Colleagues in the army military unit 3654. Professional system for checking counterparties "Counterparty.Pro

4001. CHAZOV Alexey Leonidovich Private VV MIA
4002. CHALENKO Alexander Evgenievich Private VV MIA
4003. CHAMBULOV Alexander Nikolaevich private military unit 62295
4004. CHARKIN Sergey Anatolyevich senior lieutenant of military unit 06652
4005. CHASTIKOV Pavel Sergeevich private military unit 6681 VV MIA
4006. CHASHCHIN Anatoly Anatolyevich private military unit 34605 255 msp
4007. CHEBOTAREV Igor Nikolaevich lieutenant (?)
4008. CHEBOTAR Andrey Fedorovich corporal of military unit 62892 245 ms
4009. CHEBYKIN Vladimir Leonidovich Private military unit 67636 129 small and medium-sized enterprises
4010. CHEGUEVSKY Ilya Nikolaevich Private VV MVD
4011. CHELKASOV Ivan Gennadievich private military unit 74814 205 omsbr
4012. CHELOBITMIKOV Dmitry Igorevich Private VV MVD
4013. CHELPANOV Aleksey Vladimirovich junior sergeant of military unit 3641 21 guards (Sofrinskaya) VV MVD
4014. CHELYADNIKOV Vladimir Ivanovich Private VV MVD
4015. CHEMERIKIN Vasily Vladimirovich senior ensign of military unit 71432 1 brig.
4016. CHAMPALOV Vasily Sergeyevich sergeant of military unit 51404
4017. CHEPNEV Sergey Aleksandrovich junior sergeant of military unit 74814 205 omsbr
4018. CHEPRAKOV Grigory Nikolaevich police sergeant
4019. CHEPURKIN Stanislav Yurievich police officer
4020. CHERVYAKOV Igor Ivanovich Private military unit 62892 245 MSP military unit 64238
4021. CHEREVAN Vitaly Nikolaevich sailor military unit 06017 879 odshb Balt. fleet
4022. CHEREVICHNY Nikolai Anatolyevich junior sergeant of military unit 59236 106 airborne division (Tula)
4023. *ChEREVKO Alexander Nikolaevich Private (?)
4024. CHEREMUSHKIN Vyacheslav Nikolaevich ensign of military unit 52800 133 reb
4025. CHERENTAEV Nikolay Petrovich private military unit 42746 33 small rep
4026. CHEREPANOV Sergey Nikolaevich junior sergeant of military unit 3654 VV MVD, DON-100, 46th regiment 2 BON 6 MSR
4027. CHERKASOV Yury Valentinovich private military unit 62892 245 msp
4028. CHERKASHIN Alexander Nikolaevich Private VV MVD
4029. CHERKASHIN Mikhail Alexandrovich sailor military unit 06017 879 odshb Balt. fleet
4030. CHERMYANINOV Yuri Arkadievich Sergeant of military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
4031. CHERNETSOV Valery Nikolaevich Private VV MVD
4032. CHERNIKOV Vladimir Vladimirovich lieutenant of military unit 11879 military unit 11652
4033. CHERNIKOV Sergey Alexandrovich (?) military unit 74821 205 omsbr
4034. CHERNIKOV Sergey Nikolaevich private military unit 92141
4035. CHERNOV Alexander Sergeevich Private VV MVD
4036. CHERNOV Alexey Sergeevich Private VV MVD
4037. CHERNOV Andrey Vitalievich private military unit 22033 166 omsbr
4038. CHERNOV Gennady Vladimirovich private military unit 92141
4039. CHERNOV Igor Aleksandrovich Private,. VV MIA
4040. CHERNOV Sergey Vasilyevich junior sergeant of the VV MVD
4041. CHERNOV Sergey Vladimirovich. private military unit 73597 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk)
4042. CHERNOV Yuri Alekseevich junior sergeant of military unit 65451 98 airborne division of military unit 62295
4043. CHERNOGOR Alexey Vladimirovich private military unit 21617 506 msp
4044. CHERNOMORES Andrey Anatolyevich senior sergeant of military unit 12356
4045. CHERNOSKUTOV Denis Sergeevich Private VV MVD
4046. CHERNOUSOV Spartak Viktorovich private military unit 59236 106 airborne division (Tula)
4047. CHERNUTSKY Vasily Aleksandrovich private military unit 29483 503 msp
4048. CHERNIKH Anton Vladimirovich Private military unit 69771 276 MSP
4049. CHERNIKH Konstantin Alekseevich lieutenant of military unit 69771 276 msp
4050. CHERNYSHOV Sergey Gennadievich Private VV MVD
4051. CHES Gennady Vladimirovich senior lieutenant of military unit 42746 33 msp
4052. CHESNOKOV Sergey Viktorovich Sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4053. CHESTYAKOV Sergey Nikolaevich (?) military unit 3724 VV MIA
4054. CHETVERIKOV Mikhail Viktorovich Private military unit 65349 81 SME
4055. FOURTH Leonid Vitalievich private military unit 69771 276 MSP military unit 29483 503 MSP
4056. CHETVERTUHIN Dmitry Vladimirovich junior sergeant of military unit 30158
4057. CHETNEV Sergey Alexandrovich sergeant of military unit 74930 205 omsbr
4058. CHIGASHOV Sergey Anatolyevich lieutenant of military unit 89554
4059. *CHIGODAYEV/CH IGADAEV Alexey Alexandrovich (?) junior sergeant of military unit 65349 81 small rep
4060. CHIZHIKOV Alexander Ivanovich Private VV MVD
4061. CHIZHOV Alexander Anatolyevich Sergeant of the Interior Ministry
4062. CHIKMEZOV Vladimir Alexandrovich lieutenant of military unit 22191 21 brigade rkhbz SKVO
4063. CHIKUNOV Oleg Borisovich Private military unit 62892 245 small and medium-sized enterprises
4064. CHILIKANOV Igor Vasilyevich Corporal of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4065. CHILIKIN Alexander Nikolaevich Private VV MVD
4066. CHYLIKIN Valentin Anatolievich lieutenant colonel of military unit 65349 81 msp
4067. CHILYAKOV Andrey Nikolaevich Private VV MVD
4068. CHIMEREKIN Vasily Gennadievich senior ensign of military unit 65349 81 small rep
4069. CHINDROV Alexey Vladimirovich private military unit 09332 131 omsbr
4070. CHIPURNOY Viktor Gennadievich Sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4071. CHIRKIN Alexey Vladimirovich Private VV MVD
4072. CHIRKIN Sergey Anatolyevich senior lieutenant of military unit 06652
4073. CHIRKOV Ilya Markovich Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4074. CHISLOV Mikhail Borisovich private military unit 73597 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk)
4075. CHISLOV Sergei Anatolyevich private military unit 73612
4076. CHISTOV Alexander Valerievich private military unit 52467 245 msp
4077. CHISTOVICH Nikita (?) OMON From Petersburg
4078. CHISTYAKOV Alexander Viktorovich junior sergeant of military unit 65349 81 msp
4079. CHISTYAKOV Vladimir Ivanovich (?) VV MVD
4080. CHISTYAKOV Dmitry Anatolyevich Private VV MVD
4081. CHISTYAKOV Maxim Maksimovich private military unit 93910 205 omsbr
4082. CHICHAYKIN Vyacheslav Pavlovich Private VV MVD
4083. *CHICHIN Vladimir private military unit 22033 166th brigade
4084. Chomanev Murat Abdullovich Private military unit 64415
4085. CHUBAROV Denis Vladimirovich private military unit 93920 205 omsbr
4086. CHUVANKOV Alexander Ivanovich private military unit 21617 506 msp
4087. *CHUVAROV Sergey (?) military unit 65349 81 small rep
4088. CHUDIN Dmitry Petrovich (?) military unit 3655 SKO VV MIA
4089. CHUDINOV Sergey Nikolaevich private military unit 09332 131 omsbr
4090. CHUDNOV Gennady Vladimirovich private military unit 92141 possible CHERNOV G.V.
4091. CHUDOV Alexey Petrovich private military unit 23562 68 orb 20 msd
4092. *CHUIKOV Lernik Petrovich (?)
4093. CHUKANOV Rafik Salakhitovich Private VV MIA
4094. CHULA Mogun-olo Alekseevich police lieutenant
4095. CHULKUROV Sergey Nikolaevich. police officer
4096. CHUNKOV Andrey Ivanovich captain of military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
4097. CHUPENKO Oleg Gennadievich senior lieutenant of military unit 62892 245 msp
4098. *CHUPRIKOV Pavel Andreevich captain of military unit 21617 506 small rep.
4099. CHUPRIKOV Pavel Vladimirovich captain of military unit 44688
4100. CHUPRUNOV Mikhail Alexandrovich private military unit 92656
4101. CHURILOV Dmitry Ivanovich private military unit 01860 429 msp
4102. CHURIN Dmitry Gennadievich private military unit 74819 205 omsbr
4103. CHURIN Sergey Georgievich police lieutenant
