Broad-nosed monkeys inhabit. Narrow-nosed monkeys. lower narrow-nosed monkeys

Superfamily Broad-nosed monkeys - Ceboidea includes American monkeys, from the group of higher primates. Broad-nosed monkeys, with the exception of humans, are the only primates living on the American continent. Their range extends from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. On the islands of the Caribbean, there were previously several now extinct species belonging to the group of Antillean monkeys (Xenotrochini).

In most, the nasal septum is wide, the nostrils are widely spaced and turned outward. Body length from 13 cm (pygmy marmoset) to 75 cm (howler), tail from 19 cm (pygmy marmoset) to 90 cm (koata); some have a prehensile tail. They do not have cheek pouches or ischial calluses. The coat is thick, of various colors. Teeth 32 (marmosets) or 36 (cebus). Broad-nosed monkeys include 1 superfamily, uniting 2 families: marmoset monkeys and cebus (or cebids).

They lead an arboreal, diurnal (except Mirikini), herd lifestyle, some live in small family groups.

The oldest fossil finds of broad-nosed monkeys date back to the Oligocene. In relation to the other two infraorders of dry-nosed monkeys, they are more closely related to Old World monkeys than to tarsiers. It is likely that the ancestors of this taxon moved across the Atlantic Ocean on floating logs in an era when the distance between the continents was not so great.

Squad: Primates Infrasquad: Apes Steam team: broad-nosed monkeys Latin name Platyrrhini E. Geoffroy, families

Torih one of the most primitive forms is omo-mis. The penetration of the ancestors of these monkeys into South America must have taken place as early as the Paleocene, when there was an isthmus between the northern and southern halves of the American continent, which later collapsed and then re-formed in a different form.

Developing completely independently in America, broad-nosed monkeys, in the processes of adaptation to life on trees and natural selection, reached a high level of evolution (brain) and a kind of specialization (tenacious tail), as can be seen in many capuchin-like monkeys. An example of extreme specialization is the coat with its complete reduction of the thumb, extreme elongation of the other fingers, greater length of the forelimbs than the hind limbs, convergence of hair to the elbow, an unusually prehensile tail and a very thin physique. The brain of the koata is very highly developed, which is due not only to the relatively large size of its body, but also to the development of grasping functions. It is impossible to imagine the development of man from American cebus-vk monkeys. This is even more true for marmosets with their primitive brain and peculiar specialization - cogg-like nails.

lower narrow-nosed monkeys

Fossil lower narrow-nosed monkeys are known in a fairly large number of forms from the Lower Oligocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Old World. Their oldest representative is the apidium (Apidiumphiomense), known from the Lower Oligocene of the Fayum (Egypt) from a fragment of the lower jaw, with P 4 and M,_ 3; M, and Mj square, SCH elongated, on M, there is still a paraconid, on M and M 3 hypoconulids are strongly developed.

Oreopithecus bambolii is known from lower and upper jaw fragments from the Lower Pliocene.

b" Tuscany (Italy) and Bessarabia. Dental formula 2 12 3/ 212 3, as in other narrow-nosed animals, the upper M is square in shape, the protocone and metacone are connected by an oblique ridge, the lower M are elongated, the metaconid and hypoconid are connected by an oblique ridge; on a large talonid M 3 there are 4 tubercles - hypoconid, entoconid, hypoconulid and the "sixth tubercle". Apidium and Oreopithecus belong to the monkey subfamily.

Other fossil marmoset monkeys belong to macaques and baboons, once more widespread in the Old World: the remains of macaques from the Pliocene layers are known in France, India, China, from the Pleistocene - ^ Italy, Germany, about. Sardinia, in North Africa (Algeria) and on the island of Java; baboons are known from the Pliocene layers of Africa (Algeria, Egypt) and Asia (India, China), from the Pleistocene - in India.

Mesopithecus (Mesopithecus pentelici) is known for the most part of the skeleton from the Lower Pliocene layers of Greece, Hungary, Moldavia and Persia. The length of the body with a tail is about 80 cm. According to some features (relative massiveness of the skeleton), Mesopithecus is closer to macaques, according to others (skull, teeth) - to thin-bodied, to the subfamily of which it belongs. Dolichopithecus (Dolichopithecus ruscinensis) from France also belongs to fossil thin-bodies, with | shorter and more massive limbs than those of intrinsically thin-bodied animals, various fossil species of which are known from France, Italy, and India.

