Rice properties and uses. Rice, composition, beneficial properties, application, cleansing the body, recipes. Benefits for digestion

For many peoples it is almost their second bread. In terms of cultivation time and valuable qualities, it is rightfully considered the most popular cereal in the whole world. There are many varieties of this culture and ways of cultivating it. This article will provide information about which countries produce the most rice and its beneficial properties.


Several thousand years have passed since man began to grow rice. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations, which prove the fact that people have been eating this cereal since the dawn of human history. Pottery with traces of rice was found, as well as ancient Chinese and Indian manuscripts in which it was deified. It was used as ritual offerings to ancestors and pagan gods.

There are many interesting and adventurous stories associated with rice cultivation. The origin of the culture is due to ancient Asia. Now this territory is occupied by countries such as Vietnam and Thailand. Over time, the cereal spread to other continents: it easily adapted to the local climatic conditions of other countries and became very popular in many cultures of the world. In particular, it has found its application in the preparation of national dishes. Considering these facts, we can safely say that rice is an integral part of the traditional culture of many peoples. A similar attitude towards cereals is observed in Japan, India, China and Indonesia.


The tropical plant has special biological characteristics associated with its unusual growing environment. No cereal forms such vegetative organs as rice has. The description of the culture conveys the uniqueness of its structure, which allows it to grow directly on the water.

The roots are fibrous, superficial, most of which are immersed to a depth of 30 cm. The root system is endowed with air-bearing tissue called aerenchyma. It is found in leaves and stems. Such a system is necessary for the plant to maintain the required oxygen concentration. Being in water, the plant cannot “breathe”, and thanks to the aerenchyma, which absorbs oxygen from the stems and leaves, the root system is enriched with it. In addition, the soil on a rice plantation becomes highly permeable and changes the direction of metabolic processes. The root consists of many processes (up to 300), with a small number of fine hairs. The lower stem nodes sometimes form additional roots that participate in the nutrition of cereals.

The stem is a complete thin straw. Depending on the variety, its length varies from 0.5 to 2 m. As it narrows from the base to the edge, the length of the internodes increases. Their thickness is about 7 mm. As the crop grows, the number of internodes increases to 15-20 spaces.

The leaves are narrow blades of linear-lanceolate type with a sheath. They come in green, purple and reddish colors. The venation is ribbed, length - 30 cm, width - 2.

Single-flowered spikelets are collected in inflorescences, like a panicle. Two wide, ribbed scales make up a flower (sometimes with an awn) of brown, yellow or red color.

The fruit is a filmy grain, white at the break. The structure is divided into glassy, ​​powdery and semi-vitreous.

Seed rice has over 100 varieties in shape, color, and presence of awns. There are two main subspecies: small and ordinary. The latter is divided into two varieties: Indian and Japanese.

Indian is distinguished by a long, narrow caryopsis and the absence of awns on the flower membranes. The Japanese grains are round, wide and thick.

Main culture of Asia

Why did rice become the main crop of Asia? In the tropical zone, with a predominant monsoon climate, excessive soil waterlogging is considered normal. Due to the fact that most of the territories are covered with water for a long time, it is not possible to grow other crops. The main concentration of rice plantations is on the Asian continent. When there were no mechanized methods of cultivating cereals, rice was grown only in areas with natural moisture. Thanks to technological progress, there are now rice plantations in many countries, and they are irrigated artificially.

Economic importance of rice

In which country is rice a food crop? As mentioned above, these are states of the Asian continent. This includes several countries that are involved in the production of grain, the annual harvest of which is 445.6 million tons - this is more than 90% of the gross world harvest. After processing of rice greens, about 80% of the product goes on sale. China and India supply especially large quantities of grain to the world market.

It cannot be said that rice is widespread as a food product only in Asian countries. For a third of the world's population it is one of the main products. This corresponds to the meaning of its name, which, translated from ancient Indian, has a very meaningful definition - “the basis of human nutrition.” The product comes to the world market from many countries. Rice is the main food crop in Thailand, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Myanmar, Japan, Korea, North Korea, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Grain crops are also cultivated in America. 9.2 million hectares are allocated for plantations in this territory, of which 7.4 million hectares are in the southern part. The main producers here are countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, the USA, Cuba, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. The lowest rice yield is in Africa, just over 9 million tons per year. It is produced to a greater extent in Nigeria, Cote D, Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Tanzania, Zaire and Madagascar.

