Sergey zhorin lawyer personal life. Biography. Scandal and last affairs

Sergei Zhorin began to practice while receiving the 2nd highest. Due to his extensive knowledge accumulated over the years of practice, he opened the Moscow Bar Association together with his partners. The firm is known under the name "Zhorin and Partners". Sergey heads its presidium. The board consists of highly professional lawyers, accountants and lawyers who have been providing qualified assistance in resolving disputes in courts for over ten years.

Sergei Viktorovich Zhorin can be called a star lawyer in Russia. In courts, he represents the interests of media people and public figures who, thanks to the abilities, and probably the talent of a lawyer, have achieved record compensation in litigation of various kinds.

Lawyer Sergey Zhorin, biography, photo, what is famous for

Profession - lawyer NOT A SIMPLE LAWYER, and stellar) - biography. He represents the interests of media people and public figures in courts. His first high-profile court case is the case of Bari Alibasov, who, thanks to Zhorin, received 1 million 100 rubles for an insult on one Internet portal.

Zhorin Sergey Viktorovich

In 2010, Zhorin represented the interests of 500 passengers who filed lawsuits against the Aeroflot airline, which delayed the flight of more than 25 thousand Russians from Sheremetyevo for several days due to weather conditions. However, Sergei Viktorovich managed to resolve the issue out of court, and people who turned to him for legal assistance received the desired financial compensation.

Sergey Zhorin

Practical experience in the field of legal support for the activities of organizations of various forms of ownership. Specialist in the field of registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. Sergey Zhorin Contributed in resolving controversial issues during the registration of the right of economic management to the International House of Music. Participated in water commissioning and registration of ownership of many problematic facilities in Moscow.

Sergey Zhorin

Internet users did not believe the words of the guests and organizers. Revealing articles began to appear regularly on the Web. Users working in the field of organizing events calculated the cost of the holiday from photos in social networks and confirmed the words of the lawyer.

Sergey Zhorin

The most recent court cases of Zhorin include the process of dissolution of the marriage of figure skater Marina Anisina with Nikita Dzhigurda, the case of Lolita Milyavskaya against the NTV channel, photographer Dmitry Loshagin, who was accused of killing his wife Yulia. In the murder case, Zhorin believes that the husband is guilty, not taking into account the presence of an acquittal.

Sergey Zhorin about relations with Katya Gordon: “We began to communicate normally for the sake of our son”

Ekaterina Gordon also hinted more than once that she no longer has negative feelings towards the father of the child. At the celebration in honor of Daniel, the parents took pictures with the boy and looked happy. If earlier the TV presenter could not talk calmly with the ex-husband, now she managed to leave all the contradictions in the past. According to Gordon, Sergey has changed for the better.

Sergey zhorin and his wife

The same applies to other government agencies and enterprises. Sergey Viktorovich also specializes in tax planning, tax optimization, copyright, economic crimes and fraud, as well as economic, administrative and criminal cases. In all these areas, the lawyer wins the processes both in arbitration, arbitration courts, and in temples of justice of general jurisdiction.

Sergey Zhorin

Sergei Zhorin was married twice to the same woman - Katya Gordon. The first marriage of famous people broke up within 2 months after its registration in 2011 due to the infliction of bodily harm on a woman by the lawyer himself. There was no high-profile process, the former spouses settled everything on their own. In 2012, the couple became the parents of a son, but this did not bring peace to their family, the scandals continued. In 2014, there was another attempt to register a relationship, but two months later a break followed again.

Biography of the lawyer Zhorin

At birth, the journalist had the surname Prokofiev, after which she took the surname of her stepfather Podlipchuk. Katya studied at the gymnasium, and at the same time graduated from the economic school for high school students at the International University. Lawyer specializing in representing the interests of pop, theater and film artists.

