a lot of time alone. A small age difference and similar outlooks on life bring Padmé and Skywalker closer. The development of the novel is facilitated by dangerous situations: attempts are made on Amidala’s life, Anakin’s teacher is held captive.

During the battle for Obi-Wan's freedom, the young people are captured. Expecting death, the girl decides to take another risky step: Padmé confesses her love to the young Jedi. The beginning of the clone war fades into the background for the young senator, his feelings overshadow everything.

Still from the movie "Star Wars"

Fortunately, the battle ends with the victory of Skywalker and Amidala. Soon the young people, secretly from their friends, tie the knot. The girl is happy. Now the heroine has a beloved man next to her who will protect her from her enemies. Even the senator’s appearance changes: strict formal dresses give way to light romantic outfits, and a complex hairstyle gives way to delicate curls.

The lovers continue to hide their marriage from others, so they spend a lot of time separately. Padme serves as a senator on the Council, and Anakin learns the science of the Jedi and travels with a teacher around the Galaxy. The news of pregnancy was both happy and alarming for Amidala. The girl is happy to have a new addition to her family, but is afraid that she will lose her political career.

Hiding her own position, Padmé continues to conduct opposition activities directed against Senator Palpatine. The girl feels guilty, because Amidala knows that her husband is disposed towards the tyrant. Realizing that the Republic cannot be saved, that an era of tyranny is approaching, the heroine returns to her home planet to become a mother in a calm environment.

The news of her husband's transition to the Dark Side took Padmé by surprise. The girl noticed changes in her husband, but did not think that Anakin was capable of doing evil. Not believing Obi-Wan’s words, the heroine goes to Skywalker to personally verify what she heard. But the long-awaited meeting turns out to be a shocking event for Padme. The beloved no longer looks like himself, now Darth Vader stands in front of the girl.

Having barely escaped death, Amidala is sent to the hospital. The late stage of pregnancy and the stress that the heroine experienced from the sad news brought the birth closer. In the hospital, Padme gives birth to twins, but the girl is not interested in the good news. Queen of Naboo, Council senator and wife of a Jedi, no longer sees the meaning of life. At 27 years old, the young and purposeful heroine no longer wants to fight for the future. Padmé Amidala prefers a peaceful death to further existence without her loved one.

  • Padmé is 4 years older than Anakin. The girl was born in 46 before the Battle of Yavin, and the Jedi in 42 (time is calculated in reverse order in the Galaxy). At the time of their acquaintance, the queen was 14 years old, the future - 10.
  • Padmé's intricate hairstyles are an interpretation of the traditional styles worn by married women in Mongolia and Tibet. In ancient times, such hair structures symbolized cow horns.

  • The queen's costumes are equipped with a special symbol - a kind of seal, indicating the status of the person. Attentive viewers will notice the symbol on all Padmé’s dresses, which the girl wears in three parts of the film saga.


“This is how freedom dies - to thunderous applause.”
“I'm not afraid of death. I died every day before I met you.”
“Mentors always point out our shortcomings. This is necessary for our growth."
“This war is characterized by an unwillingness to hear.”
“I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you talk about the invasion committee in endless meetings!”

If you missed or forgot the first 6 parts of the epic, read Banderolkin's review of the main characters and the relationships between them.

Click on the picture to view it in higher resolution.

Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker

The main character, who is probably known to anyone who can theoretically read this article, is Darth Vader, the Sith Lord and the watchdog of the supreme villain of the Empire.

His enormous significance in the world of Star Wars is determined primarily by the fact that he played a key role both in the first episodes of the epic and in subsequent ones. In his childhood and adolescence, before turning to the dark side, his name was Anakin Skywalker, and great hopes were placed on him: the boy was considered the chosen one, capable of restoring the balance of power and destroying the Sith. Despite his low origins, Anakin managed to become one of the strongest Jedi and achieve great influence both in the Order and in politics.

However, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Chancellor Palpatine, managed to play on his feelings for his beloved, and tricked him into switching to the dark side. Where Anakin, or rather Vader, achieved even more - he became the commander-in-chief of the troops and the second man in the Empire after the Emperor himself.

