Dorado fish - photo, video, description. "Sea bass" or dorado: what are the benefits and harms of fish, where is it found? Dorada sea fish

Dorada (Sparus aurata)

Dorada ("golden", from d'oro - gold) is a large sea bream that lives in warm and temperate salty seas around the world. The characteristic features of the dorado are: on the steep forehead between the eyes you can see a golden spot in the form of a crescent, a dark spot above the gills, a low-lying small mouth with thick lips, a dark gray color of the back, turning into a silver-gray belly, as well as thick and fleshy lateral parts of the fish.

Other Common Dorada Names

dorade, dorado, orata, aurata, denis, sparus, zakhov, chipura.

History and distribution

Dorada has been known to the world for a long time and has always been the most popular fish in the Mediterranean. In ancient times, the dorada was dedicated to the goddess of love Aphrodite, not only as the most beautiful, but also as a very tasty fish. In ancient Rome, the meat of this fish was highly valued, so it was specially kept and fattened in salt ponds and pools. In Venice, this method of fattening existed at the end of the 19th century. In Malta, jewelers set the fang-shaped teeth of the sea bream into rings and put them on sale under the guise of snake teeth, which, according to legend, have magical properties. And on the islands of the Caribbean, the sea bream is called the “Goddess of Love”, and it is believed that you should definitely taste it with your loved one.

In Europe, sea bream is caught mainly in the Mediterranean Sea. These fish are mainly fished in Spain, France, Italy and Turkey. In addition, recently, dorada has been successfully bred on fish farms.


In the spar family, the gilthead is considered the most exquisite delicacy. Its dense, tender, slightly pinkish meat has a delicate aroma with a pleasant sweetish taste, there are few bones in it. Due to such culinary advantages, this fish does not belong to the category of cheap ones.

Dorado can be cooked in a variety of ways, the main thing is not to expose it to too long a heat treatment. It should be kept in the oven for 5-10 minutes (depending on the method of preparation), for a couple - a little longer, about fifteen minutes, but on the grill and in a pan, it is enough to fry it for 1.5-2 minutes on each side until a pearly shade appears on the cut . In a large gilthead, 2 or 3 cuts are made on thick, fleshy sides so that the fish can evenly reach readiness.

White wine sauce, lemon-oil sauce or olives grated with tomato go well with sea bream. Boiled asparagus shoots, rice or vegetables are suitable for garnish. Good burgundy white wine is suitable for sea bream. It refreshes and at the same time emphasizes the taste of the dish.

In fish restaurants in Malta, a large sea bream is served baked whole, with a head and a tail, and delicious pies with vegetables and olives are also prepared from it.

The most delicious dorado caught from July to October. It can reach a length of 70 cm, but you can hardly find a fish of this size on sale. Gourmets prefer fish 25-40 cm in size, fried in a pan or cooked in a large form in the oven.

According to the most common cooking method in Spain, the whole fish is packed in salt and placed in the oven. At the same time, the meat remains amazingly tender and juicy. And, of course, a sea bream prepared in this way and served at the table will be a real surprise for guests.

Beneficial features

Dorada is rich in iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, necessary for normal metabolism. Dorada also contains a number of trace elements (boron, iron, lithium, fluorine, bromine, etc.) necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Dorada calorie content

Dorada calorie content - 87 kcal.

Dorado fish is better known to our compatriots as crucian carp, and many even call it “goldfish”. This is easily explained: in Spanish, the word "dorado" means "golden". In addition, a pronounced line passes near the eyes of the fish, which flickers with a golden glow in the water column. In addition, according to the description, the product has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, so it has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the human body. This is where the name "goldfish" comes from - that is, an expensive and extremely useful product.

What does a fish look like?

A distinctive feature of the dorado family is the strip between the eye sockets, which glows with a golden light in the water. This is a very common representative of the spar family, flocks are caught in the Mediterranean, as well as in the Atlantic Ocean and near the Black Sea coast. Dorado grows very quickly, its size reaches 70-80 cm, and the weight of an adult carcass is approximately 15-17 kg, while the average weight of live commercial fish is 3-5 kg.

The body is oval in shape, and slightly flattened on the sides. The profile of the head is rather steep, and a pronounced pointed protrusion can be seen immediately above the eyes.

