The most beautiful tattoos for girls lettering. Tattoos with translation: the best sketches (photo). Slavic symbolism for tattoos

Nowadays, more and more often you can meet a girl or woman on the street with a tattoo on her body. This is one of the ways of self-expression of the fair sex, which is a trend in modern fashion. Recently, not drawings, but phrases for tattoos in a foreign language, which carry a special meaning, are gaining more and more popularity.

Historical information about tattoos

The tradition of decorating a woman's body with tattoos takes its roots from eastern countries. In ancient times, girls from rich Indian families were painted with henna before their wedding. Dancers also decorated their bodies in this way. This type of art has gained popularity among other nationalities relatively recently.

Expert opinion

Anna Koval

Tattoo artist

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Most modern girls prefer permanent rather than temporary tattoos.

Beautiful phrases for tattoos should be stuffed on exposed areas of the body, as well as areas where the skin is less likely to develop stretch marks over time. It is preferable to decorate the following areas with quotes:

  • lower back;
  • shoulders and area below the neck;
  • area above the ankles;
  • the area of ​​the hand above the wrist.

These are more successful options for applying the symbol’s inscription, which will have its original appearance for a long time.

Phrases for tattoos with translation

Very popular words for tattoos for girls in English. Many modern people know this language, so they can easily reveal the meaning of the inscription that a representative of the fair sex decided to tattoo on herself. Next, we will present more original phrases for tattoos with translations for girls.

The people rejoice in the Sun, and I dream about the moon.

This beautiful inscription literally means “People have enough of the sun, but I am in dreams of the moon.”

The laconic English quote has a deep and simple meaning. Its literal translation is “Now or never.”

This inscription is perfect for cheerful and optimistic people who value every minute they live. Translated into Russian, it means nothing more than “Life is beautiful.”

Illusion is the first of all pleasures

Dreamy people will appreciate this quote. In Russian it sounds like “Only illusion is the highest pleasure.”

My guardian angel is always near.

For believing girls, this saying may be suitable, which says: “My guardian angel is always there.”

All that person needs is love.

This phrase is perfect for romantic individuals. It means the following: “All a person needs is love.”

This love “message” is also created for romantic natures. The inscription literally translates as “The only love for life.” With such a phrase, a girl can emphasize and express all the love for her other half.

Only my dream keeps me alive.

The English saying says that its owner wanted to say: “Only my dream can warm me.”

I will get everything I want.

Ambitious and purposeful individuals can choose for themselves this laconic phrase, which speaks for itself. Its literal translation into Russian sounds like “I will definitely have everything I want.”

Be yourself and don’t try to imitate someone.

This quote translates to: “Be yourself and don’t try to imitate anyone.”

Small daily actions are of great importance

This inscription can be translated as “Everyday small actions become of great importance over time.”

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in English can be selected endlessly. These may be your own beliefs and views on life. It is enough to translate them into English and ask an experienced master to write the chosen saying in the required place.

Latin quotes for tattoos

Latin phrases for tattoos are especially popular. As a rule, these are wise sayings of great thinkers of all times and peoples. However, many people prefer to “explain” in the ancient language in the inscriptions in a modern way. Here are some quotes for tattoos in latin with meaning:

Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago.

Translated from Latin into Russian, the saying goes something like this: “I will always thank my mother for the life she gave me.”

Nata sum ut felix essay.

The laconic and optimistic inscription translates as “Born to be happy.”

Noli credere! Noli timere! Noli petere!

This saying in Latin has a deep meaning and can say a lot about the owner of this inscription. This statement contains three short sentences of encouragement, literally translated as “Don’t believe! Don't be afraid! Don't ask! Such a short phrase is suitable for a strong, purposeful girl or woman who is used to relying only on herself.

For strong-willed people who want to emphasize their individuality and character, this saying is perfect. Translated, it literally sounds like “To be, not to seem.”

Fac fideli sis fidelis.

A fairly short phrase contains a simple truth, which sounds in Russian as follows: “Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you.”