Biography of the lawyer Zhorin

The personal life of Sergei Zhorin did not settle down immediately. He is now in his fifth marriage. His first wife was a girl named Natalya, but the lawyer does not particularly like to talk about her. It was she who gave birth to his first child - the son of Alexander. According to the lawyer, the boy is an exact copy of him. His father spends a lot of time with him, often traveling together. Dad cannot even scold the boy for scattered toys or whims, because he himself behaved the same way in childhood. Sasha goes in for sports, studies English.

Sergey Zhorin

Participated in water commissioning and registration of ownership of many problematic facilities in Moscow. Lawyer Zhorin provided legal support for the economic, financial, personnel and other activities of federal government bodies, state enterprises and institutions.

Sergey Zhorin - biography, personal life, high-profile cases and latest news

Sergei Zhorin is a well-known "star" lawyer in Russia, representing the interests of media people and public figures in courts. He has several dozen sensational lawsuits involving show business stars, who, thanks to the talent and abilities of a lawyer, achieved record compensation in litigation disputes of various nature.

Katya Gordon married lawyer Sergei Zhorin (PHOTO)

This statement greatly offended Milnichenko and he hired a lawyer, Sergei Zhorin, who was supposed to bring Gordon to justice. Some time later, a trial began in this case, during which the plaintiff demanded a public apology from the presenter.

Sergey Zhorin- a well-known Russian lawyer representing the interests of media people.

In 2005 Zhorin received the position of Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Bar Association "Zhorin and Partners". Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Bar Association "Annexus". Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Code of Honor".

Sergei Zhorin. Biography

Sergey Zhorin Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State Industrial University. Candidate of Law (dissertation on the topic: "Problems of intellectual property on the way of Russia's accession to the WTO"), the author of several patented inventions. Graduated from the Russian Institute of State Registrars (RIGR) under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Practical experience in the field of legal support for the activities of organizations of various forms of ownership. Specialist in the field of registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. Sergey Zhorin Contributed in resolving controversial issues during the registration of the right of economic management to the International House of Music. Participated in water commissioning and registration of ownership of many problematic facilities in Moscow.

Lawyer Zhorin provided legal support for the economic, financial, personnel and other activities of federal government bodies, state enterprises and institutions. Participated in the preparation of draft laws and other legal acts in cooperation with the State Duma, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministries.

Sergey Zhorin is a frequent guest on central TV channels. So, as an expert, he took part in the talk shows "Actually" and "Let them talk" on Channel One.

Sergei Zhorin. The loudest cases

year 2009. Representing the interests of Bari Alibasov. Recovery of moral damages in the amount of 1 million 100 thousand rubles.

2009-2010. The case of passengers delayed due to freezing rain flights. The decision to pay compensation was made in a pre-trial order.

2009-2011. Zhorin worked on the case of the Nashi movement. A French newspaper was blamed for calling the picket near Alexander Podrabinenko's house "a mixture of patriotism and xenophobia." Compensation amounted to 250 thousand rubles.

2010 By the forces Zhorina was prosecuted Olga Konyukhina, who at that time was the concert director of Sofia Rotaru.

year 2012. The lawyer proved the falsity of the accusation against Nikas Safronov, who was accused of raping a Rostov singer. As compensation, she paid 300 thousand rubles.

In addition, Oleg Gazmanov, Yuri Antonov, Vitas were Sergey Zhorin's clients at different times. In February 2015, he became the representative of figure skater Marina Anisina in the divorce proceedings with Nikita Dzhigurda.

Sergei Zhorin. Personal life

A well-known lawyer was married to journalist Katya Gordon, and twice (in 2011 and 2014), and both times the case ended in divorce. In 2012, Catherine gave birth to a son Sergei Zhorin Daniel.

After the appearance of photos of Sergei Zhorin and winners of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics project Julia Wang in the media there were rumors that this couple had an affair. However, both Zhorin and Wang denied this information, explaining that they have exclusively friendly relations.

It is known that in 2015 Zhorin had an affair with a colleague: he often went out with lawyer Natalya. In 2016, Zhorin made an offer to a TV presenter Ekaterina Guseva giving a public engagement ring. But the wedding did not take place.

