Shakespeare Hamlet read short. Interesting Facts. Genre and direction

William Shakespeare

"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark"

Square in front of the castle in Elsinore. Marcellus and Bernard, Danish officers, are on guard. They are later joined by Horatio, a learned friend of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. He had come to ascertain the story of a nighttime apparition of a ghost resembling that of a Danish king who had recently died. Horatio is inclined to consider this a fantasy. Midnight. And a formidable ghost in full military garb appears. Horatio is shocked, he tries to talk to him. Horatio, reflecting on what he saw, considers the appearance of a ghost a sign of "some unrest for the state." He decides to tell about the night vision to Prince Hamlet, who interrupted his studies at Wittenberg due to the sudden death of his father. Hamlet's grief is aggravated by the fact that soon after the death of his father, his mother married his brother. She, "not wearing out the shoes in which she walked behind the coffin," threw herself into the arms of an unworthy man, "a dense clot of meat." Hamlet's soul shuddered: “How tiresome, dull and unnecessary, / It seems to me, everything that is in the world! O abomination!

Horatio told Hamlet about the night ghost. Hamlet does not hesitate: “The spirit of Hamlet is in arms! The case is bad; / There's something lurking here. Hurry night! / Be patient, soul; evil will be exposed, / Even if it would be gone from the eyes into the underground darkness.

The ghost of Hamlet's father told of a terrible atrocity.

When the king was resting peacefully in the garden, his brother poured deadly henbane juice into his ear. "So in a dream from a fraternal hand I lost my life, crown and queen." The ghost asks Hamlet to avenge him. "Bye Bye. And remember me, ”- with these words, the ghost moves away.

The world has turned upside down for Hamlet... He vows to avenge his father. He asks his friends to keep this meeting a secret and not be surprised by the strangeness of his behavior.

Meanwhile, the near nobleman of the king, Polonius, sends his son Laertes to study in Paris. He gives his fraternal instructions to his sister Ophelia, and we learn about the feeling of Hamlet, from which Laertes warns Ophelia: “He is in subjection at his birth; / He does not cut his own piece, / Like others; on his choice / The life and health of the entire state depend.

His words are confirmed by his father, Polonius. He forbids her to spend time with Hamlet. Ophelia tells her father that Prince Hamlet came to her and he seemed to be out of his mind. Taking her by the hand, "he let out a sigh so mournful and deep, / As if his whole chest was broken and life was extinguished." Polonius decides that Hamlet's strange behavior in the last days is due to the fact that he is "mad with love." He is going to tell the king about it.

The king, whose conscience is weighed down by the murder, is troubled by Hamlet's behavior. What lies behind it - madness? Or what else? He summons Rosencrantz and Guildestern, former friends of Hamlet, and asks them to find out his secret from the prince. For this, he promises "royal mercy." Polonius arrives and suggests that Hamlet's madness is caused by love. In support of his words, he shows Hamlet's letter, which he took from Ophelia. Polonius promises to send his daughter to the gallery, where Hamlet often walks, to ascertain his feelings.

Rosencrantz and Guildestern unsuccessfully try to find out the secret of Prince Hamlet. Hamlet realizes that they were sent by the king.

Hamlet learns that the actors have arrived, the tragedians of the capital, who he liked so much before, and the idea comes to him: to use the actors in order to make sure the king is guilty. He agrees with the actors that they will play a play about the death of Priam, and he will insert two or three verses of his composition there. The actors agree. Hamlet asks the first actor to read a monologue about the murder of Priam. The actor reads brilliantly. Hamlet is excited. Entrusting the actors to the cares of Polonius, he thinks alone. He must know exactly about the crime: "The spectacle is a noose to lasso the conscience of the king."

The King questions Rosencrantz and Guildestern about the progress of their mission. They confess that they were unable to find out anything: “He does not allow himself to be questioned / And with the cunning of madness he slips away ...”

They also report to the king that wandering actors have arrived, and Hamlet invites the king and queen to the performance.

Hamlet walks alone and meditates his famous monologue: "To be or not to be - that is the question..." Why do we cling to life so much? In which "the mockery of the century, the oppression of the strong, the mockery of the proud." And he himself answers his own question: "The fear of something after death - / An unknown land from which there is no return / To earthly wanderers" - confuses the will.

Polonius sends Ophelia to Hamlet. Hamlet quickly realizes that their conversation is being overheard and that Ophelia has come at the instigation of the king and father. And he plays the role of a madman, gives her advice to go to the monastery. Straightforward Ophelia is killed by Hamlet's speeches: “Oh, what a proud mind is smitten! Nobles, / Fighter, scientist - eye, sword, tongue; / The color and hope of a joyful state, / A mint of grace, a mirror of taste, / An example of exemplary ones - fell, fell to the end! The king makes sure that love is not the cause of the prince's frustration. Hamlet asks Horatio to watch the king during the performance. The show starts. Hamlet comments on it as the play progresses. He accompanies the poisoning scene with the words: “He poisons him in the garden for the sake of his power. / His name is Gonzago<…>Now you will see how the murderer earns the love of Gonzaga's wife.

During this scene, the king could not stand it. He got up. A commotion began. Polonius demanded that the game be stopped. Everyone leaves. That leaves Hamlet and Horatio. They are convinced of the crime of the king - he betrayed himself with his head.

Rosencrantz and Guildestern return. They explain how upset the king is and how perplexed the queen is about Hamlet's behavior. Hamlet takes the flute and invites Guildestern to play it. Guildestern refuses: "I don't know the art." Hamlet says with anger: “You see what a worthless thing you are making of me? You are ready to play on me, it seems to you that you know my frets ... "

Polonius calls Hamlet to his mother, the queen.

The king is tormented by fear, tormented by an unclean conscience. “Oh, my sin is vile, it stinks to heaven!” But he has already committed a crime, "his chest is blacker than death." He gets on his knees, trying to pray.

At this time, Hamlet passes - he goes to his mother's chambers. But he doesn't want to kill the despicable king while praying. "Back, my sword, find out the girth more terrible."

Polonius hides behind the carpet in the queen's chambers to eavesdrop on Hamlet's conversation with his mother.

Hamlet is full of indignation. The pain that torments his heart makes his tongue bold. The queen is frightened and screams. Polonius finds himself behind the carpet, Hamlet, shouting "Rat, rat", pierces him with a sword, thinking that this is the king. The queen begs Hamlet for mercy: “You directed your eyes straight into my soul, / And I see so many black spots in it, / That nothing can bring them out ...”

A ghost appears ... He demands to spare the queen.

The Queen does not see or hear the ghost, it seems to her that Hamlet is talking to the void. He looks like a madman.

The queen tells the king that in a fit of madness, Hamlet killed Polonius. "He's crying about what he's done." The king decides to immediately send Hamlet to England, accompanied by Rosencrantz and Guildestern, who will be given a secret letter to the Briton about the killing of Hamlet. He decides to secretly bury Polonius to avoid rumors.

