School humorous skits for March 8

Target: create a joyful, festive mood in children.
- helping children to discover their abilities;
- learn to overcome shyness, gain self-confidence;
- continue to teach informal communication with peers and adults;
- continue expressively and emotionally read poetry, participate in skits, games.

Event progress

Two presenters (He and She) enter the hall, who quarrel among themselves.
HER: Disgraceful! It's impossible to work with you! Again, nothing is ready!
HE: Yes, I kind of cooked ....
SHE: Only once a year you are assigned to prepare congratulations to women .. And you?
HE: Well... I...
HER: Where is everyone? Where are the poems, flowers, gifts? Where?
(HE is silent, looking guiltily at the floor)
SHE: Where is your professionalism? Where are your acting skills? And even today I have to do everything myself! Go away, and so that my eyes do not see you!
HE: Personally me?
HER: Yes, you!
He's good! (leaves)
SHE: Well, I thought that at least that day I would sit in the auditorium and accept congratulations. No matter how! You have to work on your own! So, we begin (gives a sign to the sound engineer). Hello dear women! Outside the windows is young March, and the whole beautiful half of humanity is waiting for the approach of the first spring holiday - the holiday of tenderness, beauty and warmth. On this wonderful day, women look forward to congratulations, flowers and gifts from men.
I really want to please
We have all the guests today.
And for them we have prepared
Lots of holiday stuff.
We wish, friends,
And at the end and at the beginning
So that you don't have a minute
We didn't get bored.
Something sad will seem to you,
Something that will make you cry
After all, our concert is called -
Both jokingly and seriously!
Every man is proud of his children. And on behalf of all men - dads, accept a musical gift.
Boyarsky's song "Thank you dear"
SHE: And now, dear ladies, an extraordinary and plenipotentiary guest from very far abroad is in a hurry to congratulate you, accept!
(Ambassador and interpreter enter)

AMBASSADOR: Emancipation is made of you hard worker!
INTERPRETER: You are as beautiful as a tea rose on the southern coast of Crimea!
AMBASSADOR: Tongue on his shoulder: cook, styrara, work of a bezhar, child of a nanny, husband of a meeting, in short, goner!
INTERPRETER: Your hands are as snow-white as the wings of a bird of paradise. Your camp is as thin as a mountain path!
AMBASSADOR: Oh, Santa March, woman!
INTERPRETER: Oh, incomparable woman!
AMBASSADOR: Santa March once a year!
TRANSLATOR: For a whole year, a man gives you flowers and wears them in his arms!
AMBASSADOR: Emerald, diamond, bambino robbers!
TRANSLATOR: Your children are obedient like angels.
AMBASSADOR: Palace, fountain, servant, two rooms, bath.
TRANSLATOR: Your house is huge, spacious.
AMBASSADOR: Eniki, beniki, no dumplings, potatoes, delicacy vermicelli.
INTERPRETER: The dishes on your table are wonderful: fruits, strawberries with cream.
AMBASSADOR: Secret, fantastic, how does one manage to be beautiful?
INTERPRETER: How not to be beautiful while living like this?
TRANSLATOR: What would you like?
AMBASSADOR: Salary - payment, strength ogramado, men are tolerated to help, great!
TRANSLATOR: No translation!

SHE: And now guess the important words!
She loves children. Always buys what you want. She is caring and never scolds. She has a favorite person - grandfather. Who is she? (Grandmother.)
She is big and small. When photographed, she is also needed. She appears when they tell a joke or something funny, and then disappears. What is it? (Smile.)
It is very cold and smooth. When it gets warm, it turns from big to small. It comes in different shapes, but more often it looks like a carrot. Hanging upside down. When spring comes it drips. (Icicle.)
It happens and it doesn't. When mom buys something tasty, it immediately appears. I start jumping, running and having fun. It happens when you dance. When guests come, it appears. This happens when they are not allowed to go out, when the lessons have to be done. It is funny and sad, good and bad. What is it? (Mood.)
This is uncle. He is strong, he knows how to cook, he can drive a car, a motorcycle. He is not afraid of anyone, he never cries. He loves women, he has children. He is good, kind and caring. He promised to carry his mother in his arms for the rest of his life. (Husband.)
The most expensive person on earth for you? (mother)
Every loving mother possesses this quality? (kindness)
Ability to reasonably solve various complex issues, give advice? (wisdom)
Can this property of the soul be seen in the look of the mother, heard in her voice? (tenderness)
Such an amazing word denotes quality. Is it always in my mother's soul? (care)
Does this quality appear when mom jokes, makes everyone laugh? (humor)
SHE: Let's shake things up a bit and hold the relay.
Relay race “Mom's helpers” (6 people each)
- And now our girls and boys will show how skillful and beautiful you look from the outside. I invite 6 girls and 6 boys here. At my signal, you begin to put on a headscarf. When you tie it, then turn to the next player and say: “Here I am!”. Untie and pass on. And so on until the last player has the scarf.
Relay race “First clean” (6 people each)
- Now, one by one, you need to list what needs to be done during cleaning. The team that names the correct action last will win.
Relay race “Cooking porridge” (6 people each)
- The first team member runs to the chair, on which cards are laid out with the name of all the ingredients of the porridge and not only, there may be extra products. Take what you think is necessary and put it in the pan. Then the next participant does the same.

