Avocado salads without mayonnaise. Avocado salad: the most successful and delicious recipes. Delicious salad with avocado and chicken

Have you ever asked yourself whether avocado is a fruit or a vegetable? It seems that meat salads are prepared with it, but it grows on a tree like an ordinary fruit. Inside the fruit there is a rather large seed, which you will not find in vegetables.

But it is not at all sweet, and does not taste at all like aromatic juicy fruit. Plus it's too oily and filling. This is an interesting plant that is difficult to classify into any specific category.

And yet it is classified as a fruit. Although this does not prevent it from being used in numerous dishes as a vegetable. And all because it goes well with meat, chicken, fish and seafood. It also makes excellent friends with all vegetables and fruits.

Recently, it is often used in the preparation of salads and snacks. Therefore, today I offer a selection of such dishes. They can be prepared both on weekdays and on holidays.

This option can be prepared in just a few minutes. And the result will be such that the resulting dish will not even be ashamed to be served in a restaurant.

We will need: (for 2 servings)

  • avocado – 1 piece
  • canned tuna – 1 can
  • onion – 0.5 pcs.
  • parsley, dill – 0.5 bunch
  • lemon – 1/4 part


1. The first thing we will need to do is pickle the onions. To make the dish look most impressive, use red onion. In addition, it is not as bitter as usual, and one might even say it is slightly sweet. Therefore, for our dish today this will be what we need. Although, of course, regular onions can also be used.

The onion must be cut into short “feathers”. To do this, you need to cut half the onion into two more halves and cut not so that you get half rings, but like this (see photo). At the same time, the thinner you cut it, the less it will be felt in the salad. I managed to cut it 1 mm thick, but this required a very sharp knife.

2. Place the onion “feathers” into a deep cup and squeeze lemon juice onto them. Stir and leave to marinate. This won't take much time. 10 minutes will be enough. And during this time we will prepare all the other ingredients.

3. Cut the avocado into two halves and carefully remove the pit. If there are scales left in the place where it was located, remove them.

4. Peel the skin. If it is dry, then it can be cleaned simply by picking it up with a knife. If the skin is fresh, then it needs to be peeled simply by cutting it very thinly.

Cut off the skin in a very thin layer. Under it there is a large number of useful vitamins and microelements.

5. Now we need to extract the pulp, while we will need to leave a “boat” from the fruit. We will serve the finished dish in it.

To do this and get a neat shape, you need to mark the edge with a sharp knife. I leave it about 5mm thick. I make a small cut all over the fruit and then scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon.

These are the “boats” you should end up with.

6. Cut the pulp into cubes. Place them in a bowl. Add pickled onions there. If it has released a lot of juice, you can squeeze it out slightly. I didn't get a lot of juice, so I put the onions as they are.

In addition, it seemed to me that there was no need to pour out the lemon juice. It will give additional taste and aroma to our dish.

7. Chop the greens. You can only use parsley, but I also used dill. I love its smell, combined with the aroma of our exotic fruit.

Add the greens to the bowl and stir.

8. Drain the oil and excess liquid from the tuna. It is good to use tuna for salads. It has already been crushed to the desired state, and is also well soaked in oil and its own juice. This means that the filling will not turn out dry.

Mix the resulting mass.

9. Fill the molds, laying out the contents as tightly and completely as possible. Let there be such a good hill. There is no need to compact the top; it will create additional volume.

That's all, it turned out very beautiful.

For decoration, I decided to use persimmon. It will add bright color to our dish. In addition, the taste and taste go well with all the ingredients.

Needless to say, I still have some salad left. Approximately enough for one mold. It can be placed in tartlets (there will be two of them), and it will also be very beautiful.

By the way, we also made a video on how to prepare a salad using this recipe.

As you can see, there are no difficulties in preparation. Everything is very simple, fast, and at the same time beautiful and impressive!

The video was filmed specifically for our blog, and if you like our recipes, subscribe to our channel. We are always glad to see you!

How to make salad with avocado, shrimp and chicken

A very tasty and original dish can be prepared in such an interesting combination.

We will need:

  • avocado – 1 piece
  • chicken fillet – 70 g
  • shrimp – 70 gr
  • banana – 0.5 pcs
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • greens - for serving

For refueling:

  • yogurt – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • Dijon or Bavarian mustard – 1 teaspoon
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Boil chicken fillet in salted water. For taste and aroma, you can add peppercorns and bay leaves to the broth. Then remove from the broth, cool and cut into small cubes.

2. Also boil the shrimp in salted water for 2 - 3 minutes. Then drain the water, let cool slightly and peel them from the shell.

3. Cut the avocado into two halves and remove the pit.

Carefully trim the edge with a knife to leave an edge approximately 0.4 cm thick. Then remove all the pulp using a spoon. You should get two neat “boats” that will become a form for the contents.

4. Cut the pulp into cubes and place in a bowl.

5. Also cut the banana.

Add to bowl. Sprinkle with lemon juice and stir. This will keep the fruit from browning.

6. Add chicken to the fruit.

7. Prepare the dressing. To do this, mix plain yogurt, lemon juice, olive oil and mustard in a separate bowl. It's better if it's grainy. Add a little salt.

8. Season the resulting mass with sauce. Then fill the “boats” with it. Fill it to form a mound.

9. Decorate the top with shrimp, herbs and can be decorated with bright bell peppers.

10. Place on a plate sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Let stand for 15 - 20 minutes so that all the ingredients are saturated with the dressing juice. Then serve.

The delicate combination of banana with buttery avocado and original sauce resulted in the same original taste.

Delicious salad with shrimp and cherry tomatoes

10. Place the tomato halves on it.

11. Then onions and shrimp.

12. And we still have avocado and cheese left. First, lay out our chopped fruit, and then sprinkle everything with cheese.

13. Mix the dressing again and pour it over the entire contents.

Now the dish can be served and treated to guests. As you can see, it turned out bright and beautiful. Therefore, it certainly will not go unnoticed. And when they try it, they will certainly reach for more.

Avocado vegetable salad with chicken and mayonnaise

We will need:

  • avocado – 1 piece
  • chicken breast – 200 gr
  • cheese – 70 gr
  • bell pepper – 1 piece
  • tomato – 1 – 2 pcs.
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • greens – parsley, dill
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt - to taste


1. Boil chicken breast in salted water. Then take it out, let it cool and dry. Cut into not very large cubes.

2. Also cut fresh cucumber and bell pepper into cubes. Pre-clean the pepper from seeds and stalks.

Place everything in a bowl.

3. It is better to choose a strong tomato so that when cutting it does not break into small fragments. Cut it into cubes the same size as the rest of the ingredients. If the fruit is small, then you can take another one and cut it too.

Today I'm breaking this rule a little. I have leftover “centers” from the “Boat” salad (it will be a little lower), so I use them. Don't let the goodness go to waste.

Add everything to the total mass.

4. Cut the avocado into two halves and remove the pit. Peel the skin and cut the fruit first into slices and then into cubes. The size of which should be approximately the same as the other components.

5. Mix all chopped ingredients in one bowl. Add diced cheese to them.

Chop and add greens.

Taste to see if there is enough salt. If you feel that it is not enough, you can add a little. But keep in mind that we will season the resulting mass with mayonnaise. And it's already salty.

It is for this reason that salt is not added to many mayonnaise salads.

6. Chop the garlic. You can use a press for this. Or you can just finely chop it with a knife.

To ensure that it is distributed evenly throughout all the ingredients, you can mix it with a small amount of mayonnaise. Then add the resulting mass to the mixture of vegetables and chicken.

7. Add chicken meat.

8. Stir the contents, then add a little more mayonnaise if required.

9. You can serve the finished dish simply on a platter, or in a salad bowl. Or you can put it in a cooking ring. First, lay it out quite tightly, almost compacting it. And then lay it loosely, creating additional volume.