Nutritional value

Rice is a nutritious product that provides the human body with essential substances. Statistics show that in the regions where it grows, there is more than 100 kg of it per person per year. Residents of these countries receive a significant portion of their calories from cereals. Unlike other grains, it is very rich in starch (88%). The composition contains carbohydrates, fats, fiber, ash, vitamins and protein. The latter contains a large number of amino acids: meteonine, lysine, valine. Thanks to this, the product is easily absorbed by the body.

Rice grains neutralize free radicals in the human body. If a large amount of these harmful elements is present, a person is at risk of developing cancer, as they affect cellular genes. Most often, reactive oxygen particles contribute to premature aging.

Regular consumption of rice cereal has a positive effect on the nervous system and protects the intestines from irritation. It is included in a gluten-free diet, where it is one of the main components. Rice is a dietary product, rich in microelements and a worthy substitute for bread. Therefore, it is used in cases where a person needs to adhere to a diet for some reason.

Rational use

After grain processing, waste always remains. Scrap and chaff are used to produce beer, alcohol and starch. Rice bran contains many useful substances, fats and protein. Among them are phosphorus-containing elements - lecithin and phytin, thanks to which waste serves as nutritious feed for livestock. The above-ground parts of plants are also used for animals, and paper is made from straw.

Purified rice is supplied to the world market and in Krupa, accordingly, it is more expensive and is in demand among the population. Glazed rice is found in European and American markets. This is a refined and nutrient-enriched grain. Since during technological processing, a layer of useful substances is also removed along with the husk, manufacturers considered it advisable to carry out an enrichment process with the restoration of the missing elements.

Rice is a product that has varietal characteristics. The shape of the grain can be round or oblong, wide or narrow. The structure of the endosperm can be glassy, ​​mealy or semi-vitreous. Vitreous is more rational for technological processing. In the process of separating grain from the shells, the yield of whole grain is greater, since it is less subject to crushing.

Cereals are mainly used to prepare a variety of dishes and desserts. Flour is obtained from it, which is used to produce baby food and confectionery.

Types of grain

As a food crop, rice undergoes various technological processing, which determines its nutritional value, taste and color. Grain of the same variety, processed differently, is divided into three main types.

  • Brown. Rice that has undergone minimal processing to preserve its beneficial qualities is called brown rice. In Asia, it serves as a staple food for the elderly and children. Meanwhile, in America and Europe it is a valuable product for supporters of a healthy diet. After processing, it also remains a storehouse of valuable elements and vitamins for the body, since it retains the bran shell. It accounts for a large dose of nutrients. The only negative is the short shelf life.
  • Polished. The standard type of processing is grinding. This is white rice, which has long been known and is marketed in large quantities. It goes through several stages of grinding, after which its grains become even, smooth, snow-white and have a translucent endosperm. Due to the content of a large number of tiny air bubbles, occasionally the grains may remain matte. In terms of the presence of nutrients, white grain is inferior to steamed and brown grain. Its advantages include excellent taste and aesthetic appearance.
  • Steamed. Steamed grain, often found on supermarket shelves, is also quite popular. Steam technology allows you to preserve minerals and vitamins inside the grain. Rice that has not undergone the hulling process is immersed in water and treated with steam under high pressure. Then it goes through a series of technological stages without losing its beneficial properties. This is due to the fact that, under the influence of steam, valuable substances contained in the surface layer penetrate deep into the grains. Steamed grains take longer to cook because they are stronger and harder.

In some African countries, several types of wild rice are also eaten, in particular, short-tongued and dotted rice.


Rice is a grain crop that requires special growing conditions. The main factors for its development are heat and the presence of a water layer. An important condition for it is the optimal amount of sunlight. It has a direct impact on the productivity of the tropical plant. There is one caveat - when the air temperature is too high, intense vegetative growth occurs, which negatively affects overall development and reduces grain yield.

It is better to cultivate rice on clay, silty soils, since they retain water well. In a natural environment on sandy soil, rice yield is very low. However, if such soil is enriched with fertilizers, grain yield will increase significantly.

In mountainous areas, special terraces with fences are created to retain water. On flat surfaces, the soil is leveled for uniform irrigation and good drainage. As in mountainous areas, areas are divided using ramparts. A system of canals is preliminarily prepared, with the help of which the plantations are drained. Throughout the entire period of crop development, the fields are kept flooded, periodically changing the water level, depending on the growth of the plants.