SHE: Dear women, girls, girls! Congratulations to our children.
1. The light of a woman
2. A star falls from midnight skies,
And the birds fly away to a distant land,
But stays with you forever
The light of a woman, beautiful and high.
3. From heart to heart, from dream to dream
The light of a woman will pave the way invisible,
Open only to eternal Kindness,
And Truth, and Love unique ...
1.4. Truly immortal words:
"Without this captivating light
Head is not spinning with happiness
There will be no hero, no poet."
2.5. The dews sparkle, the clouds melt,
A new day usually comes.
And the universe shines while
The light of a woman is splashed in the Universe!

6. On an exciting, spring day
We are glad to congratulate you
With the lightest
With the kindest -
The best spring holiday
7. You will meet good girls,
If you come to school
But, believe me, in the whole world
You won't find better than ours.
8. Congratulations to you today
And gifts from the heart.
And we admit that very
You are good today.
3.9. We promise to grow up
Do not lose friendship with you.
Well, if someone offends,
We will protect you.
SHE What a miracle, what a miracle!
Thanks for the congratulations.
And now: 1-2-3-4-5,
We start playing!
1. Who loves you, kids?
Who loves you so tenderly?
Doesn't close his eyes at night
Is everyone taking care of you?
Children: Mom dear!
2. Who rocked the cradle for you?
Who amused you with a song?
Who told you a story?
Who gave you toys?
Children: Mom is golden!
3. If, kids, you are lazy,
Disobedient, playful,
As it happens sometimes
Who is shedding tears then?
Children: Mommy dear!
- Everyone knows that girls, girls and women are very fond of fortune-telling on chamomile: love - dislike, spit - kiss ... And our magic chamomile will help you find out the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called “The Most-Most”.
The most-most ... (for chamomile)
1. the most charming smile
2. most tender hands
3. the most charming smile
4. the kindest look
5. the most caring
6. most attractive
7. the most beautiful eyes
8. the most golden heart
9. the most attentive
10. most loving
11. the most golden hands
12. the most beautiful
13. the kindest
14. _the most cheerful_
15. _the most tender
16. __ the most sincere
17. __the happiest
18. __the most touching words
1.19. The lightest
20. The smartest
SHE: It smelled of March and spring,
But winter is holding strong.
The eighth number is not simple -
The holidays are coming to our homes.
HE: Here the words are needed,
So that it is more expensive than gold.
So that all of you, dear,
Smile young!
Happy March 8!
SHE: Happy spring holiday!
With the first flowers in this bright hour!
Congratulations to the women, our lovely girls!
We wish everyone happiness, joy,
TOGETHER: Good luck!!!
The song "My Mom" ​​is performed

This scenario was developed for the celebration of March 8 in elementary school. It is important to involve children in advance in preparing the holiday, jointly prepare posters with congratulations and decorate the hall where the holiday will take place with balloons. It is recommended to pre-make the scenery and the required equipment for the scene. The boys prepare gifts for the girls, and the girls take care of the tasks for the competition program.

Such activities help children to easily get used to the team, develop creativity and creative thinking. Also, competitions in this scenario on March 8 at school will help children take better care of natural resources. Such scenarios for the holidays on March 8 at school involve educating children in a respectful attitude towards women, helping to understand the importance and value of women's work.


  1. HOST
  2. Girl
  3. Boy 1
  4. boy 2

HOST: Hello guys and our dear guests! It is very joyful to see all the gathered children and invited mothers and grandmothers. Spring is coming, the sun will warm and the streams will murmur. And everyone knows that with the advent of spring, the long-awaited holiday of women, the day of the eighth of March, also comes. On this warm day of spring, we want to talk about them, women, thanks to whom strong and noble men grow up, as well as beautiful princesses. About all together and about each separately. Let's talk about mothers, about grandmothers, about the first teacher and about all the girls, small and big.

And we will begin our conversation, of course, about the most dear and close person. And who is the dearest person for you guys? ( Children answer.) Yes, we will talk about beloved mothers, the most gentle and most patient people in the world. About a mother who loves us the way we are and will always support us.

We are on a sunny day
Gathered together with you
Say a lot of words
The warmest about mom.

The most beautiful word in the world, the first one that children say when they are just learning to speak, is MOM. A word from which emanates care, warmth, peace of mind. Now, all together, let's close our eyes for a moment and imagine our mother. Quietly say the word "mom". Do you feel the warmth in your heart? And why do you think? ( Children answer.)

BOY 1:
This word is so nice
Talk daily!
Every day is incredible
If you are with your mom!