Decorate with herbs. Remove the ring. And this is how beautiful it turned out.

And if you decorate with shrimp on top, you get a new taste.

So, based on one recipe, you can prepare two salads that are completely different in taste.

A simple and tasty recipe for weight loss

I wrote that in the previous recipe we got two dishes. But I was a little mistaken. We ended up with three dishes. I prepared one of the options in a light vegetarian version. And now I’ll tell you how I did it.

We will need:

  • avocado – 0.5 pcs.
  • tomato – 1 pc.
  • cheese – 30 gr
  • bell pepper – 0.5 pcs
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • greens – 2 – 3 sprigs

For refueling:

  • plain yogurt – 2 teaspoons
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • salt - a pinch


In fact, as you can see, this version of the salad is almost the same as the previous one. We don't see chicken in this recipe. Although, if you are not a vegetarian, then boiled chicken fillet can also be safely used.

And we significantly changed the gas station. In the previous recipe we used mayonnaise. And here is only light yogurt.

It can also be decorated quite beautifully. I arranged the salad in a culinary ring. And it turned out very nice.

Needless to say, 10 minutes after preparation the salad was already eaten. It’s good that everything cooked did not fit in the ring, and there was an additive left. So she quickly disappeared from the cup.

Delicate salad with avocado and mango with lemon sauce

We will need:

  • avocado – 1 piece
  • mango – 1 piece
  • leek – 1 piece
  • tomatoes – 1 pc.
  • shrimp – 100 gr
  • parsley – 3 sprigs

For the sauce:

  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons


The salad is very simple and does not take much time to prepare.

1. Boil shrimp for 2 - 3 minutes in lightly salted water. Then let the water drain and clean.

2. Cut the peeled mango, tomato and half the white part of the leek into cubes (or the whole one, if desired). Also chop the parsley. Leave a little for decoration.

Instead of mango, you can use fresh persimmon or canned pineapple. It will also be very tasty, and no less tender.

3. Mix all ingredients except shrimp in a bowl.

4. Cut the avocado into two halves and remove the pit. Then peel it. Cut each half into two more pieces. Or you can leave the whole boat. It all depends on the method of serving and decoration.

5. Place the mixture of ingredients in a flat dish. Place boats or slices of fruit on the sides. Top with cooled shrimp.

If necessary, add salt and ground black pepper.

6. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with olive oil. Pour over top. And immediately serve it to the table.

To make the salad look more attractive, you can place it on lettuce leaves.

A simple recipe with fried shrimp and tomatoes with pink sauce

Or see how you can beautifully serve a dish that is also made from greens, our exotic fruit, shrimp and tomatoes.

We will need (for two servings):

  • tiger shrimps – 10 – 12 pcs.
  • avocado – 1 piece
  • cherry tomatoes – 6 – 7 pcs.
  • lettuce leaves
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons

For the sauce:

  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.
  • yogurt without additives - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ketchup – 0.5 – 1 teaspoon
  • salt - a pinch


1. Remove the shell from the shrimp and add salt. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the sliced ​​garlic for 30 seconds. Then add shrimp and fry on each side for 2 - 3 minutes.

Then remove and place on a layer of paper towels. When the oil has drained, thread them onto a skewer.

2. In the same oil, or you can use a different one, fry the cherry tomatoes cut into two halves. When you take them out, you need to salt them a little.

3. Cut the avocado into two halves, remove the pit and peel. Then cut into slices.

4. Place lettuce leaves on a flat plate. Then skewer with shrimp, slices of fruit and arrange the tomato halves.

5. Prepare pink sauce. To do this, squeeze the juice out of the lemon, add yogurt and ketchup. First add half a teaspoon of ketchup. The sauce should turn out pink. If you feel like you want to add a little more color, you can add more.

Also add salt and pepper. If desired, the sauce can be diluted with a small amount of cold boiled water to make it thinner.

It is not advisable to liquefy it with oil, since we have already fried the components in oil. And the dish may turn out to be too fatty.

As you can see, everything is simple and easy. And incredibly elegant and beautiful.

Tomato boats with shrimp and avocado cream

You can make cream from any soft cheese.

We will need:

  • avocado – 0.5 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • shrimps – 16 pcs.
  • curd or cream cheese – 80 – 100 g
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • salt - to taste


From this quantity we will get 8 “boats”. If you want to make more, you can increase the amount of ingredients.

1. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and boil the shrimp. The cooking time should be no more than 3 minutes after boiling. Then drain them in a colander, let the water drain and cool slightly. Then clean them.

2. Cut the avocado into two halves and remove the pit.

Then peel the skin and cut the fruit into cubes. Transfer to a deep bowl in which it will be convenient to beat it.

3. Add chopped garlic cloves there.

4. Prepare cream-mousse. To do this, add curd or cream cheese to the prepared ingredients in a bowl.

Add lemon juice and grind into a homogeneous mass using a blender.

This cream-mousse can also be prepared for breakfast. They are very tasty to spread on sandwiches with black bread.

5. Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts. Remove the core along with the seeds and partitions.

6. Fill the “boat” with cream and decorate with two shrimp. I had more of them, so I decorated with three.

Sprinkle with herbs and serve immediately.

A simple and delicious salad with bacon vinaigrette

As we have said more than once today, avocado goes well with a wide variety of foods. In my collection of recipes there is a very simple and tasty option for preparing this product with bacon. It would seem that what could be delicious here?!

And you look at the photo and most likely it will immediately become “delicious”.

We will need (for 2 servings):

  • avocado – 1 piece
  • bacon – 70 gr
  • leek –0.5 pcs.
  • chopped parsley – 1 tbsp. spoon

For the vinaigrette sauce:

  • olive oil – 1 dessert spoon
  • honey – 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • water – 1 teaspoon
  • salt - a pinch
  • ground black pepper - a pinch


1. Fry the bacon in a dry frying pan or in a small amount of oil until crispy. Place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Avocado is fatty on its own, so excess oil will be completely useless.

2. After cooling, cut the bacon into small pieces.

3. While it is cooling, peel our fruit. To do this, you need to cut it into two halves and remove the pit. Then carefully peel the skin.

4. Cut it into long slices. Cut each half into three parts. They can be either the same or different in size.

5. Prepare vinaigrette sauce. To do this, mix lemon juice with water, honey and oil. Add salt and pepper. Beat the resulting mixture with a whisk.

6. Grind half the white part of the leek. Or you can cut the whole thing if you like it.

7. Place avocado slices on a plate. If there are two servings, then distribute them equally among each of them. Pour over the sauce. Sprinkle bacon and chopped parsley on top.

So simply, quickly and tasty we prepared a dish with a beautiful presentation.

And in this style you can beautifully decorate such an everyday dish as pasta. And probably then, an ordinary dish will no longer be so ordinary.

And it looks like this.

Video recipe for salad with avocado and salmon

Today we looked at different recipes and found out what products avocado goes with. But one everyone’s favorite product has not yet been noted.

We all love red fish. And everyone also respects dishes with them. Therefore, let us not ignore it. Moreover, it is always very tasty.

And today I suggest looking at an excellent recipe using lightly salted salmon.

Everything is prepared very simply, and if you have the necessary ingredients, the dish can be prepared in a matter of minutes.

A simple recipe with champignons and quail eggs

And our last recipe today is with champignons.

We will need:

  • avocado – 1 piece
  • champignons – 200 gr
  • quail eggs – 5 pcs
  • green salad – 4 leaves
  • salad onion – 0.5 pcs.
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • olive oil – 1 teaspoon
  • salt - a pinch
  • ground black pepper - to taste


1. Rinse the champignons thoroughly in running water. Clean the stem and cap if they are dirty. Then boil the mushrooms in salted water until tender. Approximately 15 minutes.

