How much to measure the temperature with mercury. How long should a child measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer under the arm - typical measurement duration

One of the first symptoms that a person begins to get sick is an increase in body temperature. To find out the temperature, in everyone's first aid kit there is a device called a thermometer. At the same time, in modern pharmacies you can find three types of thermometers.

Types of thermometers

1. Mercury. The indicator in this case is liquid mercury placed in a sealed vessel. The principle of operation of such a thermometer is the ability of mercury to expand with increasing temperature. The disadvantage of this type is fragility, since it is made of glass.

2. Electronic. In this variety, the temperature is measured using an electronic sensor hidden in the tip of the device. The readings are displayed on the LCD screen. The advantage of such a device is the speed of measurement, but the disadvantages include lower accuracy.

3. Infrared. A type of thermometer that is ideal for both adults and children. At the same time, in childhood it is more convenient to use just such types of thermometers, since when measuring temperature, the device does not need to be held under the arm. It is enough just to bring the thermometer to the forehead, and after 5 seconds the exact body temperature will be known. A huge disadvantage is the high cost of an infrared thermometer.

How long should you keep a mercury thermometer under your arm?

Since the most common is the mercury variety of a thermometer, the question arises: how many minutes do you need to hold a mercury thermometer to establish real readings?

First of all, you need to decide where the temperature will be measured.

Most often, the thermometer is placed in the armpit area, since this is the most comfortable location. Pregnant women, especially when determining the very fact of pregnancy, are advised to control the temperature rectally.

Sometimes it is allowed to keep a thermometer in the mouth, which is also an opportunity to get the correct body temperature readings.

Important: before placing a mercury thermometer in the selected area, shake it thoroughly to zero the available readings. If this step is not followed, the instrument may show temperature deviations.

Next, you need to place a mercury thermometer in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpit and firmly press your hand to the body. How long does it take for a mercury thermometer to show the correct value? On average, the time varies from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the actual body temperature. It is also important to ensure that the skin in the armpit is not sweaty at the time of measurement, as this may affect the correctness of the result. This is due to the fact that the temperature of human sweat is higher than the actual body temperature.

How long should a child keep a mercury thermometer?

The body of a child is different from an adult, but the duration of measuring body temperature is no different and is 10 minutes. The difference is only in the approach to measurements.

If the child is sleeping, then you should first slightly warm the thermometer in your hands so as not to disturb the dream and get the correct readings.

If the temperature measurement results seem implausible, it is recommended to re-measure. The most important rule when using a mercury device is accuracy, since mercury is a very dangerous substance and its entry into the air can cause poisoning.

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To check your armpit temperature, put the tip of the thermometer in the armpit of you or your child. In order to find out how long you need to keep the thermometer under your arm. Make sure the thermometer is touching the skin and not the clothing. Squeeze your hand against your body to hold the thermometer in place. Hold the thermometer in your armpit until it beeps. If you have a mechanical type thermometer, then you need to wait 3 minutes. This is quite enough to measure the temperature.

What do I need to know about temperature?

  • There are several ways to measure temperature. The best ways are to measure the temperature of the mouth, ear, armpit or temporary (forehead). Digital electronic thermometers are the simplest and most accurate type of thermometer. Do not use mercury or glass thermometers.
  • The normal temperature is 98.6°F (36.6°C) but can range from 97.2°F to 99.9°F (36.2°C to 37.7°C). Body temperature changes throughout the day. As a rule, it is higher in the morning and higher in the evening.
  • Your and your child's temperature may vary depending on activity or exercise. Wait at least 15 minutes after you or your child drinks hot or cold liquids to take a temperature. Also wait 15 minutes after a warm bath. If your child is wearing pajamas, turn your child around and wait 5 minutes before taking their temperature.

What are the different types of thermometers?

Read the instructions carefully for each type of thermometer you use.