4104. CHUROV Sergey Vasilyevich foreman of militia militia
4105. CHURSIN Alexey Vasilievich private military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovskaya)
4106. CHUKHANOV Dmitry Nikolaevich Major of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4107. CHUCHELIN Alexey Yurievich private military unit 91060
4108. SHABAYEV Valery Nikolaevich. captain of military unit 67636 129 small and medium enterprises
4109. SHABALIN Alexey Viktorovich Private VV MVD
4110. SHABALIN Valery Petrovich lieutenant colonel of military unit 41450 137th Guards PDP 106th Guards Airborne
4111. SHABALOV Evgeny Mikhailovich senior lieutenant of military unit 74823 205 omsbr
4112. SHABALOV Sergey Viktorovich private military unit 41450 137th Guards PDP 106th Guards Airborne
4113. SHABANOV Evgeny Igorevich junior sergeant military unit 01860 429 msp military unit 09332 131 omsbr
4114. SHABANOV Mikhail Sergeevich Private VV MVD
4115. SHABANOV Sergey Viktorovich Corporal of military unit 74930 205 Omsbr
4116. SHABASHEV Roman Valentinovich lieutenant of military unit 66431 693 msp
4117. SHABUNETS Denis Anatolievich VV MVD Source: 46 LIST MVD /4/
4118. SHABUROV Gennady Viktorovich junior sergeant of military unit 74268 76 airborne division (Pskovskaya)
4119. SHABUROV Sergey Viktorovich junior sergeant of military unit 32515 76 airborne division (Pskovskaya)
4120. SHAVALEEV Denis Mikhailovich Private VV MVD
4121. SHAVGA Igor Vasilievich private military unit 32575
4122. SHAVKOV Sergei Aleksandrovich Sergeant VV MVD
4123. SHAGAN Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich private military unit 10892
4124. SHAGIEV Vener Kanafievich sergeant of military unit 64201 135 omsbr
4125. SHADRIN Alexander Vladimirovich sergeant of military unit 21617 506 msp
4126. SHAIDYUK Vadim Sergeevich Private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
4127. SHAYKHUTDINOV Ravil Idrisovich private military unit 74814 205 omsbr
4128. SHALABANOV Vsevolod Vasilyevich senior lieutenant of military unit 64307
4129. SHALAYEV Roman Anatolyevich private military unit 64201 135 omsbr
4130. SHALAMOV Oleg Eduardovich private military unit 69771 276 small rep
4131. SHALBANOV Arsalin Aleksandrovich Private VV MVD
4132. SHALINSKY Igor Andreevich (so on the list) senior lieutenant of military unit 01860 429 msp died during the assault on the village of Stary Achkhoy on March 16, 1996
4133. SHALYGANOV Alexey Leonidovich private military unit 21617 506 msp possible. Salganov A.L.
4134. SHAMANIN / SHAMONIN Alexey Grigorievich Private VV MVD
4135. SHAMRAI Gennady Borisovich. Private military unit 34605 255 MSP
4136. SHAMRAI Dmitry Borisovich private military unit 35732 Kantemirovskaya div
4137. SHAMRATOV Sergey Vladimirovich junior sergeant of military unit 21617 506 msp
4138. SHAMSUTDINOV Yuri Vladimirovich Sergeant of military unit 15204
4139. SHANDRIN Artur Aleksandrovich sergeant of military unit 22033 166 omsbr
4140. SHANIN Dmitry Vladimirovich Private military unit 67636 129 MSP
4141. SHAPILOV Aleksey Valerievich Private military unit 66431 693 MSP
4142. SHAPLYGIN Oleg Yurievich. captain of military unit 62978 325 ovp
4143. SHAPOVALOV Alexey Vladimirovich junior sergeant of the VV MVD
4144. SHAPOVALOV Vitaly Valerievich senior lieutenant of military unit 64833
4145. SHAPOVALOV Octavian Viktorovich captain of military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
4146. SHAPOCHKIN Anatoly Vladimirovich private military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
4147. * SHAPOSHNIKOV Alexander Viktorovich Private military unit 69771 276 MSP
4148. SHAPOSHNIKOV Alexander Vladimirovich Private
4149. SHAPOSHNIKOV Alexey Sergeevich private military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovskaya)
4150. SHAPOSHNIKOV Dmitry Alexandrovich senior lieutenant of military unit 42746 33 msp
4151. SHARAVIN Alexey Alexandrovich private military unit 21005 74th brigade
4152. SHARGATOV Alexey Evgenievich private military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovskaya)
4153. SHARIPOV Alexander Albikovich private military unit 34605 255 MSP military unit 22220 20 MSD
4154. SHARIPOV Musa Magomedovich private military unit 63354 136 omsbr
4155. SHARKOV Alexey Viktorovich private military unit 67636 129 MSP
4156. SHARKOV Nikolay Viktorovich Private VV MVD
4157. SHARKOV Sergey Anatolyevich senior sergeant of military unit 3654 VV MVD, DON-100, 46th regiment 2 BON 5 MSR
4158. SHAROV Alexander Evgenievich captain of military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk)
4159. SHAROV Alexei Borisovich Senior Lieutenant of the Interior Ministry
4160. SHAROV Aleksey Evgenievich Senior Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4161. SHAROV Dmitry Anatolyevich junior sergeant of military unit 11879
4162. SHARYPOV Andrey Viktorovich Private VV MIA
4163. SHATALOV Sergey Viktorovich Private military unit 67636 129 MSP
4164. SHATILOV Evgeny Vladimirovich. Captain of the Interior Ministry
4166. SHAFAGATOV Sergey Albertovich Corporal of the Interior Ministry
4167. SHAFALOVICH Andrey Nikolaevich Private military unit 11879
4168. SHASHELOV Alexey Valerievich junior sergeant of military unit 66431 693 msp
4169. SHASHKOV Alexander Valentinovich junior sergeant of military unit 67636 129 msp
4170. SHVALEV Alexey Evgenievich private military unit 91060
4171. SHVIDKOV Alexander Grigorievich Private VV MVD
4172. SHEVANOSOV Vladimir Nikolaevich sergeant of military unit 66431 693 msp
4173. SHEVELEV Andrey Viktorovich Private military unit 74819 205 Omsbr
4174. SHEVEPEV Artem Vladimirovich sailor military unit 61987
4175. SHEVTSOV Alexey Alexandrovich private military unit 22033 166th brigade
4176. SHEVTSOV Andrey Nikolaevich private military unit 62892 245 msp
4177. SHEVTSOV Vadim Valentinovich Corporal VV MVD
4178. SHEVTSOV Viktor Viktorovich police sergeant
4179. SHEVTSOV Dmitry Nikolaevich senior police lieutenant
4180. SHEVTSOV Oleg Georgievich (?) military unit 31786
4181. SHEVCHENKO Valery Sergeevich Private VV MIA
4182. SHEVCHENKO Vladimir Nikiforovich lieutenant colonel of military unit 34605 255 msp
4183. SHEK Eduard Alexandrovich private military unit 21617 506 msp
4184. SHELEMENTYEV Vladimir Vladimirovich Private VV MVD
4185. SHELEPOV Vyacheslav Valerievich private military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk)
4186. SHELOUMOV Sergey Leonidovich Private VV MVD
4187. SHELUDKOV Nikolai Mikhailovich Private military unit 09332 131th Omsbr (died in captivity)
4188. SHEPELEV Alexey Alexandrovich Private VV MVD
4189. SHEPETNOV Sergey Vladimirovich junior sergeant of military unit 42091
4190. SHEREMETYEV Alexander Anatolyevich private military unit 29483 503 msp
4191. SHEREMETYEV Andrey Vladimirovich junior sergeant of military unit 21617 506 msp
4192. SHEREMETBEV Viktor Ivanovich ensign of military unit 21617 506 msp
4193. SHERSTNEV Vladimir Valerievich senior lieutenant VV MVD
4194. SHERSHNEV Alexey Alexandrovich Private military unit 21005 74 Omsbr
4195. SHESTAK Nikolai Petrovich private military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
4196. SHESTAKOV Evgeny Valerievich Private VV MVD
4197. SHESTAKOV Sergey Gennadievich junior sergeant of the VV MVD
4198. SHESTERIKOV Dmitry Vladislavovich Private military unit 62892 245 small and medium-sized enterprises
4199. SHIGAPOV Artur Ramilievich Private military unit 69771 276 MSP
4200. SHIKOV Sergey Vladimirovich lieutenant of military unit 74823 205 omsbr
4201. SHILIN Pavel Mikhailovich Private VV MVD
4202. SHILOV Sergey Alexandrovich private military unit 29483 503 msp
