Recipe: Georgian traditional Khinkali with meat. Khinkali: recipes for preparing Georgian khinkali with meat at home Khinkali with meat is a very tasty homemade recipe

How to cook khinkali - step-by-step recipe with photos


For the filling:

For the sauce (optional):

Short description

Today you will learn the recipe for Georgian khinkali with meat - a classic step-by-step recipe with photos. You will learn how to properly knead the dough for Georgian khinkaliks and make the correct filling.

This traditional Georgian dish is similar to our Russian dumplings, only larger in size and with a very juicy filling.

It is advisable to make them with the whole family, because it is not very fast, because khinkaliki are not made in a hurry, some skill is needed. Prepare semi-finished products immediately for future use, so as not to often bother with their sculpting. Very convenient.

Subtleties of the Georgian khinkali recipe with meat

  • Khinkaliks should be quite dense and elastic dough. This is a slow process. Personally, for this dish, I knead the dough three times.
  • For the filling, it is recommended to use finely chopped meat - beef, lamb, pork, whatever suits your taste, you can even replace the meat with minced meat. The filling is flavored with various herbs and spices - black pepper, cumin, and cilantro goes well with meat. It is customary to add water or meat broth to the filling, thanks to which a delicious juice is obtained inside the khinkaliks.
  • Georgian khinkali with meat, shaped like a “bag”. Making such “bags” is a pleasure, but... it is, at the same time, not an entirely easy process. It is considered high skill among culinary specialists if there are 19 folds on the tail. Of course, you may not be able to do so much right away, but everything comes with experience, so there is no reason to worry, you will learn.
  • Khinkali is usually served without any sauces, just sprinkled with ground black pepper, but often they are eaten with a red sauce similar to adjika, with a spicy sour cream sauce, which may include various aromatic herbs and spices.
  • According to the rules, khinkali in Georgian style is eaten with your hands - you need to eat it this way: take the tail with your hands, bite a small hole from below, drink the juice from it, and then bite off more, and the tail is usually thrown away.

Of course, there are many methods for preparing such a dish; some people prepare khinkali using regular basic dough - I’m used to this kind of dough kneading (below, the recipe describes the process of preparing it)

Georgian khinkali recipe with meat
You will learn the recipe for Georgian khinkali with meat - a classic step-by-step recipe with photos. Learn how to knead the dough for Georgian khinkaliks and make the filling


My husband recently returned from a business trip and constantly brags about how delicious the khinkali he and his colleagues ate every day for lunch. 🙂 In general, we both really love Georgian cuisine. In Moscow we also often go to themed restaurants. And we definitely order khinkali. Personally, I am always driven crazy by this delicious juice, which you first drink while eating khinkali. I like the presentation of the dish, its appearance and satiety.

  • The dough for khinkali should be elastic and quite dense. The whole secret of the correct dough is in the cooking technology. This is a very slow process. I personally knead the dough three times.
  • For the filling, finely chopped meat is often used rather than minced meat. You can choose the types of meat according to your taste. Traditionally, it is lamb, beef and pork. It all depends on the region of Georgia. The filling is flavored with various spices and herbs. Often this is a mixture of seasonings - Georgian Svan salt, cumin and black pepper are also added. Cilantro goes very well with meat when it comes to greens. It is also customary to add water to the filling. It is thanks to water that the delicious broth inside the khinkali is obtained.
  • Modeling a “bag” is the most interesting and, perhaps, the most difficult process at the same time. It is considered the highest skill among chefs if there are 19 folds on the tail. Of course, there may be fewer of them, as it turns out. Over time, if you cook khinkali not for the first time, the skill is honed.
  • Khinkali is usually served with a red sauce reminiscent of adjika. It may include tomatoes, peppers, garlic, aromatic herbs and spices. But often khinkali is eaten without sauces at all, seasoned with ground black pepper.
  • The rules for eating khinkali are as follows: take the tail with your hands, bite a small hole, drink the juice, and then you can bite off more.

Well, now let's move on to the recipe itself. I know that there are different technologies. I’ll share with you exactly the one I’m used to.

For 24 pieces you will need:

  • 500-520 g flour
  • 200 ml water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 500 grams of mixed minced meat (I use beef-lamb 50/50)
  • 2 onions
  • 1.5 tbsp seasonings and salt
  • bunch of cilantro
  • 100 ml water

Cooking process:

  1. DOUGH. I will say right away that the process of preparing the dough is not fast. It requires 3 kneading. In general, preparing khinkali is a whole ritual. There is no hurry here. You can get the whole family together and do it together. 🙂 So, first take a deep bowl and pour exactly half of the flour into it. Make a depression in the middle. Break an egg there and pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. At first, I use a mixer with a spiral attachment and start mixing all the ingredients in the bowl at low speed. Gradually pour in 200 ml of water and continue stirring with the mixer. Georgian khinkali recipe with meat step by step recipe with photos

Georgian khinkali recipe with meat step by step recipe with photos

If you are a lover of Georgian cuisine, be sure to try cooking soup kharcho And khachapuri with cheese. Write comments. I always wonder if you liked the recipe? Looking forward to seeing you again!

