Recipes for blood group 3 positive. Nutrition for the third blood group. Diet menu for weight loss according to the third blood group. Products permitted for infrequent use

Features of people with 3rd positive blood group

American nutritionist Peter D'Adamo claims that a diet for the third blood type is an excellent opportunity to lose weight with health benefits, not limited to only cereals and boiled meat. Research by scientists has proven the effectiveness of his method. Distinctive features of people of the 3rd positive blood group are:

  • Good adaptation to new diet and environmental conditions.
  • Stable nervous system.
  • Strong immunity.

Approximately every fifth person on the planet has blood type 3. This happened historically, because it is believed that the third blood group appeared when people led a mixed lifestyle. Settlement alternated with moving, and in addition to gathering, men were engaged in hunting. In the nutrition system, people with this blood type are called “Nomads.” They are not naturally inclined to be overweight, so the list of permitted foods is quite long.

Important! The most dangerous foods for “nomads” are those that suppress insulin production. The metabolic rate decreases, and extra pounds begin to be deposited

Interestingly, the Rh factor does not play a special role in the preparation of a diet. Positive Rh (B(III)Rh+) is an additional protection against diseases. People with negative Rh (B(III)Rh-) are more likely to suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). In particular, diseases of the pancreas. Fried, fatty foods, most sweets and products made from premium flour are contraindicated for them. People with blood type B(III)Rh+) can afford indulgences, but should not be abused.

List of permitted and prohibited products

The good thing about the diet for blood type 3 is that the weight comes off evenly and gradually. The list of products is quite extensive, so you won’t have to go hungry. Weight loss occurs due to general health improvement, cleansing of the body and normalization of metabolic processes. The blood group 3 diet is considered healthy and safe. Those who lose weight do not suffer from deterioration in health. Losing weight does not affect the condition of hair, skin and nails, and the body receives all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

There are no contraindications for this nutrition system. Its only drawback is the lack of a rigid menu. This requires a systematic approach and responsibility.

The diet for blood type 3 is based on different foods.

Product Permitted varieties
Meat Rabbit, venison, lamb, liver is recommended as an offal. You can also eat eggs
Fish and seafood Pike, haddock, mackerel, halibut, sea bass, flounder, salmon. Sometimes you can eat black caviar
Dairy products Low-fat cheese (sheep or goat), kefir, milk, yogurt.
Bakery products Dark bread, crispbread, rice cakes.
Cereals Millet, oatmeal and rice.
Legumes Lima beans, red soybeans, dark beans
Fruits and berries Grapes, bananas, pineapple, papaya, plums, rose hips
Vegetables All types of cabbage, bell peppers, beets, eggplant, sweet potatoes, greens
Vegetable oil Olive, flaxseed
Drinks Natural juices, green tea

Neutral foods for blood group 3:

The following products should be excluded from the diet:

Product Varieties prohibited by the diet
Meat Pork, duck, chicken, quail
Fish and seafood Eel, beluga, crayfish, crabs, octopus, clams, anchovies
Sweets Ice cream, confectionery and baked goods with a lot of sugar
Bread and cereals Rye bread, wheat, barley, corn, rye
Vegetable oil Corn, peanut, sunflower, sesame
Seeds Poppy, sunflower
Nuts Pine, cashew, sesame, peanut
Legumes Black beans, spotted beans, lentils, peas
Vegetables and fruits Tomatoes, artichoke, rhubarb, persimmon, pomegranate, coconut, avocado
Drinks Tomato juice, soda drinks

Indicative menu

Indicative menu for 3 days:

Day Diet for losing weight
1st Breakfast: rice bread (30 g), white cheese (20 g), omelette with

Second breakfast: banana, yogurt (100 g).

Lunch: vegetable soup (200 g), stewed lamb (100 g),

whole grain bread (20 g).

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese (100 g), low-fat sour cream (tbsp.).

Dinner: steamed fish with vegetables (200 g), orange

2nd Breakfast: rice porridge with apples (250 g), white cheese (20 g).

Second breakfast: grapefruit.

Lunch: cream of mushroom soup (200 g), boiled veal (100 g),

vegetable salad (150 g).

Afternoon snack: cheesecakes (120 g).

Dinner: stewed vegetables (150 g), rabbit cutlet (100 g)

3rd Breakfast: oatmeal (250 g), boiled egg, cheese (20 g).

Second breakfast: fruit salad (150 g).

Lunch: creamy cabbage soup (200 g), baked meat (100 g),

cabbage salad (150 g).

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with sour cream (120 g).

Dinner: green beans (200 g), baked fish (120 g)

Nutritionist advice. The good thing about the Blood Type 3 diet is that it encourages you to eat real foods instead of processed, sugary and fatty snacks such as cookies, crackers, chips and desserts.

  • exclusion of certain staple foods;
  • doubtfulness and controversy, lack of medical support;
  • variability of results, which complicates the final analysis.

Before switching to this diet, you should consult your doctor. Some people, even with blood type B, for certain reasons may suffer from congenital milk intolerance - lactase deficiency. Therefore, they can only consume milk products that have undergone fermentation (fermented milk, etc.)

Every person has a certain blood type. Although it’s hard to believe at first, our blood influences our character, lifestyle, preferences - and all this depends on one of the four groups. Accordingly, the food and regimen are different for each group. What is beneficial for some may be harmful for others. Since the third blood group is less common in people than the first or second, it would be useful for its owners to know information about their group, as well as about the peculiarities of dietary adaptation for themselves.

The third blood group is B (III). Statistics do not lie that these are active, energetic and creative individuals. They have visualization abilities and know how to reduce the negative effects of stress through relaxation. They have a strong immune and nervous system - the roots of such features lie precisely in their active lifestyle. This blood type was identified as a result of the migration of masses of people in ancient times, now it is approximately 20% of the population of our planet.

People with type B blood have virtually no conflicts due to their mental flexibility; it is easier for them to find a workaround than to rush into a fight against obstacles. They can easily adapt to a new environment, always looking for new sensations. They easily find a common language with people, while for the most part they are nonconformists and egoists. They cannot live within the prescribed framework, and all the time they try to disrupt the order the way they want.

