Sleep washing the floor by another person. Be a cleaner at work. To dream of washing dirty floors in an old house

Why dream of washing the Floors in a dream from a dream book?


Where did you wash the floors in a dream?

Wash the floors in a dream in someone else's house ▼

The dream book characterizes washing the floors in a strange house as influencing the owner of the house. Your impact brings results, positive changes, improvement dynamics can be traced.

Wash floors at work in a dream ▼

I dreamed that you were washing the floor at work - recognition of you as an indispensable employee by the employer, your value and exclusivity. Done will be appreciated on merit.

Why dream of washing floors at school ▼

I dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen ▼

How did you wash the floor in a dream?

Wash the floors with your hands in a dream ▼

I dreamed that you were washing the floor - difficulties are coming in life. Before change occurs, existing ones will have to be dealt with by resolving old issues and affairs, the time has not yet come for new projects.

What floor did you wash in a dream?

Wash a clean floor in a dream ▼

She dreams that you are washing a clean floor - to poor health, the appearance of troubles, problems. Show yourself more attention, listen to the desires and needs, it signals potential troubles.

Why dream of washing a wooden floor ▼

To wash a wooden floor - a dream portends spiritual harmony, peace, serenity of spirit. Do not lose vigilance, otherwise you can fall into the tricks of those who want to lure you out of funds. Exercise the utmost care and caution.

Who washed the floor in a dream?

A neighbor washes the floor in a dream ▼

I dreamed that a neighbor was washing the floor - the previous relationship with patrons could be broken due to. Attempts by ill-wishers to harm you will fail and will not bring the expected results.

Husband washes the floor in a dream ▼

I dreamed about how it washes the floor - the distribution of duties, it will take on the solution of most of the existing problems. Show participation and support, it is necessary to maintain a good relationship.

Grandma washes the floor in a dream ▼

The dream where the grandmother washes the floors is temporary difficulties, passing hardships. You will overcome problems and find the right solution. Take your time, the time will come and you will find the right solution.

Daughter washes the floor in a dream ▼

Washes floors in a dream - a willingness to make amends, to repent of a deed done in relation to you. Show condescension and benevolence to her spiritual outburst.

How do other dream books interpret?

Miller's dream book

Video: Why dream of washing the Floors

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I dreamed of washing the Floors, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of washing the Floors in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello. I had a dream that I was looking out the window from the apartment where I lived as a child. It is raining outside and the water rises and enters the apartment. I went out for a rag and when I went in, there was no water at all. It was removed by my mother, who died 15 years ago. And I hear her crying. I took a rag and began to wipe the floor. And there was a dirty rag at the threshold. This is such a dream. (I heard that washing the floors is me washing someone out of the apartment. Thank you

    In a dream, I washed the floors in the kitchen in the house. Then I got distracted - it seems as if guests came ... I say: - Now. I’m half home .... I look, a large man is sitting at the table and some smaller one. They discussed something ... The big one is in real life my neighbor in the market (or rather the owner of the store - he rarely goes there, he has sellers ... I never dreamed of ...), but I don’t remember who is smaller .... I remember that I washed the floors and so it was clean...

    Sleep. My dirty staircase in the entrance of the house. Where is my apartment. My apartment is on the first floor. My floors are on the second in front of the neighbor’s door and down the stairs. We have a two-story house.

    in a strange house for some reason washed the floor. I don’t remember the rag and the water, too, what they were. just an action - I washed it under the bed and next to it. The bed was made. In this dream, I saw my grandmother’s house, relatives and people I didn’t know, they noted something, but they didn’t even call me and didn’t invite me, as a result, I left there. and my sister screamed at me and started shouting something before the race. I saw my husband, we talked with the realtor so that the owners of the apartment would lay carpets on the floor, because the child was cold on the floor and I don’t understand why we are in a rented apartment. please tell me what to fear?

    Hello Tatiana. My dad died 4 months ago, and today I see a dream of my floors in which house I don’t know half of the grind is already shining, but half is not, and I’m saying now I’m going home and you’ll come to visit dad. Write down its meaning please

    Hello! my mother had a dream that she was washing the floors in the school building, and then she sees herself naked in the mirror .. What can this dream mean? in fact, she was recently diagnosed with cancer.

