Iceberg lettuce: benefits and harms for women. Iceberg lettuce: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harm. Iceberg lettuce in home cosmetology

Today, perhaps, everyone knows what iceberg lettuce is. This is a type of lettuce, externally (even when cut) strongly reminiscent of white cabbage. The leaves are juicy and crispy (for a long time the salad was called “crispy”). It is used mainly as a base in salads, and also as a vitamin supplement for other light snacks and main dishes.

Iceberg lettuce: calories, nutritional value, vitamins and minerals

Calorie content of iceberg lettuce is minimal– only 14 kcal, energy value – proteins/fats/carbohydrates – 0.9/0.14/1.77. More than 95% of the salad consists of water (the more water in the leaves, the more crisp they are), the rest of the leaves are mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, ash and saturated fatty acids.

Like any other salad, iceberg is incredibly rich in vitamins. In addition to ascorbic acid, the leaves contain almost the entire “B-vitamin group” (except B12), vitamin E, vitamin A and its predecessor, beta-carotene. In addition, the salad contains phylloquinone (vitamin K), which stabilizes the functioning of almost all organs and systems.

The composition of micro- and macroelements in iceberg lettuce is also amazing. There is a lot of potassium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium necessary for the human body, and also present, although in smaller quantities, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium.

The salad is also rich in fiber, and its juice contains the alkaloid lactucin, which has a lot of medicinal properties.

Benefits of iceberg lettuce for the body

The beneficial properties of iceberg lettuce are obvious, because each of its constituent elements and vitamins performs an important function in the human body, and their balanced composition greatly enhances this effect.

Dietary fiber contained in iceberg puts metabolic processes in the body in order, normalizes the digestive system and intestines, helps absorb minerals and vitamins, and removes bad cholesterol from the body.

Eating green leaves improves vision and blood, and also, according to some data, suppresses the development of malignant cells.

The extremely positive effect that this product has on the central nervous system has been noted. Eating salad seriously helps to cope with severe nervous stress, stressful conditions, emotional imbalance, depression, insomnia and other nervous disorders.

Salad also has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, is a good prevention of strokes and heart attacks, and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The benefits of calcium contained in iceberg for our teeth and bones are well known.

Separately, it is worth saying that iceberg lettuce is hypoallergenic and low-calorie. It can be used at almost any age and for any condition (including diabetes and pregnancy). By the way, iceberg lettuce is highly recommended for nursing mothers to eat regularly, because it not only enriches milk with the nutrients and vitamins necessary for the baby, but also promotes its production.

Important! Vitamin B9 contained in the salad, more than many other vitamins, must be taken during pregnancy, since it is directly involved in the formation of the psyche and mental abilities of the child, as well as his skeleton.

If we sum it up, then benefits of iceberg lettuce for the body- This:
  1. Preserving your figure: the low calorie content of salad and its rich vitamin and mineral composition make it an excellent component for a healthy and dietary diet.
  2. Improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels: salad reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
  3. Strengthen the immune system: the antioxidants contained in lettuce counteract free radicals, which, in turn, are the main cause of damage to body cells
  4. Prevention of anemia: The main cause of this disease is iron deficiency, which can be replenished by regularly consuming iceberg lettuce.
  5. Stabilizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: salad has a universal effect on the digestive organs - it is indicated for both constipation and diarrhea. Helps get rid of heartburn.
  6. Stimulates brain function and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system: a huge number of nervous disorders are directly related to magnesium deficiency, and the need for this element increases the more the greater emotional stress a person experiences. And vitamin B9, which is part of iceberg lettuce, is sometimes called the “hormone of female happiness.”

How to choose the right iceberg lettuce when purchasing

Like any head lettuce, a “correct” iceberg should be symmetrical, “knocked down” and not fall apart into separate leaves. The ideal weight for salad is a little less than 0.5 kg. The leaves should look fresh and juicy and light green in color. Limp, dry, damaged, and even more so rotten leaves are a reason to put the head of cabbage back on the store shelf. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the color of the stalk when cut: if it is darkened, the salad is stale.

Important! The density of a head of iceberg lettuce indicates its maturity, but the measure is important here: if the lettuce is so “woody” that it cannot be distinguished from winter cabbage, it means that the harvest was harvested too late, such a lettuce has already lost its taste.

