Sniper Elite 3 alerted the officers. About sniper business for amateurs. Goals and distances

A sniper is a soldier who is fluent in the art of marksmanship, camouflage and long-term observation. Usually, his main task is to eliminate an important unit of the enemy’s composition, most often the command one from the first shot. A special forces officer shared his opinion about snipers and tried to destroy popular myths about this art.

An inquisitive young man must have such a picture before his eyes. Here he alone with a faithful sniper rifle makes his way through the territory controlled by members of illegal armed groups (fascists, zombies, orcs). He is wearing a shaggy cloak of the “goblin” type, and his physiognomy is all in streaks of camouflage makeup. And now he alone "performs" the figurant, having finally seen his face, distorted in anticipation of imminent death. Doesn't it remind you of anything? Yeah, the movie "Sniper" with Tom Berenger in the title role.

Another "sniping" romantic, who played both Doom and Contra on the computer, ran around with a paintball "bolt" and "performed" more than a dozen defendants, decides: here it is, mine! Moreover, spring is the time for conscription. Where do I go? In the army, in the snipers! Yep, right now. Well, let's start to get disappointed, shall we?

Taking off rose-colored glasses

Sniper course? Has anyone seen the named courses? For example, in civilian life? Naturally, no. There are sections of bullet shooting and the like. But they won't train a sniper there. The coach in the section may be a real master of sports or even a champion and a good teacher. If you have the makings and abilities, then you will be trained as an athlete, not a sniper. Of course, this gives skills, experience in handling weapons, determining the distance to targets, calculating corrections, and so on. But the experience, you see, is specific.

You will shoot from a sporting rifle, this time. You will perform sports exercises, and not on a live target, that's two. Your target will be either static or moving according to the conditions of the exercise and will be at the established ranges. You will be wearing a comfortable sports uniform, you will be full and well rested. Well, perhaps you, as a well-trained athlete, will become a little “melancholic”, and nothing will annoy you and distract you from the conditions of the exercise. But sport and the performance of a combat mission differ radically (more on that below).

If you, having experience in training in the shooting section, were drafted into the army and you were sent to specialized training (of which we have a couple of pieces left), no sniper instructor will train you PSYCHOLOGICALLY! Does he need it? Where is the "Instruction on the psychological preparation of a sniper"? There's no such thing. And all the dregs that roam the Internet as educational material are no good.

About heavy photo album

Let's return to the preface again: "The sniper lives with his load ...". Here's the poor thing! He has a photo album, you see, before his eyes, it interferes with life. Is such a "photo album" possible in principle?

From SVD, for example, the optimal range when firing prone to hit the enemy's head is 400 meters. And who among us, even with a PSO-1 sight at such a distance, is able to see a face? What's a "photo album"? If someone has to shoot at a real target, then he will most likely see a dark figure that has fallen down - and nothing more. There are other snipers in order to shoot at the "subject-figurant" by seeing his face. And believe me, they serve in other structures, and not in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and not even in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But we are still talking about the Armed Forces, so we continue to analyze the preface.

Someone's coach said that after the "first" the sniper broke down and did not ask to "paddle through the mountains." And why, then, was he taken at all?

Imagine that the commander of the group broke down after the first battle, the reconnaissance sapper drank himself after the first “lifting” with a real result, the artilleryman went to the monastery after the first successful attack, etc. In my opinion, this is nonsense.

About Tom, ours, Berenger

Okay, let's leave the preface. Let's deal with Tom our Berenger. Cinema is cinema. Here the hero of Tom received the task of removing the head of the drug cartel. Our hero goes to carry out the task. Let's consider what he brings with him.

Well, the first, of course, is the rifle. In my opinion, M24, if not, correct me. Its curb weight is 7 kilograms and about two hundred and sixty grams, this is with straps for transportation and with optics. Further, the ammunition for the task is at least one hundred rounds. The weight of the NATO cartridge is 7.62 X51–15.7 grams. Total, together with pouches for carrying them, another 3 kilograms. Tom's second weapon was the good old M1911 A Colt. The weight of 1 kilogram is 120 grams. 100 pieces of cartridges of 45 caliber for a pistol - another 1.5 kilograms. Signal and smoke rockets - 1 kilogram. Grenades, 4 pieces, - 3 more kilograms. Means of technical intelligence, say, binoculars with a built-in range finder - 1 kilogram. Means of communication. Since Tom is walking alone, he has a means of communication with the Combat Operations Control Center. The terrain is mountainous and wooded, and AN / PRC radios operating in the VHF band will not work, so something stronger is needed. Let's take a satellite station with a previously allocated channel. So, it will be AN / PSC-5, which is powered by two batteries, each weighing 2.04 kilograms, and the station itself weighs about 2.8 kilograms. Let's not forget about spare batteries, which means plus 4 kilograms. Well, the storage device, I / O, headset - another 1 kilogram.

Is it hard for you, Tom? But there is still a cape, a camouflage suit - this is 1.5 kilograms without branches and leaves. An individual first aid kit weighs 0.5 kilograms. Water, dry rations, interchangeable socks, a knife with a survival kit, a rug, a poncho, and so on give another seven kilograms. And now let's count. I came out under 40 kilograms. Taking into account the requirements of secrecy, a valiant sniper is landed 15 kilometers from the area of ​​​​the task. At the same time, he must stomp his legs, penetrate as close as possible to the object and destroy the subject. But in the movies, we see a peppy bison-sniper, absolutely not tired when moving in the humid atmosphere of a mountainous and wooded area. In the frame, only flirtatious stains of masking makeup.

How did you conduct additional reconnaissance of the object alone? How did you get in? Oh, how beautiful everything is in a movie!

But in fact? Have you tried to crawl up a hill with a load of at least 20 kilograms when the temperature is at thirty or forty degrees, or even more? One man, of course, is less noticeable in the selva than a group, but even alone, if you are half Tom Berenger and half John Rambo, little will come of it. Too much fatigue, both moral and physical. Under favorable conditions, the transition on an unfamiliar route will last a day or more. This means that it is necessary to precisely coordinate and verify the timing of the withdrawal subgroup, to verify information from informers and intelligence to the smallest nuances. Take into account a bunch of factors, including force majeure. The sniper, if he gets to the object in time and penetrates the perimeter, then most likely he will not be able to shoot. For a more or less successful liquidation of the subject, based on the practice of various units, a minimum of a couple is required, and a group of four is best. That's when something will look more or less believable.

How really

Now, for some realism. When did we still use snipers, and exactly as it is depicted on some Internet forums - as a free lone hunter?

In the North Caucasus region? I remember the first Chechen campaign. I had a sniper in my group. Do you think I let him go somewhere a few kilometers away for “free hunting”? In fact, a scout with a banal SVD departed a maximum of 100 meters from the group and was always in sight or audibility. He worked according to my target designations or according to whoever he notices. Often, when I shouted, when I didn’t see the result: “Well, did you hit it?”, A simple answer followed: “Yes, he knows, he seemed to have fallen.”

When conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in urban conditions, I used a sniper on my own, as it turned out later, correctly. When moving in urban areas, he was always close to me in battle formation. A scout was always paired with him. During reconnaissance of any house, this couple did not go inside, they were used as an observation group. The second scout was left with a station and binoculars, several rocket-propelled grenades or RPGs. The couple monitored the windows, insured the exits. A sniper with an SVD has nothing to do in the house. When conducting reconnaissance and search operations in a mountainous and wooded area, the sniper was in his regular place in the battle order of the group. In other special forces units, as far as I know, snipers acted in exactly the same way. They were exhibited "on the chip" in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe basing or PVD of the detachment, but no one went anywhere alone. True, there were exceptions, this concerned officers, but even those did not depart further than a kilometer from the detachment. The second campaign was exactly the same. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who want to challenge my opinion. For God's sake! I'm just dealing with facts.

