Sergei Vronsky: biography. Predictions of Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich. Sergei Vronsky, astrologer: biography, books. "Classical astrology", "Astrology: superstition or science?", "On marriage and compatibility Vronsky with astrology years of life


Would you like to meet a man who seems to me to be a very original schizophrenic? He says that in the mid-1930s, he, a Russian resident of Riga, graduated from some kind of occult medical institution in Berlin ...
- Can I take a comrade, a major of the criminal investigation department, with me? - I ask.
... We were introduced to a middle-aged man of pleasant appearance and quite correct manners, but with a sharp German accent.
- I was told, - N-sky nodded in the direction of the owner of the apartment, - that there would be a conversation with representatives of the press and science. I would like to interest Soviet medicine in new methods of treatment.
- Why don't you offer your services to the Ministry of Health directly? I asked.
The interlocutor smiled wearily.
- He was, he said, but they take me there for ... - he twisted his finger at his temple.
I began to ask him about the past. Yes, from Russian residents of Riga, his parents died when he was five years old. In the early thirties he moved to Germany, entered the medical faculty of the University of Berlin, but soon a secret state commission selected him for a special group where they studied astrology and methods of bioradiation treatment. He served in the African Corps of Colonel General Rommel as a physician and bioradiologist.
In 1942, he ended up in the area of ​​Staraya Russa as a doctor in a German evacuation hospital. Among his patients was a wounded pilot captured by the Germans. He wrote a letter to his relatives about his fate, and to the authorities about Hauptmann N-sky's intention to return to his homeland.
Then everything happened, as in adventure films - under a camouflage robe, N-sky puts on the uniform of a Soviet lieutenant, goes to the front-line airfield where our U-2 is stationed, gets on the plane and lands in the area where the Soviet troops are located. There he explains who he is and how he is being sent to our front-line hospital as a doctor. After a German air bomb hit there, he was treated for a long time. Returned to Riga. Now he lives in Moscow, a disabled veteran of the Patriotic War ...
- Is it possible to use your knowledge on Petrovka, 38? I turned to my friend.
“We need to think about it,” N-sky answered. - I can make horoscopes, finding out the most prosperous days for their dangerous work. But you don't believe in astrology...
- And to look for hiding criminals and their victims?
- Photos required.
- And what will you do with them? the major asked.
- Like what? Ask where the criminal is hiding.
- Whom to ask?
- At the dead man, he will say.
It already smelled of spiritualism, and we did not go deeper ...
Much later, N-sky showed me his planchette and a beech triangle, with the help of which he communicated with the other world.
My interest in N-sky was twofold: I wanted to know about his life in the Reich and, of course, about the practical application of the methods of treatment, which were then contemptuously called "Mesmerian charlatanism."
The consent of the leadership of the House of Medical Workers for N-sky's lecture was obtained, but I thought: what if he starts talking about the influence of planets on the fate of people, about the reality of the other world, which was unacceptable at that time? Therefore, in a friendly way, he asked me to give me a text for viewing in advance. The report was interesting, but the author was still constructing phrases in German. I almost rewrote it. Alas, the meeting with the doctors did not take place either then or later ... But I, previously convinced that animal magnetism is an ordinary suggestion, suddenly saw the light ...
After listening, N-sky nodded:
- So after all, I have long suggested that you feel for yourself what you don’t believe in even now.
He was right: the insight had not yet convinced my skeptical mind that SOMETHING existed...
From the book of a psychic
IN AND. Safonov "Incredible"

