How long does the exam in English last? Exam in English. A written statement with elements of reasoning

Unified State Examination in English in 2019 still remains an elective subject, but there is already a decision by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation that from 2022 the unified state exam in English will become mandatory along with the Russian language and mathematics.

Schools participating in the pilot project are even less fortunate: their graduates will be required to take English in 2020.

“Well, tests ain't fair. Those that study have an unfair advantage. It's always been that way.”

Well, exams aren't fair. Those who teach have an unfair advantage. And it has always been like this.

~ Allan Dare Pearce, Paris in April

Despite the growing popularity, Unified State Exam in English It is considered one of the most difficult exams for school graduates and university applicants. Even thorough preparation and Cambridge Exams certificates do not guarantee you a high score on the Unified State Exam. “How can this be?” - you ask.

The fact is that, like any other international exam (FCE, KET, IELTS, etc.), the Unified State Exam in English has its own structure, typical tasks and its own assessment criteria, which directly affect your result.

Today we will try to tell you what exactly everyone who plans to pass the Unified State Exam in English in 2019-2020.

Unified State Examination in English:

The Unified State Exam in English is taken in 11th grade and is the final exam for graduates of Russian schools.

Unified State Exam (USE) is the state final certification of eleventh grade students in Russian schools. The results of the Unified State Exam make it possible, during the year in which the exam was taken, and the next 4 years, to choose and enroll in a secondary specialized or higher educational institution.

Unified State Examination in English is divided into two parts: written and oral. The written part of the Unified State Exam lasts 3 hours (180 minutes), and oral only 15 minutes including preparation time.

On the Unified State Examination in English, graduates are asked to complete 44 tasks, namely:

● 38 closed tasks in which you only need to choose the correct answer

● 6 tasks with a detailed answer, where you need to write or tell it yourself.

Maximum points, which can be scored for all tasks (oral and written) on the Unified State Exam in English - 100 points(80 points for written and 20 points for oral).

The speaking part is optional, but you can only get 100 points if you took the speaking test on a separate day.

In 2018, 72,500 people took the Unified State Exam in English, 15 people passed with 100 points. This represents 0.02% of the total number of participants and is the lowest figure for elective subjects.

Passing score when the English exam is considered "passed", in 2018 was 22 points, but for admission to a good university or a specialized specialty this, of course, is not enough. The principle here is: “the higher the score, the better.” Universities change their passing score every year from 60-80 points, and the more prestigious the university, the higher the score.

It is already known that in 2019 the Unified State Examination in English will be held on the following days:

  1. Early period: March 27, 2019 (oral part) and 04/01/2019 (written part)
  2. Main period: June 5, 2019 (written), June 7-8 (oral)

Among the people who can take the exam earlier than the main period: graduates of previous years, participants in olympiads/competitions, schoolchildren who are going to serve in the army or planning to study abroad, and many others.

In case of force majeure, there are also reserve days when the exam can be held.

What level of English is needed to pass the Unified State Exam?

If you want to get a high score on the Unified State Exam in English, your level must be not lower than Upper-Intermediate level according to the CEFR scale, but this does not at all mean that students with a lower level will have nothing to gain in the exam.

According to regulatory documents, Unified State Examination tasks in English vary in complexity from basic (A2/A2+) to high (B2) and, accordingly, includes three levels:

  • base: Elementary (A2) and Pre-Intermediate (A2+)
  • elevated: Intermediate (B1), can be skipped
  • high: Upper-Intermediate (B2)

However, in reality this is not always the case. For example, in 2018, the first listening task contained materials at the A2 difficulty level, and the reading text in task 3 was at the Advanced (C1) level. Therefore, the majority of applicants, even with level B2, were unable to achieve a high score on this task.

Sometimes the compilers Unified State Exam in English include tasks of basic and high levels in one block, leaving the advanced level (B1) behind. The sudden transition from simple to super-complex can confuse anyone and affect their ability to comprehend more complex material.

CEFR scale of English language levels for passing the Unified State Exam

● degrees of comparison of adjectives

● ordinal numbers

In terms of vocabulary, participants incorrectly used polysemantic words in context, did not know synonyms and antonyms, and confused suffixes and prefixes when forming new words. And, of course, they made spelling mistakes!