The question of the origin of the Old World monkeys is very difficult. At one time, they argued intensely about the possibility of the direct origin of monkeys from lemurs - in connection with the discovery of archaeolemurs, whose skull in appearance reveals a significant resemblance to monkeys. However, differences, including differences in the shape of the cavity of the braincase, indicated that in this case, convergence was taking place. More likely

Walking of the monkeys of the Old World about the tarsier, and as an example of the original form * can be called non-crolemur. Similarities between * Necrolemurs and monkeys can be: expansion of the base of the skull, reduction of the process of the lower jaw with simultaneous thickening and rounding of its angle; , square form # of the upper molars, the presence of hypoconulid, reduction of the paraconid, pits and grooves on the trigonnde. On the other hand, one of the oldest forms of Old World monkeys, the parapithecus, shows some resemblance to the tarsier, mafP BMe P" n 0 a strong degree of divergence of the lower jaw. Narrow-nosed monkeys developed * 1 "from the ancient tarsiers of the Old World of the necrolemu type ^ 08 "probably in the middle of the Eocene or at its beginning. For the lower narrow-nosed monkeys, the anidium from the Lower Oligocene can serve as an example of the ancestral form, as well as from the parapithecus (from the same layers), which, on the other hand, is closer to the branches of the great apes. This ve ™ is the ancestral form for all later great apes and thus for hominids is the Lower Oligocene. propliopithecus. From him in one direction went the line of development of "small anthropoid apes" such as gibbons; on this line, one of the intermediate links is pliopithecus. To the other side of Propliopithecus went a line of large fossil anthropoid apes, represented in the Miocene by the Sivapithecus, Dryopithecus and other forms.

small, small ) primates. Together with narrow-nosed monkeys (monkeys of the Old World), they are included in the infraorder ape-like, and with tarsiers they form a suborder of dry-nosed primates.

Broad-nosed monkeys are the only primates other than humans living on the American continent. Their range extends from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. On the islands of the Caribbean, several now extinct species previously existed, belonging to the group of Antillean monkeys ( Xenotrochini).

Unlike Old World monkeys, broad-nosed monkeys have forward-facing nostrils and larger and wider noses in general. The size and weight of broad-nosed monkeys varies widely. The smallest representative of this infraorder is the pygmy marmoset, weighing only 100 g, and the largest are howler monkeys and some species of spider monkeys, whose weight exceeds 10 kg. All New World monkeys live in trees and, with the exception of nocturnal monkeys, are active during the day.

The oldest fossil finds of broad-nosed monkeys date back to the Oligocene epoch. In relation to the other two infraorders of dry-nosed monkeys, they are more closely related to Old World monkeys than to tarsiers. It is likely that the ancestors of this taxon moved across the Atlantic Ocean on floating logs in an era when the distance between the continents was not so great.


New World monkeys are divided into five families:

  • marmoset ( Callitrichidae)
  • chain-tailed ( Cebidae)
  • night monkeys ( aotidae)
  • spider monkeys ( Atelidae)
  • sack ( Pitheciidae)

The affiliation of the extinct Antillean monkeys has not yet been fully clarified, but most often they are classified as a family of sac monkeys.


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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


An excerpt characterizing the broad-nosed monkeys

But the guns remained loaded, the loopholes in the houses and fortifications looked forward just as menacingly, and just as before, the cannons turned against each other, removed from the limbers.

Having traveled the entire line of troops from the right to the left flank, Prince Andrei climbed the battery from which, according to the officer's headquarters, the entire field was visible. Here he got off his horse and stopped at the last of the four guns removed from the limbers. A sentry gunner walked ahead of the guns, stretched out in front of the officer, but at the sign made to him resumed his even, boring walk. Behind the guns were the limbers, still behind the hitching post and fires of the artillerymen. To the left, not far from the last gun, was a new wicker hut, from which animated officer voices were heard.
Indeed, from the battery, a view of almost the entire disposition of Russian troops and most of the enemy was opened. Directly opposite the battery, on the horizon of the opposite hillock, the village of Shengraben could be seen; to the left and to the right, in three places, among the smoke of their fires, masses of French troops could be distinguished, of which, obviously, most of them were in the village itself and behind the mountain. To the left of the village, in the smoke, it seemed that something like a battery, but with a simple eye it was impossible to see it well. Our right flank was located on a rather steep hill, which dominated the position of the French. Our infantry was stationed along it, and dragoons were visible at the very edge. In the center, where Tushin's battery was located, from which Prince Andrei examined the position, there was the most gentle and direct descent and ascent to the stream that separated us from Shengraben. To the left, our troops adjoined the forest, where the fires of our infantry chopping firewood smoked. The French line was wider than ours, and it was clear that the French could easily outflank us on both sides. Behind our position was a steep and deep ravine, along which it was difficult for artillery and cavalry to retreat. Prince Andrei, leaning on the cannon and taking out his wallet, drew for himself a plan for the disposition of the troops. In two places he made notes with a pencil, intending to communicate them to Bagration. He intended, firstly, to concentrate all the artillery in the center and, secondly, to transfer the cavalry back to the other side of the ravine. Prince Andrei, constantly being with the commander-in-chief, following the movements of the masses and general orders, and constantly engaged in historical descriptions of battles, in this upcoming business involuntarily thought about the future course of hostilities only in general terms. He imagined only the following kind of major accidents: “If the enemy leads an attack on the right flank,” he said to himself, “the Kyiv grenadier and Podolsky chasseurs will have to hold their position until the reserves of the center approach them. In this case, the dragoons can hit the flank and knock them over. In the event of an attack on the center, we set up the central battery on this hill and, under its cover, pull together the left flank and retreat to the ravine in echelons, ”he reasoned to himself ...

encyclopedic Dictionary

Broad Nose Monkeys

a group of mammals of the primate order. 2 families: marmoset and chain-tailed monkeys.

