Self-sacrifice in the name of true love. The problem is self-sacrifice in the name of love for one's neighbor. Self-sacrifice. The problem of self-sacrifice during the war years - essay

Arguments in the composition of part C of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language on the topic "The problem of self-sacrifice, self-denial"

Text from the exam

I already vaguely remember this round-shouldered, thin man, who all my life seemed to me an old man. Leaning on a large umbrella, he tirelessly walked from dawn to dusk over a vast area, which included the slovenly built-up Mount Pokrovskaya. It was a region of the poor, cabbies did not go here, and Dr. Jansen had no money for them. And there were tireless feet, great patience and duty. The unpaid debt of an intellectual to his people. And the doctor wandered around a good quarter of the provincial city of Smolensk without days off and without holidays, because diseases also knew no holidays or days off, and Dr. Jansen fought for people's lives. In winter and summer, in slush and blizzard, day and night. Dr. Jansen looked at his watch only when he counted the pulse, hurried only to the patient and never rushed away from him, did not refuse carrot tea or a cup of chicory; slowly and in detail explained how to care for the sick, and at the same time he was never late. At the entrance to the house, he shook off dust, snow or raindrops for a long time - depending on the season - and when he entered, he took off his galoshes and coat, washed his hands and, if it was cold outside, went to the stove. Diligently warming his long, flexible, gentle fingers, he quietly asked how the illness began, what the patient was complaining about, and what measures were taken at home. And he went to the patient, only warming up his hands well. His touches were always pleasant, and I still remember them with all my skin.

The medical and human authority of Dr. Jansen was higher than one can imagine in our time. Having already lived my life, I dare to assert that such authorities arise spontaneously, crystallizing by themselves on a saturated solution of human gratitude. They go to people who have the rarest gift to live not for themselves, think not about themselves, take care not about themselves, never deceive anyone and always tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. Such people cease to be only specialists; human grateful rumor ascribes to them wisdom bordering on holiness. And Dr. Jansen did not escape this; he was asked whether to give his daughter in marriage, whether to buy a house, whether to sell firewood, whether to slaughter a goat, whether to put up with his wife ... Lord, what they just didn’t ask him about ... I don’t know what advice the doctor gave in each individual case, but everyone the children he knew were fed in the morning the same way: porridge, milk and black bread. True, milk was different, as well as bread, water and childhood.

Dr. Jansen suffocated in a sewer while saving children. He knew that he had little chance of getting out of there, but he did not waste time counting. There were children downstairs, and by that everything was counted.

In those days, the city center already had a sewage system that was constantly torn, and then deep wells were dug. A gate with a tub was installed above the wells, and leaked sewage was poured out with it. The procedure was lengthy, the workers were not managed in one shift, everything froze until the morning, and we took possession of the tub and the collar. Usually one stood on the tub, and two turned the collar. But one day they decided to ride together, and the rope broke. Dr. Jansen appeared when two boys rushed near the well. Having sent them for help, the doctor immediately went down into the well, found the already unconscious boys, managed to pull one out, and without resting, climbed for the second. He went down, realized that he could not get up again, tied the boy to a piece of rope and lost consciousness. The boys recovered quickly, but Dr. Jansen could not be saved.

Thus died a quiet, neat, very modest and middle-aged man with the most humane and peaceful of all professions, at the cost of his life paying for the lives of two boys.

(according to B.L. Vasiliev)


Self-sacrifice is not for everyone. Only strong-willed people are able to put the well-being of other people first, sacrificing their own comfort, health, and life.

Self-sacrifice is the ability, no matter what, in spite of all obstacles and circumstances, to help those who need help, support, sympathy, love.


B.L. Vasiliev raises the issue of self-sacrifice, telling the story of Dr. Jansen, who took care of others all his life, gained respect and authority among the population, lived for the sake of people.

Thanks to his spirituality, the doctor was able to achieve the favor of his patients so much that they ranked him almost with the rank of saints.


The author recalls the hero of his story, a round-shouldered, thin man who always seemed to him, a young boy, an old man. Every evening he went around the site provided to him by Pokrovskaya Gorka, leaning on an umbrella-cane.

The area given to his authority was one of poverty. No one had any money, including Dr. Jansen. A sense of duty, great patience and love for his work helped him in any weather, on any day of the week to go to the homes of patients and carefully examine their case histories.

Humanity was one of the most important qualities of his personality. He was never rude to people, he was in no hurry to leave, he did not refuse conversation and carrot tea. Slowly and in detail he explained how to care for the sick, what medicines to take.

He was never in a hurry and he was never late. If it was cold outside, before starting the examination, Jansen warmed his hands for a long time so as not to cause discomfort to the patient. His touch was always pleasant.

Thanks to the responsibly performed work, the authority of the doctor has reached extraordinary heights. The author argues that such authority arises spontaneously, against the background of simple human gratitude. And this is not available to everyone, only to those who have an amazing gift to live for others, think about others, take care of others, forgetting about themselves.

Such people gain confidence, are ranked among the saints, they are consulted on any life issue, whether it is the question of the marriage of a daughter or the sale of a house.

The doctor's life ended as it should have - he died saving children from a sewer pipe. Risking his life, not thinking about the consequences, he rushed to pull out two boys who had fallen into a sewer hole, as a result he suffocated himself, and saved them.