    I saw that my stairs were in some large building and started washing from the top floor. but besides me, there were some other unfamiliar women who also washed the floors and were surprised to see me doing this. And an unrelated frame from the same dream - as if my husband and I live in an apartment for 2 owners and I notice that a peeping hole appeared in the wall from the neighbors through which we were kind of watched. After that, we seem to make a decision to leave to live in a rented apartment. Well, here's some kind of confusion I dreamed about.

    Hello.! My name is Svetlana, I’m 36 years old. I dreamed that I had a fight with a neighbor in the kitchen and then they started washing the dishes and she was my own table. the room on the floors and began to thoroughly wash everything and put on a headset ... (I just dreamed of a neighbor for the first time in my life, we have a small family.!!! Feelings of some kind of deja vu.)

    My husband washed the floors in our house, it was very light in the room, the floors were wooden, not painted, washed to whiteness. I entered the house, he asked him not to interfere, I went out into the street and saw that my parents were walking towards us from the forest, they were swearing loudly among themselves, and two small dogs were running in front of them: one of my dogs was pockmarked, the other unfamiliar red. We went into the house, it was light and sunny, we were met by my husband with a smile, I woke up

    I dreamed that my husband and I were in our first apartment (we lived in it 23 years ago). And as if she lives with us (never lived together), his mother (she has been deceased for 20 years), her husband scolds her for something, and I reproach him: why scream like that?!) They quarrel, and I began to wash the floor (it is very dirty, like a large layer of ash lies).

    What can such a dream mean: in it, at first, I picked ripe berries from a bush, of which there were many - red cherries hung mixed with black berries of the same size. All this gave me great pleasure. And then I had a date with a man in prison (this is a real person and he is really in prison). During the meeting, we were separated by bars. I was surprised by how well he looked - smug, recovered, with a rounded face, I was especially struck by his eyes, iridescent from bright blue to bright emerald color. Then I went into the room where other people were sitting, also waiting for a date. This room had a tiled floor. Some of the tiles are beige, some are terracotta, laid out like a chessboard. The floor is wet in places, in small puddles. I found a rag (it seems to be sackcloth) and washed this floor, rather removed the water. After I decided that I needed to wash my hands, I went to the sink, opened the faucet, but the water flowed poorly from it, then I found another copper one, the water from it flowed well and clean, I washed my hands, the feeling of clean hands remained.

    Hello. I washed the houses, washed the floors with a mop, while trying to wash all the garbage from every corner. What is it for? The dream is very clear and precise. It was bright and sunny outside, the sun shone through the window, as there were reflections of it on the floor, I didn’t see the window itself. In reality, this is what happens in life: my husband recently left me, but they have not yet divorced, and I am looking for work. Thank you.

    on a large balcony, as if our house, there were 4 rotting carcasses of pigs and 3 rats crawled over them and ate them, I told my husband that the pigs needed to be thrown out, because they were dead. then they were gone, and the husband said that he threw them out of the balcony. The rats also disappeared, we began to wash the floors, watering the spots where the white pigs lay, but I did not smell the smells. Then we ended up in the kitchen, which was flooded with water, it was very dirty, there was a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink, then the water on the floor disappeared and I saw myself in the white dress of the bride. Very strange sensations were unpleasant in the morning.

    Hello, Tatyana, I wrote that my daughter came to my house with her boyfriend and asked for help with the car that stalled, my husband got dressed and went to help, it all happens late at night. With my daughter and boyfriend, I notice their friend who asks for cutlery, I take out a small spoon for him and I’m horrified because he has an obese face (one eye is missing), they leave and I see that my daughter has trampled the whole corridor, it’s all in the sand and I start washing it and I understand that I’m at my mother’s house, and my little son is running on this sand, I sat him on the sofa, and I know that my mother also walks along the corridor along this sand, I swear and wash her legs, clean my floor. I think that I offended my mother and ask if she cares or not, and she says that it remains and I feel relieved and wake up. The dream is very real, I did not understand that I was dreaming.

In a dream, we often repeat the actions that we perform in everyday life. Such dreams are called carbon copies, that is, dreams that reflect the daily activities of a person. Such routine, everyday activities as cleaning the apartment, cooking, ironing clothes are often dreamed of, and this is normal. In a dream, our subconscious makes us re-experience what is part of our real life. How to interpret those dreams on an everyday topic that appear to the dreamer for no good reason? For example, if a person’s duties do not include cleaning the room, but he dreams that he is brushing dust off furniture or washing the floor. Why dream of washing floors if the dream is not a carbon copy, but arose suddenly, for no apparent reason?

