Download kerry glison work less doing more. Book Review by Carrie Gleason Work Less, Do More. "Do it right away!"

What is this book about
This book will help you increase your productivity, reduce stress, and finally start coming home on time! Its fourth edition contains specific recommendations on how to properly organize your workflow and become more efficient and effective. You will learn how to overcome the habit of procrastination, get rid of feeling overwhelmed and begin to enjoy work.

Who is this book for?
This book is for those who are determined to strike a balance between work and personal life; this book will help you do your job faster and more efficiently, freeing up time for other responsibilities - father or mother, spouse, friend.

Why we decided to publish this book
More than a million people around the world do and enjoy their work thanks to the Kerry Gleason method described in the book The Personal Effectiveness Program. We want you to be one of them too. Learn how to organize your workflow, use smartphones and email, have effective meetings, stay connected, and find time to do what you want to do.

Book chip
In the book you will find concrete advice on how to develop new, more effective habits and constantly improve your personal work style. They have been formulated from the experience of hundreds of thousands of highly effective people who have been trained by PEP®WORLDWIDE in its nearly 30 years of existence.

From the author
When people hear the word "efficiency", the first thought that usually comes to their mind is about "squeezing blood out of a stone." But I define efficiency differently. By efficiency, I mean the ability to do more with less effort.

Most of us have never been taught how to work. People study, get professional education, come to work - and suddenly find themselves under an avalanche of papers and emails. How to cope with daily job responsibilities, how to organize your work - this is not taught anywhere.

The most common mistake people make when doing work is putting off things they don't like doing.

Most of us unconsciously tend to do this. Procrastination is a bad habit.

Your list of tasks for the next week should also include such an item as monitoring the implementation of tasks assigned to subordinates - this will allow you to ensure the successful completion of the work. Very often, people use diaries only to record the time of meetings and business meetings in them. You should also include reminders, deadlines, and milestones in your diary.

about the author
Kerry Gleason
Kerry Gleason is the CEO and Founder of PEP®WORLDWIDE. In 1984, he created a program to improve the performance of top and middle managers - PEP®. The basic concept of PEP® is outlined by Kerry in his book The Personal Effectiveness Program, which has been translated into 14 languages ​​and has sold millions of copies worldwide. Several hundred thousand Fortune 500 employees have been trained by PEP®WORLDWIDE in its nearly 30 years of existence. Kerry Gleason has advised executives at companies such as Unilever, IBM and Ernst & Young. Today PEP®Worldwide International has representative offices on all continents of the world, in more than 30 countries.

What This Book Is About This book will help you increase your productivity, reduce stress, and finally start coming home on time! Its fourth edition contains specific recommendations on how to properly organize your workflow and become more efficient and effective. You will learn how to overcome the habit of procrastination, get rid of feeling overwhelmed and begin to enjoy work. Who this book is for This book is for those who are determined to strike a balance between work and personal life; this book will help you do your job faster and more efficiently, freeing up time for other responsibilities - father or mother, spouse, friend. Why We Decided to Publish This Book More than a million people around the world do and enjoy their jobs thanks to the Kerry Gleason method described in The Personal Effectiveness Program. We want you to be in their...

Publisher: "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" (2012)

Format: 60x90/16, 352 pages

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    Carrie Gleason What This Book Is About This book will help you increase your productivity, reduce stress, and finally start coming home on time! Its fourth edition contains specific recommendations on how to… - Mann, (format: 60x90/16, 352 pages) Good translation! 2012
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    This book will help you increase your productivity, reduce stress, and finally start coming home on time! Its fourth edition contains specific recommendations on how to properly organize your workflow and become more efficient and effective. You will learn how to overcome the habit of procrastination, get rid of feeling overwhelmed and begin to enjoy work.

    Who is this book for?

    This book is for those who are determined to strike a balance between work and personal life; this book will help you get your job done faster and more efficiently, freeing up time for other responsibilities—father or mother, spouse, friend.

    Why we decided to publish this book

    More than a million people around the world do and enjoy their work thanks to the Kerry Gleason method described in the book The Personal Effectiveness Program. We want you to be one of them too. Learn how to organize your workflow, use smartphones and email, have effective meetings, stay connected, and find time to do what you want to do.