4203. SHILONOSOV Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Sergeant of military unit 66431 693 MSP
4204. SHIMANOV Eduard Vladimirovich Ensign of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4205. SHIPILOV Mikhail Anatolyevich junior sergeant of military unit 74818 205 omsbr
4206. SHIPITSYN Pavel Anatolyevich private military unit 33477
4207. SHIPOV Sergey Alekseevich private military unit 66431 693 msp
4208. SHIRIN Nikolai Valerievich private military unit 42091
4209. SHIROKOV Vladislav Valerievich private military unit 33842 106 airborne division (Tula)
4210. SHIRYAEV Sergey Gennadievich private, intelligence officer of military unit 74268 76 airborne division (Pskovskaya)
4211. SHIRYAKOV Maxim Anatolyevich Corporal VV MVD
4212. SHISHALKIN Vadim Valerievich sergeant (?)
4213. SHISHKANOV Viktor Nikolaevich private military unit 59236 106 airborne division (Tula)
4214. SHISHKIN Alexey Vasilyevich junior sergeant of the VV MVD
4215. SHISHKIN Viktor Anatolievich Private VV MVD
4216. SHISHKIN Vitaly Aleksandrovich junior sergeant of the VV MVD
4217. SHISHKIN Karen Vladimirovich foreman of military unit 66431 693 msp
4218. SHISHMAREV Alexander Aleksandrovich junior sergeant of military unit 44998 special forces
4219. SHKILEV Oleg Valerievich Private VV MVD
4220. SHKILEV Sergey Mikhailovich private military unit 93723 106 airborne division (Tula)
4221. SHKLYARUK Sergey Gennadievich junior sergeant military unit 3671 57 pon Privo VV MVD military unit 5547 (died in captivity)
4222. SHKOLENKOV Taras Vladimirovich Private VV MIA
4223. SHLEEE Sergey Vladimirovich senior lieutenant of militia
4224. SHLEPUCHIN Vladimir Fedorovich. Sergeant VV MIA
4225. SHLYAMOV Igor Valerievich private military unit 96160
4226. SHMAKOV Oleg Alexandrovich Private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
4227. SHMAKOV Sergey Nikolaevich Corporal of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4228. SHMARIN Nikolai Viktorovich senior sailor of the military unit 81280 879 odshb Balt. fleet
4229. SHMATOV Andrey Alekseevich Private VV MVD
4230. SHMELEV Vasily Vladimirovich private military unit 74819 205 omsbr
4231. *SCHMIDT E. A Private military unit 69771 276 MSP
4232. SCHMIDT Evgeny Vladimirovich Private VV MVD
4233. SHMOTIN Mikhail Nikolaevich ensign of military unit 69771 276 msp
4234. SHMYGLEV Alexey Alexandrovich Private VV MVD
4235. SHONIN Yuri Gennadievich private military unit 44278
4236. SHOROKHOV Sergey Alexandrovich Private military unit 74823 205 Omsbr
4237. SHPAK Vladimir Alexandrovich lieutenant colonel (?)
4238. SHPAK Oleg Grigorievich lieutenant of military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk)
4239. SHPACHENKO Pavel Vasilyevich private military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
4240. SPEKHT Evgeny Viktorovich private VV MVD
4241. SHPILKO Vladimir Ivanovich senior sailor military unit 06017 879 odshb Balt. fleet
4242. SHTANOV Sergey Nikolaevich Private
4243. STEYZEL Alexander Robertovich junior sergeant of military unit 29483 503 msp
4244. SHTUKHAREV Alexey Vladimirovich Private VV MVD
4245. SHUBENKO / SHUBENKOV Sergey Vladimirovich junior sergeant of military unit 74814 205 motorized brigade of military unit 93919 205 motorized brigade
4246. * SHUBIN Andrey Ivanovich Private (?)
4247. Shchubintsev Denis Anatolievich Private VV MIA
4248. SHUVAKPUT Chechen-ogly Viktorovich private military unit 21617 506 small rep
4249. SHUVILOV Anatoly Ivanovich Sergeant of military unit 63481
4250. SHUDABAEV Ruslan Zhalgosbaevich sailor of military unit 10735 165 pmp Quiet. fleet
4251. SHUDRA Sergey Vladimirovich lieutenant of military unit 25846
4252. SHUYTASOV Injetoy Abubakirovich Sergeant of military unit 61931 324 MSP
4253. SHULEV Alexander Leonidovich private military unit 42690
4254. SHULIKOV Roman Alexandrovich Ensign of military unit 74819 205 Omsbr
4255. SHULIMANOV Andrey Viktorovich private military unit 69771 276 msp
4256. SHULIKHA Alexey Vladimirovich private military unit 92141
4257. * SHULYNDIN Alexander Ivanovich (?) Private military unit 69772 276 MSP
4258. *SHULBAKH Andrei Vladimirovich (?) military unit 54441
4259. SHULGA Dmitry Sergeevich foreman of military unit 62892 245 msp
4260. SHULGOV Alexander Borisovich Private VV MIA
4261. SHULBZHENKO Andrey Vasilievich lieutenant of medical sl. military unit 64201 135 omsbr
4262. SHUMAKOV Andrey Vasilievich Private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
4263. SHUMILOV Anatoly Ivanovich junior sergeant of military unit 83489
4264. SHUMILOV Sergey Izosimovich private military unit 01957
4265. SHUMKOV Vasily Arkadyevich sailor military unit 36070
4266. SHUMSKY Yaroslav Anatolyevich Sergeant of military unit 66431 693 MSP
4267. SHUNDAEV Aleksey Petrovich Senior Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4268. SHURMELEV Sergey Nikolaevich private military unit 21005 74th brigade
4269. SHURUPOV Valery Vitalievich senior sergeant of military unit 22033 166 motorized brigade
4270. SHUTKIN Sergey Nikolaevich private military unit 69771 276 small rep
4271. SHUTKOV Vladimir Viktorovich sailor of military unit 10735 165 pmp Quiet. fleet
4272. SHUTOV Dmitry Valerievich, Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4273. SHUSHKOV Alexander Valentinovich junior sergeant of military unit 21005 74 omsbr
4274. SHCHEGLOV Viktor Arkadyevich captain of military unit 62978 325 ovp
4275. SHCHEGLOV Gennady Ivanovich Ensign of military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
4276. SCHEKLANOV Oleg Sergeevich Sergeant VV MIA
4277. SCHEKOTOV Ilya Gennadievich junior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4278. SCHEKOTUROV Andrey Yurievich junior police lieutenant
4279. SHCHELKUNOV Andrey Anatolyevich Private military unit 41450 137 Guards PDP 106 Guards Airborne
4280. SCHEPAKIN / SCHIPAKIN Viktor Gennadievich private military unit 40515 7th airborne division
4281. SHEPATOV Ilya Gennadievich (?) VV MVD
4282. SCHEPETKOV Sergey Vladimirovich junior sergeant military unit 31226
4283. *SHEPIN Sergey Gennadievich sergeant (?)
4284. SHCHEPIN / SHEKIN Yury Yuryevich captain of military unit 03842 131 omsbr brigade
4285. SCHEPKIN Dmitry Nikolaevich ensign of military unit 67636 129 small rep.
4286. SHCHERBAKOV Vladimir Private VV MVD
4287. SHCHERBAKOV Petr Petrovich Private,. VV MIA
4288. SHCHERBAKOV Sergey Mikhailovich junior sergeant of military unit 93723 106 airborne division (Tula)
4289. SHCHERBAKOV Stanislav Ivanovich Private military unit 61931 324 MSP
4290. *SHCHERBININ Roman Alekseevich Sergeant of military unit 22033 166th Motorized Rifle Brigade (died in captivity) Died under bombardment, there are witnesses
4291. SHCHETKOV Sergey Sergeevich Private VV MVD
4292. SHCHUKIN Maxim Vasilyevich (?) military unit 5386
4293. EISKER Alexander Alexandrovich Private VV MVD
4294. ERDNIEV Badma Erdnievich private military unit 09332 131 omsbr
4295. Erkerov Askar Kambarovich Private VV MIA
4296. ESNER Alexander Alexandrovich Private VV MVD
4297. YUBKO Andrei Nikolaevich senior police sergeant
4298. YUDAEV Alexander Dmitrievich private military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovskaya)
4299. YUDAKOV Maxim Vladimirovich private military unit 66431 693 msp
4300. YUDENOK Sergey Vladimirovich lieutenant of military unit 33842 106 airborne division (Tula)
4301. YUDIN Alexander Nikolaevich senior midshipman military unit 52199
4302. YUDIN Andrey Viktorovich private military unit 74819 205 omsbr
4303. YUDIN Andrey Pavlovich Ensign of the Interior Ministry
