How many years ago did 1 person appear? When did the first man appear on Earth? About the amazing discovery of the Dutch doctor

The question of how old the human race is: seven thousand, two hundred thousand, two million or a billion is still open. There are several versions. Let's look at the main ones.

Young “homo sapiens” (200-340 thousand years)

If we talk about the species homo sapiens, that is, “reasonable man,” he is relatively young. Official science gives it about 200 thousand years. This conclusion was made based on a study of mitochondrial DNA and famous skulls from Ethiopia. The latter were found in 1997 during excavations near the Ethiopian village of Herto. These were the remains of a man and a child, whose age was at least 160 thousand years. Today, these are the most ancient representatives of Homo sapiens known to us. Scientists have dubbed them homo sapiens idaltu, or "oldest intelligent man."

Around the same time, maybe a little earlier (200 thousand years ago), the ancestor of all modern people, “mitrogondrial Eve,” lived in the same place in Africa. Every living person has its mitochondria (a set of genes transmitted only through the female line). However, this does not mean that she was the first woman on earth. It’s just that in the course of evolution, it was her descendants who were most fortunate. By the way, “Adam,” whose Y chromosome is present in every man today, is comparatively younger than “Eve.” It is believed that he lived about 140 thousand years ago.

However, all this data is inaccurate and inconclusive. Science is based only on what it has, and more ancient representatives of homo sapiens have not yet been found. But Adam's age has recently been revised, which could add another 140 thousand years to the age of humanity. A recent study of the genes of one African-American man, Albert Perry, and 11 other villagers in Cameroon showed that they had a more “ancient” Y chromosome, which was once passed on to his descendants by a man who lived approximately 340 thousand years ago.

"Homo" – 2.5 million years

“Homo sapiens” is a young species, but the genus “Homo” itself, from which it comes, is much older. Not to mention their predecessors - Australopithecus, who were the first to stand on both legs and begin to use fire. But if the latter still had too many common features with monkeys, then the most ancient representatives of the genus “Homo” - homo habilis (handy man) were already similar to people.

Its representative, or rather its skull, was found in 1960 in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania along with the bones of a saber-toothed tiger. Perhaps he fell victim to a predator. It was later established that the remains belonged to a teenager who lived about 2.5 million years ago. Its brain was more massive than that of typical australopithecines, its pelvis allowed it to move calmly on two legs, and its legs themselves were only suitable for walking upright.

Subsequently, the sensational discovery was complemented by an equally sensational discovery - homo habilis himself made tools for labor and hunting, carefully selecting materials for them, going to great distances from sites for them. This was found out due to the fact that all his weapons were made of quartz, which was not found near the places of residence of the first person. It was homo habilis who created the first - Olduvai archaeological culture, with which the Paleolithic or Stone Age began.

Scientific creationism (from 7500 years ago)

As you know, the theory of evolution is not considered fully proven. Its main competitor was and remains creationism, according to which both all life on Earth and the world as a whole were created by a Supreme Intelligence, the Creator or God. There is also scientific creationism, whose followers point to scientific confirmation of what is said in the Book of Genesis. They reject the long chain of evolution, arguing that there were no transitional links, all living forms on earth were created complete. And they lived together for a long time: people, dinosaurs, mammals. Until the flood, traces of which, according to them, we still find today - this is the great canyon in America, dinosaur bones and other fossils.

Creationists do not have a consensus on the age of humanity and the world, although they all rely on the first three chapters of the first Book of Genesis on this issue. So-called “young earth creationism” takes them literally, insisting that the entire world was created by God in 6 days, about 7,500 years ago. Followers of “Old Earth Creationism” believe that God’s activity cannot be measured by human standards. One “day” of creation can mean not just a day, but millions and even billions of years. Thus, it is almost impossible to determine the real age of the earth and humanity in particular. Relatively speaking, this is the period from 4.6 billion years (when, according to the scientific version, planet earth was born) to 7500 years ago.

