A story about a good family. Scenes dedicated to the Day of the Family. Don't let the lights go out

Family scenarios are patterns of behavior of family members that are repeated from generation to generation, which are formed and supported by family history. These are the ideas of a person, conscious or not, about how it should be, how right it is in their family.

They can relate to a very wide range of representations:

    Marital relations: “all men need only one thing”, “all husbands cheat”, “the family must be saved in any case.”

    Attachment of events to a certain age: when to get married / get married, give birth to children, die, etc.: “in our family, all the girls got married before 25”

    Professional activities "we are a dynasty of doctors", generations of musicians, military, etc. And, also, the level of income or professional claims.

    Child-parent relationship: how to behave with children, parenting style. “We have always had very talented children.”

    Money “in our family everyone worked hard and knew how to earn money”, “we will die of hunger, but we will not take a loan).

    Status in society, relationships with others "she is not of our circle", "he is not a match for you."

Family scripts work especially strongly in those areas of a person’s life where he is not very aware of his Self. This is expressed in the following features:

1. A person does not know his true desires in the field of relationships, does not have a clear picture, as it should be in his family, which he himself creates, leaving the parent. There is an idea that "everything will be fine with him", but due to what - it is not very clear. Sometimes, the only guideline is the desire that "it was not like the parents." But due to the fact that there is no desired image, the relationship develops according to the usual family scenario.

The young man spoke very negatively about his family, he did not like the relationship of his parents in it. What was his surprise when, after 3 years of marriage, he discovered that his relationship with his wife very much resembled the relationship of his parents.

2. A person does not correlate his behavior with the results that he receives as a result. And he does not take responsibility for building relationships. In this case, it is much easier to see the cause of failures in the partner's actions.

A woman comes to a consultation and complains that "there are no real men left", there is no one to marry. During the consultation process, it turns out that she had a very strong mother, who took on everything in the family, in fact was the head of the family. And the daughter copied her mother's behavior in relationships, choosing softer men as partners. As a result, over time, she ceased to respect her men, believing that she "again was deceived and chose the wrong one."

3. The child, growing up, has not gone through the process of psychological separation - separation from his parental family and still strongly identifies with his parents. Puts the interests and opinions of parents, or one of them with whom the closest emotional contact, above their own, preferring not to identify their desires. Thus, the parent, as it were, lives a second life - for the child, and the child repeats the scenario of mom / dad. After all, life choices are the same.

The girl's mother and grandmother, with whom she lives together, lived with their husbands for a very short time after the birth of a child. And then they raised their daughters alone. The girl is already over thirty, and relationships with men do not add up.

Causes of Scenarios

According to E. Bern, the founder of transactional analysis, one of the reasons for the emergence of the family scenario is the child's unconscious choice of a way to survive and adapt in this world, looking at the behavior of parents or under the impression of some role of fairy-tale characters supported by parents.

For example, Berne argued that a girl, assimilating the script of her parents, growing up, plays one of two roles - mother or daughter.

If the parental family was dominated by a strong and energetic mother, who, moreover, gave her daughter maximum warmth and care, albeit sometimes in a strict form, then the girl, using her example, forms a maternal position in relation to her family. She strives to become a reliable and caring mother for her loved ones, who knows everything better than others, who is always ready to help, and sometimes even to rein in.

If the primacy in all family affairs belonged to the father, and the mother was in the family as a dumb Cinderella, then the girl, growing up, is likely to learn the child role. For the rest of her life, she will keep a little girl in herself, for whom it is easier to lean against someone's strong shoulder than to bear the burden of solving life's problems herself. Choosing a future husband for herself, she will subconsciously look for a strong and caring "father" in him, who will shield her from all life's adversities.

The key criterion for family scenarios is their repetition from generation to generation. Also, the scenario has a certain set of roles and a predictable end of events. For example, mom saved dad from alcoholism, as a result, she drank herself. And the daughter chooses for herself men with a criminal past and tries to re-educate them, periodically getting into various dangers because of them, from financial to physical.

It often happens that in the first generation a certain set of actions and decisions had a logical justification, but, passing from generation to generation, lost its relevance, leaving only the order of steps, not supported by the real situation and real need.

