Sasha Spielberg first and last name. Sasha Spielberg (video blogger). How did Timur Bekmambetov come into your life?

Sasha Spielberg, whose biography will be reviewed today, is a video blogger. She is also a singer, playwright and gamer. Born in 1997, November 27, in Moscow. After some time, Sasha’s family was forced to move to Cyprus. The girl does not say anything about her real last name, so it is impossible to say for sure what her parents called her at birth. In the history of Russia, Sasha is the first minor blogger who began posting her songs and covers on YouTube at the age of 15. Currently, about 2.5 million people have subscribed to her channel.

Sasha's fans are called "Spielbergs". It so happened that the girl constantly advertises in her videos, so haters nicknamed her after this device.


Since childhood, the girl was active - she loved to ski, was fond of horse riding, tennis, drawing, golf, etc. However, all active games had to be stopped after she was diagnosed with bronchial asthma at the age of 7. This was precisely the reason for the whole family’s long trip to Cyprus - the climate needed to be changed. In the 5th grade, the girl performed for the first time with her classmates in front of the audience. After that, she realized that she wanted to connect her life with music.

When the disease stopped bothering young Alexandra, she and her family returned to her native country. Sasha Spielberg, whose biography is very diverse and interesting, then began to really miss her friends and retreated into herself for a long time. The girl again felt the charm of life when she learned about the video hosting YouTube. She began posting videos in a foreign language, which attracted foreign fans. My parents didn’t quite like this, so they decided to send Sasha abroad to a boarding school for training. According to the girl, it was terrible, but there she was lucky enough to meet her first love.

After returning to the Russian Federation, Alexandra continued communicating with the guy, but they had to break up. The fact is that she began to actively blog, but the young man did not share such a hobby and interfered with her. The girl had to gain popularity again - she began to shoot covers and record songs. Crowds began to subscribe to it again, but this time “rufans” appeared.

YouTube channel

The first videos that brought popularity to the girl were recorded in English. They were originally intended for her friends from Cyprus. As a result, thousands of Americans began to subscribe to it. This greatly affected the girl's self-esteem. From that moment on, she became more concerned with the development of the channel than with studying or communicating with her family. And so began the career of a young video blogger under the pseudonym Sasha Spielberg. The biography (real name unknown) of the girl makes it clear that her parents may not be very rich, but her family’s wealth is clearly above average.

In 2010, Alexandra decided to post covers on her channel. Her talent gradually developed - at first the videos were shot in a home atmosphere, a little later professional recordings appeared, and over time, her own songs.

On YouTube, the girl has two channels: music and for her blogs. The second appeared in 2012. Here she posts reviews of her life; according to some people, they have no meaning, although their popularity is growing at a rapid pace. In 2013, through hosting, Sasha announced the release of her first album, which was released in 2014. At the same time, she began collaborating with Procter & Gamble. A year before the release, her accounts were confirmed by the site administration.


Most of the criticism arose due to the fact that rumors related to her parents appeared. More precisely, the Omsk TV channel began airing paid advertising. Two video bloggers spoke about this - Lilika and Kiselev.

Due to the fact that Sasha Spielberg, whose biography includes signing a contract with a consumer company, advertises Procter & Gamble products, a lot of negativity has poured out on her. The fact is that this brand uses animals to test its products.

Conflicts with video bloggers

Sasha’s most famous conflict was the trial with According to the latter, Spielberg’s mother strangled her with a rope from her badge. After this incident, Alexandra’s parents filed a lawsuit against Chizhova’s parents. However, the claim was rejected for lack of evidence of a crime. As it turned out later (video blogger Nifedov stated this), Milena’s mother was the first to attack the girl. There are also rumors that this could have been a provocation from Procter & Gamble. Sasha Spielberg herself (the girl’s biography is also filled with dramatic events) has said more than once that she was accused without reason, and everything said against her is slander.

Haters and supporters

Alexandra's fans often start filming their blogs. However, most of them are subjected to harsh conditions due to the fact that the guys are trying to behave on camera like Sasha Spielberg herself. The biography (the last name is officially unknown, but there are some rumors that it is written in the passport as Balkovskaya) of the girl also has such a positive aspect as receiving the “Golden Button”. Many of its supporters are trying to gain such recognition.

Sasha's haters are constantly active on the Internet. They create groups on popular social networks, shoot anti-videos, but the number of her fans is growing every day.