Georgian khinkali recipe with meat step by step recipe with photos
Georgian khinkali recipe with meat, step-by-step recipe with photos. We simply adore Georgian cuisine. Especially khinkali - a hearty, tasty dish. Cook at home...


Cooking khinkali in Georgian

For example, a little water is added to the minced meat for khinkali before cooking, so that after cooking, a juicy meat broth will form inside the dough. Georgian khinkali are eaten with hands, holding them by the small tail: first you need to bite off a little dough, then drink the meat broth, and then finish the minced meat and dough. The tails from Georgian “dumplings” are not eaten, but left on the plate.

The khinkali recipe is vaguely reminiscent of Russian dumplings in its shape, but in size they are not at all similar. The fact is that Georgian dishes, especially those made from dough, are made large.

Nuances of cooking

The khinkali recipe is quite simple, so any housewife can easily handle it. But before cooking, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of this dish, which play an important role in its preparation:

Only one seasoning should be added to the minced meat - ground black pepper, which will perfectly highlight the taste of the meat and make it richer and more aromatic.

You can put any meat in the recipe - the main thing is that it is juicy. For example, turkey pulp is not suitable, since after cooking it loses its juice and becomes dry and crumbly.

You must prepare the dough for the dish yourself, since store-bought products will not work.
Be sure to add a pinch of fresh herbs to the broth, which will give the dish an unprecedented taste and exquisite aroma.

After cooking, you can let the dough sit for a while to make it more elastic.
The khinkali recipe may vary these days, but these tips will work for any cooking method. If you take them into account, you will be able to prepare truly Georgian delicious khinkali.

What is the dish usually served with?

It's no secret that minced meat goes well with many additives. Traditionally, this recipe is served with butter, sour cream or stewed vegetables. However, this list can be significantly expanded. For example, the following can improve the taste and give it an additional note:

  • sour cream with garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cream or garlic sauce;
  • homemade adjika;
  • spicy ketchup;
  • finely chopped fresh herbs with vegetable oil.

There can be any addition to the main dish - the main thing is that it does not spoil the taste, but, on the contrary, gives it pleasant notes.

The recipe for making khinkali is usually made before dinner or guests arrive, because by the time of serving, the bags must be hot, otherwise all the meat juice will be absorbed into the dough and the dish will not be as tasty. If desired, Georgian dumplings can be served with broth, thereby making dinner tastier and more nutritious.

Before you start preparing a dish, it is important to learn how to make bags, because this is an entire art. They must have 20 or more folds so that the juice from the minced meat does not leak out during the cooking process. Only after this can you begin the cooking process.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 grams of beef (you can also take goat meat);
  • 350 grams of pork;
  • 3 medium onions;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • spices and herbs;
  • 4 cups flour;

Cooking method:

It is immediately worth noting that the meat must be defrosted in advance.

While sculpting, you can put a pan of water that will have time to boil (don't forget to salt the water).

You need to cook Georgian khinkali for 10–15 minutes, with a little water in the pan. Georgian dumplings will be ready when they float to the surface.

This recipe should be served with any dressing, and always hot.

Cooking khinkali in Georgian
How to cook real delicious Georgian khinkali. What kind of meat to use. What to serve khinkali with.


The wonderful Georgian dish khinkali is vaguely reminiscent of dumplings, but much tastier. This is a hearty pastry dish filled with meat and a flavorful broth in the middle. Khinkali is difficult and capricious to prepare, but if you make every effort, the result will be a divinely tasty dish. I offer my recipe for making khinkali.

I knead the dough for khinkali in two stages. First, I kneaded the dough to the same consistency as for pancakes. Pour 4 cups of sifted premium flour (200 ml cup) into a wide bowl. The flour must be sifted.

Then I made a hole in the flour and poured in 2 cups of ice water and 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

make a well in the flour and pour water and vegetable oil into it

Pour ice water and sunflower oil into the flour.

Added salt and kneaded the dough, leaving it for 30 minutes. After this time, I added another three and a half cups of flour and kneaded the dough for 15 minutes. The dough should be quite tight and elastic. After kneading is completed, the dough should rest for another 15 minutes.

knead the dough and leave it for 15 minutes

Minced meat can be made from pork or lamb. I took the pork.

I twisted the meat in a meat grinder (on a large mesh). Mixed finely chopped onion with salt and added it to the minced pork.

grind the meat in a meat grinder and add chopped onion

As for the spices, I added ground black pepper and cilantro seasoning to the minced meat. My seasoning is very aromatic, since I brought it from Georgia. It would have been nice to use fresh, chopped cilantro, but I was preparing khinkali spontaneously, and I didn’t have fresh herbs at home, so I had to use seasoning. Add ice water to the minced meat, stirring constantly. I kneaded it for about 15 minutes so that the minced meat was homogeneous and elastic, so that there was no water left in the bowl, and then I put the bowl with the minced meat in the refrigerator for half an hour.