Personal astrologer of Rudolf Hess

In 1933, the 18-year-old son of Count Alexei Vronsky came to Berlin from then independent Latvia to study. Already in his youth, Sergey knew 13 languages, and his grandmother, from a family of hereditary healers and clairvoyants, taught him astrology, palmistry, magic ... He also went in for wrestling, boxing, swimming, participated in auto racing, and graduated from aviation school at the age of 17.
For exceptional abilities in non-traditional methods of healing, Vronsky was transferred to the closed Bioradiological Institute, where specialists were trained for the Nazi elite. In addition to traditional medical disciplines, students studied astrology, extrasensory perception, hypnosis, shamanism, yoga, acupuncture…
Soon, the Russian count became quite famous as a psychic physician and astrologer, he treated top Nazi officials and even Hitler himself with the biofield. He also met his deputy for the National Socialist Party, Rudolf Hess, who was fond of mysticism. Once at a party, Sergei promised an “extraordinary future” to Eva Braun, and soon Hitler fell in love with her ... Hess immediately called: “Your words came true!”
After this and many other prophecies that came true, he unconditionally believed the young astrologer.
The horoscope compiled by Vronsky foreshadowed Germany's complete collapse. That is why on May 10, 1941, Hess fled from Germany to England in a light plane. And he was not mistaken: he outlived his comrades by 40 years.
By the way, Walter Schellenberg, the head of military intelligence of the Third Reich, in his memoirs confirms the involvement of astrologers in the escape of the second person in Germany ...
No one, of course, could have imagined that Sergei Vronsky was at the same time a Soviet intelligence officer, whose information was of particular value.
He also carried out specific assignments. For example, to eliminate the Fuhrer, he introduced the Russian boxer Igor Miklashevsky into his entourage. Later, however, Stalin abandoned such a plan.
After the escape of Hess, hard times came for fascist astrologers, and the stars predicted that Vronsky would soon be exposed. The order came to urgently arrive in the USSR. Having completed the documents, Sergey went to his native Baltic. There, with the help of hypnosis, he penetrated the German airfield and flew over the front line in an airplane ...
For days the surgeon Vronsky did not leave the operating table. During another bombardment with a log, his shoulder was injured and his insides were bruised. The famous surgeon Burdenko, seeing a familiar name in the lists of the hopeless (Nikolai Nilovich knew Father Sergei closely), demanded that his colleague be immediately prepared for surgery.
In 1943, he was demobilized with a disability of the first group and sent to the rear.
In 1945, Vronsky was the director of a secondary school in Jurmala. And in 1946 he was arrested and sentenced to 25 years for refusing to lead schoolchildren to the execution of captured German officers.
To the chiefs in the camp, he seemed like a demigod - he treated them with hypnosis and psychotherapy.
Feigned the last stage of cancer - and the prisoner was released to die in freedom.
In 1963 he moved to Moscow, where he gave lectures to the metropolitan bohemia on astrology, on the influence of cosmic factors on the human body and psyche ....
One of the listeners “tipped off” about the propaganda of “pseudo-science” ...
Then, by personal order of N.S. Khrushchev, he was sent to Star City ...
Despite all the misfortunes, Brezhnev, Andropov, Yeltsin turned to the semi-underground astrologer for recommendations ...
Sergey Alekseevich died on January 10, 1998.
From the book of Nikolai Nepomniachtchi "100 Great Phenomena"

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky (March 25, 1915-January 10, 1998) is the only certified astrologer in Russia. Descendant of an ancient Polish family. His parents were shot in 1920. He was the personal astrologer of Rudolf Hess, worked in the disinformation department of Hitler's headquarters. Secretly collaborated with Soviet intelligence.
Returning to the Soviet Union, he endured camps and persecution. He taught the first classes in extrasensory perception and astrology. He took part in the work of the Society for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, studied ways to prevent air accidents. Developed a unique system for calculating favorable and unfavorable periods for various types of activities.
Author of the books "Astrology - Superstition or Science?", "On Marriage and Compatibility", "Astrology in the Choice of Professions", "Classical Astrology" (12 volumes).

"You will be the director"

From the preface to the edition
"Classical Astrology"
The Higher School of Classical Astrology begins publishing the multi-volume work of Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky "Classical Astrology". Finally, the reader has found a fundamental publication in his native language, which has no analogue in the world.
... The widow of Sergei Alekseevich Liana Zhukova-Vronskaya agreed to give us the manuscript, and the Riga astrologer Svetlana Semyonova took on the enormous work of editing the text.
Nikolay Strachuk,
director of the publishing house

It seems incredible that a person lived and worked next to us, whose life, full of trials and adventures, is more interesting than any adventure novel.
I want to talk about Sergei Vronsky as a person. His house was always open, literally and figuratively. From the threshold we were met by the owner, who did not lose his status and greatness, and we fell into his arms. We repent, we often abused hospitality ...
Sergei Alekseevich dreamed of the time when astrology would be recognized as a science, and did a lot to bring this time closer.
He considered the result of his life a multi-volume book, which was almost ready in manuscript. His dream came true: the Russian reader finally received this fundamental publication.
Svetlana Semyonova