Anecdote on the topic

Shortly after the wedding, the husband noticed an interesting detail: before putting a piece of meat in the oven, the wife always cuts off small pieces from him, and on both sides. And only baked in cut form. The husband asked: why cut off two quite normal pieces of meat? The wife replied that it was their family recipe; this is how her mother and her mother's mother always cooked meat, and that's how they taught her. When asked what flavor it adds to the meat, the wife could not answer. She promised to ask her mother. Oddly enough, the mother told the same story: this is a family recipe, so her grandmother used to cook. From the grandmother, the young wife also did not achieve anything. Everyone was already wondering: where did the recipe come from? Fortunately, my great-grandmother was alive. They asked her. “Yes, this is not a recipe,” the great-grandmother was surprised. - It's just that when I was young, we had a small oven and a tiny baking sheet. The whole meat did not fit, so we cut it off on both sides.

Anti-scenario phenomenon

It happens that a child, having suffered in the parental family, and knowing for sure that he does not want to live like his parents, chooses a line of behavior that is directly opposite. For example: the father married early and suffered in a couple, the son does not marry. The father drank, the son does not drink alcohol at all. The mother worked hard and did not love herself at all, she gave herself sacrificially to the family, and the daughter chooses the role of a “fluttering bird”, living for her own pleasure. The choice of an anti-scenario, unfortunately, is not an exit from the scenario. Because often, the anti-script is chosen in order to “prove” to the parents that they were wrong, this is a manifestation of teenage rebellion. It also forces a person to make decisions within a rigidly defined framework, not giving him the freedom to choose.

Thus, a grown-up child can rush between the script and the anti-script at different periods of his life, either rebelling against the messages of his parents, or following them again. This may be due to ambivalent messages from parents - directly opposite statements, one of which is given in a verbal way, and the other in a non-verbal way. For example, a mother tells her daughter that she should be a decent girl, while she herself has affairs with married men and leads a rather free lifestyle.

How to work with scripts

The method of working with scenarios at the first stage is the analysis of family history and the identification of all coincidences and recurring situations. It is possible to use the genogram method - a graphical representation of information about the family in at least 3 generations.

At the second stage, a comprehensive analysis of the scenario itself is carried out. What does he give to a person, from what does he protect, and what does he deprive. In the process of work, there is a recognition of one's own responsibility for one's life and the right to choose. After that, a conscious decision is made to what extent a person would like to implement this scenario in his life.

Working with a family scenario is not quick, but it allows us to choose for ourselves what kind of life we ​​want to live.

"If your family is friendly, then worries do not matter." Dramatization for preschoolers on the theme "Family"

Author: Koren Tatyana Mikhailovna, music director
Place of work: MBDOU-kindergarten No. 362, Yekaterinburg

Dramatization for preschool children on the theme "Family". If your family is friendly, then worries do not matter

Target: Comprehension of the need to preserve family values, respect for one's relatives and friends, based on Russian folk sayings and proverbs.
This work will be useful to educators and musical directors of preschool educational institutions, as well as primary school teachers and teachers of additional education. The staging, based on a folk proverb, teaches children love and respect for their family and friends. Designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age.
* * *
Mother(preparing breakfast)
dad(reading newspaper)
a son(sleeping lying on his side)
daughter(plays with a toy)
dog Night (lying on the rug)
Lived-were not grieve
And they spoke Russian
Actors present themselves:
Mother: Mother
Dad: Dad
A son: A son
Daughter: And daughter
Night: Yes, even the dog Nochka.
Dad: And how the morning comes
The head is going around.
A son: The son does not want to wake up, (turns over to the other side)
Daughter: My daughter is going to kindergarten (turns away angrily)
Mother: Daddy is nowhere to be seen - (raises hands)
Dad: I went for a walk with the dog. Night, follow me! (leaves with dog)
Mother: Well, mom is all in worries
Briefcase, pigtails, waiting for work ...
You need to stir the porridge
Do your hair, run to the garden.
And a picture came up:
There is no father, daughter, son.
No dog Nochka...
No family, period!

Who did you cook porridge for?
Who should I go for a walk with?
Who to help with the lessons
And read a book?
Mom is crying.

Night comes running
Night: And mom was sad,
After all, there is no better
When next to you
I have a good husband and children!
Without them there is no happiness
Without them there is no family
And tears rolled down
From the heart, from the soul ....

Dad comes out, carefully hugs mom
Dad: You, my dear,
Relax, swear.