When everything is prepared: both minced meat and dough, we begin to form the khinkali. The dough needs to be divided into parts. While I roll out one part of the dough on a table sprinkled with flour into a thin layer, the remaining parts lie covered with a towel. The dough turned out elastic, so it can be rolled out into a thin layer.

roll out the dough into a thin layer

Then I cut out circles from the dough, blanks for khinkali. The first time I made khinkali, I used a saucer to cut out circles from the dough. I didn’t really like it because the khinkali were too big. Then my son suggested that I use a defective DVD disc that he didn’t need to cut out the circles. I tried to cut a circle on a disk, and the khinkali turned out to be the size I needed.

cut out circles from dough

Then I put the minced meat in the middle of the circle, lift the edges of the flatbread and connect them in a circle with folds, an accordion, collecting the dough in a bag.

put the minced meat in the middle of the circle and lift the edges of the flatbread, connecting them in a circle with folds

When assembling the khinkali, you need to hold the already formed folds of dough with the fingers of one hand, and form these folds with the other hand.

When assembling khinkali, you need to hold the already formed folds of dough with the fingers of one hand, and form these folds with the other hand

The result is a bag, the folds of which are tightly compressed from above into a knot.

we get this bag

Before connecting the folds into a knot, I pour the juice that has flowed out of the minced meat into the hole formed with a teaspoon.

before connecting the folds of the khinkali, pour the juice from the minced meat into it

I connect the folds into a knot.

we connect the folds of the khinkali into a knot

I place the formed khinkali on a table sprinkled with flour.

Place the khinkali on a floured table

It’s good to cook khinkali with an assistant. While one rolls out the dough and cuts out circles, the second forms the khinkali. Khinkali needs to be prepared in portions, because if you stick a lot of khinkali at once and then cook them, then while they are lying on the table, they will lose their shape and, in addition, the dough may become soggy and tear.

I put a large pan of salted water on the fire in advance, and when the water boils, you can put the first batch of khinkali into it.

put khinkali in boiling water

I lift each khinkali separately by the bundle, hold it a little so that the bag sags, and carefully throw it into boiling water. Khinkali may stick to the bottom of the pan. Therefore, as soon as they sink to the bottom, you need to carefully pry them up with a wooden spoon or turn the pan so that the khinkali come unstuck. As soon as the khinkali float to the surface, I cook them for 10 minutes.

I quickly remove the finished khinkali with a slotted spoon and place it on a wide dish.

take out the finished khinkali and place it on a plate

Since these are Georgian-style khinkali, they need to be sprinkled with ground black pepper and be sure to be eaten with the delicious Georgian tkemali sauce!

sprinkle khinkali with black pepper and serve

They are eaten hot. At the same time, they take the khinkali with their hands by the knot, carefully biting them on the side so as not to spill the juice and, after drinking the juice, eat the khinkali. The tail by which the khinkali was held may not be eaten.

I hope you enjoy the khinkali prepared according to this recipe - a homemade khinkali recipe with photos. Bon appetit!

Georgian khinkali recipe

(Everything will be delicious khinkali)

Question: What should be the ratio of flour and water in the khinkali dough so that they do not break?

Answer: 250 ml of water per 500 grams of flour

Question: How thick should the rolled dough be?

Answer: 2 millimeters

Question: What should be the ratio of minced meat and dough so that the khinkali cooks evenly?

Answer: for 100 grams of dough there should be 100 grams of minced meat

Ingredients for minced meat:

  • beef - 500 grams
  • pork - 500 grams
  • onion - 300 grams
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
  • thyme - a pinch
  • cumin - pinch
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • warm water - 200 ml Ingredients for the dough:
  • flour - 500 grams
  • water (ice) - 250 mol water
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml The meat needs to be washed and dried a little. We clean the meat from veins.

    To prevent the minced meat in khinkali from looking like meatballs, the meat must be chopped very finely. To make it much easier to chop the meat with a knife, the meat must first be placed in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

    Pour flour into the center and make a hole in the middle. Add ice-cold salted water, vegetable oil and mix. Knead the dough on the board for 15 to 30 minutes! After the dough is shaped into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

    When the meat is chopped, add chopped onion, salt and spices. Leave the minced meat for 15-20 minutes to marinate the meat. The consistency of the minced meat should be like thick sour cream (warm water is added for this).

    Steam khinkali over boiling water for 7-10 minutes. Once you remove them from the pan, spray them with cold water.

    The form contains all 3 fillings:

    All 3 ways of cooking khinkali:

  • steamed;
  • in boiling water in a whirlpool;
  • twist in boiling water. Features of Georgian cuisine

    Georgian cuisine is inherently original and original, very popular in different countries of the world. And some dishes have become international (for example, pork shish kebab, kharcho soup)

    Despite the fact that Georgia is essentially a small country, differences in the agricultural sectors of different regions of the country played a role in the formation of the cuisine. In one part of Eastern Georgia (Kakheti, Kartli), bread baked in large cylindrical jugs is common. In addition, in this part of the country they eat a lot of fat. In the second part of Eastern Georgia, dumplings filled with lamb, very strongly peppered and seasoned with spices, became widespread. They are called khinkali, but they differ significantly from dumplings in that khinkali are eaten without broth.

    In Western Georgia, mch adi (corn bread) has achieved great popularity. In Abkhazia and Mingrelia, thick corn porridge is used instead of bread. Spicy food is common on the sea coast, with preference given to poultry.