Iceberg lettuce, like other lettuces, is often sold pre-cut and vacuum-sealed. Of course, this option is very convenient for those who are constantly short of free time, and this product can be stored a little longer. And yet, when purchasing “cuts,” you cannot be sure of the original quality of the product, in particular that the fresh-looking leaves were not cut from a half-rotten head of cabbage, and it is completely unrealistic to examine each leaf through the packaging. The risk of purchasing a stale product thus increases greatly, so this option is only possible when you know the brand well and completely trust it.

Storage rules

The shelf life of iceberg lettuce is slightly longer than that of leaf lettuce, and directly depends on temperature.

Did you know? This salad owes its current name precisely to its ability to retain its qualities at low temperatures - previously it was stored in ice, which is why ice (English ice - ice) and a little later - iceberg appeared. Another name for the salad is ice mountain.

Self-respecting manufacturers guarantee preservation of the quality of the salad for five days if stored at a temperature of two to five degrees, and two days at a temperature of five to eight.

In fact, many housewives manage to keep the leaves of this salad fresh for a month if it is well dried and loosely packed in plastic wrap or a bag. Sometimes you can come across a recommendation to wrap the salad in a damp cloth and only then put it in a bag, but this method is fundamentally wrong, because any greens are best preserved only when they are perfectly dry.

You can store the salad in a glass container, after cutting it into 2-4 parts, but this way the product will keep its freshness for no more than a week.

Salad is not a product that is recommended to be frozen for the winter. Of course, if you have collected an incredibly large harvest of lettuce at your dacha and cannot eat it in a matter of days, you can try freezing; the salad will retain its beneficial properties, but will completely lose its visual appeal and crispy taste. Therefore, you still need to eat the salad fresh; fortunately, it can be purchased in stores throughout the year.

Iceberg lettuce in cooking: what it goes with

Iceberg is practically tasteless, which nevertheless does not prevent the leaves of this salad from being widely used in cooking. Most often they act as the “green part” of vegetable, meat or fish salads, but there are also more exotic options.

For example, you can put a prepared appetizer into a whole leaf of iceberg lettuce, using the leaf as a utensil (due to its firmer structure than other lettuces, iceberg copes well with this role). As a “packaging” material, lettuce leaves are also used to make original rolls, diet pancakes (an excellent solution for those watching their figure) and even cabbage rolls, in which iceberg replaces cabbage leaves.

In main dishes, iceberg usually plays the role of decoration when serving and at the same time serves as a light garnish.

Benefits of using iceberg in salads:

  • iceberg makes the portion visually larger, filling the dish not with calories, but with vitamins;
  • iceberg is denser than regular leaf lettuce, so it can replace cabbage while maintaining a neutral taste and without overpowering the main ingredients;
  • Iceberg is suitable for appetizers with mayonnaise or sour cream dressings, while most other salads are too light for such a sauce.

Did you know? The basis of the famous Caesar salad in the original recipe is Roman lettuce leaves. However, recently more and more chefs are beginning to replace this seemingly essential ingredient with iceberg lettuce leaves. This decision, they say, is not motivated by the desire to save money, but by the fact that iceberg leaves, soaked in dressing, retain a crispy taste, while Roman lettuce withers and “floats”, as a result the dish loses its taste and visual appeal, which is not what you want allow no restaurateur.

Thanks to its neutral taste Iceberg lettuce is absolutely universal in terms of combination with other products.. It goes equally well with vegetables, boiled eggs and cheese (especially Parmesan and cheddar), mushrooms, any type of meat and poultry (including smoked), as well as fish (raw, salted, smoked, boiled, canned) and seafood.

For satiety, you can add boiled rice, crispy croutons or mushrooms to salads with iceberg, and fruits (pear, apple, canned or fresh pineapple, citrus fruits) for originality. Pine nuts will add piquancy to the salads, and cherry tomatoes will add brightness. In a word, there are no restrictions for imagination here, and it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

As for the dressing, as already mentioned, iceberg can easily “withstand” mayonnaise, but if we care about our health and waistline, it is better to use something lighter instead - yogurt or olive oil (which can be “beaten up” by adding lemon juice, soy sauce, French mustard, wine, balsamic, crushed garlic, herbs and other goodies).

Important! To avoid oxidation and to make the dish more authentic, cooks recommend casually tearing the lettuce leaves into not too small pieces with your hands, instead of cutting them with a knife.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Enough has already been said above about the numerous beneficial properties of salad. It is not surprising that the product has found application in medicine, not only folk, but also traditional.