This laconic saying carries a deep meaning and reminds a person that he should enjoy every moment of his existence.

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.

A simple and short phrase can say a lot: “A person’s actions speak more eloquently than his words.”

For girls who want to express love for their boyfriend, this phrase can be suitable, meaning “You are my life and soul.”

De gustibus non disputandum est.

An original phrase saying that “There is no arguing about tastes.”

Winged Latin expressions for tattoos

The following catchphrases with meaning for tattoos with translations deserve special attention.

Nil permanent sub sole.

This inscription reminds a person that “Nothing lasts forever under the sun.”

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, a tergo nostra sunt.

The literal translation of the saying is “Other people’s misdeeds are before our eyes, but our own are behind our backs.”

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.

This clever thought serves as a reminder to a person that happiness is easier to find than to maintain it later.

The succinct quote means that “It is common for every person to make mistakes.”

Fortunam suam quisque parat.

Translated into Russian, the phrase sounds like “Every person is the arbiter of his own destiny.”

Literal translation of the wise quote “Love is the greatest thing in life.”

The laconic quote says that everything is nothing but vanity of vanities.

Potius sero quam nunquam.

This is a very popular catchphrase that means “Better late than never.”

The literal translation of the saying is: “To each his own” or “Everyone chooses his own path.”

Lettering in Russian for tattoos

Adherents of their native language can decorate their body with an inscription in Russian. By tattooing phrases in his own language, a person first of all expresses his respect for him. However, sayings in Russian are less popular. It is believed that inscriptions embossed in English, Latin or any other language are more original.

Despite this, there are those units that do not change their native language. It is for them that the list of phrases below is presented:

  • “Only mother is worthy of love”;
  • “Fate helps the brave”;
  • "To each his own";
  • “Living means acting”;
  • "Love conquers all";
  • “Let everything be fine”;
  • “Listen a lot, talk little”;
  • “Variety is fun”;
  • “Only the first step is difficult”;
  • “We will live and love”;

It is important not only to choose the right phrase, but also to choose a font that will make the inscription original and beautiful. This matter can be entrusted to a master who will clearly demonstrate all possible options.

You can supplement the tattoo with an inscription in Russian with a small drawing that will highlight the meaning of the saying itself or a separate word.

Slavic symbolism for tattoos

Of particular interest are not only phrases for tattoos with meaning, but also Slavic symbols that have pagan roots. Many people apply this kind of tattoos as a talisman. Pagan tattoos can be depicted as.

Hand tattoos in the form of an inscription have become very popular among both boys and girls. Lettering tattoos are fundamentally different from all other types of tattoos. Such images carry a specific meaning and ideology that is understandable to everyone; at least, a person has suggestive thoughts about the meaning of the tattoo. Body art with quotes can express love for one’s neighbor, friendship, trials experienced, attachment to something, etc. A lettering tattoo can be made on any part of the body, but the most popular place for quotes is the hand. The size of the tattoo is also determined by the preference of the person. It can be just one word or phrase. You can apply an entire excerpt from your favorite work or statement to your body.

Since English has become a generally accepted international language of communication throughout the world, signs in English are more popular among young people. In addition, you can convey “your message” to the world in Latin. It is most often chosen for philosophical quotes.

Today I would like to pay special attention to tattoo design. The fonts and size of the tattoo in the form of an inscription play an important role in the perception of the design. The site has collected the most interesting tattoo inscriptions on the hands that will help you decide on your choice.

Tattoo inscriptions with translation on the arm

Tattoos that carry deep meaning and convey the ideological mood of their owner are very popular among both sexes. Large, clear font is an important element of a successful tattoo.