Cleaning in a dream is a symbol of liberation from the negativity that has accumulated over a long period of time. There are probably many problems in real life that you put off until later, not knowing how to deal with them.

The most sinister interpretation of sleep with mopping the floor in the house is death, threatening the dreamer himself or his relatives. To wash the floor - to the dead man in the house: our grandmothers still unequivocally judged the dream.

But, it should be borne in mind that a dream is rarely concise, usually it is accompanied by many additional factors, details and features. They make up an integral image, and only with their help should a dream be interpreted in order to correctly grasp the meaning of what was seen.

Features and details of wet cleaning

  1. Floor type

Sex in a dream is a symbol of solidity, fundamentality. It is he who is exposed (washed), and the general interpretation of sleep depends on his appearance:

  • A solid, strong floor in a dream is a solid support, a reliable rear in real life.
  • A flimsy, staggering, falling floor in a dream is a sign of instability and the variability of your goals, interests.
  1. Floor washing water

If the water with which you wash the floors in a dream is clean, this is a message that you are succeeding in life., harmony reigns in your house.

  • Dirty water in a dream symbolizes an impending danger. or chronic boredom.
  • Wet your feet during wet cleaning - such a dream portends illness and trouble.
  • Fall on a wet surface - the thoughtlessness of your actions will bring you nothing but misfortune.
  1. Bucket

Usually part of the utensils needed for wet cleaning is a household bucket. And, if you saw it in a dream, its appearance must be taken into account for the correct interpretation of what you saw.

  • A full bucket of water in a dream promises a secure, well-fed life in reality.
  • An empty or barely full bucket dreams of a hard life, poverty, disappointments.
  • If in a dream you knocked over a full bucket of water, an unpleasant incident will occur in your real life, the culprit of which you yourself will become.
  • To carry a full bucket of water - such a dream indicates that in life you are a workhorse, that is, you are used to shouldering the burden of other people's duties.
  • A leaky bucket from which water flows is a symbol of missed opportunities.
  • To see a rusty bucket in your dream - soon you will become the object of gossip and slander.
  1. Rag

A floor rag is a common and necessary attribute for wet cleaning, which should also be taken into account when interpreting dreams with mopping.

  • If in your dream you see a household rag, this is evidence that in real life you attach too much importance to the order in the house. You spend the lion's share of the time to maintain cleanliness, people close to you may suffer from a lack of your attention.
  • Tearing things to rags - such a dream indicates that you are exchanging your life for trifles missing something important and necessary.
  1. Mop

Why dream of washing floors with a mop? - here the interpreters are unanimous in their opinion: beware, you are in mortal danger! It could be an accident or a serious illness.

To break a mop in the process of washing the floor - you miraculously manage to avoid danger.

Who washed the floor in a dream?

  • If you yourself rub the floors to a shine in the room - such a dream is favorable.. He promises a reward for your labors. If you wash the floor in the office, you are likely to be promoted; if you are cleaning the house, an expensive and long-awaited gift from loved ones awaits you.
  • If someone else washes the floors for you, there is a chance that someone is aiming for your place: if cleaning takes place in the office, another worker may be hired instead of you; if at home, you may have a rival in the fight for the heart of a loved one.

Where did you wash the floor?

  • If you rub the floors in someone else's house - such a dream is a reflection of your desire to help someone in real life.
  • The dream in which you wash the floors in the parental home is an unfavorable dream. He warns that you may lose one of your older relatives.
  • If you are doing wet cleaning in your own entrance, such a dream portends a change of residence. Circumstances may or may not be favorable.
  • In a dream, you happened to wash the floors in the church - this may mean that you have committed some kind of misconduct, are very worried about this and would like to atone for their guilt.
  • To wash the floors in the kitchen - such a dream predicts a new love interest, but keep in mind that your reputation may be greatly shaken because of it.
Tidying up and washing floors is usually not a very pleasant process, and the interpretation of dreams with it is not very positive.

One thing is for sure - if wet cleaning in a dream gives you pleasure, you admire the result of your labors and are deeply satisfied with yourself - such a dream should be interpreted as favorable, no matter what sinister attributes, traits and features were present in it. We also advise you to watch a video that explains why you dream of washing floors.

Washing the floor in a dream is a good sign. In truth, such dreams are quite common. For a more accurate interpretation of such dreams, you need to remember such nuances as the room in which you worked, how exactly you did it.