Darth Skywalker took part in the main battles of the epic. He fought twice with his Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi, with the Sith Lord Count Dooku and with his own son Luke Skywalker. It was he who played a key role in the formation of the Empire, and then he destroyed it.

Featured Quote:"I am your father!"

Master Yoda

A seemingly tiny green creature, but in fact the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Yoda trained the most powerful knights in the saga, including Luke Skywalker, Dooku, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto and Mace Windu. And he himself was the strongest and wisest Jedi of his time. He fought Count Dooku, his past student, and Darth Sidious, the dark lord of the Sith. Without Yoda's wisdom, the Empire would not have been defeated.

And also, without it, we wouldn’t have learned to speak by rearranging words in a funny way in a sentence.

Featured Quote: “Ready, then? What do you know about that? He taught the Jedi for eight hundred years. I will decide for myself who to take for training.”

Palpatine/Darth Sidious

The most insidious character in the Star Wars saga is the Dark Lord of the Sith. He was a senator for a long time, was friends with the main characters and successfully pretended to be a friend of the Republic, which did not stop him from weaving vile intrigues against his own « friends » . It was he who managed to transfer Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, it was he who managed to destroy the Republic, and it was he who became the victim of his own atrocities. Killed (?) by his student - Darth Vader.

Featured Quote: “We stand on the threshold of a new world. For security and stability, the Republic will be transformed into the first Galactic Empire, a society of security and reliability that will exist for ten thousand years. An empire that will be governed by this majestic assembly and a sovereign ruler elected for life.”

Padme Amidala

Queen of the planet Naboo, senator of the Galactic Senate, wife of Anakin Skywalker, mother of Luke and Princess Leia. Despite her seemingly minor role, she influenced many events in the film. If the Jedi had not saved the queen, they would never have met the unusual slave boy from Tatooine, who later became Darth Vader; If Anakin had not fallen in love with Padme, he would not have fallen to the dark side; If Padme had not given birth to two talented children - Luke and Leia - the Empire would not have been defeated!

Featured Quote: “Obi-Wan... There's still good in him... I know. It’s in him..."

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Teacher of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. It was Obi-Wan who, in the first battle with Anakin, cut off both his legs and an arm and burned him with lava. After this battle, Darth Vader was forced to put on a mask and a life support suit. Years later, Obi-Wan Kenobi, in his second battle with Darth Vader, for some reason stopped fighting, raised his sword, and as a result was defeated by his former student.

Featured Quote: “You were the chosen one! They predicted that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! You will restore the balance of the Force, and not plunge it into darkness!”

Luke Skywalker

Son of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé. A key character in the war with the Empire, a student of Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi. With the help of nobility and kindness, he managed to convince his father, Darth Vader, to turn to the light side again and become a Jedi. He was equally good with the sword and the word, so he became famous as a talented warrior, a good speaker and a loyal friend.

Featured Quote: "I am a Jedi, just like my father."

Han Solo

A Corellian of high birth, who, due to his internal qualities, could not serve the Empire and became a smuggler. Adventurous, arrogant, but unconditionally loyal to his friends, he helped Luke throughout the war and played an important role in the victory over the Empire.

The most charismatic character in the saga, the husband of Luke Skywalker's sister, Princess Leia. Chewbacca's best friend, whom he rescued from slavery. Pilot and owner « ]]> Millennium Falcon]]> » .

Featured Quote: "You like me because I'm a scoundrel."

Princess Leia (Leia Organa Solo)

Daughter of Anakin and Padme. The youngest senator on the Galactic Council. She secretly supported the rebels fighting against the Empire, for which she became its enemy and was captured. As the story progresses, she, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker begin a love triangle. While Luke is her twin brother. However, they didn’t know about it then. Leia eventually married Han Solo.

Featured Quote:"Vader's death may have been heroic, but ten minutes of repentance cannot erase years of atrocities."


