For our part, we are ready to provide the necessary assistance. We draw up a letter of request: samples and design principles

A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. The number of situations that necessitate making a request on behalf of a legal or natural person cannot be counted. This is the receipt of information, product samples, coordination of actions, inducement to any action, etc.

The composition and structure of the request letter is not much different from the standard ones. As a rule, the text of the request letter consists of two parts:

1. The introductory part, where the essence of the case is stated in narrative form, the motives and reasons for making a request are explained. The following standard expressions are often used here:

the reason for petition

Due to non-receipt... ;

Given the social significance ... ;

Taking into account (our long-term cooperation)... ;

Given the (long-term and fruitful nature of our business relationship)... ;

In view of the inconsistency of your actions with the previously adopted agreements ...;

Due to the delay in receiving the shipment... ;

Based on the results of negotiations on the issue of ... etc.

Goal of request

In order to fulfill the order... ;

In order to resolve the issue as soon as possible... ;

To coordinate issues... ;

In order to ensure the safety of the passage of cargo ... ;

To avoid conflict situations ... etc.

In accordance with the agreement reached earlier…;

In connection with the appeal to our address ... ;

On the basis of an oral agreement... ;

Based on our telephone conversation... ;

According to government decree... ;

According to the protocol on mutual deliveries...etc.

All of the above expressions must be used taking into account the context and speech situation.

Almost all standard expressions begin with a derivative preposition or with a prepositional combination. Attention should be paid to the correct use of these prepositions with nouns that are mainly in the genitive and dative cases.

2. Actually a request. Here, the key phrase of the letter includes words formed from the verb to ask. Its use is explained by the etiquette requirements for business texts and the psychological laws of business communication - a person is more willing to agree to perform an action expressed in the form of a request than in the form of a demand.

In some cases, the request itself, expressed descriptively, may not contain this verb, for example: We hope that you will find it possible to consider our proposal within the specified period.

The request can be expressed in the first person singular (“I ask ...”), in the first person plural (“Please ...”), in the third person singular (in this case, nouns with a collective meaning are used: “The directorate asks. ..", "The administration asks ...", "The Council of the labor collective asks ...", etc.), from the third person plural, if several nouns with a collective meaning are used (the Administration and the Council of the labor collective ask .. .).

If the request letter is multidimensional, then the composition of the second part of such a letter may look like this (parts of the composition must correspond to the paragraph division of the text):

Please... (please...)

At the same time I ask... (Also ask...)

And also please... (And also please...)

When writing a letter of request, you should also consider the following recommendations:

1. When making a request, emphasize your or your organization's interest in fulfilling it.

2. Under no circumstances start your letter with the word "Please..." - it's more tactful to first explain the motives for your appeal (even if all the details have already been agreed with the addressee).

3. Do not rush to thank the addressee in advance. By doing this, you put both yourself and the recipient in an awkward position. Try to thank when you know that your request has been granted.

When formulating a request, the following standard expressions are often used:

We appeal (appeal) to you (you) with a request ...

About shipping to us...

About sending me...

About deportation to our organization...

About giving me...;

I ask (please) you (you) ...

Notify (us)...

Send (to me)...

It's time to introduce...

Report immediately...

Notify (enterprise management) about...

Inform me about...;

I ask for your (your) consent to...

Sending to...

Giving us...

Familiarization with...

Transfer... next equipment... ;

We ask for your (your) assistance in ...


Send as soon as possible...

Providing additional information regarding...

Holding... ;

I ask for your (your) instructions ...

To conclude an agreement on...

For issuance from the warehouse of the enterprise ... to a representative ...

For paperwork for...

For review... ;

We ask you not to refuse courtesy and ... .

Please help

  • Letter of request samples and examples
  • An effective request letter in 5 steps
  • business vocabulary
  • How to write a request letter
  • Open letters to Putin
  • Request for assistance
  • Provide assistance in resolving the issue
    • On the site you can find: Assist in resolving the issue - 11 comment(s) added
  • business letter sample
  • St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
  • Please help us to resolve our issue.

Request letter samples and examples But the regular practice of writing such request letters is the work of public relations specialists in non-profit organizations.