4304. YUDIN Vladimir Andreevich private military unit 92558 136 omsbr
4305. * YUDIN Vyacheslav Anatolyevich private military unit 64055
4306. YULDASHEV Dmitry Gafurovich private military unit 21617 506 msp
4307. YUMADIROV Igor Sergeevich Private VV MIA
4308. YUNUSOV Airat Rastyamovich sailor military unit 81285 876 ​​odshb Sev. Fleet military unit 10771
4309. YURKEVICH Andrey Alexandrovich Private VV MIA
4310. YURKOV Oleg Yurievich Sergeant VV MIA
4311. YUROV Valery Sergeevich captain of military unit 32383
4312. YURCHENKO Vladimir Leonidovich Sergeant of military unit 42746 33 MSP
4313. YURCHENKO Nikolai Ivanovich private military unit 92170
4314. YURCHENKO Petr Vasilievich junior sergeant of military unit 92141
4315. YUSUPOV Vadim Magafurovich senior lieutenant of military unit 48393
4316. YUSUPOV Mikhail Yurievich Sergeant of military unit 11879
4317. YUSHEV Andrei Mikhailovich private military unit 57264 Airborne Forces
4318. YUSHIN Vladimir Andreevich private military unit 63354 136 omsbr
4319. YUSHIN Vladimir Vladimirovich private military unit 63354 136 omsbr
4320. YUSHKOV Anatoly Nikolaevich private military unit 61931 324 msp
4321. YUSHCHENKO Andrey Sergeevich Private military unit 61931 324 MSP
4322. YABLOKOV Igor Lvovich Private military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
4323. YABLONOVSKY Yuri Borisovich Private (?)
4324. YABRIKOV Denis Mikhailovich Private VV MVD
4325. YAVDOSYUK Yevgeny Anatolyevich Private VV MIA
4326. *YAVORSIN Oleg major (?)
4327. YAGODIN Anatoly Venediktovich Senior Lieutenant of the Interior Ministry
4328. YAGOLNITSER Vladimir Alexandrovich Private VV MVD
4329. YADVIGA Valery Alexandrovich private military unit 92656
4330. YAKIMOV Alexander Viktorovich senior lieutenant of military unit 31413 Air Force
4331. YAKIMOV Sergey Nikolaevich junior sergeant of military unit 74268 76 airborne division (Pskovskaya)
4332. YAKIN Alexey Alekseevich (?) VV MVD
4333. YAKOVENKO Valery Vitalievich junior sergeant of military unit 22191 21 brig.
4334. YAKOVLEV Alexander Viktorovich Private military unit 74930 205 Omsbr
4335. YAKOVLEV Viktor Nikolaevich police sergeant
4336. YAKOVLEV Vitaliy Viktorovich private military unit 29483 503 msp
4337. YAKOVLEV Vladimir Anatolyevich private military unit 67636 129 small and medium-sized enterprises
4338. YAKOVLEV Dmitry Alexandrovich Private VV MVD
4339. YAKOVLEV Igor Vladimirovich private military unit 3807 FPS (no exact information, see Appendix 2)
4340. YAKOVLEV Oleg Evgenievich junior sergeant military unit 06017 879 odshb Balt. fleet
4341. YAKOVLEV Sergey Evgenievich Private military unit 54801 21st brigade (Stavropol)
4342. YAKOVLEV Yury Mikhailovich Corporal of military unit 62892 245 MSP
4343. YAKUBA Vladimir Anatolyevich captain of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
4344. YAKUBOV Yury Andreevich private military unit 62892 245 msp
4345. YAKUNENKOV Igor Alexandrovich captain (major) of military unit 06017 879 odshb Balt. fleet
4346. YAKUPOV Ruslan Rashitovich private military unit 74930 205th brigade
4347. YAKUSHEV Alexander Vladimirovich private military unit 22033 166 omsbr
4348. YAKUSHEV Alexey Nikolaevich private military unit 83481
4349. YAKUSHKOV Matvey Gennadievich private military unit 73597 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk)
4350. YAKSHITS Oleg Evgenievich junior sergeant of the VV MVD
4351. YALOVETS Evgeny Valerievich Ensign of the Interior Ministry
4352. YAMBARSHEV Sergey Nikolaevich private military unit 61931 324 small and medium-sized enterprises
4353. Yanaev Aleksey Sergeevich Private military unit 67636 129 MSP
4354. Yane Vyacheslav Tamazovich junior sergeant of military unit 21617 506 msp
4355. YANKOVSKY Mikhail Andreevich private military unit 34605 255 msp
4356. YANUSH / YALUSH Viktor Vsevolodovich private military unit 74814 205 omsbr
4357. YARETS Vladimir Vladimirovich Ensign of military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
4358. YAROVOY Boris Leonidovich foreman of military unit 11879
4359. YAROVOY Nikolai Nikolaevich Private VV MIA
4360. *YAROKIN Oleg (?). Leningrad region. KSM information
4362. YAROSH Alexander Viktorovich major of military unit 30656 47th Guards tank. div.
4363. YAROSHCHUK Alexander Petrovich private military unit 62892 245 msp
4364. YARYGIN Gennady Alekseevich private military unit 01860 429 msp
4365. YARYGIN Sergey Vasilievich foreman of military unit 62892 245 msp
4366. YASINOVSKY Igor Vyacheslavovich Private VV MIA
4367. YASTREBOV Roman Vladimirovich private military unit 3673 VV MIA
4368. YASYUK Dmitry Petrovich senior lieutenant of military unit 61896 503 msp
4369. YAKHONTOV Mikhail Mikhailovich private military unit 21005 74 omsbr
4370. YATSENKO Vitaly Anatolyevich junior sergeant of military unit 29483 503 msp
4371. YATSISHIN Evgeny Mikhailovich sergeant of military unit 61931 324 msp
4372. YATSUK/YASHCHUK Sergey Vladimirovich private military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
4373. *YATSYUK Dmitry military unit 62892 245 MSP
4374. YASHIN Alexander Nikolaevich captain of military unit 62889 245 msp
4375. YASHIN Dmitry Valerievich Private VV MVD
4376. YASHIN Sergey Alexandrovich Private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
4377. YASHINSKY Valery Nikolaevich Private military unit 74822 205th brigade
4378. YASHMANOV Roman Vadimovich Private military unit 96527
4379. YASHCHENKO Valery Nikolaevich private military unit 74814 205 omsbr
4380. Yarmukhametov Timur Faridovich. He died on 06/07/1995.
4381. Savin Alexander, military unit 3709, died December 20, 1994
4382. Ensign Petrov Andrei Mikhailovich, foreman of the company, was born on 04/12/1971 in the village. Kutushi Kurmanaevsky district of the Orenburg region. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation since February 24, 1995. He took part in the hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic since May 1995. He died on August 10, 1996. Awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously). Buried in his native village.
4383. Skvortsov Aleksey Vasilyevich, police warrant officer, deputy commander of the OMON department at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Oryol Region. Born on September 5, 1974 in the village of Nizhne-Olshanskoye, Dolzhansky District, Oryol Region. He was buried at home, in a cemetery near the village of Nizhne-Olshanskoye, Dolzhansky District, Orel Region.
4384. Manapov Eduard Radikovich private military unit 93919
4385. Major Pankov Aleksey Nikolaevich, 3 SME 506 SME, died on May 26, 1995. in battle in the area of ​​N. p. Serzhen-Yurt
4386. Vlasov Nikolai Gennadievich. He served in the Dzerzhinsky VV division, died in the winter of 1995.
4387. Oleinik Yuri. Sergeant, military unit 95931, 136th OMSB, anti-aircraft division, Buynaksk. He died in Grozny on 08/12/96.
4388. Pavel Naryshkin, military unit 22033, 166th Motorized Rifle Brigade died on May 22, 1996 near the town of Bamut
4389. Lieutenant Omelyanenko Roman, commander of a reconnaissance platoon of military unit 93910 205th Motorized Rifle Brigade, died on August 5, 1996.
4390. Senior militia sergeant Marov Andrey Yuryevich, policeman-OMON fighter, born on 01/23/1971, died on April 12, 1996 in the city of Grozny, Chechnya, while repelling an attack on a checkpoint.
4391. Senior police sergeant, Vavilov Mikhail Alexandrovich, police officer-OMON fighter, born on February 22, 1970, died on July 10, 1996 in the city of Grozny, Chechnya, while repelling an attack on a convoy. He was awarded the Order of Courage posthumously.

