Traces of a thousand-year war and the merging of parts of the world. Combining parts into a whole Merging parts into a whole crossword puzzle 13


(lat. integratio - restoration, replenishment, from integer - whole), the side of the development process associated with the unification of previously heterogeneous parts and elements into a whole. I. processes can take place both within the framework of an already established system—in this case, they lead to an increase in the level of its integrity and organization—and when a new system emerges from previously unrelated elements. Dept. parts of an integrated whole may have varying degrees of autonomy. During the process of information management in the system, the volume and intensity of interrelations and interactions between elements increases, in particular, new levels of control are added.

Sometimes iodine I. is understood as integration, i.e. some result of the process of information, a state of ordered functioning of parts of the whole.

Social intelligence means the presence of ordered relations between individuals, groups, organizations, states and T. d. When analyzing information, the level of the information systems under consideration is distinguished. (I. individual, group, society and T. d.). I. society or dept. states can be carried out on the basis of coercion, mutual benefit or similarity of socio-economic. system, interests, goals and values ​​of various individuals, social groups, classes, states. IN modern conditions, a tendency towards interstate is developing. I. in economics and political areas both under socialism and under capitalism. However, this process varies greatly depending on socio-economics. nature, forms, methods, economic. and political consequences.

  • - the process of ordering, coordinating and combining structures and functions in an entire organism, characteristic of living systems at each level of their organization...

    Dictionary of botanical terms

  • - the unification of individual parts as a whole, as well as the process leading to such unification...

    The Beginnings of Modern Natural Science

  • - cultural state of internal...

    Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

  • - as an intra-group process - the creation of internal unity, cohesion, which is expressed in the identification of the collective, the cohesion of the group as its value-oriented unity, objectivity in...

    Great psychological encyclopedia

  • - the process by which parts are combined into a whole...

    Dictionary of Analytical Psychology

  • -, the side of the development process associated with the unification of previously heterogeneous parts and elements into a whole...

    Philosophical Encyclopedia

  • - English integration; German Integration. 1...

    Encyclopedia of Sociology

  • - unification of economic entities, deepening their interaction, developing connections between them. Economic integration takes place both at the level of national economies of entire countries, and between enterprises...

    Economic dictionary

  • - unification of heterogeneous tasks and operations in one organization...

    Reference commercial dictionary

  • - the process of combining the efforts of various subsystems to achieve the goals of the organization...

    Glossary of crisis management terms

  • - 1) a concept meaning the state of connectedness of individual differentiated parts and functions of a system, an organism into a whole, as well as the process leading to such a state...

    Political science. Dictionary.

  • - in physiology, a functional combination of organs and tissues aimed at providing some result beneficial to the body...

    Large medical dictionary

  • - stage of the development process associated with the unification of previously disparate parts into one whole; state of orderly functioning of parts of the whole...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - combining any parts, elements into a whole...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - the process of mutual adaptation and unification into a single whole of organizations, industries, regions or countries, etc....

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - a phenomenon in language, which consists in the fact that the constituent morphological parts of a known word are no longer isolated in our minds as separate parts of the word, and the whole word, even if decomposed by scientific analysis into...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

"INTEGRATION" in books


by Raff Rudolf A


From the book Embryos, Genes and Evolution by Raff Rudolf A

Integration In his analysis of upheavals in science, Thomas Kuhn suggested that the main distinguishing feature of these upheavals was a change in the world view, or what Kuhn called a paradigm. Observations that were previously difficult to interpret now fit into


From the book MBA in 10 days. The most important programs from the world's leading business schools author Silbiger Stephen

Integration Forward and backward integration. A company can operate in any part of the value chain. When a company operates in areas remote from the beginning of the chain, they speak of direct integration with respect to the consumer. If, for example, the owner of a fruit shop


From the book The Practice of Human Resource Management author Armstrong Michael

INTEGRATION Although many organizations use different programs for payroll and HR (the former are usually managed by the accounting department), there is much to be said for an integrated system. It makes use of one common database


From the book Engage and Conquer. Game thinking in the service of business by Kevin Werbach

Integration We have already provided you with a lot of general information about game elements. At this point, all this information may seem disjointed. We have only made small sketches of the different types of game elements so that you understand that there is a huge


by Strassman Rick

INTEGRATION The final part of the ayahuasca ritual is called integration. The morning after your session, it is important to feel free to write, draw or meditate. The time following a session is especially creative for many reasons. Participants feel