Doctors are happy to recommend eating salad for emotional disorders, problems with the intestines and blood vessels, surges in blood pressure, gastritis and ulcers, as well as during pregnancy (in addition to being a source of vitamins, iceberg lettuce removes excess fluid from the body, and therefore helps fight swelling, which very often accompanies pregnancy and can greatly damage the health of the expectant mother, causing the development of heart disease, kidney disease, etc.).

The salad is also indicated for anemia and problems with excess weight.

The use of iceberg lettuce in cosmetology is due to its chemical composition. For example, magnesium present in the product promotes the production of collagen, and therefore improves the color and general condition of the skin, prevents premature wrinkles, and has a positive effect on the quality of nails and hair.

Masks and applications made from iceberg lettuce leaves saturate our skin with beneficial elements, heal and nourish it. To strengthen your hair and reduce its oiliness, it is recommended to rinse it with juice squeezed from this salad.


There are practically no contraindications to eating iceberg lettuce. Theoretically, one can assume the possibility of individual intolerance of the body to any component included in the salad (for example, an allergy to ascorbic acid), but in general this happens so rarely that such a possibility can be ignored.

Iceberg lettuce looks very similar to a head of white cabbage, but its taste with a slight bitterness is reminiscent of a lettuce leaf or scientifically called aficion lettuce.

A distinctive characteristic of this vegetable crop is the unique crunch of the leaves, which attracts the attention of consumers. We will talk about the benefits of this popular product, its properties and composition in this article.

Calorie content and chemical composition

First of all, it is worth mentioning what the composition of BZHU is and how many calories an iceberg has.

Per 100 gram serving it contains:

  • proteins - 0.9 g;
  • fat - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.8 g.

The energy value is only 13 kcal, which justifies its very high popularity among people who adhere to dietary and proper nutrition. The lettuce leaf contains 96% water. At the same time, iceberg has a sufficient amount of useful substances and vitamins.

For example, it contains:

  • vitamins C, A, K, group B, among which it is important to note B4 (choline), beta-carotene, retinol;
  • folic acid, trace amounts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and copper, zinc, selenium and iron;
  • disaccharides, polysaccharides, saturated fatty acids, phytoncides;
  • It is also valuable because it is rich in fiber and dietary fiber, because they contribute to weight loss.

What are the benefits of iceberg lettuce?

When listing the benefits of this vegetable for the human body, it is important to note the following beneficial properties:

Is it possible to eat

The wide popularity of iceberg in folk and traditional medicine is obvious due to the rich composition of nutrients of this vegetable crop.
Many healthy nutrition experts recommend including this product in every person’s daily diet, as it has a positive effect on the functioning of many systems and organs.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother pays especially close attention to her diet, since her diet significantly affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. Food should be wholesome and healthy, without extra calories.

The substances that make up iceberg have a beneficial effect on the health of the unborn baby, providing the developing body with a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

Did you know? The higher the percentage of water in iceberg leaves, the crispier they will taste.

Folic acid and B vitamins are responsible for proper intrauterine formation and development. Also, eating the leaves of this salad helps to remove excess fluid and eliminate swelling, which often occurs during pregnancy.
To feed the baby after childbirth, the mother also needs to follow a certain diet, taking care of the baby’s healthy and nutritious diet. Iceberg helps increase lactation and does not cause allergic reactions in newborns.

However, to increase the amount of mother's milk, you will need to eat not only the leaves, but preferably an infusion from the seeds of this plant.

For pancreatitis, gastritis

The dietary fiber of this vegetable is indispensable for the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterologists recommend including iceberg in the diet for chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, as well as gastric ulcers.

For diabetes

Nutrition in this disease must be constantly monitored. Iceberg leaves can not only diversify the food of people suffering from this disease, but also significantly improve their well-being by enriching the body with a lot of useful substances.

For gout

One of the few restrictions associated with eating this salad is gout. People with this disease should be careful about eating this vegetable crop.

Contraindications and harm

The list of restrictions associated with vegetables is very small, first of all:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • acute form of colitis and enterocolitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gout.

Important! You cannot eat exclusively iceberg lettuce during fasting days and diets, since the body will accept such food as stress, as a result of the lack of a number of enzymes in the vegetable necessary for a healthy digestive process.

In many ways, this list can be explained by the presence of a certain bitterness in the taste of the vegetable plant.