4392. Senior police sergeant, Aleksandrov Stanislav Anatolyevich, police driver of the OMON, born 06/04/1972, died on July 12, 1996 in the city of Grozny, Chechnya, while repelling an attack on a convoy.

4393. Militia ensign Andrei Sergeevich Gribov, OMON policeman, born 12/23/1972, died on August 6, 1996 in the city of Grozny, Chechnya, while assisting an intelligence group that was surrounded. He was awarded the Order of Courage posthumously.

4394. The foreman of militia, Smirnov Sergey Albertovich, the militiaman-fighter of OMON on 09/29/1964, was killed on August 20, 1996 in the city of Grozny Chechnya, while repulsing the attack on the checkpoint. He was awarded the medal "For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order", the Order of Courage (posthumously).
4395. Sergeant major, military unit 6581, SABIROV FARIT RAZIFOVICH, 08/20/76 - 08/5/96
4396. Karabanov Andrey Vladimirovich. A native of Zvezdino, Moskalensky district, Omsk region. Called by the Moskalensky RVC of the Omsk region. He served in the Shumilov brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. He died on May 5, 1996 on the territory of the Chechen Republic.
4397. Baranenko Vladimir Nikolaevich - died in captivity, in the summer of 1996, military unit 22033, 166 omsbr
4398. Alexey Kobelev. He served as a driver in the Maykop brigade. military unit 09332 Went missing near the railway station on January 1, 1995. The entire crew of #530 is missing. According to some eyewitnesses, he died