From the book Internal Paths to the Universe. Traveling to other worlds with the help of psychedelic drugs and perfumes. by Strassman Rick

INTEGRATION Even after completely successful sessions, a daunting question arises: what to do with all this information? In response, you can say: “And now the hardest part...”. Let's ask ourselves if we want to take another trip. And we may be surprised if we decide


From the book There is some truth in this book... by Frissell Bob

Integration Emotions are energy in motion. We need emotions, we need a healthy relationship with them. However, we have all experienced emotional abuse to some degree, and as a result we have learned that at least some emotions are


From the book Problems of Life author Jiddu Krishnamurti

INTEGRATION Fat, clean puppies played in the hot sand. There were six of them, all white with light brown spots. Their mother lay in the shadows, not far from them, thin, exhausted, covered in scabs and almost without hair. Several wounds gaped on her body, but she wagged her tail and was


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (E-Y) author Brockhaus F.A.

Integration Integration is a phenomenon in language, which consists in the fact that the constituent morphological parts of a known word (root, suffix, prefix) are no longer isolated in our minds as separate parts of the word, and the entire word (or part of it), even if decomposable, through scientific

90. Web integration

From the book Corporate Website 100%. Demand more from the site! author Ovchinnikov Roman

90. Web integration


by Tehke Veikko

Integration Typically, the internal handling of the loss of an individuated object leads to the progressive integration of his or her various aspects, experienced as positive and negative, in increasingly realistic proportions. Intermediate introject gradually


From the book Psyche and its treatment: Psychoanalytic approach by Tehke Veikko

Integration The analyst's various responses to the patient, both rational and affective, will ideally be integrated into a total response that amounts to a more or less accurate insight into and understanding of the mental world of the patient's experiences as he


From the book Paths to Other Dimensions author Merrell-Wolf Franklin

56. INTEGRATION September 13 I spent most of yesterday in the city. I was better able to cope with the challenge of driving a car in traffic than I had been a few weeks ago, and I could handle crowd consciousness better than at any time since the Transition. However, this requires so


From the book Putin against Putin. Former future president author Dugin Alexander Gelevich

The integration of the EurAsEC and the Customs Union can be considered as the economic basis of the Eurasian Union. The composition of the countries included in these integration structures is the core of the Eurasian Union. But the project of the Eurasian Union itself is a project of precisely political

Integration- the process of combining parts into a whole.

Political integration is the process of bringing two or more political structures closer together, aimed towards mutual cooperation; in a narrower sense, it is the formation of a certain integral complex of political systems at the interstate level.

International economic integration is the process of unifying the economies of countries, in which the gradual abolition of tariff and non-tariff restrictions leads to the unification of economic policies in sectors of the economy and has a number of pronounced consequences. These include the law of one price (price equalization), a sharp increase in trade volume, an increase in labor productivity, migration of labor flows, equalization of the amount of domestic savings, and the emergence of a single tariff grid at the borders of an economic association. It is believed that economic integration is the second best option after the free trade regime in terms of the degree of favorability (its stimulation).

The following forms of economic integration are distinguished (with increasing integration towards the end of the list):

    Preferential zone;

    Free Trade Zone;

    Customs Union;

    Common Market;

    Economic Union;

    Economic and monetary union.

The main features of integration are:

    interpenetration and interweaving of national production processes;

    structural changes in the economies of participating countries;

    necessity and targeted regulation of integration processes.

The Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC, Community) is an international organization consisting of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan. The EurAsEC was created in order to deepen integration and form the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space.

The Community is formed in accordance with the Treaty on the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space of February 26, 1999 and the Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community of October 10, 2000.

The main goal of the EurAsEC is to increase the efficiency of the formation of the Common Economic Space, begun in the Customs Union, using new, promising forms and mechanisms of interaction. The creation of the Eurasian Economic Community is aimed at more effective implementation of the common benefits and national interests of its members.

Integration within the EurAsEC meets Russia's economic interests. Russian enterprises are interested in providing access to sources of natural resources in the territories of other Community countries (ores of chromium, manganese, titanium, uranium, lead, many rare earth metals, as well as other types of raw materials, deposits of which are either absent in Russia or their development is impractical), in preserving the markets of the EurAsEC states for the sale of industrial products, as well as in creating conditions for the restoration of lost territorial and production ties, the preservation and development of the specialization of individual industries, cooperative supplies, contributing to a more complete use of economic potential, increasing the level of security. The development of cooperation in the field of electric power, the fuel and energy complex, the creation of joint ventures, and the implementation of joint programs has a definite future.