Here is one of the best examples of this. Tattoo inscription "I know I was born and I know I"ll die The in between is mine" (I know that I was born, I know that I will die, but what is in the middle of it belongs to me).

on the inside of the arm

The following quote is inspiring and encouraging: “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” This amazing tattoo has a very deep meaning; it is designed to inspire a person who does not believe in his own strength, although he has talent.

on the inside of the arm

This inscription is made on the inside of the biceps in a very original font: “Do what you love” (Do what you love).

on the inside of the biceps

This option is more suitable for guys: “Wars begin in the minds of men.” The quote is very eloquent and once again confirms the fact that all wars start because of people.

on the inside of the arm

A rather catchy inscription, made in a very beautiful font: “The good memories are for the rough times.”

on the inside of the arm

The following tattoo is located behind the back of the arm: "Have the courage to live. Anyone can die" (Have the courage to live. Anyone can die).

on the back of the hand

Tattoo inscriptions with translation on the hand and wrist

The hand is a very visible place for drawing an image. The following quote did nothing to detract from the owner's appearance. Beautiful font and heart-shaped background. The tattoo “Choose not a life of imitation” means that in any situation you need to be yourself.

on the outside of the palm

The phrase from the famous song “It"s only forever - Not long at all" says that true unselfish love lasts forever.

on the wrist

This tattoo is suitable for people looking for the meaning of life: “The truth is out there - I want to believe” (The truth is somewhere nearby, I want to believe in it).

on the wrist

Sometimes phrases can be seen in combination with other images: “I climbed the tree to see the world.”

on the wrist

Women's wrist tattoo made with colored elements: "Faith. Love" (Faith. Love).

on the wrist

Lettering tattoos on hands: translation and ideas

Here is a list of the most interesting, in our opinion, phrases and quotes that may inspire you:

Phrase Translation Author
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. You may be disappointed if you fail, but you're doomed if you don't even try. Beverly Sills
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. There are two ways to live your life. The first is to think that there are no miracles in the world. The second is to think that the world is full of miracles. Albert Einstein
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Your life is limited, so don't waste time living the life of someone you're not. Steve Jobs
Do what you can with what you’ve got wherever you are. Do the best you can with what you have in any situation. Theodore Roosevelt
Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t. Today I will begin to do what others will not, and tomorrow I will finish what others could not. Jerry Rice
See the Invisible, Believe the Incredible, Achieve the Impossible. You need to see the invisible, believe in the incredible, achieve the unattainable. Joel Brown
My religion is very simple, my religion is kindness. My religion is very simple, my religion is kindness. Dalai Lama
Our greatest glory is not failing, but in rising every time we fail. Our great victory is not in not losing, but in getting back up every time we fail. Confucius
Losers quit when they're tired. Winners quit when they've won. Losers end the fight when they are tired, winners when they win it. -
Some people dream of success… others stay awake to achieve it. Some people dream of success, while others do everything to achieve it. -


Aphorisms, catchphrases, sayings for tattoos (inscription tattoos).

In order to convey any meaning with your tattoo, it is best to use inscriptions. No, pictures can also symbolize and mean a lot, but the problem is that the picture can be understood in different ways, or you can not understand it at all. And the inscriptions in the tattoo describe the taught meaning much more specifically. And it doesn’t matter what font, what handwriting, what language, the main thing is that they fulfill their main function - they convey meaning. In a tattoo, in addition to the meaning, of course, they take into account the beauty and style of the writing, the size and the semantic meaning. A wonderful opportunity to combine all these integral qualities of an inscription tattoo is provided by phrases for tattoos in Latin. The Latin language is distinguished by its beauty and meekness, the ability to express a huge, deep meaning in a short text. Therefore, the most beautiful, most famous phrases or sayings of great people were spoken in Latin.

Latin inscriptions as tattoos are becoming increasingly popular among young people around the world. As a rule, these are people more interested in philosophy and science, who want to emphasize their individuality and intellectuality.

One of the main areas of tattooing is the depiction of various kinds of catchphrases and mottos. On this page you can see the most common options:

Arrive ce qu'il pourra (French) - Come what may.

A tout prix (French) - At any cost.

Audaces fortuna juvat (lat.) - Happiness favors the brave.

Battle of life (English) - Fight for life.