You just need to take a look -
Everything is drunk around
Warmth of the native heart,
Gentle and sensitive hands ...

BOY 2:
All problems and hardships
You are able to win
And of course, endlessly
We will love you!

Mum! No friends are more valuable
You will believe in my flight!
Even the days are brighter with you
Who will always understand me?

LEADING. But there comes a time when the baby grows up a little, and when he wants to explore the world even more. And no matter how hard it is for a mother to let go of her baby, she still takes him by the hand and leads him to school to share care of him with another reliable and sympathetic woman. On the threshold of the school he is met by his first teacher - the first FRIEND! It helps the baby to get used to an unfamiliar environment for him, teaches him to love and comprehend the world around him. Teaches to be friends and respect, to read and write, teaches kindness, patience and understanding.

More recently crumbs
They took us to school
Bows turned white in braids,
Bouquets of roses bloomed.

BOY 1:
you with school sciences
Teach us to be good
With maternal care
They took care of the kids.

BOY 2:
And if trouble comes to you
Or something suddenly happens
We hasten to you, as to the source,
Drink living water...

You were so kind
With warmth, care, light,
We were happy with you
We can't forget all this.

BOY 1:
Happy Women's Day
Congratulate you today
And we hasten your work
We glorify today.

HOST: And it is at school from the primary grades that sympathy for each other appears. A friendship develops between a boy and a girl. After all, who, no matter how classmates, will be able to induce our boys to real chivalrous deeds. Classmates go through a significant period of life together. They jointly share the joys of the first victories, encouragement and comments in the diaries.

And I want to wish you to be able to carry this friendship through the years.

BOY 1:
Classmates, today
We congratulate you
And the eighth of March to you
We wish you success.

BOY 2:
We wish you smiles
Joy, fun,
and even prepared
We are treats for you.

BOY 1:
To jokes and jokes
You weren't offended
The noses did not wrinkle
And they didn't know.

BOY 2:
You, dear classmates,
Today we congratulate
Be smarter, sweeter and more beautiful
We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts!

BOY 1:
I congratulate grandma
Spring holiday!
Well, I assure you
Children need grandmothers!

Will tell a good story
Will sing a song
Will knit a winter hat for me
Take me for a walk!

BOY 2:
Does not scold the fidget
The treat will be given with you.
Both guys and girls -
Any grandmother is appreciated!

Patience to all your grandchildren,
cloudless mood,
For spring to bloom in the soul,
Happiness, joy, warmth.

HOST: I think that everyone understands how difficult it is to raise a real knight or a beautiful lady from a little man. And how many amazing, incredible women are involved in this process. We wish women, regardless of age and height, to be happy and desired not only on this day, but every day of the year. Let your men protect you from adversity, take care of you and certainly tell you how beautiful you are! And let every day make you sincerely smile! Let the cherished dreams come true, new opportunities open up and all ideas come true!

BOY 1:
blessed spring
on this day gave us all
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
Dear, happiness to you!

May the bouquets of the whole world
Put in vases in apartments.
You bloom like flowers
Come true, all your dreams!

BOY 2:
Be bright and beautiful
Seductive, happy.
Let the sparks of joy shine
On the faces of adults and children!

Let the lights burn in the eyes
Outfits will be just ah!
Sadness will disappear even a shadow
On this glorious day.

HOST: Let this beautiful holiday be warmed by the first gentle rays of the sun. Delightful and fragrant flowers will envelop with their delicious fragrance, warm words and loving eyes of all close and dear people warm the heart.

And in order to make this day fabulous, the guys have prepared a small scene for you.

Turn around, Baba Yaga!

For the scene, you need to prepare a Baba Yaga costume

Presenter ( voice behind the scene)
Boy Misha
Boy Sasha
baba yaga

HOST: Once, on a warm spring day, the boys Sasha and Misha went to a dense forest for snowdrops, where, if not in a dense forest, snowdrops grow. After all, the holiday of March 8 was approaching, and they really wanted to congratulate their mother, grandmother and sister Masha. But something didn't go according to plan, and the boys went astray...

(In the clearing we see two boys with a basket in which they have already gathered flowers).

Sasha: Misha, look around, everything is completely unfamiliar, it seems that we are lost.

Misha: And the truth is, I don’t know anything around at all, what should we do, how to find the way home, because tomorrow is a holiday.

Sasha: And look, here is some kind of path, let's go along it, let's get out somewhere.

Misha: Lets do it!

HOST: The guys did not even suspect what dangers lay in wait for them in this dense forest. How long did they walk, short, but a hut appeared on their way, and they decided to seek help from its inhabitants.

The boys leave the stage, at this time they imitate the hut of Baba Yaga on the stage, put a table with pots and jugs, dry herbs are hung on the chairs, Baba Yaga comes out in rags, a loud knock is heard at the front door.

Baba Yaga: It seems that dinner has come to visit me! I smell the human spirit, come on, hut, let the guests in!

