Russian drones. Heavy shock drone "Zenica", aka "Altair. Unmanned vehicles of Russia

The news about the "Russian Hulk", the SKYF drone of the Kazan Design Bureau "Aviasolutions", made a lot of noise in the world media. The British edition of the Daily Mail spoke about Russian drone that can carry up to 250 kg cargo and stay in the air until 8 ocloc'k.

But SKYF is far from the only Russian-made drone. So, only in service with the army of the Russian Federation there are more than 2,000 drones, which are controlled by specialists from 36 special units. In this article, we have collected the most interesting "birds" that probably have a great future.

The same "Russian Hulk" SKYF

SKYF is a universal air cargo platform. The developers emphasize that they did not try to make a “fashionable toy”, but started from the needs of the market.

The aircraft-grade aluminum alloy frame takes off and lands vertically. Its purpose is to deliver goods to hard-to-reach places, that is, to places where it is difficult to reach by car. He can participate in agricultural work and even evacuate people from the mountains or a blocked road. I wish I could fly to work like this!

Drone reaches speed up to 70 km/h and can overcome 350 km with a load of mass 50 kg. It is clear that if the load is larger, then the path will be reduced. The drone itself weighs 250 kg(without taking into account the mass of fuel).

The drone does not work on the energy in the battery, but on 95th gasoline- the tank is enough for approx. 8 ocloc'k flight. Engine power is transferred directly to the lift and control propellers without expensive electrical circuitry.

Of course, you can’t put such a “gift” under the Christmas tree. Drone dimensions - 5.2 x 2.2 m.

Outpost based on Searcher Mk II and Zastava based on Bird Eye 400

In April 2009, the Russian Ministry of Defense purchased two Israeli tactical drones Searcher Mk II from the Israeli company IAI. The cost of each $6 million.

The machines performed well, and soon the countries signed a contract for 300 million dollars (according to other sources - 400 million) for the assembly of such UAVs at the Ural Civil Aviation Plant JSC from Israeli parts.

The Russian version was called "Forpost". The contract also included the assembly of Zastava mini-drones based on the Bird Eye 400.

Each Outpost costs about 900 million rubles, "Zastava" - 49.6 million. Characteristics of the Outpost:

Zastava is a drone that can be carried in two backpacks. His "trick": before landing, the device makes a somersault. He flips to 180 degrees in the air so as not to damage the electronics by hitting the ground.

The UAV is powered by an electric motor and can stay in the air for up to an hour. A spring-loaded rubber catapult is used to launch the Zastava, and there is a small parachute for landing.

Both drones are designed for reconnaissance and artillery fire correction. Armament is not installed on them.

Tactical drone "Orlan-10"

The model has been mass-produced since 2013 by Special Technology Center LLC. Its strength lies in the fact that you can control the drone from a distance of up to 120 km.

"Orlan-10" weighs 14 kg and capable of 16 hours be in the air. It works from the engine on the 95th gasoline and develops speed up to 150 km/h.

The drone can be controlled from the remote control. Another option is to program it and send it on a mission. In this case, it overcomes 600 km.

UAVs do not care about rains and dust storms. Therefore, Russian troops are actively using Orlans together with Outposts for reconnaissance and targeting artillery in Syria, and they were noticed in the Donbass.

"Granat-6": almost a day in the air

The new model of the company "Izhmash - Unmanned Systems" can continuously stay in the air until 20 hours. Quadcopter weight - approx. 40 kg, he can carry up to 10 kg cargo.

The basis of "Grenade-6" is a gasoline engine connected to an electric generator. It powers four electric motors connected to propellers. Drone reaches speed up to 60 km/h.

"NELK-V8": a drone powered by hydrogen cells

An experimental drone powered by low temperature fuel cells. There is no need to fill in gasoline - instead of a tank, a hydrogen cylinder and a starting battery are installed on the UAV.

A chemical reaction takes place in the battery, during which an electric current is generated. The system issues 1 kW power and allows NELK-B8 to stay in the air up to 5 h on the 6.8 liter hydrogen tank.

Mass of "NELK-8" - 12 kg. He can carry up to 3 kg cargo.

The solution is cool - there is less vibration and noise, so the optics are aimed more accurately. Accordingly, the drone shoots more clearly, and it is more difficult to detect it.

The UAV can even use dry gases. And this will allow him to work at very low temperatures.

Bonus: disposable drone "Eye" KB-1

JSC "Design Bureau - 1" has developed an "individual system of operational reconnaissance." Simply put, a drone that can be used just once.

The device does not look like a drone at all: the 30 cm long tube looks more like a school pencil case. Inside there is an accelerating unit, a stabilization system and a shooting module.

The drone fires at a height of up to 250 m, and then slowly decreases and shoots everything around. It transmits video about the area to the operator via Wi-Fi 700x700 m in FullHD resolution.

"Eye" is convenient if you need to remove the zone of radiation contamination or the place of active hostilities. It is much cheaper than conventional drones, which will not survive in such situations anyway.

American analysts gave a mixed assessment of the latest Russian military ground and airborne drones. Some products, experts say, are practically foreign analogues, while others are clones of foreign developments. Experts agree on one thing: the war of the future is impossible without robots, and Russia will have to comply with modern realities.