I met S.A. Vronsky in 1979. At the first meeting, looking at my horoscope, he struck me with a prediction: "You will be the director of the astrological institute." At the time, it seemed absolutely incredible! Sergei Alekseevich accepted me as one of his students, from him I received reliable and accurate methods for predicting events. And the horoscope he compiled is still kept in my archive as a relic.
With the services of S.A. Vronsky was used by the authorities of the USSR, and appeals from abroad are also known. In October 1990, I witnessed him working on the order of the US government - to calculate a favorable time for the launch of Operation Desert Storm ...
S.V. Shestopalov,
Rector of St. Petersburg Astrological Academy

In the mantle of a scientist
When Leonid Brezhnev asked me to calculate the time of death of his worst enemy Mao Zedong, my answer was: between 6 and 12 September. Mao died on September 9, 1976.
* * *
Scientists have come to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between the movement of celestial bodies and the behavior of all life on Earth, including humans.
The main phenomenon of cosmic forces are the vibrations of the radiations of the Sun, planets and other celestial bodies. It is no secret that our Universe is not a void, it is filled not only with cosmic dust, but also with electric, magnetic and other fields created by the radiation of planets, stars, constellations, galaxies, nebulae and comets. Especially dangerous is the radiation of the Sun, which creates electrical and magnetic storms and other cosmic disturbances in the atmosphere, ionosphere and biosphere of the Earth.
Solar activity exacerbates chronic diseases, disorders of the neuropsychic and cardiovascular systems, increases the number of heart attacks and strokes.
* * *
Everything around us boils because of the interaction of cosmic forces. Stars emit radio waves, ultraviolet rays, high-frequency radiation, which we call light, change DNA and RNA cells. Solar flares, magnetic storms affect the weather, climate, human well-being, positive and negative ions of the Earth's atmosphere - our behavior, emotions and feelings. The planets, forming angles between themselves, the Sun and the Earth, are the cause of flares and spots on the Sun ...
* * *
The totality of all cosmic influences at the time of a person's birth creates the prerequisites for the formation of temperament, character, abilities and other qualities that determine his fate.
There are other interesting facts as well. For example, when water is drained into a bath, electric fields are formed. In this case, the positive charge goes through the pipes into the sewer, and the negative one remains in the atmosphere of the bathroom, creating a feeling of freshness and cheerfulness.
* * *
Ancient astrology, having put on the mantle of a scientist of the 20th century, came to life and grew stronger. I would like this science to be used in our country not for self-enrichment, as happened with many of my psychic students, but for the good.
* * *
Our science is discredited most of all not by opponents, but by "fair prophets" - amateurs, businessmen from astrology, deprived of the slightest moral responsibility, which is so necessary in any prophecy. They profit from frivolous and irresponsible forecasts-stamps. The public is familiar, as a rule, with the crafts of charlatans, with which the whole world is teeming.
* * *
A person receives his individual potential of life force, or astral energy, even in the womb, but mainly at the moment of birth. The life force is located in outer space freely and unlimitedly, it does not have a specific place of origin and stay, being everywhere and everywhere. Everyone owns it during earthly life, and after death it returns to the Universe to appear again together with other animated organisms...
S. Vronsky,
"Classical Astrology"
Volume 1, "Introduction to Astrology"

Prepared Leonid Terentiev
e-mail: [email protected]

There are many interesting and exciting personalities in the history of the world. And one of them is Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich. The biography of this man is truly unique, because he was an astrologer, a psychic, a surgeon, and even a spy. On his account - predictions of the fate of the rulers of the Soviet Union and the Third Reich. While he worked with Hitler, he spied for Stalin at the same time, delivering him the most secret information. Also during his life he wrote many volumes of the first "Classical Astrology" in the territory of the Soviet Union. In addition, the method for calculating unfavorable and positive periods for an individual, based on biorhythms, was also created by this person.

Sergei Vronsky: biography

Sergey was born on March 25, 1915 on the territory of Riga in a noble family, which belonged to an ancient family of Poles. Serezha was the tenth child. His father was a count, general and secret adviser in the general staff of the king's army, head of the encryption department.