The development of integration is facilitated by the potentially very capacious market of the EurAsEC member states, a complementary raw material base, compatible production, technical and consumer standards, and common technical parameters of the transport and communications infrastructure.

In accordance with Article 21 of the Treaty on the Customs Union and Common Economic Space of February 26, 1999, the customs union as a trade and economic association presupposes the presence of:

a) a single customs territory;

b) general customs tariff;

c) a regime that does not allow any tariff and non-tariff restrictions (licensing, quotas) in mutual trade, except for the cases provided for in this Agreement;

d) simplification and subsequent abolition of customs control at internal customs borders;

e) similar mechanisms for regulating the economy and trade, based on universal market principles of management and harmonized economic legislation;

f) governing bodies that provide conditions for the functioning and development of the customs union;

g) a common customs policy and the application of common customs regimes.

In order to form a unified foreign trade policy of the EurAsEC member states in relation to third countries, the legislation of the Community states is being unified in the main areas of foreign trade regulation: customs tariff and non-tariff.

1. The customs tariff area includes:

Application of uniform customs duties on goods imported from third countries - the formation of a Common Customs Tariff (CTT);

Application of unified trade regimes in trade with third countries and application of a unified system of preferences in trade with developing and least developed countries.

2. The scope of non-tariff regulation includes:

Licensing of import and export of goods;

Technical regulation, sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures;

Introduction of special protective, anti-dumping and countervailing measures;

Export control.

In the field of non-tariff regulation, the unification of the main provisions of the legislation of the EurAsEC member states in the field of quotas, licensing, technical regulation, application of sanitary, phytosanitary, veterinary and environmental measures was carried out.

In order to optimize the process of forming a customs union and a single economic space, the decision of the heads of the EurAsEC member states dated August 16, 2006 (Sochi) stipulated that the formation of a customs union, and subsequently a single economic space, will be carried out initially on the basis of three countries - Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan - with the subsequent accession of other EurAsEC member states.

At the 19th meeting of the EurAsEC Interstate Council on October 6, 2007, the heads of three states of the Community signed documents that are key to the functioning of the customs union, forming its institutional structure and defining the mechanism for accession of other states to the customs union:

Agreement on the Customs Union Commission;

Agreement on the creation of a single customs territory and the formation of a customs union;

Protocol on the procedure for the entry into force of international treaties that form the legal framework of the customs union, withdrawal from them and accession to them.

The Action Plan for the formation of a customs union within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community was approved. For the purpose of practical implementation of the Action Plan for the formation of a customs union within the EurAsEC, members of the Integration Committee of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia approved the corresponding Activities for 2008-2010.

The heads of all states of the Community signed the Protocol on Amendments to the Treaty Establishing the Eurasian Economic Community of October 10, 2000.

On June 20, 2008, members of the Integration Committee of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia approved the Regulations on the principles and procedure for the formation of the Unified Customs Tariff of the Customs Union.

On October 10, 2008, the presidents of six countries approved changes to the Regulations and Rules of Procedure of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community dated May 31, 2001 when it performs the functions of the supreme body of the customs union. In accordance with the decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC (the highest body of the customs union) dated October 10, 2008 No. 3, members of the Integration Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation were instructed to perform the duties of members of the said Commission until a decision is made on vesting the Customs Union Commission with powers in the field of foreign trade regulation , and a member of the Integration Committee of the Russian Federation to act as Chairman of the Commission. Deputy Secretary General of the EurAsEC S.Yu. was appointed as the Executive Secretary of the Commission. Glazyev.

At a meeting of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC (the highest body of the customs union) at the level of heads of government on December 12, 2008, documents were approved that ensure the activities of the Commission and the Secretariat of the Customs Union Commission (including the signing of the Agreement on the Secretariat of the Customs Union Commission). Also, 13 international treaties were signed aimed at further developing the legal framework of the customs union.

During the meeting, the heads of government of the three states signed a Statement, according to which they decided to notify the World Trade Organization of their intention to begin the negotiation process on accession to the WTO of the customs union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation as a single customs territory.

