Dog snake marriage. Dog and Snake: compatibility of a woman and a man in love. Dog and Snake General Compatibility

Every woman among many men wants to find the one who will best suit her. Men think the same about women. But you can never be one hundred percent sure how the relationship with this or that person will develop. But there is knowledge that can predict the future with a fairly high percentage of probability. We are talking about the compatibility of people according to the eastern horoscope. For example, the compatibility of the Dog and the Snake according to the eastern horoscope, what can it mean in a pair?

Dog and Snake Compatibility

Man Dog

Before considering these two signs as a pair, let's look at what each of them represents separately. If a man according to the eastern horoscope is a Dog, then what character traits does he have?

This is a family man. In the scale of his values, family and children come first. For this man, it is very important to realize himself in the family. But at the same time, he is not fixated on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba family. It is open to the world, people, knowledge. Male Dog is one of those who loves and knows how to enjoy life. Knows how to enjoy the simplest actions, for example, when eating. He easily and joyfully builds trusting and warm relationships with people around him. People, of course, feel it, are drawn to it. There are many people around such a man.

The Dog man attracts with his natural charm, in the company he often becomes the center of attention. His horoscope is such that women who have real feminine confidence and dignity become attractive to him. He appreciates wisdom, lightness, openness in women. The Dog man is also an aesthete, it is important for him that his woman looks good, even very good. Having chosen a girl to his liking, he will envelop her with care and attention until her heart finally melts. Such a man does not like to make fleeting connections. It is important for him that the relationship has a perspective. He will be a wonderful husband and father.

Snake Woman

According to the eastern calendar, it is believed that the Snake woman is one of the most mysterious signs. This woman has the ability to shed her skin when she needs it. This happens whenever this woman is renewed as a person, a process similar to rebirth takes place.

It is common for this woman to radically change her orientation several times in her life. Its very essence requires it. These changes can concern both exclusively the inner world, and vice versa, external areas. The Snake can have several marriages in a lifetime and several life callings. At the same time, in marriage and love, such a woman is distinguished by fidelity, devotion, she is loving, but at some point she can turn everything upside down. And here it will already depend on her partner, how he will react to this.

This woman is strong in spirit, but it is very important for her that a man be stronger than her, only then she can submit to him. She appreciates strength and wisdom in men and in people in general.

The Snake woman is looking for exquisite spiritual communication in a pleasant circle. It is important for her that both love and marriage also have a spiritual component. She appreciates beauty very much, from the contemplation of beauty she herself becomes stronger.

Dog Man and Snake Woman

Dog man and Snake woman, what awaits these two in a relationship? Their compatibility is average. Relationships are stable. The Fire and Water Snake very often shows such qualities as jealousy and possessiveness in relation to the male Dog. It is very important for her to feel complete power over her partner. It is incomprehensible to him. Open and honest, he already gives her his heart completely, so he may be at a loss what else she wants from him.

In general, in love and marriage, they are suitable for each other, they have normal compatibility, built on mutual understanding. They have an interesting deep communication, each listening to the other. They can often be like-minded people. They are interested together. Their love can be built on friendship. Perhaps, in some periods, this couple will lack a sexual spark, some drive, but if they learn to fan the fire of love on their own, then they will be very interested in relationships with each other. For this, the Snake woman will need to learn lightness, the ability to inspire a man, not to think about serious things all the time. And it is important for him to learn to give her vivid emotions, to make compliments, to take care in order to reveal femininity in her.

Snake Man

The main character traits that this man possesses are wisdom, insight, exactingness in relation to others and in relation to himself. Such a man knows how to keep a brand, he knows how to show himself from the best side. He has a refined taste both in manners and in clothes. He appreciates beauty not only in himself, things, but also in women. Yes, it is important for him that a woman admires him visually.

Often the Snake man is characterized by sarcastic humor. This is a non-conflict person, he does not like to stoop to squabbles - he avoids people who provoke him to this.

Such a man attracts many admirers, women like the confidence with which he holds on. For him, order and consistency are very important, he does not like surprises and surprises, even if they are pleasant.

The Snake man shows prudence in relationships. Even with the strongest impulse of feelings, he will think out of the corner of his mind about how beneficial it is for him to be in this relationship, what it will bring to him, so the decision to marry can take a long time.

Dog Woman

A woman who, according to the eastern horoscope, is a Dog, has the following characteristics: grace, natural sexuality, self-esteem, wit, exactingness towards herself and other people.