After the champignons have cooled, cut them into slices.

2. Boil quail eggs. Cut the white into cubes and leave the yolk for decoration.

3. Tear lettuce leaves by hand.

4. Peel the avocado, remove the pit and cut into thin slices. Cut the onion into thin half rings.

5. Place all ingredients in a flat dish, alternating layers. Sprinkle crumbled egg yolk on top. Drizzle with a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil mixed with salt and pepper. If desired, add additional pepper on top.

And you can immediately serve the dish to the table.

This was the last recipe for today. And I think that if you were looking for some interesting recipe for avocado salad, then you could find it on the pages of my blog.

I tried to offer you exactly those options that always turn out very tasty. And preparing them is not at all difficult. You also found out what this fruit goes with, and this is a whole list.

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • chicken
  • shrimps
  • crab sticks (we didn’t pay attention to them today)
  • mushrooms

And now you can create any recipes yourself and cook delicious healthy dishes using them.

Avocado is a very tasty and healthy product, and you should not ignore it. You need to include it in your diet more often and cook healthy and tasty dishes with it.

Bon appetit!

Avocado is gaining more and more popularity. There are a huge number of recipes with this product, but for most the technology of their preparation remains a mystery. Today we will look at avocado salad - 6 simple and tasty recipes with photos, and you can also learn a lot of interesting and useful information regarding their creation. So let's get started.

Incredibly tender and tasty shrimp meat combined with avocado is everyone’s favorite “classic”. Not so long ago, these products were unaffordable exotics for most people, but today they are very popular among numerous consumers.

The salad recipe presented below will be an excellent appetizer for the holiday table and a wonderful basis for a family dinner.

  • 2 pcs. – ripe avocado
  • 200 gr. – canned pineapple
  • 1 piece – bell pepper
  • 300 gr. – large shrimp
  • 3 tbsp. l. – mayonnaise
  • lemon for decoration

Cooking method:

  1. If you are using frozen shrimp (large), then they must first be thawed and then boiled in salted water for three to four minutes. You can also add various spices in addition to salt.
  2. However, if you purchased unpeeled shrimp for the salad, then you will have to spend time preparing them. Don’t forget to remove the intestines in addition to the shell.
  3. Let's start with the pepper: wash it thoroughly and cut it, removing everything unnecessary (stems, seeds). After this, cut into thin strips. Important: not only the aesthetics of the salad, but also its taste will depend on their size.
  4. You need to cut off the skin of the avocado and remove the pit. Then we proceed to cutting it into the same strips as pepper.
  5. Next we deal with pineapples: drain the liquid from the jar, take out our ingredient and cut it into small pieces.
  6. All prepared products should be poured into a deep bowl, add the required amount of mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.
  7. Carefully place in a salad bowl and garnish with lemon slices. In addition, you can add sourness to our salad by adding a small amount of lemon juice to it.

Recipe 2: Salad with avocado and crab sticks

This is an extremely light, vitamin-rich and tasty salad that will become a pleasant “guest” on your table.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 piece – large avocado
  • 2 pcs. – crab sticks
  • 2 pcs. – tomatoes
  • 1 piece – cucumber
  • 1 piece – red onion
  • 1 bunch – lettuce (leaf)
  • 2 tbsp. l. - olive oil
  • 1 bunch – parsley
  • sea ​​salt, clove of garlic and pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. The first thing you need to do is sort out the lettuce leaves. After which we wash them well and carefully tear them, rather than with a knife.
  2. The cucumber is in the form of thin rings, and the tomatoes are in slices.
  3. Let's start with the avocado: cut it in half and remove the pit, after which we take out all the pulp.
  4. Pour boiling water over the red onion, cut into rings. In this way, we also process parsley. They should stand in this state for no more than five minutes, after which the water must be drained. Important: after this, the greens must be filled with cold water.
  5. Chop the garlic clove as finely as possible.
  6. After this, place the garlic, lemon juice, parsley, pepper, olive oil and sea salt in a blender bowl and puree the ingredients.
  7. Take a bowl and put avocado, cucumber, tomatoes, onions and lettuce into it. Mix very carefully, while pouring the resulting dressing.
  • In order for lettuce leaves to have a more pleasant taste and look as fresh as possible, they should never be washed under running water. Since it is best to put them in a bowl of cold water, rinse them a little, and then let them dry on a towel.
  • Avocado pulp should be removed using a teaspoon and only when it will be sent directly to the salad. It is this simple rule that will allow you to keep the original shape of the cut intact.

Recipe 3: Avocado and Chicken Salad

Chicken meat goes well with delicate avocado, so this salad will be a piquant and sophisticated addition to your holiday or everyday table.

To prepare you will need:

  • — 350 gr. – chicken meat (boiled)
  • 2 pcs. – medium sized avocado
  • 5 feathers - green onions
  • 1 medium bunch – cilantro
  • 2 tbsp. l. – lime juice
  • 2 tbsp. l. – mayonnaise
  • ground black pepper and salt

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the chicken into fairly large pieces. In terms of quantity, you should get about two glasses.
  2. Avocado mode, but only around the circumference, after which we separate it into two halves.
  3. Remove the pit and peel off the skin. After this, cut the resulting pulp into fairly large cubes and add a little salt, pour over lime juice (1 tbsp.).
  4. Next we move on to the onions and cilantro, which need to be chopped as finely as possible.
  5. Mix the remaining lime juice, mayonnaise and pepper in a small container.
  6. We take a large salad bowl, after which we begin to put onions and chicken in it, season with mayonnaise and mix.
  7. Important: the chicken should be completely covered with our mayonnaise dressing.
  8. Add avocado and chopped cilantro to the salad and mix everything very carefully, but thoroughly.

Recipe 4: Salad with avocado and salmon or tuna

A distinctive feature of this salad is the presence of a sourish-spicy taste. In addition, to fill the appetizer with greater sophistication in terms of aesthetics, arugula leaves are used, which also give the salad a nutty aftertaste.

It is important that instead of salmon, you can take tuna, and it will not lose its extraordinary taste and originality. But if you season the salad with Provençal herbs, then you will get an incredibly tasty dish.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 piece – avocado
  • 1 bunch – green onions
  • 4 pcs. – tomatoes
  • 2 pcs. – lettuce leaves
  • 1 bunch – arugula
  • 50 gr. – salmon (lightly salted) or tuna
  • 2 tbsp. l. – olive oil
  • 1 tsp. – mustard
  • 2 tbsp. l. – lemon juice

Cooking method:

  1. Salmon (tuna) must be cut into small cubes.
  2. Cut the avocado and tomatoes into slices, and the onion into small pieces.
  3. Prepare the dressing: mix lemon juice, oil, mustard, herbes de Provence, salt and ground red pepper thoroughly.
  4. We take a plate, on the bottom of which you need to put all the other prepared ingredients on the arugula and pour over the dressing.
  5. You can decorate with mozzarella cheese or sesame seeds.

Recipe 5: Avocado and Grape Salad

Despite the fact that today there are a lot of recipes for salads with avocado, this recipe is truly original and unlike others.

The use of grape berries gives it some special personality. The sweetish taste with elements of sourness will undoubtedly suit your taste.

To prepare you will need:

  • 800 gr. – chicken fillet
  • 200 gr. – black grapes
  • 2 pcs. – tangerine
  • 50 gr. – lettuce leaves
  • 50 gr. – hazelnuts
  • 2 tbsp. l. – mayonnaise
  • 3 tbsp. l. – cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. – dry red wine
  • 3 tbsp. l. – orange juice
  • 0.5 tsp – salt

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the chicken fillet and cut it into small cubes.
  2. Cut the avocado into two parts and remove the pit.
  3. Using a teaspoon, remove all the pulp from the avocado and then finely chop it.
  4. Let's start preparing the grapes: cut each berry in half and remove all existing seeds.
  5. We peel the tangerines, divide them into slices and cut them into pieces of the same size.
  6. Take a plate and put lettuce leaves on it.
  7. Mix all the prepared ingredients and carefully place on the lettuce leaves.
  8. Mix the cream with mayonnaise, orange juice and wine, adding a little salt.
  9. The resulting mixture should be poured over our salad and sprinkled with chopped nuts.