Buvons, chantons et aimons (French) - We drink, sing and love.

Cache ta vie (French) - Hide your life.

Cave! (lat.) - Be careful!

Cercando il vero (Italian) - I am looking for truth.

Contra spem spero (lag.) - I hope without hope.

Croire a son etoile (French) - Believe in your star, i.e. Hope for happiness.

Cum deo (lat.) - With God.

Da bin ich zu Hause (German) - Here I am at home.

Debellare superbos (lat.) - To suppress pride, the rebellious.

Der Mensch, versuche die Gutter nicht (German) - Man, do not tempt the gods.

Dictum factum (lat.) - Said and done.

Dieu et liberte (French) - God and freedom.

Dieu et mon drolt (French) - God and my right.

Due cose belle ha il mondo: Amore e Morte (It.) - There are two beautiful phenomena in the world: love and death.

Du sollst nicht erst den Schlag erwarten (German) - Don't wait to be hit.

Eigenhum ist Fremdentum (German) - Property is someone else's.

Ein Wink des Schicksals (German) - Indication of fate.

Errare humanum est (lat.) - It is human nature to make mistakes.

Est quaedam flere voluptas (lat.) - There is something of pleasure in tears.

Ex voto (lat.) - By promise; by vow.

Faciam ut mei memineris (lat.) - I will make sure that you remember about me!

Fatum (lat.) - Fate, fate.

Fecit (lat.) - Did, fulfilled.

Finis coronat opus (lat.) - The end crowns the matter.

Fortes fortuna adjuvat (lat.) - Fate helps the brave.

Fortuna non penis, in manu non recipe (lat.) - Luck is not good, you can’t hold it in your hands.

Fu... e non e! (it.) - He was... and he is not!

Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus (lat.) - Let us rejoice while we are young.

Gnothi seauton (Greek) - Know yourself.

Gott mit uns (German) - God is with us.

Grace pour moi! (French) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!

Guai chi la tocca (Italian) - Woe to the one who touches it.

Gutta cavat lapidem (years) - A drop chisels a stone.

Naes fac ut felix vivas (lat.) - Do this to live happily.

Help yourself (English) - Help yourself. (Take it yourself!)

Hoc est in votis (lat.) - This is what I want.

Homo homini lupus est (lat.) - Man is a wolf to man.

Homo liber (lat.) - Free person.

Homo res sacra (lat.) - Man is a sacred thing.

I can’t afford to keep a conscience (English) - I don’t have the means to keep a conscience.

Ich habe gelebt und geliebt (German) - I lived and loved.

Ignoti nulla cupido (lat.) - What they don’t know about, they don’t want.

Il faut oser avec une femme (French) - You have to be brave with a woman.

Il fine giustifica i mezzi (It.) - The end justifies the means.

In God we trust (English) - We trust in God.

In hac spe vivo (lat.) - I live with this hope.

In vino veritas (lat.) - The truth is in wine.

Joi d'amor (It.) - The joy of love.

Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero (Latin) - I swore with my tongue, but not with my thought.

Jus vitae ac necis (lat.) - The right to dispose of life and death.

Killing is no murder (English) - Killing is not murder.

La bourse ou la via (French) - Trick or treat.

La donna e mobile (It.) - A woman is fickle.

La via est un combat (French) - Life is a struggle.

Leben und leben lassen (German) - Live and let others live.

Le devoir avant tout (French) - Duty comes first.

Macht geht vor Recht (German) - Might is higher than right.

Magna res est amor (lat.) - The great thing is love.

Malo mori quam foedari (lat.) - Better death than dishonor.

Malum necessarium - necessarium (lat.) - Necessary evil - inevitable.

Memento mori (lat.) - Remember death!

Memento quod es homo (lat.) - Remember that you are human.

Me quoque fata regunt (lat.) - I also submit to fate.

Mortem effugere nemo potest (lat.) - No one can escape death.

Ne cede malis (lat.) - Do not lose heart in misfortune.

Nil inultum remanebit (lat.) - Nothing will remain unavenged.