At a meeting of the EurAsEC Interstate Council (the highest body of the customs union) on November 27, 2009, the heads of state approved:

Rules of Procedure of the Customs Union Commission;

Regulations on the Expert Council within the Customs Union;

a unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union (TN VED CU) and the Unified Customs Tariff of the Customs Union;

List of developing countries-users of the system of tariff preferences of the customs union;

List of least developed countries-users of the system of tariff preferences of the customs union;

List of goods originating and imported from developing and least developed countries, the import of which is granted tariff preferences;

List of goods and rates in respect of which, during the transition period, one of the member states of the customs union applies rates of import customs duties that differ from the rates of the Unified Customs Tariff of the Customs Union;

A list of sensitive goods in respect of which a decision to change the rate of import customs duty is made by the Customs Union Commission by consensus.

Protocol on the conditions and procedure for the application in exceptional cases of rates of import customs duties different from the rates of the Unified Customs Tariff dated December 12, 2008;


INTEGRATION (from Latin integratio - restoration, replenishment, from integer - whole), a stage of the development process (adaptive evolution) associated with the unification of previously disparate parts into one whole; the state of orderliness in the functioning of parts of the whole. Integration processes can take place both within the existing system (in this case they lead to an increase in the level of its integrity and organization and, accordingly, greater efficiency), and when a new system emerges from previously unrelated elements. Individual parts of an integrated whole may have varying degrees of autonomy. During the integration processes in the system, the volume and intensity of interrelations and interactions between elements increases, in particular, new management levels are added. Sometimes integration is understood as integration, i.e., some result of the integration process. For an ecologist, the principle of integration functionality is important, according to which, as the structure of an ecosystem becomes more complex, functional characteristics are created. In relation to living organisms, the principle of integration was first formulated by G. Spencer (1857). Integration mechanisms as applied to biological systems are studied in general form by systems theory and biocybernetics.

Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. - Chisinau: Main editorial office of the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Dedu. 1989.




See what "INTEGRATION" is in other dictionaries:

    Cultural state internal integrity of culture and consistency between different. its elements, as well as the process that results in such mutual agreement. The term “I.K.”, used primarily in Amer. cultural... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    Integration: Wiktionary has an article “integration” Integration is cohesion, the unification of political, economic, government ... Wikipedia

    - (lat.). The combination into one whole of what previously existed in a scattered form, followed by differentiation, that is, a gradual increase in the difference between initially homogeneous parts. From integration accompanied by differentiation... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from Latin integer whole) unification of economic entities, deepening their interaction, developing connections between them. Economic integration takes place both at the level of national economies of entire countries, and between enterprises, firms,... ... Economic dictionary

    - (Latin integratio restoration, replenishment, from integer whole), side of the development process associated with the unification of previously disparate parts and elements into a whole. I. processes can take place both within the framework of an already established system in this... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    integration- and, f. integration f. , lat. integratio. 1. Combining into a whole which l. parts. BAS 1. Process of integration and disintegration. OZ 1873 2 2 232. How strong are the foundations on which the integration of the community was previously accomplished. OZ 1878 5 1 120. 2.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (Latin integratio restoration, replenishment, from integer whole), a concept meaning the state of connectedness of individual differentiated parts and functions of a system into a whole, as well as the process leading to such a state (for example, integration in science ... Modern encyclopedia

    Integration, association, connection, merger; merger Dictionary of Russian synonyms. integration see association 3 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Dictionary of synonyms

    - (integration) The combination of two or more companies under one control for the purpose of mutual benefit, reducing competition, reducing costs by reducing overhead, securing a larger market share, combining technical or financial ... Financial Dictionary

    Integration- (integration) See Economic integration... Economic and mathematical dictionary

    Association. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms


  • , Savchenko I.A.. Sociocultural integration is one of the most difficult aspects of the development of a multi-ethnic community. Integration is a concept that is easy to pronounce but difficult to conceptualize. That's why…
  • Integration and communication as vectors of sociocultural dynamics. Monograph, Savchenko I.A.. Sociocultural integration is one of the most difficult aspects of the development of a multi-ethnic community. Integration is a concept that is “easy to say but difficult to conceptualize.” That's why…

The following post (see under the cut) brought up such an interesting thought: what if the term “Parts of Light” means “parts of VISIBLE light”? That is, that light, that reality, the wavelength that can be seen, touched, perceived, with which we can interact with the observer in the human body, or rather with his senses.

