Fish with human teeth. Pacu fish have almost human teeth. Reproduction of black pacu

These curious-eyed fish usually swim leisurely around the aquarium. Looking at them, it’s hard to guess that these are close relatives of the scary ones. Yes, pacu fish is from the piranha family, but it mainly feeds on plant foods and is not dangerous for humans.

The name pacu is used for several large species of fish of the piranha family (Serrasalmidae) that live in the rivers of South America. The number of teeth in common piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) and pacu are the same, but their structure is very different. The teeth of the predatory Pygocentrus nattereri (also called the red piranha) are pointed with a clearly visible mesial bite (with a protruding lower jaw).

Pacu teeth are straight rectangular (sometimes called square). The bite may be slightly mesial or distal: the teeth of the upper jaw are slightly advanced, and the upper jaw may protrude slightly forward. Or both jaws in the same position: none of them protrude.

Which pacu are popular with aquarists?

The homeland of all pacu is the waters of the Orinoco and Amazon basins. They are part of the neotropical fauna. They are often referred to as herbivorous piranhas when sold. But in order for pacu to become real pets that please the owner, it is necessary to provide proper conditions and care for them. After all, these fish are not small! Typically, aquariums contain black (aka brown) and red pacu.

On the Latin names of pacu

The Latin scientific names used in this article correspond to the latest updated fishbase data. Based on the data of this site, it is concluded that the Russian names black and brown pacu refer to the same species, the scientific name of which is Colossoma macropomum. Valid (correct) synonyms are such Latin names: Colossoma nigripinne and Piaractus macropomus. The authors of articles on some Internet resources consider black pacu as a separate species and use the name Colossoma brachypomum for it, which is erroneous, because according to the fishbase site this name is synonymous with the Latin name for red pacu (Piaractus brachypomus) and, therefore, is applicable to Russian name red paku.

About the red pack

There are several Russian names for this pack. Most often it is called red pacu, sometimes it is called red-breasted pacu, and very rarely - two-toothed colossom. According to fishbase, the currently accepted Latin scientific name is Piaractus brachypomus, which has synonyms: Colossoma bidens means two-toothed colossom; the second commonly used synonym is Colossoma brachypomum. The name Colossoma branchypomus cannot be used for this species because there is a misspelling in the last syllable.

How to tell a red pacu from a red piranha

Due to its appearance, the red pacu fish at a young age is often mistaken for the dangerous predatory red piranha Pygocentrus nattereri. Especially if she swims in a species aquarium, near which there are no labels with the names of fish. Indeed, these two fish are very similar and have almost the same characteristics:

  • laterally compressed high body with small silvery scales;
  • the gill cover in the lower part and the belly are red;
  • fins (paired ventral and anal) are also bright red;
  • the edge of the caudal fin with a spectacular black stripe.

The main difference between these two types is the structure of the teeth. Consider a photo of a red pacu fish, pay attention to the open mouth. We see rectangular teeth, very reminiscent of human teeth. The teeth are large and strong with a wide top, so the fish can easily crack nuts.

But is it really necessary to look into the mouth of a fish to understand whether a red piranha or pacu swims in an aquarium? Yes, and how to do it? You don't have to look into your mouth. Take a closer look at the closed jaws of the fish. If the lower jaw protrudes very much forward, then you have a bloodthirsty piranha in front of you. If the jaws are approximately the same, this is a vegetarian red pacu.

Habitat, age and size

The habitat of the red pacu or two-toothed colossom is the numerous tributaries of the Amazon and Orinoco and the rivers themselves. There is evidence that this species was observed in Argentina.

This is an omnivorous fish, but the basis of the diet in natural conditions is nuts, which it cracks with its flat teeth and strong jaws. It practically does not eat meat, it can eat insects and rotting plant remains. This is a fast growing species, by the end of the first year of life it can reach 30 centimeters in length. It is an object of aquaculture and commercial fish farming. Popular with aquarists.

The maximum recorded length of the red pacu is 88 cm, the maximum weight is 25 kg. There is information about the maximum recorded age of this species, which was 28 years.