Recipe 6: Avocado and Seafood Salad

Mostly, avocado and seafood salads are prepared with the addition of a base dressing, which is olive or vegetable oil, as well as lemon juice or vinegar.

However, today you will learn how to prepare an interesting and incredibly tasty salad recipe with an exquisite cognac cream sauce.

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 pcs. – avocado
  • 100 gr. – mussels
  • 100 gr. – peeled large shrimp
  • 50 gr. – black olives or olives (pitted)
  • 100 gr. – green onions
  • 1 sprig – white or red chicory
  • 50 ml – heavy cream
  • 0.25 tsp – Tobasco sauce
  • 50 gr. – mayonnaise
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. – cognac
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. – lemon juice
  • half a lemon
  • black pepper
  • salt to taste
  • nutmeg
  • greens to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the chicory into strips.
  2. Remove the pits and skin from the avocado, then cut into small cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Boil shrimp and mussels in lightly salted water with spices.
  4. We clean the finished mussels from the spiracles.
  5. Cut olives into rings.
  6. Chop the onion quite coarsely.
  7. Take a deep bowl and mix all the prepared ingredients in it.
  8. Sauce: combine cream, mayonnaise, Tobasco sauce, lemon juice, salt, cognac, and spices and beat using a blender until you get a homogeneous consistency.
  9. To eat the salad, add a small amount of sauce.

Soft, refined and delicate, the avocado is universally popular. However, despite this, in our country the product is still associated with inaccessible exoticism, which is apparently why it is extremely rarely consumed by our compatriots.

This incredibly tasty fruit is very similar in consistency to butter. Contains thirty percent of fats that are beneficial for the human body.

In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins, including E and A, and also contains riboflavin, thiamine, potassium and other bioactive substances.

Avocado can add its special and exquisite taste to absolutely any dish. The pulp of the fruit is used in the preparation of salads, canapés and sandwiches.

The product goes well with a wide variety of ingredients. However, it gives a special piquancy to salads made from citrus fruits, seafood, vegetables, cheese, chicken, fruits, crab sticks, sea fish and olives.

We prepare products correctly

Considering that the fruit ripens for quite a long time, when purchasing it, special attention must be paid directly to the degree of ripeness of the avocado, since otherwise you may purchase the wrong ingredient for your salad.

So what should it be? – Soft, but without being loose.

To check the fruit, you can press on its surface with your finger. And if you get a deep enough hole that does not level out, then you can safely take another fruit, since this one will not suit you.

It is also important to properly peel the avocado without damaging its flesh. To do this, you need to make a deep cut right up to the diameter of the seed, and then simply open the fruit into two halves.

If you purchased an avocado that is not overripe and ripe, then you can complete this process without much difficulty. After this, you need to get rid of the pulp: the skin must be very carefully lifted with a knife and removed.

As you can see, preparing the fruit for cooking does not require any special skills or abilities. The main thing is to adhere to all the rules presented above and you will definitely succeed.

American Persea is a species of fruiting evergreen plant that belongs to the Laurel family. Their fruits are called “avocados”.

The shape of the fruit can be varied: oval, pear-shaped or spherical. The size does not exceed ten centimeters in length.

As for weight, it is also varied - from 200 grams to 1.5 kg. If the avocado is not ripe, its skin is dark green and quite hard.

However, if it is ripe, then it will have a black surface, with green or yellow-green oily pulp, which is very similar to butter in its consistency.

It is important that today it is widely used in the preparation of various cold and tasty dishes: appetizers, salads and sandwiches.

In addition, the pulp must be sprinkled with lemon juice so that the appearance of the avocado remains unchanged for a longer time. Otherwise, the pulp will simply oxidize and darken.

First of all, it is worth noting that this fruit is considered dietary, since 100 grams of fruit contains only 245 calories. It contains vital nutrients.

At the same time, it does not have any fats harmful to the human body and sugar, which is actually important.

It consists of oleic acid that can resist the formation of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it actively fights cholesterol already present in the body.

Also, its immediate composition includes a large amount of potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and other mineral substances.

In addition, the fruit is not deprived of vitamins: vitamins D, E and PP, as well as provitamin A. It is important that vitamin E can effectively protect cells from the aging process, while filling them with oxygen.

In truth, today a small number of fruits can boast of this ability. In addition, avocados contain active biological substances, the action of which is aimed at rejuvenating the human body.

Avocado is a fairly healthy and extremely tasty fruit that has a beneficial effect directly on most organs of the human body.

It increases memory concentration and also minimizes the likelihood of any vascular and heart diseases. This feature has a right to exist due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the product.

In fact, their lack leads to the development of a disease such as atherosclerosis.

In addition, avocados contain a large amount of potassium, which normalizes salt metabolism and the working process of the heart, and also increases the degree of resistance to various stressful situations.

Avocados are extremely important to eat for people who suffer from blood pressure. The thing is that the fruit perfectly reduces it.

It should also be noted that this exotic product is able to normalize hematopoiesis and the circulatory process.

It contains copper, which protects the human body from the occurrence of diseases such as anemia. In addition, it contains iron, which is the main element in the formation of blood, and riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is simply indispensable during the formation of red blood cells.

In short, avocados are beneficial for the entire digestive system. The fruit, namely its oil, plays an important role in the perfume industry.

Also in France, based on fruit oil, a unique drug was created that helps treat diseases such as Paget's disease, periodontal disease, scleroderma, arthrosis.

The fruit adds a delicate and refreshing taste to sandwiches and various salads. Pairs perfectly with poultry, shrimp and red fish.

You can simply spread its pulp on a crispy slice of bread and enjoy the incredible taste. In fact, it is best to eat it raw, since after cooking it has a bitter taste due to the tinin released.

It is also important that it is best to add avocado to the dish last, as it darkens quite quickly in the air.

First of all, those who have allergic reactions to latex should forget about this fruit, and it is also contraindicated for those people who have individual intolerance.

I would also like to pay special attention to the avocado seed itself, which contains a huge amount of toxic substances. It is they, and not the fruit itself, that can harm human health.

In fact, no one eats it, but it is still necessary to warn. In most cases, it is simply thrown away, but sometimes it is planted in a pot to grow a home plant, but not an ornamental one.

Leaves and the wood itself are harmful not only to humans, but also to mammals (small ones). Probably, fortunately, this plant does not grow in our country.

To sum it up...

If you prefer to have not only tasty, but also healthy food on your table, then avocado salad is what you need!

Let this article become for you a kind of encyclopedia about the benefits of consuming this fruit. By including it in your diet, you will allow your body to be filled with a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients.

And the salads presented above, which are easy to prepare, will pleasantly please you, and most importantly, will make your whole family healthier.

As you can see today, cooking has stepped far forward and provides a huge selection of delicious, tasty and healthy dishes.

Choose any recipe according to your preference and start creating a vitamin masterpiece.

  • Salad with avocado and shrimp
  • Salad with avocado and capers
  • Avocado and pasta salad
  • Conclusion
  • Avocado: brief description

    Translated from English, avocado means “crocodile pear.” Not surprising: the green fruit, shaped like a pear, can weigh up to two kilograms. Today, more than 400 varieties of an exotic plant with a creamy, nutty taste are known. Its homeland is Mexico, locals call it the oil of the forest.

