Scenario for the holiday "The Miracle of the Earth - Bread!" Scenario for the extracurricular event “Bread is the head of everything!” Theatrical performance of bread

Objectives of the event:

    Reveal the meaning of bread in human life, the importance of the work of farmers;

    Introduce historical facts of the Great Patriotic War.

    To form moral value orientations in students.

    Foster a sense of patriotism,a sense of respect for the work of grain growers.

    Show what a difficult path bread goes through before it gets to our table;

Decor :. On an embroidered towel, loaf, salt shaker, flour products (prizes); a stand decorated with children's drawings about bread.

Equipment: projector, presentation, pictures with stages of field work.

Progress of the holiday.

    Music is playing

Presenter: /in Russian folk dress/

Bread, bread..., warm, fragrant, with a crispy crust. It is the most important on the table and the oldest, because it appeared over 15 thousand years ago... Time has passed and now there are 750 types of bakery products. Despite this, we can now say “Bread is the head of everything!” SLIDE 1


Bread smells like sun and earth,

And tears, and wind, and thunderstorms.

How much care and labor there is in it,

How much good he brings to people!


One ancient legend tells that one day a traveler dropped a crumb of bread in the desert. He stopped the caravan and began to look for her, because bread cannot be trampled. Can you really find it in the sand? It's getting close to night. The traveler marked the place by sticking his staff. At dawn he returned to find bread. And his staff became golden. The traveler received an awardfor your carefulattitude towards bread. This legend teaches us that bread is a priceless gift.


Presenter :

And now we invite you to take part in the journey. We are going on a trip not for fun, but to show everyone that bread must be treated with care.

Our journey will be held under the motto: “Take care of every grain of bread!” And where we will stop, you will find out as our journey progresses.

So, let's hit the road SLIDE 3

Station Istoricheskaya.

At this station you can hear many legends and tales.

Presenter :

One day an ancient man found some seeds. How tasty the seeds seemed to people. Scientists suggest that it was wild barley. Time passed, man learned to make fire and use it for cooking. He began to roast wild grains and mixed them with water. Later, people began to bake unleavened bread in the form of a flat cake made from thick grain porridge - dough. The dense, burnt pieces of grain mass bore little resemblance to our wheat bread. But it was with the advent of these flatbreads, baked on hot stones, over a fire, that bread baking began on earth.

And even later, man learned to bake bread from sour dough.

Well, the word"bread" came to us from Ancient Greece. Greek masters baked bread in clay pots called "hlibanos ».


Yes, the grains did not immediately become

With the bread that is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground!

Presenter: We arrive at the following station:

Station How bread came to the table. SLIDE 4

You will know how it comesbread on the table!SLIDE 5 -18

Spring. They plow the field and throw grain into the ground - they sow bread.

The grain field is large and beautiful. They say: “Golden field!”

It's time to harvest the harvest. Harvesters enter the field.

From morning until late at night, the bread is harvested so as not to lose a single grain.

Then the grain is sent to the elevator where it is dried and sorted. These towers store grain.

Bread is transported to the store in a specially equipped vehicle. And there we buy our bread.

Presenter: Now let's check if you watched the movie carefully. Let's playgame "Own place"

Game conditions:

1 game option: The cards record the stages of the appearance of bread on our table. Your task is to arrange the cards in order and line up all the actions.




Game option 2 : Children are shown drawings that depict arable land, a mill, harvesting, sowing, a store, a bakery. They need to be placed in the correct order.

Presenter: next station

Station Auction of bakery products SLIDE 19

Game "Auction".

Game conditions: the guys call in a chainbakery products . ButWhoThe last one to call, he wins a prize (the prize is a bunch of bagels).

Presenter: You named a lotbakery products, ANow let's look at the screen and see what products can be made from flour. SLIDE 20-23

Presenter: We're getting closer to

Stations "Bread of the war years" SLIDE 24

Presenter: Always remember that bread is human labor, hope for the future. Our grandparents know the value of every crumb of bread. After all, people who survived the hungry years of war know how to appreciate bread. They remember how there was not enough bread during the war. They had to take care of every crumb. SLIDE 25


I remember bread, military, bitter,

It's almost all quinoa.

In it in every crumb,

In every crust

There was a bitter taste of human misfortune. (A. Morozov)


In besieged Leningrad during the war, they were given out125 grams of bread. Look how small this piece is! However, this piece can hardly be called bread: it was made from cakes, oatmeal, and hydrocellulose was also added. In times of hunger during the war, a person received such a tiny piece of bread for the whole day! And these crumbs helped them survive in that harsh time. That is why even now they are so sensitive to bread.

Presenter: Shows a piece of bread weighing 125 grams.

Listen to L. Zykina’s song “Bread is the Head of Everything”

Our grandmothers also had to bake bread themselves, and they know that it is difficult, difficult - to make the bread tasty, soft, airy.

Game "Fourth wheel"

Game conditions: several students from each class (1-4) are invited. They receive letters from which they must form words. The audience finds an extra word.

LIBIN (pancakes)

FEZRI (marshmallow)


AVTUSHRAK (cheesecake)


The younger generation does not know what hunger is. Therefore, he has a completely different attitude towards bread.

We arrive at the station:

Lean Station SLIDE 26

Throw away breadIT IS FORBIDDEN , because so much human labor has been invested in it. Tractor drivers, combine operators, and bakers work all year round, sparing no effort so that each of us always has bread on the table.And we must respect their work. The bread must be eaten, and the crumbs must be fed to the birds. SLIDE 27

Listen to the poemSergei Mikhalkov "Bulka"

Three boys down the street

It's like playing football,

They pushed the bun back and forth

And they scored a goal with it.

An unfamiliar uncle walked past,

Stopped and sighed

And, almost without looking at the guys,

He reached out his hand to that bun.

Then, frowning angrily,

He blew the dust off her for a long time

And suddenly calm and open

He kissed her in front of everyone.

Who are you? - asked the children,

Forgetting about football for a while.

I’m a baker! - the man answered

And he slowly left with the bun.

And this word smelled like bread

And that special warmth

Which are poured under the sky

Sea of ​​wheat golden.

Presenter: There are many proverbs about bread. Here are some of them (choral reading of proverbs).SLIDE 28

    Bread comes from the earth, strength comes from the bread.

    Sweat on your back and bread on the table.

    He who has bread has happiness.

    Not everyone plows the arable land, but everyone eats bread.

Summing up and rewarding for drawing and craft competitions.


Presenter: During the subject week there were competitions for crafts and drawings. Thanks to all the guys who took part. And today I would like to highlight the best works.

Presenter: (holds bread and salt.)SLIDE 30

Our journey is over.

Glory to peace on Earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Glory to those who raised bread!

I did NOT spare any labor or effort!

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Greet generously, from the heart,

With great respect.

We meet such guests

A round, fluffy loaf.

It's on a painted platter,

With a snow-white towel.

We bring salt with the loaf,

Having bowed, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take the bread and salt from your hands!

The presenter hands the bread to the guests of the holiday. The song “About Bread” is playing

The students come up and break off a piece of the loaf.

Subject:“The miracle of the earth is bread!”

Goals: expand knowledge about the benefits of bread, its value, and the hard work of the grain grower. To cultivate a sense of thrift for bread, respect for the work of a machine operator, baker, and love for one’s native land.

