Rituals for acquiring and developing magical power. How to get magical power: proven methods How to get water magic

The Water Fairy is a cartoon character popular among young girls. - this is a magical ritual that will help you create real miracles and develop kindness in a child.

In the article:

To transform into a water fairy, you need to arm yourself with a small container of clean water. And in order for the effect of the ritual to manifest itself as quickly as possible, it must be carried out at night, on. At the same time as the month grows in the sky, your strength will also increase.

You need to prepare a small piece of paper in advance, on which you should write that you really want to become a water fairy. State your desire in as much detail as possible. Describe what exactly you can do using magical abilities, how exactly you would like to help yourself and others if you had magical abilities. When the note is ready, you need to take one candle.

Important note: the candle should not be a church candle. Now you should set the note on fire from the candle flame and wait until it burns completely. The resulting ashes must be poured into a container with water, while saying:

As the new month grows, so will my strength. Together with the ashes, my desire and request will reach the supreme fairy, the mistress of the waters. Hear me, great mistress of water, give me the strength to be a fairy. And I will faithfully serve you and help everyone who asks for it.

Now you should go to the shore of the reservoir and pour the contents of the container along with the ashes into the water. When you perform this action, repeat the words of the conspiracy again. Remember, you should learn the words by heart and tell them without hesitating. Otherwise, the water fairy will be offended and decide that you are not ready to receive powers from her.

Transformation at home

In fact, anyone who wants to master the power to control the water element should be warned that they can choose who is better or the water fairy. Each creature has its own advantages. A mermaid, for example, is stronger than a water fairy.

However, in order to become a mermaid and not have a tail, you will have to work hard. If you become a water fairy, then you will not have any distinctive features unless you ask for them yourself.

You can turn into a water fairy not only in the fresh air, but also at home. This ritual is less effective than the one that can be performed on the street, but if you have enough energy, everything will work out. This ritual is simple and can be performed without much preparation. You should take a small bowl of water, stand with it in the middle of the room and say:

Fairy of water, I call upon you. I want to fulfill my dream. Make me one of you, I swear to be faithful and devoted, not to harm ordinary people, to use my gift only for good.

After these words, wash your face with the water that you had in your hands and drink a little of it.

If the fairy agreed to fulfill your request and decided that you are worthy of joining their clan, then within a few days you will begin to notice amazing things. The element of water will gradually begin to submit, and you will be able to create real miracles.

How to become a water fairy with wings?

Questions are often asked: does a girl get wings if she becomes a fairy? In fact, it only depends on your inner desire and on which fairy will come to you to bestow strength. But if the goal is not just to gain the magical abilities that fairies possess, but also to gain wings, then a special ritual must be performed.

During it, you should focus on the fact that you need to get wings, and not just magical abilities. But remember, they will either be constantly invisible and hidden from prying eyes, or will only appear at certain moments (for example, when you are actively using your powers).

Understand that you cannot show your wings to anyone, since not a single person should know that you are a fairy. These are simple precautions, since it is unknown what the public's reaction to this news may be. Perhaps there is a person in your circle who wants to take away her power from an inexperienced fairy. And you can become an easy prey.

Carrying out the ritual

This rite is more like an initiation, similar to and. It is held only on the night from Friday to Saturday. You should choose in advance a natural body of water in which you will perform the initiation ceremony. You must take the following attributes with you:

  • a small silver spoon;
  • one large wax candle (not a church candle);
  • white shirt.

shirt spoon candle

When you have prepared all the necessary attributes, you should go to the chosen place. It is best to perform the ritual between 2 and 4 am, since from 12 to 2 am evil forces dominate, and you should turn to the forces of good. It is important to have time to perform the ritual before the sun rises. The ceremony is carried out either independently or in the presence of other people who have already been initiated into fairies.

Remember, you must call the water fairy as a witness. This can be done using a regular summoning ritual or using a special spell. Before the ceremony begins, be sure to change clothes and put a shirt on your naked body. Take a candle in your hands and light it.

Take a silver spoon in your left hand and go knee-deep into the water. If you decide to conduct the ceremony in the cold season, then refrain from such dedication. You need to go into the water and lower the spoon so that it is under water.