4426. Senior police sergeant Andrey Anatolyevich Yessenov, born in 1973 OMON Tolyatti. Grozny died in 1995
4427. Private Postanchuk Valentin Pavlovich, military unit 100457. Born in 1974, in the city of Nazarovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Killed in an ambush on October 17, 1994, 25-27 km north of Achkhoy-Martan, not far from a mountain stream
4428. Khasanov Ramil Makhmutovich, driver, military unit 21208 Special Forces GRU
4429. Zharin Ivan Konstantinovich, called up on 12/08/1994, underwent training at the 22nd Bronze, Kalach-on-Don, 1995. Further service in the 101st Specialized Bronze Brigade in Grozny. He died on August 6, 1996. Private Zharin pulled the wounded out of the wrecked BMP and dragged them to a safe place, covering his body from the fire of the militants. Later, his remains were found and identified at the battlefield. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.
4430. Kuchmin Alexander Nikolaevich, Captain of Justice, Art. investigator of the investigative department of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Eastern District of Novorossiysk. Advisor to the operational-investigative group for the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny. He died on 08/07/1996 during the defense of the 5th commandant's office in the Staropomyslovsky district of Grozny. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.
4431. Shchavinsky Igor, major. He took part in the counter-terrorist operation as part of the 429th motorized rifle regiment, 58th Army of the RF Ministry of Defense (military unit 01860), died on February 23, 1996 in a mountainous area near the village of Bamut.

4432. Podvalnov Sergey Mikhailovich, born in 1975, Kiryanovo village, Neftekamsky district, Bashkir ASSR, junior sergeant, squad leader of the 5th company of the 165th Marine Regiment of the Pacific Fleet. He died on January 30, 1995 from a sniper's bullet in the city of Grozny. He was buried in the village of Kiryanovo, Neftekamsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

4433. Shudabaev Ruslan Zhalgaebaevich, born in 1974, p. Tamar-Utkul of the Orenburg region, sailor, traffic controller of the commandant's platoon of the 165th Marine Regiment of the Pacific Fleet. He died on February 20, 1995. He was buried at home in the village. Tamar-Utkul.