In Asia, before planting in a flooded field, grains are germinated in ridges, and then 4-5 sprouts are transplanted into water using a nesting method. In Western countries, rice is sown by hand, while in developed countries, grains are sown using a mechanized method.

Types of Rice Farming

Rice farming is divided into 3 types: estuary, dry and flood. Since the tropical plant has become an agricultural crop, rice is mostly cultivated in flooded fields. The remaining methods are considered obsolete and are used for growing cereals on a small scale:

  • The pouring method. This is the type of cultivation described above. The flood checks are kept constantly flooded, and after harvesting the water is drained. Up to 90% of grain grown using this method enters the world market.
  • Estuary plantations. This is the oldest method that is used in Southeast Asian countries. Rice is cultivated during flood periods and sown in river bays. This type of rice farming is ineffective.
  • Dry land type. Practiced in areas with naturally high soil moisture. In dryland plantations, rice is planted only by sowing seeds. The advantage of such rice farming is that the plants are not susceptible to diseases and the grain has the highest taste. This type of rice farming is also easy to cultivate. In Japan, after the development of irrigation, dry fields were converted to flood fields. Difficulties during cultivation may arise due to the sensitivity of plants to drought, the need to remove weeds and soil depletion.


Apparently, rice is the main food crop in many countries. Despite the limitations in the way it is grown, it is eaten everywhere. There is hardly a corner on earth where rice dishes are unknown. This valuable product is being supplied all over the world, and it is now available to everyone.

Rice is one of the oldest grain crops on the planet. Scientists believe the plant is at least 5,000 years old and is a staple food for more than half the world's population. The main consumers of rice are residents of South and East Asia. White grains are most commonly consumed, but brown (unpolished) rice has become increasingly popular in the Western world in recent years as a healthy food.

General characteristics

Rice is an annual cereal plant popular in Asian countries. It is believed to be the second most common cereal on the planet (after corn). It is grown on all continents except Antarctica. There are more than 40 thousand varieties of this cereal, but the white or unpolished product is most often used as food. Depending on the method of grain processing, its taste varies. Therefore, different varieties of rice are used for different dishes.

In addition, in cooking it is customary to distinguish rice by the length of the grain. Thus, in Indian and Chinese cuisine, long-grained grains are more often used; in Western countries, short or round grains are preferred.

In addition to the traditional white grain, other types of rice are also used for food: brown, red, purple and even black.

White vs brown

White rice is a refined product, free of bran and germ. These procedures can improve the quality of food, extend the shelf life of grain, and improve its taste. But, as a rule, all this is achieved by reducing the nutritional value of the product.

Brown rice is an intact whole grain rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, unrefined grains tend to have a lower glycemic index, which means they are more beneficial for diabetics. But rice bran, among other things, is a source of so-called antinutrients. One of them is phytic acid. In addition, heavy metals can be concentrated in the outer shell of rice (if the grains were grown in contaminated areas).

Useful components


Rice mainly consists of carbohydrates (approximately 90% of the total mass), which are mainly represented by starches. is the most common form of carbohydrates and consists of amylose and amylopectin. Both of these substances have different properties that determine the structure and digestibility of the product. Rice rich in amylose (such as basmati) does not stick together after cooking. In addition, amylose slows down the digestion of starch, that is, it contributes to the creation of so-called resistant starch.

In contrast, rice that is low in amylose and amylopectin turns into a sticky substance when cooked. These types of product are suitable for rice puddings, risotto, and for preparing Asian dishes. However, such rice is digested faster and causes sharp spikes in blood sugar levels, which is extremely undesirable for people with diabetes.


Traditional white rice is a low-content product (no more than 0.3%), which cannot be said about brown rice, which consists of almost 2 percent dietary fiber. However, both types of rice may contain resistant starch. In its functions, this substance largely resembles fiber and also serves as “food” for beneficial intestinal microflora. In the colon, resistant starch promotes the creation of short-chain fatty acids (butyrates), which improve gut health and prevent cancer.

Vitamins and minerals

The nutritional value of rice is usually determined by the type of product and the cooking method. Many vitamins and minerals are concentrated in the bran and germ, which are exclusively components of brown rice.