What can be prepared from it

Culinary experts appreciate iceberg lettuce due to characteristics such as:

  • crispy leaf that cannot be confused with any other salad plant;
  • bitterness, which gives the vegetable a specific and easily recognizable taste;
  • juiciness and density, which make it possible to successfully use the leaves for decorating dishes, as well as as utensils for serving snacks.

Important! Lettuce leaves are best used fresh whole, used as a serving element, or chopped as one of the components of an appetizer, salad or main dish. When heat treated, the leaves lose 60% of their benefits.

As a rule, modern chefs use iceberg in preparing snacks and salads. The most advantageous combinations of its combination with other food products are chicken, mushrooms, eggs, and beans.

Iceberg lettuce is a healthy and dietary food product that does not cause allergies and has virtually no disadvantages.
It is recommended for consumption by children, pregnant women and people with pathologies of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract due to its vitamin and mineral composition.

The benefits of iceberg lettuce are undeniable: the juicy leaves contain vitamins and minerals that promote digestion and support immunity. Meat, fish, cheese dishes and snacks are prepared with iceberg; Wikipedia writes about this salad.

Origin of the product and composition features

People ate juicy green leaves 2 thousand years ago. The vegetable was cultivated in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.

What does the salad look like and what can you replace it with? Lettuce or lettuce comes in two varieties - leaf and head. From the names it is clear that the leafy one grows in separate leaves, while the cabbage one gathers into a fork, reminiscent of cabbage. Iceberg is a head variety of lettuce and was developed in the USA. It received its unusual name because of the storage conditions: ice was used to extend the “life” of the leaves and maintain their freshness.

Each variety of lettuce - romaine (Romano), Boston, iceberg, red lettuce - has its own distinctive taste characteristics. Some leaves are pleasantly bitter, others are more juicy and watery, and others are resistant to high temperatures. Iceberg has crisp, dense leaves and a neutral taste, so it goes well with meat, spicy and salty dishes.

Calorie content

The issue of energy value concerns everyone who counts calories and adheres to a diet. From this point of view, iceberg is superior to many products. The quantitative combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in 100 g of product is reflected in the table. How many calories are in a salad?

Table - Ratio of BJU in lettuce leaves

Iceberg lettuce contains only 14 kcal. The leaves contain a large amount of water - approximately 95%. The rest is fiber, which contains dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements. Therefore, iceberg is an ideal product for those who want to get a slim figure and care about personal and family health.


Nutritionists advise pregnant women to include green leaves in their diet. The vegetable contains the necessary substances for the normal development of the fetus. An iceberg will help a nursing mother recover after childbirth, cope with physical and mental stress, and get in shape. However, it is recommended to introduce the product gradually, about a month after the baby is born. Children can be given salad from the age of two.

Green leaves stimulate mental activity, improve digestion, increase hemoglobin levels, so they will be useful for schoolchildren, students, people suffering from anemia and diabetes. The content of active substances and beneficial properties of iceberg lettuce are reflected in the table.

Table - Composition and beneficial properties of iceberg lettuce

SubstanceEffect on the body
Folic acid- Prevents cancer;
- helps build the body (important during intrauterine development);
- has a positive effect on the nervous system;
- stimulates performance;
- supports the immune system;
- participates in hematopoiesis
Vitamin C- Strengthens teeth, gums, hair, nails;
- makes the skin firm and elastic;
- supports immunity;
- has a positive effect on the circulatory system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- participates in protein synthesis
B vitamins- Have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improve mood, maintain tone;
- stimulate the digestive tract;
- strengthen the immune system;
- improve metabolism
Vitamin K- Necessary for blood clotting;
- participates in protein synthesis;
- forms and restores bones;
- normalizes kidney function
Vitamin E- Strengthens the immune system;
- reduces blood sugar;
- maintains performance;
- improves blood circulation;
- restores the structure of skin, hair, nails
Vitamin A- Has a beneficial effect on vision and eye structure;
- strengthens nails and hair;
- prevents the appearance of tumors;
- supports immunity;
- improves blood circulation
Choline (vitamin B4)- Regulates the level of insulin in the blood;
- has a beneficial effect on liver function;
- participates in metabolism
Potassium- Maintains the acid-base balance of the body;
- prevents seizures;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels
Sodium- Maintains the balance of acid and alkali;
- promotes the production of gastric juice;
- stimulates the pancreas
Phosphorus- Strengthens bones and muscles;
- promotes mental activity;
- participates in metabolism
Selenium- Is a constituent element of most chemical compounds in the body;
- regulates metabolism;
- participates in protein synthesis

...and harm

Despite the fact that salad contains many useful and necessary substances for the body (for example, the amount of folic acid meets the daily requirement), you should follow the consumption limit.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, the leaves contain latex - the milky sap of rubber plants. Most of the juice is in the stems. Latex slows down metabolism and has a relaxing effect (the juice was used to make sleeping pills and pain relievers).