Look closely at the reflection of the candle on the surface of the water. You should imagine that wings begin to grow from your back. When the vision becomes strong enough, and you really feel a pair of wings behind you, you can begin the spell time:

Fairy of water, I call upon you as a witness. Come and see my transformation. Become my faithful assistant and mentor. Grant me wisdom, strength, power. Make me immune to black magic, protect me from my enemies and enemies. Grant me magic wings on which I can fly away and leave my human life and begin the life of a fairy. I conjure you. Let it be so. And in return for your kindness, accept a gift from me.

Getting regular water is quite simple: just open the tap or pour water from. However, what if we need not ordinary water, but special water?

How to get melt water

Melt water has been used since ancient times as an elixir of health and youth. How does melt water differ from ordinary water? It turns out that the structure of water formed after the melting of ice or snow is very similar to the structure of the protoplasm of human cells. This is probably why nature itself tells us to drink.

If you live in the mountains, you can get melt water by bringing home a bucket of snow or ice and waiting for it to melt. However, in urban conditions this method is not suitable - you will have to work a little for melt water to benefit your health.

To do this, you need to collect clean water in a glass container, cover with a lid and place it in the freezer on a wooden stand (to insulate the bottom). Make sure there are no other foods in the freezer when doing this. As soon as you see a crust of ice on the surface, remove it immediately. Then leave the water to continue freezing. Make sure that the water does not freeze completely, but about half of it or a little more. At this point, the unfrozen water must be drained, because... It contains all the impurities unnecessary for our body. And finally, here it is - the long-awaited moment of receiving melt water! Take ice and defrost. Remember that melt water can be stored for no more than one week.

How to get distilled water

Distilled water differs from ordinary water in that it contains absolutely no impurities in the form of iron, chlorine, etc. Such water is not used for cooking, but it has found its use for domestic purposes. For example, it is good to pour distilled water into steam irons and steamers, as a result of which scale does not form in them.

At industrial enterprises there are special filters, after passing through which the water is completely purified and thus becomes distilled. How to prepare such water at home?

You will need three containers: one for settling the water, the second for boiling, and the third for draining. So, first we pour ordinary water into the first container and, without covering it with anything, leave it to settle for 24 hours. It is necessary to prevent shaking of this container and, especially, dust and dirt from entering from above. After 24 hours, you need to take a hose and, lowering one end to the very bottom, use it to pour one third of the water into a container or sink. This is done in order to remove all harmful components that have settled to the bottom, while lighter harmful substances have evaporated. Pour the remaining water into a second container and, cover with a lid, put on the fire, bringing to a boil. As soon as the water boils, lift the lid and pour the drops from it into the third container - this must be repeated until all the water has boiled away. The drops of water formed on the lid are distilled water obtained at home.

How to get water power

Water is an element whose power is as strong and destructive as nature itself has endowed it with these properties. A person, merging with this element, can receive part of this power. How can this happen?

Firstly, every day on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of water, slightly not brought to a boil (to the “white key” state - when the water is about to boil). Secondly, only purified water should be used for cooking. Cleanse your body with a water diet every six months.

Every morning, wipe your face and body with ice cubes - this improves blood circulation. Do wet cleaning more often in the room where you spend most of your time. If possible, spend more time near open water sources - near a lake, river, pond.

In order to plunge into the world of magic and wizardry, you just need to use power spell. For more than one generation of magicians and those who want to become one, they have been rushing around in search of an answer to the question: “How to master magic and how to learn to use it?”

There is probably no person who would be absolutely indifferent to mysticism, because it works like a magnet. Everything magical attracts, arouses interest and a desire to touch it.

But the Universe has not given everyone supernatural abilities. Not everyone can control events, change destinies or see the future.

Those whose ancestors were related to it have a much greater chance of acquiring strong magic. So, if your great-grandmother was a noble witch, you have all the conditions to develop a special talent.

How to get magical power?

If witchcraft abilities are inherited by a person, then this will manifest itself in childhood. And here the responsibility falls on the parents, who must make a choice: to dampen the gift or improve it. The main thing is not to go against the will of the baby.

There is another way to get them - to gradually develop them. This will require a huge amount of specialized literature. It also wouldn’t hurt to get advice from a long-time practicing magician to help you figure out the direction.

You need to distract yourself from the world around you, abstract yourself from it. It is best to do this away from city noise - in a forest clearing or near a lake. Lean against a tree, against the earth's soil, against the grass. Feel the peace and quiet. Hear the silence. Now try to mentally influence the objects around you (for example, move a tree branch or leaf).