Author's position

The author admires Dr. Jansen, his way of life, his ability to live not for himself, but for the sake of others. He is convinced that there are very few such people left in the world, and the one who meets them on his life path will be lucky.

own position

The position of the author is clear and understandable to me. Indeed, you rarely meet a person who lives for the sake of someone else's well-being. Not for the sake of relatives or friends, but for the sake of completely strangers to him. However, he does not require gratitude or anything else in return. Such self-sacrifice is worthy of respect and admiration.

Argument 1

I recall the image of Sonya Marmeladova from the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F.M. Dostoevsky. The girl, in order to save her family - her father, a drunkard, her stepmother, sick with consumption, and their children - from starvation decided to sell her body.

Not everyone could endure such humiliation and remain a person, not reproach, not blame others. I think that such people simply have no choice - to act differently, they will never be able to act against their conscience.

Argument 2

Another literary hero, Danko from M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil", tore his chest to save the people from darkness and death, and took out his heart from it. He lit the path to salvation with his heart, and it burned like a torch. Having got out of the thicket, people forgot about their hero. And one of them, the most cautious, trampled his heart with his foot.


Sacrificing oneself for others is the destiny of the few. It is difficult to say whether they are right or not, but without such people, life would be much more cruel and dangerous than it is now.

Maria Volkonskaya, Ekaterina Trubetskaya, Natalia Fonvizina... Who hasn't heard these names!
But few people know that in reality there were eleven of them. Eleven young women who accomplished the feat of self-sacrifice in the name of love...

The oldest in a small women's colony formed by the wives of the Decembrists in Chita, where the convicted participants in the uprising on Senate Square were exiled, was Alexandra Vasilievna Entaltseva.

Her life was devoid of bright pages. None of the wives of the Decembrists had to endure and suffer as much as fell to her lot.

She was neither rich nor well-born, unlike most of her friends in misfortune. She had neither parents nor wealthy relatives. Alexandra Vasilievna was left an orphan early. She was raised by her older sisters. Perhaps the orphan childhood was the reason that the main dream of life was the desire to have a family - a good husband, healthy children, own home.
It seemed like a dream come true. A young, beautiful, smart, cheerful girl did not sit in the brides for a long time.

Her husband was a certain Lisovsky. She bore him a daughter, and the future was painted only in pink colors. Alas ... Alexandra Vasilievna's husband turned out to be a player. And even this disappointment could be put up with if not for one “but” ... Lisovsky decided to use his beautiful wife as a bait - she had to lure guests into the house, whom the owner then very successfully beat in cards. Alexandra Vasilievna resisted her husband's dishonest plans for a long time, wept, begged to spare her and her daughter, but Lisovsky remained deaf to his wife's requests. Desperate, Alexandra Vasilievna decided to take the last step - she left her husband. For a woman of the early 19th century, this was a truly heroic decision - according to the then existing canons, the church could allow this only in the event of a violation of marital fidelity by one of the parties.
Alexandra Vasilievna gained freedom, having paid a considerable price for it: the Lisovskys did not give their daughter to their mother.

Andrei Vasilievich Entaltsev, commander of the equestrian company, was older than Alexandra Vasilievna. His entire education was completed in two years. Ugly, gloomy, taciturn. But - with a good soul, and this atoned for his shortcomings. She is the exact opposite - lively, sociable, well educated. As they would say today - the soul of the company. Nevertheless, Alexandra Vasilyevna accepted the offer of the hand and heart of a stern artillery lieutenant colonel. With him, she gained a family, peace, the status of a wife, and, consequently, a certain weight in society.
Alexandra Vasilievna sincerely became attached to the beech - her husband. But the Blue Bird of Happiness only touched it with its wing and disappeared, melted over the horizon.

Andrey Vasilievich Entaltsev

In early 1826, Lieutenant Colonel Entaltsev was arrested for participating in an anti-government conspiracy and convicted as a state criminal in the IV category. He was also “lucky”: he was sentenced to only a year of hard labor, followed by a link to a settlement in remote regions of Siberia.
Andrei Vasilyevich Entaltsev considered himself an innocent victim. Yes, he was a member of a secret society, he attended meetings of conspirators, but he did not participate either in the uprising on Senate Square in St. Petersburg on December 14, 1825, or in the events of January 3, 1826 near Belaya Tserkov. However, out of one hundred and twenty-one convicted in the case of an anti-government conspiracy, there were a majority like him. In fact, they were punished for not reporting.
Alexandra Vasilievna had little choice: to remain in Moscow as the wife of a state criminal, alone, without a family, without friends, without a livelihood, or to follow her husband to Chita, where he was sent to hard labor, and a year later share a link with him.
Nothing kept Entaltseva in Moscow. She was thirty-six years old, and she could not count on the fact that she would be able to start life anew, for the third time. In Siberia, there was a chance to lead, although not a metropolitan, albeit difficult, but still family life. Alexandra Vasilievna achieved the highest permission to follow her husband.