I ask you to assist Examples of business phrases On the site you can find: Assist in resolving the issue - 11 comment(s) added This article is the intellectual and copyright property of Turmush. “We cordially ask you to treat our request with understanding and provide effective assistance, which we need right now. For violation by the User of copyright and other rights of third parties by publishing materials that do not comply with applicable law, added by the User to the Site or transferred by him to the Company in any other way. Business letter sample Business letter samples In this article you will find information on working with difficult letters that are often encountered in business interaction, as well as see sample business letters.

Please help us with the event

Today, 29.10.2008 residents of the village LETTER OF REQUEST A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. The number of situations that necessitate making a request on behalf of a legal or natural person cannot be counted. This is the receipt of information, product samples, coordination of actions, inducement to any action, etc.

The composition and structure of the request letter is not much different from the standard ones (see Business letters. Design rules. Letter structure). As a rule, the text of the request letter consists of two parts: 1.
The introductory part, where the essence of the case is stated in a narrative form, the motives, the reasons for making a request are explained.

Write an open letter to the President

All children have the right to a happy childhood, and poor families, like no one else, need participation and support. We ask you to take part in our "Get your child to school" campaign and consider allocating school supplies for it. We need stationery for 50 children from low-income families.

Of course, if you agree to help us, we, in turn, promise you to advertise your company's products at our action. Let's bring joy to children together! Sincerely, Director of the organization Vasilyeva N. I. Read also: Why are salaries so small in Russia?
In this type of request letter, you only need to state your purpose and the necessary services or actions.

Sample Letter of Request for Assistance

Your assistance in… I remind (we remind) about… I ask you to eliminate the backlog (debt) I consider it necessary to discuss with you… I want (we want) to agree with you…. We propose to discuss and agree on future plans ... I ask (you) to consider the possibility of assisting in the implementation of the project ... I provide (you) information (information) about ... I inform (you) about ... Let me inform you about ... I am writing to you in connection with ... I draw your attention to the difficult situation with ... We are compelled to inform ... We inform you about ... We hereby inform (you) about ... I am authorized to inform ... I consider it necessary to draw your attention to (draw your attention to ...) ... We appeal (appeal) to you in connection with the difficulties ... We offer assistance in solving the problem… Knowing about your concern about the problem…, we are ready to propose a solution… As you know (the description of the problem follows)… Guided by the interests of the enterprise, I draw your attention to….

How to write a letter of request

Since 2010, I have been a mother of many children, my husband received a block in the hostel from work, but only an agreement was concluded with us. registration for us to do, it turns out that this sharply worsens our financial situation - our family is recognized as poor. they send me from one office to another. I can’t stand in line because all the certificates need to be collected in Khanty-Mansiysk, although even having collected them I’m not guaranteed to receive housing. We ask you to assist in holding the event How to write a letter of request A letter of request has a structure similar to the general structure of a business letter and is almost identical in form to a letter of request. Its registration is carried out on the letterhead of the organization.

It is usually signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person.

Our organization was founded in 2012 and throughout all these years has been continuously providing financial assistance to children suffering from acute forms of leukemia. The main direction of our activity is the purchase of appropriate medicines and the implementation of complex operations. All these years, the main source of financing for our activities has been the enterprise LLC “…”.


However, in April of the current 2017, the volume of funding dropped sharply, and at the moment we cannot carry out charitable actions in the same volume. According to our data, the annual budget of the fund, taking into account private donations, should be 10 million rubles. Thus, due to the termination of financing, it is necessary to cover the difference in the amount of 8 million rubles.

annually. We look forward to your cooperation, as it is not possible to find sponsors at the moment. Sincerely, Svetozarov V.K.

Please help me to resolve this issue

Most of the requests are related to financial issues, such as a discount, a reduction in the payment for a service, or a deferment. A smaller part of the letters of request is devoted to assistance in resolving any other issues. The most common cases and ready-made examples of letters are discussed below.

About the allocation of funds The request for the allocation of money, even for charitable purposes, is a rather serious request. Therefore, when drawing up, it is important to describe the situation as specifically as possible and, moreover, clearly indicate what exactly the money is required for, and for what reason it cannot be taken from another source. When compiling, you can take such a sample as a basis.

From the NGO "Rainbow" to the Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Miloshnikov I.N. Dear Ilya Nikolaevich! Welcome to the director of the non-profit organization Raduga.”

Please help in resolving this issue

A message in electronic form, or even more so transmitted by fax, is often perceived more impersonally as spam.