Hall decoration:

on the stage there is a three-dimensional panel “Grain Field”. Above the stage is a poster: “The miracle of the earth is bread.” There are posters in the hall: “Bread is the head of all life!” “A lot of snow - a lot of bread!” “He is famous first on earth, he is famous first on the table.”
“A loaf of bread will not fall from the sky”, “The earth is mother, and bread is father.” Drawings by the children on the topic: “Bread is the head of everything.” Exhibition of books about bread. Sheaves of grain crops. The festive table is set, on it are ruddy buns, pies, gingerbread cookies, and in the center is a loaf of bread on a towel.

Equipment: screen, video clips, musical synthesizer, costumes of the “heroes” of the holiday, projector, slides.
To the sounds of the song “Russian Field” (music by Y. Frenkel, lyrics by I. Goff), festival participants in costumes enter the hall.

(an enlarged poster on the topic “How the bread came to you” is shown on the screen.)

In order to prepare children to perceive the material, it is advisable to start the holiday by reading a poem: There is a popular proverb

“Bread is on the table, and the table blooms.”
Well, how does it come?
Is this bread on your table?

Teacher: Dear Guys! As you may have guessed, we will talk about bread. We encounter bread every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor a weekday lunch, nor a holiday table can do without it. He accompanies us from birth to old age. Guys, in ancient times there was no bread like there is now, but grain fields were already growing then. However, the grains of wheat were different from ours, they were much smaller and had a different taste. There is such a legend. It was a long time ago, during the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to the earth, man had nothing to eat.
And then he first noticed a spike of wheat. To make the grains easier to eat, moisten them with water. Then man learned to grind grains into flour. And then one day in one of the stone caves a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire quietly crept up to the pot. The pot could not withstand the heat and burst. The noise woke the man. He ran to the fire and saw that his food had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly smelled an unfamiliar smell. Having put a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes with pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught me how to bake bread.

The word “bread” first appeared in Ancient Greece. There they used specially shaped pots for baking – “klibanos”. It is consonant with our word “bread”.
Bread has no price. Its value cannot be measured in pennies.

After the introductory words the song plays “Golden Grain”, music by Yu. Chichkov, lyrics by Sinyavsky.

To this song, ten girls in costumes (a green headscarf with a yellow ear of wheat on their heads, white T-shirts, green skirts) perform the “Golden Wheat” dance.

1 student:

Rye, rye...
Field road
It leads to no one knows where.
Hanging low over the field,
The wires groan lazily.
Rye, rye - up to the blue vault.
You can barely see somewhere in the distance
The horseman's cap dives,
The truck floats in the dust.

2nd student:

Rye is born.
The deadline is approaching.
Heavy and to the edge
The whole field moved towards the road,
Hanging over - at least prop it up
To know, the ear, tightly stuffed,
Square, gold,
Tired of holding poods, wagons,
Compositions of bread above ground.

3 student:

I have seen bread in the world
Quite a lot.
Peasant woman from the oven
I took it out.
And she laid it on the table, autumnal
He was resting, covered
The room smelled strong
At mealtimes they ate it without
Not a crumb, not a crust -
Hunk until the end.


In the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg there is a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. This was the daily ration for the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. But people needed to work, they needed to live, they needed to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling.

4 student:

The Leningrad sky is in smoke,
But worse than mortal wounds
Heavy bread, blockade bread
One hundred twenty-five grams.
In years of hardship and hardship
The new world is mature and strong.
The people walked in the fire of battle
freedom and bread.
So the correct words are:

All children:

Bread is the head of life!


The work of a tiller is not easy. Bread is not created in a cozy room under a roof. The wheat field is open to all the winds and showers, all the whims of nature. The one who grows bread will not throw a half-eaten piece anywhere. Do the same. Learn to appreciate the work of others from a young age. A sacred task is to grow bread. From a grain of wheat you can get about 200 milligrams of first-grade flour. Baking one loaf requires more than 10 thousand grains. How many grains do you need to feed the people? The grains of bread are collected in spikelets. Let's see them.
(spikelets are distributed to children).

5 student:

We are friends, inseparable,
Under the blizzards and clouds.
We are clean flowing,
We are the golden grains,
We are golden seeds
We live in radiant light
We are blown away by the breeze
And illuminated by the sun,
Hardy, friendly.
Separately, each is a grain
Small, modest,
And together - bread, like the sun
Its huge country.

6th student:

Loaf of earth and sky
On your table -
Nothing is stronger than bread
Not on earth.
In every little piece
grain fields,
And on every spikelet
The earth holds on.

7th student:

In a small grain of wheat
Summer and winter
The power of the sun is stored
And native land.
And grows under the bright sky
Slender and tall
Like the Motherland is immortal
Ear of bread.

8 student:

Go out into the field outside the village,
A gray haze swirls...
The sensitive district hears
The hum of engines day after day,
And the earth is seething under the plow,
The sensitive district hears
The hum of engines day - day
And the earth is seething under the plow
Like a high sea wall.
Not nature itself
Like a high sea wall.
Not nature itself
How much care does it require?
Mother earth for the whole year

Serves bread on a platter,

9 student:

Steppe machines
They know no peace.
hot water
The engines are swallowing.
Hot sun
The heated air
And at night they rise
Hot stars.

10th student:

But the wind carries
Through the bitterness of wormwood,
Through the smell of gasoline
In a hot cabin
Through the roar of threshing machines,
Hearts swaying,
Hot, filling
Breath of bread.


We don't dream of a miracle
Send us a live speech:
Save your bread, you people!
Learn to save bread!

Teacher's story:

People never got bread for free. After all, even in paradise, as a parting word to the sinner Adam, it was said: “You will earn bread by the sweat of your brow.” In Rus', bread has always been treated with reverence; the custom of greeting guests of honor with bread and salt has even been preserved. Look at the table.
- Why is one bread black and the other white? (Wheat and rye flour. During the Great Patriotic War, one could come across the slogan: “Peace to the peoples, bread to the hungry.” The ration in besieged Leningrad was as follows: for an employee - 125 g of bread, for a worker - 200 g (show a piece of 125 g) And more 3 pasta, the length of a notebook, gray, clayey, but desirable for every person, because it was necessary to work.

11th student:

Military bread.
I remember bread
military, bitter,
It's almost all quinoa.
In it in every crumb,
In every crust
There was a bitter taste of human misfortune.
He was very involved in that misfortune
Hard bread of hard days,
But how sweet the moment was
When the piece is in my hand
Sprinkled with a pinch of salt
Flavored with mother's tears.
I was hungry, but my mother was in pain
She looked away.
How grief was a frequent guest
(Their childhood days were full),
I especially remember that fortunately
The bitter bread of war was equal.

Leader's word: Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. It’s not for nothing that people created proverbs: “The earth is mother, and bread is father,” “You can live without gold, but you can’t live without bread.”

What proverbs do you know?

(“It’s a bad lunch when there’s no bread”, “Not a piece of bread, and there’s melancholy in the upper room”, “Bread is a roll for grandpa”, “Bread and water is a good meal” “No bread - and a crust in honor”, ​​“No salt It’s not tasty, but without bread it’s not satisfying.”, “He who has bread has happiness.”)

Abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls and loaves have absorbed the great work of not one person, but the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, collect it, thresh it, grind it, and finally bake bread.

After all, the grains did not immediately become
The bread that's on the table
People long and hard
We worked hard on the ground!