Noli me tangere (lat.) - Don’t touch me.

Now or never (English) - Now or never.

Oderint, dum metuant (lat.) - Let them hate, as long as they are afraid.

Omnia mea mecum porto (lat.) - I carry everything that is mine with me.

Omnia vanitas (lat.) - Everything is vanity!

Pac'e gioja (Italian) - Peace and joy.

Penis longus, vita brevis (lat.) - X@y is long, life is short

Per aspera ad astra (lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.

Pisces natare oportet (lat.) - The fish needs to swim.

Potius sero quam nunquam (lat.) - Better late than never.

Procul negotiis (lat.) - Away from troubles.

Que femme veut - dieu le veut (French) - What a woman wants, God pleases.

Qui ne risque rien - n'a rien (French) - He who does not take risks has nothing.

Qui sine peccato est (lat.) - Who is without sin.

Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.

Quod principi placuit, legis habet vigorem (lat.) - Whatever the ruler pleases has the force of law.

Requiescit in pace (lat.) - Rest in peace.

Sans phrases (French) - Without further ado.

Senza amare andare sul mare (It.) - To wander the sea without love.

Senza dubbio (Italian) - Without a doubt.

Sic itur ad astra (lat.) - This is how they go to the stars.

Sic volo (lat.) - That's how I want it.

Silentium (lat.) Silence.

Sono nato libero - e voglio morire Libego! (it.) - I was born free - and I want to die free!

Souvent femme varie, Bien fol est gui s’y fie! (French) - A woman is often changeable, the one who believes her is very stupid!

Struggle for life (English) - Struggle for life.

Supremum vale (lat.) - Last forgiveness.

Suum cuique (lat.) - To each his own.

Sweet is revenge (English) - Sweet is revenge.

That be or not to be (English) - To be or not to be.

Tous les moyens sotn bons (French) - All means are good.

Tout pour moi - rien par moi (French) - Everything for me - nothing from me.

Trahit sua quemque voluptas (lag.) - Everyone is attracted by his passion.

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (lat.) - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it.

Ubi bene, ibi patria (lat.) - Where it is good, there is the homeland.

Unam in armis salutem (lat.) - The only salvation is in the struggle.

Vale et me ama (lat.) - Farewell and love me.

Veni, vidi, vici (lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.

Via sacra (lat.) - Holy path.

Virginity is a luxury (lat.) - Virginity is a luxury.

Vita sene libertate nlhil (lat.) - Life without freedom is nothing.

Vivere militare est (lat.) - To live means to fight.

Wait and see (English) - Let's wait and see.

Wein, Weib und Gesang (German) - Wine, women and songs.

Weltkind (German) - Child of the world.

Lettering tattoos are one of the most common areas of tattooing in Rostov. This style is especially popular among young people. Often tattoos do not express the fullness of meaning that the bearer of the tattoo would like to convey; this is where inscription tattoos are well suited because... the text conveys the entire meaning of the tattoo, so the choice of phrase should be taken with particular seriousness. Lettering tattoos can be combined with the main tattoo design or used alone.

The use of inscription tattoos is almost unlimited because... They can convey any meaning. This can be an expression of a religious nature carrying a spiritual meaning, or as a memory of some important event in life, for example an important date, the loss of a loved one, the names of children or relatives and much more. The most frequently used statements and aphorisms of philosophers, great and famous people, in different languages, here you are limited only by your imagination.

There are many styles and types of body designs. One of the most common is the inscription. This type of tattoo is equally suitable for both men and girls. Even the most creative individuals will be able to find something for themselves.

Lettering on a woman's body is usually done in a thinner, more elegant font. Can be supplemented with a small and cute drawing nearby. Men often choose simpler options - classic fonts, weighted symbols, minimalism. In general, there is no specific division in which representatives of the fairer and stronger sexes get tattoos that fall into the same category. It all depends on you, your fantasies and preferences.