Vronsky's early years were spent in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The general earned permission from the Bolsheviks to go abroad, which was signed by Lenin himself, but, unfortunately, he did not have time to use it. In 1920, people broke into their house and shot Sergei's mother and father, as well as brothers, sisters and the son of their governess. Vronsky at that moment was walking with his governess, so he escaped from a terrible reprisal.

The escape

Sergei's governess did an incredible deed - fleeing to Paris, she took him with her, passing him off as her own son. Some time later, Vronsky's grandmother found them and took the boy to Riga with her. It was she, the clairvoyant, who told him about astrology and palmistry, and she also taught the boy magic, which she herself owned, and healing. Perhaps it was thanks to this woman that the predictions of Sergei Vronsky were so clear and significant.

In addition, Sergei had many hobbies, he liked sports, dancing, music and car racing. In his youth, he graduated from a driving school with honors. Under the tutelage of his grandmother, he received an excellent education, entered the elite Miller Gymnasium and graduated from it, at that time he had already learned 13 languages. But he decided to continue his education not in Riga, but in Berlin.

Student years at a secret institute

Arriving in Berlin in 1933, he entered the university at the Faculty of Medicine. Not much time had passed by the time he was transferred to the Bioradiological Institute, which was classified. It was in it that future psychic healers were trained for the management of the Third Reich. The difference of this educational institution was additional disciplines based on occult knowledge.

Healers practiced on prisoners. Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich during the practice had to work with twenty forced laborers who were diagnosed with cancer. He was promised that everyone he cured would be set free. After Sergey's actions, sixteen of them recovered.

In 1938, Sergei Vronsky graduated from both universities successfully. And next year he gets a job at the Military Medical Academy, where he heals oncological diseases using ancient healing techniques. His success attracted attention, in addition, friendly relations with helped him climb the career ladder. Using the biofield, he began to treat the highest officials of the Reich and even helped Hitler.

Friendship with Hess and the healing of Hitler

At that time, Rudolf was the Deputy Führer in the party. He loved astrology, so he began to communicate with Vronsky and trust him. When Hess decided to tie himself to his beloved by marriage, he asked Sergey to draw up a horoscope on this account. Having calculated the probabilities, Vronsky assured that there would be no wedding. Naturally, the reaction of a friend was not the best, he even threatened the astrologer with a concentration camp. But after a while, his fiancee died in a car accident.

This prompted Hess to be imbued with complete confidence in the astrologer, because he was really extremely amazed by the abilities that Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky possessed. His predictions also affected the unknown worker of the photo studio Eva Braun. He said that after marriage, an unusual future awaits her. On the advice of Vronsky, Hess secretly left for England in 1941, otherwise, according to the astrologer, death would have awaited him. True, after this, Hitler repressed many astrologers, suggesting that it was they who advised him to flee. But Sergei did not fall under his suspicions.

Since 1933, Sergei Vronsky became a member of the German Communist Party and began working for the intelligence service of the Union. Thanks to the trust of Hitler and the top leadership of the Reich, Vronsky always had information to pass on to enemies. They trusted him, they had business conversations with him, and no one guessed that the doctor could be a spy.

He had to carry out specific assignments for intelligence. For example, there was a case when he needed to introduce a boxer from Russia, Igor Miklashevsky, into the circle of the Fuhrer's entourage. Although the main task was canceled, Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich did an excellent job. Another attempt on Hitler, in which Sergei participated, took place in 1939, but even then the Fuhrer escaped death.

Forties - fifties

At the beginning of the war, in 1941, Sergei Alekseevich was sent to Africa. He was supposed to become a doctor in the army and did an excellent job with this task. A year later, Vronsky receives information that Stalin urgently calls him to the USSR to present an award. He hijacks a plane to cross the border. His idea is not carried out, as he is shot down by special officers. While his case is being considered, he performs the duties of a surgeon in a hospital, but during one of the bombings he receives a very severe head injury. In 1943, he was officially sent to the rear due to a first-degree disability.

Report and camp

In the year of the end of the war, he ends up in Jurmala, where he works as a school director. But a year later he is given 25 years in the camps. For five years, Sergei Vronsky treats all the bosses with the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis, after which he manages to simulate the last stage of cancer so that he is released. In the fifties, he wandered: he was either not hired at all, or he did not stay in one place for long. So he moved around a lot.