About the brown pack

Brown pacu is best known by the Latin name Colossoma macropomum, although there are synonyms: Colossoma nigripinne and Piaractus macropomus. In nature, they live in the Orinoco and Amazon basins.

Position in the system of fish: class Ray-finned fish, order Cypriniformes, suborder Characinoid, family Piranha.

An external difference, characteristic of all fish of the characin-like suborder, is a small adipose fin located behind the dorsal fin in front of the caudal fin. This pacu fish is the largest representative of this suborder in South American waters. With a tall, laterally compressed body, it looks like an ordinary piranha. However, it is well distinguished by color: the body is painted in shades of black and gray, so it has another name - black pacu. This large fish has large eyes, in which you can see the curiosity to everything that is around.

The usual size that most fish of the Colossoma macropomum species reach in nature is about 70 centimeters. The maximum recorded body length is 108 centimeters, and published data indicate the greatest weight - 40 kilograms. The brown pacu has a body composition of 10 percent fat (a fairly high figure), has tasty meat and is an object of fish farming. These highly immune fish have been introduced into many major rivers in the tropical Americas and even into the rivers of Southeast Asia to be raised for food.

Nutrition and lifestyle

Herbivorous pacu fish are often referred to as "human-toothed" fish. Their teeth bear a distant resemblance to human molars. Therefore, they very easily eat crops, and fruits and nuts, and plant residues that are found in the water. The brown pacu is no exception, at the same time it can eat small fish, insects and invertebrates.

The basis of the diet of young individuals is zooplankton, snails and insects. And only with age, the fish switch to a preferential plant-based diet.

The brown pacu breeds, probably, during flooding of rivers and in flooded floodplain forests. The fishbase website reports that juveniles and "juveniles" live in the black waters of floodplains until they reach sexual maturity. And adult specimens stay in flooded forests for five months after the flood, and then, apparently, return to the rivers.

The black pacu leads a solitary life, and this differs from the natterer piranha.

A difficulty in keeping any pacu is the need to acquire a sufficient volumetric tank, the weight of which can be about one ton. In such an aquarium, you need to install powerful filters that will maintain high water quality. The heater should keep the water warm in the aquarium (about 26-28 C), you also need an aerator and lamps for lighting.

In the photo of the red pacu fish, the scenery of the aquarium is slightly visible - large rocks. You can also place large snags. Plants for decorative purposes are best used only artificial, any living plants will be eaten by fish.

The pacu diet in the aquarium should be balanced. An approximate composition of a serving might look like this - small pieces of vegetables and fruits (apples, cabbage or zucchini), combined with meat (clams or shrimp).

Black pacu (lat. Colossoma macropomum), which is also called the herbivorous piranha pacu or tambakui, is a fish of the genus haracin, that is, its counterparts are neon and tetra. But the coincidence ends with the name of the genus.

The black pacu is the largest characin living in South America and does not resemble its small counterparts in any way.

Pacu fish reach up to 108 cm in length and weigh about 27 kg, which is impressive. However, still more often they are about 70 cm, but this is prohibitive for an amateur aquarium. No wonder it is also called a giant pacu.

Habitat in nature

Black pacu (also called brown pacu), also known locally as tambakui, was first described by Cuvier in 1816. We live throughout the Amazon and Orinoco basins in South America.

Also called pacu, giant pacu, tambakui, gamitana and kachama.

Video about a natural reservoir in Brazil, at the end of the video underwater footage, including a flock of pacu

In 1994, they were brought to Guinea as a commercial fish, in the Sepik and Rama rivers. Also widely distributed throughout South America, including Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras. And North - USA.

Loners, they feed on insects, snails, decaying plants and small fish.

Adult fish swim in the flooded forests during the rainy season and eat fruits and cereals.

The commentator says that they eat fruits that have fallen into the water, which are in abundance there.


The black pacu can grow up to 106 cm and weigh up to 30 kg and live up to 25 years. The body is laterally compressed, the color of the body is from gray to black, sometimes with spots on the body. Fins are black.

Very often, black pacu are confused with piranhas while they are small. Juveniles are very similar, but black pacu are rounder and broader than piranhas.