Boys enter.

Misha: Hello grandma. My brother and I went to the forest for flowers and got lost.

Baba Yaga: (to the side) Yeah, they got lost, because I confused their way.

Misha: And we need to congratulate our mother, grandmother and sister.

Sasha: Tell us, dear grandmother, how can we find our way home.

Baba Yaga: (to the side) Cute? Yes, no one has called me that for three hundred years.

Baba Yaga: (boys) And what kind of holiday do you have?

Sasha: Tomorrow, March 8, is a magical holiday of admiration and love, dedicated to women, the most beautiful creatures in the world, on this day they are complimented and given gifts.

Baba Yaga: (crying) But I am also a woman, and they have not spoken affectionate words to me for many years, and they did not give gifts, all the more so.

Misha: Do not cry, because you are so kind and sweet, Sasha and I want to give you a whole basket of flowers. Really, Sasha?

Sasha: Well, of course, because everyone should have a holiday!

Sasha and Misha: (simultaneously)
May all storms and bad weather
They will immediately disappear into the shadows.
We wish you a lot of happiness
On this bright, good day!

They give Baba Yaga a basket of flowers, and she turns into a kind sorceress.

Enchantress: Thank you boys! It was me that the Serpent Gorynych enchanted and turned into an evil old woman. And now, after your congratulations and gifts, I have broken the spell! Thank you! And here are the snowdrops for your mom, grandmother and sister!

"Conjures" and hands them bouquets.

HOST: The moral of this tale is this: pamper your women more often with affectionate words and gifts, otherwise they can turn into an evil Baba Yaga.

Competitions for the holiday of March 8

Terms of the competition program

The competitions are attended by girls who are divided into several teams in advance. In advance, each of the teams prepares the name of the team, the coat of arms of the team and a joint detail of the costume (scarf, hat, etc.).


1. Think at home and make a costume in the form of any flower.

2. Make bouquets from improvised materials (paper, food packaging, fabric and colored ribbons, etc. can be used)

3. Prepare a contest "Greeting"

4. Prepare the contest "Variety Star"

HOST: On this festive day, we have prepared a competition program for our lovely girls. Good luck to you, we wish you an easy victory!

Competition 1st.Greetings.Teams take turns taking the stage, show a welcome scene dedicated to the holiday.

Competition 2nd.Defile of flowers. The girls hold the fashion show in pre-prepared costumes of flowers, as an option, the costumes can be made from improvised materials, such as garbage bags. The costume should have a name and a short rhyme.

A maximum of 5 points is awarded for the competition.

Competition 3rd.A wonderful florist. Making bouquets. A name and a short rhyme should be invented for the bouquet, it is also necessary to tell why the bouquet is made of these materials.

A maximum of 5 points is awarded for the competition.

Competition 4th.P table. Imagine you are invited to a presidential reception. And the reception involves a festive table. And it so happened that only dishes called with the letter “P” were served. In the course of 5 minutes, the participants write the proposed dishes on sheets of paper. How many will be named - how many points each team earns.

Competition 5th. Songs for ladies. The girls take turns calling songs where there is any female name, the team that could not remember the song loses.

A maximum of 5 points is awarded for the competition.

Competition 6th.Handbag. The goal is to make the most complete list of what, in their opinion, every woman should have in her purse in seven minutes. After that, the lists of teams compare and count only those items that are not repeated by the other team. The team with the most items left on the list wins. Items must match in value.

How many items remain - how many points each team earns.

Competition 7th.We cook borscht. Girls are given grocery lists or cards with drawn ingredients. It is necessary to exclude products that are not used in the preparation of borscht. List of products: sugar, cabbage, milk, salt, pasta, onions, bay leaves, herring, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, apples, peas, potatoes. (The list can be expanded upon request.)

A maximum of 5 points is awarded for the competition.

Competition 8th.Stage star. This crucial homework is a parody contest. Teams are determined in advance which artist, performer or musical group will be parodied. The performance must be timed to coincide with the holiday. A maximum of 10 points is awarded for the competition.

The jury counts the points, announces the results of the competition and awards the winning team. The boys give pre-prepared gifts to the girls. In continuation of the holiday, they arrange a “sweet table”, drink tea with treats. You can arrange a small disco.

There are a huge number of variations of which scenario to use on March 8, we suggest looking at one of the bottoms, in video format.

The material was found on the Internet. These scenes are often repeated in different scenarios, so the author is unknown. Thanks to those who came up with these scenes. I think that many people will like the material, because it can be so difficult to find scenes for the holidays, especially new and interesting ones.

1. The scene "Do not recognize dad today ..."

2. Musketeers congratulate

3. You can't go anywhere, fall in love and get married!

4. Scene "How to surprise girls"

5. Fashion show for moms (with humor)

6. Scene "Conversation".

The scene "Do not recognize dad today ..."