In 1826, the Siberian governor-general Lavinsky issued an order to the Irkutsk governor Zeidler, in which he announced the arrival in Irkutsk of two wives of the Decembrists, Naryshkina and Entaltseva, and ordered to take all possible measures to convince the ladies to abandon their intentions. To do this, he advised first to act with affectionate persuasion, presenting to the travelers that, upon returning to Russia, they would retain their class and property rights, and would not become disenfranchised wives of convicts. In the event that Zeidler did not achieve his goal by persuasion, he was instructed to change his affectionate tone to a sharp one, act with intimidation and not skimp on exaggerations and the blackest colors. The governor general gave the most detailed instructions on how to intimidate two weak women. None flinched.
Naryshkina and Entaltseva were not the first to come to Chita. Ekaterina Trubetskaya and Maria Volkonskaya paved the way for them. Entaltseva, despite the fact that she was "rootless", the two princesses accepted with joy.
"This beautiful woman- Maria Volkonskaya wrote in her memoirs, - 44 years have already passed (here Maria Nikolaevna was mistaken, in 1827 Alexandra Vasilievna was 37 years old). She was smart, read everything that was published in Russian, and her conversation was pleasant. She was devoted soul to her gloomy husband, a former lieutenant colonel of artillery ... "
Alexandra Vasilievna stayed in Chita for only a few months. In the same 1827, the Entaltsevs were transferred to Beryozov, which was wild at that time - the place of exile of an associate of Peter I, His Serene Highness Prince Alexander Menshikov. By this time, two Decembrists were already serving their exile in Berezovo - I.F. Focht and A.I. Cherkasov. The arrival of the Yentaltsevs brought a fresh air to their boring, monotonous life. And, first of all, thanks to the light, cheerful nature of Alexandra Vasilievna.

View of Chita, taken from under the mountain. Watercolor N.A. Bestuzhev. 1829 - 1830

In Berezovo, the Entaltsevs bought a small three-room house. They did not need funds - the money was sent from Russia by Andrei Vasilyevich's relatives. So the spouses had the opportunity to help both comrades in misfortune, and even local residents.

By the way. One can talk a lot about the cruelty of the autocrat in relation to state criminals, although it cannot be compared with the cruelty of the future bloody rulers of Russia, but the fact remains: Nicholas I was more than loyal not only to the relatives of the Decembrists who remained in Russia, but and to their wives, who followed the convicts to Siberia. If we talk about the Entaltsevs, then Alexandra Vasilievna brought with her three serfs belonging to her sisters, although persons convicted by the Supreme Criminal Court did not have the right to keep serfs belonging to their wives or other relatives. In addition, since 1829, by the highest permission, Alexandra Vasilyevna received an annual allowance from the treasury - 250 rubles in banknotes. This allowance was issued to Entaltseva until the amnesty of 1856, when she was finally allowed to leave Siberia. But more on that later.

House of one of the exiled Decembrists in Siberia.

The Entaltsevs did not live long in Berezovo - two years. Thanks to the lively and sociable nature of Alexandra Vasilievna, their small house became a kind of club, a circle of three Decembrists. And everything would be fine if not for the poor health of Andrei Vasilyevich. The year spent in the cell of the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Nerchinsk mines, the harsh northern climate - all this could not but affect his condition. Physical ailments were exacerbated by moral suffering. It is difficult to understand why, perhaps due to an unrestrained, quick-tempered character, but Yentaltsev, like no one else, was subjected to endless nit-picking and police checks. Symptoms of a future serious illness appeared already in Berezovo, and Alexandra Vasilyevna began to write letters to the governor with a request to transfer her husband to a settlement in a place with a milder climate. In 1829, the spouses were transferred to Yalutorovsk.


"Alexandra Vasilievna,- recalled Augusta Sozonovich, a pupil of the Decembrist
M.I. Muravyov-Apostol, - ... in her youth she was famous for her beauty. She was a lively, intelligent, very well-read woman, who apparently had worked hard on her education, and a woman of a rather independent character. With manners and the ability to dress simply and tastefully, she has long been considered a model in the Yalutorovsk women's society, young girls used her special disposition and good advice.
First, the Entaltsevs bought a house, which consisted of one room with an annex for the kitchen, a cellar and a pantry, owned by the merchant Minaev, and two years later - a more spacious house of collegiate adviser Shenshin.
Whether from the fact that he could not boast of good health, or because he needed to occupy himself with something, but in Yalutorovsk Andrei Vasilyevich became interested in medicine. Having bought all kinds of medical reference books, he began to collect herbs and prepare simple, harmless medicines from them. Moreover, he not only accepted them himself, but also did not refuse the good residents of Yalutorovsk.
“The old man, despite his ill health, practiced medicine with youthful fervour,- recalled a contemporary of the Decembrists, a resident of Yalutorov N. Golodnikov, - without refusing to help either the rich or the poor, and sometimes buying the household means necessary for this, even from his own property. The poor have long remembered this complacent unmercenary.”
The "old man", by the way, at that time was barely fifty years old ...
“Andrei Vasilievich and character was more in line with the duties of a doctor than a soldier,- wrote A. Sozonovich, - always even, with everyone equally friendly, he was not only kind, but was also the most humble person in the world.