Friends nearby

The Orion UAV (flight range - 250 kilometers, duration - up to a day) is suspiciously similar to the Iranian Shahed. The original product was used by Iran in Syria, it was also seen in Lebanon.

The main Russian drone Forpost was borrowed from Israel, where it is produced by IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) under the name Searcher. Bendett ironically notes that Israel manages to receive multi-billion dollar military aid from the United States and at the same time sell defense technology to Russia.

No connection

According to Bendett, development of Russia's first heavy drone, the Altair, is behind schedule and under budget, and has been delayed indefinitely as a result.

Russian developers claim that the device weighing three tons with a wingspan of 28.5 meters is capable of carrying a load of up to two tons, covering a distance of ten thousand kilometers, climbing to a height of up to 12 kilometers and being in autonomous flight for up to two days. The prototype of the device made its first flight in August 2016, its mass production is scheduled for 2018.

In his report, Bendett noted that the director of the Kazan Design Bureau named after Simonov, who is creating a combat drone, was recently removed from his position (in fact, documents were seized in the bureau, and investigators talked to its head).

Bendett concludes that drones developed directly in Russia tend to be smaller and limited in range compared to foreign ones, but the expert admits that Russian authorities have recently paid great attention to the development of unmanned systems - in particular, innovation and funding. .

The Russian military is getting a lot of practical experience with drones, and one of the main purposes of the Orlan-10 apparatus is to assist in radio suppression. Three aircraft capable of carrying six kilograms of load are controlled from one KamAZ-5350: one drone acts as a repeater, and the other two are involved in creating radio interference.

In the development of GSM jamming complexes (in the specific case, RB-341V "Leer-3"), Russia is a leader and ahead of the United States. It is precisely in the creation of radio interference, and not for delivering a direct strike, that the United States sees the main danger of flying drones being created in Russia. In this context, the expert, of course, did not forget to mention a possible attack by the Russian military on soldiers' mobile phones.

Strong point

Outside the context of electronic warfare, the United States does not yet take Russian military drones seriously, but ground-based drones being developed in Russia are of great concern to American experts.

"Russia is building a whole menagerie of armed ground robots - down to the size of armored personnel carriers," said Paul Sharr, director of technology and security for the Center for a New American Security. He noted the 11-ton "Uran-9", the 16-ton "Whirlwind" and the 50-ton T-14 ("Armata" with an uninhabited tower).

Photo: Valery Melnikov / RIA Novosti

“Many of these heavy vehicles are heavily armed, and the Russians often display these prototypes at exhibitions,” agrees Bendett, who attended the recently concluded annual US Army Association conference and exhibition.

On the other hand, according to analysts, many Russian robots look more like publicity stunts than real combat vehicles. To those, in particular, the experts attributed the anthropomorphic robot Fedor (FEDOR - Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research), capable of firing a pistol. The creators of Fedor boasted that the robot could sit on the twine and mastered the work of a storekeeper.

Most robots, as experts rightly point out, are not created from scratch, but in fact are ordinary armored vehicles converted for remote control. They cannot be considered truly autonomous products, since their operation requires the presence of a person, albeit outside the machine.

The automatic turret, created in Russia, according to Sharr, has "problems with distinguishing between an ally and an enemy in autonomous mode." However, he admits that with the development of artificial intelligence systems, the unit will cope with this task.

Bendett noted that most US military ground drones are remotely controlled (this makes it easier for the enemy to suppress radar), too light and practically not equipped with weapons, that is, in fact, they are not full-fledged combat robots. At present, American ground-based drones are as militarily useless as Russian drones.

Ultimately, experts found it difficult to name a leader in the development of drones. Scherr suggested that the United States is lagging behind Russia in the development of large ground combat robots due to ethical difficulties, involving the rationale for the possibility of destroying a person by a machine, as well as a "lack of ideas." Bendett, on the contrary, believes that Russia is now in the role of catching up, but is actively working to overcome the backlog in the development of aerial drones.

just business

It must be admitted that in the military conflicts of the future, unmanned systems will play one of the key roles. This component of weapons is spelled out in the American "third offset strategy", which provides for the use of the latest technologies and control methods to achieve an advantage over the enemy. Currently, almost all countries of the world that have any noticeable weapons are developing promising drones.

“Priorities are mainly given not so much to the modernization of old types of weapons, but to the creation of new ones. These are promising aviation systems, including military transport and long-range aviation, these are unmanned systems, robotics, that is, everything related to the possibility and necessity of withdrawing a person from the affected area, ”the Deputy Prime Minister explained the concept of the upcoming draft of the Russian state arms program for 2018-2025.

On the other hand, any discussion of the problem of the backlog in armaments comes down to the issue of funding. In such a situation, the conversion component of new technologies is interesting. The expediency of creating hypersonic missiles and electromagnetic weapons in Russia in the conditions of economic stagnation is doubtful, while in the field of developing unmanned systems there are much fewer of them.