Hamlet and his traitorous friends rush to the ship. They meet armed soldiers. Hamlet asks them whose army and where they are going. It turns out that this is the Norwegian army, which is going to fight with Poland for a piece of land, which is a pity to rent for “five ducats”. Hamlet is amazed that people cannot "settle the dispute about this trifle."

This case for him is an occasion for deep reasoning about what torments him, and what torments him is his own indecision. Prince Fortinbras "for the sake of whim and absurd fame" sends twenty thousand to death, "as to bed", because his honor is offended. “So how am I,” exclaims Hamlet, “I, whose father is killed, / whose mother is in disgrace,” and I live, repeating, “this is how it must be done.” "O my thought, from now on you must be bloody, or the price of dust is yours."

Having learned about the death of his father, secretly, Laertes returns from Paris. Another misfortune awaits him: Ophelia, under the burden of grief - the death of her father at the hands of Hamlet - went crazy. Laertes wants revenge. Armed, he bursts into the chambers of the king. The king calls Hamlet the culprit of all the misfortunes of Laertes. At this time, the messenger brings the king a letter in which Hamlet announces his return. The king is at a loss, he understands that something has happened. But then a new vile plan ripens in him, in which he involves the quick-tempered, narrow-minded Laertes.

He proposes to arrange a duel between Laertes and Hamlet. And in order for the murder to take place for sure, the end of Laertes' sword should be smeared with deadly poison. Laertes agrees.

The queen sadly announces the death of Ophelia. She "tried to hang her wreaths on the branches, the treacherous bough broke, she fell into a sobbing stream."

…Two gravediggers are digging a grave. And they throw jokes around.

Hamlet and Horatio appear. Hamlet talks about the futility of all living things. “Alexander (Macedonsky. - E. Sh.) died, Alexander was buried, Alexander turns to dust; dust is earth; clay is made from the earth; and why can't they plug a beer barrel with this clay into which he has turned?

The funeral procession is approaching. King, queen, Laertes, court. Bury Ophelia. Laertes jumps into the grave and asks to be buried with his sister, Hamlet cannot stand a false note. They grapple with Laertes. “I loved her; forty thousand brothers / with all the multitude of their love would not be equal to me, ”there is a genuine, deep feeling in these famous words of Hamlet.

The king separates them. He is not satisfied with an unpredictable duel. He reminds Laertes: “Be patient and remember yesterday; / We will move the matter to a quick end.

Horatio and Hamlet are alone. Hamlet tells Horatio that he managed to read the king's letter. It contained a request that Hamlet be executed immediately. Providence protected the prince, and, using his father's seal, he replaced the letter in which he wrote: "The bearers should immediately be killed." And with this message, Rosencrantz and Guildestern sail towards their doom. Robbers attacked the ship, Hamlet was captured and was taken to Denmark. Now he is ready for revenge.

Osric appears - the king's close associate - and reports that the king bet on a bet that Hamlet will defeat Laertes in a duel. Hamlet agrees to a duel, but his heart is heavy, it anticipates a trap.

Before the fight, he apologizes to Laertes: "My act, which offended your honor, nature, feeling, / - I declare this - was insane."

The king prepared another trap for fidelity - he placed a goblet with poisoned wine to give it to Hamlet when he was thirsty. Laertes wounds Hamlet, they exchange rapiers, Hamlet wounds Laertes. The Queen drinks poisoned wine for Hamlet's victory. The king failed to stop her. The queen dies, but manages to say: “Oh, my Hamlet, drink! I got poisoned." Laertes confesses his betrayal to Hamlet: "The king, the king is guilty..."

Hamlet strikes the king with a poisoned blade, and dies himself. Horatio wants to finish the poisoned wine in order to follow the prince. But the dying Hamlet asks: "Breathe in the harsh world, so that my / Tell the story." Horatio informs Fortinbras and the English ambassadors of the tragedy.

Fortinbras gives the order: "Let Hamlet be raised to the platform, like a warrior ..."

The scientist Horatio, a friend of Hamlet, joins the guards Marcellus and Bernard, guarding the square in front of the castle in Elsinore. Horatio is very interested in talking about a ghost that looks like a Danish king who died recently. The scientist thinks that this is impossible, but, having waited until midnight, he sees this ghost with his own eyes. Horatio is in a hurry to tell his friend about what he saw - the Danish prince Hamlet, who studied at Wittenberg, but did not complete his studies due to the death of his father. His mother, after a short period of mourning, marries his father's brother.

Having learned about the ghost, Hamlet, together with Horace, waits for midnight, and when the ghost of Hamlet's father reappears, he talks about a terrible atrocity. As it turned out, the king was killed by his brother, pouring henbane juice into his ear, which is deadly. The ghost of the king asks Hamlet, his son, to avenge him. The prince decides to take revenge, and asks his friends to keep all this a secret and not pay attention to his strange behavior.

The nobleman of the king Polonius sends his son to study in Paris, and the sister Laerta Ophelia remains at home, whom her father and brother carefully protected from Hamlet. But still, the prince comes to Ophelia, and she told her father about it. Polonius thinks that such inexplicable behavior of Hamlet is connected with love for Ophelia, and hurries to tell the king about everything, who has long been concerned about the behavior of his nephew.

Hamlet decides to verify the words of the ghost of his father, to bring his uncle to clean water. Itinerant actors, beloved by his father, come to town. The prince meets with them and gives the actors the words for the performance, having heard which, the king, if he is involved in the murder, must somehow react. And so it happened. Hearing in the performance the words about the murder of King Gonzago, the king jumped up and demanded to stop the game, which completely betrayed himself.

Polonius was in the royal chambers when Hamlet and the queen came there. In order to eavesdrop on them, Polonius hides behind the carpet, but the prince, having exposed him, strikes through the carpet with a sword, thinking that the king is standing there. He tells his mother the truth, about the uncle's murder of his father, about the ghost. At midnight, he comes with the queen to the square, where a ghost appears, but the queen does not see him, otherwise she can understand who her son is talking to. I think that he has gone mad, the king sends his nephew to England, where he asks in a letter to kill him, and Polonius is secretly buried so as not to spread rumors.

Upon learning that his father was killed, Laertes secretly arrives from Paris. But at home one more bitter news awaits him - his sister has gone crazy from such grief. Full of revenge, Laertes goes to the king, and at that moment they bring a message from Hamlet, in which he announces his return. The king is at a loss, but understands that something is not right here, and draws Laertes into his insidious plan of reprisal against the prince.

Omelia dies after falling from a tree. Funeral ceremony. The king and queen are standing, Laertes, who jumps to his sister in the grave with the desire to be buried with her. Hamlet cannot stand such pathos and challenges Laertes to a duel, but the king interrupts them. After a while, Hamlet is called to a duel, where there is a poisoned blade of Laertes and poisoned wine for Hamlet, which the queen drinks. Dying, she says that the wine is poisoned, and Laertes says that this is all the king, and Hamlet stabs him with a poisoned blade and dies from the poison on Laertes' sword.