    Book chip

    In the book you will find concrete advice on how to develop new, more effective habits and constantly improve your personal work style. They have been formulated from the experience of hundreds of thousands of highly effective people who have been trained by PEP ® WORLDWIDE in its nearly 30 years of existence.

    When people hear the word "efficiency", the first thought that usually comes to their mind is about "squeezing blood out of a stone." But I define efficiency differently. By efficiency, I mean the ability to do more with less effort.

    Most of us have never been taught how to work. People study, get professional education, come to work - and suddenly find themselves under an avalanche of papers and emails. How to cope with daily job responsibilities, how to organize your work - this is not taught anywhere.

    The most common mistake people make when doing work is putting off things they don't like doing.

    Most of us unconsciously tend to do this. Procrastinating is a bad habit.

    Your list of tasks for the next week should also include such an item as monitoring the completion of tasks assigned to subordinates - this will allow you to ensure the successful completion of the work. Very often, people use diaries only to record the time of meetings and business meetings in them. You should also include reminders, deadlines, and milestones in your diary.

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    website continues in the section "Business Literature" to talk about the most, in our opinion, useful books for the development of one's own business and self-development. The rubric's partner is the online store of business literature

    Today we are talking about the book "Work Less, Do More" by Kerry Gleason (Personal Effectiveness Program).

    Kerry Gleason- Founder of PEP®WORLDWIDE. In 1984, he created a program to improve the performance of top and middle managers. "His book presents a methodology for developing new, more effective habits. It was formulated based on the experience of hundreds of thousands of highly effective people who have been trained by PEP®WORLDWIDE for almost 30 years of its existence," writes Mann, Ivanov and Ferber".

    Representatives of Kerry Gleason's company themselves believe that his book does not belong to time management textbooks, but is a step-by-step instruction for the daily activities of an office employee. But, it must be admitted, following the basic principles allows you to ultimately save a few hours a day. So it's close to personal time management.

    If you get through the 300+ pages of this book quickly, you've already disciplined yourself a little, and that's the first step to personal effectiveness. Gleason - you can immediately see that he is a concrete person, so his book turned out to be not pop. When I purchased a book with such an enticing title, I initially expected it to be very easy to read, like Richard Branson or Brian Tracy, for example.

    The book is actually an instruction, but written in non-bureaucratic language. At the same time, individual chapters are read quickly, and after reading you want to immediately clean up the workplace. Other parts, in my opinion, are somewhat lengthy: the idea is clear after the first paragraphs, but chewed up for several pages.

    For whom is this book useful?

    Everyone! At least a few chapters concern everyone. And a simple office worker, and a manager, and a freelancer, and any person who has a computer and e-mail. And even if they are not, some principles are still important to everyone.

    We will not retell all 12 chapters, but we will dwell on the basic principles that Kerry Gleason is persistently trying to instill in the brain of every reader.

    Do it right away!

    Right from the moment you first encountered this phrase, you can start working on yourself without leaving things for later. If you receive a document, review it immediately. If you receive a letter, read it and answer it right away, or put it in your diary right away when you answer it. If you used stationery, then immediately put them in their place. The same applies to all other things.

    Maintain order right now! By the way, following this rule is useful not only for office workers, for whom the author mainly writes, but also for housewives. Plan immediately when faced with a problem that needs to be solved. Sort out email right away - allocate a certain time for it several times a day, without being distracted each time by the appearance of a new letter.

    It is important to make the principle of "do it right away" a habit. How to do it? How to properly sort mail, documents on your desk, waste paper in drawers and cabinets? How to use a diary or other electronic analogue? Imagine, even for this there is a certain instruction in the book "Work less, do more", following which will actually make life easier.

    It is interesting after reading each chapter to apply the rules suffered by thousands of managers in practice. I personally already save two hours a day, but this is just the beginning!

    Kaizen - continuous improvement

    Gleason also writes about the Japanese concept of kaizen management, which has spread throughout the world. Kaizen is Japanese for "continuous improvement". The author writes that each of his actions needs to be constantly improved: whether it is the organization of the workspace, or planning your affairs, or working with documents.