That is why adults remember the glorious city of the virgin lands of Tselinograd. He grew up on the site of the first tents. Now this is a beautiful and big city of Astana. The virgin lands had their own songs (a verse of a song to the music of E. Rodygin sounds, words by N. Solokhina “New settlers are coming”)

12 student:

Before this arable land, take off your hat, son,
You see, a stalk of bread is breaking through.
How much work has been put into this grain,
Only the sun, wind and water know...
For him, for a grain, across the country
Komsomol members went to live in virgin lands.


Day and night - both in the scorching heat and in the rain - there is a battle for the harvest. True grain growers are constantly worried about him. The harvest is always suffered by the farmers, won - both in alliance and in confrontation with nature.

1 student:

Here he is, a fragrant bread
Crunchy, twisted crust
Here it is... warm, golden,
Like sunlit
In it is health, our strength,
It's wonderfully warm.
How many hands raised him,
Protected, took care of.

2 student

After all, the grains did not immediately become
The bread that's on the table
People work long and hard
We worked hard on the ground.
That's exactly what it's about
The story begins.
Tractor drivers rose
Washed cleanly

3 student:

To the spring steppe in the morning
They brought out the tractors
The story continues
Our harvest is ripe.
Float out into the open spaces
The wind sings songs to them
Combine captains
Looking forward from the bridges

4 student.

Like from a tight ear
The grain is knocked out
How please - ready,
It pours into the box.
There's wheat in the mill
This is what's happening to her here.
They take it into circulation,
They will grind it into powder.
At a large bakery
You will become dough, flour.
The dough is cramped, there is not enough space,
“Oh, let me go!” the dough whispers
Okay, let's go, let's go to the oven
The loaf is dressed up.


Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word. In fact - think about it! The word “bread” refers to plants, grains, flour, and flour products that are not similar to each other.

5 student:

Only the bread came out in April
How the fields turned green.
We say: "Bread".
The endless golden space
Harvesters are working there.
We say: "Bread".
Here the grain flows like a river,
To become flour,
We say: "Bread".

The dough is spinning in the kneading bowl,
Baked in the fire.
We say: "Bread".
Eat it, grow and remember:
Eat it, grow and remember:
So that he appears on your table
Fresh bread.

(during the performance, the screen shows footage dedicated to spring sowing, harvesting at Bulanikhinskoye LLC, excursions to the mechanized current, to the bakery)

6 student:

Bread is born in the furrows.
Look at the fields
After all, land is not just land,
And the nurse is the earth!
The seedlings are turning green together.
Take a closer look: you'll see here
The most important work of the people,
The most important work in the world.
The bread is ripe.
In the fields, engines started the harvest song.
Grain growers are brought to the steppe
Field ships.

7 student:

A river flows from the cars
To the collective farm threshing floor
Our gold is wheat,
Golden grain.
The windmill has become unusable -
A bit old and too small.
Replaced it today
Flour mill.
You will walk through the workshops - the order is:
The bins are full of flour,
The grains are ground by automatic machines -
Very smart machines.
The machine will knead the dough,
The machine will hang out the dough,
The machine will cut the dough
And sends the dough into the oven.

8 student:

Bread has a hard journey,
To get to your table.
And in any piece of bread
You will always feel
The warmth of the native sky,
The taste of good work.

Teacher .

In order for a delicious loaf to be on our table every day, we must define clear rules for ourselves:

Take as much bread as you can eat.
- Learn to cook various dishes from stale bread.

And also remember:

Never handle bread with dirty hands.
- Don't wrap the bread in newspaper.
- Do not put bread in a bag with vegetables, exposing yourself to the risk of getting sick.

These rules were taught to me as a child, and I always follow them.


I will read you a fairy tale about Stobed, and you listen carefully.
Stobed ​​became more obedient when I scolded him. But I was always angry with the way he handled the bread, crumbled it, bit into it. He left and threw it at us. I strictly forbade him to do this. “I won’t,” Stobed ​​promised.
Time passed, and I never saw a piece left on the table, I was satisfied. But one Sunday morning, there was a knock on the door. It was our neighbor Ivan Fomich. He was a kind old man, and he always gave gifts to children. This time he was also holding some kind of bag in his hands. And when he unfolded the bag, I saw that it was not a gift, but how many soggy pieces of bread stained with earth. “They threw it out of your window,” he said. Stobed ​​blushed and silently hid in a corner, but everything became clear to me. “I got into trouble, don’t hide. Come out and apologize to Ivan Fomich,” I said. “You don’t need to apologize to me,” he noted. “The boy offended a lot of people, but not me.”
- Guys, why did Ivan Fomich say that? Where can you get bread before you put it on the table? If you look at a wheat field, it looks like a golden sea. First, it is mowed and threshed, all this is done by a combine, then the grain is transported to the threshing floor. Guys, what are they doing on current?

Quiz "Brainstorm"

Quiz questions:

  1. What is the difference between winter and spring wheat? (Spring crops are sown in spring, winter crops are sown in autumn, and in winter)
  2. Where is the grain transported after harvesting? (At the elevator - storage for grain.)
  3. Where is grain turned into flour? (At the mill.)
  4. What is kvashnya? (Wooden dough tub, or yeast dough)
  5. What is another name for yeast-fermented dough? (Opara)


And now, guys, let’s try to answer the question together: why is bread called the miracle of the earth? Why does it occupy such an important place in life?
person? Let's remember the people who grow wheat, make flour from grains,
Flour bread, buns, confectionery, and bow low to them.

9 student:

Honor and honor to you, grain growers!
Here's to your wonderful harvest!
For what you gave to the Motherland
A fragrant loaf of bread!

10 student:

If we want to meet someone with honor and honor,
Greet you generously, from the heart, with great respect,
We greet such guests with a lush round loaf.
It's on a painted platter with a snow-white towel!

(the student brings the guests a delicious loaf of bread on a towel, and also invites all guests to the table).

Holiday scenario

"Bread- the head of everything"


1. Formation of an idea of ​​how bread is grown, about the professions of workers involved in this production, about the price of bread in different periods of Russian history. Fostering a caring attitude towards bread and respect for working people.

    Development of expressiveness of coherent speech and stage skills of students.

Move holiday Teacher. Solve the riddle.

At first he grew up in freedom in the field,

In the summer it bloomed and spiked,

And when I threshed,

He suddenly turned into grain,

From grain to flour and dough...

He grew up under the blue sky

And he came to the table...

Children. Bread.

Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word. Indeed,
think about it! The word “bread” refers to plants that are different from each other,
grain, flour, flour products. What is bread?
Student. Here it is - fragrant bread,
With a crunch, twisted crust.
Here it is, warm, golden,
As if bathed in sunshine.
In it is health, our strength,
There is a wonderful warmth in it,
It contains the juices of the native land,
The sun's light is spring in it.
How many hands raised him.
Protected and protected!
The grains did not immediately become
The bread that is on the table.

People worked long and hard on the earth.

1st reader. As soon as the snow melted in April, the fields turned green. We say: "Bread".

2nd reader. The golden expanse is endless, harvesters are working there. We say: "Bread".

3rd reader. Here the grain flows like a river, To become flour. We say: "Bread". 4th reader. The dough swirls in the kneader and is baked in the fire. We say: "Bread".


5th reader. Eat ego , grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world,

So that fresh bread appears on your table.

1st student. It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky.

And most importantly, the bread smells of work.