So, rice contains:

  • manganese is an antioxidant, found in almost any whole grain, important for metabolism, growth and development of the body;
  • selenium is a mineral that is the main part of selenoproteins, which are responsible for a variety of functions in the body;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1) – necessary for proper metabolism, supports the functionality of the heart, muscles, and nervous system;
  • niacin (vitamin B3) – important for most redox reactions in the body (soaking rice in water before cooking will help increase the absorption of the vitamin);
  • Magnesium – found in brown rice, important for preventing many chronic diseases;
  • Copper – a deficiency of the mineral causes heart disease.

In addition to the components already mentioned, rice contains many plant compounds that are important for maintaining health. The highest levels of antioxidants were found in pigmented cereal varieties. But white rice is absolutely not suitable as a source of these beneficial substances.

Plant compounds in rice:

  • lignins - during metabolism they are converted into enterolactone, which performs a variety of functions in the body;
  • ferulic acid – a strong antioxidant found in rice bran, protects against cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases;
  • phytic acid – found in unpolished grains, but excessive consumption can impair the absorption of iron and zinc.
Nutritional value of rice per 100 g of product
Calorie content 130 kcal
2.5 g
0.2 g
28.7 g
0.16 mg
0.02 mg
1.5 mg
0.5 mg
0.06 mg
59 mcg
1 mg
1.46 mg
8 mg
33 mg
26 mg
0.4 mg
0.36 mg
7.5 mcg

Useful properties

Rice is considered one of the healthiest foods in the world. Representatives of different culinary schools argue in what form and in combination with what products rice tastes best. But no matter what dish you prepare from this cereal, its beneficial properties will not change. Here are some of the main benefits of this product.

Energy source

Since rice is rich in carbohydrates, it acts as a “fuel” in the body, supplying energy to the muscles and also activates the brain.

In addition to carbohydrates, this cereal contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, which are also important for active life and improved metabolism.

Heart Health

Cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes, are the leading causes of death worldwide. Observations have shown that consuming whole grains helps reduce this figure. Researchers followed hundreds of men who ate whole grains for breakfast every day for 5 years. As a result, their chance of developing fatal cardiac diseases decreased by almost 20 percent. A similar study in women yielded even more encouraging results: the risk of cardiovascular disorders decreased by more than 30 percent. Other studies have shown that whole grains have a beneficial effect on vascular health in people with obesity or diabetes.

Stable blood pressure

Rice is low in sodium and is considered a good food for people with high blood pressure. Sodium can cause spasms and constriction of blood vessels, which as a result increases the stress on the heart muscle. Sodium-free foods can be considered foods that prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and some other cardiovascular diseases.

Cancer Prevention

Whole grain rice is rich in insoluble fiber, which researchers say may reduce the risk of developing various types of cancer. Scientists also suggest that this substance can slow down the metastasis of cancer cells. In particular, it is known that dietary fiber is an excellent preventative against colorectal cancer and oncological degeneration in intestinal tissues.

However, in addition to fiber, rice contains natural antioxidants such as vitamins C and, phenolic compounds and, which protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Thus, they prevent mutations at the cellular level and increase the ability to resist dangerous substances and organisms.

Alzheimer's protection

Brown rice is rich in many beneficial substances that stimulate the activity of neurotransmitters. The result of this effect is the prevention of Alzheimer's disease or alleviation of its manifestations. Due to its special chemical composition, wild rice has been shown to stimulate brain cells, increase their protective abilities, and also suppress the harmful effects of free radicals and toxins, which ultimately protects against the development of dementia.

Benefits for digestion

For centuries, rice husks have been used as a remedy against dysentery and also as a diuretic. The Chinese consider this cereal indispensable for people with digestive problems, stomach diseases and lack of appetite. In addition, Easterners use a decoction of rice husks as a means of losing weight and removing toxins from the body. And varieties rich in fiber prevent chronic constipation.

Source of vitamins

The grains of this cereal are a good source of vitamins and minerals. In particular, this product supplies the body with niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, and iron. These substances are indispensable for the immune system and proper metabolism.

Skin health

Scientific studies of the properties of rice grains have discovered that flour from this grain effectively treats skin diseases.

Residents of Indochina have been using rice ointments to treat skin inflammation for thousands of years. Phenolic compounds found in rice (especially brown or wild rice) have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, antioxidants protect against early wrinkles.