Don't be afraid if you don't succeed the first time or even the tenth time - everything will come with time. The main thing is that you trust yourself and the natural elements.

It’s good if your practice of communicating with nature is complemented by a spell for the power of magic. And never forget about the possible consequences, magic is not a toy!

Spell to obtain magical power in Latin

Ancient witches and sorcerers used only Latin when performing mystical rituals.

To make the spell work faster, you can also read it in the original language (Water element spell):

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen"

Spell to call on strength in Russian

“Without harm, but only for benefit
I'm trying to gain strength.
For protection, for help,
Let my path be true.
O Mother, I ask and conjure,
Grant me strength at this hour!
I entrust my destiny to you
Hear me! Let it be so!"

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site

Interesting on the topic:


In order to plunge into the world of magic and wizardry, you just need to use power spell. For more than one generation of magicians and those who want to become one, they have been rushing around in search of an answer to the question: “How to master magic and how to learn to use it?”

There is probably no person who would be absolutely indifferent to mysticism, because it works like a magnet. Everything magical attracts, arouses interest and a desire to touch it.

But the Universe has not given everyone supernatural abilities. Not everyone can control events, change destinies or see the future.

Those whose ancestors were related to it have a much greater chance of acquiring strong magic. So, if your great-grandmother was a noble witch, you have all the conditions to develop a special talent.

How to get magical power?

If witchcraft abilities are inherited by a person, then this will manifest itself in childhood. And here the responsibility falls on the parents, who must make a choice: to dampen the gift or improve it. The main thing is not to go against the will of the baby.

There is another way to get them - to gradually develop them. This will require a huge amount of specialized literature. It also wouldn’t hurt to get advice from a long-time practicing magician to help you figure out the direction.

You need to distract yourself from the world around you, abstract yourself from it. It is best to do this away from city noise - in a forest clearing or near a lake. Lean against a tree, against the earth's soil, against the grass. Feel the peace and quiet. Hear the silence. Now try to mentally influence the objects around you (for example, move a tree branch or leaf).

Don't be afraid if you don't succeed the first time or even the tenth time - everything will come with time. The main thing is that you trust yourself and the natural elements.

It’s good if your practice of communicating with nature is complemented by a spell for the power of magic. And never forget about the possible consequences, magic is not a toy!

Spell to obtain magical power in Latin

Ancient witches and sorcerers used only Latin when performing mystical rituals.

To make the spell work faster, you can also read it in the original language (Water element spell):

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen"

Spell to call on strength in Russian

“Without harm, but only for benefit
I'm trying to gain strength.
For protection, for help,
Let my path be true.
O Mother, I ask and conjure,
Grant me strength at this hour!
I entrust my destiny to you
Hear me! Let it be so!"

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site

Interesting on the topic:


Many people wish to have magical powers. Some want to use them for the benefit of others, while others want to use them for harm. Therefore, they are very concerned about the question: “ How to become a magician in real life at home?

Mages, who are they?

Most people ask themselves this question. The abundance of prejudices and speculation generated by the media and articles on the Internet does not give us a clear and correct answer.

A magician is a person who has inner strength, which he can use as necessary to achieve any goals. This power is similar to creative abilities, it can be developed and improved, and at the same time can be lost and lost if not used.

How to become a magician in real life at home (spell)

If you believe that you have this inner power within you, then it needs to be developed and improved, and spells with which you can develop magical abilities will help with this. The most difficult moment for beginners setting foot on the path of magic is overcoming internal fears of the unknown.

Each novice magician must determine one of the four elements (earth, water, fire, air) that will help him. To do this, you must have special attributes to perform magic spells. The main attributes are:

  • a bowl of clean spring water;
  • paraffin candles;
  • a handful of earth;
  • ash.

To perform the ritual, choose a quiet and peaceful place. It is important that you feel calm and confident in this place. Light a candle, place the rest of the attributes around it (a bowl of water, earth and ashes). Concentrate, close your eyes and say the following spell in a low voice (you can whisper):

“Spirits of Fire, Earth, Water, Air! Hear me! Come to the call of the suffering! I am in your will, show me my element!”