Why dream that you wash the floors?

A dream where you diligently wash the floor promises a reward for your labors as a successful career. However, you should not quarrel with your superiors. It is better to leave defending your positions for later. Arguments and contradictions will not lead to anything good, but diligence and willingness to compromise will certainly be appreciated.

In addition, the dream book warns that washing the floor in a dream symbolizes that you have to prepare for some important event that will happen in your life. Perhaps it will lead to a lot of changes.

To wash floors in a dream, what is it for in addition to all of the above?

Wash the floor in a dream

As the dream book notes, someone else can wash the floor. This means that you risk losing your job. Soon, your position will probably be taken by a colleague who has distinguished himself with greater success in this type of activity than you.

How the dream book interprets washing the floor in a dream is to expect a change in love relationships. They will happen soon and will affect your life.

Know that your actions will greatly affect the people around you if before that you saw how you clean the floor in someone else's house or apartment. Therefore, be more careful and prudent, try not to harm your loved ones with a rash act or word.

What floor do you wash in a dream

Pay attention to the quality, properties and color of the floor you are trying to clean. If the flooring is reliable and solid, it means that in real life you have someone to rely on. You will not be abandoned in difficult times and will be helped to overcome all difficulties.

If the surface is unstable, and the floor itself sways under you, you should reconsider your surroundings. Be careful - intentionally or not, even the closest person can betray you. Holes in the floor symbolize a sieve, i.e. gaps through which happiness and peace can leave you, leaving failures, troubles and losses.

Pay attention to the degree of cleanliness of the floor. If in a dream you have a desire to wash dirty floors, then this is a completely positive sign. Changes are waiting for you. But these changes are favorable.

But a clean floor, on the contrary, is a problem. If you wash such flooring, then troubles await you, and maybe even illness.

If you wash wood flooring, this indicates your desire to wash away all gossip, petty squabbles and squabbles from your life in the same way. The dreamer wants to establish relationships with people.

In addition to wood, the floor can be made of tiles or any similar material. Such a dream indicates that stability and consistency are coming in a person’s life. You will achieve peace of mind and balance financially.

floor color

Pay attention to exactly what color the floor was that you happened to wash in a dream.

If the color palette was dark (meaning shades such as blue, gray, green, brown or burgundy), then you should dig a little into yourself. Perhaps you are thinking about completely unnecessary and insignificant things. A dream can warn of causeless unrest, to which you doom yourself in vain.

Another thing is if the floor was light in color. Firstly, this indicates the correct perception of the world and an adequate assessment of events by the dreamer. The sleeper goes the right way and fulfills his plan. This dream may indicate that joyful events and news will soon be in your life.

In some dream books, washing floors is deciphered as a warning that you will soon leave your home - temporarily or for a long time. Also, such a dream may mean that you have to host guests.

If you do not just clean the flooring, but diligently wash it, there is reason to think. Perhaps in reality you have a feeling of underestimation, you lack self-realization.

Much depends on the place where you do wet cleaning.

Wash the floor in a dream at work

If you dream about how you perform this process at your work, do not worry. This does not at all portend unexpected “blockages” and difficulties. In fact, this is quite an auspicious sign. It symbolizes that your boss considers you irreplaceable. You are a very valuable and good worker. Keep up the good work and you're guaranteed to get a promotion or pay raise.

It also matters where exactly in a dream you wash the floors. Is this your apartment/house or someone else's? There are motives in dreams when the sleeper washes the floors not at all in the living room. All this affects the semantic message of the dream.

Wash floors in a dream dream book

He interprets the dream book to wash the floors in the church as washing away his sins.

If you had such a dream, it means that you have committed some act that haunts you. The dream symbolizes a person's desire to atone for this sin and start a completely new, righteous life.

Why dream of washing the floors in the entrance? Such a dream promises a quick change of your place of residence. In the very near future, you will have to move from your usual home.

All dream books give an unambiguous interpretation of what dreams of washing floors at school. This means that the dreamer will soon change his school. So you can start preparing for this event in advance.

As in life, in your dream you can wash the floor in two ways. Washing floors with a mop in a dream means imminent conflicts in your life. It can be quarrels with your loved ones, scandals at work or all sorts of showdowns. Also, such a dream warns that you can get into an unpleasant situation.