Other benefits of rice:

  • does not contain gluten and ;
  • quickly restores energy;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • activates metabolism;
  • improves digestion;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents cancer and heart disease.


Type 2 diabetes is one of the reasons to avoid certain types of white rice as a product with a high glycemic index. Also, a study involving more than 64 thousand Chinese women showed that it is enough to eat 300 g of white grains daily to almost double the risk of developing diabetes. Therefore, diabetics are advised to consume only brown rice.

The second possible danger of this cereal is heavy metals, which can concentrate in the bran. For this reason, brown rice may be more dangerous than milled rice.

How to choose the right rice

The general rules for purchasing rice are the same as when choosing other cereals. It should be dry, without mold or rotten smell. It is better to take the product in a sealed package, but it is important to check its integrity.

But the process of choosing rice does not end there. Since there are many different varieties of this product, it is good to know which type is best suited for which dish. Here are some tips on how to choose rice.

  1. Proper rice looks like frosted glass.
  2. White, like chalk, is a sign of unripe grains; it boils quickly.
  3. Yellow grains – the product was kept moist for a long time before packaging. It may contain mycotonsins and carcinogens.

What is it suitable for?

Round grain Japonica - sushi.

Round or medium-grained Arborio - porridge, risotto.

Round or medium-grained Krasnodar - soups, milk porridges.

Long-grain Basmati (considered the best of all varieties) – side dishes, oriental dishes, pilafs.

Long-grained Jasmine - for cooking under the lid, crumbly side dishes.

Long-grain Indica – side dishes, pilafs, salads.

Wild rice (black) – side dishes, salads.

Unpolished (brown) – side dishes, salads, suitable for cooking in large amounts of water.

Red – side dishes, salads.

Classification by grain shape:

  • long-grain – oblong, up to 8 mm, crumbly after cooking, used for soups, side dishes, salads, appetizers;
  • medium-grain – round, up to 6 mm, sticky after cooking, but does not form lumps, used for porridges, soups, risotto;
  • round grain – round, up to 5 mm, sticks together after cooking, used for porridges, soups, casseroles, puddings, desserts, and as a filling for pies.

Rice water in cosmetology

This recipe has long been a secret, known only to Japanese beauties. The ability of Asian women to maintain a fresh complexion into old age is the stuff of legends. And not so long ago, one of the most powerful cosmetic products used by Asian women was revealed to the world. It turns out that the secret of their youth is in rice, which is used daily to wipe the face, rinse the hair and add to the bath.

To prepare this miracle remedy, you only need 1 tablespoon of rice and 1 glass of water. The components are mixed and brought to a boil. That's all - this is incomparable rice water. By the way, this product can not only smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, but also improves skin color, tightens it, protects from UV radiation, evens out tone, gets rid of freckles and age spots. It also successfully treats dermatitis and psoriasis.

It is known that Chinese women also use rice water as a hair care product. They rinse their hair with the decoction, use it as an ingredient in masks, and even use it for styling (under the influence of the decoction, the curls become more elastic, soft and manageable).

But in addition to traditional rice water, Asian women also use a fermented infusion, which is believed to have more pronounced medicinal properties. To do this, keep the rice water in a warm place for 24 hours. Then apply as usual.

Fermented rice water can be made without cooking. To do this, pour raw grain with water and leave at room temperature for 2 days. When the infusion tastes sour, you can use it. Store the finished fermented infusion (no matter what recipe it was prepared according to) in the refrigerator for no longer than 4 days.

Rice is one of the oldest crops on the planet. Like other grains, it has many beneficial properties. But at the same time, like most other food, it does not have the best effect on health if consumed too much, especially against the backdrop of certain diseases.

Rice is a cereal plant whose grains are widely used in cooking and folk medicine. In some countries, rice is a traditional folk product, which is used to prepare porridge, drinks, wine, and various dishes.

Rice contains many vitamins that help improve overall human health. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of calories, rice is also used for weight loss. You will learn more about the methods of use and beneficial properties of this product from this article.

Rice: beneficial properties

There are many varieties of rice, from which crumbly dishes, porridges, desserts, sushi, and even decoctions and drinks are prepared. Regardless of what you cook from rice, the product has numerous beneficial properties that will benefit your health.

What are the benefits of rice?