With a decrease in resistance to stress and a desire for new sensations, depression may occur. Sensitivity and impressionability put pressure on the psyche, which leads to emotional overload. Such people need to control and streamline their lives so that overstrain does not occur and the body does not lose its ability to be resilient.

For blood type 3, almost any food is suitable; they are “omnivores”, thanks to their strong immune system.

Poultry, meat.

Healthy: rabbit meat, lamb, lamb, venison.

Acceptable: beef, turkey and pheasant, buffalo, liver of various animals.

Avoid: chicken, bacon, goose, partridge, quail, chicken, ham, pork, duck, heart of any type of animal.


Useful for: halibut, flounder, salmon, sea bass, sturgeon (and its caviar), mackerel, haddock, sardine, pike, cod.

Acceptable: squid, carp, rainbow trout, herring, striped catfish.

Avoid: Rockfish, anchovy, crab, shrimp, smoked salmon, lobster, shellfish, octopus, eel, crayfish, striped bass.

Eggs and dairy products.

Healthy: goat milk, eggs, homemade cheese, yogurt, kefir and skim milk, pressed cottage cheese, Mozzarella cheese.

Acceptable: butter, buttermilk, soy milk and whole milk, cream cheese, milk sorbet, Eden cheese.

Avoid: processed cheese, ice cream.

Fats and oils.

Useful: olive oil.

Acceptable: flaxseed oil and cod liver oil.

Avoid: sunflower, peanut, corn oils.

Nuts, seeds.

Acceptable: walnuts, almonds.

Avoid: pine nuts, peanuts, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Leguminous plants.

Healthy: red soybeans, dark beans, vegetable beans.

Acceptable: green peas, white and green beans.

Avoid: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans.

Cereals and grains.

Healthy: oatmeal, rice and oat bran, rice, millet.

Avoid: corn flakes, buckwheat, sprouted wheat, rye, barley, corn flour.

Baking, bread.

Healthy: millet bread, rice cakes.

Acceptable: bread made from rye meal, soy flour, gluten-free bread.

Avoid: hot wheat buns, rye bread.

Pasta, grains.

Healthy: rice and oat flour.

Acceptable: brown and polished rice, premium wheat flour.

Avoid: whole grain flour (wheat), rye, barley flour.


Healthy: eggplants, cabbage, broccoli, peppers of almost all types (green, yellow, red hot, capsicum), carrots, beet leaves, parsley, parsnips, beets, yams.

Acceptable: rutabaga, potatoes, greenhouse mushrooms, green onions, leafy vegetables, cucumbers, asparagus, onions, horseradish, dill, pumpkin, spinach, garlic.

Avoid: corn, tomatoes, olives, radishes.

Berries and fruits.

Healthy: pineapple, banana, grapes, plum, papaya.

Acceptable: watermelon, apricot, orange, grapefruit, pear, lingonberry, cherry, blueberry, melon, blackberry, raisin, strawberry, strawberry, kiwi, fig, currant, mango, lemon, raspberry, blueberry, dates and tangerines, peaches, prunes, apple, elderberry.

Avoid. Coconut, pomegranate, persimmon, rhubarb.

Liquids and juices.

Healthy: pineapple, grape, cabbage, cranberry.

Acceptable: water with lemon juice, plum, apricot, cherry, apple, orange, grapefruit, carrot, cucumber, apple cider.

Avoid: tomato juice.


Healthy: green tea.

Acceptable: red and white wine, beer, coffee, black tea.

Avoid: drinks with ethyl alcohol, seltzer water, soda drinks.

Infusions (herbal teas).

Beneficial: ginseng, ginger, raspberry leaves, parsley, peppermint, sage, rose hips.

Acceptable: white birch buds, elderberry, alzina, hawthorn, valerian, smooth elm, St. John's wort, green oak bark, strawberry leaves, burdock, mint, dandelion, chamomile, yarrow, sorrel, echinacea.

Avoid: aloe, cassia, red clover, mullein, linden, coltsfoot, rhubarb, hops.


Healthy: ginger, cayenne pepper, curry, horseradish, parsley.

Acceptable: agar, anise, basil, vanilla, cloves, vinegar, cardamom, bay leaf, coriander, honey, paprika, nutmeg, mint, rosemary, soy sauce, brown sugar, salt, garlic, dill, cumin, sage, chocolate, saffron, tarragon.

Avoid: Edible gelatin, barley malt, cinnamon, cornstarch. Peppers – allspice, white, ground black.


Acceptable: mustard, marinades, pickles, jam. Mayonnaise, jelly.

Avoid: ketchup.

Foods that lead to weight gain in blood type 3:

  • Corn – slows down metabolism, weakens insulin;
  • Lentils – interfere with the absorption of nutrients;
  • Peanuts – slows down liver function;
  • Sesame – metabolism slows down;
  • Buckwheat – slows down digestion;
  • Wheat – slows down metabolism.

It is important to understand that certain group meals are not a fashion statement or a short-term fad. It's a lifestyle.

Each blood group has its own food products. It is important to know what to eat to maintain a healthy body. Active people with the third blood group need products that support the pace and rhythm of their lives.

Diet for weight loss 2,834 views

A woman with a third blood group, as a rule, has a strong immune system and a good digestive system. The principle of mixed nutrition suits her, since many foods are very healthy for her, and they are well absorbed by the body.

Basic diet rules

Women with blood group 3 positive Rh factor will be able to lose weight and achieve their desired slimness by following the following recommendations:

  1. The diet must necessarily consist of meat dishes (rabbit, lamb). The menu may also often include fish and chicken eggs.
  2. Chicken in any form, lentils and corn, as well as all seafood should be excluded from the diet. These products will negatively affect metabolic processes, causing fermentation and rotting in the intestines.
  3. As for cereals, of all the existing ones, the emphasis should be on rice and oatmeal.
  4. Fermented milk products with a reduced fat content should appear on the table every day. Don't forget about beans, soybeans and beans.
  5. Drinks that are prohibited include soda, as well as tomato juice, pomegranate and linden tea. But you can drink raspberry tea, a decoction of licorice and ginseng. You can have natural coffee in small quantities.
  6. To speed up the process of losing weight, you will need to completely eliminate buckwheat, wheat, corn and peanuts. These foods reduce insulin production and cause fluid retention. And all this leads to a significant slowdown in metabolism and a deterioration in the functioning of the intestines and stomach.
  7. But pomegranates and tomatoes contribute to the exacerbation and development of gastritis, so they should also be excluded from your menu.