On the stage (or “improvised stage”, away from those walking in the festive audience) there is a served table. Sitting at the table - mother, grandmother. Dad enters the room with a large package (bag) of gifts...

Daughter: Do not recognize dad today -

He entered, and suddenly at the door,

Dad wants to, as usual, throw his hat, and then, recollecting himself, carefully puts it on a chair (or hangs it on a hanger).

He didn’t throw his hat on the table, but hung it up like a guest.

Daughter: He brought a huge bundle,

And did not grumble under his breath,

That he was tired worse than the devil -

Such a burden...

Dad smiles at his daughter.

Daughter: He said:

Dad: "Hey, daughter!"

Daughter: And laughing this time

He kissed his mother on the cheek

And granny shook his hand.

Dad kisses mom, shakes grandma's hands. The daughter sits down at the table. Everyone starts eating.

Mother-in-law: He did not hide in the newspaper,

He looked at everyone at the table!

Mum: He did not hit the cutlet with a fork,

As if someone was sitting in it.

Mother-in-law: He was better, he was simpler

Tea was poured into cups

Daughter: Even grandmother is not mother-in-law,

And he called me mommy!

I asked my mother quietly:

"Mom, what happened to him?"

Mom: "On this day, -

Daughter: Mom said, -

Mum: Daddy should be like this!

Daughter: As a child, I don't understand

Maybe an adult will understand

Isn't dad nice

Be good all year long?

Musketeers congratulate

Music: “It's time, time, let's rejoice ...” Exit of the Musketeers.
Allow me to introduce myself, I am D-Artagnan, and these are my friends. - Athos - Porthos - Arimis D-Artagnan: Our motto is "One for all"
All : And all for one!
D-Artagnan: Mothers, grandmothers and aunts
You are highly valued by us.
Can't find another reason
To get together, we are men
We are all together here now
All: Because we love you!
Athos: If the ball would be a girl
I wouldn't run, I wouldn't jump
And the whole evening with mom
Dancing without hesitation
Porthos: If the ball would be a girl
I wouldn't waste time
And all day without a break
I drew with my mother
Aramis: If I were a poet
I would write poetry
And from morning until night
I would read them to my mother
D-Artagnan: That's what I thought
What happens?
If I were a girl
Fragile small and thin
Athos: If you were a girl
In a skirt with curly bangs
If they were all girls
In ruffles, in bows with frills
Porthos: If there were no boys
What would happen to us then?
Who would take care of them
Did you do hard work?
Aramis: Who would build, dig, dig
Who would protect them with their breasts
In the sky, on the ground, in the infantry
On the border and in Morflot!
All: No friends our way is one
Glorious valiant men!

The scene “You can’t go anywhere, fall in love and get married!”

1 account: We celebrate Women's Day, congratulations to all girls and women. A beautiful day, what a lot to say. We love giving gifts to girls.

2 account: We wish them to become good housewives. But, to tell the truth, without hiding, We boys do not believe in the female mind, After all, there have never been smart women.

1 account : A woman needs housework. Science, business is not her concern.

2 account: You must learn to wash, cook, sew, And you don't need to learn mathematics.

Dev: And I will answer you - no! That the female mind is not appreciated is not a secret. Men didn't let us study, They thought it wasn't good for ladies.

1 account: But if you start leading the country, Everyone goes into science, into business, Then who will cook soup, clean the apartment, raise children?

2 account: Imagine - the house is dirty and dinner is not ready, And there is no supervision of children. One wife sits in the government, Another will fly into space tomorrow, And the third writes poetry all day. Better cook a portion of fish soup!

Dev: A man can also cook cabbage soup. Responsibilities must be divided.

1 account: If I marry you, I'll see how you wash the dishes, And not how much you read And how you solve difficult problems.

Dev: You can't go anywhere, fall in love and get married!

Scene "How to surprise girls"

Boy - What to give the girls, To immediately slay on the spot?

The Boys solved this problem for a long, long time. But time passed, and how to be, They did not know yet.

1st: Candy is the best gift? 2nd: Chur, I give candy to Ksyusha! 3rd: No, they don't need caries. We'll eat our own sweets. 4th : A gift is better than all sweets - This is a good gun, For example, a Colt or a revolver. 3rd: Understand, a girl is not a boy! How can she play with a gun, shoot teddy bears? 5th: Let's pick flowers for them. 3rd: But where will we find them in March? 1st: And what do we do then? 2nd: The girls are in trouble! (all drooping, suddenly the 3rd revives)

3rd: I know what to do! Let's try to surprise them: Let's decide that on this women's holiday Nobody teases them all day long. Pleasant moments in the morning - Compliments from us for everyone ... 4th (not understanding): Compliments?, Come on, repeat. 3rd: Well, lie to them about beauty. 5th (admiringly) Wow! How cunning you are! And then what? 3rd: Girl games. 1st (disparagingly, indignantly): Should we play dolls with them? 3rd: Day will have to suffer. But we are men! Do you agree? Who agrees"? (everyone raises their right hand) Well, well, "unanimously."

