The most unusual facts about everything. Short and funny facts about everything in the world

1. A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long always in one night.

2. A cockroach can live for weeks without a head and starve to death.

3. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

4. Earth is the only planet not named after a god.

5. A hard working adult produces up to 4 gallons of sweat a day,
and does not notice how most of it evaporates!

6. The heart of a hedgehog beats almost 300 times a minute!

7. A hippopotamus can open its mouth as far as
that a child 4 feet tall will fit in there!

8. A hummingbird weighs less than one penny.

9. A moment is actually 1/100 of a second

10. A piece of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be rolled out to the size of a tennis court.


12. After eating, the housefly regurgitates its food and eats it again!

13. Apples are much more effective in getting people up in the morning than caffeine.

14. Bulls do not distinguish colors, and are angry at matadors only because of the movement of a rag,
which they wave in front of their muzzles - it doesn't matter if it's red or acid yellow!

15. Camels have three eyelids that protect them from sand flying into their eyes in the desert.

16. Cat urine glows in ultraviolet light.

17. Cats and dogs, as well as people, are left-handed or right-handed.

18. Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10th of a calorie!

19. Human teeth are harder than stones.

20. Human thigh bones are harder than concrete!

22. Most lipsticks contain fish scale extract.

23. No part of a dry square piece of paper may be folded more than 7 times.

24. One abrasion plant can produce up to one billion pollen particles!

25. Over 10,000 birds a year die from crashing into windows!

26. More than 2,500 left-handed people a year die because
that use products for right-handed people!

27. Porcupines swim in the water!

28. Skepticisms is the longest word that changes hands so often when typing.

29. Sniffing bananas and/or green apples (namely, sniffing, not eating!)
can help you lose weight.

30. The average weight of an iceberg is 20,000,000 tons.

31. Due to gravitational effects, a person weighs slightly less when the moon is directly above them.

32. On average, a person has 1460 dreams a year.

33. The earth weighs more than 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

34. A crocodile always grows new teeth instead of old teeth.

35. The longest flight of a chicken so far is 13 seconds.

36. The most used letter in English is E , and the most unused Q.

37. Opposite sides of the dice always together make up the number 7!

38. Hummingbird weighs less than one penny and can't walk.

39. The location of the donkey's eyes on the head allows him to see all 4 sides at the same time!

40. The poison-arrow frog has so much poison that it can kill 2200 people.

41. The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" uses all letters of the alphabet.

42. The US state of Florida is larger than England.

43. The Sun is 330.330 times larger than the Earth.

44. All the termites of the world outweigh all the people in the world by 10 times!

45. The Empire State Building has over 10 million bricks.

46. ​​Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb, was afraid of the dark.

47. Windmills always spin counterclockwise. Except Irish mills!

48. Your heart beats 100,000 times a day.

49. A person is born with 300 bones, but an adult has only 206 of them.

50. 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan are the only Disney figures
who have both parents, and who also do not die during the course of the film.

51. Human birth control pills also affect gorillas.

52. The mollusk has the largest penis,
than any other animal in the world in relation to its body size.

53. The lifespan of a dragonfly is 24 hours.

54. The sounds that ducks make do not echo. Nobody knows why.

55. Human nails and hair do not stop growing after death.

56. The first toilet dates back to 2000 BC.

57. A fully loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed,
It will take at least 20 minutes to stop.

58. From the age of 30, the human body begins to "shrink".

59. A lion's roar can be heard from a distance of 5 miles.

60. A pregnant goldfish is called a "reproach."

63. A species of earthworm in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length.

64. A "ten-gallon" hat holds up to three-quarters of a gallon of water.

60. A pregnant "goldfish" is called a "reproach"

61. A rat can survive longer without water than a camel.

62. Rhinoceros horn is dense hair.

63. George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.

64. After the death of a person, rigor mortis begins from the head to the feet.
and leaves the body in the same direction: from the head to the toes.

65. Scissors were invented by Leonardo do Vinci.

66. "Bulk" is the name of a whale's penis.

67. According to the Bible Old Testament 1:20-1:22 the chicken was before the egg.

68. Actor Tommy-Lee Jones and Vice President Al Gore at Harvard shared the same room.

69. Months starting on Sundays will definitely have "Friday the 13th"

70. The real name of actor Albert Brooks is Albert Einstein.

71. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, never called his mother or wife.

72. Alexander the Great was an epileptic.

73. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a navel. It was removed when it was sutured after one operation.

74. To all officers Confederate States of Americaduring the Civil War
Copies of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables were issued and ordered to carry it with you at all times.