A son(walks up to mom and pats her on the head:
And I my control
I'll do five!

Daughterlays her head on her mother's lap:
I will draw you
most beautiful flower!

Night runs up to mom, puts her head on the other knee
And the night just came up
and poked her muzzle to the side.

Dad: You, friends, remember
Folk words:

All in unison:
If your family is friendly
That worries do not matter!

But how did the word come about?
It's not clear to me at all.
Well, "I" - I understand.
Why are there seven?

A son: No need to think and guess,
and you just need to calculate:
Counts with fingers
There is a grandfather, there are grandmothers
You, mom, dad, me.
Put everything down. It turns out
Seven people. Family!

Daughter: And if there is a dog,
It turns out, Eight-I? ..

Dad: No, if there is a dog,
It turns out: IN! Family!
(All children give a thumbs up "Class!")

In any family, funny and not so funny incidents happen. Well, if family life is rewritten on paper, it will turn out to be considerable.

Joke on the theme "Family"

A son:
- Pa, pa! You keep saying that a family is a small state. Then who are you?
- President, of course!
- And mom?
- Power.
- What about grandma?
- CIA.
- And who am I?
- And you... you are the people.
An hour later, my father called at work. In the receiver, the voice of the son breaks:
- Mr. President! Another president has come to power, the CIA is sleeping, and the people are worried.

Funny "family" miniature

What do wives want to hear from their husbands?
- Of course, I agree that the World Cup is held too often.
- And without makeup and in curlers you look even more attractive.
- Can you imagine, there are men who are able to miss a theatrical premiere due to a meeting in a pub with friends.
- How?! Have you spent the money I gave you yesterday?
- Your mother is only ten minutes away, and this silence is already annoying.
- I have only two hours of free time, but you may have time to briefly tell me how Yulia Menshova was dressed yesterday.
- What's the difference - how much it costs and why we need it, if you like it.
- I love to watch you relax, - Of course, I love you more than sex.
- Honey, I think you need to rest - you've been driving for ten minutes. I myself will agree with the victims and take the remains of the car to the service.
- How nice it is when on a weekday your girlfriends stay up late with us.
Your underwear doesn't interfere with my showering at all.
- I think it will be more convenient for you to discuss yesterday's talk show with your mother on my mobile phone.
- Well, why is everything to me and me - both a tie and a handkerchief? Let's buy you some trifle - well, at least this fur coat.
- Of course, I will have time to make repairs for your return from the cruise.
- Even washing socks, I do not stop thinking - what would I do without you?

Actual family jokes

If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, then he just saw this reason.

Drunk man knocks on the door. The wife won't let me. Husband screams:
- Who is the head in this house?
Whoever is in the house is the owner!

A boy stands and looks out the window. Suddenly, his face changes, he runs to his mother and shouts:
- Mom, mom, dad is coming! What will we show him first - my diary or your new dress?

She: - Dear, if I die, will you marry a second time?
He: - What are you, dear, never!
She: - And if I let you do it?
He: - Well, then maybe I'll get married.
She: - Will you let her wear my diamond necklace?
He: - Nu that you, as can be?
She: - And if I allow?
He: - Well, then let him wear it.
She: - Will you let her play with my golf club?
He: - No, no, never!
He: - And if I allow it?
He: - Still, it's useless. She is left handed.

Two friends are talking:
1 - My husband drinks such a goat without drying out.
2 - And mine is only on holidays and on a bath day.
Then the husband of the second woman comes in and says:
- Lucy, is there some kind of holiday today?
- Not.
- Well, then I went to the bath ...

- You know, Kolka got married on Saturday!
- For love or money?
- He took the bride because of money, and money - for love.

Wife wakes up husband
- What happened to you? Why are you screaming like that?
- I dreamed that Marusya was drowning.
- What else for Marusya?
- Yes, you do not know her, we met in a dream.