    The green Mexican has been awarded an entry in the Guinness Book of Records: avocado is the best in the world in terms of nutritional value. One hundred grams of the product contains 160 kcal. It is rich in fat, as much as 14.7 g for the same volume, 2 g of protein, 1.8 carbohydrates and 72.2 g of water. It should be noted that of all fruits, only coconut surpasses the crocodile pear in terms of fat levels.

    The fruit contains vitamins A, E, F, D and B vitamins. It contains easily digestible magnesium, iron, iodine, manganese, potassium and phosphorus. Polyunsaturated acids allow the product to be desirable among those who seek to lose weight or are forced to give preference to dietary foods. The low sugar content justifies the consumption of avocados by people with diabetes.

    Forest oil keeps the body youthful and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. The fruits of an evergreen tree from Mexico are recommended for pregnant women: vitamin B6 and folic acid, which are usually prescribed in tablets, are present here in their natural form.

    Advice! Stores usually sell unripe avocados: they are hard to the touch and have no smell. A few days on the kitchen windowsill will help the fruit ripen. The main thing is to make sure that dark spots do not begin to appear on the peel: this is how the fruit begins to deteriorate.

    What does avocado go with?

    It is not for nothing that the fruit is included in the Book of Records: its compatibility with other products is universal. Avocado enhances the taste of pork and beef and adds depth to poultry. Paired with seafood, a guest from Mexico will fade into the background and serve as an excellent background to Mediterranean cuisine.

    But in fruit and vegetable salads, this product, on the contrary, will add an additional emphasis and focus the gourmet’s attention. Eggs, traditional for salads, will make the avocado even more tender, and smoked, boiled sausages or ham will acquire new fresh notes when paired with this foreigner.

    The Mexican product is most often used in snacks. In the hands of experienced chefs, it can become an ingredient in soups and cocktails, ice cream and sauces. In its simplest form, its pulp is used for sandwiches: it is spread on toast and served for breakfast.

    Avocado salads

    Meat and fish cold dishes, fruit and vegetables, various snacks with the addition of seafood - the range of use of avocado in them is unusually wide. The main thing here is to remember a few rules for working with a crocodile pear.

    We clean the fruit as follows. We cut it lengthwise and turn the two parts outward, in different directions. When opened, the bone is easily removed from the middle. Only after this we remove the skin from the pulp with a vegetable knife.

    After opening the fruit, it is recommended to use it immediately. The fact is that when it comes into contact with oxygen, it loses its beneficial properties and darkens.

    To prevent, or rather slow down, the discoloration of the pulp, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice.

    What avocado salads are easy to prepare and not embarrassing to put on the table? Our selection of the most interesting recipes will help you decide.

    With seafood and cheese

    This dietary salad is easy to prepare and looks no worse than its rich, structurally complex counterparts. It will take half an hour to create.

    - half an avocado,
    - Gouda cheese – 80 g,
    - quail egg – 6 pcs.,
    - set of seafood – 150 g,
    - olive oil – 1 tbsp.,
    - light mayonnaise – 80 g.


    If seafood is defrosted, you can immediately put it in boiling water on the stove. If they just came out of the freezer, be sure to defrost them before working. So, boil the seafood in salted water for a quarter of an hour. Then, to make them softer, fry for 2 minutes in a heated frying pan in olive oil. Transfer to a clean container and leave to cool.

    Boil quail eggs. Let us remind you that these small products will be ready in 5 minutes. They will not crack or leak into boiling water if they are initially placed in cold water and only then put on fire. Cool and remove the shell.

    We cut the cheese into cubes 2x2 cm, place it on the bottom of a plastic container, where we will mix the ingredients. The second layer is avocado pieces of the same size. Add seafood and gently mix with mayonnaise.

    On a plate, decorate the appetizer with halves of eggs cut along the diameter. Sprinkle with lemon juice and serve immediately.

    Ladies whim with pear

    Blue cheese is a gourmet treat, everyone knows it. And it's never too late to become a gourmet. The best place to start exploring blue cheeses is with a salad. The snack must contain a soft and neutral fruit, such as a pear. The easiest to perceive among mold cheeses is Italian Gorgonzola, the most prominent representative is French Roquefort.

    - avocado – 1 piece,
    - pear – 1 piece,
    - Gorgonzola or Roquefort cheese – 100 g,
    - lemon – 1 piece,
    - balsamic vinegar.


    This quick salad is ready in just 10 minutes. To prevent it from leaking, the pear must be firm, but at the same time sweet. Cut the pulp, without peel and seeds, into 1.5 x 1.5 cm cubes. Sprinkle the squares with lemon juice so that they have a fresh look.

    We cut the Mexican crocodile fruit as described above, and cut the pulp into the same parts as the first ingredient. Lemon juice, which we sprinkle on the product, will also help maintain the original color.

    Crush the Roquefort or Gorgonzola with your hands into pieces similar in size to the rest of the salad.

    The appetizer is served in portions and laid out in layers. The bottom one is a pear, the middle one is cheese, the top one is green fruit. It is better to use thick balsamic vinegar as a dressing. Pour the sauce over the contents of each bowl and serve immediately.

    Salad with avocado and crab sticks

    This recipe is a godsend for those who respect crab salad, but are already starting to think about the calorie content of their favorite dish. How to reduce the food burden of a snack without harming the taste? Very simple! You just need to replace eggs, rice and mayonnaise with tomatoes, avocado and olive oil.

    - crab sticks – 5 pcs.,
    - half an avocado,
    - tomato – 1 pc.,
    - garlic – 0.5 cloves,
    - lemon juice – 5 ml,
    - olive oil – 15 ml.


    Place the crocodile pear pulp and garlic into a blender or finely chop with a knife. To prevent iodine from beginning to manifest itself prematurely by darkening the cut, squeeze lemon onto it.

    Peel the tomato and remove all seeds. The outer film will easily come away from the pulp if the tomato is scalded with boiling water. Cut it into equal pieces.

    We separate the crab sticks into fibers, and only after that we divide them into two or three parts with a knife.

    Serve to the table in portions in bowls, placing the ingredients in layers. Down we send fruit from Mexico, then tomatoes. Place crab sticks in a heap on top. Drizzle with dressing – olive oil mixed with lemon juice.

    Avocado and chicken salad

    Meat salads can be light. Supplemented with fruits and vegetables, they can be not only a snack, but also a main dish - for those who watch their figure and eat healthy.

    - chicken breast fillet – 150 g,
    - Chinese cabbage – 70 g,
    - sour apple – 1 pc.,
    - avocado – 1 pc.,
    - lemon juice – 50 g,
    - olive oil – 15 g,
    - salt - to taste.


    Boil the breast with salt for half an hour. It can be prepared in advance, but be sure to store it in broth: this way the meat will not become tough and dry. Separate the cooled bird into fibers and tear it into smaller pieces with your hands. We manually divide the washed and towel-dried cabbage into small pieces.

    Next comes the turn of working with a knife. Cut the avocado pulp into 1.5 x 1.5 cm cubes, don’t forget to sprinkle with lemon juice. For the recipe you will need an apple without core and without peel. To prevent it from weathering, we use lemon juice again.

    Mix the products in a plastic container, season with olive oil. Place on plates and invite guests to the table.

    Avocado and pork salad

    Grilled, rich meat goes great with avocado. Such salads are usually the first to disappear from the holiday table. To prevent the snack from becoming too heavy on your stomach, add vegetables to it.

    - pork loin – 200 g,
    - avocado – 1 piece,
    - bell pepper (medium) – 1 piece,
    - tomato (medium) – 1 piece,
    - onion (small) – 1 piece,
    - salt and sugar - a pinch each,
    - spices: ginger, chopped coriander, ground black pepper,
    - grainy mustard - a pinch,
    - vegetable oil – 20 g,
    - lemon juice – 15 g,
    - greens: young parsley, cilantro – 30 g each.