We know that the so-called “aliens” come to us from parallel worlds, changing their vibration, which witnesses of such incidents describe as the dissolution of an object in space or its slow manifestation.

I’m not saying that this is pure incriminating evidence against NASA, disinformation can be leaked everywhere, but there are quite a lot of similar videos on the Internet, incl. and daytime shooting from the ground, so those who wish can find it (and, if it’s not difficult, post it in the comments).

So why can’t groups of objects, parts of worlds and whole worlds do this? reality?

I previously wrote that the realities of the Earth have been repeatedly glued and separated:
/ / / / /

It turns out that different “parts of the world” previously existed separately in quality (that is, the peoples in them, although they could know about each other, but could not leave their greenhouse due to the difference in vibration settings, which they could feel with their organs), and then they the carrying vibrations were combined during the gluing of realities (that is, the walls between the greenhouses were slowly removed, the vibrations were averaged for the brains of all participants, from all the greenhouses to sense touch. During the operation, matter also had to be compacted - to slow down the vibration of atoms in order to anchor the realities on each other , preventing them from being separated. Since then, Truman Shaw, called the Earth, has become a single platform on which peoples began to mix, moving from their personal (folk) sleep to neighboring ones. This did not happen in one day, but lasted for some certain time, probably. hundreds/thousands of years.At first, it was possible to walk from one space (part of the world) to another through portals (and probably only for the chosen ones/shamans). Each “part of the world” had its own styles and portals in them. Notice how some of them seem literally torn from another reality:

Then the portals became unnecessary, the realities united, and people who had previously lived completely separately realized that there were not entirely pleasant personalities nearby from among their former invisible neighbors, which led to widespread wars and continues to this day.

So, about parts of the world and much more:

Original taken from ss69100 in Traces of the Thousand Year War

If you want to hide something well, put it in the most visible place. The masters of historical forgery did just that.

This is how it happens in life. It seems that everything is already clear in the world around us. No surprises, and suddenly...

An inquisitive child asks: What is Europe? This is not a country or a continent, but what then? Since I have never had a grade lower than a B in geography, I immediately give the answer: - Europe is part of the world; The continent of Eurasia is divided into Europe and Asia. And then the worm of doubt begins to crawl inside.

A on what basis is a geographically unseparated territory of a single continent designated as part of the world?! So, of course, we already know that Asia is Asia - the country of the Ases. But there must also be a plausibly cobbled together official version. It can't be that they're ripping us off so cheaply!

When trying to clarify where something came from, a clear system of geographical ideas begins to blur treacherously. It's just some kind of magic. Morok. Parts of the world have been presented to us since school as a “geographical concept.” This is the largest division of land, including even continents (the Americas are one part of the world). But it turns out not! Although they don’t tell us about this at school, according to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia:

Parts of the world - historically the established division of the Earth's landmass into regions

Wikipedia is even stranger:

The division into continents is made on the basis of separation by water from other continents, and parts of the world - the concept ASAP(here she goes to hell - author) historical and cultural.

Unlike the mainland, part of the world also includes islands close to the mainland, and proximity MEANS according to historical tradition, and the distance can be greater...

So why are parts of the world studied in a geography course and not in history? And therefore, apparently, according to the initial plan, it was about geography, and only most recently the wind has changed.

Judge for yourself. There are six parts of the world - America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia and Oceania, Europe, Asia. Much of this division is geographically very logical. Part of the world, America is in fact a single continent with adjacent island territories. The Panama Canal artificially separated North and South America only in 1913. Before this, both Americas were one continent. With Africa, Antarctica, Australia and the adjacent archipelagos of Oceania, everything also fits into geographic logic.

But with Europe and Asia the whole geographical logic completely disappears. They fall out of this series. In turn, Antarctica falls out of the historical and cultural definition. Who is the bearer of historical and cultural tradition there? Except penguins. So it turns out that a historical and cultural connotation was given to this definition in recent times. Not earlier than the end of the 19th century. This can be seen from the works of researchers of that time.