And suddenly - to consult ... Nikolai smiled, and the dimples that appeared on his rich cheeks seemed to say that I had no reason to put him above myself.
“You see,” he said, turning to me, “Sergey is a party man, but you are not yet. Sergei, let's say, was given the task of capturing my soul...
- They tell you, I'm not in the party! - Sergei objected. - And why are you convinced that someone really needs your soul?
- Doesn't anyone really need it? Kolya asked, half sadly, half mockingly.
Seryozha, with blue-cloudy eyes, angrily and tenderly looked at him point-blank and made no answer.
- The thing is, - said Kolya, - that, in addition to any desire, I got into big political figures. Look, I may turn out to be either Danton or Marat ... After demobilization, I returned home to the village, and dreamed mainly of living quietly with my father and reflecting on what had happened. But then suddenly my dear compatriots, our crafty Cossacks, honored me with the choice of a delegate to the Cossack congress, although after returning from the front I did not say a single word to them about the current moment, because I myself do not understand this moment. I still don’t know what I obliged with my career ... Maybe it’s the very thing they liked that I was silent, or maybe the reputation of my dad, who has long been known throughout the district as a disinterested knight of justice, played a role here. But a fact is a fact, and with a rare unanimity in our time, I was elected a delegate. And I wasn't even at the election meeting...
I got on the cart and came here. Well, I think I'll sit at the convention, keep quiet and return home. But Colonel Sorochinsky spoke at the congress. By the way, he said one thing deeply unfair and offensive - he cursed the entire Russian active army as deserters. That we, they say, sold Russia to the Germans and so on ... I must admit that this a little bit stuck. I took the floor for three minutes and gave factual information. That, they say, I recently returned from the active army and, in relation to deserters and traitors, I undertake to count among the generals a larger number of those, if taken, of course, in percentage terms ... I even named some names that I personally know. And here - my tongue is my enemy! - could not resist and added that, of course, the colonel, who has been in command of the reserve regiment since the fifteenth year, from here much that was done at the front during the war, can hardly be seen and known.
The public liked this statement of mine, and I won a storm of applause. As a result, when the elections came up, I listen and can't believe my ears - they put me forward as a member of the executive committee. And you, at least check the transcript - my speech was the shortest of all, and if Sorochinsky had not touched on this painful issue, I would have sat quietly. Then I began to put myself off - that I still have an unclear political position and, in general, a lot of doubts. But nothing like that, they chose! And then they pat that way on the shoulder and say: “Nothing, your honor, serve the Cossacks! You famously cut his tongue, this reserve colonel. They are now happy with their tongues in front of the villagers for half revenge, they think we are completely idiots ... "
That means I stayed here unexpectedly and unexpectedly. Now I am the local authority! Already attended two meetings of the executive committee. And now we come to the most delicate issue... The Cossacks left me here, but they didn't give me any salary. Of course, as a member of the government, I live free of charge in Dyadin's rooms, but do you still need to eat something? And just about this, everything is unclear ...
- You would go to the chairman of the city council, - Sergey interrupted him, - to Comrade Vasenko.
- Well, yes, how! - Nikolai chuckled. - I’ll come to him, I’ll say that, they say, a Cossack officer, a Knight of St. George, and he’s just waiting for me, Vaseiko something ... Why, if we are serious about this, he, say, will ask me : "Your beliefs?" What will I tell him? What am I for Russia? This is what everyone is saying now. I myself understand that this is an indefinite position. In short, I began to sell out a little. However, you yourself understand that I do not have a store. There was a golden cigarette case - sold. There were hours - passed. He sold one pair of trousers, the others are on me. I've already taken care of my underwear...
- The devil knows, what stupidity ... - Sergei muttered.
- Really stupid! - Nikolai agreed, - I think we should consult with someone. I turned to Volodya (he was Sergey's older brother), and he says to me: "You talk to our Sergey ..."