4434. Dondup Choigan Mikhailovich, born in 1975, the village of Eerbek, Pii-Khelmsky district of the Republic of Tyva, sailor, assistant grenade launcher of the 1st airborne assault company of the 106th Marine Regiment. He died in battle on May 26, 1995 in a mountain gorge north of the village of Agishty. He was buried at home in the village of Eerbek.

4435. Strelnikov Vladislav Anatolyevich, born in 1965, Volzhsk, Volgograd region, senior lieutenant, dentist of the regimental medical center of the 106th Marine Regiment of the Pacific Fleet. On May 26, 1995, in the Agishta Gorge, when a combat vehicle was blown up by a mine, he was seriously injured in both legs. He soon died of blood loss not far from the place where the car was blown up. Buried in the Lipetsk region.

4436. Kantsendorn Sergey Anatolyevich, born in 1976, the village of Novoperunovo, Telmensky district, Altai Territory, contract service sailor, gunner of a self-propelled artillery battery of the 106th Marine Regiment. In May 1995 he was seriously injured. He died of wounds on September 5, 1995 in a military hospital in Volgograd (he lived after being wounded for 103 days). He was buried at home in the village of Novoperunovo.

4437. Sergey Ivanovich Mitryaev, born in 1963, Lesozavod village, Gorky Region, contract service private of the 245th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Moscow Military District. On April 13, 1996, he went missing during enemy shelling of the village of Shatoy. The remains were identified in 2000 by the mother at the 124th Central Laboratory of Medical Forensic Identification (Rostov-on-Don). He was buried in the Shatkovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

4438. Turchinsky Sergey Svyatoslavovich, born in 1976, p. Ivanovka, Mikhailovsky District, Primorsky Territory, Private, 245th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, Moscow Military District. He died in a night battle on May 31, 1995 near the village of Vedeno. Buried at home in Ivanovka.

4439. Kolesnik Mikhail Vasilievich, born in 1967, Ussuriysk, captain, 14th (Ussuriysk) Special Forces. He arrived in the North Caucasus on January 18, 1995. He died on January 19, 1995 while performing a combat mission in the area of ​​the city of Mozdok. Captain Kolesnik M.V. became the first Primorye who died in the first Chechen war.

4440. Morozov Valery Ivanovich, born in 1974, the village of Starogladskaya, Shelkovsky District, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, ensign, from 1993 to 1996, he served in the village of Lipovtsy, Oktyabrsky District, Primorsky Territory, in military unit 16871. In 1996 he was sent to the Northern Kavkaz to military unit 93919. He went missing on September 27, 1996 near the settlement of Khankala. In 2002, his identity was established from the remains registered at the 124th Central Laboratory of Medico-Forensic Identification of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation under No. 889, based on the results of a complex of identification (including molecular genetic) studies on the hereditary characteristics of relatives. He was buried at the Military Section of the Bogorodskoye Cemetery in Noginsk, Moscow Region.

4441. Udinkan Aleksey Anatolyevich, a native of the village of Kukan, Khabarovsk Territory, private, 101 separate brigade of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. He died tragically on February 20, 1996 in the North Ossetian village of Komgaron. Buried in the village of Kukan.

4442. Sergey Bondarev, born in 1964, Berlin (GDR), major, head of the operational-combat department of the special department for the rapid response of the department for combating organized crime of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Primorsky Krai. Died May 3, 1996 in the suburbs of Grozny after being blown up by a mine. Buried in Odessa, Ukraine.

4443. , born in 1951, police lieutenant colonel, deputy head of the special rapid response department of the department for combating organized crime under the Internal Affairs Directorate of Primorsky Krai. He died in action on August 20, 1996 in Grozny from a sniper's bullet while defending the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic. Awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously). He was buried at the Marine Cemetery in Vladivostok.

4444. Sylko Igor Vitalievich, born in 1969, Vladivostok, OMON fighter of the Far Eastern Department of Internal Affairs in transport. He died on November 11, 1996 in Chechnya while performing the task of guarding and defending the railway bridge across the Terek. Buried in Khabarovsk.


Caution in choosing counterparties is one of the most important conditions for successful business. In order to choose the right business partner and reduce the risk of concluding transactions with organizations belonging to the category of "one-day firms", the Federal Tax Service of Russia recommends using all available official sources of information about legal entities and individuals.

Our service "Kontragent.Pro" is designed for quick risk assessment when choosing business partners. Using our system, you can quickly get information about what information about organizations was entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE). For example, to find out if the counterparty is a company in the process of liquidation, if the head or founder of the counterparty company is on the list of disqualified persons, if the supplier is a "one-day firm" registered at the "mass registration" address and other important information.

Verification of a counterparty is a complex and complex work. But it is necessary, because at stake is the money and reputation of the company. No wonder the tax authorities warn that the responsibility for choosing a counterparty lies entirely with the company. Therefore, it should be interested in assessing the risks and tax consequences that may arise as a result of cooperation with dubious counterparties.

Verification of new counterparties is also necessary, taking into account such a thing as "unjustified tax benefit", which is supposed to be received by those entrepreneurs who minimize taxation by evading taxes.

In addition to tax risks, when working with a counterparty, financial risks may also arise: failure to meet delivery deadlines, deliveries of low-quality goods, etc. It is good if the problem can be solved through negotiations, and the supplier is ready to replace the defective product or provide a discount on the next batch of goods in case of a delay in delivery. But it may turn out that such behavior of the counterparty is the norm, and then you will lose money.

  • Clear and logical presentation of key counterparty data
  • Convenient cataloger of legal entities by OKVED2 codes or regions of the Russian Federation
  • "Smart" search for organizations and individuals
  • Current addresses and phone numbers of organizations
  • Ability to download extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and EGRIP through the official service of the Federal Tax Service
  • Analysis of relationships with legal entities and individuals
  • Only verified information from official sources - the Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, FSPP and others
  • Completely free access to the main functionality of the system
  • Daily updates

Catalog OKVED2

Unified State Register of Legal Entities


150001, Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl, Moskovsky avenue, building 31, office 7
Real estate management on a fee or contract basis
295001, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, st. Futbolistov, house 4, apartment 5
Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
627011, Tyumen region, Yalutorovsk, st. Revolution, house 133, apartment 62
Production of painting and glass works
150044, Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl, st. Uritskogo, house 42, apartment 65
Technical testing, research, analysis and certification
300062, Tula region, Tula, st. Galkina, house 284, floor/office 1/8

Div > .uk-card">

Gazprom predicted problems with new contracts in Europe

We are talking about contracts with old customers in Europe. According to Kommersant, difficulties may arise due to lower prices and increased supplies of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the European market.