    Moreover, it is important to leave time in your weekly work schedule to think about what else can be improved in work. This is the most difficult, but people who are disciplined by nature will be able to take on this immediately. What, in fact, is what the creator of the efficiency improvement program is calling for.

    The manager must solve problems on the spot

    Gleason has chapters that are useful for leaders. For example, the author tells why a top manager should make rounds every day and devote a little time to all employees. Firstly, he will be able to observe the work of everyone and find out what people spend time on, how to increase their efficiency. Secondly, access to the body of the First solves a lot of problems: subordinates can make a request and quickly resolve some issues. Also, communication with the leader can work better than different team building programs, therefore, it has a good effect on the psychological climate in the company.

    Managers are advised to solve problems that arise on the spot. If something happened in some unit, it is better to go there and immediately find out everything. So the top manager will receive more complete information than at a meeting organized to solve the problem.

    The fewer meetings, the better.

    Reading this chapter, first of all I remembered the officials. These few pages would be very helpful to them. The likelihood that civil servants, and especially heads of government agencies, read business literature is rather low. And very sorry. Gleason provides step-by-step instructions on how best to run meetings.

    The conclusion of this chapter is this: the best meeting is the one that is not held at all. How to work effectively without meetings or with a minimum number of them? The 11th chapter of the book "Work less, do more" - to help you.

    Enjoy reading!

    More than a million people around the world do their job extremely efficiently and enjoy it thanks to this book by Kerry Gleason. Now it's your turn. Learn how to organize your workflow, use email, and how to conduct effective meetings, maintain business contacts and find time for what matters most.

    “Some people explain clutter by saying that it gives them food for thought and encourages the creative process. Others are convinced that creative people are born that way. Actually, it's not like that!" Kerry Glinson

    In our time, when people do not leave the house without a computer, and arrange an office for themselves wherever they are, only the deaf have not heard about the organization of their time - the “time management” ringing in their ears. But why do we still not fit into our work schedule and continue to work and solve problems at a time when we need to relax and enjoy life? Kerry Gleason's book will explain once and for all how to get the job done quickly and efficiently, and in general, put our lives in order.

    Here is a partial list of what the book Work Less can teach you:

    - get into the habit of doing small things right away, and not postponing for later;
    - get the skill to group homogeneous tasks in order to save time;
    stop using the urgency of certain tasks as an excuse to put off other tasks until later;
    - how to put in order the workplace, files on the computer and save time, thereby stop wasting time looking for the right things;
    - ignore information that is of no value to you, and make sure that it does not come to you at all;
    — put an end to interruptions in work that take up your time.

    Each of us begins our working day in the hope of doing a lot and in the evening with a calm soul to leave the office home, or, if the work is done at home, then finally leave the room, walk the streets, meet friends and not think about anything. But in reality, our activity is a constant switching between urgent and very urgent matters, between Skype and e-mail, phone and unfinished article. As a result, tasks accumulate, meetings are postponed, parents and friends quickly forget how you look.

    The most common mistake people make when doing work is putting off more difficult, demanding tasks until later. Most of us do this unconsciously.

    Procrastinating is a bad habit. A huge amount of time is spent on finding the best way to do a particular job, instead of actually getting down to business.

    Workflow organization

    To properly organize your workflow, start by optimizing your existing storage system.

    Sort your incoming mail by date and, starting with the oldest, do the following for each email:

    If you can answer an email and it only takes a few minutes, do it right away.
    . If you can outsource the writing to someone else, do it right away.
    . If writing a letter takes some time, add the appropriate item to your to-do list. Programs such as Outlook, Lotus Notes, and others allow you to do this. In particular, write down what next step you need to take, and turn on the "Reminder" option if you want the program to remind you of this at a certain time.
    . If you want to save an email to view it in the future, create folders in your inbox (the names of which should match the names of folders for working papers), and then move the email to the desired one.

    Skill "Grouping similar tasks"

    Analyze all the tasks that you have to perform during the working day. Determine which of them can be grouped - for example, phone calls, e-mail processing, task control, bill payment, reading, current work with documents, organizing them, meetings with subordinates, as well as any other daily routine functions.