The scales are silver-gray, large and jagged, and the whole body of the fish, including the head, is covered with scales. The gill cover is without spines, and the edges of the preoperculum are smooth. The lower mouth is small, the jaws are slightly pushed forward, while the upper one is much longer than the lower one. Both have 4-6 large teeth, crooked pointed teeth grow immediately behind them, and after that chewing teeth are located in two rows. It is noteworthy that there are no teeth on the palatine bones and the vomer.

The dorsal fin is rather long, undivided, includes 11 sharp rays and 12-15 soft ones. In the anal there are 3 pointed rays and 11-13 softer ones, but in the chest there is only one spiny ray, and the number of soft ones is 5-6. These fins have a red or pinkish tint, and the caudal fin is distinguished by a darkened border in the center and white edges. Near the very base of the terminal dorsal ray there is a small brick-brown spot, which disappears after the death of the pair. The scales are painted in a gray shade with a pronounced silvery shimmer.

Dorado is a hermaphrodite - under the influence of hormonal or social factors, she can sex me. So, in most cases, males are formed up to 2 years, and starting from the fourth year of life, sex often changes to the opposite.


The crucian carp is not a river fish. Its main habitat is the waters of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, but there are cases when flocks were found in the Black Sea, especially a lot of fish is found near the coast of Crimea. Initially, the number of individuals there was small, but over time the population increased and today this area is included in the list of places where dorado is brought to Russia in significant quantities.

In many countries, dorado is grown artificially, this is especially common in Italy, Turkey, and Spain. In addition, it is brought from France and Greece - there this kind of fish is bred in lagoons or pools, it does not live in natural reservoirs.

The crucian carp spends the main part of its life at great depths - up to 40 meters. Juveniles usually huddle in flocks and do not go too deep - they do not swim below 20 m. But adult sea spars in pursuit of food can sink even 160 m. Dense scales easily withstand high water pressure.

Separately, we note that the dorado is not only a large, but also a very strong and powerful fish, which is why the fishermen who catch it must have especially durable equipment - it is not enough to catch the fish, it is important to pull it on board, which not every fisherman succeeds.


As we have already noted, dorado is distinguished by its exceptionally rich vitamin and mineral compositions, 100 g of the product contains:

  • vitamin A (retinol) - 50-55 mcg;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 20-25 mcg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 70-75 mcg;
  • vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.7-1 mg;
  • vitamin B6 (adermine) - 0.4-0.5 mg;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 5-6 mcg;
  • vitamin BB (nicotinic acid) - 6.0-6.5 mg.

In addition, the product has quite a lot of micro and macro elements, among them:

  • manganese - the content of this element in 100 g of fish is 20 mcg;
  • phosphorus - 140-145 mcg;
  • zinc - 6.5-7.0 mcg;
  • iodine - 65-70 mcg.

Fish is also rich in omega acids - compounds that have exceptional benefits for humans.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Golden spar refers to dietary products, since the calorie content of the finished dish may vary depending on the cooking option, but in any case it never exceeds 95-96 kilocalories per 100 g. finished product. In terms of calories, dorado is comparable to such marine life as: coho salmon, pollock, tilapia and pangasius.

As for BJU, the volume of protein components in 100 g of the product is 19 g, fat - 2 g, and there are no carbohydrates in the golden pair.


Dorado is an extremely healthy fish that has earned its popularity not only for its exceptional tenderness of meat, but also for its nutritional value, which is explained by the unique chemical composition of the seafood.

Manganese, the concentration of which in this fish is extremely high, is an element whose importance is difficult to overestimate for humans, since it regulates protein-lipid metabolism in the body.

Everyone has known about the benefits of phosphorus since childhood - many probably remember how mothers forced them to eat fish, saying that it contains a lot of phosphorus. Fish is rich in this microelement, which, in its essence, is a necessary component of all enzymatic processes of physiological cell activation, since without phosphorylation, the transmission of basic impulses and signals in tissues is simply impossible. Phosphorus also contributes to the normal development of the musculoskeletal system.

Zinc is important for the restoration and regeneration of cells and tissues of the body, with a lack of this element, the immune system weakens, and the body ceases to resist infections. Zinc deficiency in the body of men is especially dangerous, as it leads to the loss of sperm motility. The result is infertility.