If the product is consumed excessively, a person experiences discomfort associated with digestion. This manifests itself in heaviness and gas formation. If you already have problems with the digestive system, then you should limit the amount of salad in your daily diet. In any case, you should not exceed the daily dose and consume vegetables in kilograms.

To enjoy the taste and get all the beneficial substances of the product, you should know how to properly store iceberg lettuce. Leaves are afraid of high temperatures, so the best place for storage is the refrigerator. The plant is kept in pieces in a tightly closed container. To preserve the freshness of a whole head of cabbage, you need to wrap the vegetable in a damp cloth. In this form, the salad will not spoil for up to ten days.

Iceberg lettuce recipes: 10 original options

When thinking about what you can cook with iceberg lettuce, the average person will remember a juicy hamburger with a green leaf peeking out from under the patty. Iceberg fits well into sandwiches, burgers, tacos and wraps (such as pita bread), adding freshness to the meat filling. Iceberg goes well with dairy products, salted fish, vegetables, and flour products.

Weight-conscious and healthy eating chefs know that iceberg is a good addition to any vegetable, fruit or meat salad. Next is a selection of popular recipes with green leaves.


Description . Marinated or fresh seafood goes well with vegetables. Delicious salad with plenty of protein and iodine is a good choice as a light and healthy snack on a buffet table.


  • sea ​​cocktail (squid, mussels, octopus, shrimp) - 150 g;
  • iceberg - four leaves;
  • avocado - one piece;
  • tomato - one piece;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • Chili pepper pod - half;
  • parsley, arugula - to taste;
  • olive oil - two to three tablespoons;
  • spices.


  1. Wash all vegetables and leave to dry.
  2. Peel the avocado, cut, remove the pit and cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the tomato into cubes.
  4. Drain the marinade from the jar of seafood cocktail and cut the contents into strips.
  5. Tear or chop the arugula leaves.
  6. Mix all chopped ingredients in a salad bowl.
  7. Squeeze a clove of garlic and chili pepper into the mixture.
  8. Fill with oil.
  9. Tear the iceberg into pieces and place on a serving plate.
  10. Place the prepared mixture on top.

With shrimp

Description . You can prepare a salad with shrimp and iceberg lettuce to your liking. For piquancy and aroma, add red onion, hot pepper, basil, arugula, and pine nuts. Pears, tangerines, and mangoes add a sweetish taste. The finished salad can be sprinkled with lemon. If you are using fresh shrimp (not marinated), it is recommended to fry them first with a little oil.


  • iceberg - 200 g;
  • large shrimp - 12 pieces;
  • cucumbers - 250 g;
  • tomatoes - 250 g;
  • mozzarella in brine - 200 g;
  • olive, sesame or sunflower oil - two tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - half a teaspoon;
  • spices.


  1. Boil the shrimp, cool, peel and cut into several pieces.
  2. Wash and coarsely chop the cucumbers.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, just cut small tomatoes in half.
  4. Chop the iceberg into small pieces.
  5. Mix the chopped products in one bowl.
  6. Drain the brine and add the cheese balls.
  7. Add oil and soy sauce and season.


Description . Salad recipes with iceberg lettuce give free rein to the imagination of vegetarians. Iceberg salad can be varied with fruits (pear, orange, pineapple), pieces of toast, nuts and seeds (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower seeds). Lingonberries or cranberries will add a pleasant sour taste. Dressing also depends on personal preference - lime or lemon juice, soy sauce, sesame or flaxseed oil.


  • cabbage (white or Chinese) - 300 g;
  • iceberg leaves - 200 g;
  • bell pepper - one piece;
  • tomatoes - two pieces;
  • fresh cucumbers - two pieces;
  • parsley, arugula - to taste;
  • pine nuts - 100 g;
  • lemon - half;
  • olive oil - two to three tablespoons;
  • seasonings


  1. Chop the cabbage into thin strips.
  2. Clean out the seeds and cut the pepper into strips.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.
  4. Chop the cucumbers into strips.
  5. Tear lettuce, arugula, and parsley leaves with your hands.
  6. Toast the pine nuts over low heat for one to two minutes.
  7. Mix all ingredients.
  8. Squeeze lemon juice, add oil and season.