The latest version of the national budget for 2018 provides for an increase in the share of military spending by 179.6 billion rubles, while spending on social policy, education and healthcare is proposed to be reduced by 54 billion rubles. Thus, in 2018, the share of military spending could reach 3.3 percent of the country's GDP.

A robot cannot harm a person or by its inaction allow a person to be harmed.
- A. Asimov, Three Laws of Robotics

Isaac Asimov was wrong. Very soon, the electronic “eye” will take a person into sight, and the microcircuit will impassively order: “Fire to kill!”

A robot is stronger than a flesh-and-blood pilot. Ten, twenty, thirty hours of continuous flight - he demonstrates constant vigor and is ready to continue the mission. Even when the g-forces reach the dreaded 10 gee, filling the body with leaden pain, the digital devil will keep his mind clear, calmly counting the course and keeping an eye on the enemy.

The digital brain does not require training and regular training to maintain skill. Mathematical models and algorithms of behavior in the air are forever loaded into the memory of the machine. Having stood for a decade in the hangar, the robot will return to the sky at any moment, taking the helm in its strong and skillful “hands”.

Their time has not yet struck. In the US military (a leader in this field of technology), drones make up a third of the fleet of all aircraft in operation. At the same time, only 1% of UAVs are able to use.

Alas, even this is more than enough to sow terror in those territories that have been given over to hunting grounds for these ruthless steel birds.

5th place - General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper (“Reaper”)

Reconnaissance and strike UAV with max. take-off weight of about 5 tons.

Flight duration: 24 hours.
Speed: up to 400 km/h.
Ceiling: 13,000 meters.
Engine: turboprop, 900 hp
Full fuel capacity: 1300 kg.

Armament: up to four Hellfire missiles and two 500-pound JDAM guided bombs.

On-board electronic equipment: AN / APY-8 radar with mapping mode (under the nose cone), MTS-B electro-optical sighting station (in a spherical module) for operation in the visible and IR ranges, with a built-in target designator for illuminating targets for ammunition with semi-active laser guidance.

Cost: $16.9 million

To date, 163 Reaper UAVs have been built.

The most high-profile case of combat use: in April 2010, in Afghanistan, a third person in the leadership of al-Qaeda, Mustafa Abu Yazid, known as Sheikh al-Masri, was killed by an MQ-9 Reaper UAV.

4th - Interstate TDR-1

Unmanned torpedo bomber.

Max. takeoff weight: 2.7 tons.
Engines: 2 x 220 HP
Cruise speed: 225 km/h,
Flight range: 680 km,
Combat load: 2000 fn. (907 kg).
Built: 162 units

“I remember the excitement that gripped me when the screen charged and covered with numerous dots - it seemed to me that the telecontrol system had failed. After a moment, I realized it was anti-aircraft guns! After correcting the drone's flight, I directed it straight into the middle of the ship. At the last second, a deck flashed before my eyes - close enough that I could see the details. Suddenly, the screen turned into a gray static background ... Obviously, the explosion killed everyone on board.

- First sortie 27 September 1944

"Project Option" provided for the creation of unmanned torpedo bombers to destroy the Japanese fleet. In April 1942, the first test of the system took place - a “drone”, remotely controlled from an aircraft flying 50 km away, launched an attack on the destroyer Ward. The dropped torpedo passed exactly under the keel of the destroyer.

Takeoff TDR-1 from the deck of an aircraft carrier

Encouraged by the success, the leadership of the fleet expected by 1943 to form 18 strike squadrons consisting of 1000 UAVs and 162 command Avengers. However, the Japanese fleet was soon overwhelmed by conventional aircraft and the program lost priority.

The main secret of the TDR-1 was a small-sized video camera designed by Vladimir Zworykin. With a weight of 44 kg, she had the ability to transmit images over the air at a frequency of 40 frames per second.

“Project Option” is amazing with its boldness and early appearance, but we have 3 more amazing cars ahead of us:

3rd place - RQ-4 “Global Hawk”

Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft with max. takeoff weight of 14.6 tons.

Flight duration: 32 hours.
Max. speed: 620 km/h.
Ceiling: 18,200 meters.
Engine: turbojet with a thrust of 3 tons,
Flight range: 22,000 km.
Cost: $131 million (excluding development costs).
Built: 42 units.

The drone is equipped with a set of HISAR reconnaissance equipment, similar to what is put on modern U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. HISAR includes a synthetic aperture radar, optical and thermal cameras, and a satellite data link at a speed of 50 Mbps. It is possible to install additional equipment for electronic intelligence.

Each UAV has a set of protective equipment, including laser and radar warning stations, as well as an ALE-50 towed trap to deflect missiles fired at it.

Forest fires in California, filmed by the reconnaissance "Global Hawk"

A worthy successor to the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, soaring in the stratosphere with its huge wings spread out. RQ-4 records include long distance flights (flight from the US to Australia, 2001), the longest flight of any UAV (33 hours in the air, 2008), a drone refueling demonstration by a drone (2012). By 2013, the total flight time of the RQ-4 exceeded 100,000 hours.

The MQ-4 Triton drone was created on the basis of Global Hawk. Marine reconnaissance with a new radar, capable of surveying 7 million square meters per day. kilometers of ocean.