  • Digital thermometers are the most common and give the fastest and most accurate results. Digital thermometers can be used in the mouth, under the arm, or in the rectum. They are usually made of flexible plastic with a sensor on the tip and a display window on the other end. If your thermometer comes with plastic caps or sleeves, use each time you take a temperature. Discard cap or sleeve after each use.
  • Electronic ear thermometers fast and easy to use. Ear thermometers can give you a low reading if there is extra wax in the ears or if it is not properly placed in the ear.
  • Thermometers with temporary arteries pushed through the forehead behind the ear. This thermometer takes practical measures and may not be as accurate as a digital thermometer. You may need to check your or your child's temperature more than once to get an accurate reading. Make sure your forehead is dry when you use this thermometer. Sweating can make reading less accurate.
  • Thermometers with nipples should not be used in children under 3 months of age. Your baby should keep the pacifier as quiet as possible to get an accurate reading.

How to use a thermometer?

Clean the thermometer with soap and warm water or wipe with alcohol before and after use. Do not submerge it in water.

  • To take oral temperature, put the tip under the tongue as far as possible. Gently close your lips around the thermometer. Don't bite the thermometer. Relax and breathe through your nose. Hold the thermometer under your tongue until it beeps. You can take your child's mouth temperature at age 4 or 5. Wait 20-30 minutes after you or your child has finished eating or drinking to take an oral temperature.
  • To take armpit temperature, put the tip in the armpit of your child or your child. Make sure the thermometer is touching the skin and not the clothing. Squeeze your hand against your body to hold the thermometer in place. Hold the thermometer in your armpit until it beeps.
  • To accept temporary temperature, click the button to turn it on. Pass the thermometer from one temple to another and behind the ear until it beeps.
  • To take the temperature of the ear, gently pull the adult ear up and back. When you take your child's temperature, pull the ear down and back. Place the tip of the thermometer in your ear. Not use force or push. The tip of the thermometer must not touch the drum. Hold him until he beeps.

During an illness, we all rely on the readings of a thermometer, but the results of its measurement sometimes give a contradictory and ambiguous picture. It seems that the state of health is on the rise, and there are no signs of illness, and on the scale it is clearly noted that the inflammatory process is in full swing. And it happens, on the contrary - according to all internal sensations, there is definitely a temperature, and the measuring device says that the body is healthy. The situation becomes even more confusing if you measure the indicators with different thermometers.

We will analyze the reasons for such fluctuations, and consider how to correctly measure the temperature with mercury and electronic thermometers.

The whole truth about thermometers

The traditional and most recognizable thermometer is mercury. It is in almost every home, and is the main type of temperature measuring instruments in Russian medical institutions. The latter fact causes even more confidence in him, and among the inhabitants there is a stable stereotype that the traditional thermometer is more reliable. It is he who gives the most accurate indicators, but his electronic counterpart can sometimes distort reality. But is it?

Let's analyze the most common misconceptions about thermometry and the features of measuring temperature with electronic and mercury thermometers.

Misconception one: "An electronic thermometer shows a temperature lower than mercury"

Actually it is not. It's just that we don't always have enough time to measure the temperature. So the mercury device determines the maximum body temperature for a certain period of time. Let's say if you took readings for 5 minutes. it will give you the highest value that was recorded during this period.

An electronic thermometer takes readings instantly, but this data can be either lower or higher than the actual temperature, because it can change within 1 minute. repeatedly. This is where the confusion comes from. To avoid inaccuracies in the readings, you should wait another 2 minutes. after the received signal. This is the time needed to calculate the averages.

In addition, errors in measurement may be caused by an expired battery. As a rule, this happens after 2 years of active operation. Therefore, it is necessary to change the food to a new one in time.

Misconception two: "The mercury thermometer shows the wrong temperature and for a more accurate indicator, you should add + 0.5 C ° to the real numbers"

Let's see if a mercury thermometer can show the wrong temperature?

In fact, both mercury and electronic thermometers have the same error - minus 1 C °. If, nevertheless, it seems that the thermometer readings do not correspond to your sense of self, it is possible that you do not stand the time for measurement. Information on how many minutes to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer and electronic thermometers will be presented in more detail below.

In addition, measurement errors can be caused by incorrect conditions for using a thermometer. The readings can also be affected by such nuances as: the tightness of the thermometer to the skin, the use of deodorant, the humidity of the armpits, the temperature of the room in which the temperature is measured - all this reduces the real indicators.