Underground astrology

Everything changed in 1963, when Sergei Vronsky arrived in Moscow. He began secretly lecturing on astrology. At the same time, he tried to find work in the KGB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This information reached Khrushchev, and Vronsky was sent to Star City to perform work related to his "specialty". It was there that the well-known system for calculating the favorable periods based on biorhythms was developed. And in 1967, Andropov instructed him to create a group of consultants for the KGB. In the seventies, Vronsky was treating Brezhnev.

Exit from the underground

When Andropov came to power, cosmobiology was officially recognized, and in the eighties Vronsky began to give lectures on legal terms: first to party workers, and then to everyone who wanted to learn about astrology. But Sergei Vronsky, an astrologer with a capital letter, became famous only in the early nineties, when the world saw his first book.

After the collapse, Vronsky returned to Riga and completed all 12 volumes of the encyclopedia of astrology there. In 1998, in January, Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky died. He made a great contribution to astrology. Many secrets of his biography have not yet been revealed.

Born March 25, 1915 in Riga. In childhood, after the death of his parents during the revolution, he received his first knowledge of astrology and the occult sciences from his grandmother.

scientific astrology

Sergei Alekseevich studied at the faculty of astrology at the University of Berlin. In pre-war Germany, within the walls of the University of Berlin, under the auspices of the world-famous physicist Wernher von Braun, occult sciences, including astrology, were studied.

Vronsky adhered to scientific approaches in astrology, following his teachers Ernst Kraft and Walter Hof, who called astrology cosmobiology.

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky was the first professional astrologer in the USSR.

Vronsky School

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky became the link between pre-war German classical astrology and late 20th century astrology in Russia. In 1983 Vronsky's official astrological courses started. The lectures were held in a closed room of the scientific research institute, where they had to study, and the listeners were registered with the KGB.

Thanks to the unique astrological knowledge of Vronsky, the Fomichev Academy acquired the fundamental methods of astrological forecasting and rectification.

Vronsky's methods of classical astrology, which are used in teaching astrology:

  • Rectification of the horoscope and clarification of the time of birth by marriage by the method of annual conversions.
  • The progressive period in astrological forecasts according to Vronsky is 365 days.
  • Control of Pluto by Aries, and Mars by Scorpio according to the periodic law of control. It was this control system that was published in Vronsky's book on rational astrology by Walter Hof, and was also offered in Vronsky's official and only astrology courses in Moscow.
  • Correction for latitude due to the non-sphericity of the Earth.
  • Construction of a local horoscope, along with a natal horoscope.
  • Vronsky also used the system of Koch's houses when constructing a horoscope and astrological forecast.

Vronsky training

Teaching astrology according to the methods of the outstanding astrologer Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky at the Fomichev Academy.

From the first semester, students study the laws of the formation of events, methods of managing fate according to Vronsky. Academy curriculum


Vronsky's methods in the free astrological program Altair Online. Altair calculates the rectification of the horoscope and the methodology of the astrological forecast according to Vronsky. It takes into account the correction for the non-sphericity of the Earth and, on a par with the natal chart, builds a local chart, which Vronsky used to control his destiny. Also, when determining the formulas of events, the control system from Vronsky is used.

The astrological program Altair according to Vronsky's methods was developed at the Fomichev Academy

classical astrology

The book "Classical astrology"

It is interesting that a number of methods presented by Sergei Vronsky personally at astrological courses in Moscow, as well as in his previously published books, do not correspond to the description in the book "Classical Astrology", which was published according to his works in 12 volumes. The book "Classical Astrology" was published after his death, and Vronsky personally did not pass the full edition.

For example, Vronsky's horoscope published in the book "Classical Astrology" does not correspond to the horoscope published by him in 1994 in the magazine "Bereginya" with his personal signature, built on Riga for the time 6:28:20 amended UTC + 2. There is a record where Sergei Vronsky confirms this time.

Also in the book "Classical Astrology" the system of planetary control goes against the periodic system of planetary control by signs, which contradicts classical astrology, where Scorpio has always been ruled by Mars. It is worth recalling the obvious, the style of the Scorpio symbol strictly consists of the symbols of Mars: the Latin initial of Mars "m" and the tip of Mars.