The origin of man is a mystery. Even Darwin's theory is not considered fully proven, due to the lack of transitional links in evolution. How else do people explain their appearance from ancient times to the present day?


Totemism is considered one of the most ancient mythological ideas and is considered the first form of awareness of the human collective, as well as its place in nature. Totemism taught that each group of people had its own ancestor - a totem animal or plant. For example, if a raven serves as a totem, then it is the actual progenitor of the clan, and each raven is a relative. In this case, the totem animal is only a patron, but is not deified, unlike later creationism.


The mythological version includes the ancient Greek version about the origin of man from the Androgynes - the first people who combined the characteristics of both sexes. Plato in his dialogue "Symposium" describes them as beings with a spherical body, whose back was not different from the chest, with four arms and legs and two identical faces on the head. According to legend, our ancestors were not inferior to the titans in strength and skill. Having become proud, they decided to overthrow the Olympians, for which they were cut in half by Zeus. This reduced their strength and self-confidence by half.
Androgyny is not only present in Greek mythology. The idea that man and woman were originally one is close to many world religions. Thus, one of the Talmudic interpretations of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis says that Adam was created androgynous.

Abrahamic tradition

The Abrahamic religions include three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), which go back to Abraham, the patriarch of the Semitic tribes, the first person to believe in the Lord. According to the Abrahamic tradition, the world was created by God - the One from Nothingness, literally “out of nothing.” God created man, Adam, from the dust of the earth “in our image and likeness,” so that man would be truly good. It is worth noting that both the Bible and the Koran mention the creation of man more than once. For example, in the Bible about the creation of Adam, it first says in chapter 1 that God created man “out of nothing in his own image and likeness,” and in chapter 2 that he created him from dust (dust).


In Hinduism, there are at least five versions of the creation of the world and man, respectively. In Brahmanism, for example, the creator of the world is the god Brahma (in later versions identified with Vishnu and the Vedic deity Prajapati), who emerged from a golden egg floating in the world's oceans. He grew up and sacrificed himself, creating from his hair, skin, meat, bones and fat the five elements of the world - earth, water, air, fire, ether - and the five steps of the sacrificial altar. Gods, people and other living beings were created from it. Thus, in Brahmanism, by making sacrifices, people recreate Brahma.
But according to the Vedas - the ancient sacred scripture of Hinduism, the creation of the world and man is shrouded in darkness: “Who truly knows, who will proclaim here. Where did this creation come from, where did it come from? Further, the gods (appeared) through the creation of this (world).
So who knows where it came from?”


According to Kabbalistic teaching, the creator Ein Sof created a soul that received the name Adam Rishon - “the first man.” It was a construct consisting of many individual desires interconnected like the cells of our body. All desires were in harmony, since initially each of them had a desire to support each other. However, being on the highest spiritual level, similar to the creator, Adam took on enormous spiritual light, which is equivalent to the “forbidden fruit” in Christianity. Unable to achieve the goal of creation with this one action, the primary soul split into 600,000 thousand parts, and each of them into many more parts. All of them are now in the souls of people. Through many circuits they must carry out a “correction” and reassemble into a common spiritual complex called Adam. In other words, after the “breaking” or the Fall, all these particles - people are not equal to each other. But returning to their original state, they again reach the same level, where they are all equal.

Evolutionary creationism

As science developed, creationists had to compromise with natural science concepts. The intermediate stage between the theory of creation and Darwinism was “theistic evolutionism.” Evolutionary theologians do not reject evolution, but consider it to be a tool in the hands of God the creator. Simply put, God created the “material” for the emergence of man - the genus Homo and launched the process of evolution. The end result was a man. An important point of evolutionary creationism is that although the body changed, the human spirit remained unchanged. This is precisely the position that the Vatican has officially held since the time of Pope John Paul II (1995): God created an ape-like creature by putting an immortal soul into it. In classical creationism, man has not changed in body or soul since creation.

