The largest and deepest sea is off the coast. The deepest sea in the world. The largest seas on Earth

In total, there are 63 seas on Earth that are part of the World Ocean.

The deepest sea on Earth is Philippine Sea, The Mariana Trench located in it set a record for the depth of the World Ocean - 11022 meters. This sea, in particular the Mariana Trench, attracts the attention of researchers all over the world, but the high cost of scientific work and the need for complex technical equipment become an obstacle for the vast majority of scientists.

coral sea , is one of the deepest seas of the World Ocean, being part of the Pacific Ocean. It is located off the coast of Australia and New Guinea, its depth is 9140 meters.

The attraction of the Coral Sea is the Great Barrier Reef, familiar to almost all inhabitants of the planet.

Caribbean Sea with a maximum depth of 7686 meters, is another deep-sea world record holder. Located in the Atlantic Ocean, the sea gained international fame thanks to historical processes associated with the development of medieval piracy in this region. Glorified in numerous books and films, these intrepid adventurers brought not only popularity to the Caribbean, but also global exploration, which was combined with the endless search for fabulous treasures inextricably linked with pirate legends.

The next deepest record holder is sea ​​Gang , also related to the Pacific Ocean. Its greatest depth is 7440 meters. Located between the islands of the Malay Archipelago, the sea has many unexplored areas, which in their depths, of course, cannot be compared with the Mariana Trench, but may well allow them to take third place in the ranking of the deepest seas in the world.

The study of the depths of this sea has been ongoing for 17 years and is carried out by various international organizations, while constantly bringing new results of deep measurements.

Maximum depth Arabian Sea is 5803 meters. The sea is located in the Indian Ocean and is limited to the Arabian Peninsula. This region has a rich history and modern economic potential.

6th place

Tasman Sea , located in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, has a depth of 5200 meters. The sea is the border separating New Zealand and Australia. The study of this water body began in 1770, by the famous navigator and traveler James Cook. He carried out detailed descriptions and measurements of the depths of the Tasman Sea on his first round-the-world expedition.

Beaufort Sea , located in the Arctic Ocean, its maximum depth reaches 4683 meters. Rich oil deposits have led to exploration of the sea depths of this body of water.

The US authorities are actively sponsoring geological exploration work in this region; scientists believe that the sea has a double bottom, under which vast deposits of various minerals are hidden, presumably not only hydrocarbons, but also precious metals.

Bay of Bengal, being part of the Indian Ocean, in some areas it reaches a depth of 4694 meters. Washing the shores of four countries, the bay has the longest beach in the world, the length of which exceeds 120 kilometers. Also, the Bay of Bengal is the largest in the world, its area is more than 2.1 million km 2. Thanks to its hydrochemical and hydrological characteristics, it is a sea officially recognized by the International Hydrographic Organization.

How many seas and oceans are there on our vast planet? A huge variety. I will tell you about one of the most beautiful seas of the Pacific Ocean, which is rightfully considered the deepest on our planet.

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, between the coasts of Australia and New Guinea, is the deepest sea in the world - the Coral Sea. According to the most accurate calculations, its maximum depth is nine thousand one hundred and seventy-four meters, with a total area of ​​four thousand sixty-eight meters and an average water volume of eleven thousand four hundred and seventy meters.

I would like to note that the second deepest sea in the world is also located in the Pacific Ocean. Its name is Banda, its depth is about seven thousand four hundred and forty meters.

Let's return to the deepest sea on earth. The Coral Sea gets its name from the large number of coral reefs and islands that make navigation very difficult - you have to be constantly on guard. In this sea there are such famous islands as Willis Island, Tregross Island, and Chesterfield Island. As for reefs, the most famous is the Great Barrier Reef, which is also the largest reef in the world.

The islands located in the sea are not inhabited by anyone, however, for example, on the Willis Islands there is a meteorological station.

The bottom topography of the Coral Sea is highly dissected. Its currents form a cyclonic gyre, and on the western edge the world-famous East Australian Current originates.

The average water temperature in the south of the Coral Sea at the surface is from 19° in August to 24° in February, and in the very North the whole year it is 27-28°C. The salinity of the sea is 34.5-35.5‰. Currents on the surface of the sea form a cycle.