However, not everything in the life of the Entaltsevs went as smoothly as we would like. Firstly, the persecution of the police did not stop, there were too many denunciations accusing Andrei Vasilyevich of anti-state plans. They could not but affect the health and mental balance of Entaltsev and inexorably pushed him to the edge beyond which madness begins. Secondly, already at the beginning of the 30s, money from relatives from Russia stopped coming, and need knocked on the cozy, lovingly furnished house of the resilient Alexandra Vasilievna. And if the denunciations, in the end, sorted out - “Yentaltsev has no friendly ties with anyone,- wrote to A. Benckendorff the colonel of the gendarme corps Kulchevsky after another inquiry, - and does not go anywhere, leads a closed life, that insanity more and more often made itself felt.

Benkendorf Alexander Khristoforovich

How else can one explain the sudden infatuation of a middle-aged exile with the serf girl Pelageya, who belonged to his wife? One can only imagine what a sense of shame and humiliation Alexandra Vasilievna must have experienced.
"At home,- reported Kulchevsky to Benkendorf, - (Entaltsev) behaves indecently: his wife, sharing his fate, brought with her to Siberia a man and a girl for servants, and Entaltsev, having fallen in love with this girl, and being jealous of this man for her, cruelly treats both of them.
However, high authorities the fact of adultery due to the impossibility of proving it - do not take your wife as a witness! - left without attention. Pelageya was offered to sell or send to Russia.

And Andrei Vasilievich's illness progressed. In June 1841, he apparently suffered a stroke - "felt a slight paralysis", and soon fell into dementia. Alexandra Vasilievna, as best she could, fought for her husband. She obtained permission to take him for treatment to Tobolsk, to the "capital" city in the hope that local doctors would be able to help her husband, who was losing his mind before our eyes. In order to get money, she sold the house along with all the furnishings and household utensils. The treatment did not help, and the Entaltsevs returned to Yalutorovsk. The homeless were sheltered by the Decembrist Tizenhausen, later Alexandra Vasilievna was able to buy a small wooden outbuilding.


“Somehow we got to our Kurgan ...- wrote I.I. Pushchin N.V. Basargin in March 1842, - we spent more than three days in Yalutorovsk ... Yentaltsev struck me - his paralysis affected the brain and made him an idiot - he looks into his eyes, smiles and slowly says nonsense.
Consciousness decreased every day. Not understanding his actions, Andrei Vasilyevich ran away from home, wandered through the forests. Alexandra Vasilievna had to hire a nurse for her husband.
This torment continued for several years. In January 1845, the former lieutenant colonel of artillery A.V. Entaltsev died.

It would seem that with the death of her husband came liberation. From mental anguish - yes, maybe. But not from Siberia. According to the existing situation, the widow of the criminal had the right to return to European Russia. With such a request, Entaltseva turned to the governor. However, if she returned, she would be deprived of funds for maintenance. And they were not small. By law, she received 400 rubles annually as long as she was in Siberia. In addition, by the Highest order, Entaltseva received another 250 rubles. With this money in Siberia, with the cheapness of products, labor and an established economy, one could live comfortably. Alexandra Vasilievna took all this into account. She was not embarrassed by the fact that police supervision was established behind her, which was not the case throughout her life in Siberia. She was included in the general list of persons under police supervision, like other widows of state criminals.

For another eleven long years, Alexandra Vasilievna lived in Yalutorovsk, retaining, despite the hardships of life, her kindness and cheerful character. And, in fact, who was waiting for her in Moscow? The only native person is a daughter, but she was also brought up in enmity to her mother. Here, in a small town that became her home, she had a family - her Decembrist friends, once and for all the established order of life: on Thursday - at Pushchin, on Sunday - at the Muravyovs - Apostles. Here she was loved, although, sometimes, they made fun of her, but they were always ready to help.

In 1856, after the Manifesto of Alexander II, which granted forgiveness to the Decembrists, Alexandra Vasilievna Entaltseva returned to Moscow, where she died two years later all alone.

From time immemorial, and even now,
The fate of all women is this:
Keep the hearth of the beloved family,
And loyalty to her husband forever.

And wives need to be ready,
Anywhere to go for a husband:
That be cold snow with fog,
Ile trails dark taiga.

People rise up for freedom
Doomed to hard labor.
But their wives did not abandon them -
They followed them to Siberia.

That was a special moment in history
There have been so many hardships.
Revolt of the Freemasons-Decembrists,
Nineteenth and twenty-fifth century.

Diana Mustafina

Special thanks to Nikita Kirsanov for kindly providing a photo from his personal archive.

Self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice in the name of love - relationships and love


In the previous article, we considered, now we will talk about the reverse side - self-sacrifice in the name of love.

In the name of love, the greatest feats and the most terrible crimes are committed. From childhood we are accustomed to justice, kindness and good qualities worthy of a real person. It is not surprising how, with such a large and psychological baggage of knowledge, people easily sacrifice themselves in the name of good intentions and pure love. Self-sacrifice in the name of love and lofty feelings reveals the versatility of human spirituality and selfless devotion. It decorates and ennobles, carries a bright spark of love and pure thoughts, behind which stand with high moral principles, surrounding with a thin energy and moral connection woven into a single thread of love. This is the subtlest spiritual connection that reveals the depth of feelings, emotions, giving strength and life. It contains the deepest psychological basis that brings each other closer.