"Theory of Ancient Cosmonauts"

In the 20th century, there was a popular version about the extraterrestrial origin of man. One of the founders of the idea of ​​paleocontact in the 20s was Tsiolkovsky, who announced the possibility of aliens visiting the earth. According to the theory of paleocontact, once in the distant past, around the Stone Age, aliens visited the Earth for some business. Either they were interested in the colonization of exoplanets, or the resources of the Earth, or this was their transfer base, but one way or another, part of their descendants settled on Earth. They may have even mixed with the local genus Homo, and modern humans are a cross between an alien life form and the aborigines of Earth.
The main arguments that supporters of this theory rely on are the complexity of the technologies used in the construction of ancient monuments, as well as geoglyphs, petroglyphs and other drawings of the ancient world, which allegedly depict alien ships and people in spacesuits. Mates Agres, one of the founders of the paleovisit theory, even argued that the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed not by God’s wrath, but by a nuclear explosion.


The famous postulate that man descended from apes is usually attributed to Charles Darwin, although the scientist himself, remembering the fate of his predecessor Georges Louis Buffon, who was ridiculed at the end of the 18th century for such ideas, cautiously stated that humans and monkeys must have some kind of common ancestor, ape-like creature.

According to Darwin himself, the genus homo originated somewhere around 3.5 million in Africa. This was not yet our fellow tribesman Homo Sapiens, whose age today is dated back to approximately 200 thousand years, but the first representative of the genus Homo - an ape, a hominid. In the course of evolution, he began to walk on two legs, use his hands as tools, he began to have progressive brain transformations, articulate speech and sociality. Well, the cause of evolution, like all other species, was natural selection, and not God’s plan.

The event of greatest importance in the history of the Earth was appearance of the first people.

It is usually believed that this happened at the beginning of the Quaternary period, about 500 thousand years ago. To emphasize the importance of this event in the history of the Earth, many scientists, as mentioned above, call this period the Anthropocene period, that is, the period of the birth and appearance of man.

Man comes from the animal world. Its ancestors are great apes. However, man, unlike all other animals, learned in the process of collective labor not only to use the benefits of nature, but also to remake nature, to subjugate its forces. The remains of the oldest ape-men - Pithecanthropus - were found in the layers of the late Tertiary period, dating back more than a million years. The most ancient ape-people continued to live in the first millennia of the Quaternary period. Therefore, it would be more correct to consider the beginning of the Anthropocene period from the time of the appearance of human ancestors, that is, add to the Anthropocene period part of the Tertiary period - the so-called Pliocene era, which is about 5 million years old. The entire history of modern animal species, starting with their closest ancestors, fits into this period of time.

The remains of Quaternary ape-men, called Sinanthropus, which means “Chinese people,” were found by the Chinese scientist V. C. Pei in Northern China in caves near Beijing.

Along with the bones of Sinanthropus, thick layers of ash from fires, fragments of animal bones, and rough fragments of broken stones that served as knives and scrapers for Sinanthropus were found in these caves. Probably these ancient people used wooden clubs for hunting, but the wood has not survived to this day.

Sinanthropus was significantly different from modern people, but they were still people. They already used fire, and this was the greatest conquest in the history of mankind.

The time of existence of ape-people ended approximately 500 thousand years ago and was replaced by the “Paleolithic”, or in Russian, the Old Stone era (or the Old Stone period). The Paleolithic, as this era (or this period) is sometimes called, in turn was replaced first by the Neolithic, or New Stone Age, and then by the Age of Metal.

The Old Stone Period, or Paleolithic, is divided into two unequal parts: the Lower and Middle Paleolithic, which lasted about 300 thousand years, and the Upper Paleolithic, which lasted no more than 100 thousand years. The duration of all other eras is no more than 12-15 thousand years.

During the Lower Paleolithic, the direct descendants of ape-men lived - primitive people, or, as they are usually called, Neanderthals.