Iodine, which is rich in dorado, is important for people living in large cities and metropolitan areas. This microelement is responsible for energy production, and is also involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which restore the human energy potential. If the body experiences a lack of iodine, then the condition deteriorates sharply - people begin to experience drowsiness, weakness and an acute lack of strength. It is no secret that patients complaining of apathy and depression are, first of all, recommended to do examinations for the content of thyroid hormones in the blood.

Fatty acids are very important for the child and adult body, which are not synthesized on their own, but are essential for maintaining normal activity of the brain, heart and blood vessels, healthy joints and cell rejuvenation.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that if you introduce the product into a regular diet and use it at least a few times a week, then you can notice significant improvements in the general condition of the body:

  • normalization of weight - dorado contains the amount of substances required to maintain normal vitality, however, the calorie content of the product is quite low, so you can not be afraid of the appearance of extra pounds;

  • strengthening immunity - fish includes a large number of components that are responsible for increasing the resistance of the human body to adverse external factors;
  • stabilization of the hormonal background;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • bowel cleansing and normalization of digestion;

  • prevention of age-related diseases;
  • decrease in blood sugar;
  • improvement of the qualitative composition of the blood;
  • reducing the risk of cholesterol deposits and blood clots.


There are no direct contraindications to the consumption of golden carp - it is not just that it is considered a dietary product. However, in some cases, seafood causes allergies. In addition, the product should not be eaten by children - the fish is very bony and serious harm can be done to babies. Caution should be applied to the use of steam by some categories of consumers.

Pregnant women

Expectant mothers are shown fish in the absence of individual intolerance to the product. Fish contains a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals that allow the fetus to develop normally and maintain the health of the mother. It is noteworthy that the product does not contain such dangerous elements for pregnant women as, for example, mercury, which often accumulates in mackerel and tuna. However, it is better to use dorado in stewed, baked or boiled form, and fried fish should be categorically abandoned.

Women who are breastfeeding

Neonatologists allow women to include dorado in their diet from the very first days of lactation, since the fish is low in fat that can cause allergic reactions in the baby. But still, in the first months of breastfeeding, it is worth eating dorado only steamed or boiled with a minimum salt content. In addition, it is better to start using it with minimal portions to make sure that the baby's body did not give a negative reaction in the form of colic, increased gas formation, rash or shortness of breath. If within 24 hours you do not notice any of the listed symptoms, you can safely eat fish.

Patients with pancreatitis

People suffering from pancreatitis require large amounts of animal protein in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. This requirement is best met by dorado, which contains a lot of protein, amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins. With pancreatitis, the product is recommended to be included in the diet, but also, as in the cases described above, only in boiled or stewed form. Eating fried fish can often cause an exacerbation of the disease.

How to choose and store?

It is very easy to choose a fish. Firstly, you should make sure that it is dorado on the counter - this fish has a dark spot under the gills, as well as a golden stripe between the eye sockets. Secondly, you should make sure that the product is fresh. To do this, pay attention to the following signs:

  • eyes should be clean and transparent (without a cloudy film) - if you notice a drag, then you are offered an expired product;
  • when pressing on the flesh of the abdomen or back, there should not be a dent, which is considered the first sign of spoilage of the product - in no case should you buy such fish;
  • the scales should be smooth, without any spots, smudges and defects - all these signs indicate a spoiled product that will bring nothing but harm;
  • it is best to buy fresh fish, it is quite easy to verify its freshness - just focus on the elasticity of the carcass: if you put the fish on your hands, then its body should be kept straight, and the head and tail should not hang down.

Experienced chefs advise giving preference to large fish weighing more than a kilogram - such fish, most likely, was caught in sea waters. However, small farmed dorado are not very different from their wild counterparts and are also considered quite tasty fish, although their nutrient concentrations are slightly lower.

Store the fish in the freezer, carefully gut and clean it in advance.

Subtleties of use

Golden carp is widely used in the national cuisine of various peoples of the world. Seafood can be subjected to various cooking methods. According to reviews, with each recipe, the fish comes out tasty and healthy.