The eternity of the problems of the tragedy "Hamlet" The history of the creation of the tragedy by W. Shakespeare "Hamlet" Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" "To be or not to be?" - the main question of the play "Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare Hamlet is the ideal hero of his time Problems of good and evil in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" Did Hamlet love Ophelia Monologue "To be or not to be?" - the highest point of thought and doubt of Hamlet The problem of choice in William Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" Characterization of the image of Gertrude in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" Characteristics of the image of Polonius in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" Personality of Hamlet Characterization of the image of Laertes in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" Tragedy "Hamlet" (1600-1601) Good and Evil in Shakespeare's Hamlet The eternal tragedies of mankind (According to the tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Hamlet") "Hamlet": problems of the hero and the genre Hamlet as a bearer of the humanistic ideas of the Renaissance Is the image of Hamlet tragic? What is the tragedy of Ophelia "Hamlet" is one of the greatest works of world drama Tragedy "Hamlet" The conflict of the tragedy "Hamlet" How close is Hamlet to us today The main images of the tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Hamlet" My reflections on the images of Pechorin and Hamlet The problem of choice in the tragedy "Hamlet" Location and time of the tragedy "Hamlet" Characterization of the image of Claudius in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet"

Year of writing: 1600-1601

Genre: tragedy

Main characters: Hamlet- heir to the king Claudius- King's brother Ophelia- bride of Hamlet, Laertes- her brother, Gertrude- queen

The most famous play in the world has not been read by everyone, in order to fill such a significant gap, you need to use our summary of the tragedy "Hamlet" for the reader's diary.


Hamlet sees the spirit of his father, and he tells that Claudius killed him in order to get the throne and the queen, and demands revenge. Hamlet is in a disorder of feelings, how could his own uncle and mother do this! He is torn between the desire for revenge and indecision. Claudius guesses the intentions of his nephew. Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius, mistaking him for Claudius. Ophelia loses her mind and drowns in the river. Claudius pushes Hamlet and Laertes, the opponents wound each other. Before his death, Hamlet kills Claudius. The Norwegian ruler receives the throne.

Conclusion (my opinion)

There are a lot of ideas in this story. Hamlet suffers from an internal conflict - he is a highly spiritual person and wants to be above low society, but circumstances plunge him into the dirt, self-interest and greed of those around him. He asks himself the eternal question "To be or not to be" and dies, still undecided, but giving us, the readers, food for thought.

Frame from the film "Hamlet" (1964)

Square in front of the castle in Elsinore. Marcellus and Bernard, Danish officers, are on guard. They are later joined by Horatio, a learned friend of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. He had come to ascertain the story of a nighttime apparition of a ghost resembling that of a Danish king who had recently died. Horatio is inclined to consider this a fantasy. Midnight. And a formidable ghost in full military garb appears. Horatio is shocked, he tries to talk to him. Horatio, reflecting on what he saw, considers the appearance of a ghost a sign of "some unrest for the state." He decides to tell about the night vision to Prince Hamlet, who interrupted his studies at Wittenberg due to the sudden death of his father. Hamlet's grief is aggravated by the fact that soon after the death of his father, his mother married his brother. She, "not wearing out the shoes in which she walked behind the coffin," threw herself into the arms of an unworthy man, "a dense clot of meat." Hamlet's soul shuddered: “How tiresome, dull and unnecessary, / It seems to me, everything that is in the world! O abomination!

Horatio told Hamlet about the night ghost. Hamlet does not hesitate: “The spirit of Hamlet is in arms! The case is bad; / There's something lurking here. Hurry night! / Be patient, soul; evil will be exposed, / Even if it would be gone from the eyes into the underground darkness.

The ghost of Hamlet's father told of a terrible atrocity.

When the king was resting peacefully in the garden, his brother poured deadly henbane juice into his ear. "So in a dream from a fraternal hand I lost my life, crown and queen." The ghost asks Hamlet to avenge him. "Bye Bye. And remember me.” With these words, the ghost departs.

The world has turned upside down for Hamlet... He vows to avenge his father. He asks his friends to keep this meeting a secret and not be surprised by the strangeness of his behavior.

Meanwhile, the near nobleman of the king, Polonius, sends his son Laertes to study in Paris. He gives his fraternal instructions to his sister Ophelia, and we learn about the feeling of Hamlet, from which Laertes warns Ophelia: “He is in subjection at his birth; / He does not cut his own piece, / Like others; on his choice / The life and health of the entire state depend.

His words are confirmed by his father - Polonius. He forbids her to spend time with Hamlet. Ophelia tells her father that Prince Hamlet came to her and he seemed to be out of his mind. Taking her by the hand, "he let out a sigh so mournful and deep, / As if his whole chest was broken and life was extinguished." Polonius decides that Hamlet's strange behavior in the last days is due to the fact that he is "mad with love." He is going to tell the king about it.

The king, whose conscience is weighed down by the murder, is troubled by Hamlet's behavior. What lies behind it - madness? Or what else? He summons Rosencrantz and Guildestern, former friends of Hamlet, and asks them to find out his secret from the prince. For this, he promises "royal mercy." Polonius arrives and suggests that Hamlet's madness is caused by love. In support of his words, he shows Hamlet's letter, which he took from Ophelia. Polonius promises to send his daughter to the gallery, where Hamlet often walks, to ascertain his feelings.

Rosencrantz and Guildestern unsuccessfully try to find out the secret of Prince Hamlet. Hamlet realizes that they were sent by the king.

Hamlet learns that the actors have arrived, the tragedians of the capital, who he liked so much before, and the idea comes to him: to use the actors in order to make sure the king is guilty. He agrees with the actors that they will play a play about the death of Priam, and he will insert two or three verses of his composition there. The actors agree. Hamlet asks the first actor to read a monologue about the murder of Priam. The actor reads brilliantly. Hamlet is excited. Entrusting the actors to the cares of Polonius, he thinks alone. He must know exactly about the crime: "The spectacle is a noose to lasso the conscience of the king."

The King questions Rosencrantz and Guildestern about the progress of their mission. They confess that they were unable to find out anything: “He does not allow himself to be questioned / And with the cunning of madness he slips away ...”

They also report to the king that wandering actors have arrived, and Hamlet invites the king and queen to the performance.

Hamlet walks alone and meditates his famous monologue: "To be or not to be - that is the question..." Why do we cling to life so much? In which "the mockery of the century, the oppression of the strong, the mockery of the proud." And he himself answers his own question: “The fear of something after death - / An unknown land from which there is no return / To earthly wanderers” - confuses the will.

Polonius sends Ophelia to Hamlet. Hamlet quickly realizes that their conversation is being overheard and that Ophelia has come at the instigation of the king and father. And he plays the role of a madman, gives her advice to go to the monastery. Straightforward Ophelia is killed by Hamlet's speeches: “Oh, what a proud mind is smitten! Nobles, / Fighter, scientist - eyes, sword, tongue; / The color and hope of a joyful state, / A mint of grace, a mirror of taste, / An example of exemplary ones - fell, fell to the end! The king makes sure that love is not the cause of the prince's frustration. Hamlet asks Horatio to watch the king during the performance. The show starts. Hamlet comments on it as the play progresses. He accompanies the poisoning scene with the words: “He poisons him in the garden for the sake of his power. / His name is Gonzago Now you will see how the killer earns the love of Gonzago's wife.