Participant name: Alexandra Balkovskaya

Age (birthday): 27.11.1997

City: Moscow

Height and weight: 1.62 m

Channel direction: music, travel, let's plays, backstages and much more

Channel created: 05/19/2010

Number of subscribers: more than 5.1 million

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Sasha was born in Moscow and her childhood was very turbulent. The girl was involved in swimming, tennis, figure skating and even horseback riding. All this ended at age 7, when she was diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

For the sake of her recovery, her parents immediately changed the gloomy capital to sunny Cyprus and were right. The disease subsided and the family returned to their homeland.

True, Sasha’s character changed after her illness - she became more closed and withdrew into herself. Youtube was a real breath of air for the girl.. First, the girl started recording videos in English and became popular in the USA.

Sasha spent all her free time at the computer and her parents decided to end this hobby by sending the girl to a foreign boarding school.

The establishment was terrible, but it gave Spielberg her first love. After returning to Russia, the relationship with the young man quickly faded, because Sasha decided to become deeply involved in creativity.

True, the channel is now Russian-language. Plus two branches appeared. In one, Spielberg filmed covers at home, but over time they grew into something more.

Now Spielberg can boast of recordings in studios and numerous of his own works.

Another thread is a vlog created in 2012, where Sasha reveals to subscribers different aspects of her life - shopping, travel and much more.

YouTube brought Sasha real fame. True, there is an opinion that the girl initially received subscribers thanks to advertising on one of the regional channels. And the girl’s wealthy parents bought it. This fact has not been confirmed, but it should be noted that the life of Spielberg, which fans see, can hardly be called poor.

The level of everything that gets into the frame is clearly “above average”. Another interesting point is that subscribers claim that the girl’s musical branch is much more interesting and richer than just “life” stories.

The girl took the pseudonym deliberately and after consulting with her parents. They even have a kind of agreement - subscribers will never find out Sasha’s identity, will not get involved in her life, but for now the blogger herself can do whatever she wants. But over time, the parents got used to it and the girl’s mother even sometimes appears in her daughter’s videos.

Another important moment in a girl’s life is relationships with colleagues. Very often bloggers are friends with each other and appear in each other’s videos. With Sasha, everything is different, she has several videos with famous bloggers, but the girl has more enemies.

A story has spread across the entire Internet about how vlogger Igor Sinyak lost one of his videos, which featured Sasha and Dmitry Larin, and then... the entire channel was deleted for using Sasha’s image!

These two incidents led to the creation of numerous anti-Sasha Spielberg groups on social networks. But the girl doesn’t pay attention to these “little things in life.”

Another incident in the collection of scandals associated with Sasha Spielberg was the incident at the People Video festival in 2014. Then a wave of information spread through those who came that Sasha’s mother was allegedly strangling Milena Chizhova. It all ended in mutual accusations of slander, there was no trial, but the residue remained.

Both on your channel and in interviews, Sasha Spielberg always says that he is not going to stop with YouTube popularity.

Her words were confirmed in 2015, when the girl recorded two songs for the full-length Russian film “He is a Dragon.” One of them, the ballad “Love is Scary,” has become incredibly popular.

The girl has several of her own videos, as well as joint videos with popular Russian performers.

It is expected that a secretive girl will not talk about her personal life and this is true. The girl prefers to remain silent about her romantic interests, but fans have more than once attributed relationships with her colleagues.

Photo by Sasha Spielberg

Sasha often takes part in photo shoots and appears in magazines. On Instagram, the girl posts a piece of her personal life, many photos from her travels and photos together with Russian stars.

Sasha Spielberg is a popular YouTube channel video blogger, singer and author of her own songs.

Sasha's parents are small businessmen. What exactly they do is not known.

As a child, Sasha Spielberg was involved in horseback riding, swimming, tennis, and figure skating. She was, as Sasha herself says, a hyperactive child.

At the age of seven, she was diagnosed with bronchial asthma. To treat this disease, Sasha Spielberg and her parents moved to Cyprus. Soon she managed to successfully get rid of the disease. After recovery, Sasha returned to Russia, where she still lives.

Since November 2012, Sasha began blogging on Youtube - During this period of time, Sasha Spielberg uploaded 176 videos to her channel, which in total collected 270 million views. Sasha’s channel is viewed about 500 thousand times a day and about three thousand people subscribe to it every day.

In addition to video making, Sasha is engaged in singing and has released several songs and videos for them. I would like to note that he writes all the songs (words and music) independently. Sings in English and Russian.