Prohibited and permitted products

In order to eat and at the same time lose excess weight, your diet should be composed of foods that will speed up metabolism and improve digestion. At the same time, the calories coming from such food are not deposited later in the form of folds on the waist and abdomen.

  • What is possible
  • What not to do
  • Neutral
List of recommended products for women of the third positive blood group
Product type Name Nuances of use
Meat Rabbit, lamb It is recommended to cook the leanest pieces, first removing noticeable inclusions of fat from them.
Eggs Chicken and quail You can eat them boiled and make steamed omelettes from them.
Seafood Flounder, pike perch and cod, trout, mackerel and hake. In fact, almost all types of sea and river fish are allowed, which are best baked in the oven, stewed with vegetables or made into soups.
Dairy products Yogurt, kefir 2% fat and goat milk, sour cream and homemade cottage cheese, cheese and cow's milk Cow's milk should be taken with low fat content
Seeds and nuts Ground poppy seeds, coconut These seeds can be added to salads and baked goods.
Oil Olive
Legumes Beans and soybeans in any form
Cereals, grains and cereals Rice, oatmeal. You can have bread made from second-ground flour, rice flakes, oatmeal cookies It is better to cook cereal porridges without adding butter; instead, you can use a little olive oil
Vegetables All varieties of cabbage, rutabaga, peppers, carrots and celery Vegetables should be eaten raw whenever possible.
Berries and fruits Banana, pineapple and apple, cherry plum, grapes, plum
Juices and drinks All fruit juices, as well as cabbage and cranberry juice It is better to squeeze the juices yourself

TO prohibited products For beautiful people with a third positive blood group, this includes:

  • pomegranate, persimmon and avocado;
  • duck and pork, as well as all semi-finished products and meat products made from them;
  • all seafood;
  • ice cream;
  • corn and buckwheat;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • tomatoes, ketchup, tomato paste and juice;
  • all carbonated drinks.
  • All these foods must be excluded from your diet. Even their minimal amount can lead to weight gain.

In addition to foods that negatively affect the metabolism of women with blood group 3, there are list of neutral products. They can be included in the menu, but they will not contribute to weight loss. It is better to start using them after achieving the result in order to maintain normal weight and at the same time not limit yourself in nutrition. This:

  • beef, liver, lard;
  • processed cheese, cream, full-fat milk and whey;
  • almonds, walnuts;
  • butter;
  • beans, peas;
  • semolina, pasta, freshly baked bread;
  • spices.
Day Menu
Monday Breakfast: one hard-boiled egg, turkey cutlet, glass of milk and coleslaw with celery.
Snack: banana soufflé.
Dinner: beef broth, green tea and rice waffles, baked apple.
Afternoon snack: a glass of skim milk and a lean bun without toppings or glaze.
Dinner: carrot salad, baked pike perch and a jar of yogurt.
Tuesday Breakfast: mint tea, boiled rice porridge with pureed apple.
Snack: one banana.
Dinner: cream of mushroom soup, as well as a salad of cheese, sardines and eggs, dressed with sour cream.
Afternoon snack: carrot and bell pepper salad.
Dinner: a piece of boiled beef with baked eggplants.
Wednesday Breakfast: tea and oatmeal.
Snack: several plums and homemade cottage cheese.
Dinner: broccoli and cauliflower soup, rabbit stew.
Afternoon snack: some grapes.
Dinner: rice with vegetables, apricots.
Thursday Breakfast: warm berry juice, low-fat yogurt and one apple.
Snack: two cheesecakes and tea.
Dinner: mushroom soup with rice, warm salad of beef, Chinese cabbage, rutabaga and celery.
Afternoon snack: plums or cherry plums.
Dinner: fish cooked in the oven with green beans.
Friday Breakfast: a jar of yogurt and rice wafers.
Snack: one small apple.
Dinner: baked pike and coleslaw.
Afternoon snack: banana puree and fruit drink.
Dinner: rabbit meat cutlets, bell pepper.
Saturday Breakfast: tea, crumbly cottage cheese with plums.
Snack: apple fritters.
Dinner: stewed lamb with carrots and cauliflower.
Afternoon snack: Yogurt whipped with bananas.
Dinner: a piece of boiled beef and green peas.
Sunday Breakfast: cottage cheese pie, cranberry juice and one apple.
Snack: Chinese cabbage salad.
Dinner: stew of vegetables and pike perch, a plate of mushroom soup.
Afternoon snack: a few slices of pineapple.
Dinner: rice porridge with plums, herbal tea.

If you follow such a diet for one or two weeks, during this time a woman with positive Rh blood type 3 will be able to lose excess weight and improve her overall health.

Nowadays, excess weight is a scourge for most people in developed countries. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the quality of food. This is why blood type diets are becoming more and more popular. This approach allows you to provide the body with optimal nutrition. This also allows you to reduce the risk of excess weight, as well as lose weight if you already have a problem.

The difference in nutrition is associated with the genetic characteristics of the body. It is assumed that groups arose among people living in different conditions. The third group appeared among the nomads. Therefore, nutrition for owners of this type should be appropriate. But at the same time, they respond well to changes in diet and can eat a wide variety of foods.

Products for blood group 3 positive

The best option would be to use the most suitable foods for nutrition. After all, despite all the versatility, such people also have products that are not only suitable for themselves, but also have a negative effect on the body. First of all, the psychological state suffers. Therefore, nutrition for blood group 3 positive should be as balanced as possible.

Since the owners of such blood come from nomads, they can easily eat meat, and plant products will also not be superfluous. But, here it is worth remembering that not all products can be used for nutrition.