Section "Letter" As expected, it turned out to be the most difficult test for those taking the 2018 Extension Test in English.

In the “Writing” task, participants lost points for:

  • incorrect or inaccurate answers to questions
  • combining answers to two questions into one
  • rhetorical questions to a friend

In the “Essay” task, for many, the loss of points was associated not with the required volume, but with the following:

  • failure to follow the plan
  • inability to open up the topic
  • undisclosed topics
  • violation of the logic of the statement
  • a large number of grammatical, lexical and spelling errors.

Well oral part of the exam, which was passed with an “excellent” 65%, was not without some unpleasant errors. In task No. 1, the examiners noted incorrect stress and incorrect logical intonation, in task No. 2 - grammatical errors in the construction of questions.

Task No. 3 from the “Speaking” section showed that the majority simply memorize school topics, and accordingly there is no spontaneity of speech. In task No. 4, participants often gave incomplete answers and did not carefully read the task.

Unified State Exam 2019 assignments in English with answers

Of course assignments for the upcoming Unified State Exam 2019 in English may not be freely available. Disclosure of such confidential information may result in criminal liability.

But, if you already know what to expect in the exam, have been trained in English and know how to fill out the forms correctly, then half the battle is already done. The rest depends only on your ability to concentrate in a stressful situation and have minimal knowledge of time management in order to properly allocate time.

We hope that the following videos will be useful to you in preparing for the Unified State Exam 2019 in English.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam (download)

To become more familiar with the Unified State Examination tasks in English, you can download the demo version and then print it.

Unified State Exam rules and procedures (video)

How to correctly fill out forms for the Unified State Exam (video)

We will tell you about preparing for the Unified State Exam 2019 in English, what to pay attention to, in our next article.

Instead of a conclusion:

As you can see, the Unified State Exam is a rather difficult exam and in order to get a high score, you must have a very good level of English (Upper-Intermediate and above). If your level is not high, and you are already in grades 9-10, you need to start preparing for the Unified State Exam without delay.

Sign up today to pass the Unified State Exam with a high score and enroll in the university of your dreams! We have already helped hundreds of graduates enroll, we will help YOU too!

It depends on the level of the student.

Reading assignments are always given in the same sequence as the information in the text. The same applies to listening tasks.

Multiple choice tasks, where you need to know the shades of meaning of similar words. Listening. Word formation.

If the student is at level B1 and above, then theoretically it is possible. But it is always better to work with someone - either with a student of the same level or with a teacher, because... then there is a person to discuss controversial issues, mistakes and simply to practice communication.

How many versions of the Unified State Exam do you need to do to be ready?

Again, the answer depends on the level of the student. But for everyone, the more the better.

What do you usually advise your USE students?

a) Good even before the exam understand the wording of the assignments.
b) Be collected. Focus your attention on assignments, keep track of time, check if any questions are left unanswered (if you don’t know the answer, it’s better to choose an answer at random than to choose nothing). Be sure to check your answers. Perhaps leave time at the end of the test for review or do a review after each task.
V) In listening and working with text: first analyze the answer options, then turn on the recording or read the text - this saves time.
G) By reading: when reading the text, underline the key words in each paragraph; when choosing the correct answer, do not look for the same words – underlined in the text – but words similar to them in meaning. At the same time, be careful about the use of negations, because only one word NOT changes the meaning of the sentence to the opposite. When reading again, check your answers.
d) When writing an essay, letters, etc.: know approximately how many words written in your hand fit in one line - this way you can quickly calculate how many words are in your essay; make sure that all points of the assignment are reflected in the essay. Adhere to the format for each type of essay, do not forget about paragraphs and punctuation. 2-3 short sentences are better than one complex one: short ones are less likely to make mistakes. e) when describing a situation/picture: in this case there are no right and wrong answers, there is your point of view. Therefore, speak, speak - the examiner must hear what you can say and how you speak. Your point of view in this case is secondary.

Anna Jones

Teacher of English and German languages. Diploma with honors. More than 15 years of teaching experience, including at a linguistic university. Lives in Canada. Prepares for IELTS, TOEFL and Unified State Exam in English via Skype in:

How much time does it take to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English?
It all depends on the language level of the student himself - the lower the level, the more time, on average from six months to two years.