Great poets and writers praised such vulnerable and sacrificial torments, because they were committed in the name of good intentions. Finding examples of self-sacrifice in the name of love in literature is quite simple.

17 comments on ““Self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice in the name of love – relationships and love””

    Fools who do not have their own Self sacrifice themselves. Who in their right mind and sober memory will cripple themselves for the sake of love and spend all their vitality for the sake of a loved one or a loved one? Yes, perhaps we do not have the right to judge others for reckless attitudes and the absurdity of actions, only recklessness plays against a person and society as a whole. It is unacceptable to completely abandon the implementation of life plans and bury your potential under the ashes of indifference. We need to protect ourselves and create favorable conditions. Love consists in partnership with each other, in creating a warm and close spiritual relationship, reciprocity, empathy and help. Compressed love and constant dedication to feel the beauty of a romantic relationship will not work. You will be crushed and ground to powder faster. Selfishness does not add beauty to feelings and “kills” everything beautiful that can be between loved ones. And in self-sacrifice, egoism plays one of the leading roles, take my word for it...

    Sacrifice everything in the name of love is stupid, but being in love can overshadow the mind and logical thinking, but is there any point in such love and life in general? Love is a cruel and evil feeling, especially if it is not shared, and low self-esteem or subconscious fears contribute to this process, turning life into a ridiculous comedy full of disappointment and emotional loss.

    Beautifully written - the reasons for self-sacrifice can be different, and this is true. After reading the article, I learned a lot. Fear of loss, pity, low self-esteem can certainly be the main criterion for self-sacrifice, but there is always conscious and logical thinking. Sacrificing yourself in a relationship for love is noble, but there is a limit to everything. Here, the current French President Macron married a woman 24 years older than himself, but is this normal love? A young, handsome, successful guy lives with a real grandmother, and what is the true reason for what is happening? Based on how he went to please the Americans and spoil Russia, he has a clear diagnosis of low self-esteem, and against this background, stronger personalities, including his wife, “crushed” him morally, making him unhappy, while psychologically aggravating the sick subconsciousness even more. Maybe I'm wrong, but the opinion of other readers of the article is interesting, what do you say about this?

    The President of France definitely needs a psychologist, being young, successful, rich and living with a real grandmother is the limit of European tolerance. The fact that he has low self-esteem can be seen in his face and narrow-minded decisions. Yes, and a politician from him, judging by the current problems and actions, no. A psychologically healthy person will not deliberately spoil his life, which means he has reasons for that, maybe fear, maybe fear, violence, but we know the result - grandmother and son live together ruling the whole state. In general, unhealthy love leads to a big crash, period.

    Sacrifice in the name of good intentions and pure love. This was written in many fairy tales of the world and folklore of different countries. We are taught from childhood to justice, kindness and good qualities worthy of a real person. And self-sacrifice for the benefit of love and lofty feelings shows selfless devotion and sincere attraction, capable of inspiring the most desperate feats. We have no right to judge such behavior. Everyone has their own reasons for sacrificing themselves and trying to maintain a subtle spiritual / physical connection, for the sake of sincere love and sincere relationships. Everything is done with good intentions and good intentions. This is worthy of praise and respect.

    A deep feeling of love that moves people to feats and thoughtless actions plays the role of a catalyst and challenges rational behavior. This is the charm of love and its weak point. The line between love and self-sacrifice is very blurred, which is why some devote their lives to their loved ones free of charge and give kindness, warmth, dedication and sincere love. They make great efforts for the common good and help all those in need. They want to feel their necessity, usefulness and value tearing off a piece of themselves. And others sacrifice themselves for the sake of certain goals and want to feel reciprocity in feelings on an emotional and moral level, creating “ideal” conditions for their being and future. There is always a motive that encourages further development of events and specific behavior in a given situation. Self-sacrifice puts on the altar all the best for loved ones. Selfishness eats up everything beautiful...

    Sincere self-sacrifice adorns a person and ennobles the spirit. It carries a bright spark of love and thoughts behind which are the foundations of virgin spirituality. A real miracle and tragedy of relationships. On the one hand, it decorates and gives hope, on the other hand, it breaks in the bud, turning love into a dry and annoying feeling. It is difficult to disagree with the interpretation of honest self-sacrifice for the sake of love, it is in it that pure love and high moral principles surrounding a subtle energy and moral connection are woven into a single thread. They bring vivid impressions, emotions, give strength and life. It contains a deep spiritual and psychological foundation that brings each other closer to one single whole. It makes no sense to say the opposite, when there are hundreds of thousands of examples in the world and beautiful couples living in unison, and giving strength, time, feelings for the benefit of their beloved family

    The article is a smart idea. They sacrifice themselves, even for the sake of noble love, because of the fear of loneliness or complexes. Just by strong desire and the dictates of the soul, they will not pull themselves by the ears and shamelessly mock themselves for the sake of a loved one or loved one. The instinct of self-preservation and self-respect works no worse than selfishness. It's all about fear and insecurity. They cast doubt and belittle inner strength and confidence. In order to stay afloat and feel more or less profitable in society, and psychologically, people stop thinking about themselves, starting to sacrifice themselves for others. Let them not take offense at me, but sacrifices in the name of love are pure altruism mixed with disorders and mental problems. Of course, you need to consider and analyze specific situations with people. Perhaps the complexes are not the main cause of troubles, and everything lies in the education system, and the corresponding behavior is its direct vector. Fear is to blame on the common front

    Sacrifice yourself for the sake of a sense of imaginary happiness and security is a complete mockery of yourself and your own life. Throwing yourself into an embrasure considering your actions justified and correct is very stupid, it's a pity that few can understand this or understand it too late. “Nikita” correctly clarified: there is always consciousness and logical thinking, which should be above any problems. And one-sided love with self-sacrifice is a pathetic parody of real feelings.