75. The eye of an ostrich is larger than its brain.

76. Previously, drunkards, in order to protect themselves from the devil, clinked their goblets.

77. The ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows in honor of mourning for their cats.

78. Anteaters prefer not ants, but termites.

79. Medieval knights raised their visor
and thus greeted the passing king.
This tradition has been adopted by the modern army when saluting.

80. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before the flight,
since bad air can ruin suits.

81. Babies are born without kneecaps. They appear only between 2-6 years.

82. The full name of the Barbie doll is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

83. The volume of the figure of Barbie, if she were alive - 39cm / 23cm / 33cm.

84. Bela Lugosi died while filming Plan 9 from Outer Space.
Director Edward D. Wood Junior hired his next of kin,
to take close-up shots. So he was able to finish the film.

85. Blondes' beards grow faster than brunettes.

87. Blueberry Jelly Bellies were made especially for Ronald Reagan.

88. Bob Dylan's real name is Robert Zimmermann.

89. Men leave their hotel rooms cleaner than women.

90. Most American car horns sound "fa".

91. Both Hitler and Napoleon were missing one testicle each.

92. Boys with unusual names have mental problems more often,
than boys with common names. Girls do not have this problem.

93. Brazil got its name from the nut and only from it.

94. Bruce Lee's movements were so fast that the filmmakers
I had to SLOW DOWN the movie so we could see his movements.

95. You won't get sucked into quicksand if you slowly move your body to a supine position.

96. Every Swiss citizen is required by law to have or have access to a bomb shelter.

97. Elvis had a twin brother who died at birth
which is the reason why Elvis' middle name Aaron is in memory of his brother.

98. The word Catgut comes from sheep, not cats :)

99. Cats can make over 100 different sounds, while dogs only make 10!

100. Factory " Chrysler built the B-29 that bombed Japan.
Mitsubishi built a Zeros that tried to shoot it down.
And now both companies work in the joint plant "Diamant Star", where they build cars together.

Interesting Facts:

In the life of the world around us every day there is a lot of new, interesting and unusual. But do we know about all this? After all, everyday life of modern people flows in a stream and cycle of urgent and urgent matters. Sometimes there is absolutely no time to learn about something interesting. It often happens that there is only time to look at the news bulletin, to hear something really interesting out of the corner of your ear, but there is no time to learn more about it. If you are tired of hearing about the same events on TV and radio, reading about them in programs and daily news sites, if you do not have time to watch educational cable programs, check out the selection fun facts on our website. Here you can find the most interesting facts about our planet, about people, unusual data about the animal and plant world, interesting facts about the development of nanotechnology, about new space developments. The site publishes and constantly updates all new data and facts from various areas of human knowledge - politics, education, science, history, art, psychology of human relationships, housekeeping. Here you can get acquainted with the achievements in the field of science and technology, learn something new from the world of tourism, read Interesting Facts from the life of both ordinary people and world celebrities. At any convenient time, when there is a minute at home or at work and there is an Internet connection, the site invites you to recharge with positive, learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things. If you love nature, then Interesting Facts about animals will surely not leave you indifferent. Corresponding photographic material illustrating the content is submitted with text news. Acquaintance with new interesting events and unusual data will help relieve fatigue at the end of the working day, give relaxation during hard work, and improve mood. All people have a thirst for knowledge of the new and unknown, they love to travel, but not everyone can afford it sufficiently. As a result, many curious things remain unknown to each of us. But now the most Interesting Facts, published and constantly updated on the site, provide an opportunity to fill this gap. And let new knowledge make life at least a little more interesting. After all, it is always nice to share unusual news with friends or tell your household about them! © 2019 All rights reserved. When copying materials, a link to the site is required.

A selection of interesting facts from different areas that will be very interesting and informative for many of us.

In 1988, Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to star in the sequel to Commando. The script was reworked for the new protagonist and called "Die Hard". Thus began the rise of the career of Bruce Willis.

The world population has almost stopped growing. The female fertility rate is currently 2.36. And for simple reproduction of the population, a female fertility rate of 2.33 is required.

As a young man, George Clooney lived with a lazy roommate who had a cat. Once he had to wash the cat litter box for four days in a row. On the fifth day, Clooney got tired of it and he shit in the tray himself. The neighbor was afraid that the cat was suffering from constipation and dragged the animal to the veterinarian.

In 1600, after a volcanic eruption in Peru, about two million people died ... in Russia. The fact is that the accumulation of ash in the Earth's atmosphere caused the "Little Ice Age", which caused a terrible crop failure, and then the "Great Famine" that occurred during the reign of Boris Godunov.

France is the only European country capable of self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs.