First, let's see what you can use:

  • Meat. You can definitely eat lamb and rabbit meat;
  • Vegetables. The list here is quite large. Recommended: eggplants, broccoli, beets, carrots, other similar root vegetables, peppers, cabbage;
  • Fish. The list of permitted products here is also substantial: mackerel, salmon, halibut, pike, sturgeon or caviar, flounder, cod;
  • Cereals: oatmeal, rice flour pasta, rice;
  • Eggs;
  • Legumes. Soybeans, beans, beans;
  • Dairy products. Healthy ones include the following: low-fat cheeses, especially goat cheeses; cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • Rice cakes, millet bread;
  • Ginger and curry;
  • Fruits: banana, apricot, plum, pineapple;
  • Green tea,
  • Almost any juice;
  • Olive oil.

Products that should be consumed in limited quantities:

  • Poultry meat: turkey, beef, as well as veal and liver;
  • Fish: herring, trout, haddock, squid, carp;
  • Vegetables. Asparagus, greens, salads, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, garlic;
  • Green peas, others canned legumes, green and/or white beans;
  • Pasta from any wheat flour, as well as brown rice;
  • Whole milk, possibly butter;
  • Soy milk;
  • Any spices except allspice;
  • Pickles, mayonnaise, jam or jelly, mustard;
  • Lemon water, coffee, red and white wine.

There are also a number of products that are completely prohibited for consumption;

  • Chicken, as well as other types of poultry, under no circumstances should you eat pork;
  • Ice cream;
  • All seafood, crustaceans, perch;
  • Vegetable oils. Soybean and sunflower;
  • Cereals. Buckwheat, corn, wheat, barley, rye;
  • Lentils, and also chickpeas;
  • Tomatoes, corn;
  • Fruits are prohibited: pear, coconut, pomegranate;
  • Drinks should not be consumed tomato juice and alcohol.

Be sure to eliminate all junk food from your diet; it is its consumption that will lead to gradual weight gain, as well as other health problems. A table of foods for blood group 3 will help you control your diet.

Table of foods for 3 positive blood group

Mutton Turkey Chicken and other types of poultry
Rabbit meat Beef, veal Ice cream
Eggplant Liver Seafood
Broccoli Herring Crustaceans
Beet Trout Perch
Carrot Haddock Soybean oil
Pepper Squid Sunflower oil
Cabbage Carp Buckwheat
Mackerel Asparagus Corn
Salmon Green Wheat
Halibut Salads Barley
Pike Potato Rye
Sturgeon cucumbers Lentils
Caviar Pumpkin Tomatoes
Flounder Garlic Corn
Cod Green peas Pear
Oatmeal Pasta made from any wheat flour Coconut
Rice flour pasta Brown rice Pomegranate
Rice Whole milk
Eggs Butter
Soybeans Soy milk
Beans All fruits except those that are prohibited
Beans Any spices except allspice
Low-fat cheeses Pickles
Cottage cheese Mayonnaise
Yogurt Jam
Rice cakes Mustard
Millet bread Lemon water
Ginger and curry Coffee
Banana Red wine
Apricot White wine
Plum Jelly
Pineapple Canned legumes
Green tea Green beans
Juice (almost any) White beans
Olive oil

Diet for blood type 3 positive

Let's look at the nutritional features for people with a similar blood type. It is worth noting that such a diet does not give quick results; to get a positive effect, you should make it a sustainable habit. Any failure will lead to a negative reaction from the body. Be sure to monitor the content of all necessary substances in your food.

A feature of this group of people is their good adaptability; they respond well to changes in diet, as well as to a variety of foods. Therefore, the diet for blood group 3 is a separate diet. This allows you to accelerate your metabolic rate, which, together with the consumption of certain foods, gives excellent results.

Since people with this feature can eat a varied diet, creating a diet for them will not be a problem. Below we show you some food pairings that are perfect for them.


  • Cheesecakes with condensed milk. Regular tea;
  • Regular vegetable sauté, classic omelette, rice cake, any juice;
  • Buckwheat porridge with banana, tea;
  • Toast with real turkey, regular greens and vegetables. Coffee;
  • Rice porridge with apple, cocoa.

You can use snacks between main meals;

  • Milk-fruit jelly;
  • Suitable dried fruits;
  • Pancakes with jam or cottage cheese;
  • Any fruit salad;
  • Nuts.

Sample menu options for lunch:

  • Turkey soup, grilled fish with a side dish of rice, beet/carrot and garlic salad;
  • Vegetable soup, veal with classic cream or other similar sauce, casserole with cabbage and zucchini;
  • Peasant fish soup, grilled mackerel, salad with cheese;
  • Borsch with beef and beans, cucumber salad, pasta with vegetables, basil;
  • Beef meatball soup, stewed liver with rice, radish salad with arugula.

You should definitely add an afternoon snack to your meal plan. This will avoid feeling hungry between meals.

The afternoon snack may include the following dishes:

  • Charlotte with apples, tea;
  • Wheat toast with jam, regular or soy milk;
  • Charlotte with apples, tea;
  • Curd dessert, juice.

Dinner is also an important meal. It can include the following products:

  • Stewed rabbit, potato casserole with any mushrooms;
  • Grilled trout, side dish of brown rice, cucumber salad;
  • Pilaf with lamb, cabbage salad, cheese and celery;
  • Oatmeal with suitable fruit or jam, cocoa;
  • Potato casserole with vegetables, lightly salted herring.

This is an approximate list of dishes from which you can create a full menu. Please note that you should not eat the same thing every day, the food should be varied, then there will be no problems.

Products for blood group 3 negative

You can often hear questions about how the list of products differs for people with a third negative blood group. In fact, there are no special differences here. You can still use the same products. The same products are prohibited. But here it is worth paying more attention to nutrition. Rh negative makes the body more sensitive to nutrition. It is necessary to completely eliminate prohibited foods from the diet, and also be very careful about those allowed for limited consumption.

Diet for blood group 3 negative

It is necessary to take into account the demands of the body of such people. The diet for blood group 3 negative should be as varied as possible. In principle, you can use the menu described for Rh positive, but be sure to remove products that can be used limitedly. Thus, you are guaranteed to avoid many problems with the body.
Many people consider the disadvantages of such a diet to be the inability to control weight loss. It decreases smoothly over the long term. Therefore, you can often hear about the low effectiveness of this particular approach. But, in fact, the effectiveness of the technique has been proven by a large number of studies, which cannot be doubted. If you are faced with the task of achieving the most rational nutrition, then it makes sense to adopt this diet.