During this scene, the king could not stand it. He got up. A commotion began. Polonius demanded that the game be stopped. Everyone leaves. That leaves Hamlet and Horatio. They are convinced of the crime of the king - he betrayed himself with his head.

Rosencrantz and Guildestern return. They explain how upset the king is and how perplexed the queen is about Hamlet's behavior. Hamlet takes the flute and invites Guildestern to play it. Guildestern refuses: "I don't know the art." Hamlet says with anger: “You see what a worthless thing you are making of me? You are ready to play on me, it seems to you that you know my frets ... "

Polonius calls Hamlet to his mother - the queen.

The king is tormented by fear, tormented by an unclean conscience. “Oh, my sin is vile, it stinks to heaven!” But he has already committed a crime, "his chest is blacker than death." He gets on his knees, trying to pray.

At this time, Hamlet passes - he goes to his mother's chambers. But he doesn't want to kill the despicable king while praying. "Back, my sword, find out the girth more terrible."

Polonius hides behind the carpet in the queen's chambers to eavesdrop on Hamlet's conversation with his mother.

Hamlet is full of indignation. The pain that torments his heart makes his tongue bold. The queen is frightened and screams. Polonius finds himself behind the carpet, Hamlet, shouting "Rat, rat", pierces him with a sword, thinking that this is the king. The queen begs Hamlet for mercy: “You directed your eyes straight into my soul, / And I see so many black spots in it, / That nothing can bring them out ...”

A ghost appears... He demands to spare the queen.

The Queen does not see or hear the ghost, it seems to her that Hamlet is talking to the void. He looks like a madman.

The queen tells the king that in a fit of madness, Hamlet killed Polonius. "He's crying about what he's done." The king decides to immediately send Hamlet to England, accompanied by Rosencrantz and Guildestern, who will be given a secret letter to the Briton about the killing of Hamlet. He decides to secretly bury Polonius to avoid rumors.

Hamlet and his traitorous friends rush to the ship. They meet armed soldiers. Hamlet asks them whose army and where they are going. It turns out that this is the Norwegian army, which is going to fight with Poland for a piece of land, which is a pity to rent for “five ducats”. Hamlet is amazed that people cannot "settle the dispute about this trifle."

This case for him is an occasion for deep reasoning about what torments him, and what torments him is his own indecision. Prince Fortinbras "for the sake of whim and absurd fame" sends twenty thousand to death, "as to bed", because his honor is offended. “So how am I,” exclaims Hamlet, “I, whose father is killed, / whose mother is in disgrace,” and I live, repeating, “this is how it must be done.” "O my thought, from now on you must be bloody, or the price of dust is yours."

Having learned about the death of his father, secretly, Laertes returns from Paris. Another misfortune awaits him: Ophelia, under the burden of grief - the death of her father at the hands of Hamlet - went crazy. Laertes wants revenge. Armed, he bursts into the chambers of the king. The king calls Hamlet the culprit of all the misfortunes of Laertes. At this time, the messenger brings the king a letter in which Hamlet announces his return. The king is at a loss, he understands that something has happened. But then a new vile plan ripens in him, in which he involves the quick-tempered, narrow-minded Laertes.

He proposes to arrange a duel between Laertes and Hamlet. And in order for the murder to take place for sure, the end of Laertes' sword should be smeared with deadly poison. Laertes agrees.

The queen sadly announces the death of Ophelia. She "tried to hang her wreaths on the branches, the treacherous bough broke, she fell into a sobbing stream."

Two gravediggers are digging a grave. And they throw jokes around.

Hamlet and Horatio appear. Hamlet talks about the futility of all living things. “Alexander (Macedonsky. - E. Sh.) died, Alexander was buried, Alexander turns to dust; dust is earth; clay is made from the earth; and why can't they plug a beer barrel with this clay into which he has turned?

The funeral procession is approaching. King, queen, Laertes, court. Bury Ophelia. Laertes jumps into the grave and asks to be buried with his sister, Hamlet cannot stand a false note. They grapple with Laertes. “I loved her; forty thousand brothers / with all the multitude of their love would not be equal to me, ”- in these famous words of Hamlet there is a genuine, deep feeling.

The king separates them. He is not satisfied with an unpredictable duel. He reminds Laertes: “Be patient and remember yesterday; / We will move the matter to a quick end.

Horatio and Hamlet are alone. Hamlet tells Horatio that he managed to read the king's letter. It contained a request that Hamlet be executed immediately. Providence protected the prince, and, using his father's seal, he replaced the letter in which he wrote: "The bearers should immediately be killed." And with this message, Rosencrantz and Guildestern sail towards their doom. Robbers attacked the ship, Hamlet was captured and was taken to Denmark. Now he is ready for revenge.

Osric appears - an approximate king - and reports that the king bet on a bet that Hamlet will defeat Laertes in a duel. Hamlet agrees to a duel, but his heart is heavy, it anticipates a trap.

Before the fight, he apologizes to Laertes: "My act, which offended your honor, nature, feeling, / - I declare this, was insane."

The king prepared another trap for fidelity - he placed a goblet with poisoned wine to give it to Hamlet when he was thirsty. Laertes wounds Hamlet, they exchange rapiers, Hamlet wounds Laertes. The Queen drinks poisoned wine for Hamlet's victory. The king failed to stop her. The queen dies, but manages to say: “Oh, my Hamlet, drink! I got poisoned." Laertes confesses his betrayal to Hamlet: "The king, the king is guilty..."

Hamlet strikes the king with a poisoned blade, and dies himself. Horatio wants to finish the poisoned wine in order to follow the prince. But the dying Hamlet asks: "Breathe in the harsh world, so that my / Tell the story." Horatio informs Fortinbras and the English ambassadors of the tragedy.

Fortinbras gives the order: "Let Hamlet be raised to the platform, like a warrior ..."


In the era of online games and movies, few people read books. But bright shots will leave the memory in a few minutes, but classical literature, which has been read for centuries, is remembered forever. It is irrational to deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy the immortal creations of geniuses, because they carry not only but also answers to many questions that have not lost their sharpness after hundreds of years. Such diamonds of world literature include Hamlet, a brief retelling of which awaits you below.

About Shakespeare. "Hamlet": the history of creation

The genius of literature and theater was born in 1564, baptized on April 26. But the exact date of birth is not known. The biography of the amazing writer is overgrown with many myths and conjectures. Perhaps this is due to the lack of accurate knowledge and its replacement by speculation.

It is known that little William grew up in a wealthy family. From a young age, he attended school, but could not finish it due to financial difficulties. Soon there will be a move to London, where Shakespeare will create Hamlet. The retelling of the tragedy is intended to encourage schoolchildren, students, people who love literature to read it in its entirety or go to the performance of the same name.