After all, the grains did not immediately become

With the bread that is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

2nd student. For those who bake bread at first light.

He sends millet for porridge,

To those who are deep in the earth

He plows with a sharp rogue, -

Say thank you to them

Thank them for the bread!

3rd student. The people have words:

“Bread is the head of all life.”

It is placed first on the table.

Together. Glory to peace on Earth! Glory to the bread on the table! Glory, glory!

If there is bread, there will be song. Since ancient times, Russia is not only about sweet birch trees, it is about fields with golden ears of rye and wheat. (The girls perform dance to the slow song "Golden Seeds").

We are golden seeds

Full of radiant light.

We are friends, inseparable,

Under the blizzards and clouds.

We are clean, flowing.

We are grains of gold.

We are blown away by the breeze

And illuminated by the sun,

Hardy, friendly,

People need us so much.

Separately, each is a grain

Small, modest,

And together - bread, like the sun

Your huge country!

(R. Vaneeva)

Leading. Here is such a short but meaningful word - “bread”. Now let's try to answer the question: why is bread called the miracle of the earth? Why does it occupy such an important place in a person’s life?

Student. People eat bread every day, and they never get tired of it. For a long time people could not answer why bread did not bother them. It turns out that it contains a lot of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins. Medical scientists have calculated that an adult usually eats about 500 g of bread per day, and during hard work - 800 g. Bread contains from 4.7% to 7% protein, 40-45% carbohydrates, providing a person with 1000-1600 kcal of energy daily. This means that a person receives almost half of the energy resources necessary for life from bread.

Bread... Will it get boring? Never!

Don't try to do without it,

Without it, a person is in trouble. Teacher. Here is such a short but meaningful word “bread”. Well, how does this bread come to our table? This is where the story begins... re-enactment “How Roma learned about bread.”

Apartment. Became set for tea. Roma is sitting in front of the TV. There's a knock on the door. Grandma opened the door. It was neighbor Ivan Filippovich who came. He has a bag in his hands. He walked up to the table and laid out several sodden, soil-stained pieces of bread from the bag onto the table.

IvanFilippovich. Was this thrown out of your window?

Grandmother. I got into trouble - don't hide! Come out and apologize to Ivan


Ivan Filippovich. There is no need to apologize to me. Your boy is not me

offended a lot of people.

Roma. Like this?

Ivan Filippovich. And like this. Sit down and listen. So that that bread is for you

I had to put the table down first...

Roma. Buy it at the bakery!

Grandmother. Eh, no! It's still a long way to the bakery. Listen... This

happened a long time ago - many thousands of years ago. Early morning inhabitants

the camps were preparing to go about their usual business. Men

going hunting, women and children - for their prey - in green


The men went to hunt animals. Children and women have their own hunt. They will catch a grasshopper, a lizard, a snail - in their film. Nut, mushroom, onion, berry - everything will do. And underground there is food for them - edible roots, nodules.

Our brothers were especially happy when they managed to find spikelets with grains. The grains are small - this is not a common find, but they are so filling. Crushed with a stone, moistened with water - the bun or tasty one is ready


gruel. A girl named Dee with a blue feather in her hair especially tried. She turned out to be lucky - she collected a whole box of grains.

Just before sunset, the women gatherers, calling the children scattered across the field, went home.

That's when everything happened. On the way to that forest clearing where the root gatherers had agreed to meet, suddenly something rustled very close by. Dee involuntarily turned around and saw a poisonous snake!

Dee screamed in horror, rushed to run and, in fright, dropped the box full to the top from her hands.

Trouble and joy go hand in hand. There were so many grains - there was nothing left!

And the hunters returned without prey - angry, hungry. The spells didn't help. One hope for the success of women and children. Oh, and poor Di got it! And so everyone is hungry, and this bungler has lost all the goods!

A year has passed. During this time, Dee forgot to think about the scattered grains and how she was punished for it. And then one day she again found herself in that ill-fated place. However, the place now seemed to her not at all ill-fated, but, on the contrary, happy. There. where Dee scattered a box of grain, she now managed to collect almost a hundred times more of them. Each lost grain sprouted in the ground, turned into stalks, into the ears of which many, many golden grains were poured. There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help!

Ivan Filippovich. No one in the world knows whether there really was such a girl named Di. But we know for sure: thanks to similar cases, people learned that scattered and seemingly lost grains of bread do not disappear at all. Ears of corn grow from them.

But why not sow the grains then, that is, without deliberately scattering them? From then on it all began. People also guessed that grains love dug up, soft, fertilized, moist soil. And to make it like this, you need special earthen tools, tools, and equipment.

But that's a completely different story.

Teacher. It is not for nothing that people say that in order for a small grain to become bread, four forces are needed - the sun, rain, earth and great honest work.

Ivan Filippovich.

After all, the grains did not immediately become the bread that is on the table. People have worked long and hard on the earth!

Grandmother. This is exactly what the story begins on TV. Roma, watch the program more closely!

Children line up in front of a makeshift TV with photographic pictures and read poetry.


Student 1. The fields shine under the moon,

"The earth-nurse sleeps.

White-winged blizzards

They sang her a lullaby,

Covered with snow

A duvet. Student 2. The earth sleeps...

What is she dreaming about?

Dreaming of ripe wheat.

Well, people have no time for sleep:

Come soon, spring!

Teacher. What are people doing on a snowy field? Children. Snow retention.

Teacher. Why do they “plow” the snow and make furrows? The children's answers are listened to.

Student 1. Agronomist in a white robe,

What are you doing? - An important matter!

I'm checking the seeds.

Come soon, spring!

The agronomist said: “It’s time! Start the tractor!”

Tractors go out into the steppe,

Plows are pulled on a trailer.

Cut, plows, like a knife,

Juicy, fatty black soil! Student 2. An old sower sowed

From a basket-sieve,

Nowadays the seeder-machine

I'm busy with this matter.

Digs furrows quickly,

He puts grains in them. Student 1. The story continues.

Our shoots are friendly.

The sprout-child is still weak:

Just out of diapers;

And the enemies are right there:

They pick up and crawl.

Turtles are crawling -

Oh, and harmful bugs!

Student 2. Anxiety! Help is called!

The plane is circling over the field.

Then the blizzard swirls and blizzards:

The pilot is on top everywhere, everywhere

Sprinkles white powder...


This is bad for all insects, good for the harvest!

Student 1. The wheat has grown.

The time has come for her to ripen and spike.

Yes, it's a dry summer:

Like a stove, the earth is heated.

Wheat asks us to drink,

Okay, let's get drunk:

Let's let water flow into the fields,

Drink, nurse earth.

Teacher. This kind of artificial watering is called “irrigation”.

The story continues

Our harvest is ripe. Harvesters float out into the steppe, like ships at sea.

Even though the grain has been harvested,

It's not bread yet.

This is what's happening to him here!

They take it into circulation

And they will grind him into flour.

In a large bakery, you will become dough, flour.

There with all the honest people

They'll hurt your sides.

Dough, dough - not enough space.

Oh, let me go! - the dough whispers.

Okay, let's go, let's go to the oven!..

The loaf was born! And besides the collective farmers, who else put their labor into the bread? Children name different professions related to growing bread.

Teacher. When you guys sit at the table, remember who creates the bread for you: the collective farmer,


oil worker,




metallurgist and... All. People! The teacher offers the children a game.


The children have a card with the endings of proverbs. The teacher reads the beginning

proverbs, and the student who has the ending of this proverb.- rises.