Among the living creatures in the sea there are a lot of sharks and so-called flying fish.

Since the end of 1969, the sea territory began to belong to Australia and belongs to Canberra.

The most important ports of the Coral Sea: Cairns (on the coast of Australia), Port Moresby (on the island of New Guinea), Noumea (on the island of New Caledonia).

The geographical coordinates of the sea are as follows:

Latitude: -16.934167

Longitude: 155.11

If you sail along the Great Barrier Reef described above, you can see flying fish fluttering everywhere. These fish reach a length of up to 50 cm, they can fly up to 200 meters (can you believe it?!) above the surface of the water. Beauty!

If you engage in scuba diving, you need to be extremely careful and remember about safety, since even such seemingly harmless sea urchins, if desired, can cause enormous harm to health, or even touching them can be fatal. Some of them can be poisonous. The needles of these animals are equipped with special glands that produce poison.

Another abomination can also pose a danger - various types of worms or jellyfish. The density of worms in water sometimes reaches several thousand per 1 cubic meter. When pricked by the bristles of these worms, severe pain and fever occur.

The reef fish are very beautiful, they are painted in bright colors. They swim in schools near corals and feed on them.

The depths of the sea are mysterious, and to this day there remains a lot of unknowns. Despite all the technological progress, the abyss of water remains largely unexplored, and people know little more about them than about space.

It is not surprising that every year it is possible to discover new species of fish and other marine life, and make further discoveries at the bottom and in the water column.

And even regarding the depth of the seas and their deepest points, scientists do not deny that new discoveries can occur at any moment. However, a rating of the deepest seas already exists, and it is worth studying, if only to understand the reason for the lack of knowledge of the abyss of water. After all, diving to such depths is really problematic and unsafe!

Fifth place - Weddell Sea

This sea ranks fifth in depth, its deepest point is at 6820 meters below surface level. It is located near Antarctica, washing its shores, limited to the Antarctic Peninsula. The greatest depth is in the northern part, the southern part of the water area remains relatively shallow. Icebergs roam this sea, and the climate here is not very hospitable.

Fourth place - Caribbean Sea

Despite its small size, it is an exceptionally deep body of water that lies between South and Central America. Its depth reaches 7090 meters, and the bottom is strewn with treasures - this is exactly what treasure hunters think. In fact, they are close to the truth, because many galleons carrying New World gold sank here, and the place was known for pirate activity. But you should look for jewelry in the lowlands of the seabed, and diving to such depths requires special equipment, which requires a lot of effort and huge investments. And therefore, the mysteries of the Caribbean Sea still excite minds. The Caribbean Sea belongs to the Atlantic Ocean.

Third place - Banda Sea

The Banda Sea has a maximum depth of about 7440 meters. This body of water is located near Indonesia and is famous for its rich natural world. Rare dolphins, jellyfish and octopuses, nautiluses, stingrays, sea snakes, and many other living creatures are found here. This sea belongs to the Pacific Ocean.

Just as the bottom of the Caribbean Sea is hypothetically strewn with jewels, so the bottom of this sea is also full of riches, but only natural ones. After all, the closer to the bottom, the higher the depth, the more rare and unique species you can find.

Second place – Coral Sea

The Coral Sea is also classified as a Pacific Ocean and borders the Philippine Islands. The average depth here is 4 km, which is quite trivial, but there are places with deep-sea depressions. It is also worth pointing out that many scientists “donate” the famous Mariana Trench to this body of water, and not to the Philippine Sea, so its placement in the list of the deepest is quite natural.

The deepest sea in the world

The deepest sea in the world is the Philippine Sea. And since two seas have to share the deepest mark on the planet, then the Philippine Sea should rightfully take first place. The lower mark is 9140 meters, and the reservoir again belongs to the Pacific Ocean. The mark falls on the Mariana Trench, which is a trench that goes into the deep layers of the earth's crust. Considering the volcanic activity at the bottom of the reservoir, one should not be surprised at the presence of such an object here. Also at depth it is possible to discover “black smokers” and other objects that demonstrate volcanic activity and create a unique natural world around them. The Mariana Trench is of great interest, dives are carried out in it, but no one has been to its very bottom yet.