The Global Hawk does not carry strike weapons, but it deserves to be on the list of the most dangerous drones for knowing too much.

2nd place - X-47B “Pegasus”

Inconspicuous reconnaissance and strike UAV with max. take-off weight of 20 tons.

Cruise speed: Mach 0.9.
Ceiling: 12,000 meters.
Engine: from the F-16 fighter, thrust 8 tons.
Flight range: 3900 km.
Cost: $900 million for X-47 R&D.
Built: 2 concept demonstrators.
Armament: two internal bomb bays, combat load 2 tons.

A charismatic UAV built according to the “duck” scheme, but without the use of PGO, the role of which is played by the carrier fuselage itself, made using the “stealth” technology and having a negative installation angle with respect to the air flow. To consolidate the effect, the lower part of the fuselage in the nose is shaped similar to the descent vehicles of spacecraft.

A year ago, the X-47B amused the public with its flights from the decks of aircraft carriers. This phase of the program is now nearing completion. In the future, the appearance of an even more formidable X-47C drone with a combat load of over four tons.

1st place - “Taranis”

The concept of an inconspicuous strike UAV from the British company BAE Systems.

Little is known about the drone itself:
subsonic speed.
Stealth technology.
Turbojet engine with a thrust of 4 tons.
The appearance is reminiscent of the Russian experimental UAV Skat.
Two internal weapons bays.

What is so terrible in this "Taranis"?

The goal of the program is to develop technologies for creating an autonomous stealth strike drone, which will allow delivering high-precision strikes against ground targets at long range and automatically evade enemy weapons.

Prior to this, disputes about a possible “jamming” and “interception of control” caused only sarcasm. Now they have completely lost their meaning: “Taranis”, in principle, is not ready for communication. He is deaf to all requests and entreaties. The robot is indifferently looking for someone whose appearance falls under the description of the enemy.

Flight test cycle at Woomera, Australia, 2013

Taranis is just the beginning of the journey. On its basis, it is planned to create an unmanned attack bomber with an intercontinental flight range. In addition, the advent of fully autonomous drones will open the way to the creation of unmanned fighters (since existing remotely controlled UAVs are not capable of air combat due to delays in their telecontrol system).

British scientists are preparing a worthy finale for all mankind.


War has no feminine face. Rather not human.

Unmanned vehicles are a flight into the future. It brings us closer to the eternal human dream: to finally stop risking the lives of soldiers and to hand over feats of arms to soulless machines.

Following Moore's rule of thumb (doubling computer performance every 24 months), the future could come unexpectedly soon...

The ability to preserve the most valuable resource - the fighters on the battlefield from the beginning of the first wars was the most important and promising. Modern technologies allow the use of combat vehicles remotely, which eliminates the loss of an operator even when a unit is destroyed. One of the most relevant these days is the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles.

What is a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)

UAV refers to any aircraft that does not have a pilot in the air. The autonomy of the devices is different: there are the simplest options with remote control, or fully automated machines. The first option is also called a remotely piloted aircraft (RPV), they are distinguished by the continuous supply of commands from the operator. More advanced systems require only episodic commands, between which the device operates autonomously.

The main advantage of such machines over manned fighters and reconnaissance aircraft is that they are up to 20 times cheaper than their counterparts with comparable capabilities.

The disadvantage of devices is the vulnerability of communication channels, which are easy to break and disable the machine.

The history of the creation and development of the UAV

The history of drones began in the UK in 1933, when a radio-controlled aircraft was assembled on the basis of the Fairy Queen biplane. Before the outbreak of World War II and in the early years, more than 400 of these machines were assembled, which were used as targets in the Royal Navy.

The famous German V-1, equipped with a pulse jet engine, became the first combat vehicle of this class. It is noteworthy that it was possible to launch warhead aircraft both from the ground and from air carriers.

The rocket was controlled by the following means:

  • an autopilot that was given altitude and heading parameters before launch;
  • the range was counted by a mechanical counter, which was driven by the rotation of the blades in the bow (the latter were launched from the oncoming air flow);
  • upon reaching the set distance (scatter - 6 km), fuses were cocked, and the projectile automatically switched to dive mode.

During the war years, the United States produced targets for training anti-aircraft gunners - the Radioplane OQ-2. Toward the end of the confrontation, the first reusable attack drones, the Interstate TDR, appeared. The aircraft turned out to be ineffective due to low speed and range, which were due to the cheapness of production. In addition, the technical means of that time did not allow to conduct aimed fire, to fight at a long distance without following the control aircraft. Nevertheless, there were advances in the use of machines.

In the post-war years, UAVs were regarded exclusively as targets, but the situation changed after the appearance of anti-aircraft missile systems in the troops. From that moment on, the drones became reconnaissance, false targets for enemy "anti-aircraft guns". Practice has shown that their use reduces the loss of manned aircraft.

In the Soviet Union, until the 70s, heavy reconnaissance aircraft were actively produced as unmanned vehicles:

  1. Tu-123 "Hawk";
  2. Tu-141 "Swift";
  3. Tu-143 "Flight".

Significant aviation losses in Vietnam for the United States Army turned into a resurgence of interest in UAVs.

