Charlotte Casiraghi is her godfather. Charlotte Casiraghi is the charming princess of Monaco. Personal life of Charlotte Casiraghi

The mother of this beauty of royal blood is Caroline, Princess of Monaco. Charlotte Casiraghi was born on August 3, 1986. From fate she received as a gift all possible virtues: intelligence, charm, kindness. The girl lost her father, the famous Italian businessman Stefano Casiraghi, at an early age. He died as a result of a freak accident while racing on a boat. The baby's dad was replaced by her uncle, Prince Albert.

Charlotte Casiraghi, like her mother, are very similar to their famous grandmother (American actress Grace Kelly). They are all real beauties. It must be said that this always weighed heavily on the little girl, who, already in early childhood, decided to ensure that those around her noticed not only her appearance, but also her intelligence.

At the Lycée Fenelon in Paris, Charlotte Casiraghi was a diligent student, receiving only the highest scores. The little princess especially loved the humanities and excelled in literature. As a result, she received a certificate with honors.

The mother, who remarried, took her children to France, trying in every possible way to protect them from the intrusiveness of the press. She tried to raise them in a democratic “format”, away from palace rituals.

Since childhood, Charlotte Casiraghi, whose photos on horseback often adorn glamor magazines, has been fond of equestrian sports and participated in many competitions. She even managed to win the Grand Prix in Valencia.

The girl graduated with honors with degrees in philosophy and journalism. Several years ago, she completed an internship at the London newspaper "The Independent", where her works were published.

Charlotte Casiraghi is fluent in three languages ​​- English, Italian and French. All her free time she is engaged in literary creativity. Her other passion is contemporary art.

The princess has been in a creative environment all her life; she knows many famous designers firsthand.

Passionate about charity, Charlotte Casiraghi annually attends the Bal de la Rose, organized by the Princess Grace Foundation, which raises funds to help poor sick children.

Forbes magazine recently named the princess one of the most charming multimillionaire heirs. The twenty-seven-year-old young girl perfectly knows how to behave at parties and dinners, apparently having inherited the grace and charm from her grandmother.

Together with Albert, last year she opened the building of the new Monaco consulate in London, and a few months later she attended the launching of the marine police boat of her principality.

Despite the fact that most of her royal relatives settled in the United States, Charlotte herself prefers to live in Paris, moving at the epicenter of world fashion. However, she is happy to spend everything among her family and friends back home in Monte Carlo.

Today, the spectacular Charlotte Casiraghi, the owner of a charming appearance, is called the sexiest among the royals, especially since she is not at all alien to the sense of style. This is confirmed by the fact that recently this charming princess of the smallest principality became the face of Gucci, with whose designer, Frida Giannini, she has been friends for a very long time.

The princess, being the standard of femininity, grace and beauty, practically does not bring joy to the paparazzi. She does not participate in brawls or scandals, and rarely gives rise to gossip.

Charlotte Casiraghi

Princess Date of birth August 3 (Leo) 1986 (33) Place of birth La Colle Instagram @charlottexcasiraghi

Charlotte Casiraghi is a real princess from a fairy tale, the granddaughter of the famous Grace Kelly. Lots of girls dream about her life. Smart, beautiful, purposeful, known for her sporting achievements and charitable projects, the girl proudly walks through life, not conforming to boundaries and following her desires.

Biography of Charlotte Casiraghi

Charlotte was born on August 3, 1986. Her mother is Princess Caroline of Monaco, and her father is successful businessman Stefano Casiraghi. The girl had two older brothers: Andrea and Pierre. The family seemed happy, but soon their measured life was shattered. In 1990, Stefano took part in a speedboat competition and died in an accident. Carolina, who instantly became a widow with three children in her arms, moved to a small provincial town to protect herself and them from journalists constantly following on their heels.

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Personal life of Charlotte Casiraghi

The mother tried to pay attention to the children, but she was not very good at it. Nine years later, she married again and gave birth to a daughter, Alexandra, now the entire supply of affection was concentrated on the new family member, while the rest had to be content with a rather strict upbringing and find their own entertainment. For Charlotte, this was friendship with four-legged animals. Horses were her special love from early childhood. At the age of 4 she first found herself in the saddle, and since then no one has been able to get her out of there.

Latest news about Charlotte Casiraghi

Princess Charlotte Casiraghi began show jumping at a professional level. Her teachers were the best of the best, but without talent she would not have been able to achieve success. Hard work and selfless love for proud animals did their job - Charlotte soon began to win world-class competitions.

At the same time, the representative of the princely family received an education corresponding to her position in society. The girl graduated with honors from the Fenelon Lyceum in France, then entered the Sorbonne and received a bachelor's degree in philosophy. Her arsenal includes work as a journalist on television and in a newspaper. She is fluent in three languages: English, French and Italian.

Representatives of famous fashion houses could not help but pay attention to the beautiful princess. Thus, Charlotte is known for her collaboration with Gucci, whose beauty ambassador she is.

The princess regularly takes part in charity show jumping tournaments. She is the founder of Above magazine, which covers conservation issues. Charlotte donates significant sums to foundations that search for and develop young talent.

Even in early childhood, little Charlotte saw her ideal in her own aunt Stephanie. It was she who gave Charlotte her first horse, accompanied by the admonition to always follow your heart and seize freedom. Stefania herself lived exactly this way - she did not sit in a cage of her own origin, but wholeheartedly enjoyed all the available opportunities.

Charlotte turned out to be more restrained in her aspirations for freedom. For example, she never had a bunch of lovers. But all the princess’s chosen ones did not belong to her usual circle. Charlotte had a four-year relationship with Alex Dellal, the owner of an art gallery in London.

The princess's next chosen one was the French actor Gad Elmaleh. They met in 2011. In 2013, the couple had a son, Rafael.

For a long time there were rumors that Gad Elmaleh proposed to his princess. However, the wedding never happened. In 2015, the couple broke up.

2017 brought Charlotte new love. She became Dmitry Rassam, the son of the famous actress Carole Bouquet.