Depth of Russian seas

In general, it is the Pacific seas that turn out to be the deepest, and this is especially true for areas near Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. Along with the enormous depth, these waters also delight with the richness and abundance of the natural world, because there are corals, flying fish, and many other exotic things that are still being studied by biologists. However, the Russian seas are not so deep, and they definitely will not be included in the list of the first five. Only the Bering Sea is worth noting.

This the deepest of the Russian seas, its depth reaches 4151 meters. It is located between Siberia and Alaska, separating two continents, North America and Eurasia. Scientists believe that during the last great glaciations, this sea shallowed, creating an isthmus along which animals could move and people could migrate, populating the continents. A The Sea of ​​Azov does not exceed 15 meters in depth.

Deep waters are fraught with many mysteries that to this day excite the minds of people, causing periodic sensations, even speculation about the presence of intelligent life. And even if humanity will one day be able to fully explore and develop the seas and oceans, this will not happen soon.

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Man has always been interested in the seas; he was irresistibly drawn and fascinated by their wild, unbridled beauty. At the present stage there are ninety of them in the world. It is interesting to know what is the largest sea on Earth and the deepest, what is it called and where is it located. Let's take a closer look at the amazing places on the planet.

What is the sea?

This is a certain area in the World Ocean, which is isolated by land or underwater elevations. It differs markedly in climatic, meteorological and hydrological properties. There is a certain classification of seas according to the degree of their isolation:

  • outlying;
  • internal;
  • interisland;

From a geological point of view, even the largest sea in the world is a very young formation. They took their final form in the Anthropocene. The deepest ones were formed in places where the earth's crust was broken, and the shallow ones are the result of the flooding of the continent by the waters of the World Ocean.

The Sargasso Sea is a unique place on the planet

It is unlike any other. This is the largest sea in the world. It is a special area in the Atlantic Ocean, which is limited by currents, including the Gulf Stream, and not by continents and underwater hills. Its area covers about 7 million km 2, and most of it is covered with algae, which gave it its name - sargassum (sea grapes). Their large thickets create an obstacle in the path of ships and have long been the subject of many legends and fictions. The warm waters of the Sargasso Sea are home to many species of amazing creatures, such as the clown fish. Many fish specifically come there to spawn, since there is no threat from large predators. The sea is unique and stands apart from the rest.

The largest and deepest sea

Its area is almost 6000 square meters. km, and the maximum depth reaches 11022 m. This is the Philippine Sea, located in the western part of the Pacific waters. It does not have smooth and clear boundaries on land, and is separated from the ocean by groups of islands. This is the second largest sea after the Sargasso, but the first in depth. Some researchers attribute the famous Mariana Trench to its territory, but officially it still belongs to the Pacific Ocean. Fishing and whaling are active in the waters of the Philippine Sea.

Largest sea by area: top 5

If we do not take into account the already mentioned Sargasso and Philippine Seas, the rating will look as follows.

Seas on Russian territory

The territory of the country is washed by the waters of thirteen seas, which belong to three oceans. They are not so big and not so warm compared to the world giants.

  • Atlantic Ocean: Baltic, Azov and Black Seas. The latter is the warmest of all, with an average summer water temperature of 23-25°C.
  • Arctic Ocean: Chukchi, Barents, Pechora, East Siberian, Kara, White and Laptev Sea.
  • Pacific Ocean: Japan, Bering and Okhotsk Seas.

The largest and deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea (pictured above), located in the Pacific Ocean. It is very cold and even in summer the water temperature in it fluctuates between 7-10 °C. However, it is very rich in commercial fish species and shellfish. The main mammals are representatives of pinnipeds, seals and bearded seals, walruses, seals - the latter form large rookeries on the shores of Chukotka. The Bering Sea is also home to whales, including blue whales, bowheads and humpback whales.

Having learned about the largest sea in the world, do not forget about the smallest sea on Earth - Marmara. It got its name from the nearby island of Marmara, where white marble was once mined, a place known since the times of Ancient Greek civilization. Located in the Atlantic Ocean between the Asia Minor and European parts of Turkey. Its area is only 11,472 square meters. km. The waters of the Sea of ​​Marmara are very salty and warm, so the shores are densely populated.