Here appear the means to perform various tasks;

  • photo reconnaissance;
  • radio intelligence;
  • electronic warfare targets.

In this form, the 147E was used, which collected intelligence data so efficiently that it paid off the cost of the entire program to develop them many times over.

The practice of using UAVs has shown a much greater potential as full-fledged combat vehicles. Therefore, after the beginning of the 80s, the development of tactical and operational-strategic drones began in the United States.

Israeli specialists took part in the development of UAVs in the 80-90s. Initially, US devices were purchased, but our own scientific and technical base for development was quickly formed. The firm "Tadiran" proved to be the best. The Israeli army also demonstrated the effectiveness of the use of UAVs, carrying out operations against Syrian troops in 1982.

In the 80s and 90s, the obvious successes of unmanned aircraft provoked the start of development by many companies around the world.

In the early 2000s, the first percussion apparatus appeared - the American MQ-1 Predator. AGM-114C Hellfire missiles were installed on board. At the beginning of the century, drones were mainly used in the Middle East.

Until now, almost all countries are actively developing and implementing UAVs. For example, in 2013, the Russian Armed Forces received reconnaissance systems with a short range - "Orlan-10".

Sukhoi Design Bureau and MiG are also developing a new heavy machine - a strike aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 20 tons.

The purpose of the drone

Unmanned aerial vehicles are mainly used to solve the following tasks:

  • targets, including for diverting enemy air defense systems;
  • intelligence service;
  • strikes against various moving and stationary targets;
  • electronic warfare and others.

The effectiveness of the device in performing tasks is determined by the quality of the following means: intelligence, communications, automated control systems, weapons.

Now such aircraft successfully reduce the loss of personnel, deliver information that cannot be obtained at a line-of-sight distance.

UAV varieties

Combat drones are usually classified by type of control into remote, automatic and unmanned.

In addition, in the course of the classification by weight and performance characteristics:

  • Ultralight. These are the lightest UAVs, the weight of which does not exceed 10 kg. In the air, they can spend an hour on average, the practical ceiling is 1000 meters;
  • Lungs. The mass of such machines reaches 50 kg, they are able to climb 3-5 km and spend 2-3 hours in work;
  • Medium. These are serious devices weighing up to a ton, their ceiling is 10 km, and they can spend up to 12 hours in the air without landing;
  • Heavy. Large aircraft weighing more than a ton can climb to a height of 20 km and work for more than a day without landing.

These groups also have civil devices, of course, they are lighter and simpler. Full-fledged combat vehicles are often no smaller than manned aircraft in size.


Unmanaged systems are the simplest form of UAVs. They are controlled by on-board mechanics, established flight characteristics. In this form, targets, scouts or projectiles can be used.

remote control

Remote control usually occurs by radio communication, which limits the range of the machine. For example, civilian aircraft can operate within 7-8 km.


Basically, these are combat vehicles capable of independently performing complex tasks in the air. This class of machines is the most multifunctional.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the UAV depends on its design features. There are several layout schemes that most modern aircraft correspond to:

  • Fixed wing. In this case, the devices are close to the aircraft layout, they have rotary or jet engines. This option is the most economical in terms of fuel and has a long range;
  • Multicopters. These propeller-driven vehicles, equipped with at least two motors, are capable of vertical takeoff / landing, hovering in the air, therefore they are especially good for reconnaissance, including in an urban environment;
  • Helicopter type. The layout is helicopter, propeller systems can be different, for example, Russian developments are often equipped with coaxial propellers, which makes models similar to machines such as the Black Shark;
  • Convertiplanes. This is a combination of helicopter and aircraft schemes. To save space, such machines rise into the air vertically, the wing configuration changes in flight, and the aircraft method of movement becomes possible;
  • Gliders. Basically, these are devices without engines that are dropped from a heavier machine and move along a given trajectory. This type is suitable for reconnaissance purposes.

Depending on the type of engine, the fuel used also varies. Electric motors are powered by a battery, internal combustion engines - gasoline, jet engines - the corresponding fuel.

The power plant is mounted in the housing, the control electronics, controls and communications are also located here. The body is a streamlined volume to give the structure an aerodynamic shape. The basis of the strength characteristics is the frame, which is usually assembled from metal or polymers.

The simplest set of control systems is as follows:

  • CPU;
  • barometer for determining altitude;
  • accelerometer;
  • gyroscope;
  • navigator;
  • random access memory;
  • signal receiver.

Military devices are controlled by remote control (if the range is short) or by satellite.

The collection of information for the operator and the software of the machine itself comes from various types of sensors. Laser, sound, infrared and other types are used.

Navigation is carried out by GPS and electronic maps.

The incoming signals are transformed by the controller into commands that are already transmitted to the executing devices, for example, elevators.