Vronsky, Sergei Alekseevich

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky(March 25, Riga - January 10, ibid), Soviet and Latvian astrologer, healer, parapsychologist, psychic, popularizer of occult knowledge.

Official biography

Descended from an ancient Polish family.

Sergei's parents were shot in 1920. He himself miraculously survived, and a little later his grandfather, who also lived in Riga, found him.

He graduated from the Miller private gymnasium in Riga, then studied at the Medical Institute in Berlin. In 1934, in Riga, Sergei Vronsky met his distant relative Ernst Kraft, who suggested that Vronsky enter the Berlin Bioradiological Institute, and Vronsky agreed. At the institute created within the framework of the Ahnenerbe organization, Vronsky began to study the so-called "secret" sciences: bioradiology (now - extrasensory perception), parapsychology, cosmobiology (astrology) and others.

After graduating from the institute in 1938, he became a practicing astrologer, and, according to his own statements, worked at Hitler's headquarters in the disinformation department.

At the end of 1942, Vronsky fled to the territory of the USSR: he hijacked a military fighter and crossed the border of the Soviet Union in the region of the Valdai Upland.

It is alleged that Vronsky practiced as a surgeon for some time, and after the war he returned to Riga, where he was convicted of espionage. Only later, thanks to the support of Yuri Andropov, in February he settled in Moscow, where he led the first groups on extrasensory perception and astrology.

On December 11, 1983, Vronsky began teaching the official five-year astrology course in Moscow.

In January he left Moscow and again settled in Riga. He taught a course in astrology at the Latvian State University. He died in his apartment in the Zolitude district in January 1998 at the age of 83.

Suspicions of hoax

In the documentary "Sergey Vronsky. The Great Impostor”, released in September 2009, there is a version that for many years a Latvian recruited by Soviet intelligence Jan Muizhemnieks pretended to be Sergei Vronsky (by the name of his wife - Bruzhevits). Some episodes of the biography of "Sergei Vronsky" and Jan Muizhemnieks coincide almost to the details. At the beginning, Muizhemnieks received a serious head wound and concussion (the same episode is also in the biography of “Vronsky”). According to the memoirs of the intelligence officer's wife, "when he came to his senses after a shell shock, he called himself Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich." The newly-minted Vronsky told the police that he decided to take such a surname, because he liked it. He was issued a passport in a new name.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt about the existence of a person - an astrologer and healer, who calls himself Sergei Vronsky. He was personally known by the First Deputy Head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Rogozin, a veteran of foreign counterintelligence and intelligence historian Stanislav Lekarev, and many others. etc., and on his grave is engraved: "Count Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich."





  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Astrologers of the 20th century
  • healers
  • March 25
  • Born in 1915
  • Born in Riga
  • Deceased January 10
  • Deceased in 1998
  • Deceased in Riga

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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“If until now in the Soviet encyclopedias “astrology” is interpreted as “bourgeois pseudoscience”, then in the “New International Encyclopedia” of the USA it is said that “the predictions of the most experienced astrologers are based on solid definitions and attitudes obtained through observations of phenomena, and on firm rules of interpretation…”

Astrology is one of the oldest sciences, with the help of which a person seeks to know both himself, his fate and his future, as well as the world around him, the secrets of nature and space. The strength of astrology is the ability to apply its methods for real and practical purposes, in particular, for predicting future events in a very wide range - from the fate of an individual to the life of an entire state. Its weakness lies in the concretization of predictions. While the timing of events can be predicted fairly accurately, down to days and hours, individual details may vary. To accurately predict them, you need God's gift of a clairvoyant ...

May God forgive me my error in the years of my youth and youth, but I was sincerely sure and convinced that it was the Communist Party that was the mind, honor and conscience of the people. In addition, I have always associated the very idea of ​​communism with the idea of ​​Christianity, that is, with brotherhood and piety. But that turned out to be far from the case...

Now I am a free and independent person...

What textbooks did you study? Which astrological tradition was preferred - Greek, Arabic, Hindu?