The game ends when all the children stand up.

1.Bitter work, yes... (bread is sweet).

2. Do you want to eat rolls... (don't sit on the stove).

3.Pies are not... (grow on bushes).

4.You can’t put it in the ground -... (and you can’t take it from the ground).

    Don't be lazy with the plow -... (you will have a pie).

    Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but... (get up early and start your own business).

    The men walked away:... (there is no bread or flour).

    Sweat on the back -... (So ​​is the bread on the table).

9. There is no need to boast... (if you don’t know how the bread is born). 10. They added that... (left without bread).

11 A loaf of bread is not... (will fall from the sky).

Grandmother. Please, Ivan Filippovich and Roma, come to the table. I'll treat you to tea and ice cream.

Roma. I I'll give you my ice cream!

Ivan Filippovich Thanks, I don't like ice cream. I know you are an amateur. But tell me, if you were given ice cream four times every day, would you soon get tired of it?

Roma. Not soon. Maybe in a year.

Grandmother. Have you forgotten how you once ate three servings of ice cream, you felt sick and didn’t want to eat it anymore? And when we opened a large jar of your favorite strawberry compote, you drank it for three days, and then said: I won’t, I can’t!

Ivan Filippovich. AND chocolate, marmalade, and halva would get boring if we ate them every day. But we eat bread all our lives, and we never get tired of it! This is rye bread, which is healthy itself. It is eaten by children, old people, athletes, and soldiers. You can’t even do without it in space - small black bread is specially baked for astronauts.

Roma. A This is probably ordinary bread. Points to the previously thrown away bread.

Ivan Filippovich. Ordinary or extraordinary is still unknown,

Student. Bread has always been held in high esteem in Rus' - Its expanses are the main wealth, Do you want to know its price? -Ask.

Leningraders can answer you.

V. Suslov Our scientists have created a new variety of wheat. And his first harvest was stored in Leningrad, in one institute. And then the Nazis attacked our country, surrounded Leningrad, and famine began in this wonderful kind. Almost


all the men went to the front, and in this institute, where grains of a new variety of wheat were stored, only one old professor remained. He walks around the cold hall in a fur coat and felt boots, staggering from hunger, and it seems to him as if someone is whispering right in his ear: “Take one handful and chew. Well, not a handful, but at least ten grains. Today it’s only ten and tomorrow it’s only ten...” He was about to reach out to the jar where the wheat was stored, but immediately pulled it back. And he even went to the other end of the hall.

“Don’t you dare take it! - the professor ordered himself. - After all, if I can’t resist and eat everything, the work of my comrades will be lost. You can’t, you have to be patient!” This professor died of hunger, but saved the new variety of wheat down to the grain. And when we defeated the Nazis, people sowed wheat. It sprouted well, ripened on time, and it turned out to be good flour.

Maybe it was precisely this kind of flour that was used to bake that bread that you threw away half a slice of. Judge for yourself now, is this ordinary bread?

Leading. Leningraders lived under blockade for 900 days. At this time, workers received 250 g of bread, and city residents 125 g.

To the sound of a metronome, the student carries 125 g of black bread across the entire hall on a tray, and the presenter reads the memory of the nurse. Garden No. 5, Otradnoye, Leningrad Region V.I. Bogdanova.

Leading.“I remember a dark, sticky, small piece of bread. Just one piece! For everyone - adults and children. All day. And my mother slowly cuts it into identical cubes... I remember how I crawled on the floor on my knees in the hope of finding at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old and thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick and exhausted, who, together with other women, dragged a plow across the collective farm arable land in the Vologda region. And all these years this memory has burned my heart with hatred of war.”

Leading. The Leningrad Museum of History houses the diary of Tanya Savicheva.

The Savichevs died. Everyone died. Only Tanya remained, who was taken to the village of Shatki, Gorky Region, but the girl, exhausted by hunger, died ("Requiem" by W.-A. Mozart is played).

Leningraders received help from the “mainland” along the legendary ice road laid across Lake Ladoga. The people rightfully called it “The Road of Life” (Olga Berggolts).


“It seemed like the end of the Earth. It seemed like the end of the Earth, But through the cooled planet, cars were heading towards Leningrad: He’s still alive, he’s nearby somewhere -

To Leningrad! To Leningrad! There is enough bread left for two days, There mothers stand in crowds at the bakeries under the dark sky.

And it happened like this: while driving, the rear car sank. The driver jumped up, the driver is on the ice, That’s right, the engine is stuck.

A five-minute repair is a trifle, This breakdown is not a threat, But there’s no way to open your hands: They were frozen on the steering wheel.

If you straighten it out a little, it will bring it together again. Stand? What about bread? Should I wait for others? And bread - two tons? He will save Sixteen thousand Leningraders.

And so he wet his hands in gasoline, set them on fire from the engine, AND repairs moved quickly in the flaming hands of the driver.

Forward! How the blisters ache, The palms are frozen to the mittens. But he will deliver the bread and bring it to the bakery before dawn.

Sixteen thousand mothers

Rations will be received at dawn -

125 blockade grams

With fire and blood in half.

Oh, we learned in December:

It’s not for nothing that it’s called a “sacred gift.”

Ordinary bread, and grave sin

At least throw a crumb on the ground.

Teacher. 641,803 Leningraders died during the blockade and famine. There are thousands of graves at Piskarevskoye Cemetery. About one! The graves have always been crowded with people for many years. They stood silently and cried. On the grave, among the flowers, lay a slice of black bread. And next to it is a note: “Daughter, if I could give it to you then...)

A minute of silence...

Leading. None of us remains indifferent to historical documents that speak about the fate of people who lacked a “crumb” of bread and died. And in our time, do we protect and value bread? I learned that if every person in one day is undernourished and throws away 50 g of bread (shows a piece of bread 50 g), this will be 200 kg, i.e. about 200 loaves of bread will be thrown away.

A student reads a poem WITH Mikhalkov "Bad Habit".Student 1. I crumbled the humpback

And mom, sighing,


That this is a bad habit.

Then from plywood

I made a feeder

I crushed it into

Corn rye. And it became a good bad habit. Bon appetit, Tits!

Teacher. Remember! Bread is not just food. Student 2. A boy kicking bread

Boy, who has never known hunger, Remember that there were hard years, Bread is life, not just food. They swore by bread, They died for bread, Not for this,

So that they can play football.

Folk wisdom is hidden in the word,

This is what our people say:

“If you have stopped valuing bread,

You have ceased to be a human being."

Reader 14. Live so that your bread is always honest. Remember and tell everyone you know and are friends with: in bread is the soul of the people, of your native land; the fate of many people, their tireless work. And remember: in order to

so that everyone has bread today, and tomorrow, and always, the whole country is working. The fate of bread depends on each of us.

Reader 15. This is what happened on my land:

From year to year, from generation to generation - for centuries

That bread that is on the table in every house was warmed by human hands.

He smelled them with warmth, he smelled them good,

And the song that the lark sang

Under the blue sky in golden loaves

On a sunny summer afternoon in July. The plowman will walk through the stubble in the morning,

And to the son, pointing his hand to the field,

He says quietly: “Bow before him,

As mothers, as our common lot!”

You will grow up many years later

You'll be back here again at dawn

And you say: “There is nothing more expensive,

What is the warmest bread in this world!”