Advantages and disadvantages of UAV

Compared to manned vehicles, UAVs have serious advantages:

  1. Weight and size characteristics are improving, the survivability of a unit is growing, visibility for radars is decreasing;
  2. UAVs are dozens of times cheaper than manned aircraft and helicopters, while highly specialized models can solve complex tasks on the battlefield;
  3. Intelligence data when using UAVs are transmitted in real time;
  4. Manned vehicles are subject to restrictions on use in combat conditions, when the risk of death is too high. There are no such problems with automated machines. Considering economic factors, sacrificing a few will be much more profitable than losing a trained pilot;
  5. Combat readiness and mobility are maximum;
  6. Several units can be combined into entire complexes to solve a number of complex tasks.

Any flying drone also has disadvantages:

  • manned devices have much more flexibility in practice;
  • so far, it has not been possible to come to a unified solution to the issues of rescuing the apparatus in the event of a fall, landing on prepared sites, and reliable communication over long distances;
  • the reliability of automatic devices is still significantly lower than manned counterparts;
  • for various reasons, in peacetime, unmanned aircraft flights are seriously limited.

Nevertheless, work continues to improve technology, including neural networks that can affect the future of UAVs.

Unmanned vehicles of Russia


This is a drone developed by the Irkut company - an inconspicuous device capable of conducting reconnaissance and, if necessary, destroying enemy combat units. It is supposed to be equipped with guided missiles and bombs.

A-175 "Shark"

A complex capable of conducting all-weather climate monitoring, including on difficult terrain. Initially, the model was developed by AeroRobotics LLC for peaceful purposes, but manufacturers do not exclude the release of military modifications.


A reconnaissance and strike apparatus capable of staying in the air for up to two days. Practical ceiling - 12 km, speed in the range of 150-250 km / h. On takeoff, the mass reaches 5 tons, of which 1 t is the payload.


Civil development of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. In the reconnaissance modification, it is able to collect versatile data on objects on water and land. It can be used to control power lines, mapping, monitoring the meteorological situation.

U.S. drones


Developed by Northrop Grumman. In 2017, the United States Army received three vehicles. They were sent to the UAE.


A Lockheed Martin drone designed not only for surveillance and reconnaissance, but also for electronic warfare. Able to continue flying up to 15 hours.

"Lightning Strike"

The brainchild of Aurora Flight Sciences, which is being developed as a vertical take-off combat vehicle. It develops a speed of more than 700 km / h, can carry up to 1800 kg of payload.

MQ-1B "Predator"

The development of General Atomics is a medium-altitude vehicle, which was originally created as a reconnaissance vehicle. Later it was modified into a multi-purpose vehicle.

Unmanned aerial vehicles of Israel


The first UAV created by the Israelis was the Mastiff, which flew in 1975. The purpose of this machine was reconnaissance on the battlefield. He stood in service until the early 90s.


These devices were used for reconnaissance in the early 80s, when the first Lebanon war was going on. Some of the systems used transmitted intelligence data in real time, some simulated an air invasion. Thanks to them, the fight against air defense systems was successfully carried out.

IAI "Scout"

The Scout was created as a tactical reconnaissance vehicle, for which it was equipped with a television camera and a system for broadcasting collected information in real time.

I-View MK150

Another name is "Observer". The devices were developed by the Israeli company IAI. This is a tactical vehicle equipped with an infrared surveillance system and a combined optoelectronic filling.

Unmanned vehicles of Europe


One of the recent developments is a promising reconnaissance and strike vehicle, which is being created jointly by Italian, Spanish, German and French companies. The first demonstration took place in 2018.

"Sagem Sperwer"

One of the French developments that managed to prove itself in the Balkans at the end of the last century (1990s). The creation was based on national and pan-European programs.

Eagle 1

Another French vehicle, which is designed for reconnaissance operations. It is assumed that the device will operate at altitudes of 7-8 thousand meters.


A high-altitude UAV that can fly up to 18 kilometers. In the air, the device can last up to three days.

In general, in Europe, the leading role in the development of unmanned aerial vehicles is played by France. New products are constantly appearing around the world, including modular multifunctional models, on the basis of which various military and civilian vehicles can be assembled.

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According to experts, unmanned aerial vehicles are of inestimable importance for modern military aviation. The advent of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, as they are also called, has changed the tactics of conducting hostilities. The "unmanned boom" occurred in the late 70s of the XX century. The generally recognized leaders in the global production of drones are the Americans.

The use of UAVs in Russia was seriously considered only in 2008. The basis for this was the Georgian conflict. After the events in Georgia, all the advantages that the use of drones can give have become obvious. Information about Russian military UAVs is presented in the article.

Introduction to the machine

The abbreviation UAV stands for "unmanned aerial vehicle". It indicates that a pilot is not needed to operate this aircraft. The movement of the UAV can be controlled remotely: from an aircraft, from the ground or from space.

About classification

Today, a huge number of different drones have been produced for the needs of aviation. Each model has its own configuration features and component characteristics. According to experts, in Russia, the UAV manufacturer has not yet developed standards for the manufacture of drones. This, in turn, led to the lack of requirements for a drone. UAVs can be classified using the following parameters:

  • Design.
  • Start type.
  • Special purpose.
  • Specifications.
  • Type of power supply of the power plant.
  • Navigation characteristics and radio frequency spectrum.

Drone types

Unmanned aerial vehicles presented on the global aviation market are:

  • Unmanaged.
  • Remote controlled.
  • Automatic.