    In addition to differences in cuisine, there are many national dishes in Georgia. These include meat on a spit, which we call shish kebab. Georgians call him mivadi. In addition, both Eastern and Western Georgia are famous for their spicy sauce consisting of nuts and spices - satsivi. This sauce is used when cooking poultry. The most common poultry dish is chicken or turkey broth, seasoned with flour, egg and onion, shaken in vinegar - chikhirtma, as well as chakhokhbili, to which a large amount of onion is added.

    If we talk about Georgian dishes, we should also remember about lobio (beans), which can be prepared according to many recipes. Cheese pies – khachapuri – are common throughout Georgia. Do not forget that homemade cheese is an indispensable part of national cuisine. Western Georgia prefers Suluguni cheese and similar Imeretian cheese (layered cheeses in the form of a flatbread). In the East, on the contrary, they love sharp cheeses. These include Tushino and Kobi. A large number of different dishes can be prepared from cheeses.

    Beef leg broth, generously seasoned with garlic, is also very popular. It's called hashi. According to Georgian tradition, this broth should be eaten in the morning after a hearty feast with delicious Georgian wine. Well, just for lunch - of course, kharcho.

    Khinkali recipe step by step with photos and from a real Georgian
    Khinkali cooking recipe with photo The wonderful Georgian dish khinkali is vaguely reminiscent of dumplings, but much tastier. This is a hearty dough dish with

By 03/09/2017

X inkali is a popular dish of Georgian cuisine. Essentially, these are dumplings or manti, molded in a special way. They are prepared from a simple dough based on flour with water and salt, and minced meat from different types of meat with the addition of lard or fatty pork is used as a filling. Traditionally, khinkali is eaten with hands, holding the tail, which is then thrown away.


  • Flour - 400 g
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Water - 150 ml
  • Meat or minced meat - 700 g
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Dill, cilantro or other greens - 1 bunch
  • Water or meat broth - 80 ml
  • Salt, spices - to taste
  • Garlic - 2-3 teeth
  • Sour cream - 150 g

Step-by-step process for cooking at home

  1. We prepare the necessary ingredients.
  2. Sift the flour into a mound, make a well on top, and add salt.
  3. Then pour warm drinking water into the flour.
  4. Knead into a moderately dense dough that does not stick to your hands.
  5. Cover the lump of dough with a napkin and leave to stand for half an hour.
  6. For the filling, take fatty pork or ready-made minced meat.
  7. Grind the meat in a meat grinder.
  8. Chop the onion as finely as possible.
  9. Add onion and spices to the minced meat and mix.
  10. Add finely chopped herbs and chopped garlic.
  11. To make the khinkali more juicy, add warm water or meat broth to the minced meat.

  12. Knead the minced meat well with your hands.
  13. Take a lump of dough and cut off about 1/3 of it.
  14. Roll out the cut piece of dough into a thin layer (no more than 2 mm).
  15. Using a small bowl or a suitable round cutter, cut out cakes with a diameter of 12 cm.
  16. Place a 1 tablespoon sized portion of minced meat in the center of each circle.
  17. Carefully lift the edges of the cake, folding it in circles.
  18. Form a “bag” with meat filling.
  19. Make all the folds tightly in the center, forming a leg or tail on top.
  20. When ready, place the formed khinkali on a cutting board sprinkled with flour.
  21. Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan with bay leaf, salt and pepper.
  22. Carefully, so as not to tear the thin dough, lower a few pieces at a time into boiling water. After the “bags” float to the surface, cook for 10 minutes.
  23. You can serve khinkali in Georgian without any additions, lightly sprinkled with ground pepper and herbs, with sour cream, sauce, and vegetables.

I love dumplings, but the only thing I love more than dumplings is Georgian khinkali! And this is not an exaggeration, I'm serious! It’s worth trying real khinkali once – and that’s it, you’ll be a fan of this dish forever. I won’t bore you with a long story about the history of this dish, but will go straight to the recipe. By the way, this khinkali recipe is quite close to the authentic Georgian recipe, so if you do everything correctly, it will certainly turn out delicious.


(14-15 pieces of khinkali)

  • dough:
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • filling:
  • 300 gr. beef or young lamb
  • 100 gr. lard or tail fat
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cumin (without slide)
  • 1 tsp red pepper (without a slide)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • bunch of cilantro
  • black allspice

    Dough for khinkali

  • At first glance it may seem that preparing khinkali is difficult, but it is not so. In fact, there is nothing complicated, I will even say more - preparing “Georgian dumplings” is much easier and faster than Russian ones.
  • We prepare the dough for khinkali unleavened, from one flour, water and salt. An egg is usually not added to the dough. So, measure out three glasses of flour without a slide, add a teaspoon of salt. Pour in a glass of cold water.
  • Knead the dough with your hands. You can knead the dough on a cutting board, in a bowl or any other container convenient for you. If anyone has a bread machine, we entrust this work to her.
  • The dough should be kneaded well. The dough for khinkali should be tight. If dumplings have soft dough, then here the dough is tight.
  • Wrap the kneaded dough in food plastic and leave for half an hour to rest. During this time, the gluten will dissolve, the dough will become more plastic and will mold well.
  • Minced meat filling for khinkali