(I. Anikeeva) Grains of our days, glow

Gilded carved. We say: “Take care, take care of your native bread! Take care of every ear

Our joyful fields,

Loud of your homeland!

We don't want to see black grains scorched by the war,

Let the surf shine on us with patterned golden waves.

We don't dream of a miracle,

Send us a live speech:

“Take care of your bread, you people,

Learn to save bread!”

For the bread that we have in abundance in our homes, that we are healthy in body and soul,

For the grain that fills the bins,

Thank you very much, grain grower.

When you meet the dawn,

The worker at the machine stands calmly.

It is known that without bread there is no life -

This is how the great world apparently works.

All speakers bow.

Irina Fedorova
Scenario for a themed holiday about bread in the preparatory group “Bread is the head of everything”

Bread is the head of everything

Target: consolidation of learned material about bread. To help feel the beauty and generosity of their native land, to enrich the inner world of children. Develop children's creative abilities, speech, vocabulary. Cultivate love for one's native land.

Material and equipment: real loaf, bakery products,

for Game: 2 cardboard mills, 2 bags of flour.

dance: rudders, ears, wreath of ears,

For skits: table, pan

heroes: grandfather, grandmother, pig, dough


Bread in Russia they baked with domes,

So that there is enough like the sky for everyone.

At the wide tables in the house

Throwing away a baby was considered a sin.

AND bread and salt is a Russian custom,

Like a symbol of human kindness.

Bread and salt for you, dear guests!

As you guessed, today we will talk about bread. WITH bread we meet every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor a weekday lunch, nor festive table.

Since ancient times, people have cherished and respected bread is the miracle of the earth.

In his honor they composed hymns, songs, performed rituals, organized holidays, timed to coincide with the sowing season and harvest.

1.The people have words:

« Bread is the head of life» .

He is famous first on earth

It is placed first on the table.

Leading; To be bread, sow rye and wheat. Guys, when do they sow? bread? (spring) How do they sow? bread?

(Tractors and seeders are heading out to the fields, work is in full swing). In Rus', songs were sung with special wishes for the ears to grow ripe and plump, for the harvest to be rich.

Let's sing some old songs together.

"Golden Niva"

Golden Niva, good honey

Bring it to us of bread, stem to the sky.

"Grow Rye"

The rye is growing big, like this!

Grow a golden shock, like this!

(st19 z\l Musical director No. 5 2010)

Leading: Bread very difficult to grow. It is obtained by the sweat of his brow and bread suffering is always hard.

Now listen to how it comes bread on our table.

2. The hot season has come,

It's time for big worries

Tractors rumble in the field,

Spring sowing is underway.

3. Behind the forests, behind the meadows

Thunder is heard in the field

These are tractor plows

Light black soil is plowed.

4. To wide valleys

New cars came out

Look out the open window

Seeders sow grain.

5. How much is this grain?

Labor invested

Only the sun knows

Wind and water.

6. It does not fall to us from the sky

Doesn't appear suddenly

To make an ear grow of bread

It takes the work of a dozen hands.

7. Sowed bread growers in the spring

He matured and stood up like a golden wall.

And the country hears: It's time to clean up.

For bread harvesters are needed, tractor.

Dance of tractor drivers and combine operators (music by I. Kishko "Combine operators")

8. Everyone knows

Wise words:

Bread is the master of the house

He's the head of everything.

9. A strong power

His name was old.

Bread by right

There is a king in the state!

Listen to a very beautiful song « Bread is the head of everything»

Leading: In our time bread is harvested by combines and how they cleaned it bread in the old days? (in the old days, ears of corn were cut with sickles and stingers, so harvesting bread and is called harvest.).According to the old tradition, the most hardworking and dexterous reaper after the harvest received a reward "golden wreath" from ears of grain. Reaper girls performed ritual games. Check out one of them

10. The sun is rising

Dawn lights up

And our reapers are going to the field

They sing and pour out.

"Majestic Song"

Oh yes our reaper, young reaper

Here's a wreath of golden ears for you


Ritual game

Whose field is this that glitters with gold?

This field of ours is worth gold.

The reapers did not sleep

The reapers reaped life

Tied up with sheaves

They piled them up.

They stung, they squeezed,

The loaf started.

Khlebushko, grow,

Fly for a while,

Until the new spring,

Until the new summer,

Until new of bread.

11. Here he is fragrant bread,

Here it is warm golden

In every home on every table

He came, he came.

12. Here he is fragrant bread

With a crunchy twisted crust.

Here it is - warm golden

As if filled with sunshine.

Song about bread“That’s what she’s like bread crust»

That's what she is like bread crust,

With an appetizing crunch and a subtle taste.

And crispy and fragrant,

There is nothing more pleasant.

La la la la la la,.

There is nothing more pleasant.

The store smells delicious bread,

Of bread the baker bakes for us for dinner,

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

And on all other days.

La la la la la la,

And on all other days

For soup, goulash and semolina porridge

Our crust is given at the table,

For tea, rolls, bagels, cheesecakes

And, of course, drying.

La la la la la la,

And of course drying. (based on the theme from the film "Santa Claus and Summer")

13. Golden spikelet

Who helped you grow?

Warm wind, May thunder

The sun is in the blue sky.

And also human hands

That there was no boredom in work.

Dance with ears of corn.

Leading; All nations bread enjoys special respect. He has been revered since ancient times and proverbs and sayings were written about him. Now we will remember them.


Rye bread– wheat-grandfather

IN bread has all the strength!

Every crumb in your palm.

If there was a pie, there would be an eater.

You can't bake a pie without dough.

Without salt it is not tasty, without bread is not filling.

Bread is the head of everything.

A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.

In Moscow, the rolls are hot as fire.

Parents also know proverbs;

Bitter work, yes the bread is sweet.

If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on the stove.

Pies don't grow on bushes.

You can’t put it in the ground and you can’t take it from the ground.

Don't be lazy with the meadow, you'll end up with a pie.

Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.

Sweat on my back, yeah bread on the table.

There's no need to boast if you don't know how bread will be born.

They danced that without bread left.

Loaf bread will not fall from the sky.

Leading: After the combines grind the grain, where is it sent?

(elevator, granary, mill) What do they do with the grain at the mill?

In the old days, mills were windmills. The flour has been ground in the mill and needs to be transferred. I suggest you play the game

A game “Who can move the bags faster?” You need to divide into 2 teams of 5 people. Rules: Run around the mill with a bag and pass it to the next player, the team that completes the task faster wins.

Leading: Guys, now we know that flour is taken from the mill. What are they made from flour?

Listen to a fairy tale “Like the dough escaped from the pan.”

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They decided to bake a pie. They kneaded the dough, set it to rise, and sat down to rest.

Grandfather and woman carry a saucepan, put it on the table, and begin to knead the dough.

They wipe the sweat from their foreheads and sit on a bench near a tree.

Leading: the dough was white

Puffed and puffed

Snorted, hissed

The dough sang a song.


I'll crawl out of the pan

I won't be a pie.

I don't want to be a cheesecake

Be a cheesecake with cottage cheese.


Wait, wait. Don't run

I'll bake pies

Will you have stuffing?

With raspberries,

You will be a kulebyak and a gingerbread with poppy seeds.

Leading: The dough answers the grandmother.


I don't have enough room in the saucepan

I felt cramped in the saucepan

It's no fun to climb into the oven!

I'll crawl out of the pan

I won't be a pie

I don't want to be a cheesecake

Be a cheesecake with cottage cheese.