Banana Facebook Kings

Social networks are increasingly becoming part of the lives of politicians. However, it is interesting that developed countries are by no means ahead of the rest in this race. Take the representation of politicians on Twitter, as well as similar ones by and. Present, of course, are Donald Trump and Barack Obama, Pope Francis, but then the entire top political social networks are tightly packed with representatives of Indonesia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, India, Venezuela, Colombia, Iran, Turkey and Egypt. Of course, our Russian Dmitry Medvedev is also there. In general, among those countries that are far from in the most flattering places in world rankings of democracy, freedom and corruption. It would seem that progress should be absorbed by the most economically and socially progressive countries, but for some reason Recep Erdogan turns out to be the star of social networks.

Why do politicians need likes and followers?

There is an obvious assumption: social networks are a communication channel. In developed democratic countries, there are many different institutions that provide communication between politicians and society. The first thing is elections, then there are free media, open party structures, public organizations and so on. There is no shortage of feedback between society and government, which means there is no urgent need for additional communication channels.

Autocratic states are a different matter - they also need their dose of public legitimation, but are forced to achieve it in some other way, existing in conditions of limited freedoms. These methods, as a rule, represent a certain ritual - a speech from the throne, a military parade and other “appearance of the ruler to the people”, designed to create the illusion of the unity of power and the people. And in this sense, social networks turn out to be a real gift, allowing charismatic leaders to be daily and visibly present in the lives of their subjects.

Moreover, unlike boring European institutions, this method is purely symbolic. This connection does not oblige you to anything. Inconvenient comments can always be deleted or disabled, and the audience always has access to the most important socio-political information: how is the health of the royal dog, what is being served in the royal kitchen these days? An ideal tool for political populism. It is no coincidence that after Medvedev's Twitter the most popular hotbed of the Russian political elite on social networks is Ramzan’s Instagram Kadyrov.

And then video bloggers appear

Recently, video blogger Sasha Spielberg - née Alexandra Balkovskaya - at a hearing on youth policy in the State Duma. She began her speech by saying that in no other country in the world do video bloggers speak in parliament (in fact, they do, but that’s not the point). But, given all the above, this is not a compliment.

In many other countries of the world, parliament is filled with deputies who do not need to confirm their public mandate. But those who are aware of the precariousness of their legitimacy regularly have to feign public support by putting forward various kinds of opinion leaders. For this purpose, famous athletes and artists are added to party lists, and religious leaders are invited to the parliamentary podium. Now, it seems, video bloggers will also join the list of those called upon to be responsible for the dialogue between society and the authorities.

In general, I have been interested in video bloggers for a long time. For example, the Nashi movement once supported a studio producing viral videos. But I seriously came to my senses when it turned out that the opposition had a strong presence on YouTube, and the youth audience went to rallies, despite all the funds invested in television.

On March 9, a meeting of video bloggers took place with the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, after which (about 3 million subscribers on YouTube) he released a video about how bad things are with the cultural level of Russian youth and how video bloggers, together with Medinsky, will now try to fix this.

Subsequently, one of the heroines of the survey, presented in Sobolev’s video as an example of low youth culture, wrote that the video was deliberately edited to make her look as unsightly as possible. Other bloggers, however, quickly gathered in the usual desire to stick to the budget.

Spielberg was also present at the same meeting. Upon closer examination, she turns out to be no coincidence: her father is Alexander Balkovsky, a venture investor and co-owner of the company “Agency Z”, a division of Timur Bekmambetov’s company “Bazelevs”, which is engaged in promotion on YouTube. The audience of 10 million she declared on the Duma rostrum was obtained by simply adding up all her subscribers on all social networks (about 5 million on YouTube + 3.8 million on Instagram, etc.) - and, most likely, these audiences overlap greatly, then there are simply the same people. In addition, many accuse her of cheating and using bots. This is not the first time for her to communicate with the state: last year, with funds from the state Cinema Fund, the film “Hack the Bloggers” was shot, in which Spielberg starred, and the producer was Bekmambetov, who is also a part-time member of the Board of the Cinema Fund. The film failed at the box office, and was probably seen by many more people than the film itself.

In fairness, it should be noted that after the scandal broke, Medinsky set the criteria for selecting films for state support. But we can also remember how several years ago the same Medinsky refused to support the film by Alexander Mindadze, because it somehow incorrectly reflected Soviet-German cooperation on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. This film was subsequently made and received many awards. Thus, even when the Russian state tries to imitate a dialogue with the public and calls a representative of the blogging community to the podium, it turns out that he also represents the right parents and, in general, is, as it were, “one of our own.”