What are the best textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, in your opinion?

Whatever the level, I always start with General English with a focus on grammar ( Essential Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy– one of my favorites). If time and language level of the student allows, I always work with English-language publications, for example, a series of textbooks for teenagers Laser, the structure and tasks of which correspond to KET, PET and FCE and are very close to the Unified State Exam. And of course, completing standard exam tests before the Unified State Exam itself.

What is the most difficult thing for students?

In terms of general English - grammar and pronunciation. In terms of skills - writing (teenagers, to put it mildly, do not like to write, and often do not know how to logically express their thoughts even in their native language) and listening (less practice and more stress compared to reading; when reading, you can always go back to the beginning and reread, which is usually impossible in listening).

Are there any secrets in the Unified State Exam in English?

In my opinion, there is only one secret – prepare and work!

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own?

Until recently, I was sure that it was impossible. Until I met a guy from Gorlovka (Ukraine), who independently, without tutors or the help of parents and teachers, prepared for a similar Ukrainian exam in English and passed it with 189.5 points out of 200 (Ukraine has a slightly different assessment system), but even this not the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing is that he prepared under shelling and bombing in the 2014-2015 academic year in Gorlovka during the war, with great difficulty traveling to peaceful territory to take the exam itself. My husband and I had to take a very active part in the fate of this guy (he fled from home without the knowledge of his parents, because he wanted to study in Ukraine, and not at a DPR university, but that’s a different story) and I had the opportunity to “feel out” very well his knowledge of English (really brilliant!) and find out how he prepared. He literally lived on the English-speaking Internet, watched films and TV series several times, read everything only in English. Of course, he is an exception to the rule, but nevertheless, he proved, at least to me, that it is real.

Generally, for the average student, more is better. I can’t tell you the number, usually the last few months before the exam.

Have a good night's sleep and breakfast before the exam! Go to the exam full of strength and good mood! But, of course, advice is different, which depends on the individuality of the student and on what stage of preparation the need to advise arises.


English teacher. Diploma with honors. CELTA certificate. More than 5 years of teaching experience. Prepares for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in English via Skype in:

How much time does it take to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English?

Before preparing, you need to clearly determine your level of English proficiency, find gaps and weaknesses. In order to prepare to pass the Unified State Exam, it takes about two years with systematic studies (2 times a week), plus independent work.

What are the best textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, in your opinion?

In addition to test tasks, you can use various textbooks to work on grammar ( Murphy “English Grammar in use”, Oxford Practice Grammar) and vocabulary (English vocabulary in use, Oxford Word Skills).

What is the most difficult thing for students?

The most difficult things for students, in my opinion, are listening and reading. The texts contain a large amount of unfamiliar vocabulary, which hinders reading comprehension. Problems with listening are associated with insufficient language experience of students and the peculiarities of the speaker’s speech (ellipses, deviations from the norm, fluency of speech, a certain accent, individual timbre of speech, etc.)

Are there any secrets in the Unified State Exam in English?

Preparation for the Unified State Exam, in my opinion, is not only the systematic implementation of test tasks, it is necessary to develop all types of activities: listening, reading, speaking, writing, and everything must be integrated. The teacher must pay attention to every aspect of the language. The independent work of students is no less important.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own?

I believe that it is difficult, since the teacher guides the student, helps analyze the material, summarize it, works on mistakes, and systematizes preparation for the exam.

How many versions of the Unified State Exam do you need to do to be ready?

More the better. This must be a continuous process; it is necessary to constantly maintain oneself in good shape, developing all types of foreign language speech activity.

What do you usually advise your USE students?

First, do your homework conscientiously. Constantly listen to English speech, in view of the fact that all students have free access to the Internet, that is, the opportunity to listen to audio recordings, audio books, watch podcasts, films, etc. in English, read a lot of foreign literature, learn new words, keep a diary in English, etc.

Anna Labanova

English teacher. Diploma with honors. TOEFL certificate. More than 8 years of teaching experience. Prepares for TOEFL and Unified State Exam in English via Skype in:

How much time does it take to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English?

With good basic knowledge, it is possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in 1 academic year. But as a rule, real preparation begins around 9th grade.