They were still significantly different from modern people and retained some features of their ancestors. The remains of their camps, as we said above, were found in the lower layers of Crimean caves, in Central Asia and in many other places.

Neanderthals were short (155-156 centimeters), but were distinguished by significant strength. A large, elongated head with a low forehead extending back and an overhanging eyebrow, under which small eyes were hidden, sat on a thick short neck, which on the back side seemed to form one whole, with a flat nape. A wide nose and a sloping back, like apes, and not a protruding chin like ours - this was the portrait of our ancestor.

The Neanderthal's gait was extremely awkward. A heavy short body sat on strong legs with short lower legs and wide massive feet. The powerful hands had wide hands with thick short fingers, which, however, could make rough stone wedges (axes) and scrapers. The club in the hands of this primitive strongman was a reliable weapon of defense, attack and hunting.

The favorite habitats of Neanderthals were river valleys and caves.

The enormous advantage of the Neanderthal, as well as his closest ancestors, over other animals was upright posture, as a result of which the hands were free to make various tools, and this primarily expanded the possibilities of hunting. Hunting at that time was, together with collecting fruits and edible plant roots, the main source of subsistence.

For about 300 thousand years, Neanderthals perfected their primitive art of stone processing. Gradually, as a result of labor, their appearance changed. They became more and more like modern people. By the time the Great Glaciation of the Earth reached its greatest extent, man was able to adapt to new living conditions, and he himself had already become completely similar to modern man. At this time, a very important improvement was made in the manufacture of labor and hunting tools. Man learned to make tools not from a whole piece of stone, cutting them with rough chips, like a wooden wedge, but from specially chipped stone plates; at the same time, he learned to produce flint plates that were thin and long, like a knife blade. People began to widely use bone for all kinds of crafts. Dart tips, piercings, awls, carefully crafted scrapers, knives, chisels for carving bones, bone needles with eyes for sewing clothes, and the like appeared.

This stage of development of human society is called Upper Paleolithic.

At sites of that time, in addition to various household items and hunting tools, sometimes they find female figurines carved from mammoth tusks or carved images of various animals used in magical (witchcraft) rituals.

Hard-to-reach caves sometimes served as sanctuaries for our ancestors, and various religious rituals were performed in them. On the walls of some caves, drawings made in red and black paint have survived to this day, depicting bison, mammoths, deer pierced by darts, drawings of hands with chopped off fingers, as well as witchcraft signs that are incomprehensible to us.

Upper Paleolithic people - “new people”, or, as they are usually called, “reasonable people”, were physically no longer significantly different from modern people.

Upper Paleolithic people did not know how to make pottery; they did not know bows and arrows and used darts. They did not have domestic animals and, of course, did not even know the rudiments of agriculture. Hunting was still the main means of subsistence, and in it they achieved significant success.

The “new people” were nomadic hunters. They already knew how to hunt such large animals as bison, rhinoceros and even mammoth, but they also willingly ate the corpses of these animals if they found them in perpetually frozen soil - on the site of a melting glacier. They exterminated smaller and more easily accessible animals, especially reindeer, and birds - ptarmigan, in huge quantities. We find many thousands of bones of various animals during excavations of their sites. But especially a lot of bones of mammoths and reindeer are sometimes found there, which is why Upper Paleolithic people are also called “mammoth and reindeer hunters.”

Many tens of thousands of years have passed, and now, on the verge of modernity, about 15 thousand years ago, humanity was enriched with a new wonderful invention: man invented the bow and arrows. This immediately expanded the possibilities of his hunting, which was still the main source of human existence. Rhinoceroses and mammoths have long been extinct. The huge ice sheet was melting quickly. Its southern border was already near present-day Leningrad. The climate was becoming warmer.

A new era was beginning in the history of mankind - the New Stone, or Neolithic.