  • According to a long-standing tradition, the filling for khinkali is made from minced meat. How to prepare this filling is described below. A faster and more practical way is to grind the meat with a meat grinder. Moreover, if there is one, it is better to use a large grille.
  • The meat filling for Georgian khinkali must be spicy, so we don’t skimp on spices: we definitely add cumin, salt and red pepper seasoning (but not chili). This is, so to speak, a mountain version of the spicy filling. The urban version additionally includes finely chopped cilantro and garlic.
  • We knead the minced meat well, but that's not all. Minced meat for khinkali should not be dense. Therefore, be sure to add about a glass of cold water to the filling.
  • Exactly how much water to add depends on the minced meat. If this is purchased minced meat, then most likely some water has already been added to it, so less water will be required. Homemade minced meat is usually drier; such minced meat will use at least a glass of water.
  • Mix the minced meat again (you can use a spoon). As a result, we should get minced meat, the consistency of a thick soup or thin porridge. It is thanks to such thin minced meat that khinkali turn out juicy. Georgian chefs joke that only a young and inexperienced housewife has dense minced meat for khinkali. Otherwise, she doesn’t have time to form a bag before the liquid mince runs off the dough. An experienced housewife has liquid minced meat, only such minced meat makes real Khinkali.
  • Minced meat filling for khinkali

  • Real Georgian khinkali are made from minced meat. It is not difficult to prepare such meat. If we have lamb, then, of course, we prepare lamb khinkali. If not, then beef will do just fine. To make the meat filling more juicy, take a piece of fresh lard or fat tail (lamb) fat.
  • We cut the meat into slices, then cut the slices lengthwise to make stripes.
  • We cut the meat strips crosswise to make small pieces.
  • We do the same with lard. We combine the meat and lard, then chop everything together thoroughly with a knife or meat hatchet.
  • Add salt, spices, garlic to the minced meat (you can put a small onion instead of garlic), add finely chopped cilantro if desired. As in the case of minced meat, add mineral water to the filling. If you are preparing khinkali for the first time, I advise you to make the filling not very liquid. But when you get a little practice, then we make the filling thinner.
  • Cooking khinkali

  • Well, the dough and filling are ready, you can proceed directly to preparing khinkali. Knead the dough again. We form the dough into a sausage, which we cut into pieces the size of a medium-sized egg. Makes 12-14 pieces.
  • Take the first piece and roll it out thinly with a rolling pin to make a cake with a diameter of 15-16 cm (the size of a tea saucer).
  • Take a tea saucer. It is needed to make it easier to form the khinkali and to prevent the meat juice from spreading. Lightly sprinkle the saucer with flour and place the flatbread there. Place a tablespoon of meat filling in the center of the flatbread - this is approximately 40-45 grams. We remember that delicious khinkali are always plump, they should contain a lot of meat and little dough.
  • Now we lift one edge of the dough and begin to collect the dough into a drawstring. To make it more convenient, we turn the saucer along with the khinkali. The more of these tucks you get, the better. Professionals make as many as 19-20 tucks.
  • Then slightly lift the gathered edges and press them tightly to form a bag. Press tightly so that the contents of the bag do not fall out during cooking.
  • We shorten the long tail a little with a knife or simply tear it off. There is no need to cut off the tail completely, because the tail is as much a calling card of the khinkali as the numerous tucks. Moreover, khinkali are taken by the tail when they are eaten.
  • We form all khinkali in the same way. Perhaps the first attempt will not be very successful, but already on the second bag you will notice that it turns out much better, and the last ones will be almost like the professionals.
  • Place the finished bags on a floured surface. From this amount of products you get 15 pieces of khinkali (14 + 1 from the cut tails). This is just enough for 3-4 servings.
  • How to cook khinkali

  • Place a large saucepan or cauldron of water on the fire. Be sure to salt the water to taste. When the water boils, stir the water with a spoon to create a whirlpool in the center.
  • We take the khinkali by the tails and throw them one by one into the whirlpool.
  • The most important thing is to prevent the dough from sticking to the bottom in the first seconds. To prevent this from happening, we continue to gently stir the water together with the khinkali. When the bags begin to float, you no longer have to worry about them.
  • Cook khinkali for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon. Depending on the volume of the dishes, cook khinkali in one or two steps. I cook in two batches, since the bags turn out to be large and they all won’t fit in the pan.
  • Place hot Georgian khinkali into plates, sprinkle with black allspice, and decorate with herbs. We always serve khinkali hot.
  • How to eat khinkali correctly

  • Khinkali should be eaten with your hands. If you start eating them with a knife and fork, they simply won’t understand you. So, what is the correct way to eat khinkali? We take the khinkali by the tail. Turn it sideways and bite off a piece on top. At the same time, we inhale the delicious meat juice for which khinkali are famous. If this is not done, the juice may leak out of the bag and will be completely lost to the gourmet.

Khinkali is a Georgian version of the well-known and beloved Russian dumplings, or Ukrainian dumplings, although each national dish has its own characteristics.

So, dumplings, unlike other dishes, can be fried; dumplings come in almost any shape. But khinkali always remain unchanged in shape and are prepared traditionally - steamed or in boiling water.

Fillings, yes, can vary, although our dish today is far from dumplings.