What are the best textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, in your opinion?
I would not talk about specific textbooks for the Unified State Exam, but simply about high-quality authentic textbooks. Grammar - whoever is used to what, but with mandatory practice on real tasks. Written part – Cambridge Exam Success.

What is the most difficult thing for students?

The most difficult part is the essay and oral part.

Are there any secrets in the Unified State Exam in English?
In my opinion, the main thing is regular classes and conscientious independent work.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own?

It is possible if you have good basic knowledge and no problems with self-discipline. I think many people find it very difficult to cope with anxiety. The tasks themselves are not difficult, but psychologically you need to pull yourself together. And many have negative experiences from lessons. It probably depends more on the student's personality.

How many versions of the Unified State Exam do you need to do to be ready?
It's hard to say. I often take the Unified State Exam options just to practice. That is, we do them all the time. But to just get used to the format, I think options 5-7 are enough.

What do you usually advise your USE students?

I advise you to relax and not be afraid) the exam is not the end of the world) but seriously, I try to convey the idea that preparing for the Unified State Exam is not only 11th grade, but in general the entire process of learning a language. The main thing is practice.

Daria Labonina

Teacher of English and Spanish. TEFL and CELTA certificates. More than 8 years of teaching experience. Lives in Thailand. Prepares for TOEFL, IELTS and Unified State Exam in English via Skype in:

How much time does it take to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English?

With classes a couple of times a week - six months, with daily classes - 2-3 months.

What are the best textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, in your opinion?
Testing for previous years.

What is the most difficult thing for students?
If you lack listening skills, this is it. In schools, teachers do not often pay attention to this skill.

Are there any secrets in the Unified State Exam in English?
Take as many USE tests as possible.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own?

How many versions of the Unified State Exam do you need to do to be ready?

What do you usually advise your USE students?

Do tests, trust your intuition. For Writing, in my opinion, the easiest preparation is to memorize the template and practice with examples. It's the same with Speaking. You can read and study similar topics on the most common topics and practice so as not to worry about the exam.

Ekaterina Lubkina

Teacher of English and Russian as a foreign language. CELTA certificate. More than 5 years of teaching experience. Prepares for IELTS and Unified State Exam in English via Skype in:

How much time does it take to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English?

I think the sooner the better. Due to the fact that the level of most high school students is not higher than the Pre-Intermediate, or even Elementary, level, and to pass the Unified State Examination you need a level not lower than Intermediate. With regular classes, for 2-3 years. Add time for the child to get acquainted with the structure of the exam and study its specifics, and that’s another 6-7 months. It turns out that the class is from the 8th.

What is the most difficult thing for students?

What comes the hardest? In my opinion, these are: 1. listening (firstly, the level of the language must be good in order to perceive English speech fluently and the first time. Secondly, various unforeseen circumstances may arise, for example, the sound is bad or someone is coughing nearby , loss of concentration.) 2. Time, it often seems that there is too little of it. 3. Well, perhaps, a letter. We don’t pay much attention and time at school to practice writing essays in English.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own?

I think so, but it's not really a good idea. We need a competent teacher who can point out flaws in the written part, for example. Or in speaking. You can prepare those parts on your own for which answers are given, and the student could always check himself. In any case, I would like to emphasize once again that the level should not be lower than Intermediate.

How many versions of the Unified State Exam do you need to do to be ready?

It is difficult to give an exact number. Everything is individual. Some people will need to make several options because they have been studying English since early childhood. For some people more. Some people train exclusively those parts with which they have more problems, for example, writing. In any case, the more the merrier.


English teacher. Has a certificate from Educational English Culture Language Center, Malta. More than 15 years of teaching experience. Prepares for IELTS, FCE and Unified State Exam in English via Skype in:

How much time does it take to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English?

Depends on the student's level of knowledge. With good knowledge of the school curriculum for less than six months.

What are the best textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, in your opinion?

Tests from previous years, sample tests, specialized websites (“I WILL SOLVE the Unified State Exam”) and teacher materials.

What is the most difficult thing for students?

Selecting answers from the text, composing and comparing photographs.

Are there any secrets in the Unified State Exam in English?

The secrets of effective reading and listening, and staying up to date with the major social issues that affect modern life.