The most important discoveries and inventions follow one after another. Man is increasingly seizing power over nature. Almost simultaneously with the invention of the bow, man tamed the wolf in some places and the jackal in others, and thus got the domestic dog. Then the remarkable property of clay was discovered: when fired, it produces a waterproof and sufficiently fire-resistant material. Vessels for cooking food began to be made from clay. People have also learned to process hard stones more skillfully - to drill and polish them. Wooden boats appeared, made from a whole tree trunk.

But hunting, as before, still remains the main source of human existence.

Along with hunting, fishing and hoe farming began to develop.

The Stone Age ended about 6-7 thousand years ago. People learned to mine metal and make hunting and household items from it.

The era of metal has arrived. Knives, spears and arrows were the first metal products. They were first made from pure copper, then from bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) and finally from iron.

In addition to hunting and fishing, cattle breeding and agriculture were added, the beginnings of which, apparently, arose at the end of the Neolithic. From the appropriation of finished products of nature, man moved to their conscious increase.

Our Soviet scientists P. P. Efimenko, S. N. Zamyatnin, M. V. Voevodsky, S. N. Bibikov, P. I. Boriskovsky, G. P. Sosnovsky, O. N. Bader, M. Z. Panichkina and many others have great merit in the discovery and study of the most ancient settlements of the Stone Age on the territory of the USSR.

M. M. Gerasimov managed to develop a method for reconstructing the appearance of people from the skull, and we now have the opportunity to see portraits of our ancestors who lived tens of thousands of years ago. Foreign scientists worked unsuccessfully to solve this problem for many years and declared it unsolvable.

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How many years ago did man appear on Earth?

The most ancient, reliable representatives of the human race are known to be approximately 2 -2.5 ml. years ago. And modern humans appeared 40-50 thousand years ago.

For many millions of years, human ancestors inhabited a limited area in eastern Africa. Here, on Lake Victoria, 18 million years ago lived a proconsul, our common ancestor with apes; Here, more than 4 million years ago, Australopithecus afarensis, our upright walking ancestor, arose. The first representative of the genus Man, a skilled man who appeared more than 2 million years ago, spent his entire history here, and here 1.6 million years ago an upright man arose. It is not known where our species, the intelligent man, began its journey, but somewhere nearby.

The oldest of the genus Homo is Homo habilis, or skilled man, the first representatives of which appeared on Earth about 2 million years ago. Before this time, only australopithecines probably existed. About 2.5 million years ago, a split occurred in the evolution of hominids, as a result of which the massive australopithecines (a dead-end branch of evolution) and the genus Homo became separated. In addition to the finds from the Olduvai Gorge, the species Homo habilis also includes the so-called Rudolf man, Homo rudolfensis, whose skull was found in Kenya in 1972 in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLake. Rudolph (now Lake Turkana), as well as finds from Ethiopia and South Africa. The antiquity of these species is from 2.4 to 1.9 million years. It is assumed that these first people were the creators of the tools of the oldest Olduvai (pebble) culture on Earth. There are finds that have not found a taxonomic definition and some researchers refer to Homo habilis, and others to groups of archanthropes (ancient people) that replaced Homo habilis approximately 1.6-1.5 million years ago.

The group of archanthropes includes two main species. This is a species of Asian ancient people, Homo erectus, and its African variant, Homo ergaster.

Time of appearance of sapiens

“There are judgments about three possible levels of identification of the sapiens line: early, middle and late (p. 97).

A more widespread opinion is that the sapiens lineage appeared in the middle or early upper Pleistocene. As a probable ancestor in this case, different authors mention different forms: either one of the late progressive erecti (Vertescelles), or an early archaic sapiens (Swanscombe), or an early progressive Neanderthal (Ehringsdorf).

Finally, there is an opinion about the late origin of sapiens. In this case, the ancestor is usually considered to be the progressive Palestinian paleoanthropes or even the “classical” Würmian Neanderthals. The latter point of view is supported by both archaeological arguments (continuity of the late Mousterian industry of “classical” Neanderthals and the Upper Paleolithic sapiens culture) and morphological ones (for example, the Skhul type of people, who combine “Cro-Magnon” and “Neanderthal” features).