Such a girl always has a plan according to which she clearly moves through life. She has high ambitions. By and large, she is not interested in everything that at least indirectly does not relate to her goals. The Dog Woman does not enjoy empty parties, social events, she is much more interested in pursuing her own interests. She is very purposeful, among her qualities there are many masculine ones:

Such a woman communicates easily with everyone, but she truly trusts her soul only to some people. Love and marriage with her, as a rule, originates in warm friendships. Perhaps the Dog woman sometimes lacks lightness, she takes everything too seriously, sometimes it can strain those around her.

If we talk about family relationships, then in general this girl makes a good wife, a caring mother. The Dog Woman is also extremely responsible both in family life and in professional life.

Snake Man and Dog Woman

The compatibility of this couple in love is quite high. Their love will be built on mutual admiration for each other. This couple may well become like-minded people. The Dog Woman will support her partner, however, this will last until his interests do not diverge from her needs.

Eastern horoscope of compatibility of Zodiac Signs by �

According to the Eastern horoscope, we all bear the names of the living

The characteristic of the sign is the Snake. People born in the year of the snake

These two can look at each other for quite a long period. The Dog Woman will torment the Snake man for some time, so that he intensively looks after her, will force him to achieve himself. If such a period drags on, then the Snake man may be disappointed. But on the other hand, if she trusts him, and he still does not get tired of waiting for this, then this couple will succeed.

In a marriage where a woman is a Dog and a man is a Snake, both will be prudent, but if they admit this to themselves and to each other, then it will be possible to build an honest relationship. The Dog woman in this marriage will need to work on not overpowering the Snake man. The Dog and the Snake, if everyone is aware of their personal shortcomings and work on them, will be able to build a long-term relationship based on mutual understanding and respect.

The compatibility of the Snake man and the Dog woman is quite successful, but with some reservations. The couple has every chance to create a strong family union. At the same time, in their relationship there is a place for both mutual adoration and some disagreements due to differences in temperaments. A man born in the year of the Snake has a well-developed intuition. He is rational, unperturbed. His companion believes in ideals, is distinguished by loyalty and devotion.

Lovers are able to enhance the positive character traits of their other half. In addition, they help each other in the disclosure of creative abilities. A woman born in the year of the Dog always supports her chosen one. She will become a faithful companion, but only in those endeavors that correspond to her worldview, plans and outlook on life. The partner hopes that his companion will always be there. He believes that all means are good to achieve the goal. His beloved does not share this point of view and is trying to defend her case.

A man wants to be the first in everything and strives to achieve what he wants with all his might. But a woman thinks otherwise. She constantly thinks about others and tries to help everyone. Often she shares her emotions with strangers, forgetting about her closest ones and her chosen one. Dog Woman is a perfectionist. For this reason, she does not quite understand the position of a man in the pursuit of material things, strength and popularity. The compatibility of the male Snake and the female Dog increases when the partners have already figured out the characteristics of each other's characters and are used to them. In addition, they must learn to compromise.

Snake Man and Dog Woman: General Compatibility

The Snake Man tries to control his partner in everything

The happiness and success of the tandem depends entirely on the aspirations of the partners. If they are connected by strong and true love and they strive for development, then the relationship will be joyful and reliable. However, if there are no feelings between them, then in the shortest possible time a man and a woman will recognize all the negative features of their companion and become disappointed in each other.

Even when there is strong affection between lovers, they should learn to make optimal decisions for both in any situation. A man born in the year of the Snake needs to provide his chosen one with independence. She should calmly relate to the composure and prudence of her lover. It is noteworthy that a man and a woman quickly fall under the influence of each other. The longer their union, the stronger their relationship.

The Snake man is characterized by wisdom, ingenuity, excellent intuition and unsurpassed charisma. In most cases, he is well-mannered and exquisitely dressed. He has good manners, which attracts powerful people to him. He loves stylish and trendy clothes. Always makes the most favorable impression in society, even if his physical appearance is far from ideal. He prefers the very best. Loves luxury and exclusive things. Of course, his companion must comply with this. First of all, he draws attention to the appearance of a woman.