The easiest way to determine by the lower jaw, in piranhas, it protrudes forward.

Difficulty in content

They are very large fish and are best kept in commercial aquariums as not many can afford them at home. Although she is very unpretentious and simple.

Not too demanding on water parameters, as long as they are not extreme, as well as in feeding.

Black pacu is an interesting, very unpretentious fish in keeping and feeding, which even has its own personality. Sounds like the perfect aquarium fish, right?

But the biggest problem in keeping is that the black pacu grows quickly and huge, even very large aquariums it quickly outgrows.

The problem is that often negligent sellers endure them very small under the guise of piranhas. Although these fish are very similar, the pacu is less aggressive and less predatory.

However, it does not negate the fact that a black pacu will swallow any small fish in an aquarium without hesitation.

Black pacu is definitely not a fish for everyone. To keep one, you need 1000 liters for juveniles, and about 2000 for adult fish. For such an aquarium you need very thick glass, because in a fright, a black pacu can break it.

In warm climates, black pacu is sometimes kept in ponds, but because of the dark color, it does not look very good there.

If you are not afraid of the volumes required for this fish, then otherwise it is not difficult to keep it.


What to feed pacu? Black pacu are omnivores, and in nature they eat fruits, cereals, insects, snails, invertebrates, and carrion. The aquarium will eat both artificial and live food.

Everything will suit him - snails, worms, bloodworms, fruits, vegetables. And small fish, so keeping with those that the pacu can swallow is definitely not worth it.

The main requirement is a very large aquarium, for adults from 2 tons. If you can afford one, then the difficulties end there.

They are completely undemanding, resistant to disease, eat everything. The only thing is that you need very powerful filtration, since there is a lot of dirt from them.

They live in the middle layers of the water and they need free space for swimming.

The best decorations are snags and large stones, plants can not be planted at all, they are food for black pacu.

A little shy, a sharp movement and they have a panic, throwing around the aquarium and hitting objects and glass ...


Adults are solitary but non-aggressive. Juveniles are more cocky. Adults will eat any small fish that they can swallow, nothing threatens large fish.

It is best to keep alone or with the same large fish.

Sex differences

The male's dorsal fin is sharper, the anal fin has spikes, and is brighter colored than the female.


The black pacu is not bred in an aquarium because of its size.

All specimens for sale are bred in ponds and on farms.

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It comes from South America from the vast expanse of the Amazon basin. The distribution area covers the territories of Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. This species was brought to Asia, where it successfully took root as a commercial fish.
The natural habitat is river channels and floodplains among the rainforest, which is regularly flooded during the rainy season. Prefers shallow areas of slow flowing rivers with floating or low overhanging vegetation. Young individuals spend the first months of their lives in floodplains, where there is an abundance of food and a minimum of predators.

Brief information:

  • The volume of the aquarium - from 1000 liters.
  • Temperature - 23–28°C
  • pH value - 4.8–7.5
  • Water hardness - soft (1–15 dGH)
  • Substrate type - sandy, soft
  • Lighting - subdued or moderate
  • Brackish water - no
  • Water movement - light or moderate
  • Fish size - up to 60 cm.
  • Food - any, mostly vegetable
  • Temperament - peaceful
  • Content single or in a group


The largest recorded length of an adult fish was 88 cm. But usually fish do not exceed 60 cm. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed, it is problematic to distinguish a male from a female.
This species is often sold under the name Vegetarian piranha, for its resemblance to this formidable predator of the Amazon. The red-bellied Pacu really does look like a piranha. It has a laterally flattened body and relatively small fins. The coloration is dark grey. In young fish, the abdomen is red. As they grow older, the red hues are lost.


It feeds on almost everything that can fit in the mouth of this fish: fruits, nuts, fruits, seeds, insects and their larvae, crustaceans, worms, small fish. However, the basis of the diet is still vegetable. In a home aquarium, for example, you can serve pieces of bananas, apples, peaches, carrots, zucchini, peas, grapes.