In 2017, Sergei Zhorin began dating world boxing and kickboxing champion Natalya Ragozina. In July 2017, the couple got married at Barviha Luxury Village.

His face is known to all fans of talk shows and programs in which celebrities appear. Perhaps the most famous and undoubtedly one of the most disinterested lawyers in the country is Sergei Zhorin. Watching him is always interesting, as he speaks a little and always only on business. Today you will learn some details from the biography and personal life of Sergei Zhorin. It will be interesting.

God's Lawyer

Born on June 5, 1976 in the capital. He graduated from an ordinary Soviet secondary school and entered the Moscow State Industrial University at the Faculty of Law. One diploma seemed not enough, Sergey receives a second one from the Russian Institute of State Registrars. Even during his studies, he created a bar association, of which he is the chairman to this day. "Zhorin and Partners" is a successful and prosperous company that brings significant income to its owner.

Personal life

Like any other public person, lawyer Sergei Zhorin has repeatedly become the hero of gossip columns. Journalists began to pay special attention to the man after the loud statements of his wife. Katya Gordon became the third wife of a lawyer. Before this marriage, she was already a fairly well-known person, largely due to the scandal that occurred live on Mayak radio. On that ill-fated day, the ex-wife of Alexander Gordon grappled in earnest with the socialite Ksenia Sobchak. The result of this conflict was the dismissal of Katya. Once again, her name appeared in the press two months after the wedding with Sergei Zhorin.

The girl in colors told reporters about how her husband severely beat her. She filed for divorce, and soon the couple began to sort things out on social networks in front of millions of Russians. However, a year later, Katya gave birth to a son, Daniel, from Zhorin. And a year later they got married again. The story repeated itself - a month later the girl again talks about the beating and another divorce occurs. Since then, Katya Gordon and Sergey Zhorin regularly attended court hearings, where the issue of alimony was decided.

Failed brides and fifth marriage

Only a few days have passed since the divorce, and the press was already savoring the details of the novel between lawyer Sergei Zhorin and Julia Wang. The extravagant winner of the “Battle of Psychics” was delicately silent, and the lawyer himself assured everyone that there was only friendly relations between him and Lucifer’s daughter. Next in line was a colleague named Natalia. This novel was not interesting to fans of the charming Sergei, the rumors about him quickly subsided.

Like a bolt from the blue, an offer of a hand and heart to Ekaterina Guseva sounded. The popular TV presenter received it live along with the ring in 2016. But the joy was short-lived - this marriage was not destined to take place. The reason for this was the multiple champion and pride of Russia - Natalya Rogozina. A tall, stately and incredibly beautiful girl bore the proud nickname "Miss Sledgehammer". The fans of both sides smiled rather - Zhorin would not beat such a beauty. She herself will grind anyone you want into powder. In 2017, a beautiful wedding took place, since then the personal life of a lawyer has not been in the public domain.

Loud processes

In fairness, it should be noted that Sergei Zhorin deals not only with the affairs of the capital's media personalities. At one time, he gratuitously helped the mother of model Yulia Loshagina to achieve a review of the case on the innocence of her son-in-law. As a result, it was canceled and the photographer received 10 years for the murder of his wife. This high-profile resonant case was covered by the press and television. On one of the programs, Zhorin promised the victim's mother to take control of the process and achieved a positive result.

A lot of noise was made by his participation in the divorce proceedings and Marina Anisina. For several months there was a fierce information struggle between the scandalous showman and the lawyer. As a result, the couple never divorced, and Zhorin stopped representing the interests of the figure skater in court.

Among his clients are such popular personalities as Valeria, Bari Alibasov, Vitas, Lolita Milyavskaya, Ilya Reznik, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, Philip Kirkorov, Sofia Rotaru, Alexander Porohovshchikov.