Mom: Have dinner. (everyone sits at the table and starts eating)
Mom: How's the meat?
Dad: I would tell the truth, but I'm afraid to upset you, so I'll get by with the word "rubber".
Mom: (annoyed) Speaking of rubber. When are you changing your summer tires to winter ones?
Dad: Soon, soon.
Son: Maybe they shouldn’t be changed at all, because it’s already the end of February!
Dad: What are you? It is not right. Tires need to be changed twice a year ... And when exactly is not important.
Mom: Son, how are things at school.
Son: Uh, fine.
Dad: What did you get today?
Son: Five.
Mom: Honestly?
Son: Fingal under the eye.
Mom: Okay, but from the grades.
Son: (heavy sigh) Two.
Dad: For what?
Son: Because of the black eye!
Dad: And who did you fight? With Petka?
Son: No, with a fizruk.
Mom (stupefied): I ... uh ... how ... As I understand it, a deuce in physical-re?
Son: No, in geography. The geographer came, and she felt sorry for the physical education teacher, so she gave me a deuce.
Dad: As I understand it, you beat the fizruk?
Son: Actually, I'm not alone. But for some reason I got one.
Mom: Yes, I give you ... yes you tell me ... you will be here with me ...
Son (interrupted mom): And what are we all about me, but about me? How are you dad doing at work?
Dad: Uh, okay.
Son: What did you get?
Dad: Salary, what else.
Mom: Yes, yes, yes. And honestly?
Dad: (heavy sigh) Reprimand.
Son: Why?
Dad: I was late for work.
Mom: So your boss reprimanded you? And you were late for work?
Dad: Well, actually I'm not alone. But for some reason I got one.
Mom: Well, you guys give! I will arrange this for you!!!
(Dad and son whispering)
Dad: How are things at home?
Mom: Fine.
Son: Honestly?
Mom: Only I can ask this question!
Son: Okay, where have you been?
Mom is at home.
Dad: Why then do my things lie in their places? There has never been a day when you were at home and did not hide my things in the devil knows where!
Mom (transfers the topic): How do you like meat?
Son: So everything is as usual with us, and nothing bad happened?
Mom: Of course, no one fought with anyone, no one was late for anything. What can we talk about in such a close-knit family like ours?

Decoration: balloons, exhibition of family photos “My home! My family!”, posters.

  • "It's great that we're all here today."
  • “When the family is together, the soul is in place.”
  • “The child learns
    What he sees in his house.
    Parents are an example of this.”

Musical accompaniment: songs “Parental House”, “Bend of the Yellow Guitar”.

The course of the holiday

Time is like a vicious circle:
The year flashed by like a month, a day like an hour.
Somehow listen to each other
We don't have enough time.
Maybe we should stop
Among this eternal turmoil?
Maybe take a closer look at the faces
Will we still have time for each other?

So we invited you today so that you can get a little distracted from everyday affairs, see how wonderful, talented your children are; so that your children can see how interesting it is for moms and dads to be around them, so that you feel like a family. For the first time, children discover the world for themselves in the family.


When did the word "family" appear?
Once upon a time, the Earth had not heard of him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
- Now I will ask you seven questions -
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve answered softly, "I am."
- Who will bring them up, my queen?
And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
- Who will cook the food, my joy?
And Eve still answered: "I am."
- Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,
Caress me, decorate the house?
“I, I,” Eve said softly. - "I, I" ...
She said the famous seven "I".
This is how a family appeared on Earth!

1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you at the family holiday.

2nd presenter: Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. The family is close and dear people, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

1st host:

In the family circle, we are growing,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
In the family circle, all your roots,
And you came into life from the family.

2nd host: Since ancient times, home and family have been spoken of with great respect. Probably because the families in Russia were large and friendly. I found a lot of evidence for this. Let us recall at least folk tales, proverbs, sayings ... They talk about the family. Now I will start the proverb, and you try to remember and finish it to the end ...

  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).
  • The hut is not red with corners ... (but red with pies).
  • The hostess in the house ... (like pancakes in honey).
  • Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).
  • Treasure is not needed ... (when there is discord in the family).
  • A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (at home).
  • A house without an owner... (orphan).
  • An apple from an apple tree... (does not fall far).
  • How rich are... (that's what we're happy about).
  • Away well… (and home is better).

3rd leader: A hundred years ago, the population of Russia was rapidly increasing, economic well-being was also growing by leaps and bounds, and at a faster pace than in other countries. At that time in our country they lived in such families, which could have 10, 20 or more people ... Imagine a house in the village of the early twentieth century: grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - all together and everyone helps each other. One keeps up with the housework, the other in the field, the third teaches lessons ... Such a house was a real fortress and stronghold. The sisters looked after the kids, and the older brothers protected the younger ones from the neighbor's bullies ... They lived happily. Old age was respected, youth was pitied and protected. And they worked in such a way that they fed the whole of Europe with bread, butter, lard, eggs.

4th leader: And now a mystery about one family. Try to count how many people there are.

I'll give you a task.
Listen, here's my family:
Grandpa, grandma and brother.
We have order in the house, okay
And purity, why?
We have two mothers in our house.
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter,
And the youngest is me
What kind of family do we have?