  • In addition, the physical way the document is issued (i.e., as a regular postal item) allows you to make a favorable impression due to more expensive paper, an envelope, a stamp, and other means of registration.
  • To write the text, a letterhead is always chosen - this allows you to give the request more formality.
  • In the text, it is better to avoid obvious bureaucraticisms - i.e. set words and expressions that are commonly used in the business environment. They literally "dry" the story and make a generally negative impression.

These are letters, the need to write which arises in a situation of violation of business interests: a letter of request and a letter of claim. Letter of request He must clearly clarify for himself what the addressee knows about the subject of the letter, what he can rely on as a starting point and what new information is not yet known to the addressee, for the sake of which the letter is being written. The nature of the argumentation and the composition of the text will depend on the target setting of the letter. Important The following stages of preparation and drafting of letters can be distinguished: According to the workers, these works are carried out by Vodokanal, however, there is no information about the work being carried out at the specified address in this organization, and the Vodokanal administration advised to contact the administration of the Sovetsky district of Kazan for the purpose verification of the legality of the work being carried out.

Please help me to resolve this issue

Dear German Oskarovich! Please excuse me for wasting your time. I have no one else to turn to for resolving questions about payment for the work performed. Starting from May 2013, my enterprise (Gzudunevsky Ship Repair Enterprise LLC (hereinafter referred to as SPG LLC) has been constantly providing technical and advisory assistance in the improvement of the MRIYA SCC (Ponizovka village), fulfilling certain instructions of the management Project. Between my company and Garant-SV LLC on December 29, 2014

Contract No. SPG 15/01 was concluded on the performance of work on the territory of the Mriya SCC. Each work was reflected in the Annexes to the Contract. All work assigned by the Project management and Garant-SV LLC was completed. However, work on Annexes No. 8 and No. 13 were not issued by Garant-SV LLC and were not paid. The work was completed on September 27, 2015 by the Technical Customer represented by Kazmin V.M.

Letter of request

A written request addressed to representatives of the organization (usually sent to the name of the head) or to a specific person, drawn up in order to obtain information, provide access to business papers, or with a request to perform any work, is called a request letter. According to the rules of office work, the addressee of correspondence must provide a response to such a letter without fail.

Sample letter of request

The rules for writing a letter of request are consistent with the generally accepted canons of business correspondence. The form of address of a letter containing a request is the most common in business correspondence, therefore, it provides for a variety of spelling options. The most general recommendations that can be given to help the compiler of such a letter are to adhere to a simple and concise style of presentation with the obligatory specificity of the actions that need to be performed, for example: “Please help ...”, “I ask you ...” (the specific action is indicated further), "I hope for your support in obtaining ...", etc.

As a rule, an official letter of request is written on the letterhead of the sender and, in its structure, includes the following sections:

  • details indicating the registration number of outgoing correspondence and the date the letter was created
  • personal data of the author of the correspondence (position and full name)
  • the title of the letter describing the essence of the request
  • respectful appeal to the addressee of the message, which most often begins with "Dear ..."
  • the essence of the request with a mention of the action that the sender wants to initiate with his appeal
  • in the text of the letter, in some cases, it is appropriate to use the phrase about the allegedly successful resolution of the case, for example, “Thank you in advance for your participation ...”
  • signature of the author of the letter of request indicating his data.

    When drafting the text, the main request can be preceded by a preamble, in which it is necessary to briefly state the reasons for contacting the addressee. If the sample contains several petitions, it is permissible to use wording like: "I also ask ...", "At the same time as the above request, I appeal to you with ...". Each new issue for consideration should be set out in a separate paragraph. According to the rules of business correspondence, a response to a complex request can be sent in one letter, with comments on each request. This type of correspondence reduces the amount of workflow and the time spent on reading and processing incoming documentation.

    In the event that the nature of the correspondence allows for the designation of a time period for considering the request and obtaining a result, it is necessary to correctly express in the body of the letter the desire to receive a response within the prescribed period.

    Without fail, a business letter must contain the sender's contacts. This data is indicated so that, if necessary, the recipient of the letter has the opportunity to contact the sender of the request directly.