About a conditional sniper in a real combat situation

So, you are the leader of the group. You have a regular number of snipers. Will you send your scout, conscript or contractor, one or two, someone to "execute"? The question is who? Does the group commander have information about some persons involved (leaders of the illegal armed formations) in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the detachment? It is unlikely, or rather, it does not. It is good if the commander of the detachment and the head of the operational-intelligence department have established contact with the operational-intelligence groups operating in the area, with "operas" from other bodies and departments that have their own agents. Then the information will be available, but the commander of the detachment is unlikely to be able to implement it himself, and the commander of the group or the commander of the company even more so. In order to launch the Special Forces WG to perform a task, a combat order from a higher headquarters is necessary. And the order is signed by the chief of intelligence of the group and the chief of staff. Of course, the directive to the detachment draws up an order, and the head of the department checks. The order is not made in a vacuum. Study of the situation in the area of ​​responsibility of the detachment, collection of information from all sources, coordination in all structures, verification of information on several types of intelligence (radio, undercover, air thermal imaging), information from local, information from other interacting structures, etc. - this is what precedes the adoption of a specific decision. So, I have never made a single order to send a sniper (three times experienced). Yes, and other directions too. I'm talking about my combat experience from 2000 to last year 2012. And if I did, then the head of the department would twist it at the temple and send me ...

Well, what if you didn't send it? Imagine: for the sake of one person (even the most well-trained sniper), you need to start an operational case, coordinate artillery covering fires, and keep the group ready for evacuation. And the connection? He's a sniper, not a radio operator. And without it, there’s no way, we don’t have satellite small-sized stations, like Tom’s, which means that we have to carry the ARC station. Although no, you are going far, and she is dear, you will still lose. Therefore, you are wearing the usual R-159 with the T-240 classification equipment and a set of spare batteries for it. And so on… Taking into account the realities, our sniper, unlike a movie hero, will carry a load of about 60 kilograms. But we also need to plan helicopter sorties. But, as usual, there is no weather, and the board was given over to the commander, so the sniper will go on foot. Do you think he will go? No. After all, among other things, he knows the stories about the scouts-murderers well. About those who exterminate local residents, and those who like to collect wild garlic far from home and with a machine gun in their hands. He remembers that after a couple of clashes, the entire detachment was overwhelmed by employees of the prosecutor's office and demanded to confess to criminal acts. The scout is now savvy, he is well aware that he has no legal basis for shying through the forests and eliminating the defendants.

Therefore, our experienced sniper will go out peacefully behind the parapet, equip a day room a hundred meters from the camp and will sit there all the time the group is performing a combat mission, waiting for target designation from the commander.

About weapons

What else? Why do I write about SVD all the time, because we still have samples that are in service. For example, VSS. Range - 400 meters. The weapon is specialized and has shown itself well, but it probably does not fit much into the context referred to in the material. There were cases when, in the presence of several VSS and AS in the RGSpN, very successful silent ambushes were carried out, but you must admit that for the “performance” of the person involved, there must be a certain margin both in range and in terms of application.

Well, for the rest of the rifles. The B-94 weighs 11.7 kilograms and has an effective range of almost two kilometers with a 13x scope. And now tell me, is this “fool” needed to be dragged in a group? It used to be dragged a couple of times, but quickly abandoned. In the forest, a range of two kilometers is useless. And the rifle is large-caliber and specific. To work with her, the sniper must be taught. Long and hard. In the winter of 2000, guys from an adjacent department went with us, namely a sniper pair. They reached the forest and stopped, they themselves realized that there was no point in going any further. This rifle is good for combat operations in urban environments, and as an anti-sniper weapon. Her penetration is good, but our sniper, who currently serves only a year, does not need it at all.

SV-98 caliber 7.62 X54, made on the basis of the sports "Record", accurately shoots at 800 meters. The rifle is expensive, snipers need to be trained, but they serve only a year. What is the point? Still break or lose, but the result?

About foreign samples like AV or HK, I generally keep quiet. Is there an alternative to inexpensive and simple, like five kopecks, SVD? Maybe there's. For example, the same Mosin SVM rifle. Cheap and cheerful. Hang the optics and target designators, shoot and go. Our cartridge is 7.62 X54, effective range is 2000 meters, lethal range is 3000 meters. I tried. Fine, it'll work for us. If you can shoot.

During the Great Patriotic

So, the North Caucasian period was sorted out. What's next - Afghanistan? I was not there and I cannot judge the work of the snipers of the Special Forces units. Although, I think, it was not much different from the actions in the North Caucasus region.

So where did the snipers work like those that are written about in the literature and films made? Of course, in the Great Patriotic War. Why? Yes, because the war was positional, there was a front line, a line of contact between troops. Wherever she passed - across the field, through the forest, through the block, through the house, she was. It was exactly clear: here are our positions, here are the enemy.

And the snipers, both ours and the Germans, where did they work from? That's right, either from their positions, or from the neutral zone. And it's incredibly beneficial. There is no need for special expenses to ensure life support, communications, fire cover and the withdrawal of an individual sniper. The main thing is to get out secretly and disguise yourself. If the front is frozen in positional battles, not moving in either direction, then the work of snipers will be activated accordingly. I will not describe the features of camouflage, covert movement, measures to deceive and open the enemy, this is full both in the literature and on the Internet. And in this situation, our fighters really had to lie for days in the cold, and in hunger, and in dampness, calculating their helper. In the war, it was much easier for them. An experienced sniper with a shot for a hundred “Fritzes” could easily choose a target for himself, cutting off the unnecessary in the form of small bipods - privates, wagonmen, etc., so as not to unmask himself ahead of time. Our fighter knew that by killing an enemy officer, he had already fulfilled his duty, and no one would drag him to court and under investigation. A seasoned fascist will not turn out to be a “peaceful peasant”, who, out of need, put on shoulder straps and just wanders around the positions in search of a cow. War is war, it is clear where ours are and where our enemies are. In the offensive, snipers usually did not go on the attack. No matter how much I shoveled the archives, I did not meet any mention of sniper work in the development of success. I know for sure that they worked from their positions and elevations through the back of the advancing infantry. Thus, the Great Patriotic War is the only example of "long days of lying in the cold and hunger for the sake of a single shot."

About the sniper platoon

What are the current realities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which in recent years have received the so-called "new look". It turns out that platoons of snipers appeared in the states of motorized rifle and airborne brigades!

I have a question: for what? How do we now see combat operations in the event of a real big war or a simple local conflict? We are moving away from old dogmas. At numerous training camps, we, officers of the level not lower than the brigade commander, were shown "new ways" of conducting combat operations. For example, an air assault brigade is conducting an offensive with the forces of several separate battalions in its front line, bypassing fortified sectors and areas and breaking through into the operational space with the support of attack aircraft, helicopters and artillery. Pockets of resistance are bypassed from the flanks and left to be torn to pieces by high-precision weapons - artillery and bomber aircraft. Why, then, with deep raid actions of battalions, snipers? How will this platoon be used?

When conducting defense, it turns out even more interesting. The line of contact of troops will now occupy a width of not several hundred meters, but several kilometers, which consists of the range of artillery of all levels: from the brigade to the level of operational command, the range of destruction of targets by missile forces, the mining strip, obstacles, many more. Large exercises with a defensive theme just showed this. That is, the range of targets for snipers will be beyond 1000 meters. Based on the performance characteristics of the SVD, what follows? That's right, we need another rifle, the same B-94. Will our defense industry be able to provide all sniper platoons of brigades with long-range rifles? Unlikely. They still need sights, both night and day. Accordingly, we need our own training program for sniper platoons, observation and target designation devices, communications equipment, and much more. How will snipers from a separate platoon be used? If you think logically, they will be attached to companies. But do the commander of a company, platoon need them in his sector of defense? They have their own problems, and then there is a sniper or a sniper pair who pursue their specific goal - to destroy officers of any link, gun crews, the same snipers, signalmen and everyone else. How, with the current unification of field uniforms, to distinguish the same officer from a distance of more than a kilometer? So, you need to know him by sight. It is much easier with us - the signalman is constantly running around with our commander. The adversary is more complicated - after all, a portable antenna is built into the helmet. It is unlikely that the commander of a company on the defensive will know who is against him. Although if the head of intelligence of the brigade and all the intelligence agencies of the brigade are really working, this information is not so difficult to obtain. But in person to identify the one who needs to be destroyed is already much more difficult.