Dreaming of washing the floor with your hands means that you will have to work hard at this stage of life before any changes occur.

Vanga. Dream Interpretation wash the floor in a dream

Vanga gives an optimistic explanation for such dreams. As a rule, washing floors signals the beginning of a successful career, if you do not spoil your relationship with management.

Psychology has its own interpretations of this motive. Freud believed that washing floors means wanting to dot the i's in a relationship with your soul mate. Probably, you are tired of monotony, and you are waiting for new sensations.

The interpretation of the dream in which you wash the floors, according to Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus, washing floors in a dream means the beginning of a new stage in personal life, as well as changes in relationships with a partner. If you wash the floor in an unfamiliar place, this means that soon the decisions you make will have a great impact on the people around you.

Wash floors Miller's dream book

In this dream book, the vision of mopping is interpreted as a harbinger of major life changes. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the flooring. If it is dirty, then the changes will be negative. A clean floor speaks of success that will soon come into your life.

Dream about mopping - be in trouble?

Although among the people such dreams are considered unfavorable - do not rush to panic. Such a vision may well tell you something pleasant. Why dream that you wash the floors is explained by many dream books, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of sleep.

Sleep theme:

If you want to know why you dreamed of washing the floors and what the dream of cleaning means, it is recommended that you read this article, which describes all the known interpretations of such a dream.

In a dream, wash the floors in someone else's house, in your own, at the entrance, in your parent's house, store

If you have to mop the floors in someone else's house, the point is that you will have the opportunity to help someone at work or in the family. Sometimes a dream to the death of a little-known person. If washing takes place in your own home, it means that you will have changes in your life, and for the better.

Washing the floors in the entrance indicates the availability of opportunities to improve living conditions, including the promise of moving to a new place, for example, to a rented apartment. As for the parents' house, in this situation it is worth preparing for a possible misfortune in the family. In the case of the store, we are talking about the presence of additional chores around the house.

In a dream, wash the floors in someone else's apartment, at my grandmother's, in a church, in a hospital, at school

In a strange house, washing floors in a dream suggests that your actions will cause a change in the lives of those who trust you or consider you an example to follow. In the case of the deceased grandmother, we are talking about the fact that within your family you should expect conflict situations, the resolution of which is entirely your concern.

If you dream of washing floors in a church, then it's time to be wary, because soon there will be a lot of troubles and dangerous life moments. Why dream of washing floors in a hospital or a large room? In such a situation, you need to prepare yourself for a series of failures in your personal life and at work.

In the case of school, it is about the fact that you can achieve success both at work and in the educational process. Such a dream is positive and does not promise failure.

Wash floors in a dream with dirty (clean) water, what is it for

If the water is not polluted, you should prepare for good news. In the case when the washed floor is dirty, like water, then condemnation from the outside awaits you. A man will have such a dream for the appearance of envious people.

Why dream of washing floors in a dream in the kitchen, street, cemetery, work

If you dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen, then you have to wait for a new relationship with the opposite sex. If there are already any, you can count on strengthening mutual feelings.

If washing is on the street, then a dream can mean grief or numerous experiences. Your friends or relatives may have unpleasant situations in which you will be presented with a chance to help in solving the problem. If you dreamed of a cemetery and mopping in it, it means that a bright streak begins in life and you don’t have to wait for failure.

Washing the floor at work suggests that you are fed up with it and this is a good reason to find another job.

In a dream, wash the floors with foam, at home, at the mother-in-law

If foam or soapy water is used, soap bubbles in a dream, then the joyful moments will not last long, and the previously planned will not be destined to end.

To wash the floors in your home, what is it for? In such a situation, they talk about family well-being and improved health. Helping the mother-in-law always brings new troubles, both on the love front and in the workplace.

In a dream, wash the floors with a mop, with your hands, around the bed, in the bath

The use of a mop in a dream indicates that it is worth agreeing to the offer that was or will be made by a stranger. Washing the floor in a dream with your hands will symbolize the desire to whiten your reputation, including guaranteeing the elimination of any problems that have appeared recently. Cleaning under the bed or around it is a trip or a business trip, and seeing a bath is a desire to improve your reputation and become a new person.

Sleep to wash the floors of a pregnant woman

In this case, expect childbirth in the coming days.

To dream of washing dirty floors in an old house

Washing such a floor indicates future troubles or that you will get sick. An old house in a dream is a change of place of permanent residence.