Pink back pig on the doorstep

The pig grunts and squeals

He is in a hurry to get the white test.


Don't touch me

wait a bit

I'll have stuffing

With raspberries

I'll be a kulebyak

And a gingerbread with poppy seeds.


I don't need poppy, I'll eat you anyway

Pig runs for dough


oh, help me, I'm lost!

Oh, save me, guard!

Grandfather Grandmother:

Will you have stuffing?

With raspberries?


With raspberries!

Grandfather and woman:

You will be a kulebyak

And a poppy seed cake?


Will! I want to be a pie, delicious and fragrant.

Treat all the children to a poppy seed cake too!

This is what happened with the test.

Leading: Look at the table, how many different products are made from flour. Children call. In the old days it was considered that if there is bread on the table, it means there is prosperity in the house.

14. After all, the grains did not immediately become

That bread, What is on the table

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

15. People did a great job

They reaped a rich harvest.

People say

Who worked from the heart

Now have fun and dance!

16 Rye bread, loaf and rolls

You won't get it while walking.

People bread is nurtured in the fields,

Strength for they don't skimp on bread.

The ears rustle in the wind - autumn will be fruitful!

17 Come and visit us, autumn.

Bring bunches of rowan berries,

Collect fruits from the fields

Don't spare them for us.

We love your gifts

there is no more generous time in the year

18. We got ready to dance

Sing louder

Are you a polka accordion player?

Play it loud.

Leading: It was customary to celebrate the end of the harvest with cheerful holiday.

Dance "Polka"

Leading: – You need to take care of bread, learns to appreciate it from childhood. Children will remember the Golden words:

Bread is the head of everything

Glory to peace on earth,

Glory bread on the table,

Glory to those who raised bread, spared no labor and effort.

18. For adults and children - bread and peace

Let the friendly feast begin

Now is the time for us to shout

Friendship for bread - hurray!

Leading: And now, dear guests, you are welcome to festive table.


Municipal educational institution Yakhromskaya secondary school No. 1

Holiday scenario

“Bread is the head of everything”

in 2nd grade

teacher Prusachenkova N.A.

Goal: Formation of a careful attitude towards bread


1. deepen students’ knowledge about bread;

2. cultivate a sense of respect for the work of grain growers;

3. cultivate a caring attitude towards bread

Class design:on the table there is a loaf on a towel, on the board there are bundles of bagels, drawings depicting bread, a vase with ears of wheat, pieces of bread 125 g, 50 g

To the sounds of the song “Russian Field” (words by I. Goff, music by Y. Frenkel), students, guests of the holiday and parents enter the class. A boy and a girl in Russian costumes come out. The girl holds bread and salt in her hands.

  1. Introductory part

Teacher reading the fairy tale “What is the most valuable thing in our life?”

One day a good fellow found a gold nugget. I was happy. He picked him up and carried him to the jeweler and asked:

How much is my nugget worth?

1000 rub. - answered the jeweler. The fellow didn’t believe it, so he went to another merchant. He valued his nugget at 5 thousand rubles. The third jeweler said:

Your find is worth 10 thousand rubles.

The young man was completely confused and decided to go to the sage for advice.

“I know that there is nothing more expensive than gold on earth,” he said to the gray-bearded old man, “but I cannot establish the true price of a nugget.”

The wise man picked up the gold: “Your find, good fellow, is worth a fortune. But don’t be proud of it, because you are mistaken that gold is more valuable than anything in the world. Try not to eat for a week - you will give a nugget for a piece of bread. So now understand what is most valuable in life.

Boy: Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Greet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

A round, lush loaf.

Girl: It's on a painted saucer,

With a snow-white towel.

We bring salt with the loaf,

Having bowed, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take bread and salt and hands!

Pass the bread and salt to the teacher.

Teacher: Here it is - fragrant bread,

Here it is warm, golden,

In every home, on every table

He came, he came...

In it is our health, strength,

It's wonderfully warm.

How many hands raised him,

Protected, took care of.

After all, the grains did not immediately become

With the bread that is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground!

In chorus: Glory to peace on earth,

Glory to the bread on the table!

The teacher places a loaf of bread on the table.

Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. It is not for nothing that people created the proverbs “The earth is mother, and bread is father,” “Bread is life,” “Bread is the breadwinner,” “You can live without gold, but without bread you can’t.”

Abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls and loaves have absorbed the great work of not just one person, but the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, collect it, thresh it, grind it, and finally bake bread.

  1. Children's performance
  1. He does not fall to us from the sky,

It doesn't appear suddenly.

So that an ear of bread grows,

It takes the work of dozens of hands.

  1. Spring is ringing in the streams

Chirps like an alarm clock

And turns off winter

It's like a refrigerator.

They sang in unison

Under the bright rays

Bass motors

With ringing plows.

  1. And here under the melted snow

The fields are open -

Became a down scarf

Wide land.

And after the tractors

Spring is trying

So that they become spikelets

Rye seeds.


We are golden seeds
We live in radiant light
We are friends, inseparable,
Under the blizzards and clouds.
We are clean, flowing.
We are blown away by the breeze.
And illuminated by the sun,
Hardy, friendly.
People need us so much.

Children sing the song “Grow, Spikelet”

(text of the song in the book by V. A. Georgievsky, L. I. Shitikova

"Holidays in Primary School", 1983, p. 67).

  1. The grain field is ripe,

The hot harvest is near.

And the harvester is taken boldly

Collect everything down to the spikelet.

He knows how to save time,

The bread will press at the same moment

Threshes and winnows

And load it into the truck.

  1. The steering wheel turns quickly

Under a confident hand.

And the grains will flow again

Golden living river.

  1. Don't look for secrets in this,

There's nothing to do with magic here -

Just took the helm of the combine

Master of his craft.

  1. The bread is ripe

But to our table

I didn’t go straight from the field.

From the field even to the shops

It's too early for the bread.

He got on the car

And he hurries to the elevator.

  1. In the elevator for us

Bread is kept in reserve.

He's warm here. Comfortable.

He can feel like he's at home

How much rest do you need?

And get ready to go again.

  1. Bread goes to the mill

The mill is a miracle worker.

It's more lush here than the clouds,

And in any quantity

It turns out flour

By the will of electricity.

  1. Together with the river mill,

Steam and wind

Obsolete for flour

Thick-sided bags.

It's almost cosmic

Metal container -

This way for sure

Flour fits!

11.And, filling with this load
Unusual round body

Bogatyr - flour carrier

I took flour to the factory.

12. From the factory - machine

A warm bready smell pours out.

The guys are sleeping late at night,

And the factory prepares breakfast.

Everything you want will be baked

This fabulous plant.

13.Everything is faster, everything is faster

Loaves appear.

This fabulous conveyor

Better than any self-assembly.

The whole city will treat you,

If only I had an appetite.

Teacher: I don’t care about the ground

I want to bow

Bread born from our country.

Labor is his name.

The world is his patronymic, -

And for the people he is dearest!

Children sing the song “Grain”

Theme "Bread and War"(soft military music plays)

14. I can’t even believe that once

On a field burned by battery fire,

Before the attack, hero soldiers

We divided the remaining rye crackers.

15. Bread was always held in high esteem in Rus' -
Its vastness is its main wealth,
Do you want to know its price?
Leningraders can answer you.