    Cut the loin into long thin strips, season with spices and salt. Marinate for 15 minutes. Fry for two minutes in a hot frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil.

    Chop the onion into half rings and marinate in a mixture of salt and sugar for 10 minutes. After this, you can add chopped vegetables to it: pepper in slices, tomatoes in slices.

    For dressing, beat vegetable oil with lemon juice and mustard seeds with a fork. Add it to the vegetables, mix everything and put it on plates.

    Cut the avocado pulp into large pieces. Place these pieces on top of the snack and sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    Salad with ham and avocado

    This gourmet treat option is especially suitable for teenagers: it includes products that will provide long-lasting satiety and energy for an active life. You can pamper schoolchildren with this salad. Light fruit and vegetable notes are successfully combined with the richness of smoked meat.

    - pork – 250 g,
    - avocado – 1 medium,
    - banana – 1 piece,
    - tomato – 2 medium ones,
    - salad – 1 bunch,
    - lemon juice – 15 g,
    - light mayonnaise – 70 ml,
    - salt - to taste.


    Smoked ham was chosen for the recipe. Depending on preference, you can replace it with veal or turkey and bake or fry the meat yourself. We cut the pork into cubes, like for an Olivier salad. The same size should be squares of banana, tomatoes and Mexican fruit, onto which we traditionally squeeze a few drops of lemon. When choosing a banana, choose a dense specimen that will hold its shape.

    For each serving we place the leaves of green washed and dried lettuce. We lay out the ingredients on them in layers: meat, banana, crocodile pear, tomato. Add some salt on top and decorate with mayonnaise dots.

    If the appetizer is served in a common plate, mix and season the ingredients in a separate container, then form a mound in a salad bowl and immediately serve to the guests.

    Salad with avocado, orange and prunes

    The combination of citrus and hard cheese, complemented by the nutty hue of the southern fruit and the sweetness of prunes, is a real reason to have a little celebration for dinner. Add the peppery notes of arugula and the mild spiciness of green olives to the food masquerade, season with aromatic olive oil, honey and soy sauce - and the guest of a romantic dinner will forever become a fan of your culinary abilities.

    - half an avocado
    - orange – 1 pc.,
    - Parmesan cheese – 50 g,
    - green olives – 50 g,
    - pitted prunes – 60 g,
    - arugula – 50 g,
    - sesame seeds – 1 tsp.

    For the sauce:

    Olive oil – 35 g,
    - flower honey – 10 g,
    - soy sauce – 15 g.


    This snack will take half an hour to create. Everything about it is amazing: both the products and the stages of preparation. We start with the finale, with the sauce, so that by the time of mixing all the ingredients have dissolved in it until smooth and reveal their aroma. To do this, combine Extra Virgin Olive Oil - an unrefined cold-pressed product, flower honey, soy sauce and leave to infuse.

    We wash the pitted prunes under running water and place them in warm water for a quarter of an hour until they become juicy. Immerse the arugula in cold water until it becomes clean and releases some of the bitterness, and dry it on a paper or kitchen towel.

    We extract the pulp from the Mexican fruit and cut it widthwise into thin layers, squeeze lemon juice on them. Cut Parmesan into cubes, prunes into strips.

    For the recipe you will need an orange without seeds, without peel and even without a protective film on its slices. Completely peeled orange links will go into the general mixture. Dry the sesame seeds in a hot frying pan. Pitted olives go into the mixture without preservative brine.

    Mix all the products and spices in a separate container that does not oxidize, season with sauce, serve and place on the tablecloth.

    Salad with avocado and shrimp

    The menu can be diversified with products or new table settings. In our case, both the first and second are combined. A delicate appetizer of shrimp and quail eggs served on half an overseas green fruit.

    - shrimp – 300 g,
    - quail egg – 4 pieces,
    - medium avocado,
    - light mayonnaise for dressing.


    Boil the quail eggs for no longer than 5 minutes, cool, remove the shells and cut as for Olivier. Defrost the shrimp, clean and cook for the same time. The only difference is that eggs are placed in cold water, and seafood in boiling water with the addition of salt and bay leaf. If the shrimp are large, chop them with a knife.

    Divide the avocado in half and remove the pit. Peel the skin of one half and cut into cubes. We leave the second one untouched: it will be the boat in which the appetizer will appear on the table.

    Mix the ingredients in a glass container, season with mayonnaise and place on the boat. You can decorate the dish with herbs: leaves of parsley, dill, cilantro or arugula.

    Salad with cod liver, egg and avocado

    The delicacy from the north is unique in its preservation. Any fish for preservation is traditionally boiled or marinated. But the cod liver goes under a tin lid in its raw form, retaining all the beneficial qualities given to it by nature. Supplemented with quail eggs and crocodile pear originally from Mexico, it turns our salad into a real vitamin bomb.

    - medium avocado,
    - cod liver – 200 g,
    - chicken egg – 2 pcs.


    We take the seafood out of the can, the filling will be our dressing sauce. Carefully cut the contents into pieces. We cut the southern fruit into pieces of the same shape and size.

    If possible, we take pullet eggs that are small in diameter. We divide it into two parts. Place the halves on the bottom of the plate. The second layer is seafood, the top is green fruit cubes. We'll fill our structure with canned food. The appetizer is ready.

    Salad with mango, chicken and avocado

    An exotic treat from the coasts of Southeast Asia goes well with chicken. The spicy-sweet taste of the snack refers to oriental cuisine, although all ingredients are available in stores in central Russia.

    - chicken breast – 200 g,
    - medium avocado,
    - medium mangoes - a couple of pieces,
    - ground pepper, red and black – 1/4 tsp each.
    - vegetable oil – 35 g,
    - lemon juice – 20 g,
    - ground chili pepper - on the tip of a knife,
    - fresh honey – 5 g,
    - salt to taste,
    - leaf lettuce - a bunch.


    We cut the chicken meat into cubes, rub it with salt and spices and marinate for a quarter of an hour. Fry in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil (1 tbsp) on all sides. It is easy to overheat the breast; it can become tough and dry. On average, the cooking time for the pieces is 10 minutes.

    We wash the green lettuce leaves under running water and dry them on a towel. Place on a plate; this will be the base of the salad. Cut the fruit pulp into slices and carefully place them on the green leaves one at a time, sprinkle lemon juice on top. Place slightly cooled poultry meat in the center.

    To prepare the dressing, add the chili pepper to the remaining sunflower oil and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Pour a spoonful of liquid honey here. Stir with a fork. Leave for 5-10 minutes, season the salad.

    Salad with avocado and capers

    The crocodile pear is very tolerant of cheeses: the fruit of an evergreen tree from Mexico goes well with hard and soft, very fresh and blue cheeses. Processed cheese is no exception; the recipe for such a snack with capers and cherry tomatoes will fit into both the holiday menu and the daily diet. The time it takes to create a salad is 10 minutes.

    - Boston lettuce - half a head,
    - medium avocado,
    - processed cheese – 1 piece,
    - cherry tomatoes – 6 pieces,
    - capers – 15 pcs.,
    - leek stalk,
    - dill – 30 g,
    - cedar nut – 10 g,
    - olive oil – 35 g,
    - lemon – 1 piece,
    - salt and pepper - to taste.


    Chop the salad into pieces with your hands. We cut the tomatoes into four slices, the avocado pulp into medium-sized cubes, the leeks into thin rings, and you can experiment with cheese curds. The smaller the cubes of processed cheese, the less pronounced the taste of the product will be; the creamy notes will simply dissolve among other ingredients. Finely chop the greens and add marinated nuts and capers to the mixture.

    The dressing is made from olive oil mixed with salt and pepper and seasoned with fresh lemon juice. The salad dressed with sauce is infused for 10 minutes.