A sea is a large body of water filled with salt water, which necessarily has a connection with one of the five oceans. There are seas wedged deep into the continent, others themselves are divided into several seas, and still others are simply part of the ocean. About 90 seas have formed on Earth, differing in size, shape, depth, and the absence or presence of closed shores.

1. Sargasso Sea (about 6-8 million sq. km)

The largest sea in the world is Sargasso, if only because it has no shores. All other seas have them, but Sargasso - not a centimeter. Its conventional boundaries are considered to be three Atlantic currents. This place is amazing; the conventional dimensions of the sea can fluctuate greatly from year to year; they can be affected by the weather patterns of a given season and the behavior of changeable currents.
In its outline, the Sargasso Sea looks like a light green ellipse. The color is not accidental - it is a continuous thick carpet of sargassum algae, stretching for hundreds of kilometers in any direction, this is a unique phenomenon for the planet. When Columbus passed this sea in search of India, he compared it to a vessel of seaweed. For a long time, scientists mistakenly thought that these algae are brought from somewhere by the current, but this is not so - they are born here and die here. The depth under them in some places reaches 7 kilometers.
The water here is quite warm throughout the year, its temperature ranges from 18-28 degrees.

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2. Philippine Sea (5.726 million sq. km)

This is the name of the oceanic island sea splashing near the Philippine archipelago, which is part of the Pacific Ocean. It is very deep - the average depth is 4108 meters, and the maximum and record on the planet is 10,994 m in the Mariana Trench.
This sea does not have clearly defined shores, and is conditionally separated from the ocean by several groups of islands: from the north - the Japanese archipelago (Ryukyu, Kyushu and Honshu), from the west - the island of Taiwan and the Philippine archipelago, in the east by the islands of Bonin, Izu, Volcano, Marianas islands and underwater ridges, and in the southeast - the islands of Palau and Yap.
The Philippine Sea can be included in several categories: interisland, oceanic, coastal. In the latter category, it becomes the largest coastal sea in the world. This sea is unique not only in its depth and size, but also in the active exchange of water between it and the open ocean due to currents. And in the sea itself there is active upwelling - vertical movement of water. The powerful northern trade wind current near the island of Taiwan splits into two branches that leave the Philippine Sea. Although the marine fauna here is not very diverse, there is active fishing and whaling here.

3. Coral Sea (4.791 million sq. km)

The Coral Sea is also located in the Pacific Ocean, but it is located between the coast of Australia and the islands of New Guinea and New Caledonia. Its maximum depth reaches 9140 m. This sea received its name due to the fact that in its waters there are many coral reefs and islands, among them: Bampton, Tragross, Willis, Chesterfield. But the most famous in the world is the Great Barrier Reef - the greatest coral formation on the planet. After 1969, the Coral Sea came under Australian management. The local islands are uninhabited, only Willis Island has a meteorological station.

4. Arabian Sea (3.862 million sq. km)

This sea separates two huge peninsulas - Hindustan and Arabian, located on the northern edge of the Indian Ocean. It is the largest sea in the basin of this ocean and the famous Indus River flows into it.
The peoples who inhabited the shores of this sea at different periods gave it different names: Sindhu Sagar, Eritrean, and the Hellenes called it Persian. Europeans also used them, but in the end, in the 19th century, the modern name was assigned to it. Surface currents in the Arabian Sea have a seasonal direction: in summer they are directed to the east, and in winter they turn in the opposite direction. This feature was noticed by Portuguese and Spanish navigators and used it very skillfully. This is a very warm sea - on the surface the water warms up within 22-27 degrees, occasionally reaching 30 degrees. Thanks to the warm climate, a very diverse fauna and flora has developed in the sea. At depths above 1500 m, water salinity increases to 35%.

5. South China Sea (3.5 million sq. km)

This sea is located on the border of the Pacific and Indian oceans and is classified as a semi-enclosed sea. From the northwest it washes the shores of Asia, and on the opposite side - the islands of Oceania. This is a large and very salty sea - the salt content in it reaches 32-34%. The structure of the seabed is determined by its location. Near the Asian coasts, the bottom is lined mainly with sand and silt, and off the coast of the islands - rocks or coral reefs. But every winter, cold air masses from the north invade the waters of this warm sea, which noticeably cool the surface layer of water. There are many international trade routes along the South China Sea.