In a dream, mom washes the floors, husband, deceased (deceased)

If the mother washes the floor in a dream, then you will have problems with personal communication, and the husband will indicate the presence of envious people and ongoing slander. In the case of the dead who washes the floor, you can count on the restoration of trust from the one who is disappointed in you.

Wash floors in a dream Islamic dream book

Laundry and washing will talk about getting rid of many problems, burdens and misfortunes.

Wash floors in a dream Miller's dream book

You should beware of envious people who can interfere with career advancement or seek to ruin your reputation.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

Why did you start cleaning someone else's house? Probably, only in a hopeless situation, when you would have to be hired to serve as a scrubber. It is easy to guess what such actions dream of. Vision predicts conflicts, troubles, life troubles.

However, a number of dreamed details allow us to interpret such a plot quite positively. For example, sometimes a dream book prophesies the strengthening of the influence of the sleeping person on others, increasing his authority.

Time for action, initiative

If you remember in whose house, then keep in mind that in reality this character will be able to provide patronage, provide the opportunity for a rapid rise up the career ladder.
Now is not the time to sit back and think, that's what else such a plot is dreaming of. The time has come to act decisively and boldly. The dream interpretation resembles the famous phrase of one of the leaders: procrastination is like death! It will come in very handy in this situation.

A little criticism would be helpful

Sleep and see that you are wielding a mop or a rag in someone else's home, where the floors are covered with a layer of dirt? It seems that you are a rather decisive, rational person, accustomed to achieving your goal by any means and methods. But sometimes such assertiveness alarms and irritates others.

In a dream, do you wash other people's floors with dirty water? Then admit that in reality you often sin by creating the appearance of vigorous activity. But in fact, spend time at your pleasure, obviously not overloading yourself with work.

About hypocrisy, about the desire to seem much better than you really are, says a dream in which I happened to wipe a dirty stain from the floor. In principle, this is a natural desire of every person, but some individuals are clearly overplaying, pretending to be such angels. However, many people feel falsehood and lies, and behave with you wary. Get rid of the habit of "being cute," the dream book advises.

Where exactly did they work?

Correctly interpreting a night dream will help information about: in whose house wet cleaning was carried out.

  • For example, washing the floor with parents is a bad omen, anticipating misfortunes and troubles.
  • If you have accomplished a labor feat in your mother-in-law's home, then in reality you will have to communicate with people who will annoy and unnerve.
  • You are able to put an end to some kind of enmity, quarrel, that's what I dreamed of washing the floor in the house of the deceased grandmother and business.
  • And if you are sure that you were rubbing the floorboards in the apartment of one of the relatives, you should know that in reality you are able to help them, to solve an important problem for them.
  • Did you dream that you were using a mop in an old abandoned mansion? Then very soon you will celebrate a housewarming or moving to a different address, the dream book warns

Futile attempts

In a dream book authored by Gustav Miller, washing the floor in someone else's home is a very bad sign, prophesying disappointment and failure to the dreamer. Let's say he dreamed of a promotion? Alas, the vacant position will be taken by a lucky colleague.

Alas, difficulties are inevitable!

Adversity, hardships and even humiliation will have to be endured by a person who saw himself in a dream washing the floor in the dwelling of an outsider. Moreover, if the room seemed familiar, then it was there that all the troubles would happen in reality.

If you used a mop in a dream, then resign yourself to the need to restrain feelings and emotions. The dream interpretation predicts a series of conflicts and quarrels that will arise on the basis of minor misunderstandings, and so that they do not develop into grandiose scandals, it is better not to get involved in these troubles, to maintain at least a semblance of calm.

A huge number of small, but troublesome problems have to be solved both at home and at work, that's what I dreamed about washing the floor with my hands. And there is only one reason for this - you have been postponing many questions “for later” for too long, and now the hour of reckoning for such inaction and frivolity has come.

For the good of the cause

But not everything is so sad. The interpretation of a dream can change radically, depending on the nature of the sleeping person. So sometimes mopping anticipates that the dreamer will show extraordinary leadership qualities, will, resourcefulness.

Sometimes a dream that you are scrubbing the parquet in the dwelling of a rival (rival) accurately indicates that in reality you will be able to stand up for yourself and for your happiness without becoming a victim of intrigues and other enemy tricks.

And also wet cleaning in someone else's apartment shows that you have the gift of persuasion, influence. And if you wish, you can even control the fate of people.