Depending on the dimensions, drones are divided into several groups:

  • Microdrones. Their weight does not exceed 10 kg. Such aircraft are designed for a one-hour flight.
  • Mini drones. UAVs weigh within 50 kg. They can stay in the air for 3 to 5 hours.
  • Midi. The mass of such a drone is about a ton. He is able to overcome 15-hour flights.
  • Heavy. The mass of such devices exceeds a ton. Of all the above types, these drones are considered the most advanced. Heavy UAVs are suitable for intercontinental flights.

In Russia, there is no production base focused on the commercial or consumer market.

About the advantages of drones

Unlike manned aircraft and helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles have the following strengths:

  • In the UAV, overall characteristics are reduced, which cannot be said about traditional aircraft (LA).
  • Production of drones is less expensive.
  • The military command has the ability to use the UAV in combat conditions without putting the pilot's life at risk. Due to the relative cheapness of the device, if necessary, they are not sorry to "sacrifice".
  • Since UAVs are capable of transmitting received information in real time, they can be used for reconnaissance purposes.
  • Drones have high combat readiness and mobility. To launch them, there is no need to raise the entire flight crew.
  • From several UAVs, small mobile complexes can be formed.

About the disadvantages

Despite the presence of undeniable advantages, unmanned aerial vehicles are not without some disadvantages. The weaknesses of the UAV are:

  • Unlike traditional aviation, such nuances as landing and rescuing an aircraft are not sufficiently thought out for drones.
  • Drones are significantly inferior to controlled aircraft and helicopters in such a parameter as reliability.
  • In peacetime, the operation of drones is limited.

Tasks of drones on the "citizen"

UAVs appeared immediately after the creation of the first aircraft. However, the production of drones was put on stream only in the 1970s. As it soon turned out, with the help of these devices it is possible to make aerial photography, monitor various objects, geodetic research, and also deliver purchases to your home.

Areas of application of the UAV

In Russia, unmanned aerial vehicles are designed to perform the following tasks:

  • Monitoring and protection of state borders.
  • Intelligence and identification of the terrorist threat.

Drones are widely used by the military during a special operation in Syria. Drones are also used in agriculture. With the help of UAVs, aerial photography and inspection of oil pipelines are carried out. According to aviation experts, the civil sphere in the use of UAVs in Russia (drones) occupies only 30%.

About use in the army

The direction for the production of UAVs in Russia is set by the military. The army command uses drones primarily for reconnaissance missions. It is in this direction that the main UAV manufacturers in Russia are working. In recent years, in addition to reconnaissance drones, attack drones have begun to be produced. Kamikaze drones belong to a separate group. In addition, some UAV models are adapted for electronic warfare against the enemy, for relaying radio signals. Drones can also provide target designations for artillery pieces. During military exercises in Russia, UAVs are used as relatively inexpensive aerial targets. The cheap production of drones makes it possible to sacrifice these unmanned vehicles when performing important military tasks.

About the first models of Russian drones

Compared to Israel and the United States, Russia is significantly losing in the production of UAVs today. Many Russians are interested in the question of what kind of unmanned aerial vehicles the military aviation of their country has. One of the first, still Soviet, models is the Bee-1T drone.

The UAV made its first flight in 1990. Its task is to carry out the adjustment of firing from the artillery pieces "Smerch" and "Hurricane". Today, this model is in service with Russia. UAV "Pchela-1T" is designed for a range of up to 60 thousand meters. The weight of the device is 138 kg. To launch the drone, a special installation and rocket boosters are provided. The drone lands using a parachute. "Pchela-1T" was used by the Russian army during the Chechen conflict. During the hostilities, this Russian UAV made ten sorties. Two models were shot down by militants. According to aviation experts, today this sample is outdated.

Another old-style Russian reconnaissance drone is the Dozor-85 model. After the tests successfully passed in 2007, the first batch of 12 drones was ordered by the military. "Dozor-85" is intended for border guards. The mass of the apparatus is 85 kg. The UAV of this model can stay in the air for no more than 8 hours.

About aircraft manufactured in 2007

Skat is a reconnaissance and strike UAV of Russia. The aircraft was designed in the experimental design bureau of Mikoyan and Gurevich and OJSC Klimov. The UAV was shown at the MAKS-2007 air show. The device was presented in the form of a full-size layout. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as the main developer of the strike UAV of Russia, was the AKH Sukhoi. Soon, as the general director of RAC "MIG" Sergey Korotkov, the design work on the drone was stopped. The reason for this was insufficient funding for the project. However, as the CEO stated, as of 2015, the production of the drone was resumed again. The project is funded by the Russian Ministry of Industrial Trade. An unmanned aerial vehicle is intended for reconnaissance. In addition, with the help of aerial bombs and guided missiles from this device, it is possible to carry out shelling of ground targets.

The size of the UAV is 10.25 m. The height of the UAV is 2.7 m. The drone is equipped with a tricycle landing gear and one RD-5000B turbofan engine with a flat nozzle. UAV weight - no more than 20 thousand kg. The aircraft is capable of transporting a combat load of up to 6,000 kg. The drone is equipped with four suspension points. Their location was the internal bomb bays. The drone is capable of reaching a maximum speed of 850 km/h. Designed to overcome 4 km distances. The combat radius is 1200 km.