So our sniper will bring down everything he sees. That's just, I think, not for long. Given the saturation of the front edge with technical intelligence, UAV surveillance will most likely detect a sniper after the very first shot, and either an unguided missile from a drone, or a mortar, or even an artillery salvo, will hit his position. Will the comrade company commander be delighted with such a “hello” from the enemy?

Well, there is nothing to think about the role of the sniper in the offensive, given the above. After all, he will not even have time to choose a position, since his battalion will go forward to the flank, covering the fortified area, and will rush further.

Control of areas of special attention in the zone of local conflict

Still, I'll try to think it out myself, since higher-level experts do not explain anything to me about this. I will only think about the units and subunits of the Special Forces, with which I am best acquainted.

So, in a special forces unit, we have a certain number of snipers or even a separate unit. We take a unit in addition to full-time reconnaissance snipers in groups. A special-purpose detachment in the area of ​​settlement of a conflict, by decision of the commander of the grouping, is cut into its own area of ​​​​responsibility. It is divided into areas of special attention, but those are respectively distributed by companies and groups. Accordingly, there are settlements in the area that are used by "partisans" of various stripes. You need to eat, you need to keep in touch, relatives, ideologists, messengers will not live for months in dens in the forest. And the "partisans" themselves go out to work for a short period, so to speak, "at the call of the trumpet."

What do I suggest. Let's start in order

The area of ​​special attention is the most ordinary: several settlements, a mountainous and wooded area, replete with paths, water sources and everything else for the comfortable existence of "partisan formations". You can make transitions, you can build base areas, equip places for laying caches. He fought - and to the house, to relatives and his daily affairs. Comfortable. Look at any map, you can choose as many areas as you like. In order to tame the movement of any illegal people in these places, you simply need to block all entrances and exits, paths, paths and bridges leading from settlements. But it is not necessary to block it as usual - with a checkpoint or checkpoint, which in a month will lose its relevance, since there will be a lot of indulgences: contracts, money, other ways, etc. As a result, the mode of operation and service will soon become known to everyone.

Therefore, the exits must be blocked secretly. I propose such a micro-military organism as a sniper group (SG). In the diagram, SGs are marked with red circles. The typical composition of such a SG:

Sniper, the main performer, he is also a tool. It is possible to arm with several types of sniper rifles from SVD and VSS to V-94. Its task is to destroy the identified defendants;

The group leader, he is also the main observer.

What small arms he is armed with does not matter. His main weapons are surveillance devices. In the reconnaissance units of the US Marine Corps, there is such a device as an optical reconnaissance station. This is exactly what we need as well. The optical-electronic device must have good resolution and be able to measure the distance to the target. But its main task is to capture a picture (take a picture in digital mode), automatically check the “person involved” with the database available in the PDA (laptop) of the group commander, and issue the primary result of the check. If necessary, transfer the received image in real time with minimal delays and high speed to the detachment's TLU. To be processed by the operations officer. Transmit through a repeater or, if there is a stable connection with the ability to transmit graphic data, to higher authorities for subsequent decision;

A signalman who has a radio station with batteries, antennas. Organizes all types of communication, including the channel for transmitting graphic data;

Scout. Its task is fire support, security, defense, and so on.

A total of four people with the necessary equipment and weapons. SG can work autonomously from five days to a week. Although it is better that the duty in their positional area lasts no more than three days. The sniper and commander will thus be replaced by the rest of the group for rest. And there are nine such sniper groups. Nine multiplied by three days is twenty-seven days. It turns out almost a month, we add three days for unforeseen delays, weather conditions and the difficulties of transitions of changing groups. In total, 9 sniper groups, made up of four people, will have thirty-six fighters. All of them are reduced to one reconnaissance detachment of the Special Forces. If the terrain and distances allow, then this detachment can not be withdrawn, but kept at the very point of temporary deployment.

Other combat formations of the detachment:

Fire support group. By decision of the detachment commander, mortar crews and heavy machine gun crews, including aircraft controllers and artillery spotters, can be included in it;

Communication group for data transmission, based on terrain conditions and the presence of radio stealth zones of terrain profiles and other things;

Support group. It should include a paramedic and, by decision of the detachment commander, any other specialist;

WG Special Forces staff. It is engaged in reconnaissance "for itself", works with technical reconnaissance equipment, sets up minefields, organizes security and defense, carries out a meeting of the SG, if necessary, provides fire support and returns in case of unforeseen situations;

The commander of the detachment and the operational officer, who are entrusted with the overall leadership of the detachment, decision-making, communication with higher authorities.

If necessary, small-sized radio reconnaissance equipment or UAVs can be allocated to such a reconnaissance detachment for better control of the situation in the area. In total, about sixty people are obtained somewhere.

The reconnaissance detachment is withdrawn by any means: air, land or sea. Measures are taken to conceal intentions, basing is organized, communication is established with the combat control center, with supporting units, after which the RO begins to perform tasks of covert blocking of settlements.

Such covert blocking of districts, combined with previously planned targeted activities by other departments, can give a good result. "Partisans" will be forced to look for other areas and places of transition, their plans will be violated. Well, some of the leaders can, after all, be destroyed. But this is my personal opinion, with which you can not agree.


In conclusion, I note that, in my opinion, it is better to use snipers, as always, as part of a subunit and only on target designations by the group (platoon) commander, while not letting them go far from you.

So the stories “about many hours of lying in the mud for the sake of a single shot and the melancholic warehouse of the sniper’s character, his special psychological readiness to kill” are from the realm of fiction, they have nothing to do with reality. Or does anyone have a different opinion?

“At sniper courses, the trainer (or let's call him a sniper instructor) pays great attention not only to technical, physical, but also PSYCHOLOGICAL training. A sniper lives with his cargo (killed people, God forbid, of course) all his life. He remembers everyone he worked for. And with this "photo album" not everyone can live in peace. Our shooting coach told a lot of stories about how people broke down after their first one and asked to go anywhere, but not with a “paddle” in the mountains. Psychologically, a person suitable for this military profession is very different from ordinary people.

A special forces officer shares his opinion on the modern use of snipers in the Armed Forces. Perhaps some of his conclusions may seem too harsh, but they are based on rich combat experience. The author's style is preserved.

An inquisitive young man must have such a picture before his eyes. Here he alone with a faithful sniper rifle makes his way through the territory controlled by members of illegal armed groups (fascists, zombies, orcs). He is wearing a shaggy cloak of the “goblin” type, and his physiognomy is all in streaks of camouflage makeup. And now he alone "performs" the figurant, having finally seen his face, distorted in anticipation of imminent death. Doesn't it remind you of anything? Yeah, the movie "Sniper" with Tom Berenger in the title role.

Another "sniping" romantic, who played both Doom and Contra on the computer, ran around with a paintball "bolt" and "performed" more than a dozen defendants, decides: here it is, mine! Moreover, spring is the time for conscription. Where do I go? In the army, in the snipers! Yep, right now. Well, let's start to get disappointed, shall we?

Taking off rose-colored glasses

Sniper course? Has anyone seen the named courses? For example, in civilian life? Naturally, no. There are sections of bullet shooting and the like. But they won't train a sniper there. The coach in the section may be a real master of sports or even a champion and a good teacher. If you have the makings and abilities, then you will be trained as an athlete, not a sniper. Of course, this gives skills, experience in handling weapons, determining the distance to targets, calculating corrections, and so on. But the experience, you see, is specific.