However, it is known that the “classical” Neanderthals were later forms of hominids that coexisted with the first neoanthropic sapiens. To resolve this contradiction, it is assumed that the rate of sapientation in this late short period of anthropogenesis significantly accelerated due to heterosis during displacement.

The processes of sapientation occurred in different populations of paleoanthropes, but at different rates, and for a number of reasons (for example, living conditions) did not always reach the final stage.

Of course, individual features of the “sapient” complex could have appeared early, even in the Eopleistocene. The morphological variability of hominids in general is very wide, and, probably, repeated mutations played an important role in it, as in other primates.

Apparently, some signs of the “sapient” complex could have arisen in the evolution of individual groups of hominids long ago and repeatedly. And in this sense, we have the right to say that sapientation has deep roots, although the oldest real "sapiens are still not known earlier than 0.1 -0.07 million years ago" (p. 97--99).

Spread of modern humans

More ancient fossils have been found in Africa than on any other continent. Thus, in Southern Ethiopia they found Omo-I, an incomplete skull with many modern features, which is probably more than 60 thousand years old. At the mouth of the South African Clasis River, “modern” remains were discovered that were 100,000 years old, and in Border Cave, a “modern” lower jaw was found that was 90,000 years old.

Fossil skulls from 40 thousand years ago, which belong to a completely modern type, are found in various areas of Asia - from Israel to Java. They all have a chin protrusion or other distinctly "modern" features.

Humans first appeared in North America probably between 70 and 12 thousand years ago. During periods of extreme cold at this time, the sea retreated and a wide land bridge, Beringia, was formed, which is now flooded by the Bering Strait.

Traces of hearths and fossil remains, the age of which has been established, indicate that modern man lived in Australia at least 40 thousand years ago.

Most likely, people first appeared here between 55 and 45 thousand years ago, when the sea level was 160 feet (50 m) lower than now, and many islands formed a single whole.

This scale shows the development of all the primitive people of the world, from the period when the first human-like hominids arose (5 million years ago) until 700 BC.

5,000,000-2,000,000 up to. AD

The first tree-dwelling hominids appear in Africa.

2,000,000- 250,000 up to. AD

Homo erectus appears and spreads throughout Asia and Europe.

250,000 - 120,000 up. AD

In Africa - Homo sapiens - who are gradually moving to the north.

80,000 - 30,000 up. AD

Neanderthals (cave dwellers) live in Europe.

50,000 - 25,000 up to. AD

Modern people are settling throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and America. Tools are made from bone and stone.

25,000 - 10,000 up. AD

The first round houses, drawings and carvings.

10,000 - 9,000 before. AD

Climate change, end of the Ice Age.

9,000 - 7,000 before. AD

The emergence of agriculture in certain areas of the world. Settlements in Syria, Palestine, Cyprus. Domesticated dog.

7,000 - 6,000 before. AD

In the eastern Mediterranean, goats, sheep, and pigs are domesticated. They make linen fabrics, ceramics, and copper is used. The first cities are being built.

5,000 - 4,000 up. AD

In Anatolia, copper and lead are processed. Horse and donkey are domesticated. Maize is grown in the Gulf of Mexico region, cotton is grown in Peru, and rice is grown in China and India.

4,000 - 3,000 up. AD

Sumerian civilization. First writing. Products made of gold, silver, lead. Irrigation. Sailing ships on the Nile and Euphrates. Stone temples and tombs in Malta and Europe.

3,000 - 2,000 up. AD

The first pharaohs of Egypt, hieroglyphic writing. The chariot was invented in Mesopotamia. The Rise of the Indian Valley Civilization. Cotton fabrics. Techniques for copper processing and fabric making spread throughout Western Europe.