There were few textbooks: on homeopathy these were the works of Hahnemann, on herbal medicine - the authors of the 19th and 20th centuries, on magic - the works of Papus, on astrology - the multi-volume fundamental work of Johannes Morn "On Determination", which has not lost its relevance to this day. We studied Tsiolkovsky and Chizhevsky according to their original texts, we devoted a lot of time to ancient Greek philosophers: Plato, Neoplatonists, Neopythagoreans. Our institute had its own astrological school. In my opinion, it was one of the strongest schools in Europe in the 1930s. It was based on classical astrology with all existing directions….

All people who entered our institute graduated from it, because the so-called "screening out" was carried out during the selection of candidates based on horoscope data. It is interesting that in the first group of students there was not a single representative of the Hitler Youth or the fascist party. Moreover, people who were alien to the fascist ideology got into the institute. Having received an education, they became fighters against Nazism. In addition to me, a very gifted astrologer Rosenberg, whose mother was a clairvoyant, went along the same path ...

Our teachers were from all over the world. Among them are Tibetan lamas and acupuncturists from China, Hindu yogis and experts in various types of oriental wrestling from Japan, as well as shamans from Arab and African countries. Lectures on astrology were read by Ernst Kraft and Louis de Wohl, Herbert and Eva Lelein, Elisabeth and Reinhold Ebertin. We underwent surgery at the Volynsky clinic, we learned the art of hydrotherapy from Zalmanov himself ...

Under what circumstances did you end up in the USSR?

In 1941, my radio operator received information that Richard Sorge and I had been awarded the "Gold Star" and should come to the USSR for the award. At this time, Sorge worked in China and Japan. In October, he was unexpectedly arrested by the Japanese police, which was reported to the "center". Sorge warned me that troubles might await me in the USSR. I believed the message about the reward and tried to find suitable conditions for crossing the border ...

After the camps, the Soviet authorities persecuted me for many more years. I could not get a job anywhere, and if I did, it was for a very short time. Wherever I went to work: to hospitals, sanatoriums, to an ambulance - after two or three months the police came and kicked me out. My first pension was 28 rubles, then 53, later 77, and lately 97 rubles. As you understand, it was impossible not only to live on such a pension, but also to exist. And I started writing songs and selling my poetry and music. They paid well, especially the Moscow "grands": sometimes for poems or a song I received 800 rubles or even more, for some musical compositions - 1,500 rubles each. At the same time, I sold these things, as they say, "on the vine", which also saved me ...

The problem of the ethics of an astrologer is one of the central ones, especially in our time of mass enthusiasm for astrology, when forecasts are given in newspapers and magazines, on radio and television. This is a very important issue. If in ancient times astrologers served pharaohs, kings, princes and their families, now forecasts are given for everyone. This has its downsides. It should be said that in our time there are not so many people who try to be aware of every act, to lead a meaningful lifestyle. Most people, like robots, react only to external stimuli, completely forgetting about their unique inner essence. And this manifests the spiritual lack of freedom of modern man, who clearly loses the ability to choose. Thanks to newspapers and television, he receives ready-made recipes for treatment and nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and sex, what he should do, what he should refuse, right down to what he should eat and drink.

People have been engaged in forecasting or prophecy since time immemorial, to which they were undoubtedly prompted by an omnipotent necessity. But one thing is a purely individual forecast, another is to put it on stream. Unfortunately, there are more and more businessmen from astrology who are engaged in this science with the aim of self-enrichment, and the ethics of an astrologer are not always respected.

Our main principle is do no harm! We have one task: to advise the client how to survive critical periods and days, help to bypass all underwater reefs, avoid sharp corners, warn him against dangers and draw attention to what can bring good luck and happiness.

The astrologer must indicate the right path to achieve professional, financial success and family well-being, help in choosing a business partner, relieve self-deception and delusions, and the bitterness of disappointment. An astrologer can advise on how to behave in an intimate life so that children are born with one or another talent or ability. The astrologer can tell you who to be friends with and who to avoid, warning of possible enemies, both open and secret.

From the first glance at the client's horoscope, the astrologer must see the main direction of his life, determine the strengths and weaknesses of his character. He must and is obliged, when making appropriate decisions, to bear full responsibility for them, protecting the vital interests of his client.

But you also need to know your limits. A serious astrologer today can be “recognized” by the fact that, unlike numerous charlatans and businessmen from astrology, he does not give magnificent promises and bright forecasts regarding the future ...

What is your religion? How do you feel about Christianity as the dominant religion in Russia?