The tragedy was created on the basis of a "wandering" plot about the Danish prince Amlet, whose uncle killed his father in order to take over the state. Critics found the origins of the plot in the Danish annals of Saxo the Grammar, dated around the 12th century. During the development of theatrical art, an unknown author creates a drama based on this plot, borrowing it from the French writer Francois de Bolfort. Most likely, it was in the theater that Shakespeare recognized this story and created the tragedy Hamlet (see a brief retelling below).

First act

A brief retelling of "Hamlet" by acts will give an idea of ​​the plot of the tragedy.

The act begins with a conversation between two officers, Bernardo and Marcellus, that they saw a ghost at night, which is very similar to the late king. After the conversation, they really see a ghost. The soldiers try to speak to him, but the spirit does not answer them.

Further, the reader sees the present king, Claudius, and Hamlet, the son of the deceased king. Claudius says that he married Gertrude, Hamlet's mother. Upon learning of this, Hamlet is very upset. He recalls what a worthy owner of the royal throne his father was, and how his parents loved each other. Only a month had passed since his death, and his mother got married. The prince's friend, Horatio, tells him that he saw a ghost that looks insanely like his father. Hamlet decides to go on night duty with a friend to see everything with his own eyes.

The brother of Hamlet's bride Ophelia, Laertes, leaves and says goodbye to his sister.

Hamlet sees a ghost on the duty platform. This is the spirit of his dead father. He informs his son that he died not from a snake bite, but from the treachery of his brother, who took his throne. Claudius poured henbane juice into his brother's ears, which poisoned and instantly killed him. The father asks for revenge for his murder. Later, Hamlet gives a brief retelling of what he heard to his friend Horatio.

Second act

Polonius is talking to his daughter Ophelia. She is frightened because she saw Hamlet. He had a very strange appearance, and his behavior spoke of a strong turmoil of the spirit. The news of Hamlet's madness spreads throughout the kingdom. Polonius is talking to Hamlet and notices that, despite the seeming madness, the prince's conversations are very logical and consistent.

Hamlet is visited by his friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. They tell the prince that a very talented acting corpse has arrived in the city. Hamlet asks them to tell everyone that he has lost his mind. Polonius joins them and also reports on the actors.

Third act

Claudius asks Guildenstern if he knows the reason for Hamlet's madness.

Together with the queen and Polonius, they decide to set up a meeting between Hamlet and Ophelia in order to understand if he is going crazy because of love for her.

In this act, Hamlet pronounces his brilliant monologue "To be or not to be." The retelling will not convey the whole essence of the monologue, we recommend reading it yourself.

The prince is negotiating something with the actors.

The show starts. The actors portray the king and queen. Hamlet asked to play the play, a very brief retelling of recent events to the actors allowed them to show on the stage the circumstances of the fatal death of Hamlet's father. The king falls asleep in the garden, is poisoned, and the culprit wins the queen's trust. Claudius cannot stand such a spectacle and orders the show to be stopped. They leave with the queen.

Guildenstern conveys to Hamlet his mother's request to speak to her.

Claudius informs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that he wants to send the prince to England.

Polonius hides behind the curtains in Gertrude's room and waits for Hamlet. During their conversation, the spirit of his father appears to the prince and asks him not to horrify his mother with his behavior, but to focus on revenge.

Hamlet strikes the heavy curtains with his sword and accidentally kills Polonius. He reveals to his mother a terrible secret about the death of his father.

Fourth act

The fourth act of the tragedy is full of tragic events. More and more, it seems to others, Prince Hamlet (a brief retelling of Act 4 will give a more accurate explanation of his actions).

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask Hamlet where Polonius' body is. The prince does not tell them, accusing the courtiers of seeking only the privileges and favors of the king.

Ophelia is brought to the queen. The girl went crazy from the experience. Laertes secretly returned. He, with a group of people supporting him, broke the guards and is striving for the castle.

Horatio is brought a letter from Hamlet, which says that the ship on which he sailed was captured by pirates. The prince is their prisoner.

The king tells Laertes, who seeks to avenge who is responsible for his death, hoping that Laertes will kill Hamlet.

The news is brought to the Queen that Ophelia has died. She drowned in the river.

Fifth act

A conversation between two gravediggers is described. They consider Ophelia suicidal and condemn her.

At Ophelia's funeral, Laertes throws himself into a pit. Hamlet also jumps there, sincerely suffering from the death of his former lover.

After Laertes and Hamlet go to a duel. They hurt each other. The queen takes the chalice intended for Hamlet from Claudius and drinks. The cup is poisoned, Gertrude dies. The weapon that Claudius prepared is also poisoned. Both Hamlet and Laertes already feel the effect of the poison. Hamlet kills Claudius with the same sword. Horatio reaches for the poisoned glass, but Hamlet asks him to stop in order to reveal all the secrets and clear his name. Fortinbras learns the truth and orders Hamlet to be buried with honors.

Why read a short retelling of the story "Hamlet"?

This question often worries modern schoolchildren. Let's start with a question. It is not quite correctly set, since "Hamlet" is not a story, its genre is tragedy.

Its main theme is the theme of revenge. It may seem irrelevant, but its essence is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, many sub-themes are intertwined in Hamlet: loyalty, love, friendship, honor and duty. It is difficult to find a person who remains indifferent after reading the tragedy. Another reason to read this immortal work is Hamlet's monologue. "To be or not to be" has been said thousands of times, here are questions and answers that have not lost their sharpness after almost five centuries. Unfortunately, a brief retelling will not convey the entire emotional coloring of the work. Shakespeare created Hamlet on the basis of legends, but his tragedy outgrew the sources and became a world masterpiece.

scene one

Elsinore. Square in front of the castle. Midnight. Francisco at his post. The clock strikes twelve. Bernardo approaches him.

Bernardo came to relieve Francisco on guard. Horace and Marcellus approach them during a conversation. Everyone is talking about the Ghost, who has been here at night twice already. The ghost looks like the late king, Hamlet's father.

Suddenly, the Ghost himself appears.

Horatio asks him who he is. The ghost left without answering. Horatio says that the appearance of the Ghost in the guise of the deceased king is “a sign of the upheavals threatening the state” and tells his interlocutors that the Norwegian Fortinbras called the deceased king to battle. The King of Denmark has won. According to the concluded agreement, now the Danes should get all the lands of the Norwegians. But the younger Fortinbras gathers an army to give a new battle and win back the lands of his dead father. That is why Denmark is preparing for war. The king of Denmark was now Claudius, brother of the late king and uncle of Hamlet.

During Horatio's conversation with Marcellus, Bernardo and Francisco, the Phantom reappears. Horatio is going to stop him at all costs, but he disappears with the first cock crow. Horatio offers to tell Prince Hamlet about what happened. Everyone disperses.

scene two

There. Reception hall in the castle. Pipes. Enter King, Queen, Hamlet, Polonius, Laertes, Voltimand, Cornelius, Courtiers, and Retinue.

The king announces that the prince Fortinbras demands the return of the lands lost by his father. The king sends envoys to Fortinbras' uncle with a letter asking him to reason with his nephew.