Wookiee, Han Solo's best friend. A talented mechanic and pilot, he helped Luke Skywalker and his friends during the war with the Empire.

Featured Quote: “Wa-wa-waaaaa!!”

This was a selection of the most significant characters in the saga. In other reviews of Banderolka you can read about or find out which movie epics you can buy in American online stores.

The Star Wars universe is constantly growing with new theories, prequels and sequels. It is because of the non-chronological order of filming that large plot holes, inconsistencies and outright blunders are formed. But perhaps these are just George Lucas's well-thought-out moves.

Let's look at some of the most popular Star Wars questions and theories.

Premiere (films by release date):

Chronological (chronological order of actions in the saga):

  • Star Wars: Episode 1 - "The Phantom Menace" 1999
  • Star Wars: Episode 2 – “Attack of the Clones” 2002
  • Star Wars: Episode 3 - "Revenge of the Sith" 2005
  • A Star Wars Story - Rogue One 2016
  • Star Wars: Episode 4 - "A New Hope" 1977
  • Star Wars: Episode 5 - "The Empire Strikes Back" 1980
  • Star Wars: Episode 6 - "Return of the Jedi" 1983
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2017

The most complete, in chronological order (for true Star Wars fans):

  • Star Wars: Episode 1 - "The Phantom Menace" 1999
  • Star Wars: Episode 2 – “Attack of the Clones” 2002
  • Star Wars: "The Clone Wars" full-length cartoon 2008.
  • Star Wars: "The Clone Wars" animated series 2008 – 2015
  • Star Wars: Episode 3 - "Revenge of the Sith" 2005
  • Star Wars Rebels animated series 2014 -...
  • A Star Wars Story - Rogue One 2016
  • Star Wars: Episode 4 - "A New Hope" 1977
  • Star Wars: Episode 5 - "The Empire Strikes Back" 1980
  • Star Wars: Episode 6 - "Return of the Jedi" 1983
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2017

How many years older than Anakin Skywalker is Padmé Amidala?

At the time of the events of Episode 1 of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Anakin appears to us as a 9-year-old boy. Padmé by that time was already the Queen of Naboo, which was not hampered by her 14-year-old age.

According to some sources, Anakin was 10 years old. Quote:

“Padmé was born in 46 before the Battle of Yavin. Anakin was born in 42 before the Battle of Yavin. They met for the first time in the year 32 before the Battle of Yavin."

Based on this, it turns out that Padmé is 4-5 years older than Anakin.

Who is Anakin Skywalker's father?

There are many different theories about this. It's no secret that Anakin became a product of the Force itself. But who contributed to this is a big question that remains open to this day. Some theories say that Palpatine (Darth Sidious) had a hand in this. Some say that Anakin was born as a result of Darth Plagueis's experiment. And the fastest ones have already come up with a theory that Snoke is Anakin’s father.

What does the color of a lightsaber mean?

Lucas originally planned that there would be two lightsabers: red (evil, Sith) and blue/blue (good, Jedi). But during filming it turned out that the blue sword loses all its chic against the backdrop of a cloudless blue sky. This is how the green sword was introduced. Well, then it started...

  • Blue (light blue) – Jedi protectors. Physically strong, the main emphasis is on using a lightsaber rather than the Force.
  • Green – Jedi consuls. They brought peace. They used swords reluctantly, preferring to train in the use of the Force.
  • Yellow – Jedi guards. Balance between the use of the Force and the sword. They were entrusted with espionage and other secret tasks of the order. (Variations of shades of a yellow lightsaber: orange, brown).
  • A golden lightsaber was very rare and signified a very strong manifestation of the light side of the force.
  • Purple is the line between light and darkness. A Jedi wielding such a sword used both sides of the Force - light and dark.
  • Red is a Sith weapon.
  • White (silver) – Imperial knights sensitive to the Force. They were trained as Jedi, but served the Emperor.
  • Black is the oldest lightsaber. Flat, with a pointed end, it produces a higher sound than others.

How is color created in a lightsaber?

The point is the focusing crystal, which is located in the handle.