Fashion show for moms (with humor)

Presenter 1: We are ready to show such Fashionistas for the sake of the holiday! Look all here "New Fashion", gentlemen!

(Music sounds, and "models" come out on the podium)

Host 2: This season, shawls are in fashion, On a bag, tie it around his neck! You can tie it like a hat... We are ready to show moms everything!

Presenter 1: We invite everyone to wear flip-flops,So that you can be fashionable mothers!Gloves for flip flops, take moms,So go to school meetings!

Host 2: Skirts on the floor, moms, wear,Pick up caps and handbags to match.We recommend three colors, moms, for you.How to combine them? We will show this hour!

Presenter 1: Scarf and belt are classics of fashion!Moms, wear them in any weather!Go to the theater with dad by the arm,And us, fidgets, you take with you.

Host 2: High heels are in vogue. In the design, pick up a laptop for it. Everyone will say: "Look, there is a business!", And this is our mother walking dear!

Host 2: Take flowered shoes on the market, You pick up fashionable, bright ones. Shoes should not be taken with a matching blouse, It was not fashionable last season either!

Presenter 1: This year, umbrellas will be fashionable,The most fashionable will not forget them!Bright, round, flat - different,All moms will be great with them!

Host 2: In fashion for moms, we present straps. We offer you different colors!

Presenter 1: This season, red and black fur will come in handy, Just like a queen!

Host 2: This is the end of the fashion show.

(all models enter the stage)

We all tried, moms, for you! If you have fashion related questions:

Presenter 1: Pick up an outfit, braid your braids ...

Host 2: We will immediately give advice, Moms - fashionistas, we want to see!

Scene "Conversation".

Boy Our call is terribly sonorous,

I fly out into the corridor ...

I have one girl

A conversation ensued...

And my dad is a champion!

He goes to the stadium

He throws weights up -

Will be the strongest in the world!

Girl Though men are strong

Can't bake pancakes...

You men are stupid

You educate, teach,

And parsley from dill

You cannot distinguish.

By the way, who does the washing at home?

God didn't give you a talent...

TV "consuming",

You lay down on the sofa!

Boy From a man there is no sense?!

Is this talent not given to us?!

Who nailed a shelf for books?

Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?

Girl You don't feel like cooking borscht,

Do not fry cutlets ...

You should run away to work,

Well, there is no more sense!

Boy You, prickly splinter,

You don't know us men well.

Every now and then you shed tears

And also for no reason...

You speak prickly words, shy ...

Dad in the house - the head!

Girl And mom is the neck in the house!

Boy I waved my hand to Light.
Eh! I missed the buffet!
It's always these girls
Get away from important things!

Girl Not! It is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just ... mom is more tender than everyone!

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Photo gallery: Funny scenes for March 8 - for school and kindergarten - for kids, primary school and high school students - Examples of comic and funny scenes for March 8 for mothers

Funny and funny performances by March 8 both at school and in kindergarten will help to complement various scenes in an original way. They can be dedicated to grandmothers and mother, talk about teachers. There are really a lot of ideas for creating an unusual scene for March 8. Among the considered examples for high school students, kids, schoolchildren from primary and secondary classes, you can find interesting options. Comic productions will help to make an extracurricular event really fun. And all the women present in the hall will definitely leave the holiday in high spirits.

Interesting scenes for schoolchildren on March 8 - with video examples and descriptions

All schoolchildren are preparing original sketches for the holiday on March 8, which will help to beautifully congratulate all the women present. Therefore, in small speeches, you can talk about your beloved mothers or grandmothers, and about teachers, head teachers or other school workers. Be sure to announce before the number, to whom exactly it will be dedicated, and what will be discussed. Can be included in the program and sketches for March 8 for schoolchildren, telling about classmate girls. Diverse performances will help to pay sufficient attention to all the fair sex and cheer them up.

Ideas for interesting scenes about schoolchildren for the holiday of March 8

An addition to the festive scene dedicated to March 8 can be the performance of a song in any style. High school students, for example, can learn an interesting rap about this day or about those to whom it will be dedicated. For example, in a story about teachers, you can talk about how hard they sometimes have to work with lazy students. But an interesting scene about March 8, dedicated to the grandmothers and mothers present, can describe their daily life, hobbies and relationships with their loved ones. The idea for a beautiful introduction to a cool scene can be taken from the following video:

An interesting scene "Time Travel" for the holiday of March 8 from schoolchildren

When writing a script for a festive event by March 8, you can also use very common ideas that are considered in modern films. For example, you can play a cool scene about how a simple flight to Moscow on March 8 (chosen gift) turned everything upside down and led to time travel. An entertaining performance will help you forget about everyday problems and plunge into the world of cool adventures of actors:

Video example of a scene for March 8 for schoolchildren

Funny scenes for March 8, created on the basis of modern TV shows, will also be able to please those present. For example, one can consider competitions between various psychics. Such performances will help to laugh heartily. And the fans of such television shows themselves will be pleased to look at the school interpretation of their favorite program.