    Sample letter of request: pismo-prosba.doc (downloads: 8053)

    Examples of ready-made sponsorship packages, documents and letters

    Sponsorship request for training at the German badminton academy, which has the status of a private sports school of international level. View Sponsorship Request

    Other sections of samples and examples of texts

    You can use other examples and sample works of ONLYES specialists when working on commercial texts. If the text on the desired topic is not available, place an order.

    BUSINESS LETTERS AND PETITIONS. Fragments of texts and samples.

    COMMERCIAL OFFERS. Samples and examples of the executed works.

    COOPERATION OFFERS. Examples and samples of work.

    INVITATIONS AND CONGRATULATIONS. Examples of corporate texts.

    BUSINESS LEGENDS FOR COMPANIES. Some fragments of texts.

    You're looking for: Letter of Assistance sample - added at the request of Marina Galich.


    A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. Sample support letter. He constantly chatted about in five or six. A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. In many cases, such a letter is no less important than the resume itself for the following reasons. Found - letter of assistance sample. Sample support letter. The letter of assistance sample was downloaded 5228 times. You see, it is extremely rare for a "diplomat" to turn up and put it. The letter of assistance sample was downloaded 3958 times in a month.

    How to write a request letter?

    A well-written letter - a request can, in many ways, bring you closer to a positive answer. The text of such a letter will depend on the addressee and the content of the request. You ask a good friend, relative, boss or official - for each specific case, an individual approach must be chosen in order to write a letter asking for help.

    Do not lie

    Counting on a positive result, it is necessary to present the essence of the matter in such a way that it is beneficial for you. Try not to embellish the situation with fictional or unrealistic events. Otherwise, you risk being left without the support you need right now.

    Be brief

    A letter including a request for help should not be too voluminous. State your thoughts clearly and clearly. Do not go into describing the smallest details and details that you can do without. This only hinders the achievement of the goal and annoys the reader.

    Consider the main reason why you chose this person with your request. It may not be superfluous to mention your casual attitude to the personal qualities of the addressee, but do not overdo it with flattery. Emphasize in the letter how the recipient can benefit for themselves by helping you.


    How to write a letter of request if you are contacting this person again? In this case, in a letter, it is necessary to separately express gratitude for the previously provided assistance or service. It is necessary to explain that this was one of the reasons for the new appeal to him. A few sentences will be enough to thank the addressee.

    force majeure circumstances

    Always keep in mind that the person you are contacting may be influenced by circumstances that may influence their decision. And that you are unable to gain a favorable moment when your letter-request falls into his eyes. An example of such a state can be when a person is tormented by a toothache, or all his thoughts are occupied by an undeserved scolding from his superiors. The circumstances may vary. There is nothing you can do about it. Your task is to try to think over how to write a request letter correctly, avoiding mistakes that may affect the decision of the issue not in your favor. Unsuccessful verbal turnover, fuzzy wording, improper handling - can spoil the mood of the addressee and cause your failure.

    Remember that your letter must be sincere. Between the lines should be read your self-respect, dignity, and most importantly - faith in success, and support for the person you turned to. Hope for a manifestation of understanding, decency and generosity on his part.

    Letter to a stranger

    An important point that should not be underestimated when writing any letter, and even more so a letter of request addressed to a stranger, is a greeting. Your letter will be read with great care if you can make it personal and greet the recipient by name. When you are considering how to write a letter - a request to a stranger, it is worth considering that personalization is a guarantee that your letter will at least be viewed. Observe the following rules:

    1. Correctly formulate the topic of the appeal. Try to always fill in this field.
    2. Concisely formulate why the person needs this letter. Put it in the title. This will help you draw attention to the message.
    3. If possible, first call the recipient and discuss the reason for the appeal. In this case, there is a hope that the message will not automatically fall into spam.
    4. Use "combination T":
    5. creative theme
    6. thread with contacts
    7. the text is in the body, not in the attachment.
  • At the end of the letter, reiterate your request by rephrasing it. Then politely say goodbye, fleetingly thanking the addressee for the time spent reading the message.
  • Specify in what form you expect a response. And of course, do not forget to indicate all the options for contacting you.
  • Ingoda, it is easier to write an appeal if you have an example of how a request letter is written. A sample can be viewed by clicking on the following link.

    The reply is in process

    So the letter is written and sent. While waiting for an answer, it should be borne in mind that if the letter was of an official nature, the request was addressed to an official, then there is a regulated period during which you will definitely be answered. In other cases, it all depends on the upbringing of the person to whom you addressed with a letter of request.