Laertes appeals to the king with a request to let him go to France, where he must continue his studies. The king permits.

Further, the king refers to Hamlet, calling him "a son close to his heart." The Queen also enters into the conversation. Hamlet replies to his mother that no mourning clothes can express all his grief. The king tells Hamlet that it is not worth getting rooted in grief. It’s a sin to kill yourself like that, you need to come to terms with the inevitable.

Hamlet's plans to return to Wittenberg to continue his studies, the king does not approve and asks to stay. The queen joins the king's request. Hamlet agrees. Everyone leaves. Hamlet is left alone, he mourns.

Horatio, Marcellus and Bernardo come to Hamlet. The prince is surprised by the arrival of Horatio from Wittenberg, who arrived at the funeral of the king. Hamlet is ironic that his friend was at the same time at the funeral and at the wedding of the queen.

Horatio talks about the appearances of the Phantom at night. The ghost was with all the weapons, pale as snow, and looked longingly. Hamlet decides to stay at night with the guards Marcellus and Bernardo in the hope of seeing the Ghost himself.

scene three

There. A room in Polonius' house. Enter Laertes and Ophelia.

Laertes says goodbye to his sister Ophelia and advises her not to pay attention to the courtship of Hamlet, who is in love with her. Polonius, the father of Laertes and Ophelia, appears and gives the last instructions to his son before leaving. Laertes promises to remember his father's advice and leaves.

Polonius begins a conversation with his daughter about Hamlet. He advises Ophelia to behave with Hamlet like a child, demanding serious promises with an innocent air; not to take seriously his vows of love; trust the prince for nothing.

scene four

Square in front of the castle. Enter Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus.

They are waiting for the ghost to appear. In the distance, you can hear the noise of the feast that the king gave in honor of his wedding. The Ghost enters. The ghost beckons Hamlet. Horatio and Marcellus dissuade the prince from following the ghost, but he decides to approach, saying: “I don’t value my life as a pin ...”

scene five

Enter Ghost and Hamlet. The ghost asks Hamlet to listen to him in order to take revenge later. The ghost demands that Hamlet avenge the vile murder, because the prince's father died in a completely different way than everyone thinks. It wasn't the snake that bit him. As the king slept in the garden after dinner, his brother, Claudius, poured poisonous henbane juice into his ear.

The ghost is gone. Hamlet vowed to avenge his father's death. Horatio and Marcellus appear. Hamlet, without telling them anything about what he heard, asks to keep this meeting a secret. Friends swore honor, Ghost from under the ground demanded that they swear.

Act two

scene one

Elsinore. A room in Polonius' house. Enter Polonius and Reinaldo.

Polonius sends Reynaldo to Paris to find out how Laertes behaves there. Polonius orders to obtain information in random conversations; it is not worth following Laertes openly. Information about Laerte Reinaldo must find out cunningly, secretly. Reinaldo leaves.

OPHELIA enters. She is frightened and tells her father about Hamlet, who acted as if he had come from hell, was scared and confused. Polonius decides that Hamlet went mad because of his love for Ophelia, since she, remembering her father's instructions, did not accept him anymore. Polonius takes Ophelia away to tell everything to the king.

scene two

There. Room in the castle. Enter King, Queen, Rosencrantz, Gildersten, and Retinue.

The king asks Rosencrantz and Gildersten, peers and friends of Hamlet, to spend some time in the castle, "dispel the boredom of the prince" and find out what secret torments him, why he has changed so dramatically. The queen joins the request of the king. Rosencrantz and Gildersten express their readiness to do everything and leave.

Enter Polonius. He says that he learned "the reason for Hamlet's nonsense." But first, the king and queen listen to the messages of the ambassadors to the uncle of Fortinbras.

Uncle suspended the recruitment of troops, as he believed that a campaign against Poland was being prepared. Fortinbras swore an oath never to take up arms against Denmark. In turn, Fortinbras' uncle asks for permission for his nephew to lead troops through Denmark to march on Poland. The king is pleased. He promises to make a decision later, at the request of Fortinbras.

Polonius tells the king that Hamlet has gone mad because of his love for Ophelia. Polonius, in support of his words, reads the prince's love letters to his daughter and admits that he gave Ophelia advice not to accept Hamlet's courtship, since he is no match for her, which is why the prince went crazy.

Polonius suggests checking the correctness of these words as follows: when the prince wanders around the gallery, Ophelia will go on a date with him, and the king can stand behind the curtain and see and hear everything for himself.

Hamlet is coming. Exeunt the King, Queen and Retinue. When asked by Polonius if he knows him, Hamlet replies that Polonius is a fishmonger because he is as honest as fishmongers. Then the prince abruptly changes the subject and asks if Polonius has a daughter and advises her not to let her into the sun. To Polonius' suggestion to go away from the open air, Hamlet says: "Where, to the grave?"

Rosencrantz and Gildersten come to Hamlet. The prince greets his friends and asks why they angered fate that she sends them to prison, since "Denmark is a prison." Rosencrantz: “So your ambition makes it a prison. Your requirements are closely in it.”

Hamlet asks openly why Rosencrantz and Gildersten came to Elsinore. Hamlet: “Didn't they send for you? Is this your own motivation? Is your visit voluntary? The prince himself says that he read the truth in his eyes. Friends confess that they were sent for. Hamlet, without waiting for an explanation, himself explains to Rosencrantz and Gildersten that the king and queen have sent for them to find out what is happening, why he has lost all gaiety. Rosencrantz tells Hamlet that, apparently, even the arrival of the actors, whom they overtook on the road, will not please the prince.

Hamlet asks about the actors, about their lives. In the course of the conversation, the prince notices that his uncle, the current king, was not honored before, and now they are paying huge sums of money for his portraits. Hamlet says that his uncle and mother are wrong: he is obsessed only with the north-north-west wind, and "with a south wind, I can still distinguish a falcon from a heron."

Enter Polonius, who informs Hamlet about the arrival of the actors. The prince greets the actors joyfully, like old friends, greets everyone, asks about life. One of the actors reads a monologue at the request of Hamlet. The prince asks one of the actors to play a play about the assassination of the king, inserting a piece written by Hamlet himself. The actor is ready to fulfill the request of the prince. Hamlet decides to give the actors the story of his father's murder and follow his uncle during the performance.

Act three

scene one

Enter King, Queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, and Gildersten.

Rosencrantz and Gildersten tell the king that Hamlet does not want to confess the reason for his madness. Polonius reports that the prince has invited the king and queen to a play. The king is glad that Hamlet will at least be distracted by something.

Exeunt Rosencrantz and Gildersten. The king also asks Queen Gertrude to leave, as now he and Polonius intend to spy on the prince's meeting with Ophelia in order to determine the true cause of the prince's illness.

The King and Polonius hide. Ofelia is alone. Enter Hamlet. He delivers his famous monologue "To be or not to be?" To Ophelia's question about her health, Hamlet replies that she is quite healthy. Ophelia wants to return Hamlet's gifts, but the prince says that he did not give her gifts. Hamlet urges Ophelia to go to a monastery, and if she marries, he will curse her.