The most popular cooking methods are:

  • stuffed fish cooked with various vegetables, spices and olives;
  • golden crucian, cooked in coals or on the grill;
  • oven-baked dorado;
  • fried spar.

When cooking golden carp, you should keep in mind certain recommendations from experienced chefs, following which will allow you to get a more appetizing and nutritious dish.

  • Dorado should be cooked together with the head and tail, as it turns out to be more juicy, and all vitamins and minerals are preserved in a larger volume during heat treatment.
  • The universal length of the carcass is 50-60 cm, longer dorado representatives can only be used for stewing or frying on an open flame.
  • If the fish is cooked on the stove, then you must definitely use the sauce, otherwise the product will turn out to be too dry. It is best to use meat or fish broth seasoned with vegetables and sunflower oil.
  • Instead of a flavor enhancer, you need to add garlic to golden carp, passed through a crush and mashed with olive or sunflower oil.
  • As a side dish for dorado, it is better to serve artichokes, olives or capers. If you plan to serve a dish with potatoes, then it is better to cook it together with fish, only then both products will be appetizingly combined and complement each other.
  • You can cook fish soup from fish fillet, you can also fry the product in a pan, although in this case its taste features will not be fully disclosed.

When preparing dorado, you should not experiment with the recipe for cooking; it is best to dwell on the classical technology. If you want to achieve a more piquant flavor of the dish - just try different sauces, seasonings and spices for side dishes.

Enjoy your meal.

How to cook dorado, see the next video.

Dorado or crucian carp (bream) is a fish of the spar family, which is caught mainly in the Mediterranean, a small part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean.

This is a fairly large fish with a forked tail and a long fin on the back. It has beautiful blue scales with a green or yellow tint. Dorado meat has been valued since ancient times. In ancient Rome and Greece, they even came up with a way to grow it artificially in backwaters and pools of sea water, which is still used today.

Useful properties of dorado

The benefits of dorado were recognized in antiquity, because its meat is not fatty and rich in vitamins and microelements.

According to doctors, such fish is great for any diet. By eating it 2-3 times a week, you can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, the likelihood of a heart attack, as well as normalize cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

It contains boron, iron, fluorine, lithium, iodine, copper, manganese and many other elements that are needed for the full functioning of the thyroid gland.

Dorado's low calorie content (96 kcal), high protein content (20 g per 100 g of product) and the absence of carbohydrates make it ideal for diabetics and healthy eaters.

Contraindications to the use of sea bass

Fish is brought to Russian counters from afar, so you need to carefully monitor that the meat is elastic, even in color, and the head and tail do not sag if you keep the fish on weight.

You should not allow small children to eat it on their own. small bones are found in the pulp.

Some people have intolerance to this family of fish, so allergy sufferers need to be careful.

Features of cooking dorado

The dense pinkish meat of this fish is considered a delicacy. Its delicate aroma, sweetish aftertaste and low bones make it an excellent main dish.

When choosing, be guided by the length (25-40 cm) and breed: silver and royal individuals are considered the most delicious. Note that a dead fish will lose color, so it should just be gray and shiny.

Cooking it is very easy and fast. It is extremely important to keep track of time:

  • In the oven, dorado comes in 5-10 minutes, depending on the temperature;
  • For a couple about 15 minutes;
  • Grill and fry for up to 2 minutes over high heat, until a pearlescent shade is visible on the cut.

Such an exquisite seafood product is best combined with oil sauces with lemon juice, white wine or grated olives with tomato. And as a side dish, shoots of boiled asparagus, long and brown rice, as well as vegetables are suitable.

Garlic olive oil sauce works well. The abdomen can be stuffed with sage, rosemary or basil.

In Spanish and Maltese restaurants, it is customary to bake the whole dorado, covering it with salt. This allows you to keep the juiciness and fragrant meat. The Greeks, on the other hand, believe that it is most important to preserve the marine aroma of dorado fish, so they quickly fry it on a hot grill and serve it with dry white wines.

You can read about another tasty and healthy fish, salmon, in our website.

In contact with

1. What is this fish

Dorada- sea fish of the spar family, the meat of which was known and highly valued in ancient Rome. It lives in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea, single individuals also enter the Black Sea. Length: up to 50 cm; weight: up to 1.5 kg. In Israel, it is called "Denis" and is considered the most delicious Mediterranean fish.