A man is demanding both in relation to himself and all the people around him. He cannot imagine his life without flirting. The Snake Man is a skilled seducer. He likes to conquer and test his power over others. When he wants to achieve a woman, he will do everything possible for this. If a man falls in love, he treats his companion as the most important person for him. He does not skimp on gifts and signs of attention. However, his chosen one in response should be completely in his power. She simply must remain faithful to him and be a reliable support. He gets jealous quite often. The Snake Man is the owner up to the dictatorship. And he does not want to see her friends next to her companion. In addition, he does not support her interests and hobbies. If a woman decides to enter into a relationship with a man born in the year of the Snake, she should take into account all these nuances.

The Dog Woman is characterized by charm and charm. She is very attractive, gentle and caring. The Dog Woman has a masculine mind, strong character and will. It is not difficult for her to achieve her goals. She is characterized by honesty and sincerity, so others appreciate and respect her. She is reserved and modest. She does not like noisy parties and companies. She painfully perceives injustice and any infringement of the rights of other people. Dog Woman is very worried about the political and economic situation in the world. In this regard, she has a rather pessimistic outlook on life. She is compassionate. She has a good heart and soul.

A woman born in the year of the Dog will not be found at entertainment events. However, she will gladly take part in any volunteer program. She has a serious attitude towards life. The sense of humor is poorly developed. She will definitely not make senseless jokes and laugh.

Partners pay close attention to each other already during the first meeting. Of course, it is impossible not to notice the Snake man. All the women keep their eyes on him. He also singles out the Dog Woman for her reliability, disinterestedness, sincerity and fidelity. The Snake man highly appreciates such character traits and will do everything possible to achieve reciprocity from a woman born in the year of the Dog.

Snake Man and Dog Woman: Marriage Compatibility

For a Dog Woman, the care and support of a partner is very important.

At first, the relationship of lovers is distinguished by ease and freedom, which suits both partners. They like to spend time together. Each of the partners wants to create a strong family union. This favorably affects the compatibility of the Snake and the Dog in marriage. Mutual feelings are of the greatest importance for both. If one of them enters into a family relationship without love and for selfish reasons, then the break will not take long.

Basically, the development of relations occurs gradually and favorably. But after a period of first falling in love, partners will begin to recognize the weak character traits of their other half. It was at this moment that the first difficulties appeared in the pair. Living together will not be easy.

When a man decides on a serious relationship with a female Dog, he begins to show himself as an irreconcilable owner. He controls his companion in everything. He seeks to suppress the chosen one and make her dependent on him. It turns out that a man forbids a woman everything that made her happy before. He does not like her desire to communicate with friends. The male Snake has a high intellectual development and an analytical mind. However, it is often driven by banal instincts. Of course, the Dog Woman is distinguished by patience, but sooner or later all patience comes to an end. And the man does everything to speed up this process.

Often the cause for disagreement in a couple is the independence and self-will of a woman. The man tries to completely subjugate her and control her every step. She can't deal with it. Such behavior of the spouse unbalances her, which will inevitably lead to a break in relations. In fact, the Dog Woman is not an easy person. She won't let anyone control her. And he does it casually. To achieve stability and harmony in the family, a man should realize that his beloved will not put up with his dictatorship and the imposition of a point of view alien to her.

A man gives the impression of a self-sufficient, strong and self-confident person. But he often doubts himself and his abilities. This is also characteristic of the Dog Woman. She often has a pessimistic mood. She is depressed. That is why it is important for her to feel support from a dear person. Over time, mutual understanding is established between the partners, which strengthens the compatibility of the Snake and the Dog in marriage. Everyone in this couple is intellectually developed, sexy and able to deal with the internal torments of their partner. Even if both have irreconcilable characters, the family is the most important priority for them. And they will find ways to make their marriage successful.

It is a woman who can influence a lot in tandem. It all depends on her perception. If she believes that a man should provide for the family, and her function is home comfort, then the relationship will be strong and successful. Spouses learn from each other and develop. A man born in the year of the Snake forgets about categoricalness and begins to look at life from a different angle. His beloved, in turn, acquires wisdom and supports her husband's abilities with her admiration.

A woman will become a reliable and devoted companion for her partner. She is distinguished by loyalty. She devotes herself to the family, raising children and economic issues. Spouses should think about a joint business, as it will be very successful. A man is an unsurpassed leader, and a woman easily follows all instructions. This combination contributes to the prosperity of the common cause.

Everyone in this union needs to pay increased attention to the emotional experiences of their other half. A man should remind his companion more often how much he loves her and cherishes her. She needs feelings, tenderness and support, especially in difficult moments for her. If the spouse is confident in the love of her chosen one, then she will achieve peace of mind and completely surrender to her family. Otherwise, she may decide to part and look for a more suitable companion who can console her.