After these words you will feel peace and tranquility. Open your eyes and carefully watch the candle flame:

  • if the flame leans towards the bowl of water, then your assistant is the Spirit of Water;
  • if towards the ash - Spirit of Fire;
  • towards the earth - Spirit of the Earth;
  • if the flame is raised upward, your assistant is the Spirit of Air.

Once you know your element, you need to start developing your abilities. It should be remembered that choosing an element is only a small step before becoming a real magician. Beginners sometimes forget about this and stop improving.

How to become a Water Mage during a full moon

Water is a very powerful element. You have to learn to feel it. You need to visit the shore of a river or lake as often as possible and mentally enter into dialogue with the Spirits of Water. If you feel that you have become one with the Spirit of Water, you are ready to become a real Water Mage.

An initiation ritual will help you become a Water Mage in real life at home right now. To carry it out at midnight, when the full moon is shining in the sky, you need to come to a natural body of water. You need to strip naked and go into the water. After standing for a few minutes, slowly lower yourself under the water. Stay underwater as long as you can and go ashore.

Now fill the prepared container with water. Place the vessel on the shore, place 13 candles around it and light them. Stand in the center, pick up a bowl of water and read the spell:

"Spirits of Water appear,

Answer my call!

Give me strength and power!

Turn into a Water Mage!

My word is strong, but my deed is moldable!”

After reading, pay attention to the candles:

  • if they continue to burn brightly, then the spirits have heard your request and will help you;
  • if they go out, then you will not be a Water Mage.

How to become an Airbender right now

An Airbender must have a strong spirit. To develop fortitude, you need to learn to control your internal forces. To this end, you need to make friends with the forces of the wind. This can be achieved by praising and pleasing the Spirit of Air daily, performing a simple ritual. While in the fresh air, or standing by an open window, say:

“Spirit of Air, Great art thou! Grant Me, Your servant, strength!”

To become an Air Mage in real life, you need to perform one more ritual. At night, go out into the vacant lot. It is advisable that the place be deserted and no one walks there (a forest is good). Place 5 candles in a circle. Stand in a circle and read the plot:

“Spirits of the Air come to me,

Give me special powers,

Turn me into an Airbender!”

If after reading a strong wind blows, then the Spirits of Air have come to your call. Contact them again with your request. Now you can talk about what you want in your own words. After that, bow deeply, put out the candles, take all the props and go home.

When you come home, open all the windows to let the Spirits of Air into your home. From now on, they will help you in everything and protect you from everything bad.

How to become a firebender in real life

To do this, it is necessary to use both living fire (the flame of a candle, a fire) and its second form - ashes. Try to look at them as often as possible and think at this moment about the formidable strength and power of fire, which brings joy and pain.

Fire is considered the element of warriors. Mages who choose him as a patron have great power and can cause serious harm to their enemies. These people are often quick-tempered and persistent. They do everything to achieve their goal.

People with a large supply of energy and vitality are capable of becoming a Fire Mage. To gain special strength and power, you need to perform a special ritual.

Choose a secluded outdoor location (this could be a planting or a large park). If you have a summer house, you can perform the ritual there. The main thing is that there are no people nearby and no one interferes with your actions. Place three piles of brushwood on the ground so that they lie in the shape of a triangle and set them on fire.

Stand in the center of the triangle, take a lit candle in your right hand and read the plot:

"Spirits of Fire, hear me,

Answer my call,

Show yourself to me.

Give me your strength,

So that I become stronger than all people.

Help me achieve what I want

And turn into a Fire Mage.

My word is strong

As I said, so it will be!”

You need to read the spell three times. Then pay attention to the behavior of the candle. If it goes out, then the Spirits of Fire ignored your request. If it flares up with renewed vigor, then you have been heard and your request will be fulfilled in the near future.

At the end of the ritual, bow three times in different directions and leave the circle.

How to become an earthbender

You should remember that only a calm and balanced person is destined to become an earthbender. If you are not one, then you should establish and streamline your life, and only after that begin to enter into dialogue with the Spirits of the Earth.

In order to become an Earth Mage in real life, you need to perform a special ritual. We must come to the plowed field. It is desirable that it is sown, but the sprouts have not yet sprouted. Place 7 candles in a circle, light them and stand in a circle. Pick up the earth and read the spell:

“Spirits of the earth, I call you to me!