The king and Polonius appear. The king, having overheard Hamlet's conversation with Ophelia, is sure that the prince did not go mad from love, but he cherishes a dangerous plan. There is no madness in his words, although there is no connection.

The king decides to send Hamlet to England to collect unpaid tribute and says that the new lands "will knock out of his heart what sits there and over which he himself racks his brains to the point of stupefaction." Polonius agrees with the king, but is still sure that the whole thing is in love torments, and offers to arrange a conversation between the prince and the queen after the performance, which Polonius himself will overhear.

scene two

There. Hall in the castle. Enter Hamlet and several actors.

Hamlet tells the actors how to play the part. After the prince talks with Horatio. He calls Horatio the most real of all people. Hamlet tells Horatio that in the play they are about to play, there is a case similar to the death of his father. The prince asks his friend to carefully observe the reaction of the king, so that after comparing the observations. Hamlet openly tells Horatio that he pretends to be sick, but he himself is of sound mind.

Enter King, Queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, Gildersten, and other members of the retinue with guards ...

Hamlet sat at Ophelia's feet, resting his head on her knees, refusing to sit next to his mother. The prince, talking with Ophelia, draws her attention to the queen's joyful appearance and notices that only two hours after her father died. To Ophelia's objection that four months have passed since the death of the king, Hamlet says that if so, then mourning is to the devil.

The pantomime begins. Enter actors playing the roles of king and queen. “They show affection for each other. “Then the queen leaves, and the king is left alone.

The poisoner appears, removes the crown from the king, kisses her, pours poison into the king's ear and leaves. The queen finds her husband dead, the poisoner makes it clear that he shares her grief. Later, the poisoner wooed the Queen with gifts. This is where the pantomime ends. The performance itself begins, where the king and queen reappear on the stage.

The king and queen talk about love, the queen swears allegiance. The king says that we must "forget the vows that we hasten to give." The Queen swears by all the powers of the world that, having become a widow, she will never marry. When the king is left alone, Lician enters the stage and pours poison into the king's ear.

At this point, the performance was interrupted, because King Claudius got up, he felt bad. Polonius demands an end to the show. Exit all except Hamlet and Horatio. They say that the king's face changed noticeably when the scene of the poisoning was played.

Rosencrantz and Gildersten tell Hamlet that his mother has sent for him, and the king has retired because he is not feeling well. Hamlet invites Gildersten to play the flute. He refuses, explaining that he does not know how to play. Hamlet: "Declare me any instrument, you can upset me, but you can't play me."

Polonius, entering, reminds the prince that the queen is waiting for him. Everyone leaves. Hamlet is left alone. He decides to tell his mother the whole truth.

scene three

Room in the castle. Enter the King, Rosencrantz, and Gildersten.

The king says that he does not intend to indulge Hamlet's madness and will send him to England with them. Rosencrantz and Gildersten leave to get ready for the journey. Entered Polonius informs the king that the prince went to his mother. Polonius himself is going to eavesdrop on the whole conversation, hiding behind a carpet, and then retell what he heard to the king.

The king moves away, kneels down and begins to pray. Enter Hamlet. The prince initially decides that this is an opportunity to kill the king and avenge his father's death. But the king prays, which means that if he is killed while praying, he will go to heaven. Hamlet's father died without remission of sins. The prince decides that it is unfair to send a murderer to heaven. Hamlet leaves the king alone and goes to his mother.

scene four

Queen's room. Enter the Queen and Polonius.

Polonius hides behind the carpet. The queen knows about it. The queen addresses Hamlet with a reproach for insulting the king. Hamlet calls the mother "a queen married to her husband's brother." The queen tries to leave, but the prince does not let her. The queen decides that her son wants to stab her, calls for help. Polonius calls the guards from behind the carpet. Hamlet shouting "There are rats!" pierces the carpet and kills Polonius, thinking he is the king. Then he sees that he killed the adviser.

The queen does not understand what her son is accusing her of. Hamlet compares his father and uncle, reproaching his mother for defiling the memory of the late king with her wedding.

The Ghost enters and tells Hamlet that it is necessary to "breathe life into your almost cold readiness." The ghost asks Hamlet to take pity on his mother. The queen cannot understand who her son is talking to, as she cannot see anyone. She assures that the Phantom was seen by Hamlet, that this is a vision of a sick soul.

Regarding the death of Polonius, Hamlet regrets and says that he himself will remove the body and answer for this blood. In a fit of indignation, Hamlet advises his mother to go to bed with the king as before and tell him “that Hamlet has not gone mad at all, but is pretending for some purpose.”

Queen: You know yourself that I'll die soon,

Than I agree to betray you.

act four

scene one

Elsinore. Room in the castle. Enter King, Queen, Rosencrantz, and Gildersten.

The Queen asks Rosencrantz and Gildersten to leave. She tells the king that Hamlet, in a fit of madness, killed Polonius, who was standing in ambush. The king says that Hamlet is sick and dangerous, so he must be sent to England today. And for the crime committed, the royal couple will have to answer. Rosencrantz and Gildersten, the king orders, in secret from Hamlet, to carry the body of Polonius to the chapel.

scene two

There. Another room in the castle. Hamlet enters, followed by Rosencrantz and Gildersten.

Rosencrantz and Gildersten ask Hamlet to tell him where he hid Polonius' body. The prince does not want to answer questions, calls Rosencrantz a sponge, "living in the juices of royal favors." Hamlet with Rosencrantz and Gildersten go to the king.

scene three

There. Another room in the castle. The king enters with his retinue.

The king reflects on the fact that Hamlet cannot be severely punished, since the common people are attached to him, which can rise up in revolt.

Rosencrantz and Gildersten report that they cannot find Polonius' body. Hamlet is taken under supervision and brought before the king.

When asked about the body of Polonius, Hamlet replies that Polonius is at dinner, he is being eaten by worms. Deceased in heaven, but if his body is not found in a month, then everyone will smell the smell at the entrance to the gallery. The king sends a retinue to look for the body there, and he himself informs the prince that he must leave for England immediately.

After Hamlet leaves, the king sends Rosencrantz and Gildersten after him. He orders both of them not to take their eyes off the prince, put them on a ship and then do everything that is stated in the letter.

The king admits to himself that while Hamlet is alive, he has no peace, therefore, in a letter sent with the prince, he asks to kill Hamlet upon arrival in England.

scene four

Plain in Denmark. Enter Fortinbras, Captain, and Troops on March.

Fortinbras entered Denmark under a treaty that allowed him to freely move his troops through her territory. The detachment of Fortinbras departs.

Enter Hamlet, Rosencrantz, Gildersten, and others. Left alone, Hamlet reflects on the fact that man is an animal.

scene five

Room in the castle. Enter the Queen and Horatio.

The Queen does not want to accept Ophelia, who constantly asks for this, carries nonsense, cries for her dead father. After Horatio's persuasion, the queen agrees to accept Ophelia in order to avoid scandal. Horatio exits, Ophelia enters. She sings strange songs, it immediately becomes clear that, not having survived the loss, the girl went crazy. The King orders Horatio to keep an eye on Ophelia at all times.