Misconception three: "The mercury thermometer is toxic due to the evaporation of mercury vapor."

This statement is only true if the thermometer is chipped or damaged. Also, if you notice that the mercury column is lined up in a dotted line, there may be slight violations of its tightness. These thermometers are dangerous to use and should be disposed of immediately.

In other cases, you should not worry, mercury is reliably sealed with two rows of glass - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scale column and the case itself.

Never dispose of mercury thermometers with household waste. A defective thermometer should be handed over to the SES of your city, where they are properly disposed of.

Which thermometer is better

Naturally, the question arises, which thermometer is better - mercury or electronic? In fact, both options have their pros and cons.

The mercury thermometer has the following positive aspects:

  • does not have an expiration date;
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • low cost.

Cons of the device:

  • fragility of materials;
  • use of mercury;
  • long measurement time.

The following points speak in favor of an electronic thermometer:

  • fast fixing of indicators;
  • safety;
  • impact resistance.


  • high price;
  • the need to replace batteries;
  • there is a possibility of errors in the indicators at the slightest non-compliance with the measurement procedures.


In almost all European countries and the USA, the use of mercury thermometers is prohibited. The main reason is the "poisonous stuffing". In Russia, such a device still remains the main one in healthcare institutions. In 2013, a bill was passed to ban the use of mercury thermometers, but it never entered into force.

An alternative to a traditional thermometer is an alcohol thermometer for measuring body temperature. Outwardly, it is very similar to the usual meter, except that the column near the scale is not silver, but red. Many people buy this thermometer for safety reasons. However, it is worth knowing that it is not so accurate. The thing is that alcohol can wet the measuring column and therefore it is sometimes difficult to determine the extreme point on the scale.

Also, alcohol, unlike mercury, does not fix its position, and one has only to remove the thermometer from the armpit, the scale will quickly crawl down.

Whether you need such a thermometer is up to you.

Basics of thermometry: how to measure temperature correctly with an electronic and mercury thermometer

To avoid errors in the readings of the thermometer, you should correctly perform the temperature measurement procedure:

First, time must be taken into account.

The question of how much to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer has long been set on edge. It is generally accepted that the ideal interval will be 10 minutes. However, such an interval should be expected, unless the temperature is high, in which case the mercury heats up slowly and a long length of measurement is required for an accurate reading. If the temperature is high, then the readings are taken quickly - in 5 minutes.

But the question of how long to measure the temperature with an electronic thermometer is controversial. Some argue that the device should be removed immediately after receiving a sound signal, others recommend waiting another 2 minutes. In fact, both points of view are correct. It just depends on the measurement conditions. Many electronic devices are designed to record temperature orally or rectally. In this case, the result will be correct immediately after the signal arrives.

If readings are taken in the traditional way - in the armpit - you should wait another 2 minutes. The thing is that the armpit area does not provide sufficient body fit for an electronic device.

Secondly, thermometry conditions should be taken into account.

When taking temperature readings in the traditional way, both with mercury and electronic meters, you should carefully wipe your armpits from sweat and deodorant. This is necessary so that moisture, when evaporating from the device, does not reduce the thermometry indicators, and the deodorant does not give a sufficient fit of the measuring device to the body.

It is also important that the air temperature in the room is not lower than 18 C°. In cold conditions, mercury takes longer to warm up and distorts readings downwards. To prevent this from happening, it should be within 15-20 seconds. warm the tip of the mercury thermometer with your fingers.

An electronic thermometer can be used at any room temperature.

Thirdly, it is necessary to observe the measurement technique.

If the measuring device - both mercury and electronic - is located in the armpit, it is important to find the deepest point and tightly squeeze the tip of the thermometer, making sure that it does not go into the hole.

If the thermometer is used rectally or orally, it should be thoroughly disinfected before and after use. For hygienic reasons, you should not use the same thermometer for different measurements.


The normal temperature of a healthy person is between 36.3 C° and 37 C°. In the morning, it is usually lower, and in the evening it rises. Indications can fluctuate not only from time of day, but also from measurement points. So, for example, readings in the left armpit will be 0.2 C ° higher than in the right. It is noticed that in children the results of thermometry are higher than in the elderly.