About the Russian-Israeli project

2010 was the year of signing a contract between the Russian military department and the Israeli company IAI for the manufacture of drones. According to the agreement, the machines are assembled at aircraft manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federation. The Israeli-made Searcher drone of 1992 was taken as the basis. In Russia, the UAV was improved and renamed "Forpost". The takeoff weight of the drone is 400 kg. The flight range does not exceed 250 km. The device is provided with a satellite navigation system and thermal imaging cameras.

Other models

Since 2007, reconnaissance activities have been carried out by aircraft models of the Tipchak UAV. The starting weight of the aircraft is 50 kg. The duration of the drone flight does not exceed two hours. For the UAV, conventional and infrared cameras are provided.

In 2009, the Russian company Transas launched the Dozor-600 UAV. The aircraft is a multipurpose drone. It was first presented at the MAKS-2009 exhibition. Experts believe that this drone is an analogue of the MQ-1B Predator. However, there is no reliable information about the exact characteristics of the American UAV. In the future, Russian aircraft designers are planning to equip the radar system with a video camera and a thermal imager. A target designation system is also being developed for the drone. Using "Dozor-600", the military carries out reconnaissance and surveillance in the front-line zones. Information indicating the strike capabilities of this drone is not yet available.

The Russian military aviation uses the Orlan-3M and Orlan-10 UAV models. With the help of these devices, the following are carried out: reconnaissance, search work and target designation for volley fire from artillery pieces. Outwardly, both models of "eagles" are very similar. The slight differences are in their takeoff weight and range. A special catapult is used to launch both drones. UAV landing is carried out using a parachute.

About the new Russian UAV

For the needs of the military, the aircraft manufacturer Zala Aero Group has created a new model of an unmanned aerial vehicle, which is known as the Zala 421-08. Chief project manager: Zakharov A.V. The main task of the UAV is to carry out surveillance, correct salvo fire from artillery pieces. In addition, with the help of a drone, you can assess the damage. According to experts, a distinctive feature of this aircraft is the ability to perform video and photo surveillance from a short distance. For the drone, the “flying wing” scheme was applied. For the drone, there are:

  • Glider with autopilot.
  • Governing bodies.
  • Power point.
  • Feeding onboard system.
  • Removable blocks containing the target load.
  • The system that is responsible for landing using a parachute.

The body of the drone is equipped with special miniature LED lights. Thanks to them, the drone is not lost at night. The machine also provides automatic parachute landing. The video channel operates within a radius of 15 km, audio - 25 km. The drone has a short flight time - only 80 minutes. The wingspan is 81 cm. The maximum flight altitude is 3600 m. The drone is launched from a catapult. Landing is carried out using a parachute or a special net. The aircraft is equipped with a pull-type electric motor. The drone has a speed of 65 to 130 km/h. The maximum takeoff weight is 2.5 kg. The operation of the drone is possible in temperature conditions from -30 to +40 degrees, as well as at a maximum allowable wind speed of 20 m/s. The aircraft is equipped with a special module, with the help of which target tracking is carried out automatically.

About "Hunter-B"

Aviation designers of Sukhoi and MiG companies are carrying out design work on the manufacture of a modern model of Russian UAVs. 2017-2020 - such terms are given to designers to create an unmanned aerial vehicle. In the documentation, the drone is listed as "Hunter-B". In the Russian media, the former head of the United Aircraft Corporation stated that the Sukhoi company is considered the main developer of the drone, and the MiG Corporation acts as a co-executor in this project. According to the leading Russian expert in the field of unmanned systems Denis Fedutinov, the UAV will look no different from reconnaissance and strike vehicles produced by the United States and technologically advanced European countries. In the manufacture of the drone, Russian designers used the "flying wing" scheme. At the moment, more detailed information about the future aircraft is not available. It is known that the Okhotnik-B will belong to the type of heavy drones, and its flight and combat characteristics will be as close as possible to the parameters of the X-47B, produced by the American company Northrop Grumman. For the Russian unmanned vessel, subsonic speeds will be possible, its range will be 4 thousand meters. It is planned to arm the Okhotnik-B with a variety of target loads, including shock. According to the expert, the mass of the load will be at least two tons. Flight tests are scheduled for 2018. The UAV will enter service with Russia no earlier than 2020.

About manufacturers

Geoscan Aero, Tranzas, Armair and Zala Aero (a subsidiary of the Kalashnikov concern) are carrying out design work to create unmanned aerial vehicles for the economic and military sectors of the country.

Aviation specialists at the Tupolev plant are developing a new Russian drone. The products of these companies are in demand both in the military and industrial, as well as in commercial sectors. With the help of the UAV released by Zala Aero, today they monitor pipelines, reservoirs, state borders, nature reserves. Drones are used to carry out operational-search activities. The machines produced by Geoscan Aero are mainly used in the commercial sector. With their help, photo and video shooting and delivery of various goods to the customer are carried out.