Teacher: There are many relatives around each of us, we are connected with them by invisible threads - by blood: grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts ... There are relatives who are younger, there are also much older than us. And that kind is strong, which remembers and honors its ancestors. This genus can be compared to a large and strong tree that has deep and strong roots.

May I ask you guys something? Try to answer not to me, but to yourself, only honestly, frankly.

  • Some of your relatives live far, far away. Do you write them letters, do you send greeting cards?
  • Traditionally, the new family takes the husband's surname. Whose last name do you bear: mother's or father's? If your father's, what was your mother's maiden name?
  • Do you know where your parents are from? What about grandma and grandpa?
  • Who suggested that you give the name that you have? Who were you named after?
  • Recall a time when you managed to help someone close to you and thereby brought him and yourself joy.

... Mom, mom. How warm is this word! Maternal love can always warm us, because children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom is the first teacher and friend, she will always understand, console, help.

For some reason, I’m sure that it’s rare that you completed any homework without the help of your mothers. Or I'm wrong? (The Isakov family plays a scene.)

A storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds,
A storm covers with darkness, twist the snow twirls ...
Dark storm...
A storm covers the sky, it is dark...

Something wrong! ( Thinking.) Mgloet? What it is? Gloomy - there is no such word ... ( Looks at the book.) Well, it is… closes the book.)

Morning howls the sky with mist ...

Something is wrong again! But what's the point, after all?

Mom: It's simple, the storm covers the sky with its haze and at the same time spins a snow whirlwind with all its might.

Student: Hurrah! A storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds!

Teacher: And it also happens that one of the guys seems to decide to do a good deed - to take care of the house, for example, but no one knows what comes of it. (The scene “Home composition” is played by children.)

Vitek leaned over the table
And squeezed the temples with his hands.
He writes an essay:
How do I help my mom?

Then Vitek will gnaw the pen,
Then the gloomy one will fall asleep.
There is a name. And then what?
Try it, come up with it!

But then from the kitchen mom suddenly
Silently calls his son:
- Vityunchik, run to the store.
We would have salt and matches ...

- Idea! Vitek jumped up.
And I shouted to my mother: - What are you!
After all, I'm struggling with the essay!
Still a lot of work!

Mom shut up.
And the son in a notebook brought out the phrase:
buy something for mom
I'm always ready!

Mom opened the door:
- Vityunya! I need you. I'm going to the shop.
Clean for now
Potatoes for dinner.

- What more? Vitek exclaimed.
"I'm sick of even listening to it!"
Here is an essay, and you
With some potatoes.

Mom is gone
I summed up my son in a notebook:
I cook my own breakfast at home
Lunch and dinner too...

- Five plus! - He rejoices. -
I can't wait for others!
What about you guys?
Bet for it?

Teacher: Again mother helped Vityuna. The essay is ready. Five with a plus is provided. But after all, not all children “help” their mothers, like our Vityunchik?

(They act out a scene.)

The son is sweeping the floor, singing a song. Mom enters the door, a bag in her hands, a bunch of keys in her teeth. He looks at his son with round eyes, the keys fall to the floor ...

Mother: Roma, what happened?

Roma: Nothing!

Mother: Like nothing! But you're sweeping the floor!!

Roma: And he's dirty!

Mother: Roma, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept was when you got a D for behavior...

Mother: (looks around the room and gets even more frightened). Have you wiped the dust?

Roma:(happily). Wiped!

Mother: Myself?

Roma: Myself!

Mother: What have you done!? Did they leave you for a second year?

Roma: (helping mom take off her hat and coat). Yes, I say nothing. It was dirty, so I removed it.

Mother: (suspicious). And did you make the bed?

Roma: Just like that, removed everything!

Mother: (wraps his head in a towel and sits on a chair). I'm being called to the principal of the school?!

Roma: Don't be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. I did my homework, had lunch and brushed my teeth.

Mother: Myself!?

Roma: Myself! ( Mom faints.)

Roma: Mommy! What happened to you? Now I will bring water. ( Pouring into a glass of water. But then a classmate appears at the door.)

Dasha: Well, Kovalev, how is the day of helping parents? Removed the apartment?

Roma: Help Day, Help Day!!! Here, enjoy...

Dasha: (taking out the first aid kit). How nervous we have become! ( Dripping mom valerian.) Shame on you, Kovalev! What did the mother bring! Couldn't tell her right away that the whole idea was for one day!?