    Avocado and pasta salad

    Native to Mexico, green forest oil is not just for cold appetizers. Warm salads are an excellent basis for using this unusual fruit. One of these dishes is a warm salad with pasta and poultry.

    - pasta – 300 g,
    - chicken fillet – 200 g,
    - onions – 2 pcs.,
    - garlic – 3 cloves,
    - sweet pepper – 2 pcs.,
    - avocado – 1 pc.,
    - light mayonnaise – 30 g,
    - parsley – 30 g,
    - vegetable oil – 35 g,
    - salt and pepper by eye.


    Cut the chicken breast fillet into medium cubes and fry in sunflower oil over medium heat. It is better to take peppers in two colors, yellow and red, so that the salad looks beautiful. Cut into squares. Chop the onion and garlic and add the vegetables to the pan where the breast is fried. Frying time – no more than 10 minutes.

    At the same time, cook the pasta. Products can be of different shapes, but exclusively from durum wheat. The finished pasta is sent to the frying pan with the chicken, where it is infused with the heat turned off for 5-7 minutes.

    For dressing, mix mayonnaise, salt and pepper and chopped parsley. Place the avocado pulp in a blender and then add it to the sauce.

    To serve, place pasta, vegetables and chicken on a plate and pour dressing in the center. You can use the remaining chopped herbs as decoration.

    A variety of exotic fruits have long taken root on our table. Avocado was no exception. It has long been loved for its excellent rich taste and amount of vitamins and minerals. And the main thing is that the benefits of this fruit are reflected almost immediately on the human body.

    Avocado is truly called one of the fruits of youth. By consuming it daily you can nourish your body from the inside. How you consume this exotic fruit is completely unimportant. It fits in any form. But most often it should be eaten raw. This way you can save more benefits.

    Another advantage of avocado is that it is enough to consume salads only in small quantities, but the benefits will be undeniable. It is consumed with pleasure by people on all continents. Avocado is appropriate in both vegetarian and regular cuisine. Its taste can be played up or brought to the fore. The main thing is to have a desire to create something extraordinarily tasty. The fruit is good in combination with various types of meat and fish, and with vegetables it is simply wonderful. You just need to learn a few recipes and an incredible result will not take long to arrive.

    Below are 8 different recipes, choose any:

    Delicious salad with tuna and avocado

    Fish is an ideal product that can fully reveal the taste of this fruit. Avocado in the proposed salad is more appropriate than ever. At the same time, it turns out incredibly rich and tasty. Plus, it can be prepared in minutes and the results are amazing.


    • Canned tuna - can.
    • Cucumber.
    • Avocado.
    • Lemon.
    • Olive oil.
    • Spices.

    Serves the dish for 3 persons.

    Cooking process:

    1. Rinse the avocado, dry it, remove the pit.

    2. Using a tablespoon, scoop out the pulp from each half.

    3. Separate the cucumber from the peel. Cut into half rings.

    4. Divide the avocado into thin slices. Open the tuna and let the oil or juice drain out.

    5.Place all products in a deep bowl.

    6. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Add olive oil and spices. Stir.

    7.Place into a salad bowl and garnish with herbs.

    In just ten minutes you get an incredibly tasty salad that can surprise even distinguished gourmets. At the same time, it is incredibly simple and elegant.

    Salad with avocado and salmon

    Since avocado goes perfectly with any type of fish, the proposed option will be ideal. It will be appropriate on any table. And the main thing is that you can create such a salad very quickly, since all the ingredients for it are already ready, all that remains is to serve it beautifully and an excellent result is already on the table.


    • Lightly salted salmon fillet – 150 grams.
    • Avocado.
    • Cherry - 12 units.
    • Leaf lettuce.
    • Dill.
    • Mustard is grainy.
    • Spices.
    • Olive oil.
    • Lemon.

    Serves the dish for 3 persons.

    Cooking process:

    1. Prepare the required products on a cutting surface.

    2. Rinse the avocado, dry it, and peel it. Divide into cubes. Add a little lemon juice.

    3. Divide the cherry into equal halves.

    4.Chop the dill thoroughly.

    5.Divide the salmon into thin slices.

    6. Wash the salad and divide it into leaves, spread it over the bottom of the bowl.

    7.Place cherry halves and avocado slices on top.

    8. Distribute the salmon plastics.

    9.Mix olive oil thoroughly with mustard peas and lemon juice.

    10. Pour dressing over all products. Sprinkle with herbs and carefully form lemon roses.

    11.Let stand for about 10 minutes and serve.

    The end result is an incredibly tasty salad that can become both a full meal and an excellent snack.

    With shrimp

    Connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle will appreciate the proposed avocado salad. It will become both the highlight of the festive table and the most exquisite meal. The main thing is to be able to stop in time, since it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from it.


    • Avocado.
    • Shrimp - packaging.
    • Lemon.
    • Salad.
    • Dill.
    • Salt.
    • Spices.

    Yield of dish for 4 persons.

    Cooking process:

    1. Boil and dry the shrimp. Remove the shell.

    2. Prepare the avocado. Remove the pit and scoop out the pulp. Chop into thin strips.

    3.Rinse the salad. Grind into small pieces.

    4.Place the prepared products in a deep salad bowl.

    5.Mix olive oil with lemon juice, spices and salt. Make a dressing.

    6.Pour into the salad and mix thoroughly.

    7.Send to a cool place for ten minutes.

    This salad does not require any additional decorations, as it looks very rich and is absorbed in a matter of minutes.

    Below you can watch our video recipe:

    Bon appetit!

    With crab sticks

    An unusually light and yet incredibly tasty salad. Every product has its place here. The result is an unsurpassed result that can please every connoisseur of gourmet food.


    • Crab meat - packaging.
    • Cucumber.
    • Avocado.
    • Tomatoes - a couple of pieces.
    • Quail eggs - packaging.
    • Green onions.
    • Grainy mustard.
    • Lemon.
    • Mayonnaise sauce.
    • Salad.
    • Salt.

    Serving a dish for a couple of people.

    Cooking process:

    1.Prepare the avocado: separate the pulp and cut into strips.

    2.Sprinkle with lemon juice.

    3. Peel the cucumber and cut into strips.

    4.Chop the tomatoes into cubes.

    5. Boil quail eggs, cool, peel, and divide into halves.

    6.Chop the onion feathers.

    7. Divide the crab meat into fibers or into medium pieces.

    8. Combine the prepared products, pour mustard and mayonnaise sauce over them. Mix well.

    9.The finished salad can be lightly sprinkled with lemon juice.

    An excellent salad that can suit any table. It can be consumed both as a regular meal and as a special holiday dish.

    With seafood

    This option will be an excellent solution for any holiday table. We can say with confidence that avocado salad with seafood is not only a true storehouse of vitamins, but also a real aphrodisiac. It is worth a try for anyone looking for a new incredible taste.


    • Avocado.
    • Squid.
    • Tomato.
    • Shrimp – 300 grams.
    • Olive oil.
    • Dried spices: parsley and garlic.
    • Salt.

    Serves the dish for 2 persons.

    Cooking process:

    1. Boil the squid, remove skin and chitin, cut into strips.

    2. Boil the shrimp, cool, peel the shell, leaving the tails.

    3. Divide the avocado into two halves, remove the pit and remove the pulp using a tablespoon. Cut into small cubes.

    4.Cut the tomato into small slices. Mix all prepared products.

    5.Mix olive oil with all the spices and season the salad.

    6.Fill the avocado halves with the resulting dish and garnish with shrimp.

    The original presentation and unusual taste will make this avocado salad a favorite at any celebration.

    Avocado and chicken salad

    It’s safe to say that this salad is a kind of palette. If you add at least a little more of another product to it, it will play in a completely new way. Its flavor range can be enhanced by an order of magnitude and something new can be created. And the avocado “plays” the main violin.