Khinkali with meat - general principles of preparation

The dough is kneaded only in water, with the addition of salt, sometimes eggs are added. Properly prepared dough should be quite dense and at the same time remain elastic. The secret of good khinkali dough is in the cooking technology. This is a long process that requires patience, often taking place in two steps.

Minced meat or finely chopped meat is used for filling. You can choose it to your taste. Traditionally, the dish is prepared with lamb, beef or pork. Often several types of meat are mixed - fatty pork with leaner beef. It is acceptable to use chicken. It is customary to add a lot of herbs and spices to the filling, but this is a matter of taste. The minced meat can be lightly seasoned with ground pepper. Water must be added to the filling, thanks to which a broth will form inside under the dough.

In addition to traditional variations with meat, there are many recipes in which the meat filling is supplemented with cheese or vegetables and potatoes.

A difficult but perhaps the most interesting process is modeling. It is necessary to correctly form a “bag” of dough with filling so that it does not burst and lose juice in the future. Before you start sculpting, prepare the surface of the work table and what the already formed “bags” will be laid out on. For these purposes, you can use a wide tray or a large cutting board. To prevent sticking, the surface of the board or tray is generously sprinkled with flour.

Khinkali is formed from circles of dough, up to 10 in circumference and about 0.3 cm thick. It is advisable to roll them out, forming thinner edges. Place the filling in the center, no more than a tablespoon per circle (the proportions of meat and dough are 1:1). Then they raise the edges and, making small folds on them, narrow them, after which they fix them by twisting the “tail” counterclockwise. The excess part of the protruding dough is cut off.

Khinkali can be prepared immediately after modeling or stored in the freezer for long-term storage. To freeze semi-finished products, they are first placed in the freezer on a tray or board. When the top hardens well, transfer it to a bag and tie it tightly.

How to properly cook khinkali with meat. For this you need a large saucepan with a capacity of 4.5 liters or more. After filling it with water, add salt and place on high heat. When it boils, reduce the heat slightly so that the water does not boil intensely and immerse no more than eight products. There is another way - boiling water is intensively stirred with a spoon to form a funnel and the khinkali is dropped into it.

To prevent freshly made khinkali from breaking through, they are lifted by the tail and kept suspended for a while so that the filling settles and only after that they are lowered into boiling water. Boil for at least a quarter of an hour from boiling, without allowing the water to boil intensely.

Khinkali is also prepared steamed. A multicooker or double boiler is suitable for these purposes. Semi-finished products are laid out on a well-oiled mesh or container for steaming, at a distance of a finger's thickness from each other. If cooking in a multicooker, place the container on the bowl immediately after pouring hot water into it and, covering it with a lid, start the steaming program. The timer is set for 15 minutes. Place a grid with semi-finished products on the steamer pan only after the water has boiled in it, and cook, covering it with a lid for up to 20 minutes.

Served hot, with pepper or hot sauces that taste like adjika. Khinkali are not pierced with a fork; they are lifted by the “tails” with your hands. First, bite off a little dough and drink all the juice.

Georgian khinkali with meat: recipe for mixed minced meat (pork and beef)


For the test:

Half a kilo of quality flour;

A teaspoon of finely ground salt;

Drinking water – 200 ml;

One egg;

Three tablespoons of refined oil.

For minced meat:

Pork neck – 250 gr.;

250 gr. lamb;

A small bunch of green cilantro;

Two large onions;

Half a glass of water;

Zira – 1 tsp. (you don't have to add it).

Cooking method:

1. Re-sow the flour. Measure out half and pour into a deep bowl. Make a “funnel” in the center with your hand, pour the egg into it, add salt and butter. Stir everything with a spoon, gradually adding water. The result is a rare “slurry”. Cover the bowl with a linen towel and set aside for half an hour.

2. Meanwhile, you can prepare the filling. We thoroughly wash both pieces of pulp and, after cutting them coarsely, twist them with a meat grinder. It is advisable to use the largest grid.

3. Finely chop the onion, chop the cilantro and add everything to the minced meat. Add salt, season with ground pepper and, after adding water, thoroughly knead the minced meat with your hands. The crushed components will disperse evenly throughout the meat mass, and the liquid will be completely absorbed. Leave the bowl covered on the table.

4. Pour the remaining flour into the rested dough and immediately begin kneading it with your hands. Once mixed, remove from the bowl onto a floured counter and continue kneading until the dough is smooth and looks homogeneous. We transfer it back to the bowl and, covering with a towel, leave it aside for another half hour. After this, place it again on a powdered table and knead thoroughly for ten minutes.

5. Next, we proceed to the formation of khinkali. Sprinkle the table well with flour and roll out the dough into a layer up to half a centimeter thick. Using an ordinary glass, squeeze out circles from the dough. We collect the scraps, crush them, roll them out again and cut out circles.

6. Prepare a large flat dish on which we will place the molded khinkali - sprinkle it with flour.

7. Roll out the circles with a rolling pin to a thickness of 0.2 mm. Place about a tablespoon of filling in the center, and, gathering the edges with an accordion, form bags. Transfer the khinkali to the prepared dish.

Khinkali with meat from dough without eggs


Into the dough:

White baking flour – 500 gr.;

“Extra” salt - 1 tsp;

250 ml of drinking water.