2. Culinary properties

For a long time, sea bream has been cooked by all coastal peoples in almost all parts of the world. The white meat of the sea bream (the name the fish received for its resemblance to the bream) is very tasty and fatty, and therefore it is classified as a table fish species. From it you can cook a lot of tasty and at the same time healthy dishes. This fish is loved not only for its delicate amazing taste, but also for its versatility. Dorado can be eaten even raw, it is prepared by any means. This is truly a royal fish: it has dense, tender and fragrant meat - slightly pinkish, with a pleasant sweetish taste, besides, there are very few bones in it. Dorada is considered a ceremonial dish of almost all countries of the Mediterranean (it was highly valued by the ancient Romans).

3. Brief history

Dorada has been known to the world for a long time and has always been the most popular fish in the Mediterranean. In ancient times, the dorada was dedicated to the goddess of love Aphrodite, not only as the most beautiful, but also as a very tasty fish. In ancient Rome, the meat of this fish was highly valued, so it was specially kept and fattened in salt ponds and pools. In Venice, this method of fattening existed at the end of the 19th century. In Malta, jewelers set the fang-shaped teeth of the sea bream into rings and put them on sale under the guise of snake teeth, which, according to legend, have magical properties. And on the islands of the Caribbean, the sea bream is called the “Goddess of Love”, and it is believed that you should definitely taste it with your loved one.

In Europe, sea bream was caught mainly in the Mediterranean Sea. These fish were mainly fished in Spain, France, Italy and Turkey. In addition, recently, dorada has been successfully bred on fish farms.

4. How it is prepared

Dorada has many recipes and cooking methods. In the post-Soviet space, it is boiled, steamed, added to soup and fish soup.

Sea bream is cooked in salted water with spices. Ready fish is laid out on a dish, poured with melted butter or sauce.

Dorada is cut into carcasses before steaming. The fish is salted, peppered, then marinated or stuffed and steamed.

For the preparation of soups and fish soup based on dorado, the fish is cleaned, separated from the bones. Cleaned fish is boiled in salted water. The bones and the head of the fish with spices are boiled separately. The broth is filtered, fried onions and garlic and potatoes are added to it, then pieces of fish are added. Further, other ingredients can be added to the soup or fish soup: vegetables, seafood or even fruits.

This fish is fried, stewed and baked, including on the grill. You can fry dorado on the grill, on the grill, in a pan. The fish is pre-gutted, lubricated from the inside with pepper, salt and lemon juice. It is then either breaded and fried in oil or cooked over charcoal.

Whole, gutted fish carcasses are stewed in a mixture of vegetables and spices with the addition of sauce.

Bake this fish in the oven, wrapping it in dough, foil or parchment. Gutted dorado is processed with salt and spices, often stuffed with various fillings, and baked in the oven

Recipes for marinating dorado are also in demand, as well as adding fillings based on it to the pie.

Marinated dorado recipes agree that the fish is cleaned and then aged in a marinade based on lemon juice. After marinating, the prepared fish is fried.

Yeast dough is being prepared for the pie. The fillet is separated from the bones. Herbs are added to the finished dough, 2 fish-shaped cakes are rolled out. Dorado fillet is placed on one cake and closed with a second cake Dorado fish pie is served hot.

Dorado (sea carp, dolphin, sparus, dolphin fish) is one of the most popular fish in Hawaii, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean. It is considered a delicacy, it is valued for its dense, tender, slightly sweet aromatic meat, which has few bones.

Dorado has been known since the era of Ancient Rome. It was specially grown in ponds and pools. Now in Europe, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Spain and France are engaged in fishing and breeding of sea bream. It is not cheap, but this does not stop connoisseurs of taste.

How to choose

Dorado's habitat is tropical seas and the Mediterranean Sea. Occasionally it comes across in the Black Sea. Capable of migration over long distances, and its record weight is 39.4 kg.

Natural color is blue-green or silver-gray. Between the eyes is a golden spot in the shape of a crescent. Because of him, the fish was so named (“dorado” - “golden” in Spanish).