Maintenance and care, arrangement of the aquarium

The size of the fish implies a large aquarium with a volume of thousands of liters. When it comes to keeping a Red Belly Pacu, equipment is more important than decoration. The fish can also live in a completely empty tank with a couple of large stones as decoration. Plants are not needed as they will be eaten.
Maintaining a stable biological system in aquariums with large fish requires serious costs, knowledge and experience, so the selection of equipment, installation of the aquarium and its subsequent maintenance should be done by professionals. Thus, the details of the content of this species are beyond the scope of this article.

Behavior compatibility

Peaceful, calm and even shy fish. Compatible with many species, except for very small ones. Adult large individuals are able to get along with aggressive and predatory fish. Can live alone or in a group.

Breeding / reproduction

Successful cases of breeding in aquariums have not been recorded. Offspring are engaged in large fish farms in South America and the Far East using hormones.

Fish diseases

Hardy and unpretentious fish. Health problems arise only when kept in adverse conditions and poor-quality nutrition. Read more about symptoms and treatments in the section "

Among the numerous inhabitants of home aquariums there are many exotic species. These are rare Malawian cichlids, and tetradon from the distant island of Borneo, and tiger fights. It is difficult to surprise the modern amateur fish farmer; what is there to be surprised if ... piranhas often live in a city apartment.

The belly and fins of piranhas have a red tint.

Ferocious predator in the house

Red-bellied pacu, pacu fish, Piaractus brachipomus - all these are the names of a small fish, as if flattened on both sides and covered with small silvery scales. Her belly and fins have a red tint. This is the real piranha. However specific. The fact is that the basis of her diet is vegetarian food.

Feeding Piaractus brachipomus

The vegetarian menu is varied. These are lettuce leaves, various cereals, chopped fruits and vegetables, grapes. Some owners use bananas or other tropical fruits that grow in the natural habitat of the "herbivore predator".

Pacu is called herbivorous piranha, as its food is plant food.

Of the organic piranha, the red pacu prefers bloodworms (preferably large), larvae of other insects, snails, worms, and crustaceans. It is possible to feed fish fry and even raw meat - after all, the pacu fish is half a predator.

However, the introduction of meat into the diet should be approached with caution: such food can cause aggressiveness with constant consumption.

The main thing you need to know about feeding this pet is that there should be a lot of food. After all, the average size of an adult reaches from 30 to 60 cm.

Aquarium for piranha

Of course, for such a giant, you need to choose the appropriate habitat. One "living unit" will require at least 300 liters of water. So even for a small flock of 3-4 individuals, you will need a house with a capacity of about a cubic meter. Water temperature should be maintained between 22 and 28 °C, acidity between 6 and 7 pH, and hardness between 1 and 15 dGH. It is very important to have a good filter in the aquarium. Every week you need to replace at least a third of the volume of water in the aquarium.

Gravel is best for soil. You should not decorate an artificial habitat with living plants: fish use them for food. Sometimes a few stones on gravel are enough to form the interior of a red pacu aquarium.

This fish grows rapidly, and its life expectancy often reaches 10 years, so it is better to immediately prepare a large (at least 1.5 meters in plane) glass house with a height and width of at least 1 meter.

Next to others

If you want to diversify a small underwater world, you should understand that in the content of piranha pacu, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • relatively large size of the individual;
  • belonging to predators.

Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate neighbors: impressive in size and not shy. From the experience of aquaristics, for better compatibility and livability, one can single out arowana fish and catfish of the plecostomus species.

Basically, the red pacu is quite peaceful and gets along with other types of fish (except perhaps very small ones). But the risk is always there.

Breeding and features

By the age of two, piranha pacu reaches sexual maturity. In nature, the females lay eggs, which are fertilized by the male. The fry are growing fast.

However, captive breeding of this species of fish is combined with certain difficulties. There are few successful examples, and special injections are used to obtain offspring.

There are farms that breed pacu fish fry for aquariums. They are located in the Far East and in the natural range - South America.

Fish with human teeth

Pacu is a freshwater fish that originally lived in the rivers of the Amazon and Orinoco basins. Unlike the infamous predators - piranhas - the red pacu has a tooth structure similar to that of a human. They are also adapted for eating plant foods, even the shell of nuts lends itself to the powerful jaws of the pacu. However, cases of injury to people by this fish are not uncommon.