For the filling:

Half a kilo of beef;

Two onions;

Ground pepper of two types - red and black;

Zira – 1/2 tsp;

Fresh parsley and cilantro.

Cooking method:

1. Measure out the required amount of flour and place it on the table in a mound. Make a small funnel in the center and pour salt into it, pour in cold water (from the refrigerator). Gently slide the flour from the edges into the water with a fork and mix thoroughly. When all the water has gone and the mass begins to thicken, continue kneading with your hands. Knead the dough thoroughly and for a long time. Periodically cut the dough ball and turn it inside out so that the drier top layer is inside. Knead, gradually adding flour.

2. Having received a stiff, but quite elastic dough, stop kneading. We form it into a ball, place it in a bag and leave it to “rest”. It is advisable to let it sit for at least two hours.

3. Grind the beef and onions in a meat grinder, passing through the largest mesh. Add finely chopped herbs, salt, ground cumin, season with pepper and stir. Then, without ceasing to stir, we begin to add cold water in portions. The result should be rare minced meat; a spoon placed in it will not stand, but will immediately “fall over”. Place the prepared minced meat in the cold for an hour.

4. Take the dough out of the bag. After resting, it became plastic, reminiscent of plasticine prepared for modeling. We form it into a thick sausage and cut it into small pieces, weighing about 45 grams. Roll them out into circles of the required diameter and, lightly sprinkling them with flour, place them in a stack. According to all the rules, we form khinkali from minced meat and dough. For convenience, you can take a small bowl, then the rare minced meat will definitely not “run away”.

Khinkali with minced meat



Three glasses of flour;

A glass of water;

Spoon of salt.

For the filling:

Young lamb – 300 gr. (can be replaced with beef);

Fresh lard or tail fat – 120 g;

A teaspoon without a slide of cumin;

Garlic – 2 cloves;

A third of a spoon of chopped hot pepper;

A bunch of cilantro.

Cooking method:

1. Sift all the flour into a wide and deep bowl. Add salt and mix well. Add water and start kneading the dough. First, mix everything well with a fork, and then switch to manual kneading. When the dough becomes noticeably dense, place it on the table and knead thoroughly. Gradually add flour and knead until it becomes stiff. We wrap it in film and let it rest for about an hour.

2. Prepare the filling. We thoroughly wash the meat and wipe the piece dry with a disposable towel. On a cutting board, cut into thin slices, which are then cut into narrow strips. We cut the resulting “ribbons” across as thin as possible.

3. Grind the lard in the same way and combine it with the meat, placing it on a large cutting board. We chop everything well with a special hatchet or a sharp heavy knife. Then transfer the meat mass into a bowl, add finely chopped garlic, cilantro and spices. Stir, gradually adding water.

4. Form the rested dough into a sausage, cut and roll out. There should be at least 14 blanks (circles). Take a saucer, sprinkle it with flour, put a circle of dough on it, and in the center - a tablespoon of minced meat filling. According to all the rules, we fasten the edges, forming a plump “bag”, and do not forget to shorten the “tail” a little.

Khinkali with meat and Suluguni cheese


For the test:

A kilogram of quality flour;

Two eggs;

Drinking water 350–400 ml;

One and a half spoons of salt.

In minced meat:

A kilogram of Suluguni cheese;

Fresh beef – 1 kg;

Five small onions;

Half a stick of butter;

Parsley and cilantro - a small bunch each.

Cooking method:

1. Using water from sifted flour with eggs and adding salt, knead a tight dough in two steps. The cooking process is described in detail in the first recipe.

2. Coarsely chop a thoroughly washed piece of beef and twist it twice in a meat grinder. Add coarsely chopped onion, finely chopped herbs and ground pepper - about a third of a spoon. Lightly add salt and stir everything thoroughly.

3. Grind the Suluguni with a medium grater, mix it with soft butter, transfer it to the minced meat and stir thoroughly, adding water (250 ml) in parts.

4. Roll out the dough into a layer 0.3 cm thick and cut out circles. You can use a saucer as a stencil. Place a spoonful of meat filling with cheese in the middle of each and connect, pinching the edges with folds. Holding the edge, we scroll the “bag” of minced meat counterclockwise and cut off the excess at the “tail”.

Delicious khinkali with meat and potatoes


A portion of dough prepared without eggs.

For the filling:

Potatoes – 300 gr.;

Onion - two medium heads;

100 gr. fat tail or unsalted lard;

350 gr. fatty pork;

Beef, pulp – 300 gr.;

Spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Knead the dough without eggs. The proportions of flour and water and the cooking technology can be seen above, in the recipe for “Khinkali with minced meat.”

2. Prepare the filling. Finely chop the meat and lard, combine in a bowl and mix. Spread the minced meat in an even layer on a cutting board and chop it further by chopping it with a knife. Then put it back into the container, add spices and add some salt.

3. Finely chop the onion and cut the potatoes into cubes. The smaller they are, the better; large pieces may remain raw and break through the dough.

4. Transfer the vegetables to the minced meat. By stirring and adding cold water, we bring it to the required consistency.

5. Using scissors, chop the washed and well-dried greens. Pour it into the minced meat and stir it thoroughly again. Let it sit under the lid for about an hour.