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6. Weddell Sea (2.8 million sq. km)

This sea is located in the extreme south of the Atlantic Ocean, touching the shores of Antarctica. Its average depth is 3000 m. Every 22-25 years, a huge iceberg breaks off from the ice shelves sliding from Antarctica, which begins its slow migration through the waters of the South Atlantic. Drifting ice in the Weddell Sea is about 2 m thick.
The peculiarities of its location and climate have made the waters of this sea one of the most transparent on the planet. Maximum transparency was noted in 1986, when it reached 79 meters, which is practically not inferior to the transparency of distilled water. The presence of icebergs and compression by ice makes navigation here almost impossible; only occasionally do research vessels come here. The sea is home to seals and whales, and penguins have settled on its rocky shores.

7. Caribbean Sea (2.754 million sq. km)

The marginal Caribbean Sea is partially separated from the Atlantic Ocean by the Lesser and Greater Antilles, and is limited to Central and North America on the west. Man connected it with the Pacific Ocean by breaking the Panama Canal. The Caribbean Sea received its name from the Carib tribe that lived on its shores. It is sometimes also called Antillean. It has been noted that most of the hurricanes that rage in the Western Hemisphere originate in the Caribbean Sea. Regular hurricanes constantly destroy the fragile buildings of the inhabitants of the coast and islands.
The Caribbean Sea has an amazingly rich wildlife both in the water and on the islands. Many species are endemic to the Caribbean region. Up to 9% of all corals in the world's oceans live in this sea.
Centuries ago, the Caribbean Sea was the main theater of war for swashbuckling pirates, beautifully depicted in many films. And now they have been replaced by treasure seekers scattered across islands and sunken ships in the sea. The phenomenon of piracy flourished in the 17th century, and the main bases of pirates, buccaneers and other corsairs were Port Royal and Tortuga Island.

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8. Mediterranean Sea (2.5 million sq. km)

This is the main sea in the history of mankind - the cradle of modern civilization. From here the Phoenicians and Hellenes began exploring the world. The Mediterranean Sea separates two continents - Africa and Eurasia. It belongs to the Atlantic Ocean, being connected to it by the Strait of Gibraltar, in which ancient Greek myths placed the Pillars of Hercules. The Hellenes did not dare to go out into the Atlantic, preferring to swim, seeing the shores.
This is the only sea that washes three continents at once: Africa, Europe and Asia. The maximum depth of the Mediterranean Sea in the central basin is 5121 m. Surprisingly, for thousands of years people have not mapped the exact contours of the Mediterranean Sea; Captain Gautier did this only at the end of the 19th century - after his research, realistic outlines of the sea coast were obtained.

9. Tasman Sea (2.33 million sq. km)

The Tasman Sea is located between Australia, the island of Tasmania and New Zealand, it is part of the Pacific Ocean. Together with the island, the sea was named in honor of Abel Tasman, a Dutch navigator. It was studied extensively by the Englishman James Cook.
This is a very deep sea, especially in the Tasman Basin, where the depth is almost 6 kilometers. Although the sea is quite calm, there are strong tides up to 5 meters high. Another feature of the Tasman Sea is its location in three climatic zones, due to which it has a very colorful fauna. The northern and southern shores of the sea are home to completely different algae, fish and marine animals. The beauty of the coral reefs off the coast of Australia and New Zealand and the diversity of life forms attract many tourists here.

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10. Bering Sea (2.26 million sq. km)

In the North Pacific Ocean, separating Eurasia and North America, is the Bering Sea. The Commander and Aleutian Islands are considered its southern border. In the north, through the Bering Strait, this sea connects with the Chukchi Sea. For Russia this sea is the largest. The maximum depth of the Bering Sea reaches 4151 m. By type, it can be classified as a marginal sea separating the Asian and American continents.
The USSR and the USA could not divide this sea for a long time; only in 1990 they concluded an agreement in which the dividing line was fixed, named after the foreign ministers Shevardnadze and Baker who signed it. For most of the year, this sea is covered with ice, but this does not prevent over 240 species of marine animals and fish from living in it.

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