You will shoot from a sporting rifle, this time. You will perform sports exercises, and not on a live target, that's two. Your target will be either static or moving according to the conditions of the exercise and will be at the established ranges. You will be wearing a comfortable sports uniform, you will be full and well rested. Well, perhaps you, as a well-trained athlete, will become a little “melancholic”, and nothing will annoy you and distract you from the conditions of the exercise. But sport and the performance of a combat mission differ radically (more on that below).

If you, having experience in training in the shooting section, were drafted into the army and you were sent to specialized training (of which we have a couple of pieces left), no sniper instructor will train you PSYCHOLOGICALLY! Does he need it? Where is the "Instruction on the psychological preparation of a sniper"? There's no such thing. And all the dregs that roam the Internet as educational material are no good.

About heavy photo album

Let's return to the preface again: "The sniper lives with his load ...". Here's the poor thing! He has a photo album, you see, before his eyes, it interferes with life. Is such a "photo album" possible in principle?

From SVD, for example, the optimal range when firing prone to hit the enemy's head is 400 meters. And who among us, even with a PSO-1 sight at such a distance, is able to see a face? What's a "photo album"? If someone has to shoot at a real target, then he will most likely see a dark figure that has fallen down - and nothing more. There are other snipers in order to shoot at the "subject-figurant" by seeing his face. And believe me, they serve in other structures, and not in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and not even in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But we are still talking about the Armed Forces, so we continue to analyze the preface. Someone's coach there said that after the "first" sniper broke down and did not ask to "paddle through the mountains." And why, then, was he taken at all?

Imagine that the commander of the group broke down after the first battle, the reconnaissance sapper drank himself after the first “lifting” with a real result, the artilleryman went to the monastery after the first successful attack, etc. In my opinion, this is nonsense.

About Tom, ours, Berenger

Okay, let's leave the preface. Let's deal with Tom our Berenger. Cinema is cinema. Here the hero of Tom received the task of removing the head of the drug cartel. Our hero goes to carry out the task. Let's consider what he brings with him.

Well, the first, of course, is the rifle. In my opinion, M24, if not, correct me. Its curb weight is 7 kilograms and about two hundred and sixty grams, this is with straps for transportation and with optics. Further, the ammunition for the task is at least one hundred rounds. The weight of the NATO cartridge is 7.62 X51–15.7 grams. Total, together with pouches for carrying them, another 3 kilograms. Tom's second weapon was the good old M1911 A Colt. The weight of 1 kilogram is 120 grams. 100 pieces of cartridges of 45 caliber for a pistol - another 1.5 kilograms. Signal and smoke rockets - 1 kilogram. Grenades, 4 pieces, - 3 more kilograms. Means of technical intelligence, say, binoculars with a built-in range finder - 1 kilogram. Means of communication. Since Tom is walking alone, he has a means of communication with the Combat Operations Control Center. The terrain is mountainous and wooded, and AN / PRC radios operating in the VHF band will not work, so something stronger is needed. Let's take a satellite station with a previously allocated channel. So, it will be AN / PSC-5, which is powered by two batteries, each weighing 2.04 kilograms, and the station itself weighs about 2.8 kilograms. Let's not forget about spare batteries, which means plus 4 kilograms. Well, the storage device, I / O, headset - another 1 kilogram.

Is it hard for you, Tom? But there is still a cape, a camouflage suit - this is 1.5 kilograms without branches and leaves. An individual first aid kit weighs 0.5 kilograms. Water, dry rations, interchangeable socks, a knife with a survival kit, a rug, a poncho, and so on give another seven kilograms. And now let's count. I came out under 40 kilograms. Taking into account the requirements of secrecy, a valiant sniper is landed 15 kilometers from the area of ​​​​the task. At the same time, he must stomp his legs, penetrate as close as possible to the object and destroy the subject. But in the movies, we see a peppy bison-sniper, absolutely not tired when moving in the humid atmosphere of a mountainous and wooded area. In the frame, only flirtatious stains of masking makeup.

How did you conduct additional reconnaissance of the object alone? How did you get in? Oh, how everything is beautiful in a movie! But in reality? Have you tried to crawl up a hill with a load of at least 20 kilograms when the temperature is at thirty or forty degrees, or even more? One man, of course, is less noticeable in the selva than a group, but even alone, if you are half Tom Berenger and half John Rambo, little will come of it. Too much fatigue, both moral and physical. Under favorable conditions, the transition on an unfamiliar route will last a day or more. This means that it is necessary to precisely coordinate and verify the timing of the withdrawal subgroup, to verify information from informers and intelligence to the smallest nuances. Take into account a bunch of factors, including force majeure. The sniper, if he gets to the object in time and penetrates the perimeter, then most likely he will not be able to shoot. For a more or less successful liquidation of the subject, based on the practice of various units, a minimum of a couple is required, and a group of four is best. That's when something will look more or less believable.

How really

Now, for some realism. When did we still use snipers, and exactly as it is depicted on some Internet forums - as a free lone hunter?

In the North Caucasus region? I remember the first Chechen campaign. I had a sniper in my group. Do you think I let him go somewhere a few kilometers away for “free hunting”? In fact, a scout with a banal SVD departed a maximum of 100 meters from the group and was always in sight or audibility. He worked according to my target designations or according to whoever he notices. Often, when I shouted, when I didn’t see the result: “Well, did you hit it?”, A simple answer followed: “Yes, he knows, he seemed to have fallen.”

When conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in urban conditions, I used a sniper on my own, as it turned out later, correctly. When moving in urban areas, he was always close to me in battle formation. A scout was always paired with him. During reconnaissance of any house, this couple did not go inside, they were used as an observation group. The second scout was left with a station and binoculars, several rocket-propelled grenades or RPGs. The couple monitored the windows, insured the exits. A sniper with an SVD has nothing to do in the house. When conducting reconnaissance and search operations in a mountainous and wooded area, the sniper was in his regular place in the battle order of the group. In other special forces units, as far as I know, snipers acted in exactly the same way. They were exhibited "on the chip" in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe basing or PVD of the detachment, but no one went anywhere alone. True, there were exceptions, this concerned officers, but even those did not depart further than a kilometer from the detachment. The second campaign was exactly the same. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who want to challenge my opinion. For God's sake! Only I operate with facts. About a conditional sniper in a real combat situation

So, you are the leader of the group. You have a regular number of snipers. Will you send your scout, conscript or contractor, one or two, someone to "execute"? The question is who? Does the group commander have information about some persons involved (leaders of the illegal armed formations) in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the detachment? It is unlikely, or rather, it does not. It is good if the commander of the detachment and the head of the operational-intelligence department have established contact with the operational-intelligence groups operating in the area, with "operas" from other bodies and departments that have their own agents. Then the information will be available, but the commander of the detachment is unlikely to be able to implement it himself, and the commander of the group or the commander of the company even more so. In order to launch the Special Forces WG to perform a task, a combat order from a higher headquarters is necessary. And the order is signed by the chief of intelligence of the group and the chief of staff. Of course, the directive to the detachment draws up an order, and the head of the department checks. The order is not made in a vacuum. Study of the situation in the area of ​​responsibility of the detachment, collection of information from all sources, coordination in all structures, verification of information on several types of intelligence (radio, undercover, air thermal imaging), information from local, information from other interacting structures, etc. - this is what precedes the adoption of a specific decision. So, I have never made a single order to send a sniper (three times experienced). Yes, and other directions too. I'm talking about my combat experience from 2000 to last year 2012. And if he had compiled it, then the head of the department would have twisted it at his temple and sent me ... Well, what if he didn’t send me? Imagine: for the sake of one person (even the most well-trained sniper), you need to start an operational case, coordinate artillery covering fires, and keep the group ready for evacuation. And the connection? He's a sniper, not a radio operator. And without it, there’s no way, we don’t have satellite small-sized stations, like Tom’s, which means that we have to carry the ARC station. Although no, you are going far, and she is dear, you will still lose. Therefore, you are wearing the usual R-159 with the T-240 classification equipment and a set of spare batteries for it. And so on… Taking into account the realities, our sniper, unlike a movie hero, will carry a load of about 60 kilograms. But we also need to plan helicopter sorties. But, as usual, there is no weather, and the board was given over to the commander, so the sniper will go on foot. Do you think he will go? No. After all, among other things, he knows the stories about the scouts-murderers well. About those who exterminate local residents, and those who like to collect wild garlic far from home and with a machine gun in their hands. He remembers that after a couple of clashes, the entire detachment was overwhelmed by employees of the prosecutor's office and demanded to confess to criminal acts. The scout is now savvy, he is well aware that he has no legal basis for shying through the forests and eliminating the defendants.