2 000 - 1000 up. AD

Distribution of bronze processing methods throughout Europe. Construction of Stonehenge is completed.

1,000 - 700 BC

Olmec culture in Mexico. The Celts settled throughout Central Europe and the British Isles. By 700 BC. The secret of iron processing was discovered in Europe. Prehistoric cultures developed in America and Africa.

“Man is the crown of creation of the highest heavenly powers,” every believer will say.

No, the convinced materialist will object to him. - Man evolved from monkeys in the process of long evolution millions of years ago.

“You are both right and wrong,” an intellectual who keeps track of information about all the latest scientific discoveries and hypotheses will tell them. - The fact is that evolution really took place, but it is also very likely that it was initiated and directed by certain heavenly forces...

The material published below also supports this point of view.

About the sons of God

For thousands of years, people believed that their distant ancestors were created by gods - or God, the Most High, the Creator. This process is described in sufficient detail, in particular, in the Bible (Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter two).

But in 1871, the book of the English naturalist Charles Darwin, “The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection,” was published, where the author substantiates the hypothesis of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor.

Soon this hypothesis was recognized as reliable by both many scientists and people “from the common people.” However, not everyone recognized it as such, and not only among clergy and believers of various faiths. And this controversy continues in society to this day.

And starting from the second half of the 20th century, various versions of the “crazy” hypothesis have become popular, according to which the appearance of people on Earth is the result of the activities of... aliens.

The development of such an idea was facilitated by two events: the appearance on June 24, 1947 over the Cascade Mountains, in the northern part of the Pacific coast of the United States, of a flight of clearly manned flying saucers, and also what allegedly happened exactly a week later, on the night of July 2, an emergency landing (or crash) of an alien spaceship in the vicinity of the town of Roswell in the US state of New Mexico.

By the way, it was after these two events that the term “unidentified flying object” - UFO (in English Unidentified Flying Object - UFO) and the name of the science that studies such objects - “ufology” appeared.

It is characteristic that some adherents of the idea of ​​​​the “creation” of humanity by space aliens refer to ancient myths and traditions of various peoples, in which the gods who created people, as a rule, arrive on Earth from heaven. The Bible tells the same story. In it, along with the statement about the creation of Adam and Eve - the two first people in our world - by the Lord God himself, it also speaks about the participation of certain sons of God in the production of the earth's population: “When people began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, then sons God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and took them as wives as they chose.” “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially from the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to bear children to them...” (Bible, Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter six, 1-2, 4 ).

Rescue of Star Brother

After the Roswell incident received wide publicity, publications began to appear in the media (mainly in the American ones) about meetings and conversations between people and aliens, during which space aliens reported how their ancestors participated in the creation and formation of our population.

According to a publication in the September 1996 issue of the American magazine Rage, one of these meetings took place just over a month after the Roswell incident, and again in New Mexico.

On the evening of August 13, 1947, six young descendants of the Apache Indians stopped for the night in the desert area of ​​the mentioned state. They were preparing dinner when a strong rumble was heard, then a roar, and the earth shook, as if during an earthquake. Having gone on reconnaissance, the Indians discovered not far away a twisted metal object crashed into the ground, inside of which there was a strange small creature. It was badly mangled, but showed signs of life. The Indians decided to try to save their foundling.

They managed to get out of Star Brother, as they began to call him among themselves. Having recovered, Brother (his real name was Bek Ti), using a crystal that transmits information in the form of images, told the young people the absolutely incredible history of the Earth and humanity.

It turns out that aliens appeared on our planet back in the days when it was a lifeless block of stone, and throughout the entire period of evolution they constantly interfered with its course. In some cases their intervention was beneficial, in others it was not. When people appeared on Earth, the aliens directed the development of humanity, but at the same time often led it to a dead end. They became our gods... and our devils. But they were always here.

How people were created

About the rescue of Star Brother, as well as what this messenger of a distant, highly developed civilization told earthlings about the history of their planet, was told 20 years later to his young grandson, Robert Morning Sky, one of the six Indians who saved the dying Bek Ti.