After Horatio leaves, the king tells the queen that the people are in turmoil, everyone is talking about the murder of Polonius, and here is another piece of news: Laertes secretly returned from France, who learned about his father's death, but does not appear at the castle.

At this time, a nobleman enters and reports that Laertes, with a crowd of rebels, is disarming the king's guards. The crowd demands the coronation of Laertes. They break down the door. Armed Laertes enters with a crowd.

Laertes asks where Polonius is. The king replies that Polonius is dead. Laertes demands an explanation.

Ophelia enters with the same songs, she is clearly not herself. Outraged, Laertes, seeing his sister gone mad, threatens the king. Claudius promises to tell everything. Everyone leaves.

scene six

There. Another room in the castle. Enter Horatio and Servant.

The servant reports that sailors came to Horatio with a letter. The letter turned out to be from Hamlet. He writes that robbers attacked their ship at sea, the prince jumped on board and was the only prisoner. The prince asks to give the king a few letters, and then go for the sailors, who should lead Horatio to where Hamlet is now. The letter also states that Rosencrantz and Gildersten are continuing their journey to England.

Horatio hurries to deliver the remaining letters to the king.

scene seven

There. Another room in the castle. Enter the King and Laertes.

The king explains to Laertes that Hamlet killed Polonius and tried to kill the king himself. He says that the prince was not judged, taking pity on the queen mother and fearing a rebellion by ordinary people who side with Hamlet. Laertes cannot accept the fact that Hamlet is not punished.

A man enters, bringing letters from Hamlet, who reports that he has landed naked on the coast of Denmark and tomorrow he will ask the king to accept him in order to tell the details of his return. Laertes and the king are confused. The king recalls that Hamlet was jealous of the art of Laertes to fight with rapiers, and advises calling the prince to a friendly fight, and then replacing the blunt rapier with a sharp one and killing Hamlet, avenging the death of Polonius. To ensure the fulfillment of the plan, the king proposes to put a goblet with poisoned wine so that the prince drinks it and probably perishes.

An agitated queen enters and reports that Ophelia has drowned. Near the river, she was weaving a willow with herbs, took hold of a bough, which broke, and the wet dress dragged the poor thing to the bottom. Ophelia did not try to save herself, being insane, and only sang songs.

act five

scene one

Elsinore. Cemetery. Enter two gravediggers with shovels.

The gravediggers argue whether it is right to bury Ophelia in a Christian way if she herself committed suicide. The second gravedigger says that if the deceased had not been a noblewoman, she would not have seen a Christian burial.

Next, the gravediggers talk about who builds on the ground "stronger than a bricklayer, shipbuilder and carpenter." It turns out that the builder of the gallows builds stronger than all. “The gallows will outlive everyone who gets on it.”

Hamlet and Horatio appear. Hamlet is surprised that the gravedigger sings while digging the grave. The prince looks at the skull thrown by the gravedigger. Hamlet asks whose grave is being dug? The gravedigger bickers, does not want to answer, and then tells that he has been a gravedigger since that day in the year when the late King Hamlet defeated Fortinbras. Then the gravedigger notices, not knowing with whom he is talking, that Prince Hamlet has gone mad and has been exiled to England. One of the excavated skulls turns out to be the skull of the royal buffoon Yorick.

During Hamlet's conversation with Horatio, a funeral procession appears. They are going to bury Ophelia. The procession is attended by the king, queen, Laertes, escorts and retinue.

Hamlet wants to know who is being buried, but does not come close to the procession. The priest refuses to sing a requiem over Ophelia, since they already agreed to bury her in a Christian way as an exception. Hamlet hears that Laertes calls the deceased sister, and understands that they are burying Ophelia. Laertes, mourning his sister, jumps into the grave. Hamlet names himself and also jumps into the grave. The struggle between Laertes and Hamlet begins right in the grave. They are separated. Hamlet challenges Laertes to a duel.

Hamlet leaves. The king persuades Laertes to be patient in order to fulfill the plan conceived earlier.

scene two

There. Hall in the castle. Enter Hamlet and Horatio.

Hamlet tells Horatio how, having gone to England, he took a package from the escorts at night, tore off the seals from it and read in the king's message that the prince was a danger to Denmark and England, therefore, upon arrival, he should be immediately captured and killed. Hamlet kept this letter and showed it to Horatio. He rewrote the letter, ordering the ambassadors who brought it to be executed immediately. The prince had his father's seal with him. And then the robbers attacked the ship, as the prince already wrote about earlier.

Hamlet confesses that he is ashamed of his quarrel with Laertes. The misfortunes of Laertes are akin to the misfortunes of Hamlet himself, and the prince promises to make peace. Hamlet was only indignant that Laertes “exposed his sadness so loudly”.

Osric appears and informs the prince that the king is betting with Laertes, stating that "Laertes in twelve fights will prevail over you (Hamlet) by no more than three blows." Hamlet agrees. He is sure that he will not lose the bet, as he has been constantly training since Laertes left for France. But the prince says that he has a bad feeling in his heart. Horatio asks to cancel the competition, citing illness, but Hamlet refuses.

Enter King, Queen, Laertes, Retinue, and Servants. Hamlet apologizes to Laertes for his outburst of anger, citing his illness. Laertes says that he forgives Hamlet in the depths of his soul. But Hamlet accepts the challenge.

The king asks for glasses to drink in honor of the prince. The king promises to throw a pearl into one of the glasses. He offers Hamlet a drink of wine, but he refuses. The duel begins.

The queen drinks poisoned wine for the success of Hamlet. The king only had time to cry out: “Do not drink wine, Gertrude!” At this time, Laertes replaces the rapier. He hurts Hamlet. Then, in a fight, they exchange rapiers and Hamlet already wounds Laertes. The king asks them to separate, but at this time the poisoned queen falls. The king says that the queen is swooning at the sight of blood. The Queen exclaims that she is poisoned and dies. Hamlet demands to find the culprit. Laertes says that the king is to blame for everything, that the rapier is poisoned and that he is dying. Hamlet stabs the king with a poisoned rapier. The king calls for help, and Hamlet pours him poisoned wine along with a pearl. The king is dying. Laertes also dies. Hamlet, dying, asks Horatio to tell the truth to everyone. Horatio says that he will also drink poison. The prince asks him not to do this and tell Denmark everything he knows.

Hamlet is dying. At this time, Fortinbras and the English ambassadors enter with drumming, banners and retinue. The English ambassador reports that the king's order has been carried out and Rosencrantz and Gildersten have been killed. Horatio says that he will publicly tell about what happened.

Fortinbras: It's not a good hour for me to be lucky.

I have a right to this area.

I will present it.

Horatio confirms that Hamlet chose Fortinbras as ruler before he died.

Dead March. Everyone leaves, carrying away the corpses, after which a cannon salvo is heard.

Source (abbreviated): N.V. Smolyakova. Foreign Literature - M. "Publishing School 2000"