Therefore, our experienced sniper will go out peacefully behind the parapet, equip a day room a hundred meters from the camp and will sit there all the time the group is performing a combat mission, waiting for target designation from the commander.

About weapons

What else? Why do I write about SVD all the time, because we still have samples that are in service. For example, VSS. Range - 400 meters. The weapon is specialized and has shown itself well, but it probably does not fit much into the context referred to in the material. There were cases when, in the presence of several VSS and AS in the RGSpN, very successful silent ambushes were carried out, but you must admit that for the “performance” of the person involved, there must be a certain margin both in range and in terms of application.

Well, for the rest of the rifles. The B-94 weighs 11.7 kilograms and has an effective range of almost two kilometers with a 13x scope. And now tell me, is this “fool” needed to be dragged in a group? It used to be dragged a couple of times, but quickly abandoned. In the forest, a range of two kilometers is useless. And the rifle is large-caliber and specific. To work with her, the sniper must be taught. Long and hard. In the winter of 2000, guys from an adjacent department went with us, namely a sniper pair. They reached the forest and stopped, they themselves realized that there was no point in going any further. This rifle is good for combat operations in urban environments, and as an anti-sniper weapon. Her penetration is good, but our sniper, who currently serves only a year, does not need it at all.

SV-98 caliber 7.62 X54, made on the basis of the sports "Record", accurately shoots at 800 meters. The rifle is expensive, snipers need to be trained, but they serve only a year. What is the point? Still break or lose, but the result?

About foreign samples like AV or HK, I generally keep quiet. Is there an alternative to inexpensive and simple, like five kopecks, SVD? Maybe there's. For example, the same Mosin SVM rifle. Cheap and cheerful. Hang the optics and target designators, shoot and go. Our cartridge is 7.62 X54, effective range is 2000 meters, lethal range is 3000 meters. I tried. Fine, it'll work for us. If you know how to shoot. About a platoon of snipers

What are the current realities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which in recent years have received the so-called "new look". It turns out that platoons of snipers appeared in the states of motorized rifle and airborne brigades!

I have a question: for what? How do we now see combat operations in the event of a real big war or a simple local conflict? We are moving away from old dogmas. At numerous training camps, we, officers of the level not lower than the brigade commander, were shown "new ways" of conducting combat operations. For example, an air assault brigade is conducting an offensive with the forces of several separate battalions in its front line, bypassing fortified sectors and areas and breaking through into the operational space with the support of attack aircraft, helicopters and artillery. Pockets of resistance are bypassed from the flanks and left to be torn to pieces by high-precision weapons - artillery and bomber aircraft. Why, then, with deep raid actions of battalions, snipers? How will this platoon be used?

When conducting defense, it turns out even more interesting. The line of contact of troops will now occupy a width of not several hundred meters, but several kilometers, which consists of the range of artillery of all levels: from the brigade to the level of operational command, the range of destruction of targets by missile forces, the mining strip, obstacles, many more. Large exercises with a defensive theme just showed this. That is, the range of targets for snipers will be beyond 1000 meters. Based on the performance characteristics of the SVD, what follows? That's right, we need another rifle, the same B-94. Will our defense industry be able to provide all sniper platoons of brigades with long-range rifles? Hardly...

Material taken from a free source

It would be superfluous to say that one should behave, in such circumstances, with extreme caution and circumspection.

Any trained unit performing a tactical mission always has priority targets for destruction. Among these targets are grenade launchers, commanders of enemy groups and, of course,. It is the snipers who are tasked with fighting the first two priority targets during the clash. But, since there is an exception to any rule, sometimes snipers start a simple game under the general name "fishing for live bait."

How does this happen?

Sniper selects an easy target. Usually, this is a simple fighter or a person who in some way proves himself to be a suitable target for bait. After the sniper wounds the first victim, the second phase of the hunt begins. To, allegedly accidentally wounded and still quite alive, his comrades begin to run up to the fighter, in order to help him and, if possible, help him leave firing zone. In these moments sniper the enemy is patiently waiting for other fighters to come running to the wounded comrade to help. And here, if group commander the lurking danger was not noticed in time, the unit, as a result sniper hunting may lose several people.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand what is against experienced sniper can only be effective experienced sniper. snipers who started such a hunt, maybe not one or two. Even if you have more powerful weapons, then the options to determine sniper position and hitting it, for example, with a grenade launcher or a heavy machine gun, is not such an easy task. And to reveal and hit the well-camouflaged sniper positions, even professionals will need a lot of time.

What can be done in those conditions that do not allow you to start anti-sniper confrontation and your friend is in mortal danger?

What to do?

On a duplicated command, the entire group should stop all movement and lie down behind cover. If necessary, identify sniper position, the most experienced fighters need to carefully and as discreetly as possible, from the depths of a building or forest, inspect all possible places where they can sit sniper. It should be noted that an experienced commander always provides for such events in the process. operation planning.

Important! In no case do not give in to emotions and do not run up to a wounded fighter. Sniper or his partner still keeps him at gunpoint and will not let him or you leave the area under fire. Therefore, the very first, and perhaps the most effective thing that can be done is to drive up to the wounded on armored vehicles, (if any) and, thereby, cut off any possibility with the armor body sniper influence the situation. After that, if possible, without getting out of the armor, the fighters should drag their comrade inside the car and immediately hide from the place under fire. At the same time, the rest of the detachment needs to be in full readiness and cover the entire surrounding territory.

It is worth noting here that armored vehicles can only be used with confidence that there are no enemy grenade launchers or other heavy weapons capable of hitting an armored vehicle. Also, for the sake of difficulty sniper work you can use army smoke or set fire to tires. Using these simple means, you can quite densely smoke the shelled area and, thereby, make it difficult to work sniper. In this case, you should take into account the direction of the wind in advance and try to ensure that the wall of smoke passes between the wounded soldier and the zone from which the shelling is being carried out. In extreme cases, you can start a small fire. For example, set fire to a detached coniferous tree or building.

If everything happens in the city

If sniper began his hunt in a densely built-up area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city, and a wounded fighter lies on one of the streets, then the following method can be applied:

Take a long rope and tie to it by the upper edges, the sheets, curtains, bedspreads or other wide dense fabrics available in each house. Throwing, quickly transporting by car or simply stretching the rope to a neighboring house, you can block the view sniper and he will not know if there is someone on the other side of the veil or not. All these actions should be carried out with extreme caution and, if possible, in advance, which in the future will allow battle groups to freely overcome open sections of streets and not fall under aimed fire enemy.

Under any, even seemingly favorable circumstances, it is desirable to use the so-called "cat"- a hook, or at least a rope loop, for which a wounded soldier could grab himself or hook it on ammunition. The use of a strong hook on a rope is also good because it can be used without direct contact - from behind cover, for example, from behind the corner of a house, fence or car, without resorting to the use of armored vehicles.

If sniper If you miss shooting at you or hit you lightly, then use every opportunity to leave the place of shelling and find cover: run behind the building, lie under a car, take cover in the folds of the terrain or in the dark. When moving, it is necessary to choose an unpredictable, ragged and winding trajectory of movement in order to sniper could not clearly catch you in the scope. If the incident happened at dusk, you can pretend to be dead and wait until nightfall. However, it must be taken into account that sniper- a professional, patient person and, anticipating your actions, he can wait a few hours or just shoot you again - for control.