In most cases, people with the third blood group quickly get used to dietary adjustments and some changes in the environment. In addition, they have an excellent immune system and a resilient digestive tract. It is noteworthy that the Rh factor in no way affects dietary recommendations. That is, for people with a positive and negative blood type, the list of prohibited and recommended foods will be the same.

Diet for blood type 3 for weight loss

It should be built around meat, eggs, sea fish, lamb and rabbit. It is better to refrain from chicken meat, butter and sunflower seeds, corn, seafood and lentils, and if possible, completely exclude them from the daily diet. Rice or oatmeal is perfect for meat as a side dish. It is recommended to eat soy, legumes and beans daily. At the same time, do not forget about various fermented milk products; they also play an important role. It is recommended to drink teas with raspberries, coffee in moderate quantities, decoctions of ginseng and licorice. Under no circumstances should you indulge yourself with carbonated drinks, pomegranate or tomato juice.

It is undesirable to eat wheat groats and buckwheat. The same applies to various overly spicy, smoked or salty foods. It is generally better to avoid fried foods, as such foods worsen the condition of the liver and tend the body toward obesity.

Do not overuse persimmons and peanuts.

Periodically, the body needs to be “charged” with useful microelements and vitamins, as well as adhere to an active lifestyle. If you can’t run in the mornings or evenings, then such training can be replaced with a walk (it is advisable to do it immediately after dinner). But at the same time, it is also not recommended to overload the body, so all loads must be carefully balanced.

Diet for blood type 3 negative: sample menu

  • Breakfast. Ideally, it should include at least two soft-boiled eggs (you can cook them in a frying pan several times a week). To improve the taste, you can add various herbs to eggs. An alternative is a breakfast that includes oatmeal (limited amounts of cream are allowed), a small amount of sugar and a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch. For a second breakfast, a light salad dressed with olive oil or low-fat yogurt is perfect. You can satisfy your hunger by eating a medium apple or ten to fifteen walnuts.
  • Dinner. Any beef or liver dish with rice (it is better to buy unpolished and unparboiled rice). It is better to use herbs as spices.
  • Afternoon snack. A salad of legumes and vegetables is suitable. Wash down with low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner. For dinner, you can cook flounder in the oven or on the grill. You can also stew fresh rabbit or young lamb. You definitely need to make a boiled egg salad. It is better not to eat white bread for dinner.
  • Before bed. If you feel hungry just before bed, you can eat about one hundred grams of fresh low-fat cottage cheese. You can add some dried fruits to it if you wish.

Positive diet for blood type 3: sample menu

  • Breakfast. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat two boiled eggs with a little rice. As an alternative, sandwiches with butter and cheese are suitable (it is not advisable to eat them more than twice a week, as they contain an organic amount of cholesterol). You can wash everything down with freshly squeezed pineapple juice or hot green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch. Ideally, second breakfast should consist of salad. It may include cabbage, carrots, beets, sweet peppers and lettuce. You can season it with either olive oil or low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner. For lunch, you can prepare a light soup of rice or buckwheat with fresh vegetables. You can bake mackerel in the oven (preferably alternate with sturgeon) or sea bass with herbs.
  • Afternoon snack. Light low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, wash it all down with one percent kefir. You can’t overeat before dinner, so the portion should be balanced.
  • Dinner. It can be either meat or fish. Lamb or turkey meat with a small portion of side dish is perfect for it. You can use rice or potatoes (in limited quantities). If desired, you can prepare a salad. Fish dishes can consist of river pike, mackerel, hake, pike perch, cod or trout.

As you can see, the menu is built around meat and fish dishes, as well as around fermented milk products and eggs. It can be adjusted according to the individual characteristics of the body. In this case, strict sequential intake of certain products is not required. The only thing that matters is the type of food consumed.

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About a fifth of the world's total population (20.6%) have blood group 3. According to the theory of the American naturopathic doctor D’Adamo, these people began to be called “nomads.” They combined the characteristics of people with the first blood group, “hunters,” and the population with the second blood group, “farmers.” This group appeared on earth 15 thousand years ago as a result of mixing and migration of races. This led to a change in eating behavior: now people knew how not only to hunt and grow crops, but also began to domesticate animals, and also roam in search of a better life.

The blood group 3 diet is considered the simplest and most varied, as it allows you to eat meat products, like the “hunters”, eat plant foods, like the “farmers” diet, and also consume dairy products.

Table of foods for people with blood group 3

We have compiled an easy-to-use table of foods for the blood type 3 diet. In it you will find harmful, healthy and neutral foods that will help you balance your diet and achieve your ideal weight.