Before describing the beneficial properties of the product, you need to look at its composition:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6).
  • Vitamins RR.
  • Carotene and vitamin E, which help improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Microelements important for the human body: phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron, iodine, etc.

Rice is a nutritious product, but at the same time it is used for weight loss due to the fact that it cleanses the body of harmful salts, waste and toxins.

Useful properties of rice:

  • Is an excellent source of energy.
  • Stimulates the digestive system.
  • Removes excess fluid and harmful substances from the body. You can arrange fasting rice days for weight loss.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Rice does not contain substances that cause an allergic reaction.
  • The product is even used to restore intestinal function.

Is rice good for you during pregnancy? This question has yet to be answered, but we can immediately say that the product is indeed recommended for use in a given period of time in small quantities.

Rice: contraindications

Despite the numerous beneficial properties of the product, there are still contraindications to rice:

  1. Regular consumption of rice porridge and other rice dishes can lead to frequent constipation, which negatively affects bowel function.
  2. Rice contains a small amount of substances that make it difficult to digest foods containing calcium and iron.
  3. Individual intolerance to the product.
  4. People with cardiovascular diseases are advised to reduce the amount of rice they consume.

As you can see, the harm from rice is quite insignificant, and it can arise mainly due to abuse of the food product.

Now you know the beneficial properties and why rice is harmful, all that remains is to look at the question of how you can get rid of excess weight with the help of this product, after which you can prepare dietary dishes and go on the right diet.

Rice and weight loss

Rice for weight loss is used quite often, in many countries around the world. The product contains fiber, and its grains cleanse the body of harmful toxic substances. There are also many vitamins that contribute to the normal digestion process.

There are several options for losing excess weight using this product. One of the most effective ways is considered to be a mono-diet on rice. It should be noted right away that you cannot adhere to such a diet for a long time, but you can devote yourself to such nutrition several days a month.

How to lose weight with rice?

  • It is necessary to cook rice without adding sugar, large amounts of oil and spices.
  • After a mono-diet on rice, you should consolidate the result with lighter diets and eating dietary foods, otherwise the excess weight will definitely return.
  • Fasting days on rice are also welcomed by nutritionists. Thanks to such days, you can cleanse your body of unnecessary substances and get rid of excess fat.

You can lose weight with rice quite quickly - in 5-7 days a person usually loses 5-6 kg. For weight loss, brown, Indian, soaked and some other types of rice are used.

Ways to use rice

  1. Diet for 9 days. For the first 3 days you should eat boiled rice. Then eat vegetables in any form. For the last 3 days, eat fruits, excluding bananas. Subsequently, you can eat rice porridge and soups in small quantities once a day.
  2. Prepare rice porridge and fruit compote for the day. Eat porridge in the morning and evening, drink compote 5-6 times a day.
  3. Diet for 3 days. During 1 day you can eat only 250 g of rice; you can wash it down with apple juice. This diet should be carried out once every 2 months.
  4. Rice goes perfectly with seafood. You can stick to the diet for 5 days. Prepare meals separately - rice dishes and seafood dishes, eat small portions.

Rice during pregnancy

Can pregnant women eat rice? Yes, unless you have an individual intolerance to this product. The product contains essential amino acids and carbohydrates, which help the expectant mother’s body receive the necessary energy and strength.

Rice also has a calming effect and strengthens a woman’s immune system, which is usually weakened during pregnancy. In addition, the product has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice during pregnancy can only be harmful if you abuse the food product. In the third trimester of pregnancy, consuming rice in large quantities can lead to excess weight gain, which is undesirable for the health of the woman and her unborn child.

In all other cases, this product is healthy and nutritious, and thanks to the unique properties of rice, it is widely used both in cooking and in folk medicine.

Rice is one of the oldest foods known, dating back to approximately 5000 BC. It is believed to originate from India and Thailand. Rice became popular in the West thanks to the travelers, soldiers and merchants who brought it there.

Composition of rice

Rice is a good source of fiber, which is essential for good bowel function. Rice is also high in carbohydrates and generally has little fat. It also contains vitamin B, potassium and phosphorus.

Both white and brown rice are equally healthy. A cup of white rice contains about the same number of calories as brown rice, but much less fat (0.8 grams in white rice and 2.4 grams in brown rice). On the other hand, brown rice has significantly higher fiber content (2.8 g of dietary fiber in brown rice, 0.6 g in white rice). Both types are similar in nutritional value.