Cooks of all stripes continue to argue about how to properly cut lettuce leaves. It is recommended to tear it with your hands rather than chop it with a knife. Allegedly, the metal oxidizes the juice, which loses its beneficial properties. It is also believed that chopped leaves are stored less quickly - they quickly wither and become unsightly. (Another reason to tear salad with your hands is aesthetics. Torn leaves look airy and beautiful on the plate.


Description . The classic recipe always includes chicken and dried bread. Every gourmet prepares salad in his own way, but few can do without iceberg.


  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • lettuce leaves - three or four pieces;
  • boiled egg - two pieces;
  • Parmesan or Gouda - 50 g;
  • crackers or fried pieces of loaf - one glass;
  • garlic clove - two pieces;
  • mayonnaise - five tablespoons.


  1. Boil chicken for half an hour.
  2. Coarsely chop the fillet.
  3. Grate the Parmesan.
  4. Tear the iceberg leaves.
  5. Squeeze out a clove of garlic.
  6. Mix fillet with salad, bread, garlic.
  7. Season and add salt.
  8. Garnish with egg halves.
  9. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top.


Description . Another salad recipe with iceberg leaves and chicken. Despite the impressive composition, it cooks quite quickly. All ingredients are prepared while the meat is fried and marinated. To make the tangerine slices juicier, it is recommended to remove the film from them. If desired, you can reduce the amount of sugar in the sauce to taste, and also add garlic or hot pepper.


  • chicken breast - 100-150 g;
  • iceberg leaves - 80 g;
  • romaine leaves - 80 g;
  • parmesan - one tablespoon;
  • red cabbage - 10 g;
  • radishes - three pieces;
  • carrots - one piece;
  • tomatoes - one piece;
  • tangerine slices - 10-12 pieces;
  • green onions, cilantro - a small bunch;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • green pepper - one piece;
  • sugar - one glass;
  • dried basil - a pinch;
  • lime - one piece;
  • sunflower oil - five tablespoons;
  • vinegar - two tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - five tablespoons;
  • spices, seasonings.


  1. Lightly pound the chicken, season and fry in a pan.
  2. Prepare the chicken marinade: mix cilantro, garlic, sugar, green pepper, soy sauce, lime juice, oil by hand or in a blender.
  3. Cut the chicken into strips, pour the resulting sauce over it and leave for an hour and a half.
  4. Cut radishes and carrots into slices.
  5. Shred lettuce and cabbage.
  6. Cut the tomato into cubes.
  7. Chop the onion.
  8. Grate the Parmesan cheese on a fine grater.
  9. Mix all crushed ingredients together.
  10. Add a spoonful of oil, sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper.
  11. Place the salad on serving plates and garnish with tangerine slices.
  12. Place pieces of meat on top and serve.


Description . A salad with a “masculine” character without unnecessary frills will not leave gourmets who love a hearty meal indifferent. Peas and corn can be used either canned or fresh (thawed). For spiciness, it is recommended to add fresh chili pepper.


  • ham (smoked or dried meat) - 300 g;
  • lettuce leaves - several pieces;
  • onion - one piece;
  • sweet pepper (yellow or red) - 150 g;
  • corn in a jar - 100 g;
  • canned peas - 100 g;
  • apple cider vinegar - one tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - three to four tablespoons;
  • spices.


  1. Cut the bell pepper into strips.
  2. Cut the meat into small cubes.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into eight pieces.
  4. Drain the corn and peas in a colander.
  5. Pick iceberg leaves.
  6. Mix all ingredients.
  7. Mix the oil and vinegar, season and dress the salad.
  8. Garnish with a parsley leaf.

Iceberg in a salad quickly loses its shape. To prevent the leaves from “floating” and losing their beautiful appearance, it is recommended to chop them and add them last. After this, the dish is seasoned and immediately served.

With tomatoes and salmon

Description . You can salt salmon or pink salmon yourself. Fish goes well with tomatoes and lemon juice (you can also add small slices of lemon to the salad). You can use apple cider vinegar instead of juice. It is recommended to add olives, pine nuts or sesame seeds.