Product category Healthy Products Neutral products Harmful products
Meat, eggs Lamb, rabbit, lamb, venison, chicken eggs turkey, beef, veal, pheasant, buffalo, liver, game and quail eggs goose, horse meat, partridge, chicken, quail, offal, game, pork, bacon, ham, beef heart, duck, guinea fowl
Milk and dairy products goat milk, kefir, yoghurts, homemade cheese and cottage cheese, goat and sheep cheese butter, soy milk and cheese, hard cheeses, whole milk and whey ice cream, processed cheese, Swiss cheese
Seafood sardine, flounder, salmon, mackerel, sea bass, cod, pike and black caviar, sturgeon, halibut, brown trout, hake, haddock scallop, herring, croaker, squid, tuna, silver and yellow perch, striped catfish arctic char, barracuda, beluga, gastropods and bivalves, rock and striped bass, crab, lobster, crayfish, mussels, shrimp, smoked salmon, octopus, pollock, eel, snail, oysters, rainbow and river trout, anchovy, turtles, frogs
Fats olive oil flaxseed oil, fish oil and cod liver oil sunflower, corn, peanut, sesame, cottonseed and safflower oil
Cereals rice, oats, millet, --- buckwheat, corn, rye, wheat, barley, amaranth
Bread and cotton products rice cakes, millet bread, diet bread bread made from oat bran, soy flour, spelled, gluten-free bread Rye and wheat bread and products made from this and corn flour
Legumes dark beans, green and lima beans, red soybeans green peas, red, broad and copper beans, white beans Chickpeas, lentils, black beans, black eye peas, pinto
Vegetables beets and their leaves, carrots, eggplants, sweet potatoes, peppers: chili, yellow, green; parsnips, cabbage: white, red, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, cauliflower, Chinese; mustard leaves potatoes, asparagus, spinach, daikon, celery, pumpkin, all types of onions, garlic, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, ginger, kohlrabi, rutabaga, mushrooms, rapeseed, fennel, turnips, chicory, white peas artichoke, avocado, olives, Jerusalem artichoke, radish, tomatoes, tempex, soy
Fruits and berries Bananas, plums, pineapples, grapes, cranberries, papaya oranges, apples, apricots, watermelons, elderberries, lingonberries, cherries, blueberries, pears, grapefruits, melons, strawberries, blackberries, strawberries, figs, raisins, kiwis, lemons, currants, mangoes, raspberries, peaches, tangerines, dates, prunes, blueberry pomegranates, persimmon, carom, starfruit, prickly pear, coconut, rhubarb
Spices horseradish, curry, ginger, parsley and cayenne pepper Everything except the prohibited ones cinnamon, allspice, tapioca, almond extract, corn syrup, edible gelatin, black and white pepper, barley malt, corn starch
Sauces, seasonings prepared from permitted vegetables, spices and fats everything except mayonnaise and other sauces made with vegetable oil Ketchup, nuts, peanuts, peanut butter
Drinks and juices green tea, juices from healthy fruits, vegetables and berries black tea and coffee, juices from neutral fruits, vegetables and berries, wine, beer alcoholic drinks, tomato juice, sweet soda
Herbal decoctions, infusions ginseng, ginger, raspberry leaves, mint leaves, rose hips, parsley, licorice root are prohibited: birch buds, valerian, elderberry, verbena, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, dandelion, chamomile, yarrow, echinacea with aloe, gentian, hay, red clover, mullein, corn silk, linden, coltsfoot, shepherd's purse, rhubarb, hops, skullcap.

The table contains the most commonly used food products that can be used by those who want to normalize their body and improve their health.

Characteristics of people with 3 positive blood group

The selection of products for people with III+ blood group is explained by the fact that these people able to quickly adapt to changes, tolerate changes in climatic conditions and diet composition more easily.

The strengths of people with positive blood type 3 are:

  • powerful immune and digestive system;
  • balance, flexibility, ability to get along with others;
  • rapid adaptation to changes in the environment and diet;
  • strong nervous system;
  • according to statistics, among thin people who are not inclined to be overweight, people with the third blood group predominate;
  • Usually these people, precisely because of their vitality, do not feel tired or, without gaining weight, continue to eat anything until they become seriously ill.

The diet contains almost all types of food that can be combined with each other and prepare delicious and healthy dietary dishes from them.

The weaknesses of representatives of those with blood group 3 are:

  • tendency to overeat;
  • development of diabetes mellitus of groups 1 and 2;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • resistance to rare diseases and viruses;
  • tendency to autoimmune diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Here you can watch a video about the characteristics of people with the third blood group:

Diet for women with blood group 3

In this case, the menu is different in that it should be even less caloric, more natural and correct.

The fact is that the female body gets used to changes much faster, therefore, the low calorie content of dishes is taken by the body for granted. You will feel lightness and increased performance if you exclude refractory fats and heavy and difficult-to-digest meat dishes from your diet. Increasing your daily menu of plant foods will lead to rapid weight loss and restoration of activity.

Rh negative

The Rh factor is not important for choosing a diet. The diet for people with 3 positive blood group is practically the same as for people with 3 negative blood group. The same products are shown, but you need to take into account individual characteristics, choosing those products from which you do not have allergic reactions and remain in good health.

Physical activity

It is necessary to increase physical activity, especially if you want to bring your body back to normal faster.

Here are the types of physical activities shown to you:

  • cycling or exercise bike (how to choose a cheap exercise machine);
  • walking or on a treadmill, running should be light so as not to impair joint mobility;
  • swimming in open reservoirs or pools (all about water aerobics);
  • tennis, badminton;
  • aerobics and shaping (all about Pilates);
  • yoga - all its varieties (

The constant rush of life does not always provide us with the opportunity to eat, sleep, and take care of our health on time. We strive to catch up with time, completely forgetting about ourselves. But a lot depends on proper nutrition, one might even say almost everything! But who knows how to eat properly? Experts do not give a clear answer to this question. Some argue that you should not eat after five o'clock in the evening, others say that it is useful to sit on buckwheat or rice for a week, and still others do not suffer at all about food.

There are many types, but in this article we will look at how the diet for blood group 3 (positive) is used.

A little about the history of blood group 3

When medical scientists began to classify people by blood groups, they identified four main types and a presumed zero. In addition, all people are divided according to the presence of antigen (Rhesus) in red blood cells. Everyone who has this antigen is called Rh-positive, those who do not have it are called Rh-negative.

The third group occurs quite often, in approximately a fifth of the entire population. It appeared in the human body from the time when active migrations began in different parts of the planet. During this period, people domesticated animals suitable for living with them, and also developed new food products that they received from these same animals. Meat and vegetable dishes (since they continued to engage in farming) are ideal for people with the third blood group.

What is the diet for blood group 3 (positive)

Some people consider people with this group to be lucky. After all, they can eat almost everything, without any special restrictions. It should be noted that with this diet it is important to pay special attention to physical exercise. The diet for blood group 3 includes many foods that contain protein, and the resulting proteins (building material for the body) need to be spent somewhere, which is why constant physical training is needed. Swimming (active and calm), fast running, exercise equipment, and moderate long walking are good options.

What foods should this group of people consume?

Like any other diet, the diet for blood group 3 (positive) has a list of foods that can and should be consumed. Their number is quite large, which allows people with this type of blood to eat a varied and tasty diet. Such products are divided by type, which allows them to be conveniently classified.

What are people with blood type 3 allowed to eat? The diet (table) is presented below.