Spielberg and the Sokolovsky verdict

Speaking about video bloggers, one cannot help but recall that recently the district court of Yekaterinburg gave Ruslan Sokolovsky a three and a half year suspended sentence, in whose videos they found a dozen and a half episodes of inciting hatred against Christians, Muslims and feminists. According to the verdict, he “presented information in the style of youthful maximalism”, “endowed Jesus with the features of a zombie”, was guilty of “denying the existence of Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad” and “reinterpreting the situation of the virgin birth” - a real realm of Kafkaesque absurdity.

In the Duma, Spielberg called Sokolovsky an “idiot” and added that “such people need to be treated or fined,” and to judge him “is cruel and not pragmatic.” The message to the blogging community is clear: if you say the right things, you are called to the Minister of Culture, if you say the right things and are of the right origin, you are called to a hearing in the Duma, and if you say the wrong things, then you are tried on absurd charges (the humane option is "treat or fine").

In the main part of her speech, Spielberg-Balkovskaya calls on deputies to “become transparent.” In the sense of “being present on social networks.” The call for transparency is admirable in itself. However, it should be remembered that the presence of politicians on social networks, as well as bloggers on political platforms, can be a decoration and an addition, and not the foundation of transparency.

The foundation of transparency is real elections, the participation of real oppositionists in the political process, free and independent media, public organizations that do not face the risk of being recognized as a “foreign agent.” Many people have decorations - especially in Iran and Venezuela - but with the foundation the situation is more complicated. It is not clear whether it is possible to talk about this within the walls of parliament - or whether it will be regarded as extremism.

Alexandra Balkovskaya was born on November 27, 1997 in Moscow. The girl's father, Alexander Balkovsky, was a venture investor and co-owner of the Z-Agency studio. During her first years, Sasha lived in Russia, but at the age of seven, doctors diagnosed her with asthma. To cure their daughter, the parents decided to move to a country with a warmer climate, so the family moved to Cyprus, where the girl felt much better.

Balkovskaya began playing tennis, horse riding, swimming, figure skating and even played golf. In the fifth grade, I performed on stage for the first time as part of a school girls’ group and realized that I wanted to devote my future to music. Sasha began to develop her vocals, and this passion did not disappear even after her family returned to Russia.

In May 2010, at the age of thirteen, the girl created her own channel on the YouTube platform and took the pseudonym “Sasha Spielberg.” The author addressed the first videos to an English-speaking audience, but upon returning home she began making videos in Russian. In the beginning, her channel had a lot of music content.

In Spielberg’s own words, when the number of subscribers to her channel exceeded one hundred thousand, she began to receive advertising offers: for her first review of cosmetics she received 100,000 rubles. In a fairly short time, her project became in demand. Having gained a million subscribers, she received the “Golden Button” prize from YouTube. Her program “Spielberg Vlog” even appeared on television for some time, on the RU TV channel.

In 2016, she starred in a commercial for Cornetto ice cream from Unilever, where she sang with DJ Leonid Rudenko. In the same year, together with other guest stars, she starred in the video of the group “Degrees” for the song “Degree 100”, and also starred in Timur Bekmambetov’s film “Hack Bloggers”. A year later he appeared in the comedy “Yolki 5” as a cameo.

In April 2017, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Medinsky, appeared on Spielberg’s blog, during the conversation actively advertising the ministry’s projects: the films “Bolshoi” and “Time of the First,” the websites “Culture. RF" and "History. RF".

On May 22, 2017, Sasha Spielberg took part in parliamentary hearings on youth policy. I received an invitation from the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma and Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party Sergei Neverov. Spielberg spoke about the activities of bloggers, saying that she is “not a supporter of rallies, and also spoke negatively about Ruslan Sokolovsky. She also called on deputies to work more actively on the Internet.

In the same year, 2017, together with other popular bloggers: Yulia Pushman, Yan Gordienko and Karina Kasparyants, she appeared on the cover of the January issue of Elle Girl.

At the beginning of 2019, Spielberg decided to start an independent life and moved to the United States of America, where she is more comfortable developing her creative projects.

Alexandra November 25, 2019 walked the red carpet at the prestigious American Music Awards. The girl moved to the USA not long ago, but already feels quite confident on the red carpet of award ceremonies. At the American Music Awards, the girl accompanied mega-star Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Halsey, Selena Gomez and other celebrities.