Funny sketches for the holiday of March 8 for elementary school students

Elementary school students are always ready to please grandmothers and mothers with cool performances. They will gladly devote their time to learning dialogues, rehearsing with friends and teachers. That is why children in grades 1-4 can choose funny and funny performances that will help reveal their talent, just surprise the women present at the event. Sketches about the family are perfect for this task. They can include different representatives of relatives: from the children themselves to parents and representatives of the older generation. Funny scenes for March 8 will definitely appeal to congratulating women.

What funny scenes in honor of March 8 can be prepared in elementary school?

Boys can please both mothers and girls of classmates with their brilliant performance. For example, they can play a funny situation when the boys, preparing for March 8, cannot figure out what to give their girlfriends. You can see an example of such a number in the attached video:

Funny scene "Family" by March 8 for elementary school

In the modern bustle, many parents forget that children should be given more time. Primary school students can tell about such everyday situations in a colorful and funny way. Among the group of children, the following roles should be distributed: mom, dad, child. A cool and very interesting scene by March 8 at school will help many parents reconsider the features of home behavior and postpone all "urgent" matters to communicate with their children.

An example of a funny scene for March 8 for elementary school students

Both the daughter, and the mother, and the grandmother are in many ways similar, because each of them copies the behavior of the representative of the older generation. Such similarities can be used for a funny scene. It will be especially interesting when choosing comic rhyme characters for the text.

Funny and funny sketches for kindergarten by March 8 - examples of performances

Children in the kindergarten with particular enthusiasm begin to prepare scenes. It is very interesting for kids to play with any situations, and to reincarnate as their parents, grandparents. It will be no less interesting for them to tell about their life, at home, in a group. Or you can prepare funny scenes for children on March 8 in kindergarten, which will help them turn into princesses, princes and kings. Such performances are recommended to be supported by frequent rehearsals and work with the text. Be sure to prepare appropriate costumes: this will help little actors to easily transform into their characters.

Funny scene "I want to work" for kindergarten for the holiday of March 8

Some children would love to start working so that they don’t get up in the morning and go to kindergarten. Such kids can participate in a cool scene "I want to work." In it, they will be able to talk in a funny way about the activities of modern women. The capricious princess, who tells the father king about professions, must describe how much she wants to go to work, what she will do in the future. You can study the form for submitting such a number in the video hint:

An example of a cool scene from kids in kindergarten on March 8

How to make mom a cool and beautiful gift by March 8, if you are constantly distracted? Either friends call for a walk, or you need to do important household chores. Because of such "obstacles" little Vanechka can't mold a beautiful mushroom for mommy. A cool and original children's scene for March 8 will surely please mothers and grandmothers will like it.

What can you tell the kids about in a funny scene dedicated to March 8?

Not only beloved mothers, but also grandmothers need to be given enough attention on March 8. Toddler boys dressed up as grandmothers will be able to perfectly tell about what grandmothers do every day and how they have fun. For example, you can play a scene in which grandmothers will sit and chat under the porch. And an unusual dance of "little" grandmothers can complement the cool scene:

Comic sketches for high school students in honor of March 8

All high school students wish to have a good time and enjoy the sincere delight of the audience. Therefore, they go to a variety of tricks both when compiling a program and when writing texts for skits. For example, very often they play with the everyday life of teachers, copying them very accurately and in an original way. But no less attention is paid by high school students to themselves. Adult schoolchildren are ready to laugh heartily at themselves and at fellow classmates. Therefore, creating comic skits for March 8, they consider all kinds of options that will surely please all the guests present at the holiday and make them laugh during the performance.

An example of a comic scene for the holiday of March 8 from high school students

Very often, the preparation and direct celebration of March 8 for boys and girls are quite different. Such a theme should be taken as the basis for a comic scene. It is worth taking care of the correct selection of costumes, playing with different characters (housewives, doctors, athletes). Such a "hodgepodge" in the scene will be positively received by all guests. You can complete the scene with a joint incendiary dance of boys and girls.

Ideas for writing a comic scene for high school students in honor of March 8

For many high school students, not only relationships with teachers, but also relationships with mothers and grandmothers are quite unusual. Overprotection of adult children can be taken as an idea for creating a cool and really funny scene. Its attractiveness is in the simplicity of playing around and in the ease of showing everyday situations. Perhaps, after watching such speeches, mothers and grandmothers will reconsider the features of their guardianship.

Universal comic scene "Festive quarrel" for high school students for the holiday of March 8

Very cool, high school students will be able to beat not only the congratulations of women, but also a comic festive quarrel. Such a performance would be even funnier if both the male and female roles were played by boys. In addition, with a poetic form of dialogue, the viewer's perception of the original production will be simpler. Take as a basis or use for the holiday of March 8, you can use the example sketch. A funny performance will not leave indifferent either teachers or parents.