If you see a cloud from an atomic explosion, stretch your hand towards it and bend your thumb so that it obscures the "mushroom". If the cloud is larger than a finger, then you are in the radiation zone and you need to urgently evacuate.

In the American city of Anthem (Arizona) there is a monument that functions only once a year, on Veterans Day - November 11th. On this day, the sun's rays fall on the monument at such an angle that they pass through all the rings in five concrete structures, symbolizing the five branches of the US military, and illuminate the mosaic in the form of the "Great Seal".

One person tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), but survived. He later admitted that this "flight" completely turned his whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife upside down. “I suddenly realized that there is absolutely nothing in my life that could not be corrected. Except for one thing - this very jump, which I just decided on.

The first visitor to Disneyland was a college student named Dave McPherson. But at that time, he did not have time to ride on any of the rides, as he was in a hurry to go to class. But later he had a chance to more than catch up - he was given a lifetime pass to all Disneylands on the planet.

Japan imports rice from the US - but only to meet World Trade Organization requirements. The Japanese almost never eat this rice. Most of it is sent to North Korea as humanitarian aid, the rest is fed to pigs or rots in warehouses.

The ancestors of the first whales were medium-sized land-dwelling mammals.

Before Hitler arrived in Paris during World War II, the French cut all the cables of the Eiffel Tower. If the Fuhrer wanted to look at the city from above, he would have to climb the stairs to the top, which he did not do. Therefore, the Parisians are proud to say that although Hitler captured France, the Eiffel Tower was too tough for him.

In 2006, Claudia Mejia, a resident of the American city of Orlando, went to give birth in a local hospital. When she woke up after giving birth, it turned out that she had neither arms nor legs. To all attempts to find out why all the limbs were amputated to the woman, the hospital replies that, they say, they cannot voice the reason, because, in this way, the rights of other patients will be violated. Allegedly, she contracted some kind of disease already in the hospital from other patients, and the hospital has no right to disclose this information. As a result, Claudia was never able to find out why she was left without arms and legs.

In Vilnius (Lithuania) there is a small district of Uzupis, which declared itself an independent republic. This republic has its own flag, its own currency, a president, a cabinet of ministers and even an army of 11 people

Once the Indian Maharaja Jai ​​Singh visited the pavilion of the Rolls-Royce company in London. One of the workers, not understanding who was in front of him, allowed himself a caustic remark that, they say, "our product is clearly beyond your means." Singh bought ten cars, brought them to India and ordered them to be used to transport garbage.

In 1998, during the Australian Open, sisters Serena and Venus Williams recklessly declared that they could easily beat any man ranked below 200 in the ranking of tennis players. The German tennis player Carsten Braasch, the 203rd racket of the world, responded to the challenge. He came to the match, refueling with beer and not really straining, beat Serena first, and then Venus with a score of 6:1 and 6:2, respectively.

Due to confusion over similar names, representatives of the Slovak and Slovenian embassies have to meet regularly (once a month) to exchange mail delivered by mistake.

The very first version of Cinderella was written in China.

No one knows the name of the inventor of the fire hydrant, because the patent for this invention burned down during a fire.

The inventor of Vaseline, Robert Chesbrough, ate a spoonful of his invention a day and assured that he felt tremendous benefits for his body from this. He lived to the age of 96.

The daughters of President John F. Kennedy donated a puppy from the first dog in space. The gift was made in order to improve relations between Kennedy and Khrushchev. This puppy managed to bite the entire Kennedy family.

Pink does not exist. What we see is a big scientific mystery. This color is a combination of red and purple - two opposite spectrums of the rainbow, and such a mixture in nature is impossible. In fact, certain wavelengths, when reflected, are converted in our brain to pink.

Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito and Freud all lived in Vienna (Austria) at the same time in 1913.

While the person is eating the pineapple, the pineapple is eating the person in return. This is the only plant that contains bromelain, an enzyme that effectively breaks down protein. And since the human body is made of protein, the pineapple tries to “digest” it. This is what explains the sores on the tongue of those who overdo it with eating these fruits.

During the 9/11 rescue operation, the dogs were so rarely able to locate survivors that they were under extreme stress as they felt guilty and unable to cope. Therefore, the rescuers had to regularly hide in the ruins themselves in order to enable the dogs to find them and, thereby, maintain their “fighting spirit”.

Billionaire and cocaine smuggler Sal Magluta won the American National Speedboat Race three times and appeared frequently on television, although he was a wanted man. Nobody noticed anything for 6 years.

The chemical name of titin consists of 189819 characters. It will take at least three hours to pronounce it in full.