In the wild nature of the Amazon, the fish "works up" up to 30-40 kg of live weight, reaching a meter or more in length. Naturally, the bite of such a "monster" is fraught with consequences up to traumatic amputation.

The lack of control over fish farming has led to the fact that various types of piranhas have mastered freshwater reservoirs of other continents. Now you can find it:

  1. On the islands of the Caribbean.
  2. Rivers and lakes in North America.
  3. In Europe.
  4. On the islands of the Pacific.

The red pacu has a tooth structure similar to that of a human.

Irresponsible aquarium owners release their pets into the nearest body of water, and if the pack manages to acclimate, then it takes its niche, displacing native species.

After cases of attacks by "vegetarian" predators on swimmers became known, the authorities of some cities banned swimming in reservoirs where this fish was seen. And on the island of New Guinea, where the pacu, having settled down, feels "at home", it has become a serious threat to local fishermen. Among the Papuans, this species was called “ball katu”, which means “cutting off the genitals”.

When purchasing such an exotic and unsafe inhabitant of a home aquarium as a red pacu, the maintenance of which requires considerable experience and skill, you should critically evaluate your capabilities so that instead of a cute curiosity you do not get a dangerous neighbor.

Freshwater fish with pacu teeth - can beat the "drums". Don't believe? Read on!

The body of this fish is compressed laterally and has an oval shape. The coating is silvery scales of small size. The edge of the caudal fin is decorated with a black stripe, and the fins themselves and the underbelly of the pack are of a beautiful red color. The fins located on the chest of this fish are relatively small, but there are many of them. Of the total body weight, 10% is fat.

The body color of the pacu changes with age almost to black, the characteristic pattern becomes more pronounced and saturated. But looking into the mouth of the pack, you can be very surprised, because its teeth in appearance are practically no different from human teeth. Why nature awarded this fish, similar to many of its fellows, with such impressive teeth, is still a mystery.

In the wild, the weight of males is slightly inferior to the weight of females. Representatives of this species of fish can reach 25 kg, and they grow up to 90 cm in length. The maximum recorded weight of the caught pacu was 30 kg, and its length was 120 cm.


This freshwater fish is common in the Amazon, Orinoco and Paraguay river basins. Moreover, in size, it is considered the largest fish in the Amazon. This species is found in Peru, Bolivia, as well as in Honduras, Taiwan, USA, Panama, the Dominican Republic and the Philippines. In the last listed countries, it was imported.


As a rule, individuals of this species stay alone in streams overgrown with vegetation and areas with good depth. Juvenile pre-pubescent pacu prefer to swim in polluted river waters, where adults swim during the flood and rainy season to be thoroughly satiated.

Another interesting fact is that they are able to make sounds similar to hitting a drum or croaking when competitors appear and while eating.

pacu nutrition

Despite the fact that this species belongs to piranhas, they are not aggressive and various vegetation serves as food for them. The menu of young individuals includes zoological plankton, as well as a variety of insects, crustaceans, and snails. In addition, pacu can feast on seeds, fruits and nuts that attacked the water, which are crushed with powerful teeth.

A highly developed sense of smell helps her find the food she needs, so pacu are able to smell the exhaled smell of fruits even before they get into the river water.

pacu breeding

Under natural conditions, individuals of this species of piranha rise to spawn up the Amazon River. Having sailed into the flooded plains, pacu females spawn, which is colored greenish and has a size of one millimeter. After the eggs are fertilized, they develop very quickly.

Pacu spawning lasts for several months from December to April.

Pacu fish and man

Recently, this type of fish has become very popular among avid aquarists. In captivity, the fish are very shy and may even faint. They grow up to 45 - 60 cm and require an aquarium with a very large volume of water to keep them. For pacu feeding, not only plant foods are used in the form of lettuce, spinach leaves, dandelions, nettles, fruits, and peas, both fresh and canned, but also pieces of meat. Also do not refuse, feed in the form of granules, and