Sniper Bait

At a time when one part of the detachment is engaged in extracting the wounded, the second part of the group should also not sit idly by.

In addition to protecting your positions and constantly monitoring the situation, you can make bait for yourself sniper to distract him from your wounded comrade. This is especially effective when there is a specialist in your group who can hunt for enemy snipers.

The bait doll is made from improvised materials using helmets, goggles, balaclava hats, uniforms, equipment and weapons. And for credibility, the bait is, as it were, placed in a living environment. In a city building or a dugout, this can be lit cigarettes and smoke from them, loud conversations, the reflection of flashlights, single shooting from a machine gun previously attached to a window or door frame, etc.

The room or room where a distracting performance takes place should, if possible, be cleared of people, since in it, except for sniper bullets, a grenade launcher or a grenade launcher shot may fly.

The more realistic you make noise and false panic in your positions, the more likely it is that sniper he will leave his bait victim and start targeting more promising victims, that is, the bait doll you have already prepared. Here it would not be superfluous to mention that when carrying out this kind of distraction, maximum caution should be exercised!

Sniper Elite 3 is a popular tactical shooter game developed by Rebellion Developments. The game takes place in North Africa during World War II. Here you will play as an agent of the strategic service Karl Fairbairn, whose task is to kill General Franz Valen. It is assumed that he is working on a secret weapon that cannot be developed.

Features of passing Sniper Elite 3

Before we jump right into the walkthrough itself, it's important to note that this shooter requires you to play inconspicuously. Running into battle at the enemy and using the power style will not work. It is extremely important to choose the right place to shoot. This is generally one of the fundamental factors for the successful elimination of the target. Consider this when passing Sniper Elite 3. We recommend using the walkthrough below only if you are at a dead end and do not know what to do next. Otherwise, there will be little pleasure from the game.

Walkthrough Sniper Elite 3: Part 1

The first chapter is called "The Siege of Tobruk". Actions begin in the city of Tobruk, which is located in northern Africa and is a strategic point. Therefore, there are fights for her. This is where the events of the game begin. First, you are presented with a video clip. After the cutscene, the gameplay begins. You will see a soldier who will ask you to eliminate two snipers. You go outside, sit next to the wall and see two fascists. They will be marked with a special marker. Kill them. Then go down, the shelling will begin. To stop the shelling, you need to find and kill the spotter. He is on the mountain. Kill him, and then the Nazis will not be able to fire mortars at you. After that, a short cutscene will start.

Then you will see an enemy machine gun on the car, which is visible on the horizon. To destroy it, you need to turn on special vision, aim and shoot at the tank. So the explosion will hit all enemies at the same time.

Now we are looking for roadblocks of enemies. We open the map, on which you can approximately see the location of the enemies. We go to the north, climb the gorge and destroy two German soldiers. We leave the cave and look at the map. 4 checkpoints will appear there, each of which has 3-4 fascists. They need to be killed, but act quietly. Otherwise, you will be killed very easily. When all the fascists are eliminated, you will see a cutscene where you will see how the plane destroys the gorge. This opens the way for you. We move further along it.


The second part of the walkthrough of Sniper Elite 3 involves action in Gaberun. Tobruk has been lost and the action in the Gaberun oasis takes place after the events in Tobruk. It is through Gaberun that enemy scouts make their way.

The game starts. Go through the bushes and kill the Nazi. After that, the entire garrison will be open in front of you. There are 2 options for further development of events: you can either clear the camp completely from a height, or go along the path to the left. So you will find yourself in the very center of the gathering of the Nazis. Kill everyone and inspect the body of the main target - the officer.

Next, you have to kill the next three officers and search their corpses again. Now head towards the river, and then go along. You will see a small gathering of Nazis. You can kill them all at once if you throw a grenade. One of the victims will be an officer, examine his corpse. Now through the ruins and the road we pass to the tents. We go into the very right, wait for the officer and quietly kill him, examine the body. Then we head to the left, towards the garages. Along the way, you need to destroy cars with ammunition. In the distance you will see the temple, in which the last goal is located. Walk along the left side through the ruins and dive into the bushes. Climb through the window of the temple unnoticed, quietly kill the guards and the target itself. This will give you a note. There will be a cutscene next. A fascist convoy is moving in the distance, plant bombs on the road and detonate them when the cars approach. Then we leave the territory through the checkpoint.

Walkthrough Sniper Elite 3: part 3. Halfaya Gorge

We must continue to search for Valen. In order for the allies to move forward, we have to destroy the anti-tank installations and fascist camps. During this assignment, you need to do just that.

We go to the first point, look through the binoculars and see a red barrel next to the gun. We shoot at her. So the first target will be destroyed. Now we head through the settlement. It is advisable to keep the rocks on the left. When you reach the crossroads, go left, then right along the path and up the hill. A second target will be visible in the hole and another red barrel nearby. As you already understood, we shoot at this barrel and destroy the second gun.

Now we head to the right and stick to the left side of the mountains, climb up, then straight ahead. You will go to the outpost with 4 Germans, they need to be eliminated. We take a rocket launcher, destroy the last target on the list - it is located in a nearby gorge. After the destruction, a cutscene will be shown. Then we go to the exit and see the tank in the city. Go around it and shoot at the middle openings. After four accurate hits, the tank will be destroyed. Go to the squad. So ends part 3 of the passage of the game Sniper Elite 3.

Fort Rufigio

There are a lot of enemies in this level, so it's best to complete it silently. Ideally, it's best not to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary.

So, we continue our passage of Sniper Elite 3 in Fort Rufigio, where the enemies are holding our partner hostage. The first action is to get to the fort. This is best done by following through the houses directly. Oncoming guards are best killed in close combat. Next, go into the building on the left side, a cutscene will follow. We throw a grenade at the Nazis on the right, go straight and go into the tower. We kill the guard in the right room and search his body. We have to reach the farthest tower. The best way to get to it is without noise. If you are noticed, you will have to shoot very accurately and a lot.

Did you get to the top? Great, go upstairs, open the cage and talk to the prisoner. We escort him to the place where we came from, take up a firing position there and kill opponents so that our comrade can pass.

Walkthrough of Siwa Oasis in Sniper Elite 3

You need to get to an isolated city. Go through the bushes across the clearing. You will find a height in the central area, from where it is very convenient to watch the Germans. We go down and follow through the labyrinths. There you will find many enemies, but all of them are easy to kill thanks to the abundance of corridors. We climb the stairs up, the video will be played. At this stage in the passage of Siwa Oasis in Sniper Elite 3 officers need to be marked immediately. You will see them after climbing the stairs. Don't kill them right away, watch them with binoculars. When one of them gets the documents, kill him and search the corpse. There you will find a folder, take it. Now the passage of Siva in Sniper Elite 3 again involves the destruction of the tank. After you pick up the folder with documents, go to the right and you will see a tank. Destroy it and unite with your troops. Kill all surviving opponents and leave the city. This completes the passage of the Oasis in Sniper Elite 3.

Kasserine Pass

Here is the secret base of General Franz Valen. We have to get to it and steal important documentation from the general's safe. We go to the gorge after the video, we follow through it directly to the enemy base. On the way, we destroy three points of collection of the Germans. We climb the mountain, shoot at the red barrels, which have the Nazis. Further we follow to the north and we pass to Valen's headquarters. First we look at the documents on the table, but later it turns out that all the important documents are in the safe. We go back, find the officer, kill him and search him. We get the codes, follow back to the headquarters and open the safe. All fascists must first be killed.

Now you need to meet with a partner. We go to the place where the posts were previously destroyed. We watch a video in which our friend is killed. Now we will destroy the tank. Make it easier by moving from one house to another. So you can surround him. After the destruction of the tank, we kill the Nazis, bury a friend.