It turns out that even then there were people for whom the absurdity of dividing our continent into two parts of the world was striking. Publicist, naturalist and geopolitician Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky in 1869 he wrote the work “Russia and Europe. A look at the cultural and political relations of the Slavic world to the Germanic-Romanic one.” Here's what's there on the issue we're interested in:

“...America is an island; Australia is an island; Africa is almost an island; Asia, together with Europe, will also be almost an island. Why on earth should this whole body, this huge piece of land, like all other pieces, surrounded on all or almost all sides by water, be divided into two parts on the basis of a completely different principle? Has nature set some kind of boundary here?

The Ural range occupies about half of this border. But what special qualities does it have so that, out of all the ridges of the globe, it alone is given the honor of serving as the border between two parts of the world, an honor that in all other cases is recognized only for the oceans and rarely for the seas? This ridge is one of the most insignificant in terms of its height, and one of the most convenient in terms of transition; in its middle part, near Yekaterinburg, they pass through it, as through the famous Alaunsky flat hill and the Valdai Mountains, asking the coachman: where are the mountains, brother?.. But the Ural ridge, at least, is something; further, the honor of serving as the border of two worlds falls on the Ural River, which is already completely nothing. A narrow river, at the mouth, a quarter of the Neva in width, with completely identical banks on both sides...”

And here it’s hard to disagree with Danilevsky. It is also obvious that in his time there were no historical and cultural definitions there was no part of the world at all. At that time it was only about geography. At the end of his work, Nikolai Yakovlevich despaired of finding a rational explanation for this and attributed this incident to mistakes and old habits. But today we know more. I think everyone will agree with me that the fact of forgery is obvious. But in order to clear away this centuries-old pile of lies, you need to plunge into the origins of the issue. All the most ancient and hidden things are in words and names. Let's start with them.

Europe - what kind of word is this?

Wikipedia: Europe named after the heroine of ancient Greek mythology Europa, a Phoenician princess abducted by Zeus and taken to Crete (the epithet Europa could also be associated with Hera and Demeter).

A lot of it. Although this is the most common version, it is extremely implausible. Who was interested in France, Germany, etc. in the 9th...14th centuries? lustful adventures of a locally revered Greek god to call his land that? Let’s take a better look at the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (hereinafter referred to as TSB):

Europe (Greek Europe, from Assyrian erebus - west (in other sources - presumably West - author)); in Ancient Greece, this was the name given to the territories lying to the west of the Aegean Sea)…

Let's say "presumably west", although it is not easy to get Europa from Erebus. But west of the Aegean we only have Italy and Spain. And a thousand years later, on maps of the 15th century, Europe already flaunts almost within its modern borders. In fact, it doesn’t matter what the Greeks or even the Romans called this or that. Europeans are not Greeks. Different place and different eras. There must have been someone else who assigned a single name to the western territories by the 15th century. And he is in no hurry to gain fame. That's why stories about lustful bulls and girls are started.

It is obvious that some single political force by the 15th century, it had spread its influence to the western territories of Eurasia so much that it united them under a single name - Europe. And despite the fact that there were many different states here, they all found themselves in a dependent position. This force could only be catholic church, and she remains silent. However, everyone knows that the official language of the Catholic Church was originally Latin. If she appropriated any name, it was in Latin. What do you think euro means in Latin? Get ready for a twist - it means EAST in Latin! Easy to check:

euros, i m (Greek; lat. vulturnus)

1) eureus, southeast wind L, Sen etc.;

2) poet. east wind, etc. storm H, V, St; wind ( at all): primo sub euro Lcn at the first gust of wind;

3) poet. East VF, Cld.

euro-aquilo, onis m- northeast wind Vlg.

eurocircias, a.e. m (Greek) - east-southeast wind Vtr

euronotus, i m (Greek) - south-southeast wind Col, P.M..

eurous, a, um - eastern (fluctus V).

For those who are not sure that Europe has a direct relationship to the Latin East, I will give the spelling of this word in Latin:

Europa, a.e. And Europe, es ( acc. en) f- Europe.

Euro - pa (pars - part. lat.) - Eastern part.

This is much closer than Erebus, both in place and in time. And most importantly, it’s not just similar - identical. It remains to be understood why Catholics call the western lands the east? Very simple. This is for us - they are Western. But the spread of Catholic influence to European countries took place from west to east. And since the process of eradicating Vedic culture is a slow process and is still unfinished, the new lands captured by the Catholics were called the east for a long time (in their Latin jargon). These are the vast expanses that today are called Europe (France, Germany, Poland, the Baltic countries, etc.). It is important to note here that the name Europe has a clearly political origin.