In ancient times, because of its beauty, it was believed that the dory was dedicated to Aphrodite, the goddess of love. After death, the bright color quickly disappears and becomes faded.

It is better to buy chilled rather than frozen fish. You need to make sure that it is dorado that is for sale. It should have a dark spot under the gills and a golden spot near the eyes. The back has a dark gray tint, the abdomen is silver. The most delicious fish is considered to be caught in July-October and having a length of 25-40 cm.

Fresh dormouse has clean, dark red gills, eyes are transparent. The meat is elastic. If you press it with your finger, the resulting dent should quickly disappear. The scales are smooth, without defects. The smell is fresh, marine, fishy.

It is necessary to take crucian carp in such quantity that you can immediately eat it. Of course, carcasses can be gutted and frozen, but the taste will not change for the better.

There are usually two varieties of dorado on sale - gray and royal. The latter, although more expensive, is characterized by a more delicate taste. It can be distinguished by its pinkish tint.

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content per 100 grams

Dorado is considered a dietary product. There are practically no carbohydrates in fish, a little fat, but a lot of protein. It is rich in valuable amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine), water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.

It is important that it contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are necessary for the cardiovascular system. They are not synthesized by our body, so their intake from the outside is so important.

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

Vitamins, mg (per 100 g)

BUT54 mcg
IN 10.02 g
IN 20.07 g
AT 50.75 g
AT 60.4 g
AT 95 mcg
AT 120.6 µg
RR6.1 g
RR, NE9.55 g

Fresh dorado is a source of minerals:

  • iron is a stimulant for the production of red blood cells. These are blood cells that carry oxygen in the body;
  • potassium, magnesium stimulate the normal functioning of the nervous system, blood vessels, heart;
  • calcium strengthens bones and teeth;
  • copper supplies cells with oxygen, participates in the formation of hemoglobin;
  • manganese regulates the activity of the stomach and intestines;
  • selenium supports metabolism;
  • zinc strengthens the immune system;
  • iodine stimulates mental activity, is needed for the thyroid gland. According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of Russia experiences a lack of this microelement. The pulp of dorado has a high content of iodine. There is more of it than in the meat of such valuable breeds as, for example, perch or mackerel.

Micro and macro elements, mg (per 100 g):

Calorie content (kcal) dorado:

  • Fresh - 96;
  • For a couple - 90.9;
  • In the oven - 109.

The most dietary way is for a couple. Then all the beneficial properties of meat are preserved, and the calorie content will slightly decrease.

A dish baked in foil or grilled is also suitable. Fried fish is delicious, but the calorie content will increase due to the oil.

Useful properties and contraindications

Beneficial features:

  • regulates protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolic processes;
  • normalizes digestion, helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • stimulates brain functions, improves attention and memory;
  • ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • helps to remove excess weight;
  • stabilizes blood sugar;
  • regulates the production of hormones;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves the work of the kidneys;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • strengthens bones;
  • useful for vision;
  • B vitamins keep hair, skin, nails in good condition.

To notice the effect, you need to eat sea bass at least a couple of times a week. A contraindication can only be the presence of individual intolerance (allergy).

Harm can be caused by a stale product or chemicals used by unscrupulous manufacturers or sellers to process fish to increase shelf life.

What is useful during pregnancy

At this time, it is advisable to use dorado, since useful substances contribute to the proper formation of the fetus, support the body of the expectant mother. The pulp does not contain mercury, which is dangerous during pregnancy and accumulates in other types of fish, such as mackerel or tuna. Sea carp is best steamed, baked or stewed.

When breastfeeding

During lactation, the product should also be included in the menu., since it is low in fat that can provoke allergies in babies. The dish is best steamed with a minimum amount of salt.

You should start with a small portion and carefully monitor the condition of the child. If during the day he does not have indigestion, colic, redness or a rash does not appear, the fish can be consumed further.

For the body of children

The first serving is half a teaspoon. Then the number gradually increases.

There are small bones in the pulp, so you need to carefully sort it out and only then offer it to the baby.

Fish is best boiled or stewed., make meatballs, meatballs. After 3 years, you can cook an ear for a child.

For the elderly

The product stimulates the activity of the brain, prevents pathologies that often occur in old age. The composition of the blood improves, the likelihood of thrombosis decreases, the amount of “bad” cholesterol decreases.