    Sacrifice does no good! Giving strength, soul and emotions to a loved one while being alone with your feelings is the same as being completely alone, living among people. Self-sacrifice must be reasonable and have a purpose: to help lovers expand the boundaries of the spiritual and physical world, bring help, faith, hope and transform love into the brightest feeling. Now self-sacrifice is far from everything spiritual and to a greater extent shows the selfishness or strong energy of one of the partners, who enjoys the kindness, tenderness, complacency, responsiveness and good intentions of a person in love with him. In selfish love, passion, tenderness and spirituality fade into the background and are overshadowed by self-interest and benefits, which is why sacrifice takes on a terrifying look. Her role turns out to be vicious, evil and cruel, fading against the backdrop of dirty and vile feelings. Here's what the article warns about

    Real self-sacrifice comes from a pure heart and is not acceptable to self-interest and benefits. If you do not deviate from the essence, then self-sacrifice from psychological beliefs is closely intertwined with the subconscious: selfishness, fears, self-doubt and cannot be compared with pure spiritual thoughts and feelings. In a purely philosophical expression, the selfishness of the altar, which gives all the strength, time and complete dedication to the adored person, poisons love and deceives lovers, feeding them with deceptive feelings and doubts. A complete refusal to realize the life potential of one partner for the sake of another confirms the impossibility of comparing the purity of spiritual feelings with selfishness on one scale. Selfishness contradictory hides everything beautiful behind it.
    Still, it is fair to say that thoughts about the wrongness of relationships and sacrificial love do not stop lovers. All partners take advantage of each other and calmly turn a blind eye to reckless selflessness

    Donate truly devoted and beloved people who spend their strength, health and all their free time to help loved ones, relatives and friends. It is they who accomplish real feats and live by the laws of altruism without sparing themselves, refuse a full life, endure humiliation, bad attitude, selfishness of loved ones. They need to erect a monument during their lifetime and give them a good hassle to change the mindset of the victim into the behavior of an intelligent person who can stand up for himself and protect his interests. Refusing a normal life for the sake of the whims of others is stupid ignorance that devalues ​​the role of a person, his fate and selects the most important thing - psychological and physical health. You can not allow an uncultured attitude towards yourself and allow others to do meanness. It ends badly and ruins good people by expressing their mental state in the most negative light.

    The most obvious cause of unreasonable behavior that casts a shadow on the altars is low self-esteem and complete self-doubt, leading life to the abyss. The most serious consequences and terrible events occur precisely with people who sacrifice themselves for the sake of others and give literally everything - love, strength, health and time. Life in the constant return of all that is good and positive for the benefit of loved ones is very noble, but it carries many negative factors. Reasonable people should understand that gratuitous altruism and the constant waste of one's vitality does not add health, but makes loved ones and relatives greedy, nasty and unnatural individuals, accustomed to trashy selfish behavior. Let's be honest: egoists raised by a good attitude will not sacrifice themselves and will not think about the problems of their neighbor. They are indifferent to self-sacrifice, love and the unnatural absurdity of relationships.

    The altars are stupid, they suffer from attachment to a person, they spend their last strength for the sake of a false sense of freedom, love, and they want to prove their need for their loved ones. Logically, this is the most stupid and idiotic relationship in the world leading to a dark future. True love and respect cannot be based on the devotion of one of the parties and the mocking attitude of the other, or the complete disregard for feelings. To love, to endure and later to disbelieve in people when you realize that you are being used and all the juices are being drawn out is a foul, degrading practice. Sacrifice gives love bitterness and many misfortunes, provoking broken destinies. One-sided love has never brought happiness and true spiritual feelings. Temporary consolation and clouded consciousness, yes, it is not suitable for greater self-sacrifice. All the advantages of pleasant feelings are hidden behind a veil of nasty and deceitful relationships.

    You won't be forced to be nice. Using a good relationship and constant care from a person who loves you and is very attached to your own personal benefit sounds twofold. I look at the situation from the position of an honest person who has the courage to break off a bad relationship and behave more or less adequately. Everything seems easy and simple, the selfish side of human nature says use it and don't worry about the consequences, keep relationships under control and create ideal conditions for your loved one. The honest side screams do not make sudden conclusions and do not take advantage of the weakness of a stranger. Sacrificing oneself in order to feel significance and strength is the logic of a weak individual who does not see the world from an adequate side. The topic of self-sacrifice is ambiguous, people who enjoy all the benefits of “convenient relationships” quickly get used to the role of arrogant, narcissistic bastards and spoil their nature, turning into moral freaks. The worst thing is that they do not know about the changes and do not see the changes.