Snake Man and Dog Woman: Compatibility in Love

In sex, not everything is perfect for the spouses, but, in general, their intimate life is satisfactory. After the partners get used to each other, they get closer and give pleasure to their other half. A woman does not pay attention to the coldness of her lover. Her fervor is enough for both of them. They do not need inventions and experiments, since everyone is satisfied with the usual sex life.

For family life to be long, the Snake and the Dog will have to make a lot of efforts.

Compatibility of Snakes and Dogs in love is at an average level. For a marriage to last, both spouses need to work hard.

A woman should moderate her desire for freedom and spend less time with her friends. A man needs to realize that his companion will always be there and there is no need to suppress and control her. Both should forget about their own selfishness and support each other's hobbies and interests.

Lovers need to regularly discuss the accumulated claims, and not keep them in themselves. Everyone in this pair is a smart person, so dealing with problems and reaching a compromise will not be difficult.

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Dog and Snake compatibility is pretty good. A woman born in the year of the Snake can create a stable and lasting union with a man born in the year of the Dog. To do this, both of them will have to overcome certain difficulties due to differences in characters, but it is much easier for such a couple to reach mutual understanding than for many other signs of the Eastern horoscope.

Some closeness and mystery of the female Snake is balanced by the straightforwardness and openness of the male Dog. Both value family relationships, strive to create a strong and harmonious marriage, love home comfort and coziness. Men born in the year of the Dog are extremely devoted to their wife and children, which is appreciated by many women, especially the wise Snake. The main problem in their relationship may be the Snake's tendency to excessive jealousy. Excessive attempts to tie a man to himself cause his resistance in response, which often becomes the cause of disputes and conflicts between partners. In addition, women born in the year of the Snake love luxury, they are refined and elegant, while male Dogs are simple and sometimes rude. The compatibility of the Dog man and the Snake woman increases and the fact that both signs are sufficiently endowed with intelligence and strength of character to understand and accept each other as they are, change themselves, and also get rid of their shortcomings for the sake of a loved one.

Dog Man and Snake Woman: General Compatibility

The Dog Man is a true friend who will always lend a shoulder in difficult times.

Men born in the year of the Dog are friendly, honest, open and straightforward. These are true friends and comrades, you can always rely on them and count on their support. They are devoted to their family, ready to do anything to protect and protect their loved ones and relatives from any danger. At the same time, male Dogs are quite hardworking and able to provide their wife and children with the necessary material wealth.

In general, male Dogs have a calm and balanced character. These are open, willingly making contact people, while being rather reserved in communication. Quiet home gatherings and intimate conversations are preferred to noisy companies and empty chatter. In a team, they rarely strive for leadership; they are quite satisfied with the role of followers and subordinates. Usually these are executive and responsible employees, faithful to duty, superiors and colleagues. At the same time, male Dogs are unlikely to agree to perform an illegal, dubious task. They have a heightened sense of honor and justice. Such people openly oppose any attempts at deception and illegal actions, protect the weak and offended.

In everyday life, men born in the year of the Dog are unpretentious and not picky about food. However, they are able to appreciate the beauty and culinary delights. With proper guidance, such a man will make every effort to create an elegant, comfortable and cozy atmosphere in his home.

Male Dogs are prone to pessimism. They need partners who can cheer up and fill their lives with bright colors and interests. The Snake Woman is quite capable of fulfilling such a role, having received in return the devotion, loyalty and support of her husband.

Women born in the year of the Snake stand out for their bewitching grace, beauty and elegance. They often add mystery and mystery to their image, which attracts many fans. At the same time, Snake women may seem cold, unapproachable and outwardly a little emotional. In fact, they know how to truly love, they like to be the object of attention and worship. But in order to win the heart of such a woman, one must not only show the sincerity of one's feelings, but also reveal one's talents and potential, and prove the prospects of future relationships.

The Snake Woman has enviable intellectual abilities.

The Snake Woman has wisdom and extraordinary intelligence. At the same time, she has a developed intuition and feels a lie. It's hard to fool her. Such women are prudent, know how to achieve their goals and are ready to use any means for this. They like to dominate in relationships; in a team, Snakes are prone to intrigue and even deceit. Usually they have many talents and analytical abilities, which allows them to achieve great success in various fields of activity. Despite this, Snake women prefer to bring beauty to their own home, create a cozy atmosphere in it, raise children, and lead their husbands. If her husband can provide for the family, the Snake is ready to give up her career and limit her appearances.