Selection and storage of rice

You need to store rice at home in boxes and bags placed in a cool, ventilated and dry place. It has the ability to absorb odors, so you should not store foods that could transmit their odors near it. The shelf life of rice under the above conditions is one year. Once cooked, rice can be stored in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to one week.

Culinary uses of rice

Rice is cooked by boiling or steaming, and during the cooking process a large amount of water is absorbed. Sometimes before cooking, rice is fried for a while, after which it becomes less sticky. Rice is an integral ingredient in many soups, dishes with vegetables and meat, sushi and others.

Rice is very popular for preparing various desserts. Delicious porridge and puddings are prepared by adding honey, sugar and milk to rice. Rice is an ingredient in various types of puddings, cakes and creams. Raisins and other dried fruits and spices, such as aromatic cinnamon, can be added to rice desserts. Incredibly delicious rice pudding with pumpkin.

Benefits of rice in a healthy diet:

  1. Regular consumption of rice prevents the development of a number of chronic diseases and also improves the appearance of the skin.
  2. Rice contains amino acids that promote the formation of new cells.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines: rice infusion stops diarrhea, and when cooked in milk it helps cleanse the intestines.
  4. Rice has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  5. It is useful for diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and during the recovery period it helps to heal the appetite.
  6. The high content of vitamin B in rice is important for healthy skin, hair and nails.
  7. Regular consumption of rice dishes has a beneficial effect on overall health, of course, if you do not overdo it.
  8. Rice decoction is recommended for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. If you cook rice with mint, you will get an excellent remedy for colds, flu and pneumonia.
  9. After an illness, when our body is weakened, consuming rice is an excellent option to strengthen it.

Cleansing diet

There are many diets for weight loss with rice. One of them is cleansing the body with rice. The course lasts about two weeks and requires as many tablespoons of rice as your age. Rice is poured into a jar, filled with water and stored in the refrigerator. Every morning you need to eat 1 tablespoon of rice, previously boiled in water.

We know rice more as a side dish for the main dish than as an independent product, which is very strange, because in most cases the beneficial properties of rice are several times greater than the properties of those products for which rice is only a side dish. In Asian countries, the benefits of rice have been known since time immemorial, thanks to which rice has become not only an integral part of Asian cuisine, but also one of the popular folk remedies for many diseases. To learn more about benefits of rice for our body, we need to take a closer look at this culture.

Rice- a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants of the Poaceae family. Traditionally, Asia is considered the birthplace of rice, where man first began to cultivate this cereal crop. Despite the popularity of rice in Asia, in Russia it began to spread widely quite late, only in the 19th century, and then rice was not called rice at all, but Saracen grain or Saracen wheat, a little later Sorochinsky millet . In the 20th century, thanks to the growing popularity of rice, the Soviet government began to import this cereal in huge quantities, and later rice began to be cultivated in some regions of the USSR. Since then, rice has firmly entered the diet of every resident of our country.

Rice counts 18 types, the main advantage of this cereal is its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to almost any conditions, from floods to frosts. However, there is one fact that greatly influences the beneficial properties of rice and its composition, and this is processing. The more the grain was processed, the less nutrients and minerals were preserved in it. The fact is that the main benefits of rice are concentrated in the bran - the outer layer of the rice grain. At the initial stage, rice looks the same, regardless of the variety (germ, white grain, brown bran shell, yellow husk), but during processing, rice gets rid of not only various components of its structure, but also beneficial properties, in return acquiring a new taste . That's why the most Unprocessed, brown rice is considered healthy, which retains its beneficial properties to the maximum.