    True self-sacrifice originates from the soul, love and emotional continuation of all of the above. This is a healthy and conscious action, and happy is the one who can sacrifice, and most importantly, there is someone to do crazy things for. I am deeply convinced that if there were a little real sincere and pure love, kindness and mutual spirituality between partners in the world, the planet Earth would become a paradise. Love is too multifaceted and its sensual nature mates with the physical and psychological world, which create sublime harmony, miraculous energy, help to survive in the most difficult and deadly moments, and most importantly give rise to truly unimaginable feelings, leading our life to flowering, continuation and logical meaning. . Without love and self-sacrifice, we will not discover the true purpose of the human soul, we will not be able to understand that beautiful and deeply spiritualized love that great romantic poets wrote in classical literature. Only after experiencing all of the above can you feel the real sweetness, bitterness and heat of a love relationship. And if two great people find each other after living life in the “chastity” I described, they will give birth to real geniuses. 101 percent sure

Great ideas live on through tremendous dedication. And in order to achieve something significant in life, you have to give yourself all to this idea, even sacrifice ... Sometimes, this is a sacrifice in the name of love.

Are you good at sacrificing yourself? For a big idea? Or are you not familiar with lofty motives?

There is an old bearded anecdote from the time of the October Revolution. Anka the machine-gunner shoots back from the White Guards, who are pressing on the cart of the "Reds" from all sides. Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is sitting in a cart. Suddenly the machine gun fell silent, the “whites” were pushing the “reds”.

- What happened, Anka, why is the machine gun silent? Chapaev shouts to the machine gunner.

“There is nothing to shoot with, the cartridges have run out,” Anka complains.

- In the name of the revolution, Anka, the machine gun must fire! Chapaev commanded.

Anka heard Chapaev, and the machine gun rattled even harder.

It would seem that you are looking for a resource, and everything turns out ... "the machine gun scribbles even harder." But no, you have to sacrifice something, sooner or later you will have to pay the bills.

Many highly moral people embark on the path of colossal self-giving. They preach mercy, compassion, they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. At the same time, a shadow of grief often lies on their faces from an excess of selflessness and a lack of ordinary human happiness.

But do you know that if you do not know the secret, do not know the key to the word "victim", you will have to give the most valuable, if not all.

These reflections were prompted by my own story. Once upon a time, one extraordinary expression burst into my life: “do good and bring joy.” As a specialist in rhetoric, I liked these phrases. After all, they contain two mutually exclusive meanings. I immediately understood what they were about ... But then I didn’t have to try on the situation, because these are just phrases :)

However, after some time, I felt the power of their action on my own skin. I managed to “do good”… Me… Other people…

Sacrifice in the name of love

“Love is merciful, long-suffering, does not seek its own…” – these are the words of the Apostle Paul. They sink into the soul of many. It is these words of his that can be put into simple and understandable forms: mercy and compassion. My mind tried them on as best it could and decided to put these two simple concepts into practice.

Armed with mercy and typing full light compassion, I rushed to the suffering clients. Fortunately, I work as a psychotherapist, a healer. Therefore, there is always someone to exhale the entire supply of love. Two suffering women with serious problems came under the arm: one with pneumonia, the other with severe depression.

You know, when you really want to help a person, we become omnipotent. Sacrifice for the love of one's neighbor works wonders. In order to heal clients, I had to “turn inside out”, I gave all my mental strength. "Love and compassion", in the form of real help, worked. Both young divas received relief from my hands immediately after the session. And I… Lose sensitivity and meaning of life for the next week. Consider it the same depression.

I did not immediately understand that I had lost, that it was my time to pay the bills. Think you've lost your senses. But it's hard to get her back...

One of the indicators that is present in the heart, and the soul lives - is sensitivity. So the pianist fights for the sensitivity of his fingers, and the opera singer tries to protect his throat from cold and drafts. They are often considered cowardly and cowardly called capricious, sissies. But these sissies very often bring great changes to the cultural masses.

Our children, relatives and loved ones often expect little from us - simple words of love and tenderness. However, we are set for great feats, we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the good of a great future. But, alas, we do not give our loved ones the simplest, what is expected of us.

By the way, about individual sacrifices for the sake of a great future. These are the BAM builders who put their lives under the rails. And the steelworkers who ruined their health (“all our strength is in swimming trunks”). And Anka the machine gunner, whose machine gun scribbled thanks to her personal enthusiasm.

In the current era, the so-called sacrifice in the name of love often goes into various perverted forms. Girls are ready to give their lives for a loved one, ready for sex out of compassion. A man who is passionately devoted to his work can burn out at work. He is able to give his life for a friend, give his life for love. But pity and compassion through measure give rise to a sense of sacrifice, but not love.

Can a feeling of compassion exterminate, and self-sacrifice kill?... Can!!!

The one who has "" - can offend, beat or crush with love. It, the heart, is already losing sensitivity and has obsessive, and sometimes murderous, motives. But this is just a sacrifice, but already a sacrifice of love.

To give or act with compassion, you need to feel love. To give love, you need to have sensitivity to it. To maintain sensitivity, you need to know a sense of proportion. The measure is in love, but not in self-giving. Love is the measure of all things.