We measure the temperature correctly: video tutorial

You will learn a little more about the features of human body temperature and the rules of thermometry from the video tutorial. In the advice of a doctor, you will find information about how much you need to measure the temperature with mercury and electronic thermometers, what conditions must be observed when measuring indicators, and about many other nuances.

It would seem that such insignificant moments in thermometry are actually very important, because they will help to collect complete information about the state of the body. Remember them and take care of your health!

Not a single first-aid kit can do without this small, unpretentious device. A thermometer is essential if you suspect you have a cold and are getting the flu. An increase in temperature may also indicate overheating, food poisoning, inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, kidneys, intestines and other internal organs. It is especially important to timely and correctly measure the temperature when it comes to a sick child. With the help of thermometer readings, one can judge the stage of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. But what is the best device to use and how exactly, so that its readings are as accurate as possible?

What are thermometers

Modern pharmaceutical manufacturers today offer several types of thermometers, each of which we will consider in detail below.

So, thermometers are:

  • mercury;
  • electronic;
  • contactless;
  • disposable.

Mercury thermometers

Still the most common type due to the accuracy of the readings. Another advantage is the ability to measure the temperature in the mouth, armpit or rectum. It is inexpensive and easy to disinfect. But at the same time:

  • a mercury thermometer should be kept in the armpit - at least 8 minutes;
  • in the mouth or rectum - at least 5 minutes.

It can be quite difficult to withstand such a period of time when it comes to small children. In addition, such thermometers are very fragile, and therefore unsafe, so it is recommended to use electronic devices for children.

Electronic thermometers

They are also suitable for measuring body temperature in various ways, but are practically not subject to disinfection. They cost more than mercury thermometers and often have a high error, require replacement of batteries. Advantages:

  • ease of operation: the thermometer itself will give a signal when the temperature stops changing;
  • measurement speed: in the mouth and straight it is enough to hold it for 1-2 minutes, in the armpit - no more than 3;
  • even available as a pacifier for newborns.

Non-contact thermometers

Infrared thermometers are forehead and ear, ideal for a child, since the first one is enough to be inserted into the ear for 5 seconds, and the frontal one can simply be brought to the child's head for 1-2 seconds. This makes it possible to measure the temperature even when the baby is sleeping. Disadvantage: very high cost.

Disposable thermometers

Visitor question:

Tell me, how long should you keep a mercury thermometer under your arm? With difficulty I hold the thermometer for the baby, literally by force and sometimes with hysteria, the child is spinning, since his birth we have already broken 3-4 thermometers. My mother says that three minutes is enough, but I measure my exact temperature in at least 10 minutes, and if I keep it longer, then even if I feel normal, I will have 37.2-3, and if, as my mother advises, then 36.6.
How to measure temperature with a mercury thermometer? We didn’t make friends with electronic ones at all - they show different numbers with each measurement, sometimes they shock with a very low temperature, sometimes they don’t show that there is a temperature. I don't trust them.

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Temperature is one of the most important indicators, because it reflects the state of a person. Normal temperature values ​​range from 35.5-37 degrees. If they are below or above this level, then it is customary to talk about the development of pathological processes in the body. But in order for the indicators to show the correct result, you need to know how to measure the temperature correctly.

Not all patients understand how to measure temperature correctly. The correct value of the thermometer depends on how the measurement is made. In practice, there are three main methods:

  1. rectal. The measurement is carried out by direct insertion of a thermometer into the rectum;
  2. oral. The temperature is measured in the oral cavity;
  3. axillary. Measurements are taken in the armpit.

It should be noted that the value of temperature indicators will vary significantly. If you measure body temperature in the armpit, then its value will be 36.2-36.7 degrees. When measuring temperature in the rectum, normal readings will be in the range of 37.3-37.7 degrees. If you measure body temperature by the oral method, then its value will reach 37.1-37.5 degrees.

For the procedure, you will need a mercury or electronic thermometer.