On December 30, 1979, I converted to Orthodoxy. This happened in Moscow, in the Kolomna Church, and Father Kirill carried out this procedure. I have a positive attitude towards all religions and all believers in the world. For me, all people are equal: Orthodox and Catholics, Muslims and Buddhists. I look with regret only at unbelieving people, because it seems to me that they lack the spiritual dimension of personality...

Orthodoxy, or at least some priests, reject astrology. What would you answer them?

It is widely believed that the Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards astrology. At the same time, I personally talked with Patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen, and none of them objected to my studies in astrology, because in all cases I did no harm to anyone, but, on the contrary, only benefit. And indeed, how could astrology have existed for so many millennia and survived to the present day, to its present heyday, if it did not have its own rational grain?

The church code of laws says that the study of the future is neither a sin nor a crime, but only an attempt to know the Will of God.

The peculiar unity of the church and astrology until the 17th century is evidenced, for example, by the famous painting by Tom Ring "The Sibyls, Virgil and the astrologer Albumassar", which is still in the Shetiller Palace in Augsburg. I can remind you that many popes were engaged in astrology and very skillfully mastered this science, for example, Sylvester II, John XX, John XXI, Julian II, Paul II, Leo X and others. Another interesting document is Origen's Greek treatise On Conduct, Free Will and Destiny. This document was originally included in his work "Philocalia", but was subsequently withdrawn by the church fathers Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus.

You can also cite the following statement of Thomas Aquinas: "... prophecy and prediction of future events according to the position of the stars is permissible, because the ability to predict events belongs to that field of knowledge that lies within the capabilities of the human spirit and is a certain stage in the development of human wisdom."

What are your plans for the future?

My first book "Astrology - superstition or science?" already published. The second - "On Marriage and Compatibility" should be released in 1991. My lectures on astrology are being prepared for publication, which in their volume and content will correspond to a full university course. And this is 10 volumes, if not more. Trips to foreign countries are also planned for the purchase of astrological literature and equipment. My plans also include writing several monographs - "Medical Astrology", "Vocational Guidance", "Death Indicators". If God grants me health, perhaps I will still have time to train teaching staff at my company Vronsky Office, which has been serving citizens of foreign countries for about 25 years.

What would you like to wish our readers: novice astrologers and those who already have experience in this field of knowledge?

My dear colleagues, future astrologers! To get acquainted with astrology, to study it would be useful for every more or less thinking person, if only because it brings a lot of joy of knowledge and can become an amazing and fascinating journey into the unknown. At the same time, we will be able not only to get to know ourselves more deeply, but to better understand why this or that person thinks, feels and behaves differently than we do. And this knowledge will make our life more interesting and meaningful, helping to be more tolerant and kinder to people. In order to become a world-famous astrologer or to become a highly qualified specialist, a true expert in his field, it takes a lot, a lot - you need to give yourself completely and completely to the power of this science. This will require self-restraint and self-sacrifice, deep, serious and painstaking practical work, exhausting work on the analysis and application of all known cosmobiological rules inherited from ancient times.

True, you will have to overcome many stumbling blocks ... Often, clear sunny days will be replaced by bad weather, periods of bright joy - periods of the most severe dissatisfaction. But neither one nor the other should embarrass or frighten you, for your goal is clear, bright and noble - serving your people, your Fatherland, your Motherland.

With all my heart I wish you all good health and cheerful mood, with all my heart - well-being and happiness in your personal life, new creative and labor successes!

With deepest respect and love

always your Sergei VRONSKY"

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3 comments: “Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich. The fate of an amazing person”

    I read an article about Vronsky. It seems that I heard and read a lot about Vronsky, watched interviews, but I did not suspect many of the facts presented here. I was particularly impressed by the above excerpts from his interview. I didn't know he was a believer. This side of him was not shown in the video program that I once watched about Sergei Vronsky. You made a beautiful selection of photos - again, a story within a story. In parallel with the biography of Vronsky, they raised the most important layer of the history of the 20th century. For me, this article was surprisingly interesting. Thank you for your site. I wandered around a bit yesterday. It seems like there was nothing recently - and suddenly at some point you realize what a nugget you get.


  1. THANKS - Repost to the site with a link to the article about Vronsky in the "It's interesting" section - on the website of Amen Ra - ...