Act in love as long as the heart is full, as long as there is joy in it, as long as sensitivity is not lost. Otherwise, compassion will become an instrument of torture, and you will become a fanatic. So in the "Name of Love for the neighbor", as well as in the "Name of the revolution", mercy kills, leaving ashes behind.

Yes, love is a sacrifice. But leave yourself the right to just love. Love itself sacrifices as much as it can, as long as its strength is enough. Love donates where they are ready to adequately meet it, appreciate it and accept its gift without excesses. Love is measured by...

The measure is measured by love.

Do not kill love with excess, immeasurable self-giving and insensitive mercy.

We present to your attention the materials for the argumentation of the essay on the topic of self-sacrifice. Below are the problems, theses, quotations and arguments in this direction of the essay.
Problems of the theme of self-sacrifice
Can a person sacrifice himself for another?
Moral qualities of a real person. The fate of man.
Humane attitude towards people.
The ability to sacrifice for the sake of another person.
Ready for a challenge.

Abstracts on the topic of self-sacrifice
Bring light and goodness to the world!
To love a person is the main principle of humanism.
We are responsible for someone else's life.
Help, comfort, support - and the world will become a little kinder.

Quotes about Self Sacrifice
I was not created for the people of this age and our country; each of them is obliged to sacrifice his feelings and thoughts to the crowd.
(M. Lermontov)
If your life does not awaken your life, the world will forget you in the eternal change of being.
(I. Goethe)
The only commandment: "Burn."
(M. Voloshin)
Shining to others, I burn.
(N. Tulp)

Proverbs and sayings on the topic of self-sacrifice
Hold the battle lines firmly.
To spare the enemy is to destroy oneself.
If you fall as a hero, you will be lifted up; if you fall as a coward, you will be crushed.
Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.
He who lifts the sword from the sword will perish.
Get your glory in battle.
Fight bravely for your native cause.

Arguments on the topic of self-sacrifice

M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"
In the story of the Russian writer, prose writer and playwright Maxim Gorky, “Old Woman Izergil”, the image of Danko is striking. This is a romantic hero who sacrificed himself for the sake of people.

Danko was "the best of all, because a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes." He led people through the forest with calls to defeat the darkness. But weak people began to lose heart and die along the way. They blamed Danko for everything that happened. Overcoming indignation, in the name of great love for people, he tore his chest, took out a burning heart and, holding it like a torch, rushed forward.
People followed him and, having overcome the difficult road, they immediately forgot the one who led them, the one who gave his heart for them. People have forgotten their hero. They left the forest, and Danko died.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
Option 1
In F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", the problem of self-sacrifice is expressed through the image of Sonya Marmeladova. In his work, the writer painted an amazing image of a girl capable of incredible sacrifices for the sake of loved ones.
As a child from a dysfunctional family, Sonya grew up in complete poverty, so she was ready to live “on a yellow ticket”, thus earning her family bread. And all this just so that her loved ones do not starve.
Later, having met the main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, the girl, without hesitation, goes after him to hard labor and there she takes care of him and other convicts, wanting to alleviate their plight. She managed to share the heavy burden of Raskolnikov and fill his life with spirituality.
Sonya Marmeladova sincerely loved people and saw only the best in them, and therefore was ready to make any sacrifices for them.
People like Sonya, people who have "infinitely insatiable compassion", are still found today.

F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
Option 2
Self-sacrifice and compassion, sensitivity and mercy are important issues raised by F. M. Dostoevsky in the novel Crime and Punishment. Two of his heroines, Sonechka Marmeladova and Dunya Raskolnikova, sacrifice themselves in the name of people dear to them.
The first sells her own body, thus earning a living for her family. The girl suffers, is ashamed of herself and her life, but even refuses to commit suicide, because she understands that without her, her relatives will be lost. And the family gratefully accepts her sacrifice, practically idolizes Sonya, her self-sacrifice causes, if not respect, then at least sympathy and understanding.
Dunya, in order to help her begging brother, is going to marry a low, mean, but rich man.
The writer draws two destinies for us, two whole characters, capable of giving away the wealth of their nature for the sake of the happiness of other people.
B. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ..."
The Smolensk doctor Jansen from B. Vasiliev's book "My horses are flying..." became an example of dedication and sacrifice of one's whole life. Fighting for people's lives, the indefatigable doctor in winter and summer, in slush and blizzard, day and night, fulfilled the unrequited duty of an intellectual to his people.
He did not live for himself, thought and cared not for himself. People's rumor attributed to him wisdom bordering on holiness, and therefore he was doomed to a special, martyr's death: Dr. Janson died saving children who fell into a sewer well.
A man who was revered as a saint even during his lifetime was buried by the whole city. But after all, not everyone has such rare qualities necessary for self-sacrifice as strength of mind, generosity, nobility. You have to sacrifice health, happiness, time, and sometimes even life.
Therefore, not many people are capable of sacrificing their lives for the well-being of others.

V. Bykov "Obelisk"
Another example of self-sacrifice can be found in Vasil Bykov's story "Obelisk": the teacher Frost, faced with the choice of staying alive or dying with his students, remains true to his duty and shares the fate of those whom he always taught goodness and justice.
He chooses death, but leaves life as a morally free man.