Composition of rice

per 100g. product:

  • Proteins: 7.3 g
  • Fat: 2.0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 63.1 g
  • Water: 14.0 g
  • Calorie content: 284 kcal

B vitamins:

  • Vitamin B1: 0.5 mg
  • Vitamin B2: 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B3: 0.6 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.5 mg
  • Vitamin B9: 35.0 mcg

Other vitamins:

  • Vitamin E: 1.0 mg
  • Vitamin H: 12.0 mcg
  • Vitamin PP: 3.8 mg


  • Aluminum: 912.0 mcg
  • Boron: 224.0 mcg
  • Vanadium: 400.0 mcg
  • Iron: 2.6 mg
  • Iodine: 2.3 mcg
  • Potassium: 202.0 mg
  • Calcium: 66.0 mg
  • Cobalt: 6.9 mcg
  • Silicon: 1240.0 mg
  • Magnesium: 96.0 mg
  • Manganese: 3630.0 mcg
  • Copper: 560.0 mcg
  • Molybdenum: 26.7 mcg
  • Sodium: 89.0 mg
  • Nickel: 51.6 mcg
  • Selenium: 20.0 mcg
  • Sulfur: 60.0 mg
  • Fluoride: 80.0 mcg
  • Phosphorus: 328.0 mg
  • Chlorine: 133.0 mg
  • Choline: 85.0 mg
  • Chromium: 2.8 mcg
  • Zinc: 1800.0 mcg

Ash: 4.6 g
Mono- and disaccharides: 3.1 g
Dietary fiber: 9.0 g
Starch: 55.2 g

Benefits of rice

The beneficial properties of rice are so high due to the combination of many essential substances for the body in this grain. Perhaps the main benefit of rice is that this cereal is not only extremely nutritious and can charge a person with energy for the whole day, but also goes well with almost any dish, be it meat, fish or vegetables. First of all, rice serves as a source of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals, while the fat content of rice is extremely low. This is why rice is considered a dietary product! It is important that rice contains minerals that help the body get rid of excess fluid and metabolic products.

The most important minerals in rice include: manganese, zinc, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium. High content B vitamins helps strengthen the nervous system, improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair and teeth. When combined with other vitamins, it helps the body convert food consumed into energy. Rice contains amino acids, which are required by the human body in order to synthesize new cells that make up every organ inside us! The benefit of rice is also that in it, unlike other grains, it is important that in rice, unlike other grains, gluten free, a protein that can cause an allergic reaction.

The beneficial properties of rice are not limited to the vitamins it contains; rice also contains lecithin, necessary for good brain and memory function, aminobutyric acid, which stabilizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract. Rice has high absorbent properties. Rice is able to absorb many harmful substances that enter the body with other foods, which helps eliminate toxins and waste.

Beneficial properties of rice for ailments

It is difficult to describe all the benefits of rice in a few words, since it is difficult to find a cereal that has a large number of beneficial properties! Here are just a few of them:

  • Rice is extremely beneficial for the lungs, due to the fact that it is able to remove phlegm from the lungs and other harmful substances. Rice water is often used in the treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  • The cleansing properties of rice are also used in the treatment of diseases of the intestines and genitourinary system. Rice can strengthen the intestinal walls, stop diarrhea and painlessly remove all excess from the body.
  • Rice is an excellent diuretic and helps with kidney and bladder diseases. In addition, unlike many other products, it can be used for intestinal ulcers: a rice water enema will help speed up the healing of such ulcers.
  • The benefits of rice are invaluable for chronic diseases of the intestinal tract, when the disease has already entered a solid stage and is quite difficult to cure using conventional means.
  • The beneficial properties of rice also include antiseptic and antipyretic functions. Rice is used as an antitoxic diaphoretic and antipyretic, therefore it is especially effective in the treatment of colds, as well as for relieving fever from influenza, sore throat or pneumonia.
  • Frequent but moderate consumption of rice stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, and will also help a weakened body cope with disorientation in space and loss of balance, and will give strength to withstand daily stress.
  • Besides, few people know about this, but Eating rice in summer helps you avoid thirst.

Many beneficial properties of rice also apply to the functioning of the female body. Rice has a beneficial effect on fetal development during pregnancy, It is also important to eat rice when breastfeeding to improve the quality of milk and strengthen the baby's body. In addition, rice improves complexion, reduces skin rashes, cleanses the face and makes the skin softer.

Rice - contraindications

However, this wonderful cereal also has contraindications, which deserve special attention. First of all, you should never eat a lot of rice when extreme degrees of obesity and tendency to constipation, in this case, rice will not only not help the body, but will also harm it. You should also not eat rice if you have colic. Another unpleasant property of rice relates to the functioning of the male body (for those who like, for example, regularly overeat pilaf) - excessive consumption of rice can reduce sexual function.

Be attentive to your body and the foods you eat, then you won’t have to take medications, and you will only get pleasure from food!

Svetlana Shakhova