Mother: (raises his head). So tomorrow everything will be the same?

Dasha and Roma: Yes! Old way, old way! ( Mom faints again.)

Teacher: This is, of course, a joke. But how great it is when a kind, smart, loving mother is next to you. And next to her is a son or daughter worthy of her love.

Now let's play a little.

1. "We rhyme names."

(This game is a creative task. It can be played as a competition or just for fun.)

Condition of the game: you need to compose a couplet in your name, which begins with the words: “My name is ...”

For example:

* My name is Tatyana -
I play the piano!

  • My name is Stesha -
    I love entertaining children.

* My name is Oksana -
I get up very early.

  • My name is Luba
    In winter I wear a fur coat.

* My name is Yelena -
My dream is to go to Vienna.

  • My name is Galina -
    I love eating raspberries.

* My name is Katyusha -
I love listening to songs.

  • My name is Sveta -
    I love eating candy.

* My name is Anya -
I love taking a bath.

2. Train ( parent team and children team of 5).

- Stand tall;
– Stand according to the size of the shoes (from small to large);
- Stand along the length of the hair (long - short);
- Stand up according to the color of your hair (light - dark);
- Along the length of the shirt sleeve (from short to long);
- According to the length of the legs (from short to long);
– By completeness (from full to thin);
Who has the thinnest waist?

Let's get some rest. Calm competition. Family couples are invited: a child and a parent.

3. You need to solve a simple crossword puzzle on the topic of family relationships.

1. Son of my mother.
2. My parent.
3. Brother of the father or mother.
4. A girl who has parents like mine.
5. The one that gave us life.
6. "Holy blood" - the mother of the husband.
7. Mom's or dad's sister.
8. The son of my child.
9. My heir.
10. The son of my sister or brother.
11. Husband's father.

4. Collect grades for your child.

Children receive marks every day and sometimes parents are not always satisfied with the result. Let's see how they cope with this task. Family couples are invited: a child and a parent.

The parents are blindfolded, unwound and taken to the other side of the room. At this time, the children stand at the table on which each has a box. Parents must take a mark from the opposite table, go to the child and put their child in the box. Children help their parents by calling them and guiding them only with their voice. The team with the most points wins.

5. Joint staging of a fairy tale - impromptu (participants are parents and children).

An old fairy tale in a new way.

To participate in the fairy tale, heroes are determined who themselves choose assistants: Puzanchik-Grandfather chooses big spoon,

Hostess-Grandma - Slippery Window,

Bunny-Kid - Carrot-Neskladukha,

Volchok Bandyuga - False Jaw,

Little Medvedik - Little Komarika.

The naughty Chanterelle will help Golden Money,

but Cheerful KolobokAutomatic Bespredelschik.

In a certain kingdom, in an overseas state, there is a painted tower, in the tower Grandfather Puzanchik lives business. Once he sits on a mound, mosquitoes and flies drive away. And next to him Big Spoon strumming, swaggering, tapping with his heels, in a word, vykabluchivaetsya. Took Puzanchik-Grandfather my big spoon and on the table break-break! Ran into the noise Hostess-Grandma. She herself walks from fatigue, staggers, but clings tightly to Slippery Window. looks Puzanchik-Grandfather on the Mistress-Grandmother licks, climbs to hug, but for what? Kolobok asks to bake. And they set to work together: they began to cook Kolobok. Went to fame Kolobok: he is appetizing and ruddy, with a sparkling smile and a golden crust. shouldered Puzanchik-Grandfather Kolobok on the shoulders yes and put it on Slippery Window let it cool down! I took my hand Hostess Bubusya and went to rest.

BUT Slippery Window does not sleep: butts, bites, angrily tosses Kolobok- about to drop! Oh oh oh! Didn't hold back! flew Merry Gingerbread Man down slippery window! BUT Slippery Window- crack! It is broken in half and quietly swears, with a fist Kolobok threatens. Pays no attention to it Merry Gingerbread Man, he himself knows how to swear no worse! Yes, but he has no time! Work awaits him in the forest! Rolls to have fun Kolobok! Sniff-sniff-sniff!