What are the secrets to effective listening and reading? Why do you need to be aware of social issues?

What are the secrets to effective reading and listening? =)oh! This is a whole lesson for 60 minutes))

It is necessary to be aware of social problems, because essays in the Unified State Exam in English are on a variety of problematic topics: the harm of computers, the benefits of the Internet, whether to give children pocket money, fast food, childhood is the best time in life, where to spend millions: space or earthly problems , life in the village is not for young people, the Internet deprives you of social communication skills, where is it better to work in the office or at home, people greet you by their clothes - is this true? etc.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own?

Yes, except for the written part.

Is it really possible to prepare for a conversation on your own?
Certainly! For the speaking part there is a special “skeleton”, which is posted in various modifications on the forums and websites of the Unified State Exam. You just need to memorize it. If a student has a Pre-Intermediate level, that is, knows the entire school curriculum and has 4-5 in English from the very beginning of school, then he can easily prepare. On the Unified State Exam, the oral part also does not involve an interlocutor. A schoolboy sits in front of a computer and recites what he has memorized.

How many versions of the Unified State Exam do you need to do to be ready?

Readiness for the exam does not depend on the number of tests completed.

What do you usually advise your USE students?

Learn and develop.

So, here are the conclusions we came to.

1.You need to prepare in advance for the Unified State Exam in English, because the level of English proficiency for an excellent grade must be high (Upper Intermeidate). If a school graduate’s level corresponds to the stated level, then a year or six months of preparation will be quite enough. However, unfortunately, the majority of Russian schoolchildren do not reach this level, so it would be good to start improving their English from the 8th-9th grade.

2. The best textbooks for the Unified State Exam in English were named Cambridge Exam Success, Oxford Exam Excellence, Oxford Words Skills, English Vocabulary in Use, English Grammar in Use. I would like to add another series Macmillan (Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam, Reading and Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary, Speaking and Listening), and also Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First And Destination B2, First Expert.

3. The most difficult thing in the Unified State Exam in English- listening, word formation, composing and comparing photographs.

You may find these articles useful:

  • - this is knowledge of the requirements for writing essays and assessing oral speech, proficiency in English at the Upper Intermediate level (for this you need good foreign textbooks) and completing numerous versions of the Unified State Exam in English over the past years.

    If you are planning to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English and dream of high scores, then you can sign up for a Skype meeting with a teacher. We guarantee that our teachers, who have many years of experience in successfully preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, can help you get rid of your typical mistakes , eliminate shortcomings in writing and speaking, explain the intricacies of the exam and incomprehensible points of English grammar, and give lexical minimums on Unified State Exam topics. But remember that you can achieve your goal only with hard work, careful completion of tasks and regular practice.

    We wish you success in passing the Unified State Exam in English and admission to the university of your dreams!

Written part. It takes 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete.

Section "Listening". Running time – 30 minutes

Task 1. The audio recording contains 6 statements. It is necessary to establish a correspondence between statements (letters A-F) and statements expressing their main idea (numbers 1-7). One of the proposed statements is redundant. The recording is played twice: first, 20 seconds are given to familiarize yourself with the statements; After the first and second listening, you are given 15 seconds to think about it. Your answer is a sequence of seven numbers. For each correct answer (one match) you receive one point, the maximum number of points is 6.

Task 2. You need to listen to a short dialogue and read 7 judgments regarding this dialogue (A-G). After listening to the task, you will need to draw a conclusion which of the judgments is correct (1 – true), which is incorrect (2 – false), and which was not discussed at all (3 – not stated), i.e. Based on the text, one cannot give either a positive or negative answer. Your answer is a sequence of six numbers. For each correct answer (one judgment) 1 point is given, a total of 7 points for the task.

Tasks 3-9. Here you need to listen to the text (usually an interview) and answer 7 questions about this text, choosing the correct answer from the three options provided. For each correct answer, 1 point is given, for a total of 7 points for the task.

Total: 9 tasks, 20 points per section.