In relations with people, the Snake woman is hampered by excessive distrust, selfishness and jealousy. On the one hand, her suspicion helps to avoid deceit and dubious transactions, on the other hand, it makes it difficult to establish strong relationships. The Snake has a strong character, her attempts to impose her will and subjugate others can be too harsh, cause conflicts and resistance.

Dog Man and Snake Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Snake Woman has an inherent natural magnetism

The beauty, elegance and mystery of the image inherent in a woman born in the year of the Snake attract attention and fascinate a slightly rustic-looking male Dog. He admires her mind and intellect, her aristocratic demeanor and her ability to present herself in high society from the best side. In turn, the Snake woman is impressed by the honesty, openness and sincerity of a man born in the year of the Dog. She likes his devotion and loyalty, willingness to obey her will. The wise Snake feels that he can direct the energy and diligence of the Dog in the direction she needs, thereby ensuring the desired prosperity and stability.

Love between such people can arise from the first days of acquaintance. Fascinated by the Snake, the Dog man will forget about restraint in communication and will strike her with his passion and eloquence. In response, the snake will become less cold and reveal its true feelings to him. At the first stages of acquaintance, they will admire each other, enjoy communication and new emotions. Their relationship during this period is filled with happiness and harmony.

Marriage will be a serious test for the Snake and Dog pair. For both signs of the horoscope, home comfort and family values ​​are important. The compatibility of the Dog and the Snake in love and marriage is quite high, but life under one roof will quickly reveal the flaws and differences in their characters. The snake will begin to annoy the rudeness and innocence of the spouse. In addition, he remains faithful to his friends, it is important for the Dog man to keep in touch and periodically meet with them. Husband's absences can cause unreasonable jealousy and suspicion in the Snake woman.

Despite the tendency of the Dog man to submit, he is freedom-loving enough to endure his wife's attempts to control his life for a long time. Strong pressure and unfair reproaches will cause at first hidden, and then obvious discontent. In protest, the Dog Man will leave home more often, which will cause even more jealousy of his wife. The result of this situation is conflicts, quarrels and final parting.

Another obstacle to building a strong, long-lasting family is the hidden emotionality and some coldness of the Snake woman. For a male Dog, manifestations of affection, tenderness and care are important. Their absence will force him to look for these feelings on the side in spite of fidelity and devotion to his wife. At the same time, the Dog man must remember that the Snake loves to be admired, he must surround her with due attention and provide all kinds of support. Both spouses are usually sincere in their feelings, they should show them more often in relation to each other.

Dog Man and Snake Woman: Compatibility in Love

Sex in the life of the Snake is less important than for the male Dog. She perceives intimacy more as a pleasurable physical act than a manifestation of love and affection. She likes variety in sex, beautiful lingerie and role-playing games. She can be quite temperamental and passionate in bed. However, even here the Snake can control and criticize its partner.

In the view of the Dog man, sex is not only physical intimacy, but also an act of spiritual unity, a symbol of love and tenderness. He will definitely try to convey his vision of intimate relationships to his wife, but he will need a lot of patience and time to change the situation.

Mutual trust will make the marriage of a Dog man and a Snake woman happy for many years.

In any case, it is not sex that holds the pair of Snake women and Dog men together. A family hearth, home comfort, the birth and upbringing of children, sincerity of feelings - this is what truly unites these people. If the Snake curbs his jealousy, trusts his partner more, shows affection and tenderness to him, he will provide her with full support and reliable protection.

The Dog Man should be more tolerant of his wife's shortcomings, understand that her jealousy is caused by true love. He needs to work a lot on himself, get rid of rough manners in order to match the innate aristocracy of his chosen one. Despite the initially good compatibility of the Dog man and the Snake woman, everyone in this union needs to make some efforts to make the marriage successful. Only on the basis of open communication and mutual compromise can a couple achieve happiness and family well-being.

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Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
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  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

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Many people who are fond of astrology are interested in the compatibility of the Snake and the Dog. And this couple is really quite colorful. Well, it’s worth talking about how their relationship develops, and before that, pay attention to the characteristics of each individually.


People born in the year of this animal are loyal and devoted individuals. And it is vital for them to find the person with whom they could be to the end. This is the meaning of their existence. After all, Dogs always think first of all about their partner and his comfort.