Types of products Names of useful products
Meat, eggsRabbit meat, lamb, chicken and quail eggs
SeafoodFlounder, cod, pike perch, trout, hake, mackerel, almost all river and sea fish
DairyYogurt, goat milk, kefir, low-fat cow's milk, sour cream, homemade cottage cheese, cheese
Seeds, nutsGround poppy seeds (eg in muffins)
LegumesBeans, soybeans in all types
Cereals, cerealsRice, oatmeal, cereal, cookies, bread
SpicesParsley and horseradish are especially beneficial
VegetablesRutabaga, various varieties of cabbage, carrots, peppers of any kind, celery
Fruits, berriesPineapple, cherry plum, banana, grapes, plum, coconut, apple
JuicesJuices of all acceptable fruits, cranberry and cabbage
Herbal teas, drinksInfusions of ginseng, raspberry, rosehip, green tea

Products that are neutral for these people

A diet for blood group 3 (positive) presupposes the presence of foods that a person can eat, and they will not have a negative effect on his health. These include the following:

  • beef (in all possible forms), lard, liver;
  • Almost all seafood is allowed, except caviar, seaweed and crayfish;
  • cream, processed cheese, cow's milk with a high percentage of fat, whey;
  • butter;
  • walnuts, almonds;
  • peas, soybeans, beans;
  • flour (not from soft wheat), pasta, semolina, freshly baked buns, bread;
  • all types of spices and additives are neutral, except for ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • You can eat almost all types of vegetables.

What products cannot be used for people with positive blood type 3?

There are almost no restrictions for people to consume many foods if they have a third positive blood group. The diet is designed so that an ordinary person who does not need extravagant overseas dishes will not feel disadvantaged, chronically hungry and tired. For such people, there is only a small list of what they should not eat. This is the following set of products:

  • Fruits: avocado, pomegranate, persimmon.
  • Meat dishes from pork and duck.
  • Many seafood that are not listed in previous lists.
  • Tomatoes and everything made from them (ketchup, juice, paste).
  • Buckwheat, corn.
  • Carbonated drinks.

Since some cereals cannot be eaten, the lack of microelements must be replaced with vitamins, as well as herbs. It must be added to all dishes without exception.

Approximate menu

With all the variety of acceptable products, you should not relax and adhere to all recommendations. There is one more nuance: after eating you should feel slightly hungry. You cannot overeat, otherwise the walls of your stomach will stretch, and the feeling of hunger will constantly haunt you. Below is an approximate diet menu for blood type for two days.


  1. Boiled egg, 150 grams of boiled rabbit or turkey, milk or kefir, acceptable vegetables.
  2. Vegetable salad, boiled fish or pickled herring.


  1. or another type of meat, porridge with vegetables, green tea with rice waffles.
  2. Rice soup with chicken broth, a piece of chicken weighing up to 200 grams, herbal tea with wheat bread and butter.


  1. Fruit salad dressed with yogurt.
  2. Oatmeal and walnuts, dried fruit compote.


  1. with a bun.
  2. Yogurt with waffle.

The idea of ​​a successful and healthy person is inextricably linked with being slim. It’s just that bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unbalanced diet prevent you from achieving ideal parameters. Against this background, the popularity of diets as the shortest path to change does not decrease. But choosing one option from an extensive list is difficult. Not every weight loss strategy is designed correctly - some are too strict and dangerous to health.

Individual system

American nutritionist D'Adamo compiled a set of prescriptions related to blood groups. Thanks to research, it became known that blood groups were formed in turn at different stages of the development of society.

A pattern has been identified: carriers of the same blood group are prone to the same diseases and have a common temperament. Therefore, to lose weight and improve health, you need to follow one of the types of diets that correspond to your genetic characteristics.

At the dawn of mankind, when hunting was the main activity, there was only one blood type. Hence the conventional name for people with the first blood group – “hunters”. The emergence of the second group is associated with the development of primitive agriculture; it flows through the veins of “farmers”.

Under the influence of external factors, the blood changed during periods of great migrations - the third type of blood appeared, belonging to the “nomads”. The fourth group has recently emerged by historical standards; it is defined as a “mystery”.

The main principle of the presented nutrition program is unquestioning adherence to what is inherent in nature and written in the genetic code. The D'Adamo diet can be called an example of intuitive eating. It is enough to imagine in detail the living conditions of our ancestors and understand what products were available to them, and what products simply could not have been available in that environment.

What are they, modern “nomads”?

“Nomads” are the most unpretentious and most adapted to sudden changes in climate, environment, and diet. This is due to historical reasons: when “farmers” and “hunters” were forced to move from place to place, only the most resilient survived. Their food changed every day along the way. Unable to grow plants for food and domesticate animals, they took everything they could from nature.

“Nomads” are distinguished by strong immunity. This type of people does not suffer from nervous system disorders. They are distinguished by emotional balance without excesses towards depression and hysterics. At the genetic level, these people have a desire for constant movement, so they love active recreation and mobile work.

Attention! Within the type, there is not much difference between people with positive and negative Rh factor; their indicators coincide almost exactly.

The weight loss diet for carriers of positive blood type 3 is designed to ensure that with age they become prone to diabetes mellitus, a violent reaction of the immune system to its own healthy cells. Against the background of high activity, there is a risk of developing long-term fatigue that does not go away even after rest and relaxation.

The compiler of the diet identified three classes of positive foods for the third blood group. The beneficial ones are absorbed as completely as possible and form the basis of the diet. Neutral ones play the role of addition to the main menu. They do not have a negative effect on the body, but they also have few advantages. Harmful ones are difficult to digest and disrupt metabolism.

A convenient table contains a list of products in each category specifically for 3 positive blood groups. Based on the list presented, it is easy to create a delicious and varied menu. You can treat yourself to something new every day.