Since 1941, the siege of Leningrad continued for 900 days and nights. The city was surrounded by fascists in a ring. The city was isolated from the country. The Nazis guarded all approaches to Leningrad. The only road to the city was through Lake Ladoga. Trucks loaded with food passed along it at night. But it was very difficult for the residents of Leningrad. They were starving. A piece of bread of 125 grams is the daily norm for besieged Leningrad. 642 thousand Leningraders died from hunger.

16. Tanya Savicheva’s diary is kept in the Leningrad Museum of History. In which it is recorded who, when and at what time died from the Savichev family. The Savichevs died. Tanya remained, who was taken to the village of Shatki, Gorky Region, but, exhausted by hunger, the girl died.

Teacher: The poet Grigory Lyushnin survived the famine and horrors of the fascist death camp Buchenwald. When our soldiers liberated the camp and carried it out in their arms, it weighed 26 kg. The young man weighed as much as you do now. A poet dying of hunger, secretly from the Nazis, wrote the following wonderful poems about bread in the death camp:

A crumb of bread fell to the ground,

There is less bread per crumb,

Somewhere in our unharvested field

How many grains are in the arable land?

If only I could put them together - in a heap!

The bread would be baked white and fragrant!

We would grow stronger and become stronger,

We would break down the prison walls.

We would go out into battle again under bombing!

Yes, you need to spare the bread crumbs!


In our country, which has healed the severe wounds of war, more than one generation of people has grown up who do not know what bread cards are, sleepless queues for bread, who do not know the feeling of hunger, who do not know the taste of bread mixed with hay, straw, acorns, quinoa seeds. This was added to bread during the war. During the war, people were drafted into the army not only from cities, but also from collective farms. Women, old people, and children remained to work on collective farms.(The country, the front, needed bread and people worked selflessly to grow it.

The song “Bread is the head of everything” (children sing).

(To the sound of a metronome, the student carries 125 grams of black bread across the entire hall on a tray, and the presenter reads the memoirs of the nurse of the nursery - kindergarten N5 of the city of Otradnoye, Leningrad Region, V. I. Bogdanova).


“I remember a dark, sticky, small piece of bread. Just one piece. For everyone - adults and children. And mom slowly cuts it into equal cubes. I remember how I crawled on the floor on my knees in the hope of finding at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old and thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick and exhausted, who, together with other women, dragged a plow across the collective farm arable land in the Volgograd region. And all these years this memory has burned my heart with hatred of war.”


Grains of our days, shine
We say: take care
Take care of your native bread
We don’t dream of a miracle, -
Send us a lively speech.
Take care of your bread, you people
Learn to save bread!

  1. I can’t even believe that in the world

In some very distant country

Hungry children with stale flatbread

Sometimes they meet only in dreams.

  1. I can’t even believe you and I,

That someone is littering this miracle of the earth.

My heart aches for bread,

When he lies in the roadside mud.

  1. And if I notice a piece carelessly,

In the dirt of the roadside, in the dust of the pasture,

That very first movement of the heart -

Raise and save this miracle of the earth!

  1. If every student in our school doesn’t eat enough in 1 day and throws away 50 grams of bread, then for the school it will be 32.5 kg or 36 loaves per day!

(shows a piece of 50 g bread and passes it to another)

  1. Bread is a treasure! Don't bother them!

Take bread in moderation for lunch!

(passes the bread to the next student)

  1. The grains of our days glow

Gilded carved.

We say: take care

Take care of your dear bread!

(passes the bread to another student)

  1. “We don’t dream of a miracle,”

Send us a living speech, -

In chorus: Take care of your bread, you people

Learn to save bread!”

  1. In a small grain of wheat

Summer and winter

The power of the grain is stored

And native land.

And it grows under the bright sky,

Slender and tall

Like the immortal Motherland,

Ear of bread!

  1. Tell me,
    What is the correct name for the land?
    Is the land expensive?
    Is the land golden?
    No, it's probably better
    Tell her:
    “Dear! Our dear land,
    Good mother!

Collective performance by students of the song “My Russia”

4. Game “Say the proverb”

Lunch is bad... (when there is no bread)

As long as there is bread and water, ... (it’s not a problem)

The earth feeds people... (like a mother of children)

Without bread -…. (no lunch)

Do you want to eat rolls -…. (don't sit on the stove)

A loaf of bread is not... (will fall from the sky)

There is no need to boast if you don’t know how... (bread will be born)

Don't be lazy with the plow - you will be with... (pie)

Work until you sweat, then eat... (on the hunt)

The people have the words: “Bread is all life... (head).

5. Dramatization based on the fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen's "The Girl Who Stepped on Bread"

(see the book “Scenarios for Thematic Holidays” by E. A. Mukhina, Moscow, 2005, p. 14)

Presenter1 : Once upon a time there lived a girl named Inge. She was very pretty, but very cruel. While still very small, she tore off the wings of flies and beetles, because she was amused by the fact that they became completely helpless and pitiful.


One day, Inge's mother baked a large loaf of bread and asked Inge to take it to her grandmother. Inge put on her best dress, elegant shoes and hit the road.


The road went through a swamp. Inga felt sorry for getting her smart shoes dirty. Without thinking twice, she threw the bread into the mud and stepped on it to cross the swamp.

Presenter 2:

But as soon as she stepped on the bread, the bread, along with her, quickly began to sink into the swamp. Only black bubbles floated through the water.


And Inge found herself in the fetid dwelling of the old woman Swamp, who decided that Inge would make an excellent idol for her hallway.


And Inge became an idol. Her arms and legs were petrified, fat nasty spiders entwined them with their webs, and flies with torn off wings crawled across her face.


The shepherds saw what happened in the swamp, and very soon wandering troubadours spread throughout the country the story of the girl who stepped on the bread.


One day Inge felt a hot tear fall on her head. It was Inge's mother who cried, saying that arrogance had ruined her daughter.


“What’s the point that my mother is whining about me now,” thought Inge, and her soul grew more and more coarse and bitter.


But one day a little girl heard this story. “Poor Inge! How I wish she would ask for forgiveness and be allowed to return to earth!” - the girl cried.


These words reached Inge’s heart. For the first time, she looked back on her short life and burst into tears of remorse. And at that same moment, a ray of light penetrated the Swamp Girl’s home, and Inge, like a little bird, flew out into freedom. And on this day there was no happier person than Inge’s mother.

6. Final part(3 students come out)

In chorus: Remember! Bread is not just food!

  1. A boy kicking bread

A boy who never knows hunger

Remember that there were dashing years,

Bread is life, not just food.

  1. They swore by bread

They died for bread

Not for that

So that they can play football.

  1. Folk wisdom is hidden in the word,

This is what our people say:

“If you stopped appreciating bread,

You’ve stopped being a human being!”

7. Tea party with baked goods prepared by parents

Song "Sun-grain"


And there's sun in the sky -
golden grain,
It's rolling across the sky,
Hiding behind the clouds
With a mischievous smile he invites us to follow him into the summer.

All the rain has been dropped from the sky - it's just water,
Gray peas, drops of pouring rain.

Spring showers
Just for a moment
The sky is crumbling
Smiling again
The sun is radiant in the sky with golden fire.

And spring is a prankster at the edge of the forest again
He hides behind a birch tree and doesn’t want to see summer.

And there's sun in the sky -
golden grain,
It's rolling across the sky,
Hiding behind the clouds
With a mischievous smile he invites us to follow him into the summer.