    During the consultation, I am often asked to show an example letter of request for sponsorship.

    A good example of a sponsorship request letter

    Earlier, I considered an example of finding sponsors for a school in terms of paying for communication and Internet services. Today I will give a sample letter on the allocation of funds for the equipment of a computer class in a general education school.

    When writing a letter, we need the following information:

  • number of students, age
  • number of school staff
  • characteristics of the necessary equipment, its cost.
  • Having received data about one of the schools in St. Petersburg, I compiled an example of a request letter to the sponsor with the following content:

    Dear Name Patronymic!

    Residents of our city are well aware of your activities in the field of charity, including education. In this regard, we are appealing to you with a request to support the modernization of the computer class at school No. 108 in the Vybrgsky district of St. Petersburg.

    A few words about the school. The educational institution was opened in 1937. Currently, the school has 312 students from grades 1 to 11. Over the past 50 years, the school has produced 66 medalists, 19 of them with gold medals. Six students were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. These factors contribute to a high level of admission of school graduates to the leading universities of the country. Five former graduates returned to the school in a new capacity - teachers. The school employs 38 teachers, of which 32 teachers have the highest qualification category of a teacher and 4 teachers have academic degrees.

    The leadership of the region appreciates the merits of the teaching staff and the level of education at the school. At the beginning of the 21st century, the building was reconstructed. The Governor of the Leningrad Region Valentina Matviyenko attended the opening after the overhaul. but the attention of the authorities in the government is not enough to maintain the technical equipment of the school at a modern level.

    The school is profiled on natural and mathematical education. To maintain a high level of education in informatics, the computer class needs to be modernized. The technical upgrade includes the purchase of 14 computers (system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse), removable hard drive, video projector, ActivBoard 595Pro interactive whiteboard, licensed software, furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets). The planned cost of modernization is 1,200,000 rubles, including the delivery and installation of new equipment, and the dismantling of old equipment.

    With the financial support of the modernization of the computer class, we undertake to advertise your company inside the school and on its territory. Advertising will be available not only to 312 schoolchildren. It will be seen by about 1200 people - parents, grandparents of our students who attend school events every month. In addition, school events are often covered by the media in St. Petersburg and we are committed to informing the residents of the city about your support for our school. The teaching staff and other staff of the school are ready to help promote your company's brand among potential buyers and maintain the good reputation of your company.

    Contact person for discussing cooperation issues: position, full name, telephone from 9.00 to 18.00.

    With respect to you and your activities,

    Here is an example of a letter of request to sponsors I got. You can take it as a basis. The main thing you should pay attention to is data on how much money you need and what it will be spent on, who will see sponsored advertising. If you are unable to attract sponsors, then try to apply for a loan online. Fast, affordable, reliable.

    In the next publication, I will parse the real letter to the sponsor and analyze it. Use the guidelines to compose your letters.

    To write a letter of request for assistance in resolving the issue to a person holding a high position, you need to know the rules for writing such a letter. It is advisable to briefly and clearly state the essence of the appeal. From this article you can learn how to write a letter of request for assistance in resolving the issue to the governor. You can write, for example, about solving problems related to the city and the region, whether it be shortcomings in housing and communal services or a request of a personal nature. It is important to note that the request should not go beyond the capabilities of the authorized person.

    General information

    Such a letter of assistance in resolving the issue is useful when you need to get information, documents or make a deal. You can write an appeal with a request to improve the quality of work of any state organization. Usually such letters are sent to someone else's name. In some cases, they contact the organization directly.

    A letter to the governor asking for assistance must fully comply with the rules of business correspondence. Everything must be taken responsibly: from the font of the text to the content of the letter. If the problem affects not only one citizen, but several, signatures and relevant documents can be collected. The more convincing the submitted documents are, the more likely the administration will respond to the request. Such a letter of assistance in resolving the issue may be accepted or rejected. In any case, government agency employees must send a response with detailed information and an explanation of the reasons for the refusal.