For athletes

This fish is useful to everyone involved in sports. A large amount of protein helps maintain muscle mass, gives energy. Low fat prevents weight gain. Potassium improves muscle contraction.

Magnesium eliminates night cramps, which are often experienced by professional athletes. Zinc is needed for building muscle mass.

For diabetics

The glycemic index of corifena is 0. The product is included in the menu of those who have diabetes or have a predisposition to the disease. Fish lowers blood sugar levels.

Learn more about the benefits and dangers of dorado fish, as well as where it is found, from this video:

Application in cooking

The daily norm of the product for an adult is 150-250 g. For children, the norm varies depending on age. It is better to eat fish for lunch or in the evening. You can add it to the menu at least every day.

There are many ways to cook crucian carp - boiling, frying, stewing. It is steamed and grilled, baked in foil and a sleeve, boiled fish soup, made cutlets and even eaten raw. It can be stuffed, used as a filling for homemade pies.


  • it is better to cook the whole carcass - so the taste will be more saturated;
  • do not subject to prolonged heat treatment - the pulp will have a bitter taste. On average, the dish is steamed for 15 minutes, in the oven - 10-15 minutes, you need to fry for a couple of minutes on each side;
  • if the carcass is large, 2-3 cuts are made on the sides so that the dish is cooked evenly;
  • when frying or stewing, it is necessary to add sauce so that the dish does not turn out dry;
  • the sauce is suitable from white wine, oil with lemon, from olives mashed with tomatoes;
  • suitable spices - basil, Provence herbs. They must be placed in the abdomen. Then they will give a piquant flavor, but will not interrupt the main taste;
  • the best side dish is rice, vegetables, boiled asparagus. If you want to serve potatoes, you should cook it with fish;
  • the perfect wine to accompany the dish is white Burgundy.

Primary processing


  • Rinse in running water and clean the carcass from scales, starting from the tail.
  • Make an incision along the abdomen, gut the carcass, trying not to hurt the gallbladder.
  • Remove the gills, rinse the fish well with cold water.


All of these dishes are delicious and easy to prepare.

In salt crust

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • medium dorado (400-500 g) - 1 piece;
  • 3 lemons;
  • salt, preferably sea salt - 500 g.


  • Spread salt on a baking sheet, put sliced ​​​​lemons on top.
  • Spread the fish on a baking sheet, put a few lemon circles on top of the carcass. Rosemary leaves can be added if desired.
  • Cook for 40-45 minutes in an oven heated to 130 degrees.


  • Salt and pepper the cleaned and washed fish. Place lemon slices inside.
  • Peel and cut vegetables. Fry in oil for 3-4 minutes. Salt, add chopped parsley.
  • Put the vegetables on foil, pour over the juice that they gave during frying. Put the fish on top. Wrap the foil.
  • Bake the dish in the oven heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Next, open the foil, cook for another 10 minutes to get a golden crust.

Another recipe for cooking dorado fish in this video:

Is it suitable for weight loss

Sea carp is useful for those who would like to part with extra pounds but not ready to give up delicious food. It is low in calories, has a minimum of fat and no carbohydrates at all, it is easily digested. Ideal for low carb diets.

The fish has such a pleasant taste and aroma that when cooking it is not necessary to add spices, which are not always welcome when losing weight.

You need to cook without oil or with a minimum amount of it. Not suitable for diets except fried crucian carp.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

If you use the product regularly, the likelihood of a heart attack, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and nervous disorders decreases. It is often recommended for patients with pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

People suffering from these diseases need a source of animal protein rich in amino acids.

Corifena possesses these qualities: has a minimum fat content, contains many minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, which are not often found in other dietary products.

It is important to eat the product regularly. It also diversifies the diet. This will positively affect the mood of the patient.

The compounds found in sea bass help keep skin supple and nails strong. Hair becomes shiny and strong.

If the fish is constantly on the menu, it will help to forget about dandruff and reduce hair loss.

Dorado - tasty and healthy fish. The only reason that it is not very popular in our country is the high price. Not everyone will be able to lay out 500-700 rubles. per kilogram. But if possible, it is worth buying it more often - it will justify the money spent.

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