Banknotes quarantined in China due to coronavirus

The People's Bank of China (CB), amid the spread of coronavirus in the country, has taken a number of measures to improve the security level of those who use cash, releasing about 600 billion yuan in new banknotes to the market, and used ones are now being disinfected and quarantined from 7 to 14 days , Fan Yifei, deputy head of the Chinese Central Bank, said at a press conference on Saturday.

Mishustin instructed to work out a plan to reduce mortgage payments

The government instructed to prepare proposals to reduce payments on mortgage loans, follows from a document published on the website of the Cabinet. This decision was made at a government meeting on February 13.

Company 6150022438 received a license at 346476, ROSTOV REGION, OKTYABRSKY DISTRICT, KAZACHI CAMPS VILLAGE, 60 YEARS OF VICTORY STREET. According to the documents, the main activity is the activity of the internal affairs bodies. The company was registered on December 30, 2002. The company has been assigned the All-Russian State Registration Number - 1026101414206. The full name of the company is MILITARY UNIT 3654. The organization is managed by the chairman of the liquidation commission ALEXANDER KOVALENKOV. For more detailed information, you need to go to the company card and check the counterparty for reliability.

12/30/2002 Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 26 for the Rostov Region registered the organization. Further, the procedure for registration with the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Oktyabrsky district of the Rostov region was initiated, which was subsequently dated December 27, 2009. In addition, the State Institution - the Rostov regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, branch No. 17, registered the company on 05.12.2011 0:00:00. The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which contains about this company: Submission of information about the registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.


Municipal Budgetary Institution of Health Care "Central District Hospital" of the Egorlyksky District of the Rostov Region

Russian Federation, 347664, Rostov region, Egorlyksky district, Egorlykskaya station, doctors Cherkezov, 32


State Budgetary Institution of the Rostov Region "Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital"

Russian Federation, 344015, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Blagodatnaya, 170


State Budgetary Institution of the Rostov Region "Oncological Dispensary"

Russian Federation, 344006, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Sokolova, 9


Novoshakhtinsky branch of the state budgetary institution of the Rostov region "Skin and venereal dispensary"

Russian Federation, 346918, Rostov region, Novoshakhtinsk city, Sadovaya, 27

Placing an order for the installation of an automatic fire alarm system and a warning system of people about a fire in a one -story brick building of the X -ray, with brick partitions, a total area of ​​187.6 sq.m, 1963, consisting of 15 rooms, one of which is a sanitary ROOM AND ONE PHOTO LABORATORY (PRODUCER), LOCATED AT THE ADDRESS: ROSTOV REGION, VOLGODONSKOY DISTRICT, ST. ROMANOVSKAYA, PER. SOYUZNY, D. 97 A

Municipal Budgetary Institution of Health Care "Central District Hospital" of the Volgodonsky District of the Rostov Region

Russian Federation, 347350, Rostov region, Volgodonsk district, Romanovskaya station, Soyuzny, 97 a


Southern Customs Administration

Russian Federation, 344002, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, st. Beregovaya, 21/2


Novocherkassk branch of the state budgetary institution of the Rostov region "Tuberculosis clinical dispensary"

Russian Federation, 346400, Rostov region, Novocherkassk city, Baklanovsky, 85

LIQUIDATION OF UNAUTHORIZED Dumps on the Territory of Inter-Settlement Nature of RUDAKOV RURAL SETTLEMENT

Administration of the Belokalitvinsky district

Russian Federation, 347042, Rostov region, Belaya Kalitva city, Chernyshevsky, 8

The provision of services for remote radio monitoring of the technical condition of the Strelets-Monitoring object stations with the withdrawal of radio signals when the APS is triggered to the control center "01" through the centralized surveillance remote control "Strelets-Monitoring" UUS "01" 13 of the OFPS on Rostov REGIONS”, REMOTE TECHNICAL CONTROL OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM, AS WELL AS MAINTENANCE OF THE AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM INSTALLATION AND PEOPLE’S ALARM SYSTEM ABOUT THE FIRE IN THE BUILDING AND THE OUTLET BUSINESS BUILDINGS OF THE BUILDING.

state budgetary institution of social services for the population of the Rostov region "Rehabilitation center "Dobrodeya" for children and adolescents with disabilities: defects in mental and physical development of the city of Shakhty"

Russian Federation, 346527, Rostov region, Shakhty g, Tekstilnaya, 27


Taganrog branch of the state budgetary institution of the Rostov region "Tuberculosis clinical dispensary"

Russian Federation, 347924, Rostov region, Taganrog city, Dzerzhinsky, 156-1

    The property of the Taganrog Automobile Plant was bought for 19.2 million

    The property of the Taganrog Automobile Plant was sold at an auction for 19.2 million rubles. Information about this was published in the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information. The lot included the property of "TagAZ", which is the subject of a pledge of the company "Khepri Finance Limited".

    In Rostov, traffic was limited on several central streets

    In Rostov, from February 15 to May 15, transit traffic was limited on the section from the 5th line to the 11th line. Drivers are offered to bypass along Zakrutkina, the 5th line and the 1st Proletarskaya. Also, from February 15 to May 15, one-way traffic was organized along the 5th line from Zakrutkin to 1st Proletarskaya.

    Residents of Rostov complained about the constant traffic jam on Malinovsky

    It remains only to ask why it is impossible to build a bypass circle along the city as the Moscow Ring Road in Moscow.

    Bridge across the Rostov Sea to be built in 2023

    The Don authorities are planning to build a bridge across the Rostov Sea. It will appear in 2023 and will duplicate the existing dam. This is reported by donnews with reference to the Minister of Transport of the region Andrey Ivanov.

    Southern entrance to Rostov-on-Don to be reconstructed by the end of 2023

    Completion of the reconstruction of the entrance from Bataysk to Rostov-on-Don is scheduled for the end of 2023, Andrey Ivanov, Minister of Transport of the Rostov Region, said on February 14, DonNews reports.

    A child who was treated for SARS instead of oncology died in Rostov

    In the Rostov region, a three-year-old boy died, with oncology, whom doctors treated for acute respiratory viral infections. The boy's mother called the doctors when the child's temperature rose to 38 degrees.