    The following items will be needed to write and send a letter:

    1. PC with Internet access.
    2. Paper.
    3. Pen.
    4. The envelope.
    5. A printer.


    There is a special form for writing a letter to the governor with a request for assistance, which indicates the name of the applicant, as well as the name and position of the governor, a summary of the letter and other important points. It is advisable to print the appeal on a separate sheet. You can find the form on the administration website or in the governor's office. In some areas, it may be missing, then you need to write it yourself using a PC or manually. When sending a letter of request for assistance in resolving an issue without such a form, you may not receive a response.


    After completing the form, you need to start writing the letter itself.

    1. First, a hat is made. The position, surname, name and patronymic of the official are written on the right. At the bottom, the full name and all contact information (address, telephone, e-mail) of the author of the appeal are written. All data of a civil servant are indicated in the dative case. Personal data - in the genitive case.
    2. Further, stepping back a little, in the middle you should start addressing the word “respected”.
    3. After that, you can state the essence of the problem.

    The letter does not have to be large. It is not necessary to write the main part for several pages. One sheet of A4 is enough for this. The main thing is to state the essence of the problem, so that when reading, a person understands what is at stake. All the necessary information can be specified in the application. It should not be stretched over ten pages, you can write several sheets, fully revealing the problem. Do not write anything extra in the application.

    How the body is written determines whether the letter will be read by the governor or not. At the end of the letter, you must make the inscription "Appendix" and indicate the sheets with additional information. At the end of the letter, you again need to describe the request in two or three sentences and sign it. For example, you can write a letter asking for assistance in resolving an issue in the city.

    Application Structure

    The letter is written according to the standard pattern. It should contain:

    1. The reason for petition. The reason is briefly described: in connection with what the citizen refers to this official, and also why he refers to this particular official.
    2. Target. What is the letter for? Here it is necessary to state the essence of the problem, and also to show why the addressee needs to respond to the request.
    3. Link. Description of the outcome of the decision. If the governor responds to the problem, what changes will occur in the company, community life, etc. This is the most important part. She convinces the addressee of the need to provide assistance, it depends on her whether the request will be responded to.

    If there is more than one request, it is best to make several paragraphs for each of the problems. All details can be written, as mentioned above, in the application. The structure of the application is written for its main part.


    After the work with the letter of request for assistance in resolving the issue is completed, you need to put all the evidence and official appeals into the envelope, as well as the letter itself. All additional attachments only increase the likelihood of the recipient reading the letter.

    Having packed everything in an envelope, you need to find out the legal address of the administration of the region or district and send a letter. Before sending it, you should make copies of all papers. It is best to send them, as the letter itself with important documents may be lost at the post office or in the administration.

    Shipping options

    You can send a letter of request to help solve your problem not only by regular mail. If there is concern for the safety of the papers or that the letter will not reach, you can do the following:

    1. Order delivery to a representative of the Governor's office. This function has "Russian Post" and commercial enterprises for the delivery of letters. Thus, the letter will be delivered much faster and will go straight to the governor.
    2. Email. Outside the 21st century. Any appeal can be sent by e-mail. You just need to visit the administration website, find out the mail for public relations and, after filling out all the forms and forms, making scans of all documents, send them in the form of files by mail. On some sites there are electronic receptions where there is no need to attach files, you can fill in personal data and leave an appeal there.

    The response time, according to official data, is 30 days, but usually the answer comes within two to three days.

    What is the best way to write

    You can write a letter asking for assistance in solving any problem, but whether assistance will be provided or the letter will be archived depends only on the addressee. To increase the chance of a successful outcome of the case, it is better to touch on the positive personal qualities of the addressee. It is necessary that a person understands why they are turning to him.

    A few inserts with compliments would be appropriate. In the letter, it is worth making it clear to the person that only he can help with the solution of the issue set out in the paper. For example, if the addressee writes a letter for assistance in solving the issue of housing and communal services, it can be shown that such a problem is important and the governor, like no one else, will be able to help not only the specific citizen who wrote the appeal, but also all citizens in solving this problem.

    Be sure to justify your point of view. It is advisable to choose several justifications why it is necessary to respond to the request. It is better to build these justifications according to the scheme: medium persuasive, weak, most persuasive - this is a standard psychological method of persuasion in the field of business communication.

    It is necessary to interest the addressee in fulfilling the request. This aspect should be carefully considered. Perhaps the offer will somehow be connected with the benefit of the addressee? If there is an important problem, you can show how the stated request will help to solve either the whole issue or part of it.