What he heard shocked and captured Robert. Since then, he has devoted himself to finding and studying sources that confirm Bek Ti's message. Its essence, together with the results of his searches, was outlined by Morning Sky in the work “Terra. The Unknown History of Planet Earth,” published in the early 1990s. Here are its contents.

In ancient times, aliens from outer space colonized the Earth, which was then still uninhabited. Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens - was created by the decision of their leader, initially so that his subjects would have intelligent and obedient workers. But for the right to rule on Earth, this ruler fought with his brother and, in order to assert this right, introduced his DNA into the genotype of the first human beings. And the first people became the “sons of God,” the children of their creator.

However, this “god-father” was also a scientist, he was interested in the possibility of creating creatures endowed with sensitivity and passion, as well as the ability to make their own judgments and independent actions. To achieve this goal, in the first generations of people, he used the DNA of representatives of another race, emotional and sentimental bird-like creatures. It gave people the opportunity to possess the above-mentioned qualities and abilities. The “Creator” also taught people to unite for procreation of their own free will, without observing pre-established rules of reproduction. And the young human race began to grow rapidly.

Are they still with us?

As a result of the creativity of space aliens at the early stage of the emergence of humanity, two varieties of humanity arose: obedient individuals who unconditionally obeyed the aliens and genetically altered mutants whose behavior was guided by their own will. The brother of the creator of the human tribe expelled the mutants into the desert, dooming them to inevitable death, and to be sure, he even caused a flood to destroy the entire rebellious branch of the human race. But its creator managed to save a number of persecuted obstinates - a familiar episode from the Bible, isn’t it?

The moment came when the Earth began to be controlled by another race of aliens, in the guise of intelligent lizards, which are now often called “grays”. The Grays, genetically created by an even more highly developed race of reptiles, whose empire is located in a distant galaxy, and now secretly, unnoticed by us, lead many aspects of earthly life. They consume the natural resources of our planet, extract genetic material from our bodies to continue experiments to breed new species of intelligent beings, use our government agencies, such as NASA and the CIA in the United States, to keep secret the purpose, design and operation of a vast class of technological devices, which we define by the general concept of UFO. They have their own base on the Moon, and they warned us not to go there and stay away from it.

Robert Morning Sky ends his work with the following words: “As long as people accept the existence of lords and gods, they accept the existence of slavery. When man finally realizes that his possessions have been taken from him, when he finally begins to look upon himself as his only god and master over himself, then, and only then, will he be freed from the power of aliens and alien gods. Develop your spiritual world... This is the only path to liberation.”

Evidence of Alien Visits

In the Canyonlands, a national park in Utah, there are a number of anomalies that, according to Morning Sky, indicate that aliens have been there since time immemorial. He considers the main one to be the Arch of the Druids - the ruins of a gigantic structure with preserved traces of the hieroglyph. According to Robert, it means "king", and this mark could have been left by an alien ruler declaring his dominion after winning a battle with a rival.

Deep, even horizontal grooves were cut parallel to one of the rocks. Their natural origin is unlikely, especially since at the foot of the cliff there are no accumulations of crumbled rock, usual in such cases. These traces could have been left by a laser beam from a powerful space alien weapon.

In the bed of a dried stream lie huge blocks of stone with smooth rectangular edges. In the rocks that form the bed there are long straight grooves. There are no screes. Quarry using laser technology?

Along the road leading to the national park, there is the Gazeta rock with numerous prints of six-toed feet scratched on it. All traces lead to the silhouette of a vertical structure on three supports (a spaceship?) standing among circles with various signs. According to Robert Morning Sky, this is a message about the resettlement of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth to other star worlds.

“You can believe everything I say, or you can not believe a single word I say. Is it all true or fiction? It’s up to you to decide.” In ancient times, the Apache Indians ended their oral traditions with these words.