Places for such tattoos are chosen in a wide variety of ways. Common options: inscriptions on arms, legs, neck. But there are also those who choose more sophisticated options. For example, inscriptions on the head, or even the earlobe. Of course, most people still choose the more standard options.

Foreign languages ​​are often used in sketches. Phrases in Latin, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Portuguese are especially popular. I rarely use Russian or Ukrainian. This depends on the prevalence and origin of many tattoo texts. Most people take phrases of one origin or another and there is no need to translate them from the original language.

It is very important to decide on the translation of the tattoo inscription. You must be sure that you know its exact meaning so that you do not end up with awkward or even disastrous situations. It is better to talk to professionals in this matter, rather than using programs on the Internet and information from forums. Most often, this is written by ordinary Internet users, most likely passing by. Are you ready to trust their opinion on such an important issue?

An inscription is a tattoo specifically for those who want to have not just a beautiful image or symbol, but want to put a real mark on their body, to emphasize something. This could be a catchphrase, an aphorism, a quote from a famous person, a line from a favorite movie, or a poem. They often use the name of their significant other, or a close relative, or their own name, among others. This is a romantic gesture, a manifestation of love. Sometimes one word is enough to remind you of something. For example, for parents – the first word of their child.

Before you grab the sketches that caught your eye first and run to the master, it’s better to carefully look at a sufficient number of photos on the Internet and think about your decision. Will you get tired of the sketch? Will you regret your decision? If you have doubts, then maybe you should postpone this idea and wait a little?

A tattoo is an important event in everyone's life. She will stay with you for the rest of your life. It must be something truly important and meaningful to you.

Everyone's attitude towards tattoos is different. Some are against them, others, on the contrary, are for them. Some people don't like women with tattoos, others find such women more attractive. Everyone has their own opinion about tattoos, because everyone has their own opinion. Well, the opinions of others are mixed, so if you want to get a tattoo, then get it!

Tattoos are not only big and bulky, but also small and stylish.

Lettering tattoo

In recent years, tattoo fashion has moved from abstract paintings and images to inscriptions and famous quotes. As an inscription, you can use both well-known expressions and catchphrases, and come up with your own to emphasize your individuality.

The most popular languages ​​for inscriptions:

  • Chinese characters;
  • Latin;
  • English language;
  • Italian;

Choosing a place for a tattoo is another important point. The size of the phrase and the phrase itself will depend on where you want to get the tattoo. For example, you are unlikely to be able to make a large inscription on your ankle, but for example, you can tattoo an entire poem on your back. When choosing a place, you should remember that your body does not get younger with age, which means that if you get a tattoo in a place that is prone to lose its shape, such a tattoo will not look very attractive later.

Popular places for tattoos:

  1. The hips are the most favorable place; a tattoo on a woman’s arm is not only very sexy and can emphasize and highlight attractive curves, but is also easy to disguise if it is necessary to hide it.
  2. Shoulder blades, back - for a tattoo on the back or shoulder blade there is a lot of room for maneuver, but it is on the back that the tattoo will become blurred over time.
  3. The neck is a very attractive place for a tattoo, and it looks quite impressive, but it cannot be hidden;
  4. Belly - very often tattoos are made on this part of the body to hide scars or stretch marks after childbirth;
  5. Hands, shins - ideal for inscriptions in the form of bracelets;
  6. The ankle is a very good place from the point of view of convenience, but it is suitable for short phrases;
  7. The chest is a popular, but not the most successful place.