  • iceberg - several leaves;
  • lightly salted salmon - 100 g;
  • boiled quail egg - eight pieces;
  • cherry - 15-20 pieces;
  • arugula, dill - to taste;
  • olive oil - two to three tablespoons;
  • fresh lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • seasonings


  1. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  2. Cut the salmon into pieces and lightly sprinkle with lemon.
  3. Prepare the sauce: beat the oil, juice, and herbs by hand or using a blender.
  4. Tear the iceberg into large pieces or leave it whole and place on a plate.
  5. Place pieces of fish, half eggs and tomatoes on top.
  6. Pour over the sauce and serve.

With tuna

Description . A hearty and simple salad for fish lovers. If desired, add cucumber slices, egg slices, hot pepper, green onions, and sesame seeds. Lemon or lime juice, sour cream or mustard are suitable as a dressing.


  • tuna in oil - one can;
  • iceberg - one fork;
  • red onion - one piece;
  • tomatoes - two pieces;
  • salt, seasonings, spices.


  1. Wash and tear the lettuce into pieces.
  2. Place the leaves on a plate.
  3. Drain excess oil from canned food.
  4. If necessary, cut the contents into pieces and place small pieces on the iceberg.
  5. Dice the tomatoes and place on top of the fish.
  6. Cut the onion into rings and place on top.

With mushrooms and pineapples

Description . Pickled champignons with pineapple add a sweet and sour flavor. Instead of champignons, you can use honey mushrooms. You should also try the option with fresh champignons (fried and stewed longer than marinated ones).


  • can of pineapples - one piece (200 g);
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 g;
  • iceberg - one fork;
  • smoked chicken leg - two pieces;
  • onions - one piece;
  • crispbread or crackers - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - two tablespoons;
  • sour cream - three tablespoons.


  1. Remove the skin from the ham and separate the meat from the bones.
  2. Cut the meat and pineapples into small pieces.
  3. Chop the onion and fry in oil until golden brown.
  4. Add the champignons to the onions and fry for five minutes.
  5. Tear the lettuce leaves.
  6. Mix all ingredients.
  7. Add the bread.
  8. Season with sour cream and serve.

Wine with basil

Description . A refreshing light salad in wine sauce goes well as an appetizer with spaghetti. If desired, you can make do with just wine without adding vinegar.


  • iceberg - one fork;
  • gouda - 200 g;
  • dry white wine - one tablespoon;
  • tomatoes - two pieces;
  • cucumber - one piece;
  • fresh basil - 10 g;
  • onion - half;
  • water - 50 g;
  • vinegar - one tablespoon;
  • sugar - one teaspoon;
  • sesame or linseed oil - two tablespoons;
  • seasonings, spices.


  1. Dice the vegetables.
  2. Chop half of the onion.
  3. Tear the salad into large pieces.
  4. Cut the cheese into cubes.
  5. Chop the basil.
  6. Mix the crushed products.
  7. Prepare the sauce: pour water, wine, vinegar into one container, add spices, sugar and stir.
  8. Season with sauce.

Iceberg leaves can be added to soup instead of cabbage. Due to the dense and juicy structure of the salad, the difference will be almost unnoticeable. Cream soup, gazpacho and even borscht are prepared with iceberg. However, it is worth considering that when cooked, the vegetable loses most of its beneficial properties.

Recipes with iceberg lettuce will please the whole family. Light, fresh leaves make for a healthy and beautiful snack. Any salad will be transformed if you place it on iceberg leaves folded in a fan. Remember to thoroughly rinse and dry each leaf on a napkin before eating.

The variety of types of green salad has no boundaries: the tender and juicy pulp of some, the activation of the immune system and improved digestion of others, the pleasant taste and a storehouse of vitamins and microelements of others.

Iceberg lettuce is one of the most popular salads in the world. It is ideal for those who are trying to reduce their weight or simply adhere to healthy eating rules.

The benefits and harms of Iceberg lettuce is a question that should be carefully considered for a correct understanding of the proposed product.

Iceberg lettuce - unique appearance

Iceberg is a representative of the head-leaf type of lettuce. As you can see in the photo of Iceberg lettuce, it looks like a small white cabbage.

The vegetable leaves are very juicy and crispy. Salad is a healthy dietary product, regular consumption of which has a beneficial effect on the body.

Chemical composition of Iceberg

Juicy lettuce leaves are considered one of the lowest in calories among similar green vegetables. At the same time, they improve human health and are also considered an excellent means for the prevention of many diseases.

The plant contains a large amount of vitamins, in particular vitamin A, K, C, E and some from group B (thiamine, B6, as well as folic acid).