    • Avocado.
    • Yellow pepper.
    • Cucumber.
    • Boiled chicken fillet.
    • Boiled potatoes - 3 tubers.
    • Yalta onion - head.
    • Iceberg salad.
    • Mayonnaise sauce.
    • Spices.

    Yield of dish for 5 persons.

    Cooking process:

    1.Prepare the required products on one cutting surface.

    2. Peel all vegetables. Chop into small pieces. It is important to maintain the same size. Place in a salad bowl.

    The proposed avocado salad does not require much time or money, but is a real culinary masterpiece.

    Be sure to watch the video recipe:

    Bon appetit!

    With tomatoes

    An excellent light salad that can please all connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle. And the main thing is that it cooks incredibly quickly. All you have to do is take your favorite fruit and create something incredible.


    • Avocado.
    • Tomato.
    • Lime.
    • Garlic – clove.
    • Olive oil.
    • Salt.

    Cooking process:

    1. Prepare the required products.

    2. Divide the tomato into neat cubes.

    3. Peel and cut the avocado into slices.

    4.Pass a clove of garlic through a press.

    5.Mix lime juice with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic. Stir.

    6.Combine all products in a small container. Fill with dressing.

    7.Place in the refrigerator before serving.

    This incredibly light salad has an unusual taste and allows you to enjoy the delicate pulp of vegetables and fruits.

    With cucumber and egg

    To prepare the proposed avocado salad you will not need a lot of skills. Just the desire to please your loved ones is enough and then the result will be truly worthy.


    • Avocado.
    • Cucumber.
    • Leaf lettuce.
    • Select eggs - a couple of pieces.
    • Mayonnaise dressing – 50 milliliters.

    Serves the dish for 2 persons.

    Cooking process:

    1. Boil selected eggs, cool, peel and chop.

    2. Cut the avocado pulp into small pieces of equal diameter.

    3. Separate a large cucumber from the peel. Chop into small plates.

    4. Divide the salad into leaves, rinse, dry, and tear into small pieces with your hands.

    5.Mix the prepared products in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise sauce.

    An excellent dish that can please everyone who appreciates simple products and knows how to highlight their main advantages. And avocado comes in handy here.

    The use of exclusively fresh product for food is predetermined by the presence of tinin in its composition. When heated, it begins to oxidize and gives a bitter taste. Therefore, it is customary to consume avocado exclusively in its raw form, and it also contains more vitamins.

    If the fruit is ripe, you can keep it in the refrigerator for no more than a week. In the open air it deteriorates within a couple of days. If desired, you can turn an unripe fruit into a ripe one. It is recommended to keep it at room temperature for a couple of days.

    Avocado salads are extremely healthy for everyone, young and old. Despite all the piquant taste, they will become a worthy delicacy at any holiday.

    As you know, Mexico has long been recognized as the birthplace of avocados. Therefore, salads with avocado belong to Mexican cuisine. Cooking recipes can be very diverse with the addition of a huge number of ingredients.

    First of all, vegetable and fruit salads with avocado are popular. This fruit also goes well with seafood. Let's look at some of the most interesting and affordable cooking options.

    Any salad with the addition of avocado can be considered healthy, since the vegetable contains a considerable amount of antioxidants and other substances that fight the aging of the body. Consider the option of a very tasty vegetable salad with avocado, which includes many nutritional components. To do this you need:

    • avocado – 1 piece;
    • onion (preferably red) – 1 piece;
    • lettuce leaves (fresh) – 1 small bunch;
    • small fresh tomatoes – 2 pieces;
    • cucumber (fresh) – 1 piece;
    • bell pepper (preferably red) – 1 piece;
    • olives, preferably pitted – 20 pieces;
    • Feta cheese - 100 grams;
    • fresh parsley - several branches;
    • olive oil – 50 ml;
    • seasonings - as needed.

    Cooking time – 30 minutes.

    Calorie content – ​​350 kcal.

    Steps for preparing the most delicious salad:

    Tuna and avocado salad

    The dish prepared according to the proposed recipe is very tasty and unusual. In addition, it contains many components that are beneficial to health. It can be served as a separate dish or as an addition to various side dishes. To prepare you will need:

    • avocado – 1 piece;
    • tomato (fresh) - 1 piece;
    • tuna, canned in its own juice – 1 can (185 grams);
    • arugula – 80 grams;
    • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
    • refined vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon;
    • garlic – 1 clove;
    • table salt - a quarter of a teaspoon.

    Calorie content – ​​138.2 kcal.

    Recipe step by step:

    Avocado and chicken salad recipe

    To prepare this version of avocado salad, you will need the following list of ingredients:

    • boiled chicken fillet – 350 grams;
    • avocado – 2 pieces;
    • fresh green onions – 10 grams;
    • fresh cilantro – 5 grams;
    • freshly squeezed lime juice - 2 tablespoons;
    • sour cream 15% fat - 2 tablespoons;
    • table salt – 2 grams;
    • ground black pepper - ½ gram.

    Cooking time – 20 minutes.

    Calorie content – ​​165.8 kcal.

    Cooking the dish in stages:

    The simplest recipe

    This recipe is very simple, making it perfect for everyday cooking. To do this you will need:

    • avocado – 1 piece;
    • arugula – 200 grams;
    • small cherry tomatoes – 100 grams;
    • olive oil – 2 tablespoons;
    • balsamic vinegar – 1 teaspoon;
    • table salt and a mixture of peppers - at personal discretion.

    Cooking time – 20 minutes.

    Calorie content – ​​238 kcal.

    Making a simple and easy salad with avocado and arugula:

    1. The arugula must, first of all, be thoroughly rinsed under running water, then dried and placed in a salad bowl;
    2. Peel the avocado and chop into small pieces with a sharp knife;
    3. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and then divide them into halves or quarters;
    4. Place the avocado and tomatoes in the salad bowl and mix the whole mixture very carefully;
    5. To prepare the dressing, you need to mix balsamic vinegar and olive oil in a separate container, and also add salt and spices according to personal preferences. Stir and pour the resulting mixture over the salad.

    Crab and Avocado Salad Recipe

    This option for preparing a salad can be called exotic. In order to prepare it, you need to select the necessary ingredients in advance:

    • avocado – 1 piece;
    • fresh lettuce leaves - 1 small bunch;
    • Parmesan cheese - 50 grams;
    • garlic – 1 clove;
    • crab – 1 piece;
    • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
    • salt - at the discretion of the cook.

    Cooking time – 25 minutes.

    Calorie content – ​​137.4 kcal.

    Steps to prepare an exotic salad:

    1. The crab must be boiled until tender and then separated into fibers;
    2. Peel the avocado and then cut it into oblong bars;
    3. The salad bowl must be rubbed with garlic, which will give the salad a unique aroma;
    4. Arrange fresh leaves in a salad bowl, and then add prepared crab meat and avocado;
    5. To prepare the sauce, mix freshly squeezed lemon juice, olive oil, ground pepper and salt. Stir and season the salad;
    6. Top the dish with pre-grated cheese.
    1. When purchasing an avocado, you should pay attention to its ripeness. The best option is the one in which the fruit returns its shape to its original state after pressing it.
    2. Ripe avocados are very easy to peel. But under no circumstances should it be overripe.
    3. If you purchase a fruit that is too hard, you should place it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. This way it will acquire the condition necessary for cooking.

    Thanks to avocado, any salad can acquire a new unforgettable taste. Don’t be afraid to experiment and combine this fruit with other berries, fruits or vegetables.

    It will also go very harmoniously in a salad with citrus fruits, meat or seafood.

    You should definitely try different cooking options that will add something new and exotic to your holiday table.

    Another recipe for avocado salad is in the next video.