Aerodrome Pont du Fa

We have the last assault. However, first you need to weaken the enemy, so in this part we will be forced to deprive the Nazis of support. We go down, turn right and follow to the barracks. We quietly pass the corridors, turn left and open the gate to the part of the base, which is located underground. We get into it through some entrance.

Here it is worth killing the soldiers quietly (it is advisable to do this quietly, but you can also shoot, because there will still be no help). We get to the center, free the allies and look at the secret documentation. We return to the place where we started. There we see on the right on the tower a scout and soldiers. We move along the lattice, climb the mountain and look for a profitable firing point. We are watching a video showing the arrival of friendly troops. Enemies will try to destroy them, our task is to kill them. This will be followed by the next video with military support. Now you need to destroy two machine gunners and two tanks. There is a rocket launcher in one of the towers. Use it to destroy tanks. After the victory, we go to the hangar and get into the truck.

Plant "Ratte"

Now we are at the main plant where the "Rat" is being created and General Valen himself is located. We move along the gorge, kill two fascists on the way. Let's go a little further. There are enemies in the room on the left - you need to kill them all, preferably quietly. We pass to the right side and kill the Nazis on two floors. Now it is desirable to clear the hangar, which is located directly in front of us. As you do this, go straight towards him, then right and straight again. We will approach the stairs, follow it down and blow up the electrical block there. Now we kill everyone in the hangar on the right and go along the iron path that lies across the abyss. Continue to the left and then straight ahead. On this road, it is advisable to beware of the Nazis.

As we reach the room with the generator, we throw a grenade inside it and run along the bridge to the left, killing the Nazis along the way. We activate the elevator and see a video with Valen. We go down the elevator and understand that we need to plant 5 bombs to completely destroy this complex. We stick to the left side, quietly plant two bombs. We return to the elevator, kill two guards, go upstairs, kill two more fascists and lay the next two explosives. We go down again, approach the tank on the right, move up the stairs without making noise and bypassing the guards. We lay the last explosive, go down and run to the exit. So we will find ourselves on the street, here we kill the Nazis, climb the mountain and detonate bombs. The last video will be shown. You completed the game.


It is not necessary to play as described in this walkthrough. Experiment and fantasize. So you enjoy the gameplay. Only use this walkthrough when you reach a dead end and can't find your way out. Have a good game.

Siege of Tobruk

And so we start by watching the introductory video, after which our character, having assembled his rifle, moves into position. Having reached the place indicated by the star, we turn on the optical sight and eliminate the enemy spotters in the amount of two pieces also marked with stars, hold E to hold your breath if your pulse does not exceed 80 beats per minute, and use the mouse wheel to zoom in / out.

Having eliminated two spotters, we move to a new position from which we kill the enemy spotter who has settled on a hill and, like the previous ones, and everything in this game is marked with a star. Having changed the position again, we pick up the binoculars and mark by pressing the LMB an enemy truck with anti-aircraft guns, weak spots will be displayed on the marked vehicles, in this case the gas tank and engine. One shot at the gas tank is enough to destroy a German truck.

Waking up after the explosion, the first thing we do is learn how to use the menu of weapons and equipment, or rather, by pressing Q, we select a first-aid kit to restore health after being wounded. Next, we head to a new position marked with a star, to climb a small wall, go to it and press the space bar. In addition, you can navigate the terrain using the map that opens with the M button. As a result, having reached the positions of German rocket launchers, we bend down to be less noticeable, as well as to get under an obstacle. Having eliminated a couple of German soldiers, for example, with a knife from the back or with a pistol with a silencer, we search the corpses while holding the Z button, and if desired, the body can be raised while holding the “space” and hidden.

Next, we pass through the positions of the enemy, eliminating the German soldiers, our main task is to destroy 4 enemy “nebelverfer” or eliminate their calculations. The positions on which the rocket launchers are located will be marked with stars. An additional task will be the elimination of eight enemies with a knife (silent kills), in addition, it is worth examining boxes, boxes and tables in tents in search of documents, letters and diaries. Having neutralized all the mortars, we set off in the direction marked with a star, to jump over a small gap on the road, press the “spacebar”. Arriving at the place, we watch another video.

When viewing Sniper Elite 3 walkthrough video to switch between videos, use the “Playlist” tab and if the video helped you, do not forget to put “like” 🙂


At the beginning of the passage of this chapter, we move forward and remove the enemy standing with his back to us, after which we eliminate the German officer marked with a star, in order to hide his position, you need to shoot at the moments when an icon appears at the top of the screen showing a loud sound, for example from a broken engine or a thunderstorm. After we eliminate the marked enemy, we go down to his body and search it, the soldiers patrolling around can shoot from the same sniper position or go down and kill them manually.

After examining the body of the killed German officer, a new task will appear to obtain intelligence from three more officers. One of the side tasks will be the elimination of the nearest of the three officers from the sniper position marked on the map. Having reached the indicated place and pressing the "space" to take a position, we eliminate the marked enemy, after which we also pass to the body and inspect it. Having received intelligence from the corpse, we go to the second officer, inspecting houses and tents along the way, collecting diaries, playing cards and documents in them.

The second officer will be located at the crossroads of two paths, having reached the place we will eliminate the enemy in any convenient way, after which it will be necessary to quickly deal with enemy soldiers nearby. After searching the body of the dead and taking the next intelligence, we pass to the left to the tower, which is worth climbing. Having neutralized the sentry on the tower, we will get a convenient position for firing at the third marked officer. Having shot the fascist and searched his body, we will get the next intelligence.

The new task will be the elimination of another officer who can be found to the right of our position. On the way, we will get the side task “Destroy the garage”, namely five marked cars, we do it in any convenient way for one by destroying all the soldiers guarding the cars. As a result, having reached the last officer and liquidating him in any convenient way, as well as clearing the area around the building, we climb inside and inspect the body of the deceased. The last task will be the elimination of the general who is leaving in an armored personnel carrier. As always, there are several options for execution, one of them will be shooting at the engine of an armored car, after two shots the car will explode and the task will be completed.

Halfai Gorge

First of all, at the beginning of the passage of this chapter, we explore the village in the mountains. Having crossed the bridge, we head to the indicated point, you can go both along the road and along a small gorge. Having reached the place, we get a new main task to destroy three Flak 88 anti-aircraft guns. The first position with artillery will be in front on the left, if you navigate on the map, we will go there for a start, having previously cleared the settlement that needed to be explored from enemy soldiers. In one of the buildings on the right side, you can find documents with intelligence that open a side quest to kill a German general, but first you need to find documents specifying the location of the general.

And so, having reached the first cannon, we destroy it by shooting at a projectile lying nearby (explosive objects can be detected using binoculars). One way or another, having destroyed the first weapon, we liquidate the surviving German soldiers, after which we pass in the direction of the two remaining artillery positions. Leaving the cave, we will find ourselves in a small village, having examined the territory with the help of binoculars, we will see the label “Intelligence” on the roof of one of the buildings (next to the antenna), having reached there and having received the documents, we learn that the German general is located on one of the two artillery locations.

Continuing to move in the indicated direction, we will stumble upon a German garage, a small area with two tanks, where we will get a secondary rear “Arrange diversion”. For a successful sabotage, you can climb to the highest building behind the garage (bell tower or chapel), take a sniper position there and shoot at the fuel tank, or rather at the crane sticking out of the tank (it will be highlighted in red with a name). After that, an explosion will occur and the side task of sabotage in the garage will be completed, although it is not necessary to climb into the sniper position, just hit the tank crane from any convenient place.

In addition, in the basement of one of the neighboring buildings, you can find a shield with wires, damaging which, complete the side task “Cut the communications”. As a result, having dealt with all the side tasks, except for killing the general, we go to the remaining artillery positions, in both cases you will have to act from a distance firing at explosive objects near the cannons, also in one of the artillery positions you will find a general who needs to be eliminated to complete the side task .