In 2017, a huge scandal erupted after a lawyer's statement that the daughter of a Krasnodar judge played a wedding for $ 2 million. The public became interested in where the woman got so much money, and soon a real war began between the two colleagues. Zhorin was no stranger to such battles, he was ready to prove his case in court. Checks followed, as a result of which Zhorin was accused of spreading false rumors. Now the lawyer is waiting for the decision of the Moscow Bar Association.

The singer complains that the lawyer does not take part in the upbringing of their common son

Secular lawyer Sergei Zhorin and no less secular athlete, boxing champion Natalya Ragozina on Thursday became husband and wife in the Barvikha registry office. They dated for less than a year. The newlyweds met on the street: they have the same cars, and Sergey somehow tried in vain to open Natalia's car, mistaking it for his own.

39-year-old Sergei Zhorin married himself for the fourth time. Little is known about his first wife, Natalya, although the lawyer takes an active part in raising their common son. By the second and third marriages, Zhorin was married to the same woman - journalist and radio host Katya Gordon. The first time they got married after a month of dating, but just as quickly broke up, according to Gordon - due to beatings. The second time the marriage came to an end, again according to Catherine's version, because of her husband's betrayals - she called Anna Sedokova as rivals. then Jeanne Epple. Now Katya likes to publicly complain that Zhorin does not take part in the upbringing of their common son Daniel and does not pay alimony in full.

After Gordon in 2015, the "star" lawyer met with DJ and presenter Katya Guseva and even proposed to her after several months of dating. But then they parted and maintained friendly relations. Sergei met 41-year-old boxing champion Natalya Ragozina about a year ago. Natasha has a 16-year-old son, Ivan, from his first marriage. At one time, the media attributed to her an affair with Vladimir Putin himself. Natalia is considered an invincible athlete and is nicknamed Sledgehammer.

Katya Gordon congratulated her ex-husband with peculiar verses in her account:

My husband used to beat me

The lawyer was mediocre

We lived hard, but not boring and not at all poor

But she left, she wanted to live and asked: “God,

Fairness to learn help a little

And it happened, gentlemen, a splinter was torn out

He is married to a boxer and his name is Ragozina!

In addition, lawyer Alexander Karabanov, who knows both newlyweds, congratulated his colleague: “Recently I have been watching Sergey - he has become somehow more positive, his image of a stern guy has changed thanks to Natalya. I wish both happiness and love, every man needs a wife and family, this is our strong rear, and here it will be even stronger. Since the wife is a boxing champion.

The well-known lawyer Sergei Zhorin, whose name flashed more than once in resonant star showdowns, got married again. The human rights activist took the charming blonde Natalia Rogozina, the world and European champion in boxing, known in sports circles as "Sludger", to the registry office.

Zhorin announced the latest news on his Instagram page, posting several photos from the celebration at once. The holiday was held in the elite restaurant Barviha Luxury Village.

What is known about the new wife of Sergei Zhorin

It is worth saying that Natalia Rogozina is no less popular than her new husband. The woman is the most titled athlete in the world of women's boxing, and her name was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2002, at the championship in Turkey, Natalya Rogozina got into a scandalous story. Her husband Mikhail Kolpakov, in a fit of jealousy, beat a woman, breaking into her hotel room on the eve of the tournament. Natalya ended up in a local clinic, and her performance at the tournament was disrupted. Shortly after the incident, Rogozina divorced her husband. The athlete has a 16-year-old son, Ivan.

The ex-wife of Sergei Zhorin was glad of his marriage

For several years in a row, the personal life of Sergei Zhorin was no less eventful than the life of his star clients. His relationship with Katya Gordon was like a reality show. The couple got married in 2011, but after a few months the couple broke up. The reason for the divorce was assault by a lawyer. After her husband's apology, Katya returned to Sergei and gave birth to his son Daniel a year later. However, the birth of a child did not help save the family.

Quite unexpectedly, in 2014, Gordon and Zhorin again went to the registry office. This time, it took the couple two months to understand that the family would not work.

After the second divorce from Katya Gordon, Sergei Zhorin was credited with novels with psychic Julia Wang, Ekaterina Guseva.