Encyclopedia "Biology"

broad-nosed monkeys

(New World monkeys), a group of higher primates. They form the only superfamily of Cebus. 2 families: marmoset, or clawed, monkeys, and tenacious, or capuchins. OK. 60 species living in the forests of Central and South America, mainly in the Amazon basin. They have a wide nasal septum, the nostrils are directed to the sides. They lead an exclusively arboreal lifestyle, most have a long tail that can exceed the length of the body, in prehensile-tailed monkeys it is prehensile and at the end, like on a hand, there are dermatoglyphic patterns. There are no cheek pouches or ischial calluses. They live in large groups or small families. Many species are listed in the IUCN Red List.

Anthropological explanatory dictionary

broad-nosed monkeys

(Platyrrhini) - the highest primates of Central and South America. The oldest find is Branisella from the middle or late Oligocene of Bolivia. The higher apes came to America through the Atlantic Ocean from Africa or originated from local semi-monkeys, which is less likely. Since their introduction to the Americas, broadnoses have evolved independently from Old World monkeys. Outwardly very diverse, the behavior is sometimes very complex. The morphology is characterized by a combination of some primitive features in the structure of the skull and very specialized features in the structure of the body, for example, a prehensile tail. The size of the broad-nosed ranges from a mouse to a dog. Like all monkeys, most (not all) of the broad-nosed are diurnal animals. They eat mainly plants and insects. For broad-nosed, the formation of "mixed flocks" is characteristic, which includes representatives of different species of monkeys, and sometimes even raccoons and birds.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

broad-nosed monkeys

A family (or suborder) of primates characteristic of the New World (Cebidae s. Platyrrhini). The fingers are equipped with flat nails; the inner finger of the forelimbs is opposed to the rest. Dental formula: 2/2. eleven . 3 / 3 . 3 / 3 . The strong development of the nasal septum, moving the right nostril away from the left, determines their lateral position. There are never cheek pouches or ischial calluses. Like marmosets, Sh. are distributed exclusively in America. They lead an arboreal lifestyle; eat plant foods. They are divided into 4 subfamilies. Subfamily Mycetinae (howler monkeys): lower incisors stand upright; the hyoid bone is swollen to accommodate the laryngeal sac; the tail is long, tenacious, bare at the end. The thumb (pollex) is well developed. The only genus Mycetes is the howler monkey (see), with signs of a subfamily, in the forests of South America M. senicuclus, M. ursinus and other species. Subfamily Pithecinae (soft-tailed): mandibular incisors lie nearly horizontal; hyoid bone of normal size and shape; a long or short tail is never prehensile; pollex is well developed. Two genera: Pithecia - saki, long tail. Genus satanas - along the lower reaches of the Amazon. The genus hirsuta and some other species. Uacaria - uakari; the tail is shortened. Three species in the Amazon and Rio Negro. Subfamily Nyctipithecinae - differs from Pithecinae in having upright lower incisors. Three genera: Callithrix - the head is small, laterally compressed; fangs are small, eyes are of normal size; in Brazil. C. moloch, C. ornatus, and others are all small in size. Chryzothrix - head with a convex occiput, fangs are long. Four kinds; the most famous C. sciurea is saimiri; in Guiana and northern Brazil. Nyctipithecus - Durukum; rounded head; big eyes; except for the thumb, claw-like nails. N. trivirgatus - myrikina; in Brazil. Subfamily Cehinae (chain-tailed); with a hyoid bone of normal size, they have a long, tenacious tail; pollex developed or undeveloped; 4 kinds. Ateles - pollex is not expressed at all; the body is slender, the limbs are elongated; several South American species, the best known is A. melanochir, the spider monkey; in Brazil. Eriodes - differs from the previous one by the presence of a rudimentary pollex; three species in southeastern Brazil. Lagothrix - the body is less slender; pollex developed; end of tail bare below. L. humboldtii - in Peru, Ecuador, and northwestern Brazil Cebus - sapaji or sapage; differs from the previous tail, covered with hair everywhere. C. capucinus - capuchin; Venezuela, Guiana, Peru. C. fatuellus - mico, found from Paraguay to Guiana; and other types.

As for the marmosets, which were previously combined with Sh. monkeys, it is more correct to consider them as a separate family. Hapalidae, s. Arctopitheci. In addition to the first finger of the hind limbs, covered with a flat nail, all the rest are armed with claws. The first finger of the forelimbs is not opposed to the others. Dental formula: 2/2. eleven . 3 / 3 . 2 / 2 ; South American forms exclusively. Hapale, uistiti and Midas, differing in the relative length of the incisors compared to canines and embracing about 30 species, of which we will name H. jachus, uistiti (see), M. rosalia, etc.

V. M. Sh.