Initially, the Jedi used crystals of natural origin and were aware of many crystal deposits. This made the color scheme varied. The emperor, after order 66, destroyed most of the deposits. But after the events of episode 6, Luke Skywalker created a new Jedi order, which revived most of the deposits.

The Sith used synthetic red crystals that they grew themselves. These crystals created greater energy at the output and were more powerful than the Jedi ones. But because of this, they were less stable and could fail earlier.

Types of lightsabers

History and evolution of lightsabers

The history of the confrontation between the Jedi and the Sith (Sith)

Who thinks that the Sith are evil in the flesh, and the Jedi are white and fluffy, like angels, be sure to watch this video. From it you will learn that it was the short-sighted and sometimes cruel actions of the Jedi (such as the total extermination of an entire race) that gave rise to the hatred with which the Sith feed their Force.

The complete history of Star Wars (from the birth of the galaxy to the awakening of the Force)

Was Jar Jar Binks a Sith?

It would seem like a crazy theory. BUT. Either Lucas originally intended exactly this outcome of events, and what made him abandon such a course of the plot, one can only guess. Or he deliberately scattered these pseudo-clues to confuse the audience even more. Here is a video where those same tips are discussed in detail... or flaws?

Who is Yoda?

According to Lux's plan, Yoda should remain a mysterious person. Lucas forbade his origins to be described in any films, games, books, etc.

What did Padmé Amidala really die from?

Did Padmé die simply because she didn't want to live? Or maybe Palpatine wasn't lying, and Anakin really did kill Padmé. Watch the video:

Where did Darth Vader get his red sword?

After the Battle of Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi takes Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber. Palpatine orders Vader to make himself a new sword.

Vader finds and kills the Jedi, taking his lightsaber. He then flies to Mustafar and there charges the lightsaber crystal with hatred and pain, causing the crystal to change color to red.

How could Leia Organa remember her real mother Padmé Amidala? And why didn't Vader feel that Leia was his daughter?

Option 1: at the time of filming episodes 4-5-6, the story of Luke and Leia’s parents had not yet been thought out. Why, the very idea that Leia is Luke’s sister did not come with the first film made.

Option 2: Strength. Yes, she is the one. And while Luke has a strong connection with Vaidar (Anakin), Leia has a powerful connection with her mother. And she remembers her not entirely through memories. These are rather dreams and images, like those that appeared to Anakin (only not so dark).

Precisely because the connection existed only in the father version<=>son, wash<=>daughter, Vader did not feel that Leia was his daughter, and Luke did not “remember” his mother.

Why was Luke sent to Tatooine?

Why was Darth Vader’s son “hidden” on Anakin’s home planet, and under the same last name? It's simple: Anakin hated this planet and the sand in which it was buried. He spoke about this more than once. And I would hardly return there.

Why did Darth Vader die?

The reason for this is not Luke's severed hand, but the lightning of Palpatine's (Darth Sidious) power. And the point here is not so much that the suit was very vulnerable in front of them, but that the lightning struck straight into the spine (instead of which there was a prosthesis). Even if Vader had not taken off his mask, he would still have died.

There was also a theory that Palpatine was needed to keep him alive. And since he died, then Vader’s death is a done deal.

Is Anakin Skywalker really the chosen one or was Luke the chosen one?

Anakin was the chosen one. Yes, Luke was the lever through which Vader turned back to the light, but nothing more. It was Anakin who ultimately destroyed the Sith - first Darth Sidious, and then himself.

Well, he brought the world to balance even earlier, leaving two opponents on each side. This is the balance of the Force - two Jedi and two Sith - good and evil. The Jedi simply did not like this interpretation of the prophecy.

Why did bombs in space fall as if in gravity in the eighth episode of Star Wars "The Last Jedi"?

The bomber was in close proximity to the flagship. It created a magnetic field or something like that. And this is the only clear explanation that I found on the Internet.

How did Kylo Ren find Darth Vader's helmet?


In conclusion, I invite you to watch a very beautiful and touching video about Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader), Padmé Amidala and their son Luke.