Having destroyed all three German Flak 88 anti-aircraft guns, we return to the sabotage group with which we arrived here at the beginning of this chapter. On the way back, we will stumble upon a German Panzer 3 tank, and its elimination will be our main task in the end. The tank has weak points, bars on its rear, as well as a viewing slot for the driver in the frontal armor. You can also destroy it, for example, with the help of a Panzerschreck (this is such a grenade launcher), if you have one. Another option is to throw dynamite near the tank and shoot it from a safe distance. One way or another, having destroyed the PzKpfw III, we return to the sabotage group.

Fort Rufigio

We set off to rescue the informant whom the Germans are holding in the fort. First of all, you need to get to the fortress, and along the way, complete a couple of side tasks. The first such task will be “Disable towers with searchlights”, you can do this by visiting each of the two towers, neutralizing the sentries standing on them and turning off the searchlight, or sit down on the leftmost sniper position from which both towers are visible and fire at them from your rifle. In addition, it is worth clearing the entire surrounding area from enemy soldiers (you still have to do this at the end of the task). In general, having dealt with the towers, searchlights and opponents, as well as examining the corpses and tents for trophies, playing cards, documents, and the like, we continue to move towards the fortress.

On the site at the foot of the fortress, under the main entrance, in addition to a pair of Italian soldiers, you can find a document lying on the table, having studied it, having received the second side task. This time we will need to “say hello” to the Italian colonel who will soon arrive at Fort Rufigio. Having taken a position, we are waiting for the truck with the colonel to approach the distance of the shots, our goal will be to sit in the cab in the passenger seat, just as an ambush option can be arranged with explosives or try to shoot the car (a couple of shots into the engine should be enough). In general, having eliminated the colonel, we continue to rise to the fortress.

You can get inside both from the main entrance, and for example from the right side along the scaffolding at the break in the wall. Once inside the fortress, it is worth clearing the courtyard from enemy soldiers, and before releasing the prisoner, inspect all the premises. In one of the rooms we will find a senior officer, by eliminating him we will receive a new main task “Search the senior officer”. Having received the keys from the troupe, we set off to release the captive agent. Having opened the camera and releasing the prisoner, we go outside and shoot the soldiers standing in the courtyard, thus clearing the way for the prisoner to exit the fortress. Further, guided by the marker, we rise to the fortress wall and cover the departure of the agent released by us from there until he is safe.

Siwa Oasis

At the beginning of the passage of this chapter, you need to find a way to get to the old city, for this we go forward, eliminating German soldiers along the way (in order not to attract attention by firing from a sniper rifle, fire shots at the moments when an airplane flies nearby). You can get into the old city through the gate in the center, but there is another way, and maybe not one, but as an option, you can get behind the wall on the right side, through the position of the anti-aircraft gun, for one you will receive a side task to destroy three anti-aircraft guns. The locations of the anti-aircraft guns will be marked with markers, so by blowing up the first of the three we penetrate the territory of the old city (the entrance will be next to the position of the anti-aircraft gun).

The next main task will be “Search Valen's office”, and looking into the room to the right of the entrance to the city, you can get the secondary task “Investigate German warehouses”. And so, first of all, we pass through the territory of the old city, destroying anti-aircraft guns in the indicated places, as well as clearing the territory from enemy soldiers (you can do this from sniper positions, gaining additional experience. As a result, having destroyed all three anti-aircraft guns, we go to Valen's office, where we watch a short video, after which you will need to climb the scaffolding to the shooting position marked with a star.

On the first floor of the building that you need to climb on, you can find a German warehouse by completing the side task “Investigate German warehouses”. Climbing up the scaffolding we will see three German officers, our task is to observe them to mark the right one, and the one with the bandaged hand will be the right one. After the Germans meet and talk, wait until an officer with a bandaged hand takes the reconnoitered in one of the buildings, after which you can safely eliminate him. Another side task will be the elimination of an intelligence officer in such a way that the murder looks like an accident. As a result, having taken intelligence data from the body, we leave the old city, destroying the German PzKpfw IV tank along the way and shooting several enemy snipers at the exit.

Kasserine Pass

The first task in this chapter of the walkthrough will be to infiltrate Valen's headquarters, move forward bypassing wrecked trucks and tanks, eliminating targets along the way marked by a partner moving along the top. On the way, a side task “Disable two Nebelwerfers” will appear, so if you want to complete it, you will have to postpone the trip to Valen’s headquarters for a while. Nebelwerfers, also known as rocket-propelled mortars or multiple rocket launchers, will be marked with markers in the form of compass arrows, and in order to disable them, it is enough to take a position nearby and shoot at exploding containers that can be detected with binoculars.

After destroying the mortars, it is worth examining all the surroundings in front of Valen's headquarters, clearing them of German soldiers, inspecting sniper positions and searching the buildings for documents. As a result, having reached the headquarters located in a temple carved into the rock (just like in one of the films about Indiana Jones) and destroying all the enemies inside and reading the document on the table, we find out that the combination from the safe located at the headquarters is kept by oberst Johann. Now our task is to find and eliminate the marked target, and then take the combination to the safe from his troupe.

Having received the combination to the safe, we go to the indicated place to meet with Brower, and upon arrival we watch a short video in which Brower dies. Next, you will need to destroy the Tiger tank, for example, using dynamite, throwing it on the road in front of the building in which Brouwer was. Hiding, we wait until the "Tiger" drives up and shoot the dynamite when the tank is nearby. One way or another, having destroyed the tank, we return to the headquarters located in the temple and, having killed all the enemies there, we open the safe. After watching another short video, we set off for Brower's body, several enemy snipers will be waiting for us along the way, so we'll be careful.

Pont du Fa airfield

First of all, when going through this chapter, you need to gain access to a complex of underground bunkers, for this, having reached the indicated place, we interact with the electrical panel, and then we go to look for a map on which the indicated location of the plant for the production of the Rat tank. Side tasks in this chapter will be the elimination of the radio operator in one of the bunkers so that he does not call for reinforcements, the elimination of the radio operators on the control tower, the destruction of stacks of bombs in the amount of three pieces (for this it is enough to shoot at the red barrels next to the bombs.

As a result, having descended into the system of underground tunnels and bunkers, we free the prisoners located there, thus completing another side task, and also pick up a map with the location of the plant. Next, we occupy a sniper position marked with a star to cover the sabotage group. Having taken a position, we shoot at the emerging German soldiers while the saboteurs drive around the airfield by car. After the allies leave, it will be necessary to destroy the arrived German equipment, namely a tank and an armored personnel carrier. The last task will be to get to the evacuation point.

Ratte plant

The first thing in this mission is to get to the bridges in the canyon, for this we go down the path, eliminating the German sentries along the way. Once in the right place, we get a new task to destroy two transformers that are located on the left and right sides of the canyon, so that by eliminating patrolling enemies and inspecting the premises in search of blueprints for German weapons (a side task in this chapter, the blueprints will be located on the tables in the rooms next to the transformers on both sides of the canyon, in a small room in the ammunition depot for the “Rat” and in the hangar with the tank itself). After going to the transformers marked with stars and destroying them, the easiest way to do this is to shoot at the red barrels next to the transformers, we go to the ammunition depot for the “Rat”, which we also need to destroy.

Having laid the explosives in the ammunition depot, we go to the elevator, where, after watching a short video, we go down to the bottom of the canyon. Having gone down, we set the charges for a while around the tank, after which we climb onto the “Rat” tank itself and set the charge on the tank turret, having previously destroyed all the German soldiers nearby. After installing the explosives on the tank, it will remain to leave the hangar, destroying all the enemies at the exit and taking another sniper position in the canyon, it will shoot at the crane-beam on which shells for the tank are suspended. After watching the final video walkthrough Sniper Elite 3 will be finished.

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