Section "Reading" in the Unified State Examination. Running time – 30 minutes

Task 10. The assignment contains 7 small texts (usually united by topic) and 8 headings. It is necessary to establish a correspondence between texts A-G and headings 1-8. One extra title! Your answer is a sequence of seven numbers. For each correct answer (one match) 1 point is given, a total of 7 for the task

Task 11. You need to read a coherent text in which parts of sentences are missing (a total of 6 gaps A-G), and fill these gaps with the fragments suggested after the text (1-7), one of which is extra. It is necessary to select a fragment suitable in meaning and grammatical structure for each gap. Your answer is a sequence of six numbers. For each correct answer (correctly selected part) 1 point is given, a total of 6 for the task

Tasks 12-18. You need to read a text of 1-1.5 pages (usually a journalistic text or an excerpt from a work of fiction). After the text you are asked 7 questions, each of which is offered four possible answers. You only need to choose one answer. For each correct answer, 1 point is given, for a total of 7 points for the task.

Total: 9 tasks, 20 points per section.

Tasks 19-25. Grammar (word inflection) tasks. You need to read 1-2 small texts with gaps. To the right of the gaps are words in the initial form that must be transformed so that they grammatically correspond to the content of the text. Attention: the FORM of the word changes (number, tense, case, voice, etc.), not the part of speech! For example, go-went, man-men, one-first, etc. For each correct answer, 1 point is given, for a total of 7 points for the task.

Tasks 26-31. Word formation tasks. Similar to the previous task, you need to read 1-2 small texts and transform the proposed words so that they grammatically and lexically correspond to the content of the text. The main difference from the previous task is that you form a NEW word, a new part of speech: for example, what was a verb has become an adjective (different-different). For each correct answer, 1 point is given, a total of 6 points for the task.

Tasks 32-38. Lexico-grammatical compatibility. You need to read a short text with missing words. In each of tasks 32-38 you need to choose which of the 4 proposed words is missing.
For each correct answer, 1 point is given, for a total of 7 points for the task.

Total: 20 tasks, 20 points.

Section “Writing” in the Unified State Examination. Running time – 80 minutes

Task 39. Letter. In task 39 you need to write a personal letter to a friend, following the rules of writing. Volume – 100-140 words. Completion time – 20 minutes. The maximum score is 6.

Task 40. Essay. In task 40 you write a detailed essay-argument on the proposed topic. Essentially, you need to comment on the statement given in the assignment in accordance with the plan. The essay has a clear structure: an introduction, an expression of your opinion with 2-3 arguments, an opposing opinion with 1-2 arguments, an expression of disagreement with the opposing opinion (1-2 counterarguments) and a conclusion. Volume - 200-250 words. Completion time: 60 minutes. The maximum score is 14.

Total: 2 tasks, 20 points.

Unified State Exam 2018. English language. Oral tasks

Section "Speaking"

The oral part is taken on a separate day. The delivery time is 15-20 minutes (while waiting in line in the corridor can last much longer). The oral part is optional, but without it (only for the written part) you can get a maximum of 80 points for the entire exam.

Task 2. Here is an advertisement. You need to ask 5 questions about this ad (5 point plan). Preparation time is 1.5 minutes, 20 seconds are given to voice each question. The maximum score is 5 (one point for each question).

Task 3. In front of you are 3 photographs - supposedly from your photo album. You must choose one (only one!) of them and describe it to a friend in accordance with the proposed plan. Attention! In 2018, the wording of the task changed slightly: the word “imagine” was removed and the word “present” was replaced with “describe”. Thus, your answer should be as close to reality as possible and devoid of “fantastic elements.” Time to prepare – 1.5 minutes, time to execute – 2 minutes. The maximum score is 7.

Task 4. Here are 2 photos. You need to compare these photographs based on the plan given in the assignment. Time to prepare – 1.5 minutes, time to execute – 2 minutes. Maximum score – 7. Total: 4 tasks, 20 points.

Let's present everything described in the form of a table:

Structure of the Unified State Exam in English 2018

Written part (180 min.) Oral part (15-20 min.)
Chapter Exercise Time (min.) Point Chapter Exercise Time Point
1. Listening 1 7 5. Speaking 1 1.5 (preparation) +2 (answer) 1
2 6
3-9 7
2. Reading 10 10 7 2 1,5 + 1,5 5
11 10 6
12-18 15 7
3. Grammar and vocabulary 19-25 10 7 3 1,5 +2 7
26-31 10 6
32-38 15 7
4. Letter 39 20 6 4 1,5 +2 7
40 60 14
Total for the written part 80 Total for the oral part 20
Total exam points 100

Thus, the primary and final scores are the same. 1 correctly completed task = 1 point. This means that you need to concentrate extremely hard and try to complete all tasks as best as possible!