6. From dough and chopped minced meat, following all the rules, we make khinkali. Let's steam it.

Khinkali with meat: chicken recipe


Dough mixed from half a kilogram of flour with or without eggs.

For the filling:

Chicken breast (fillet) – 400 gr.;

Two onions;

100 gr. real cheese;

Cilantro, parsley, dill - optional.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare a portion of any dough. The proportions of flour and water, and the method of proper preparation can be found in the recipes above.

2. Prepare the meat filling. Grind the chicken fillet with onions in a meat grinder. Using a coarse grater, grate the cheese into the minced meat, season everything with spices, add a little salt, and mix thoroughly. We dilute the meat mass with water. Add it in small portions, and stir well each time so that the liquid is completely absorbed into the minced meat. At the end we add chopped greens, but you don’t have to add them.

3. Roll out the dough into thin flat cakes, the size of a saucer. We spread the filling and pinch the edges with folds, forming a “bag”. Reduce the “tail” and transfer the khinkali to the surface of a wide tray sprinkled with flour.

Khinkali with meat - cooking tricks and useful tips

Semi-finished products that have been frozen take a little longer to cook, up to 20 minutes, as they require additional time to thaw.

If, after the khinkali float, you lightly pour ice water over each one, they are guaranteed not to stick together.

Tomato-garlic sauce can be a great addition to a dish. Peel three large tomatoes and grate their pulp on a medium grater. Boil, add crushed garlic, season with pepper. Add salt to your taste and cool. You can add khmeli-suneli sauce.

Khinkali is a special, delicious dish of Georgian cuisine, a bit like dumplings, but larger, juicier and much tastier. We offer you a recipe for Georgian khinkali: this dish is difficult to prepare, but our step-by-step photographs will help you master this art without much difficulty.
Traditionally, Georgian khinkali are filled with lamb or goat meat. We will make a simplified version and use pork and beef. The main thing is that it is fresh, non-greasy and without films.
Khinkali differ from their counterparts dumplings and manti not only in the form of modeling, dough and minced meat. The main difference between khinkali and manti is that manti are steamed, while khinkali are boiled in water. Dumplings differ from khinkali in that they do not form a broth inside. The presentation of the dishes is also different: traditionally, khinkali is sprinkled with ground black pepper. They can also be served with sour cream, garlic or tomato sauce.

Taste Info Dumplings, dumplings


  • minced meat - 400 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • cilantro - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • chilled water - 1 glass;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Total cooking time: 2 hours 40 minutes, including:
- preparation - 2 hours 30 minutes,
- cooking - 10 minutes.
Servings - 4

How to cook khinkali in Georgian

Kneading the dough for khinkali. I sift the flour and pour it into a wide bowl. I make a hole in the flour, pour water into the hole, and add a pinch of salt.

Mix the flour with water with a spoon, adding sunflower oil. Then I knead the dough with my hands. It takes me 15-20 minutes to knead the dough. I make sure that the dough is sufficiently tight and elastic. If necessary, you can add more flour. Then, covering the bowl with the dough with a lid, place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
For minced meat I use pork and beef. When I have lamb, I add that too. I twist the meat through a large mesh; if you don’t have this option, just cut it into small pieces. Important: do not chop the meat too much! I peel the onions, wash them, and cut them into cubes, as for sautéing. Pour the chopped onion into the minced meat, mix, adding ground black pepper and cilantro. If you have fresh, you can add it by finely chopping it. Constantly stirring the minced meat, add water. This is a prerequisite for the formation of broth in the test bags. I make sure that the minced meat is sufficiently moist, but elastic. When the meat has absorbed all the water and becomes a homogeneous mass, put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

I take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out thinly on a table sprinkled with flour. I cut out circles of dough 9 cm in diameter. You can use a saucer or an unnecessary CD as a form.

Place 1 tablespoon of minced meat in the center of the circle.

I lift the edges of the circle so that the minced meat is in the dough bag.
Along the edge of the bag, I carefully fold the dough into folds, pressing them. I form folds one after another, moving in a circle.

I try to have 19-20 folds, if I get more, it will be even better.

I squeeze the folds at the top.

Holding the khinkali by the top of the folds, I turn it, the folds curl. I lift the khinkali by the “tail” that has formed, shaking it slightly so that the bag stretches a little, making room for the broth.

If you are making large khinkali, then the knots formed when the folds are connected can be left. With their help, it will be convenient to hold the khinkali in your hands while eating.

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My khinkali are small - I remove the excess dough to make them small and neat.

I throw the khinkali into boiling salted water one at a time. As soon as the dough has sunk to the bottom, I immediately carefully lift each bag with a wooden spatula. If this is not done, the khinkali may stick to the bottom of the pan.

A common question: how long should you cook khinkali? The answer is simple and obvious: 10 minutes is enough.
Then I pour a cup of cold water into the pan. When the water boils again, I take out the khinkali, one at a time, onto a plate with a slotted spoon. Sprinkle with ground black pepper.

How to eat khinkali correctly?
Real Georgian khinkali are eaten hot. At the same time, they take the knot with one hand and hold the bag to the side with the other hand. After biting through the dough, they first drink the broth and then eat the khinkali.