Asia - what a word this is. TSB says:

Asia (Greek Asia, probably from the Assyrian asu - east), the most extensive part of the world (about 30% of the total land area), part of the continent of Eurasia.

Again this is unscientific - “probably”. Both incredible and unlikeable. And in general, in Greek the word East is Αυατολη (trnskrp. Anatoli) is. Why do you need to enter someone else's designation for the cardinal direction?

Wikipedia says: ...In the Hittite era, the kingdom of Assuwa was located in the northwestern part of Asia Minor... In the Greek epic, this kingdom is personified in the image of King Asiya, an ally of the Trojans... By the time of Herodotus, the designation of the entire part of the world as Asia (Asia) was generally accepted among the Greeks.

Assuwa and Asiya, as they are generally written in all European languages, are not very similar words. And it is not clear why King Asiy distinguished himself so much that an entire part of the world was named after him? Nothing would have become clearer, but the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus described certain Asov-Alans. And these Ases lived precisely in that same Asia. Despite the unhealthy predilection of the scientific elite for distorted Assyrian words, it must be admitted that today there is simply no more obvious hypothesis. Again, it is clear that geography is not the main thing here. Asia, this political entity is the country of the Ases. Its borders are delineated not by seas and mountain ranges, but by wars and treaties. So, the name of a part of the world Asia as well as Europe, has clearly political origin.

Now at least something is clear. But one big question arose: How did the political division of our continent turn into such an absurd geographical one, and then for some reason into a historical and cultural one?

By all appearances this was true. A thousand years ago, with the onset of the Night of Svarog, a process of seizure and unification of territories and peoples took place in the western territories. When peoples could not be brought into “accord”, they were completely destroyed. Thus, the multimillion-dollar tribal unions of the Lyutichs and Veneds, who inhabited all the western lands, were destroyed. Europe was left with mostly broken peoples. This was, by all definitions, genocide. A real massacre. A certain political force, the manifestation of which we see in the actions of the Catholic Church, divided nations into pieces, pitted each other against each other, weakened them in civil strife. Then the same force gathered all the peoples subject to it into a single fist, and threw the rest to destruction. Everything was accompanied by the inculcation of Christianity.

Asia is the home of peoples, bearers of the primordial Vedic civilization, where there was never slavery or poverty, where everything was created by one’s own labor, where will and skill were valued above gold. This is our civilization, Aesir or Asian, as they are now trying to change and invert the meaning. Not Chinese, not Mongolian and not Japanese, but ours.

This is where the dog is buried. Asia has always actively resisted European expansion. In the 13th century, the Moscow principality and others were cleared of the slave infection (allegedly the Tatar-Mongol invasion). Then it was stopped "Drang nach Osten"- push to the east. The strike forces of Europe went under the ice of Lake Peipsi. But already in the 17th century, the territories, long weakened by Christianization, could not resist. The Moscow principality and its subjects began to be designated on maps as European Tartaria, or simply Europe. The front in the war of civilizations spread to the east. In 1720, Tatishchev allegedly proposed drawing the border between Europe and Asia along the Ural Mountains. At that time it was exactly political border of two WORLDS.

The pressure to the east continued. In 1775, as a result of the defeat of the liberation army of Asia (Great Tartaria), which we know as "Pugachev uprising", The European civilization of slavery and profiteering has overcome the remnants of organized resistance. Having hastily staked out the captured territories, the newly minted "Russian Empire" began to clean up the traces of the great confrontation. Inside, it was technically easy. For example, the captured papers of the Pugachev headquarters (decrees, orders, letters) were securely hidden from prying eyes. Propaganda did the rest.

A.S. Pushkin, after only 50 years, through great connections, gained access to these papers. And this is another question - what did they show him? At least those texts published by modern researchers (I don’t know where they get them from) are replete with the words “my loyal slaves.” Could this be written by a person who brought freedom to people and communicated with them as equals? At least, I have not yet been able to find the originals of even these supposedly Pugachev decrees. They cleared it out so thoroughly that already in the 18th century the elite of new generations fawned like a puppy before “enlightened Europe”, and despised the dirty, dark Asian garbage dump, in the form of which undeveloped Russia seemed to them. But the traces of the great confrontation have become too firmly established throughout the world, preserved in names, in different languages, and on maps. How to hide it?