“Godograph” sincerely wishes you good luck in your exams!

Getting ready for Unified State Examination in English .

Every year, an exam in English is held for graduates of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. Unified State Examination English is currently an optional subject, but soon it should become one of the main ones. Far-sighted parents have already begun preparing their children for this exam, because... Its successful completion will allow you not only to receive a certificate of complete secondary education, but also to gain points for admission to your desired university.

Currently Unified State Examination in English consists of oral and written parts .

Oral part also called speaking. It consists of four tasks:
1 – reading the text (pronunciation check)
2 – asking direct questions
3 – photo description
4 – photo comparison

Written part of the exam in English consists of four sections:
1 – listening
2 – reading
3 – vocabulary and grammar
4 – letter

1 – listening to texts and matching them with statements
2 – listening to the dialogue and determining the degree of correspondence of the statements to this dialogue
3 – listening to the interview and answering questions

Reading consists of three types of tasks:
1 – selection of headings for texts
2 – insertion of missing phrases into the text
3 – reading the text and answering questions about it

Vocabulary and grammar consists of three types of tasks:
1 – grammatical transformation (grammatical transformation, change of grammatical form)
2 – lexical transformation (lexical transformation, formation of a new cognate word)
3 – inserting missing words into the text

Letter consists of two types of tasks:
1 – writing a personal letter
2 – writing an essay (composition)

To successfully pass the Unified State Exam in English, you cannot do without thorough preparation. The following resources will help you prepare to take this test.


Reading is one of the stages of the Unified State Exam in English. In this publication, we analyze the types of reading tasks, identify the pitfalls and pitfalls of these tasks, and talk about ways to overcome them.

To prepare for reading, we offer the following training options with answers:

Personal letter is one of the stages of the written part of the unified state exam. In fact, writing a personal letter is not a difficult task if you have clear ideas about how to do it and have ready-made and pre-practiced elements. We reveal the method of writing a personal letter using the material from the demo version.

Information is posted on the Rosobrnadzor website.

The duration of the Unified State Exam (USE) in English (except for the “Speaking” section) is 3 hours.

The time set for completing Unified State Examination tasks in English was determined on the basis of research and experiments as optimal, since the purpose of the exam is to differentiate graduates according to their level of mastery of the federal state educational standard. Documents defining the structure and content of control measuring materials (CMM) of the Unified State Exam in English, namely codifiers, specifications and demonstration versions of the Unified State Examination CMM, are posted on the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

Clocks must be prepared in the classrooms of the exam point for additional monitoring of the duration of examination work by Unified State Examination participants.

According to the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, 30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizers inform students and graduates of previous years about the imminent completion of the exam and remind them of the need to transfer answers from drafts and KIM to the examination paper.

The official website of FIPI ( contains an Open Bank of Unified State Examination tasks, the tasks of which are used in the formation of variants of the Unified State Exam KIM in all academic subjects.

Also, at the end of the early stage of the Unified State Exam in 2018, the Unified State Exam KIMs for each academic subject, including English, are posted on the FIPI website. Advance familiarization with CMM tasks allows you to correctly adjust the time for preparing and completing tasks.

All exams, regardless of their form, are associated with anxiety and stress. The Unified State Exam, like any other exam, is no exception. The main task is to learn to cope with anxiety and show acquired skills in stressful situations.

How can I change the date of taking the Unified State Examination in English if the schedule includes two days for taking the exam?

When submitting an application to participate in the Unified State Examination, the period of completion or specific dates of participation in examinations in the relevant academic subjects are indicated.

Changing the timing of the Unified State Examination is not regulated by the Procedure. At the same time, the State Examination Commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (SEC) may decide to change the timing of the Unified State Examination if the applicant has valid reasons, supported by documents. To do this, you must submit an application to the State Examination Committee indicating the deadlines for participation in the Unified State Exam and the reasons for changing the previously stated deadlines. This application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the exams.

The final decision for each participant is made individually by the State Examination Committee.