    If there is absolutely nothing to offer, do not despair, this also happens. Show the importance of the request. This will put pressure on emotions. The essence must be stated as clearly and understandably as possible, so that when reading a letter, a person wants to help in solving this particular issue.

    How best to make a request

    After preparing the addressee to accept the request, it is necessary to state the essence very concisely. The text should be short. Long sentences are not suitable for such a letter. All figures and exact data must be entered.

    If the request is to order equipment for a company, for example, then the price, quantity and brand should be reflected in the letter. Any unclear words or data are best explained. When expressing thoughts, one should not write sentences with a double meaning. The essence should be clear at once. This is a business letter.

    How to write a conclusion

    In the end, it is necessary to summarize all of the above. It is worth writing what benefit the company or a particular citizen will receive if the request is fulfilled. Moreover, it is better to do it in the form of a logical chain. For example, when ordering 5 new machines, 5 jobs will appear, so many tax deductions will go to the budget from each one, or a particular enterprise will receive such and such a profit.

    In conclusion, it is important to repeat the request and what its execution will lead to. Throughout the letter, the business style of the narrative should be observed. This shows the addresser's attitude to the problem and the case as a whole.

    Sample letter asking for assistance in holding an event

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

    The company *name of the company* has been organizing internships for students of higher educational institutions for several years in a row. This helps not only to consolidate the acquired knowledge, but also to apply them in practice.

    You, as the head of the personnel department, are a person interested in finding new candidates: young, energetic and promising specialists. This profession is in great demand. I, like most students, would like to learn about all the nuances of such work.

    In this regard, I ask you to organize a meeting of the chief engineer, Petr Petrovich Petrov, with applicants on May 10 at 16.00 in the educational building of our institute.

    By showing young people the prospects of a profession today, you help them learn more about it, and also lay the groundwork for the right choice in the future. Probably, having chosen this profession, some of them will work at your enterprise and help it reach a new level.

    With respect and gratitude,

    Rector of the Institute VV Astapov.

    What language constructs are best to insert

    When composing a letter, you should use the language constructs described below:

    1. Introductory part. In this part of the letter of assistance in any matter, it is necessary to state the essence of the case, indicate the reason for the appeal and the request itself. To do this, it is best to use the phrases below. To describe the reason: due to non-receipt, taking into account, etc. To state the goal: based on the results, for purposes, for agreement, etc.
    2. Request. It can be narrated in both the first and third person. The phrase used to describe it is quite standard, and it begins with the word "please."

    The following points should be taken into account:

    1. When presenting, attention should be drawn to the interest in the fulfillment of the request by both parties.
    2. You should never start a letter with the word “please”, it is best to first explain the motive for the appeal, and then state the essence of the request.
    3. It is undesirable to immediately thank the addressee. This can put him in an awkward position. It is best to thank the person after he has responded to the request.
    4. Describe the significance of the problem at hand. It is necessary to make it clear that the solution of the issue satisfies the needs of not only the addressee, but also other people in general. In this case, you should never mark the negative side of the request.
    5. It is impossible to include sentences with threats in the text of the appeal (to turn to another authority if help is refused, for example). This will definitely push the addressee away, and the letter will go to the archive.


    Having studied the style of business storytelling in more detail, as well as sketching your own thoughts, you can easily write a letter, after reading which, the addressee will respond to the request set forth in it.

    It should always be remembered that a letter is being written to the manager for assistance in resolving the issue. Moreover, this question is primarily of interest to the addressee. And only in his power to do everything to respond to the letter.

    Thus, according to the example described above, you can write your appeal, observing all the excerpts and formatting rules.

    1. Do not forget that the form must be stamped by the administration. It is best to purchase a form in the regional administration.
    2. You can also use the online application option.
    3. It is necessary to collect all possible documents and certificates, as well as signatures, if the problem affects not only a specific citizen.
    4. To write about a request for assistance in resolving an issue, you should use a businesslike style of narration, and also remember to respect the tone of the letter.
    5. The letter should be of interest to the official from the very beginning.
    6. After writing the original, you need to make copies of all documents, certificates and signatures, as well as the letter itself, send copies of the documents to the administration, having previously learned its legal address. In this case, send the letter in the original. The best way to do this is by courier. Then the review of the document will take much less time.
    7. After submitting, please wait patiently for a response.