Tender lettuce leaves contain potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and iodine. The salad is rich in healthy fiber, dietary fiber and natural protein.

Almost all salads, including the Iceberg variety, have a glycemic index of 15, but since it has a minimum of calories, the glycemic load of the plant is 0. This is important for patients with diabetes and those who want to normalize their weight.

What benefits does Iceberg lettuce bring?

The benefits of Iceberg lettuce for the body are invaluable - its low calorie content and rich chemical composition make the plant an excellent component of the human diet.

It is difficult to list all the beneficial properties of garden vegetables, here are the main ones:

  • improving the activity of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease;
  • strengthening the body's defenses, counteracting free radicals;
  • prevention of anemia;
  • stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract, positive effect on the digestive process: doctors recommend consuming Iceberg lettuce both for chronic constipation and indigestion;
  • The beneficial composition of the plant stimulates brain activity and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.

Most nervous disorders are associated with a lack of magnesium in the body, which can be replenished by eating a few leaves of lettuce daily.

In addition to nourishing the skin with beneficial components, the plant helps maintain optimal water balance of the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Possible contraindications

The only contraindication for Iceberg lettuce is individual intolerance to the product.

Some people experience bitterness, heartburn, or discomfort in the area of ​​the liver and pancreas when eating salad.

Patients with gout, enterocolitis and urolithiasis should eat dishes with salad with caution.

Pregnancy and iceberg lettuce

Also, the fiber and water contained in the plant prevent constipation and normalize intestinal motility, problems with which often plague pregnant women.

Does the composition of salad affect breast milk?

Lactation is not a reason to refuse to eat dietary and healthy salad. The only condition is that Iceberg can be introduced into the diet of nursing mothers only after the baby is 1 month old. During this period, the child’s digestion process more or less returns to normal.

In most cases, infants do not experience any side effects, so nursing mothers can and should eat this healthy salad.

Iceberg salad has a completely neutral taste and is easily combined with many other products: cheese, mushrooms, vegetables, meat and various seafood.

Students and people with increased mental overload, men and women with extra pounds, pregnant and lactating women and everyone who prefers to eat healthy and tasty should pay attention to this product.

Iceberg lettuce lovers have strong immunity, mental balance and a slender body.

Iceberg lettuce photo

How much does Iceberg Salad cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Iceberg salad outwardly very similar to white cabbage, therefore, when buying it in the supermarket in the self-service section, many often confuse them. And in taste it is very similar to lettuce, only it has a pleasant crunch, which is completely unusual for the latter.

The beneficial properties of Iceberg lettuce have found their application in cooking, where it takes pride of place among the main ingredients of various salads. It is advisable to consume the salad raw, since during heat treatment almost all vegetables lose more than 60% of their inherent beneficial properties.

In fact, Iceberg lettuce is relatively neutral in taste, so it goes well with any ingredients. You can cut it into cubes, strips, or simply spread out the leaf halves. Smoked meat, poultry, boiled pork, boiled eggs with this salad result in wonderful and nutritious dishes.

Due to the fact that the leaves of this salad are quite dense and crispy, in cooking they are often used as mini-plates for serving salads and cold appetizers. Iceberg lettuce can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, because it is the only type of lettuce that is not at all afraid of the cold. The low calorie content of Iceberg lettuce (15 kcal per 100 grams of greens) means that it is perfect for fasting days.

Benefits of Iceberg lettuce

Any type of salad contains a huge amount of useful substances. The benefits of Iceberg lettuce are also beyond doubt, because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. By the way, lettuce leaves have a bitter taste due to a substance called the alkaloid lactucin.

With regular consumption of Iceberg lettuce, blood composition improves, metabolism in the body is regulated, and there is a high probability of losing extra pounds.

The beneficial properties of Iceberg lettuce are due to a considerable amount of folic acid, which is necessary to strengthen the nervous system, helping with stress, depression and emotional disorders. The benefits of Iceberg lettuce are revealed in its beneficial effect on the nervous system, which is why doctors recommend consuming it for insomnia. To increase the amount of milk, nursing mothers are advised to take an infusion of Iceberg lettuce seeds. But the juice of the leaves of this plant is very useful as cosmetic masks, as it strengthens the hair.

The harm of iceberg lettuce

The only contraindication to the use of this food product may be personal intolerance to the substances that are included in its composition. But such cases are very rare, and therefore the harm of Iceberg lettuce is minimal and practically unknown.

What is iceberg lettuce video