Also, these people are hardworking. They are ready to work constantly. Their key quality is honesty, sincerity and adherence to their principles.

In love, Dogs are true romantics. And for them, the intimate component is very important in a relationship. And understanding with respect. If the chosen one of the Dog makes too high demands on her, or, in other words, puts her on a chain, then this will not lead to good. These people value trust and friendship. And if the relationship is built on them, then the partner can count on boundless love and care.


People born this year also need to be told. The Snake man, like the woman, is a person who tries to take everything from life. They not only live for their own pleasure, but also try to use all their abilities with opportunities to achieve their own well-being. But at the same time they appreciate a quiet and calm lifestyle. It is worth noting that the Snake is the person who is very lucky with money.

These people do not like to make immediate decisions. However, they always act quickly. And, after an important matter, they rest, replenishing their strength.

Such people are calm, but closed. They find it difficult to trust others. And such people choose friends very carefully. And if the Snake finds a partner for whom she really has strong feelings, then she will not let him go for anything. They are terrible owners. And terribly jealous, sometimes even too much. But if they see that loyalty and devotion come from a partner, they will become calm and even trusting.

Prospects in relationships

Compatibility Snakes and Dogs often add up safely. And you can understand why. The snake needs a faithful, devoted and loving partner who will definitely not deceive or let you down. And the Dog is just such a person. They often have sympathy at first sight, which then develops into something more.

The dog, for example, seems to the Snake so open and friendly that it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to it. There is so much positivity from this man. And honesty and straightforwardness inspires confidence. And the Snakes, in turn, can charm these people with their courtesy, mystery and intelligence.

Relationships are especially successful in those couples in which the Dog is a girl. She and her Snake boyfriend can make a great family. She will be a wonderful hostess and a sensitive, caring wife. And he, in turn, will become a real support for her, behind which she will feel like behind a stone wall. And, by the way, it was said above that sex is very important for Dogs. So, this pair just has great compatibility in this regard. Snakes and Dogs in bed get all the pleasures available. They satisfy each other in everything. In general, Snakes in this regard are real tempters, especially men. Behind his exemplary calm, a volcano of passions is hidden.

Will the spark go out?

As you can already understand, the compatibility of the Snake and the Dog is very successful. But many people are interested in - will their relationship be the same as in the very beginning? Will that spark disappear? It is safe to say that every day lived together by these people will be filled with romance and interesting communication. They are educated individuals, and they will not bother each other. This is a clear plus for such a pair as the Dog and the Snake.

Marriage compatibility can be extremely successful if both partners learn one nuance. It is very important to give each other personal space. And the Snake - learn to trust. Although, the Dog will demonstrate his faith and devotion to this person, and will prove the presence of these qualities more than once. So the relationship will develop successfully.

Compatibility of signs man Dog and woman Snake is good for romance. The snake will be interested in the Dog, as it will feel his devotion and ability to love disinterestedly. He, too, will like her with her hidden strength and brightness. However, this is only a superficial vision, as the relationship develops, they will begin to notice other, less attractive sides of the partner.


It's easy to maintain a romantic relationship before it gets serious. Periodic meetings bring both pleasure from communication. Together they are fine, but if they decide to move in and live together, they will have additional difficulties. Family and marriage require constant work on both partners.

The Snake woman, realizing that it is time to decide on a partner in life and create a family, begins to show her possessive instincts. She will want her partner to stay with her under any life circumstances. Although she has a powerful intellect and remarkable analytical skills, she can follow an impulse without realizing what she is doing.

The Dog man, although devoted to his companion, still loves a certain sense of freedom. He will always try to find a compromise and agree with the Snake girl in fairness and so that the agreement suits both. In addition, the Dog man is subject to the variability of the internal state and he wants new experiences outside of the relationship with his beloved.


A woman in this pair should remember that she will never be able to directly manage and command a man, so to keep him close you can only be patient and affectionate. If he is allowed much, he will not strive so hard to break the limits that restrain him. She needs to learn to feel the state of the Dog man when he gets bored and has nowhere to throw out his seething energy.

Having studied the characters of each other, the Snake and the Dog can create a balanced union, build happy family relationships and live happily together. The Snake woman will become more flexible in communication and expand her horizons of perception. The Dog man will understand that you can rely on the Snake, because she has worldly wisdom, fortitude and knows how to create a stable life.

In a pair of a female snake and a male Dog, it is very important for partners to learn to negotiate and talk about their feelings, then they will be closer to each other.

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