This is where geography comes to the rescue. The European geographers of that time were very practical people involved in big politics. They hardly looked like Paganels. That's why lied easily and competently. Everything that previously separated the two civilizations (armies, states, treaties) has faded into oblivion. Great commanders became bearded robbers, empires turned into a collection of warring princes, large cities into recently felled outposts. A 2 new parts of the world have appeared in geography.

According to the authors of the forgery, the political background of the issue should be hidden not only from the Russians, but also from the whole world, and first of all, from the Europeans. They should not know that many supposedly independent European states are just a sign. It is impossible to show that everyone Europe is ruled by one force and revive forgotten Vedic traditions. After all, the conquest of Europe is not completed to this day. And where two civilizations opposed each other, only a geographical border remained. It does not have patrols or guard regiments. Silent mountains stand, rivers flow, and they don’t care. You can look at the border between Europe and Asia from this side, then run across and look from the other. Nobody will say a word. So they left it like that for the time being.

Only a century passes, and Danilevsky is sincerely surprised by the geographical absurdity. It never occurs to him to think about the political interpretation of the name Eurasia. But the years passed, and there were more and more such Danilevskys. Universal education, damn it. Fursenko will not allow this to happen in the future.

Geographers have degenerated in office conditions. Politicians have almost wiped them off from the “fresh meat”. They lost their wolfish grip. Ordinary mortals began to argue with them and ask uncomfortable questions. So there was an urgent need to patch up the official version. And highly qualified liars began to layer a new layer of lies on the geographical crypt of Asia-Tartaria, which had shown numerous cracks.

It was necessary to come up with anything but a political confrontation between two civilizations. So they revolved around supposedly some historical, established traditions. Then they realized that all history is inseparable from politics, and turned into a cultural direction. With this "historical-cultural" Now they are covering it up.

While writing this article, I came across an interesting phenomenon. The authorities of the regions along which the border between Europe and Asia passes do not know what to do with this landmark. They are trying to find commercial applications: excursions, etc. But, apparently, the business is not working out. People are not very interested. It would probably be exciting and educational if you told them the truth, but you still won’t be able to make money from the blood and valor of your ancestors.

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Combining parts into a whole

The first letter is "i"

Second letter "n"

Third letter "t"

The last letter is "I"

Answer for the clue "Combining parts into a whole", 10 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word integration

Latin "unification"

Uniting into one

The process of rapprochement and strengthening of communication

The rapprochement of states with the strengthening of common economic and financial mechanisms, elements of the political system

The process of rapprochement and connection of sciences

Definition of the word integration in dictionaries

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
INTEGRATION is an economic form of internationalization of economic life that arose after the 2nd World War, an objective process of intertwining national economies and pursuing a coordinated interstate economic policy. Includes the development of production...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. D.N. Ushakov
integration, g. (Latin integratio) (book). Action according to verb. integrate (mat.). Combining something into a whole. parts or elements in the process of development (scientific).

Dictionary of medical terms Meaning of the word in the dictionary Dictionary of medical terms
a functional combination of organs and tissues aimed at providing some useful result for the body.

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Integration is the process of combining parts into a whole. Depending on the context, this may mean: Web integration - combining disparate web applications and systems into a single web-based environment. Data integration - combining data located in different...

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. Combining individual parts into a single whole (opposite: disintegration).

Examples of the use of the word integration in literature.

We believe that concentration on this center and its subsequent activation can develop intuition, since it is the center integration of all cerebral activity, and not just the cerebral cortex - the center of intelligence.

Comprehensive application environment provides opportunities for integration workflows, content management, and messaging functionality to support process-centric applications.

However, in a healthy, properly brought up person, the ability to isolate oneself from the world, to think logically and establish unambiguous connections is happily and harmoniously balanced by the ability to establish polysemantic connections, to non-verbal communication and the use of imaginative thinking, which provides integration with the world not on a rational, but on a directly sensory level.

They differ in details and sequence of actions, but the essence is the same: it is necessary to legalize private property, privatize state property, liberalize prices and restore market mechanisms, integration countries into the world economy, the introduction of ruble convertibility, financial stabilization and demonopolization of the economy.

However, at the same time, the main actions necessary to stabilize the economy and change the economic system were identified - privatization, financial stabilization, price liberalization, demonopolization, integration into the global economy.