Latin inscriptions

  • Amor Vincit Omnia (love conquers all)
  • Vincit qui se vincit (the most difficult victory is victory over yourself)
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae (man is the creator of his own destiny)
  • Esto quod es (be who you really are)
  • Vita est speciosa (life is beautiful)
  • Vivere in momento (life is made up of moments)
  • Minima maxima sunt (the smallest things are the most important in life)
  • Quis Attero Mihi Tantum Planto Mihi Validus (what doesn't kill me makes me stronger)
  • Si vis amari ama (if you want to be loved, love yourself)
  • Actum ne agas (What is finished, do not return to it)
  • Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant (Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them)
  • Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare (I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not listen)
  • Certum voto pete finem (Set only achievable goals for yourself)
  • Damant, quod non intelegunt (They condemn because they do not understand)
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo (As long as I breathe, I love and believe)
  • Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas (You must eat to live, not live to eat)
  • Esse quam videri (To be, not to seem)
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis (Actions are stronger than words)
  • Fidelis et forfis (Faithful and brave) Finis vitae, sed non amoris (Life ends, but not love)
  • Fortunam suam quisque parat (Everyone finds his own destiny)
  • Gustus legibus non subiacet (Taste is not subject to laws)
  • Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi (Farewell to others often, never to yourself)
  • Imago animi vultus est (The face is the mirror of the soul)
  • Imperare sibi maximum imperium est (To command oneself is the greatest power)
  • Potius sero quam nunquam (Better late than never)
  • Procul negotiis (Get out of trouble)
  • Qui sine peccato est (He who is without sin)
  • Suum cuique (To each his own)
  • Trahit sua quemque voluptas (Everyone is attracted by his passion)
  • Vale et me ama (Farewell and love me)
  • Vita sene libertate nlhil (Life without freedom is nothing)
  • Bene vobis (may everything be fine)

Awesome fonts for tattoos:

Photos of tattoo inscriptions for girls:

Side tattoo

Side tattoo

Side tattoo

Forearm tattoo

Back tattoo

Tattoo on shoulder blade

Back tattoo

Ankle tattoo

Neck tattoo

Tattoo on thigh

Back tattoo

Tattoo near chest

Tattoo on thighs

Back tattoo

Tattoo on hand

Tattoo on hips photo

Tattoo near chest

Tattoo on chest photo

Tattoo on hips photo

Tattoo on chest photo

Tattoo on hand photo

Tattoo on hips photo

Tattoo on finger photo

Back tattoo photo

Tattoo on hips photo

Back tattoo photo

Tattoo on hand photo

Other tattoos

  • Tattoo with an image of an alluring rose. This flower is most often used as a symbol of expressing love. The color and shape of the flower is of great importance! If a rose is just growing and beginning to bloom, then its owner is in a relationship, and they are blooming! If a rose is colored purple, then its owner has a very strong love. Black wilted roses mean that a woman has lost someone close and dear to her, without whom it is very difficult for her.
  • The “dreamy butterfly” tattoo is considered a very popular tattoo. These cute creatures have always attracted and will continue to attract the human eye. This pattern can be tattooed on any part of the body. If a girl is the owner of such a tattoo, then this means that she has closed the door to the past and started a new life.
  • Tattoo with the image of a cute and beautiful ladybug. These creatures will make anyone smile! Most often, such tattoos are done so that you can understand your mood in a sad moment!
  • Some girls tattoo images of angels on themselves, thereby showing that the girl is under the protection of her guardian angel.
  • An image of a lotus, this flower was respected by the ancient Egyptians and other peoples. Most often, this flower symbolizes some achievement on the way to a goal. Such a tattoo, according to palmists, can protect against adversity and danger.
  • Tattoos of small hummingbird birds are very popular! These are small, but very beautiful and fast birds. They work hard. If a girl has such an image, then most likely she has a stubborn and impulsive character.
  • An image of a dandelion, a warm and beautiful flower! These flowers are reminiscent of childhood and joyful moments! If a person has such a tattoo, then most likely he is dreamy and purposeful.
  • A tattoo with an image of an anchor has also become popular recently. This small tattoo speaks of a person who has a balanced character and makes decisions quickly, but at the same time thinks everything through well. Such people most often know in advance what they want to get from life.
  • A luxurious diamond, such tattoos indicate that a person has a strong and strong-willed character!
  • Tattoos with the image of swallows are most often made by girls who devote themselves completely to their family. As you can already understand, the swallow signifies loyalty and devotion to the family.


The girl is getting ready to get a tattoo