Healthy Products Not recommended products Harmful products
Protein food
  • rabbit meat;
  • mutton;
  • game;
  • eggs (no restrictions);
  • sea ​​fish, especially fatty varieties of red fish;
  • goat milk and fermented milk products;
  • beans, beans.
  • veal, beef and offal;
  • turkey;
  • hard cheeses;
  • peas.
  • poultry meat;
  • pork;
  • shellfish;
  • processed cheese, mold cheeses, dairy desserts;
  • lentils.
Lipid-rich foods
  • olive oil;
  • fatty red fish.
  • butter;
  • linseed oil;
  • cod liver oil;
  • almond;
  • walnuts.
  • vegetable oil from sunflower, corn;
  • nut butters;
  • pine nuts;
  • peanut;
  • sunflower seeds.
Carbohydrate food
  • low gluten cereals;
  • rice flour;
  • eggplants, carrots, beets, cabbage, sweet peppers, horseradish, parsley, ginger;
  • pineapple, bananas, grapes, citrus fruits, apples, lingonberries, cherries, cranberries, papaya.
  • rye and oat flour;
  • green;
  • kiwi, pears, mangoes, raisins, forest and garden berries.
  • wheat flour;
  • corn, buckwheat, tomatoes, soybeans, radishes, olives, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • coconut, pomegranates, avocado, persimmon;
  • products containing sugar.
  • green tea;
  • natural juices;
  • teas from sage, rose hips, ginseng.
  • black tea;
  • coffee;
  • infusions of chamomile and thyme.
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • carbonated drinks.

The diet for positive blood type 3 is the key to understanding the life of real nomads. Moving from one site to another, they could catch a hare or a ram. It is more difficult to hunt wild birds, which is why there was no place for their meat in the food system. There is no place there for exotic products with a narrow distribution zone. The popularity of fermented milk products is due to the fact that they last longer on the road.

Products of the first group are useful because they ideally match the metabolic rate of people with the third blood group. Among the “nomads” it is not too fast and not too slow – moderate.

The diet is based on foods high in protein, easily digestible animal and vegetable fats, and complex carbohydrates. This diet promotes rapid weight loss: vigorous activity involves stored fats in the metabolism, they begin to rapidly melt.

Diet for weight loss - no worse than in a restaurant

The diet menu for positive blood group 3 is more varied than others. The list of products is as wide as possible; a person can choose recipes individually. The main requirement is compliance with fractional meals. There should be 5 meals per day. If you eat often and in small portions, the kilograms will go away faster.

Breakfast should not be skipped; it is the most important meal of the day. Give preference to protein foods, they will provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. An egg dish supplemented with fermented milk product and complex carbohydrates (porridge, bread) is an excellent option. Nutritionists do not recommend skipping a light snack before lunch - fruits, a handful of dried fruits, a glass of juice will satisfy your hunger without harming your figure.

Lunch consists of protein and complex carbohydrates. It’s good to start your meal with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, dressed with olive oil. For main course, light soup and a piece of fish or meat with a side dish are suitable. Afternoon snack – again fruit, a handful of nuts, kefir, cottage cheese or yogurt with berries. You need to choose one of the available snacks.

It is preferable to have dinner with a fish dish with a dietary side dish. If lunch was heavy, it is healthier to drink yogurt with diet bread for dinner.

Important! Instead of frying foods, use steaming, grilling, or baking in the oven. It is healthier not to cook cereals until cooked, but to bring them to a semi-soft state or simply steam them with boiling water to preserve all the beneficial properties.

Consume fruits, vegetables, and juices only fresh. The presented menu is an approximate plan of the daily regimen, a template. Those losing weight independently select recipes based on culinary skills and availability of ingredients.

Elements of Success

The technique will not be effective without physical activity. Proponents of a diet for 3 positive blood group advise choosing a sport based on genetic characteristics.

Since people with the third positive are considered psychologically harmonious, exercises for them should combine strength and spiritual components. Jogging, walking, meditation, yoga, and martial arts are appropriate.

With the right approach, the diet quickly produces the first tangible results. Those who lose weight using this method note that they not only lost weight, but also cleansed the body. The general condition improved. Chronic fatigue subsided and fresh strength appeared.

Even opponents of the theory about the connection between diet and blood type admit that the diet for blood group 3 positive Rhesus is one of the most harmless to the body, effective against obesity, and increases the emotional background.

Limitations and precautions

The diet cannot be used without adapting it to suit you. Even if a person has type 3 positive Rh blood flowing through his veins, he cannot blindly follow a diet. What to pay attention to:

  1. If the genitourinary system is weak, the diet is not applicable. Protein nutrition can lead to complications in kidney function and urination.
  2. Allergies to certain foods do not allow you to follow this diet. Allergic attacks have serious consequences, and treatment is long and difficult.
  3. Diet principles differ for residents of southern latitudes and polar regions, since calorie needs are different. Not all areas have the same availability of healthy foods. The diet must be adapted to real opportunities, including material and territorial ones.
    Positive experience of losing weight

The blood diet has many supporters who actually demonstrate how this particular diet has helped them lose weight and become healthier. Below are some reviews about the diet for 3 positive blood group.

The girl Olga, who has been struggling with obesity for several years using various methods, has been following a diet for positive blood type 3 for a year now. I managed to lose more than 10 kg, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract improved - the cramps subsided, and heartburn disappeared after eating. The richness of the diet does not turn diet into hard labor, so Olga plans to adhere to the rules all her life.

At the same time, some people losing weight noted that they waited more than 2 months for the first results.

The girl Christina notes that no magic happened - at first the weight did not change, but fatigue went away and digestive problems went away. After a few months, the first weight loss results appeared.

Each weight loss story using this method is different from the others. Everyone experienced dynamics in their own way.

Losing weight without stress is a reality

Any changes in lifestyle are a test for the body at first. It’s hard to cope psychologically when any harm is prohibited. A positive approach will help you adapt to innovations:

  • Decorate dietary dishes in an original way, experiment with the method of serving;
  • new bright dishes are a great start to changing your diet;
  • control weighings and photographs once a week will show the dynamics, and this is the best motivation;
  • communication with like-minded people and sharing experiences will encourage you;
  • many people who are losing weight keep a diary where they note all external and internal changes;
  • creating a menu for the week gives you discipline;
  • It is necessary to see a doctor in order to immediately detect and nip possible deterioration in the bud.


The diet for the third positive blood group is one of the easiest and healthiest. If there are no clinical contraindications, you can safely follow it. It does not cause such harm as mono-diets. There is no need to frantically count calories.

Those who are losing weight begin to follow a new diet, wanting to get a slim body, and as a result they get healthy internal organs, harmony, energy and an attractive appearance.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
I have been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.