Temperature measurement by rectal method

This method involves the introduction of a thermometer into the rectum by about one to two centimeters. If the calculations are made in adults, then you need to enter the thermometer five to six centimeters deep. This method is considered the most accurate, since the rectal area is a closed space. Often it is used in children under five years of age. The use of the rectal method has several indications in the form of:

  • determination of basal temperature in the female half of the population;
  • finding the patient in an unconscious state;
  • the presence of diseases in which the temperature persists for a long time;
  • lack of body weight;
  • the presence of skin lesions in the armpit.

There are also contraindications to the use of this method in the form of constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, proctitis.
How to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer using this method? The patient should be placed on the side with the knees bent. If the procedure is done to a child, then it must be laid on the back and legs raised up.

Before proceeding with the manipulations, the thermometer must be disinfected with antiseptic agents. Then smear it with oil or baby cream and gently insert it into the rectum for one or two centimeters. Then firmly press the buttocks.

How long does it take to get results? The average duration of temperature measurement is four to five minutes.

You can also measure the temperature with a mercury or electronic thermometer in the oral cavity. Measurements are taken under the tongue or behind the cheek. This method is considered to be convenient and effective. It is widely used in Western countries. But the oral method has several contraindications in the form of the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or nasal congestion.

To determine the temperature, you can not measure it after eating cold or hot food. The thermometer must be disinfected before use. Then place it in the oral cavity as far as possible.

How many minutes does it take to get the result? The result when using this method will show in five minutes. If the measurement is carried out with an electronic thermometer, then in thirty to forty seconds it will notify itself.

This method is considered the most common method of measurement. Although it does not give the most accurate results, it is very popular among people. Temperature calculations are made in the armpit.

To carry out the procedure, you must follow the required rules:

  • measure temperature thirty to forty minutes after taking a bath or intense physical exertion;
  • the skin in the armpit must be dry and clean;
  • use non-working hand when measuring.

To carry out these manipulations, you need to shake the thermometer to a value of 35 degrees. Then wipe its tip dry with a towel and place it in the armpit. Press your hand firmly.

How long does it take to keep a mercury thermometer? It is believed that after five to six minutes you can evaluate the result. But there are time limits for accurate readings, so you should wait about ten minutes.

Temperature measurement in children

The most difficult thing is to measure the temperature of young children. After all, they cannot sit in one place for a long time. Therefore, many parents are interested in which thermometer is best to choose for calculating temperature indicators?

There are two main types:

  • mercury;
  • electronic.

Mercury thermometer is the cheapest and most affordable among the rest. It has been used for a long time, while it still has not lost its relevance. It has a number of advantages in the form of:

  1. high measurement accuracy;
  2. low price;
  3. familiarity and ease of use;
  4. the ability to measure temperature anywhere;
  5. error exceptions.

But also a mercury thermometer has disadvantages in the form of:

  • fragility;
  • causing harm in case of damage;
  • long measurement.

With a mercury thermometer, you should be extremely careful. Therefore, it is not recommended to give such things to children.
Electronic thermometers are gaining more and more popularity among people. This device is considered safer than a mercury thermometer. On top of all this, it quickly measures the temperature in any place.

But there is one significant disadvantage: it does not always give the correct information. Its values ​​usually differ from those on a mercury thermometer by about 0.3-0.5 degrees.

After the parent has decided how to measure the temperature, you need to choose a method. For children over five years old, the oral measurement method can be chosen. If the child is still very small, then it is better to carry out calculations in the rectum.

You can also use the armpit for measurement, but it is quite difficult for active children to perform the procedure.
In the West, another method of calculating temperature indicators is also used. They are carried out in the auricle. Only for this you need to use an infrared thermometer. It measures the temperature in a matter of seconds, but there is a possibility of an error in a big way.

To measure the temperature in newborns and infants, it is recommended to use dummy thermometers. But in this case, the measurement is carried out only by the oral method, and not all children take pacifiers in their mouths.

You can use any method and choose for yourself more convenient and better. In order for the indicators to be accurate, it is necessary to follow the rules of use and measurement. It is best to have two thermometers in the first-aid kit at once: mercury and electronic. They can easily replace each other, while the electronic one will be safer, and the mercury one will be more accurate.