It turns out that eggs are even better kept dirty because they have a protective layer that can be washed off with water. In many countries, eggs are washed before they are sold to give them a more "tradeable" appearance, and thereby open the pores in the shell through which harmful bacteria can enter during storage.

16% of Lithuanians are immune against HIV.

There is a legend that the Orson Welles radio show "The War of the Worlds", which aired on the CBS station on October 30, 1938, was taken at face value, as a result of which more than a million residents of the northeastern United States allegedly believed in the attack of the Martians and panicked. Entire families were said to have barricaded themselves with weapons in the basements of their homes, or hastily packed their belongings to leave the country. In fact, the effect was not so strong, it was just that the competitors of the CBS station were trying to compromise it as a news source.

In China, there is an organization called the Mistress Association, which brings together women who live off married wealthy men. On their website, these women not only share their impressions and experiences, but also help each other collect dirt on their patrons in case they decide to “cut off funding”.

In 2004, humanity produced more transistors than grains of rice, and by 2010, 125,000 transistors could already be bought for the price of a grain of rice. Electronic device with 16 GB memory contains more transistors than neurons in the human head

Biotech company Pembient has learned how to 3D print "rhinoceros horns" that are genetically identical to natural ones. The company plans to sell this product to the Chinese market at a price 8 times cheaper than real horns, hoping to defeat poaching in this way.

In 2009, an expert on anti-kidnapping in Mexico was abducted in Mexico just after finishing a lecture titled "How not to get abducted in Mexico".

Abstract algebraic principles are usually only taught in college. Meanwhile, mathematicians have proven that even a five-year-old kid, that is, almost any member of society, is quite capable of comprehending them.

75% of the world's food comes from just 12 plant species and 5 animal species.

Nervous movements like tapping your fingers on a table or tapping your feet can burn up to 350 calories a day. It is easy to see that such habits are characteristic mainly of slender people.

One day, a 2.5-year-old girl named Michelle Funk fell into a river and was submerged for 66 minutes. When the rescuers lifted her to the surface, the baby had no pulse or breathing. After more than 3 hours, her blood suddenly warmed up. When the temperature reached 25 degrees Celsius, the girl came back to life and lives to this day.

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We bring to your attention quick facts about everything in the world. Such collections are interesting in that you do not have to read a long and tedious text for a long time. You can stop at any moment and still not lose the main idea. After all, brief facts, as a rule, take one or two sentences, no more.

In general, they help a lot to broaden their horizons, especially for those who, due to certain circumstances, should know a little more than the average educated citizen.

Well, let's start!

Do you know that every minute, the world's mobile operators earn more than 800 thousand dollars from sending SMS alone?

In 60 seconds, it radiates as much energy into space as our planet is not able to expend even in a year.

An interesting fact is that over the past 20 years, thermal records have been constantly recorded on Earth. This means that the average temperature of the planet is rapidly increasing.

Brief facts can be very expensive: if a million dollars were exchanged for $1 banknotes, their weight would be 1 ton. Imagine - a ton of money!

Everyone knows that India has a unique culture. So, this practice is quite common there: a man marries the daughter of his older sister, that is, his niece.

About 10% of criminals commit almost 70% of crimes in the world.

Acid rain was recorded for the first time in 1872. It happened in England.

The largest shopping and entertainment center is located in Dubai. Just think, its total area is more than 1.2 million m², and the retail area is 350,244 m².

We wrote a separate article about this, but given that we have brief facts in front of us, we will only say that it is also located in Dubai. Its height is 828 meters.

Do you know where chess was invented? Of course, in India.

About 10% of the world's population is left-handed.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the heart begins to beat in the fetus. After that, it never stops, until death itself.

Surely interesting you will be very surprised. But again, given that this is an article with brief facts, we will say briefly and only one thing: a list of gifts given in honor of his 70th birthday was printed in newspapers from 1949 until the death of the leader in 1953.

It sounds ridiculous, but the average book page is about half a million atoms thick.

One of the versions of the origin of the word "ruble" comes down to the fact that in ancient times a silver ingot was cut into four parts, each of which was called a ruble, from the word "cut".

A short and interesting fact: every month, the first day of which falls on a Sunday, will necessarily have a Friday on the 13th.

It's funny, but penguins can't walk straight without shaking their heads.

In some English-speaking countries, there is: on February 29, a woman can propose to any man, and he does not have the right to refuse her. It's good that there is no legal liability for the refusal yet.

Most Americans regularly use the word "fuck" in their vocabulary.

What do you think is the most common color on national flags? That's right, it's red.

Many young mothers worry that their newborn baby may accidentally choke. However, the human body is designed in such a way that after birth and up to 7-9 months, the child can swallow and breathe at the same time. So there is no cause for concern.

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