Look ahead jumping Bunny Kid, jump yes lope! He spread his paws, spread his legs, he is overgrown! And what jumps - he does not understand! Rolled up Happy Kolobok to Bunny Kid. Sniff-sniff-sniff! Bunny Kid paws spread, wants to eat Kolobok. But not confused Merry Gingerbread Man, took out Carrot-Neskladukha and treated Bunny Kid. Bunny shaking with greed, half at once Carrots-Unskladukhi swallows, and hides half under the arm. But here's the problem: overeat Bunny Kid! He had indigestion from greed. You need to run faster and straight into the woods! grabbed Bunny-Kid Carrot-Clumsy and jumped - only they saw him!

Rolling - have fun Kolobok, and towards him Bandyuga-Volchok! He himself is small, he scoops up his paws, his nose is like a hatchet! saw Bandyuga-Volchok Kolobok how to rush at him! BUT Merry Gingerbread Man does not sleep: he has for such cases Automatic Bespredelschik tucked away! On the Bandyugu-Vochka instructs so that Bandyugi-Vochka and beloved False Jaw Down with! surprised Bandyuga-Volchok, paws rakes, False Jaw picks up the bushes! Finds! Inserts into place: still come in handy! Runs Bandyuga Volchok into the woods: he himself is small, he scoops up his paws, his nose is like an axe, and False Jaw with him again! Rolling - have fun Kolobok! Sniff-sniff-sniff! I did not have time to look back, how to meet him Baby-Medvedik runs out of the forest. The belly strokes, sniffs, rumbles loudly! Why is he going to Cheerful Kolobok getting closer and licking at the same time? Suddenly, straight out of the swamp flies Little Komarik! He waves his wings, pulls his antennae: “And I would like to drink blood! Is it really poured in the forest in the morning!” But Little Komarik not confused: to Little Medvedik flies up and the tsap-scratch in his paw! Bitten! Got upset Baby-Medvedik, sniffs his nose, but no longer rumbles. And come on away Little Komarik run into the woods! AND Komarik flies after him.

Rolling - have fun Kolobok! And towards him Naughty Chanterelle. Gait cast, hips wags! But to buy Merry Gingerbread Man on this? Much more interesting Kolobok that u Naughty Chanterelles hidden under a coat. Golden Money under her coat! Ringing - strumming! Golden Money, to naughty fox squeeze harder! Apparently robbed. Naughty Chanterelle bank. But here Merry Gingerbread Man takes out his cherished Automatic Bespredelschik and well, let's shoot salt on a fox fur coat. BUT Automatic Bespredelschik know saying: “Ta-ta-ta-ta!” scared Naughty Chanterelle, golden money drops on the grass, covers his fur coat! BUT Merry Gingerbread Man picks up. All the heroes of the fairy tale came running to the noise. hobbling Puzanchik-Grandfather hand in hand with hostess-grandmother. In hand Grandpa's Big Spoon. Bryak! Bryak! In hand Granny - Slippery Window. Wow! Wow! galloped Bunny Kid. Jump and jump! Under his arm Carrot-Crazy perched: hrum-khrum-khrum! limp and Volchok Bandyuga. False Jaw with him grist-grit! came running Baby-Medvedik, followed by Little Komarik: “I want to drink blood! Is it really poured in the forest in the morning!”

Animals gathered in a circle, in the middle Merry Gingerbread Man from Bespredelschik automaton. Are going to share golden money: "This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!" even naughty fox something has slipped. Divided by the beasts golden money, and then put it back together and bought a car. Now Merry Gingerbread Man sits behind the wheel and neatly in the evening carries all the inhabitants of the fairy tale.

5th leader: What is a family? A family is not just relatives who live together, they are people who are united by feelings, interests, attitude to life. There is nothing more precious than a family.

Family is what we share for everyone,
A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.
Family is what is always with you.
Let seconds rush, weeks, years,
But the walls are dear, your father's house -
The heart will forever remain in it!

6th presenter: And now, dear children and their parents, ending this evening, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone and express the hope that the family holiday helped us get to know each other better, unite, take one more step towards mutual understanding and unity. Let's join hands and all together sing a song, the words of which are the motto of our holiday “The bend of the yellow guitar…”

The bend of the yellow guitar you hug gently,
A string with a fragment of echo will pierce the tight heights,
The dome of the sky will sway - large and starry-snowy ...

Like a reflection from the sunset, a fire dances between the pines.
Are you sad, tramp, but smile!
And someone very close to you will quietly say:
It's great that we are all here today!