What cool scenes for moms to prepare for a school event by March 8?

When composing texts for cool scenes that the mothers present will definitely like, you can play around cool everyday situations. They should be presented as funny as possible, so middle and elementary school students can use a variety of tricks: include jokes in skits or simply assign female roles to guys. Such techniques will help to play really cool scenes for March 8 for mothers, which will cause a storm of applause and help beautifully congratulate your beloved women on the upcoming holiday.

Cool scene "Dad in the role of mom" for moms in honor of the holiday on March 8 - for high school

In most families, on March 8, mother's worries (laundry, cleaning and cooking) fall on the shoulders of dad and sons. You can play this situation in a very funny way by including your beloved grandmother (who is the mother-in-law) in the situation. Such performances are attractive with maximum realism. In the above example, you can familiarize yourself with the features of the conduct and options for playing out the proposed scene.

An example of a cool scene for the holiday of March 8 for moms in elementary or high school

Elementary and middle school students can act out both the relationship between their parents and their relationship with their mother. For example, you can play a performance in which mothers will see how the boys are ready to help them on the holiday of March 8. Funny anecdotes or real life situations can be used as the basis of the number. You can learn about the features of staging such cool scenes on March 8 in the proposed video example:

Funny and comic scenes for March 8 can not only make women smile, but also help them escape from everyday troubles. Cool numbers are optimally suited for kindergarten, and for primary, secondary schools. But high school students should be offered interesting performances that will help show them their parents, mothers and grandmothers. Students can take one idea and use it in their own way to prepare for a holiday event. Some of the considered scenes by March 8 will also suit the corporate party. For example, male colleagues will be able to act out a family quarrel on a holiday or beat a modern TV show. After carefully reviewing the proposed examples, it will not be difficult to find good numbers that all women will like.

If you are preparing a script for March 8 at school, will help you. Women's Day is a cheerful, noisy, kind holiday, which means that the script for school should cheer everyone up, make them laugh and make friends.

We invite you to conduct a script by March 8 for schoolchildren in the form of cool mini-sketches, in which from 1-2 students to the whole class can participate at will.

Ivanov: At school, I am the most exemplary boy, because they always set me up as an example: "Don't run like Ivanov, don't talk like Ivanov, don't act like Ivanov!"


Teacher: Marchenko, if I give you a kitten, and then two more kittens, and then three more kittens! How many will you have?

Marchenko: 8!

Teacher: Listen carefully! First a kitten, then two kittens, then three kittens! How much?

Marchenko: 8!

Teacher: Let's do it differently! One candy plus two candies plus three candies! How much?

Marchenko: 6!

Teacher: Finally! A kitten plus two kittens plus three kittens! How much?

Marchenko: 8!

Teacher: … But why?! !

Marchenko: And I already have two kittens!



Three teachers are talking.

Mathematician: What kind of children I got! I explain to them what tangent is - they do not understand. I explain a second time. Do not understand! For the third time, I already understood it myself, but everything does not reach them!

Historian: Yeah, problem! I ask my class who took the Bastille - they don't confess!

Trudovik: Yes, nothing, they are children! Play and give. And if it breaks, I'll make a new one!

Vovochka in mathematics was given homework to make a problem. He asks his mother to check.

Little Johnny: Vasya did 5 push-ups, and Dima did 7 push-ups.

Mum: Where is the question?

Little Johnny: What question?

Mum: Well, in the problem after the condition there should be a question.

Little Johnny, after a minute of reflection: Vasya did 5 push-ups. Dot. Dima did 7 push-ups. Dot.

Mum: So, where is the question?

Little Johnny, irritably: What else do you need a question?

Mum: The question that should be at the end of the task. The question you would like answered.

Little Johnny, after another minute of thought: Thought up! Vasya did 5 push-ups. Dima did 7 push-ups. So what?


Sveta in biology class: Yesterday I found five dead flies. Three males and two females.

Teacher Q: How did you determine their gender?

Sveta: Very simple! Three of them stuck to the beer, and two to the mirror!

Modern excuses for students at school:

math teacher: Children, open the textbook to page 54.

Pupil: Oh, Marivanna, I forgot to charge my iPad yesterday!


Two teachers are talking.

1st teacher: It became simply impossible to work at school! The teacher is afraid of the principal. The director is afraid of the inspector. The inspector is afraid of the ministry. The minister is afraid of his parents. Parents are afraid of their children...

2nd teacher: Yeah ... And only children are not afraid of anyone!

The status of a student of the 7th grade: "tomorrow, I'll kill Ikzamin pa Yazek, I'm sure I'll get it!"

The teacher caught the student with the lighter.

Teacher: I'll wean you from smoking, Petrenko!

Petrenko: Semyon Semenych, honestly, I don't smoke!

Teacher: Then why do you need a lighter?

Petrenko: And I set fire to firecrackers and throw them into the chemistry room.

Teacher: Ah... Well, then I'm sorry!


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